If the Sacred Forest is an option during mid turn I'll probably vote for it then since we will need it in the future but right now I want to make the most of the Maradysh tech hero to hopefully take a few steps towards bronze.
What do you suggest we do then? Two of our actions are needed, one to restore stability/legitimacy and another to support our subordinate from starving.
We could utilize the midturn offensively, and not to create an econ sucking megaproject, for one.
Alternatively, you could abandon the venerate option and assume we'll get that option during the midturn, or not do the mining option and assume we'll get that in the midturn.
We could utilize the midturn offensively, and not to create an econ sucking megaproject, for one.
Alternatively, you could abandon the venerate option and assume we'll get that option during the midturn, or not do the mining option and assume we'll get that in the midturn.
What I want for the mid turn depends on how the actions this turn bear out.
If our diplomatic efforts bear fruit, I may want to do a more targeted diplomacy action in order to gather information on the Cursed Forest from someone who has been there (either one of the lowlanders or possibly the Urth Daughter). This is largely dependent on if we get useful diplomatic information this turn though.
If we don't then I would want to explore the lowlands/forest on the mid turn in order to get some more information ourselves about possible raiding locations and threats/potential allies nearby.
If we do get good information from diplomacy (that we can immediately act on) I wouldn't have a problem with a mid turn offensive of raiding everything nearby that we can see.
If the Caradysh somehow collapse during the main turn (either through infighting/nomads/Forluc) I would want to take advantage of that fact to either spread our influence in the lowlands (non-militarily) or do a large attack into the forest and try to capture any important positions within the see if we can prevent Urth from respawning again.
A danger of attacking Caradysh: We may unite the daughters in opposing us and the fracture point within the Caradysh will be more difficult to leverage. Not saying we shouldn't, but it is a possiblity we should keep in mind.
Ultimately, it's dependent on what opportunities we have.
However, I will oppose any raiding without having done any sort of explorations.
@Oshha question about the policy thing from before but i assume you choose what action it takes based on what we set when would you tell us what action you choose though?
@Oshha question about the policy thing from before but i assume you choose what action it takes based on what we set when would you tell us what action you choose though?
[X][SEC] Support Subordinate = Maradysh
[X][SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
[X][SEC] Develop Mine = Sunrise Mountains
Provinces = [SEC] Trade Expedition = Colryd Kingdom,
Maradysh = [SEC] More Farming, [SEC] More Hunting
Cadlon Glyn found herself busy during her reign. It wasn't a particularly trying time to live in and there were no major crises for the People to deal with, but there were several things that needed doing.
Cadlon Glyn found herself primarily having to deal with problems at home. There were some lingering bad feelings towards the leadership of the People that Glyn had to finish stamping out.
Throughout her reign, she made a point to make honour the goddesses even more than was necessary and make it clear that she and the priestesses had the favour of Arthryn and her Daughters. These displays of proper piety went a long way to reassuring the People that their leaders properly respected the goddesses and their divine wisdom. While things could be improved further, they had been stabilised for now as the People had confidence in their leaders.
Cadlon Glyn also made sure that proper support was sent to aid the Maradysh in their time of need. The People of the south would have most likely received it anyway from their northern brethren, but Cadlon Glyn and her advisors wanted to make sure that none of the People starved for letting such a thing to happen was a major sin against Arthryn herself.
Over the seasons, many shipments of food were sent south down Green River to feed the Maradysh, making up for the food that they weren't receiving on their own. The Maradysh themselves were doing their best to feed themselves via hunting and farming, but as things stood, their food reserves would have run out within a generation without the free supplies from the north. Even as the Maradysh held on, many of them moved north to live amongst the Arthwyd to avoid the risk of starvation in the south.
+1 Temp Econ from Maradysh refugees
Cadlon Glyn also gave into the requests of the crafters to develop the desired copper mine in the Sunrise Mountains. It took many seasons, but once the deed was done, the mine began to supply the People with large amounts of copper ore to use. The mining was a hard and unpleasant job, but the divine magics and Blessing of Arthryn made it easier and kept it from being too dangerous.
The new influx of copper also gave the crafters a chance to experiment more as they didn't need to worry about wasting copper as they had before. While there were many lesser successes and failures, the main success was when an aspiring band of metal-workers managed to come up with a new alloy, bronze.
By combining a larger amount of copper with a smaller amount of tin, the crafters were able to create a new alloy that was more useful than either copper or tin. Bronze made for a better material to use in tools than any other metal, including copper due to being easier to work and more durable as it resisted metal rot and was more resistant to being bent or dent out of shape.
Legacy Upgraded! Copper Blooded upgrades to Bronze Blooded! Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions,
It would take time for bronze tools to replace copper tools throughout Arthwyd society, but when it did, it would give the People a further advantage over the barbarians of the south. While the Caradysh had long known of their copper, lowlander tribes had only learnt of smelting and metallurgy during the Maradysh Civil War and even afterwards, they lacked knowledge of how to make their own. They had a few copper tools and the odd bit of jewellery from the rebels and they had gotten a good many more from the trade expeditions that had been sent south.
Yet despite having gotten metal tools from the People, the lowlanders couldn't make more of their own and were dependant on the People to get more. This was something that the People could leverage to their advantage if they made their moves right.
The Arthwyd also sent overtures to the new Colryd Kingdom. Formerly one of the larger lowlander tribes along the Green River, a Daughter of Urth by the name of Eira had taken it over and had declared herself Queen.
A decent warrior, she made up for her feminine physique with magic and supernatural prowess granted to her due to Urth's Gift. Even with the lowlanders holding respect for martial prowess, Eira still used diplomacy and intrigue to hold her position.
As an immortal, Eira didn't need to worry about an heir and while this might have disturbed their valuing of family, Eira made up for it by offering out her body to those that proved themselves most worthy.
With an incredibly beautiful body by even the standards of the People, Eira could use Urth's Gift to choose when she got pregnant, allowing her to sleep with a man almost every night as a reward without needing to worry about getting pregnant. In fact, she used the possibility of earning a daughter from her as the most rewarding of rewards and something that only two of her people had earnt so far.
While the People found this selling of your body disturbing, it worked for Queen Eira as she lacked any hangouts on using her body as a weapon and it keeps the patriarchs of her lowlander kingdom busy fighting with each other for the right to sleep with her instead of plotting against her to overthrow her or undermine her rule. Combined with being a competent ruler, Queen Eira had a very stable rule over the Colryd as she kept her subordinates opposing each other to earn her favour instead uniting against her.
When their first expedition arrived, they got invited to meet Queen Eira as the Daughter of Urth was interesting in forging closer ties to the People.
Despite having the Gift of Urth, Eira was technically not Urth's Daughter and was more her great-granddaughter. Seeking to leave the Caradysh and the Cursed Forest to make her own way in life, Urth let her descendant go after she had repaid her cost of raising by providing a score of Daughters of her own.
Apparently the Daughters of Urth serve three roles for the Caradysh. The first is diplomats and spies for the Caradysh in lands beyond the Cursed Forest and the second is as Urth's royal agents amongst the Caradysh internally. The third one is producing more Daughters of Urth and while many will do it slowly over time, Eira produced offspring as quickly as possible to pay off her debt so she may begin living her own life.
When pressed further, the Queen of the Colryd refused to elaborate further and instead held further information on the Caradysh as a bargaining chip to get aid from the People. While the Colryd were the strongest of the lowlander tribes, the Boarfolk nomads had formed the Coltyre Confederation to the east from their lowland conquests while the Forluc were a future threat to the south and one Eira expected to live long enough to see.
Offering the tamed animals that the lowlanders used on their farms and information about the internal workings of the Caradysh were what Queen Eira offered to the Arthwyd traders. She sought both aid to strengthen the Colryd and to improve the relations between her people and the People. While some of her requests were expected such as gifts fit for a queen or copper tools for her people or military aid against her neighbouring tribes, others were more unexpected.
Queen Eira also requested that the People send experts to teach the Colryd how to farm properly. She had heard of how the People were better farmers than the lowlanders despite having less fertile lands and having seen the farms of the Colryd, the Arthwyd traders agreed with her on that.
Queen Eira also expressed an interest in Arthryn and her Daughters, viewing the northern goddesses as maybe being preferable to the lowlander goddess Zaranna. While the Colryd had no interest in converting right now, Eira desired to have some Arthrynite priests in her royal court if they were willingly.
Given what she had to offer, making a deal and strengthening ties with the Colryd was attempting. Yet the People couldn't entirely trust her. While Queen Eira claimed to be no longer part of the Caradysh, the People had no way to confirm this as the truth.
The Queen Eira of the Colryd seek to strengthen ties with the People. What do the Arthwyd do? Any option with over 50% of the voters voting for it will win they are compatible with the option that has the most votes.
[] [Colryd] Ignore her overtures. (No Change)
[] [Colryd] Send some Arthrynite priestesses to her court. (-1 Temp Mystic, Improved Relations with the Colryd, Gain Domesticated Animals or Information on the Caradysh, ???,)
[] [Colryd] Send goods and gifts to the Colryd. (-1 Temp Econ, Improved Relations with the Colryd, Gain Domesticated Animals or Information on the Caradysh, ???)
[] [Colryd] Send some experts to help them with the Colryd with their farming. (-1 Temp Econ, Improved Relations with the Colryd, Gain Domesticated Animals or Information on the Caradysh, ???)
[] [Colryd] Send some Catclaws and Cateyes to help the Colryd secure their position. (-1 Temp Martial, Improved Relations with the Colryd, Gain Domesticated Animals or Information on the Caradysh, ???)
[] [Colryd] Provide the Colryd with copper tools. (-1 Temp Culture, Improved Relations with the Colryd, Gain Domesticated Animals or Information on the Caradysh, ???)
She also brought them news of the Forluc and after confirming that Eira was telling the truth from other lowland sources, the information that the traders brought back was quite worrying.
Put simply, the Forluc were arseholes and while they weren't evil like Urth and the Caradysh, the new information left Cadlon Glyn and many others just wondering how bad the Caradysh truly are when you compared to others like the Forluc.
As news of the People trickled down south to the Forluc, it seems that their mere existence enraged the dominant power of the lowlands and left the Forluc outraged.
The Forluc prided themselves on being the best and superior to everyone else, regardless of how true that was. The dominant power in the lowlands, only the undead armies of the Caradysh held their expansion in check and kept from conquering all of the lowlands.
For as long as they could remember, the Forluc had been the best power in the lowlands with the best fighters, a powerful god who granted divine magics to his servants and they had the most settlements of any lowland faction and with that, the most numerous population of any people. They had been the best and everyone knew it.
Then the Arthwyd had come along and made them look inferior in almost every way.
Not only did the Arthwyd had a higher number of people, but they also had elite warriors with divine magic in greater numbers than the Forluc. On top of that, they had superior tools as the People had metal while the Forluc only had stone and the Forluc were unable to claim that none of their people ever starved like the Arthwyd could.
The real kicker was how everyone viewed the Arthwyd as being superior to the Forluc. The lowlanders feared the Northern Demons more than the Forest Undead or the Southern Conquerors and even the Caradysh viewed the Arthwyd as a greater threat as they were willingly to raid the lands of the Forluc, but refused to touch the lands of the People. Even Urth was willing to mess with their god Nalnir when she wouldn't go near Arthryn or any of her Daughters.
The fact that the People were all better looking, especially their women, must only make matters worse.
So upon hearing about the People, the Forluc declared that they would crush the Northern Demons and would prove themselves superior. According to the lowlanders, they had worked themselves up into right old frenzy of hatred and fury at the People and were planning to make their way north, conquering the lowlands between them and the Maradysh.
It was as they were receiving this news that the Caradysh arrived with their peace offer, once again using proxies, this time in the form of the lowlanders rather than the Maradysh.
Acknowledging their past wrongs against the People, the Caradysh pointed out the Forluc were a more active and if they conquered the lands between themselves and the People, a greater threat as well.
They rightfully pointed out that it was the Caradysh who were keeping the Forluc in check and that if the Caradysh were to be too weaken by the People, it would allow the Forluc to expand further and become even stronger, something which would be bad for the both the People and the Caradysh.
On top of that, the Caradysh were willingly to admit that they had wrong the people and they were willingly to make up for their past transgressions by offering beneficial terms to the People as compensation.
They argued that the war between the Caradysh and the Arthwyd had already taken up too much time and resources of both sides and had caused too much death and tragedy. They said that it was time for the Caradysh and the People to put aside their differences and work against their common threat in the form of the Forluc.
And to the dismay of the priestesses, the Catclaws and Cateyes found themselves agreeing with the Caradysh as the warriors of the People viewed the Forluc as being a greater threat to the People than the Caradysh.
While the priestesses claimed that the Urth and the Caradysh were the highest of evils, the warriors doubted just how evil the Caradysh truly are, especially compared to the likes of the Forluc.
Oh Urth and the Caradysh were evil by any proper standard, the Catclaws and Cateyes argued that they weren't as bad as claimed and that maybe the stories about them had been exaggerated.
The Caradysh and their ruler may be evil, but they aren't the ultimate evil that cannot be dealt with that the stories liked to claim they were. After all, a people that evil would come to the People with such a reasonable peace offer.
As the priestesses and warriors argued with each other over the Caradysh, it was up to Cadlon Glyn to decide just how the Arthwyd would response to the newest peace offer by the Caradysh
The Caradysh have come again with a second peace offer. Do the People accept and if so, with what terms? Any option with over 50% of the voters voting for it will win they are compatible with the option that has the most votes.
[] [Caradysh] Reject their terms until they have been brought to justice. (-3 Temp Diplo, Continues the war, Warriors are unhappy, Priestesses are happy)
[] [Caradysh] The Caradysh are offering to provide the Arthwyd with a regular tribute of Daughters of Urth to serve them. (Ends the War, Warriors are unsure, Priestesses are unhappy, ???)
[] [Caradysh] Urth is offering tamed animals from the lowlands as gifts to the People. (Ends the War, Warriors are happy, Priestesses are unhappy, ???)
[] [Caradysh] The Caradysh are offering to submit as a vassal to the Arthwyd. (Ends the War, Warriors are unsure, Priestesses are unsure, ???)
[] [Caradysh] The Caradysh are offering to help the Arthwyd in their future war against the Forluc. (Ends the War, Warriors are happy, Priestesses are unsure, ???)
[] [Caradysh] The Caradysh is offering to provide a regular supply of free information from the lowlands and beyond to the People. (Ends the War, Warriors are happy, Priestesses are unhappy, ???)
[] [Caradysh] Urth is offering to share her magical knowledge with the People. (Ends the War, Warriors are happy, Priestesses are unsure, ???)
[] [Caradysh] The Caradysh will provide the Arthwyd with regular tribute. (Ends the War, Warriors are happy, Priestesses are unhappy, ???)
Priestesses (5) = Mood: Worried, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: Continue the war with the Caradysh, Success/Failure: ???/???
Elders (3) = Mood: Unsure, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Strengthen ties with the Colryd, Success/Failure: Free Trade Expedition/-
Warriors (4 (5)) = Mood: Upset, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: End the war with the Caradysh, Success/Failure: ???/???
Farmers (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Build a Temple, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Find a major deposit of tin for a Tin Mine, Success/Failure: ???/-
So you get to learn more about another of your peer powers in the region, the Forluc. The Forluc are such massive dicks that they make the Caradysh look less bad by comparison. You also get a chance at improving diplomatic relations with the Colryd and the Caradysh and potentially ending the war with the latter.
You also got new quests for each factions due to changing circumstances or the old being completed.
Not much to say on this one that isn't already covered in the update.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
The Arthwyd Early Ancient Tanistry Upper Centralization Limit: 8 Lower Centralization Limit: 0 Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4 Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Subordinates: 1 Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province Special: Increased Range of Potential Heirs
Early Ancient Palace Economy Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation, Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant, Passive Policies: N/A Additional Actions: None Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse. Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.
Subordinates Type/Loyalty/Dependence
Maradysh = Personal Union/Very High/Critical
Values & Legacies Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls, Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions, Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn, Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive, Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions,
Communal Unity One must stand by their community with loyalty and kindness for looking after your neighbours and community of the highest importance. As per the teachings of the goddesses, standing united with the rest of your community is a righteous thing.
Pros: Greatly Reduced Internal Discontent, Greatly Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People, Discourages disunity,
Fair Treatment While not everyone is equal in the end, they deserve a chance to prove themselves and regardless of who they are or the nature of their birth, they deserve to be given fair treatment.
Pros: Decreased social stratification, Decreased Discrimination,
Cons: Decreased social stratification, Many think you weak,
Sacred Defence The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,
Queens of Peace, Kings of War The descendants of the goddess Evalyn have her blood in them and divinity runs through their body. This fact means that they are better suited to ruling than the rest of the People and can lead their subjects to greatness.
Pros: Better stats for the royal family, Bonus to peaceful actions when you have a female ruler, Bonus to militant actions when you have a male ruler,
Cons: Increased social stratification, Increased gender discrimination,
Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: +1 Temp Mysticism whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,
Grand Temple A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Grand Temple is the first temple that the People have built and it is larger than most others. With Bronwyn the Beautiful residing within it as a centrepiece, it is a monument to the oldest teachings of the Goddesses.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, +1 Temp Mysticism at the start of each turn,
Grand Statue A massive stone statue of Arthryn overlooking North River, this is a monument to the glory and greatest of the Goddess Arthryn
Effects: +1 Temp Culture from Venerating the Goddesses,
Straw/Reed Rope
Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation
[X] [Caradysh] Reject their terms until they have been brought to justice. (-3 Temp Diplo, Continues the war, Warriors are unhappy, Priestesses are happy)
[X] [Colryd] Send some Arthrynite priestesses to her court. (-1 Temp Mystic, Improved Relations with the Colryd, Gain Domesticated Animals or Information on the Caradysh, ???,)
[X] [Caradysh] Urth is offering to share her magical knowledge with the People. (Ends the War, Warriors are happy, Priestesses are unsure, ???)
[X] [Colryd] Send some Arthrynite priestesses to her court. (-1 Temp Mystic, Improved Relations with the Colryd, Gain Domesticated Animals or Information on the Caradysh, ???,)
[X] [Colryd] Send goods and gifts to the Colryd. (-1 Temp Econ, Improved Relations with the Colryd, Gain Domesticated Animals or Information on the Caradysh, ???)
[X] [Caradysh] Urth is offering to share her magical knowledge with the People. (Ends the War, Warriors are happy, Priestesses are unsure, ???)
[X] [Caradysh] The Caradysh are offering to help the Arthwyd in their future war against the Forluc. (Ends the War, Warriors are happy, Priestesses are unsure, ???)
[X] [Colryd] Send some Arthrynite priestesses to her court. (-1 Temp Mystic, Improved Relations with the Colryd, Gain Domesticated Animals or Information on the Caradysh, ???,)
[X] [Caradysh] Urth is offering to share her magical knowledge with the People. (Ends the War, Warriors are happy, Priestesses are unsure, ???)