Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

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    Votes: 63 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 30.0%

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Rising Star
[X] More Farming. (Secondary More Farming)

The seasons passed peacefully and the People went about their lives. While the situation on the Merntir coast stabilised somewhat as while there was still some lack of faith in the priests, things were no longer bad enough that violence and outright revolt were likely to happen.

It would still take time for the Merntir to fully resolve the situation, but for now, it looks like things will be getting better.

The Arthwyd focus on farming. Farming as long been the mainstay of the food eaten by the Arthwyd, but it has only begun to truly eclipse fishing and hunting in recent times as the Arthwyd take to the innovations of Seryn the Wise.

That isn't too say that hunting or fishing has begun lesser, but rather that farming is now better than it has ever been. It took time for the innovations to be implemented, especially with the pushback from those that desired to keep the old ways.

But now they had been implemented and almost everyone agrees on how the new methods are effective.

The usage of the new discoveries lead to further discoveries as the priests experimented with various ways to improve the growth energy of the soil. They would discover that just as uneaten food can provide additional growth energy to soil, so could eaten food.

Just as unused food could be turned into black soil, so could the eaten food that comes out of people and animals. By treating faeces the same as unused food and putting into the pots to become black soil with time, the People would have greater ability to increase the growth energy of the soil and their ability to farm.


Malbyn sits down on the hill, watching the sea as the waves come forth and back. Born in Greenbay and not quite of age even if she is almost there, the wilderness has always called to Malbyn. Most will grow up to be farmers or weavers or otherwise help out within the village with a few being chosen to be priests.

Malbyn knows that she will not be amongst that number as she will become a hunter. She prefers to spend her time outside the village, living in the wilds, eating untamed plants and hunting animals.

Not that she has done much of the hunting. For all of her eagerness, Malbyn is still not of age yet and while she has been allowed to tag along on a couple of hunts, she hasn't been able to truly partake in the hunt.

Nonetheless, it is only a matter of time until then. Just as her future is clear to Malbyn, the rest of the village has figured what sort of path Malbyn will take in life and she has already been pegged as a future hunter by the priests and the veteran hunters.

The only question now is if Malbyn will be just a hunter or if she will prove good enough to become one of the Cateyes. The greatest of hunters and the fabled pathfinders of the People, the Cateyes is the group that Malbyn dreams of earning the right to join.

"There you are," says a voice from behind Malbyn and the Arthwydish girl turns to see Cadnys approaching.

A few seasons older than Malbyn, Cadnys has been chosen to become a priest of the goddesses just as Malbyn is destined to become a hunter. While both have the blessed curves of the People, Malbyn is on the smaller side with plenty of muscles while Cadnys lacks the strength of Malbyn and instead has one of the most filled out figures in Greenbay.

"Cadnys," says Malbyn in a warm tone, not bothering to keep the affection out of her voice as the older girl makes her way to Malbyn's spot on the top of the hill.

"What are you doing up here?" inquires Cadnys as she sits down Malbyn.

"I am taking a moment to watch the sea before I have to return to the village," answers Malbyn.

"I could never get how you enjoy the sea so much," says Cadnys, "Wouldn't you rather spend your time in the fields?"

"They're too tame for me," replies Malbyn, "The wilderness calls to me. I would much rather spend my time beyond the villages and their farms, living in the untamed wilds and off of what nature provides."

"And how does that relate to the sea?" asks Cadnys as Malbyn takes the opportunity to eye up the other girl's ample chest.

"The lands beyond the Sunset Mountains are unknown," answers Malbyn, "I want to explore new lands someday, whether be sailing the seas along the mountains or following Forest River into the forest or heading down Green River into the barbaric lowlands, fighting the barbarians that live in either of those places. Maybe I could head east from the Merntir Coast, on a quest to find the endless grasslands of the Boarfolk."

"So what, you want to go off on an adventure and never return?" asks Cadnys, "Just leave someday and leave me behind on my own."

"Of course not," Malbyn reassures her, "I would always come back to you. Even if you weren't there for me to come back to, I would still need to return to the villages to share my knowledge and spread tales of my journeys."

"Still aiming to join the Cateyes then?" inquires Cadnys.

"Yes and why are you the one who is asking all of the questions?" replies Malbyn.

"Because I am the smarter one," answers Cadnys, but her words are softened by the caring smile that she gives Malbyn, "Now if you are done undressing me with your eyes, how about we go back to my hut so you undress me with your hands?"

You have two Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions make a single Main Action. No plan voting or write-ins.
Please tag actions as [SEC] & [MAIN].

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build New Shrine = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Shrine (+1 Mystic per 3 Shrines),
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Shrines (+1 Mystic per 3 Shrines),
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (2/3), Rockbay (1/1), Sunrise Bay (1/1)

[] [SEC/MAIN] Create New Trails.
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Trail (4/5),
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Trails (4/5),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Explore Lands = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, Chance of new discovery,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of new discovery,
-Possible Targets: Coastline, Coastal Plains, Forest, Lowlands, Sea, Sunset Mountains, Sunrise Mountains, Western Coast, Northern Coast,

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Farming.
S: +2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Econ (0/1) (Limited to 1 per 3 Settlements), Chance of Innovation,

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Fishing.
S: +1 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +3 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Hunting.
S: +1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of Innovation,
M: +3 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Settle Land = (Target)
S: -3 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +1 Settlement Progress, +1 Econ,
M: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +2 Settlement Progress, +2 Econ,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (3/12), Rockbay (1/12), Upriver Plains (0/12), Sunrise Bay (1/12), Sunset Plains (0/12), Sunrise Plains (0/12),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Magic.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Trade Expedition = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Diplo, Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Diplo, Improved Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
-Possible Targets: Freak Folk, Merntir, Boarfolk Nomads,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Raiding Party = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of damaging target, Chance of losing Temp Martial,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Martial, Greater chance of damaging target, Greater chance of losing Temp Martial,
-Possible Targets: Forest Folk, Boarfolk Nomads,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Mystic, +1 Temp Culture, Chance of +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Legitimacy,
M: -3 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Mystic, +2 Temp Culture, Improved Chance of +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Legitimacy,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Sunrise Mountain Passage
S: -3 Temp Econ, +1 Progress
M: -6 Temp Econ, +2 Progress
-Progress: 1/???


Peaceful turn and once again, you get another hero as you can tell in the update. You also managed to get another farming innovation and this time it was manure as another type of fertiliser.

Not much to say about this update. The Merntir situation is improving while the passage still needs constructing. But yeah, it is has been pretty peaceful and not much has gone on so half the update was showing part of the new hero's life.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocracy
Upper Centralization Limit: 6
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +1 Lower Centralisation required per 2 Provinces
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Mystic per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (2)
Econ: 10 (6)
Martial: 3 (3)
Mystic: 1 (1)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 3/3
Stability: 2/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 2
Prestige: 12


Diplomatic Relations

Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Forest Folk = Faded Revulsion/Hostile/None
Freak Folk = None/None/None
Lowlander Zealots = None/None/None
Boarfolk Nomads = Intrigued/Unknown/None

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Low

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Loyal Neighbours
The People do not abandon their own. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Two-Field Crop Rotation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Walnut Oil
Sails (Rafts)
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling
Earthenware Pottery

Early Cuneiform
Tally Marks
Stone Record Keeping

Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation


Sacred Animals
Bows & Arrows

Personal Protection
Primitive Shields

Hunting Groups
Dedicated Scouts
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Magic
Increased Accuracy
Guided Attacks
Truth Detecting
Future Seeing

Limited Stone Manipulation
Last edited:
Finding Barbarians
[X][SEC] Sunrise Mountain Passage
[X][SEC] Explore Lands = (Lowlands)

"These Lowlanders, they are not good people," Malbyn tells Cadnys as her lover holds her in her arms, "I know I have mentioned it before, but they are horrible. They may not be as bad as the people of the forest, but that is a low standard to beat and near meaningless one given how horrible the Forest Folk are."

"The Forest Folk," repeats Cadnys, "They are the Caradysh correct?"

"Aye, the once masters of the Zaradysh and the once foes of the People," confirms Malbyn, "The Zaradysh may have won their freedom, but they still practice many of the Caradysh's evils."

"Is it true that they hold people as beasts?" inquires Cadnys, "Bartering and selling them as if they were food or craftings?"

"It is that bad," answers Malbyn with a scowl, "Their villages are many as are their people, but they have to be. They do not control their food like the Goddesses command nor do they organise the constructing of buildings and settlements. Communities will just split off from an older village and head out into the wilds to start a new one, sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing."

"That sounds ridiculous," says Cadnys with a frown of her own, "How do they survive with such a reckless and foolish way of life?"

"They are many, they are selfish and their lands are plentiful and fall of growth energy," explains Malbyn, "Most look out only for themselves and a select few that are close to them, most often those that share their blood. They do not mind if the rest of the community suffer if those they do care about are well off."

"And how do you think we would fare against them?" asks Cadnys, "You are greatest of the Cateyes my love."

"It depends," replies Malbyn thoughtfully, frowning as she thinks, "The distance prevents any true fighting or at least the fighting they have down in the lowlands, but that will change in time as more land is settled and the lowlanders know that we live down the river, they will someday seek us out even if their intentions on that day have yet to be decided.

Our villages are better with proper planning and shrines while there are trails to connect them, but our settlements are few compared to the many that they have. Sheer numbers might be enough for the lowlanders.

They are also poorer farmers, lacking the insights of the Goddesses and Seryn the Wise. They make up for it with having better soil, but I doubt it can match our own farming expertise.

They would also struggle to seize our settlements even if they were close enough. The lowlanders are just not organised enough to pose a large enough threat. They would struggle to rally up enough warriors to seize our villages for ours.

That said, we would have similar problems attacking them. They would constantly raid us with small bands of foe and while we would easily be able to take their villages, they are small and many so we would struggle to take all of them, especially since there would be lowlander raiding parties to worry about."

"So do you think we could take them in a fight then?" inquires Cadnys.

"No, I don't think we could," answers Malbyn, "But I don't think they could beat us. They could not take our settlements, but we can't take all of their villages and we wouldn't be able to stop all of their raiding groups.

I also think that they have better fighters. It makes sense that they do went they been fighting amongst themselves one another for over a thousand seasons. Goddesses, I never knew such disunity was possible until I went to the lowlands. The Zaradysh fight with pretty much anyone including themselves while the Caradysh would do the same if they weren't so badly outnumbered by the Zaradysh.

The zealots are apparently united under their god according to the Zaradysh against both the Zaradysh and the Caradysh, but I wouldn't be surprised if they fought each other if they didn't have to worry about the outsiders. The Freak Folk are mostly peaceful, but the Zaradysh clash with them often enough through that is mostly the fault of the Zaradysh as they are the ones who send the raiders."

Malbyn is silent for a moment before saying, "There is also Voryn."

She almost shivers at the memories of the unnatural abomination. Born countless generations ago back when the Caradysh first conquered their area of the lowlands, Voryn died shortly after in a failed rebellion as he was struck down by the Caradysh's champion, Urth.

Yet he still walks the mortal world to this day through Malbyn scoffs at the idea of calling Voryn alive. He might have once been a person, but he is now a monster, a walking skeleton wearing the dead flesh of his fallen foes who has his soul still bound to his corpse.

And now Voryn is the champion and greatest warrior of the Zaradysh just as Urth is the champion and greatest warrior of the Caradysh. Two undying warriors and warleaders who are old enough to have walked amongst mortals since before the goddess Ymarn lived amongst the People. Perhaps they have been around since the time that Arthryn and Wyrn also walked amongst the mortals.

The worst part is that the according to the Zaradysh, their Caradysh brethren harbour worse and darker evils in their forest homes.

Cadnys knows all of this so as Malbyn falls silence, Cadnys is also quiet and doesn't press the matter as both women know that there is nothing to talk about.

"And what of their goddesses and gods?" asks Cadnys, changing the subject, "Have you learnt more about them on your latest visit?"

"The Caradysh are still beholden to their forest spirits," answers Malbyn, "I know that they are bloodthirsty, evil, monstrous and like to dabble in unnatural things that should not be touched. I do not know any details and I am happy not to.

I do not know what the Freak Folk worship, but the Zaradysh follow the goddess Zaranna while the zealots follow their god Nalnir. Zaranna is a younger goddess, formed by the beliefs of the Zaradysh in their generations long war for freedom while Nalnir is as old as Arthryn and the All-Seeress.

Nalnir is an alright enough god. He is of the harvest and the sun and is focused on life as you would expect of those aspects. I do not know much about him as the Zaradysh do not have much peaceful contact with the zealots, but he preaches that his chosen people are best and they could reject outsiders and seek glory in his name. Basically an arsehole who could do with a spear or a few arrows in his chest, but I wonder how much of his nastiness is due to having the Caradysh and their forest spirits as neighbours for who knows how many generations.

Zaranna is different, born of the light in the dark and disorganised mess that was the Zaradysh uprising. As a result, she is a goddess of light and chaos. Zaranna has also provided the Zaradysh with magic to counter the forest spirit magic that the Caradysh have. She does not expect much from her follows, but expects them to seize their own futures, to fight for what they want and to champion their own destinies. That would not be so bad if she was not of chaos and rejects long-term planning and declares it okay for her followers to take what they want if they are capable of taking it. Somewhat insane, but not as much of arsehole as Nalnir."

"A shame that outsider deities aren't as nice and kind as the goddesses," muses Cadnys, "Did you get to kill some barbarians this time?"

"Not too many," replies Malbyn, "I lost my taste for it. Taking the lives of other people isn't as pleasant as the lowlanders make it out to be and if it wasn't for the Caradysh being, well, the Caradysh, I wouldn't do it. But the Caradysh are the Caradysh so I went on a couple of raids, got attacked by the Caradysh another couple of times and one time we got ambushed by a Zaradysh hunting party whilst journeying between villages.

It is those fights that make me worry about a fight with the lowlanders. The Cateyes can hold their own, but we are the best of the People. Regular hunters would not stand up to the warriors of the lowlands."

"What do you think we should do about that then?" inquires Cadnys.

"I got an idea that will work," says Malbyn as she snuggles up against Cadnys, "But that can wait for another time."

What is Malbyn's idea?
[] Protecting the villages. The problem is that the lowlanders will be too numerous and too varied for the People to stop them all. The solution is to protect the villages by constructing a physical barrier to keep out the raiders.
[] Training warriors of her own. If the hunters of the People aren't enough for to hold their own against the lowlander warriors, then the answer is for the People to train their own warriors.

And now you get some up to date info on the Lowlands for the first time in literal centuries. Things have changed up as the Forest Folk have split into the nastier forest-dwelling Caradysh and the not-as-nasty lowland-living Zaradysh. The latter have gotten their own goddess and you got some into on the god of the Lowland Zealots.

Diplo-rolls went well and while you have yet to met the Freak Folk and the Lowlander Zealots, you have some peaceful contact with the Zaradysh alongside some violent contact with the Caradysh and the Zaradysh.

You also got an innovation from Malbyn and the narrative, which you get to vote on. There might be some mistakes here and there, but I'll fix them in the morning.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocracy
Upper Centralization Limit: 6
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +1 Lower Centralisation required per 2 Provinces
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Mystic per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (2)
Econ: 10 (2)
Martial: 3 (2)
Mystic: 1 (1)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 3/3
Stability: 2/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 2
Prestige: 12


Diplomatic Relations

Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Caradysh = Faded Revulsion/Hostile/None
Zaradysh = Dislike/Peaceful or Violent/Rare
Freak Folk = None/None/None
Lowlander Zealots = None/None/None
Boarfolk Nomads = Intrigued/Unknown/None

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Low

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Loyal Neighbours
The People do not abandon their own. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Two-Field Crop Rotation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Walnut Oil
Sails (Rafts)
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling
Earthenware Pottery

Early Cuneiform
Tally Marks
Stone Record Keeping

Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation


Sacred Animals
Bows & Arrows

Personal Protection
Primitive Shields

Hunting Groups
Dedicated Scouts
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Magic
Increased Accuracy
Guided Attacks
Truth Detecting
Future Seeing

Limited Stone Manipulation
Lowland Apocalypse
[X] Protecting the villages. The problem is that the lowlanders will be too numerous and too varied for the People to stop them all. The solution is to protect the villages by constructing a physical barrier to keep out the raiders.

While she toyed with the idea of training warriors to focus purely on fighting the people foes of the Arthwyd, Malbyn ultimately decided against that course of action. It was too barbaric and close to the vile nature of the lowlanders for Malbyn to suggest such an action. What sort of people would need have to a group devoted solely to slaying other people?

Instead, she focused on protecting the People. The People had no desire to fight wars and cause unnecessary violence. The People would fight of course, but only when forced to by the actions of others.

And when they did fight, it would be to look after their own. To help do that, Malbyn decided that the settlements of the People could do with some form of protection against surprise attacks, so that the defenders of a settlement wouldn't be caught off-guard and overwhelmed.

The answer was simple enough. The People already protected themselves and their belongings via the walls and roofs of their buildings. While a roof wasn't practical for a settlement, walls could work.

While constructing a wall around a settlement would be time-consuming, it could be done. Stone and clay would take too long and wouldn't be practical for building walls around every settlement. Wood would be more useful as all the People would have to do is cut down trees and waterproof them with walnut oil, something they already do when they make canoes and rafts. With the walls, they would just simply have to do the same and instead of creating the boats, stick them in the ground around the settlement to make a wall.

Coming to this conclusion, Malbyn also saw two future projects, grand designs that while would take generations of work and no small amount of resources, they would benefit the People greatly even if Malbyn would certainly be dead by then.

The first is born out of the need for wood for the walls and knowledge of the evil Forest Spirits of the Caradysh. Wood would be vital for the future for as long as Malbyn or anyone could see yet their ventures into the lowlands have proved that at least some forests, including the largest in the lowlands, harbour evil and malicious spirits. To ensure that the People will always have access to wood that isn't tainted by evil spirits, a new forest could be grown and managed in Greenbay.

The second project is inspired by the possibility of using stone to build a wall. Stone would result in the strongest walls, which nothing short of a divine or magical act could bring down or overcome them. While it wouldn't be practical to build stone walls around every settlement, a vital settlement could be protected by a stone wall to safeguard against future dangers.

Greenbay is the greatest of the People's settlement, where the priests rule over the entirety of the People and almost a third of the People live. Surely protecting the capital and most important settlement of the People would be worth the investment it would take to build a stone wall?

Megaproject Unlocked!
Sacred Forest
Create a forest free of taint in the heartland of the People so that there shall always be access to useable wood.

Megaproject Unlocked!
Greenbay Stone Wall
A stone wall isn't practical for every settlement, but Greenbay isn't an ordinary settlement. The most important location for all of the People, the capital should be protected with a nigh-impregnatable defence.


Things seem alright at first. In hindsight, it had already begun, but it wasn't until it got truly bad that Malbyn and the Cateyes realised the way that things were going and how everything was going to add up.

First it was Praden of the Lowlander Zealots. An up and coming warrior, he was able to rally the warriors of the Lowlander Zealots behind him and marched north against the Zaradysh. The fighting was fierce and Praden was a genius when it came to war.

The only warrior of the Zaradysh who could hold their own against Praden and his followers was the undying Voryn. Every other Zaradysh village and warband would fall to Praden and for several seasons, Praden saw nothing, but success as Voryn focused his attentions against his ancient foes, the Caradysh, and his eternal rival, Urth.

Malbyn and the Arthwydish carefully stayed out of matters as Voryn and Urth clashed while the southern lands of the Zaradysh were conquered by Praden and the Lowlander Zealots.

Second was the conflict between the Freak Folk and the Boarfolk Nomads as according to news from the Zaradysh, boar-people riding giant boars had come from the east. Led by a mighty leader who was peer to Urth, Voryn and Praden, the nomads would carve up the unprepared and outmatched Freak Folk defenders. Even as Praden led the Lowlander Zealots to victory against the Zaradysh, this nomad leader would lead the boarfolk in conquest of the Freak Folk.

Then the Caradysh started to die off as something began to kill their people. It would sap their strength and energy, leaving them physically weary and tired out by basic tasks. Then the afflicted would be unable to sleep despite their exhaustion as something kept them awake. Lastly, the afflicted would finally fall asleep when they could remain awake no more and once sleep took them, the afflicted would never wake again, remaining sleep until death takes them.

They called it Nightmare's Gift.

As the Nightmare's Gift spread amongst the Caradysh, their war effort began to collapse even as Urth and Voryn continue to fight. For a period of time, it looked like the Caradysh were going to collapse while the Lowlander Zealots conquered the Zaradysh and the Freak Folk were conquered by the nomads.

Then the Lowlander Zealots attacks began to slack off and reports coming from the mixed groups of Zealots and Zaradysh in the southern Zaradysh territories showed that things were going to get even worse. They reported that the Lowlander Zealots had been afflicted by the Nightmare's Gift, having received it from their southern neighbours, who are now apparently on the verge of collapse.

And on top of everything else, the usual weather in the lowlands had changed over the generation and now the old crops and plants weren't growing the same as they were before, resulting failed harvests. Then as if that wasn't enough, the animals of the lowlands had also changed up their patterns and this had the effect of the lowlander hunters being less successful than they had been in past generations.

As Malbyn tried to figure how the People were going to deal with what was going on in the lowlands, they began to receive reports that the Freak Folk had also gotten the Nightmare's Gift. Like with the Lowlander Zealots, the Freak Folk had gotten the Nightmare's Gift from their southern neighbours and like the southern neighbours of the Lowlander Zealots, the southern neighbours of the Freak Folk had also collapsed or were on the verge of doing so.

When the reports of the Caradysh collapsing from the fighting and the Nightmare's Gift came in and the Zaradysh western settlements started to suffer from the Nightmare's Gift, Malbyn decided it was time for the People to withdraw from the lowlands for a few generations until everything had settled down.

Remaining in the northern and eastern Zaradysh villages, the only parts of the lowlands that currently remained free of the Nightmare's Gift, Malbyn and the Cateyes returned north to the Arthwyd, taking the lowlanders who sought to flee to the safety of the Arthwyd with them.

While the news of the disaster in the lowlands and the integration of the lowlander refugees, caused no small amount of disruption and worry amongst the Arthwyd, the People had escaped from the chaos in the lowlands effectively unscathed.

Deciding to spend the rest of her days with Cadnys in Greenbay, Malbyn wondered what the future would hold for the People and what the lowlands would look like when the People would go back in future generations.

You have two Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions make a single Main Action. No plan voting or write-ins.
Please tag actions as [SEC] & [MAIN].

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build New Shrine = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Shrine (+1 Mystic per 3 Shrines),
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Shrines (+1 Mystic per 3 Shrines),
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (2/3), Rockbay (1/1), Sunrise Bay (1/1)

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Palisade = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Palisade,
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Palisades,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (1/3), Rockbay (0/1), Sunrise Bay (0/1)

[] [SEC/MAIN] Create New Trails.
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Trail (4/5),
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Trails (4/5),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Explore Lands = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, Chance of new discovery,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of new discovery,
-Possible Targets: Coastline, Coastal Plains, Forest, Lowlands, Sea, Sunset Mountains, Sunrise Mountains, Western Coast, Northern Coast,

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Farming.
S: +2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Econ (0/1) (Limited to 1 per 3 Settlements), Chance of Innovation,

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Fishing.
S: +1 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +3 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Hunting.
S: +1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of Innovation,
M: +3 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Settle Land = (Target)
S: -3 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +1 Settlement Progress, +1 Econ,
M: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +2 Settlement Progress, +2 Econ,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (3/12), Rockbay (1/12), Upriver Plains (0/12), Sunrise Bay (1/12), Sunset Plains (0/12), Sunrise Plains (0/12),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Magic.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Trade Expedition = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Diplo, Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Diplo, Improved Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
-Possible Targets: Freak Folk, Merntir, Boarfolk Nomads, Zaradysh,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Raiding Party = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of damaging target, Chance of losing Temp Martial,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Martial, Greater chance of damaging target, Greater chance of losing Temp Martial,
-Possible Targets: Caradysh, Zaradysh, Boarfolk Nomads,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Mystic, +1 Temp Culture, Chance of +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Legitimacy,
M: -3 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Mystic, +2 Temp Culture, Improved Chance of +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Legitimacy,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Sunrise Mountain Passage
S: -3 Temp Econ, +1 Progress
M: -6 Temp Econ, +2 Progress
-Progress: 2/4 or 10

[] [SEC/MAIN] Sacred Forest
S: -2 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, +1 Progress
M: -4 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, -2 Temp Mystic, +2 Progress
-Progress: 0/???

[] [SEC/MAIN] Greenbay Stone Wall
S: -3 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic +1 Progress
M: -6 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic +2 Progress
-Progress: 0/???


As mentioned in the thread, multiple fires went off all at once in the lowlands and they have pretty much collapse in a localised apocalypse. Due to their location, the People have decided to withdraw from the lowlands and stay out of it for a few generations. However, being the nice guys that they are, the Arthwyd took a bunch of refugees from the lowlands as they had nowhere else to go, giving you some Temp Econ and costing you a point of stability.

You also got palisades and a couple of megaprojects. So more infrastructure for you guys to worry about.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocracy
Upper Centralization Limit: 6
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +1 Lower Centralisation required per 2 Provinces
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Mystic per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (2)
Econ: 10 (7)
Martial: 3 (3)
Mystic: 1 (1)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 3/3
Stability: 1/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 2
Prestige: 12


Diplomatic Relations

Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Caradysh = Probably Dead/???/None
Zaradysh = Probably Dead/???/None
Freak Folk = Probably Dead/???/None
Lowlander Zealots = Probably Dead/???/None
Boarfolk Nomads = Maybe Dead/???/None

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Low

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Loyal Neighbours
The People do not abandon their own. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Two-Field Crop Rotation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Walnut Oil
Sails (Rafts)
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling
Earthenware Pottery

Early Cuneiform
Tally Marks
Stone Record Keeping

Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation


Sacred Animals
Bows & Arrows

Personal Protection
Primitive Shields

Hunting Groups
Dedicated Scouts

Divine Magic

All-Seerist Magic
Increased Accuracy
Guided Attacks
Truth Detecting
Future Seeing

Limited Stone Manipulation
Last edited:
Neolithic Epic Age I
[X] [SEC] Sunrise Mountain Passage
[X] [SEC] Build New Shrine = Greenbay

Merntir = [MAIN] Build Palisade (North Coast Fields)

The general feeling had been tense. The refugees had been settling well enough, but there was a lot of worry about what was going on in the lowlands and whether it would come north to the People in the great bay area.

The idea of the Nightmare's Gift spreading to the People and striking down who knows how many people until society collapses was a terrifying one. While no one mentioned it out loud and in public, but even the priests were concerned about the possibility of the plague reaching the People. It was an open secret that the only recourse against such a thing happening was to hope that the goddesses themselves would intervene to save the People.

In the end, their fears turned out to be naught as the actual threat to the People arrived from the east, striking at the Merntir rather than hitting the Arthwyd from the south.

For reasons unknown to the People, the boarfolk decided to ride west and strike at the Merntir. If it was not for the magic of the All-Seeress, the People would have been caught completely off-guard.

Several of the Boarfolk Tribes, numbering over a thousand strong, have been united by one of the greats like Ymarn or Wuran or Voryn or Urth or Praden.

Forewarned both of their arrival and hostile intent, the Merntir are ready for the tribes when they finally arrived. Hunters and Cateyes duel with boarfolk warriors, divine servants versus the nomadic warriors and their mighty steeds.

The fighting goes poorly at first as not only are the giant boars of the Boarfolk far more dangerous than the regular sized boars that the People are already wary of hunting, but the boarfolk are no slouches when it comes to battle. It quickly becomes apparent that like the lowlanders, the Boarfolk Tribes are no strangers to warfare and are warriors along the likes of those in the lowlands.

The leader of the Merntirish defenders, a Cateye of Merntir origin by the name of Cadyn, is the greatest fighter of the Merntir since the pre-truth war with the Arthwyd and yet it just isn't enough. The Boarfolk leader just outclasses Cadyn when it comes to the art of war and each time Cadyn manages to gain the upper hand, the enemy leader just snatches it away with a new trick.

The war goes poorly at first as the Merntirish have little idea on how to effectively fight the fast-moving and physically mighty Boarfolk nomads. The tribes strike at the easternmost villages of the Merntir, overrunning what little defence that people could put up before taking the spare crops, slaughtering the priests in the village shrine and imposing their rule over the surviving villagers.

Never together in one great horde, Boarfolk would split up by tribe as each tribe would go their own way, sometimes meeting up with others to trade, fornicate and share news whilst always listening to their overall leader.

Some of this tribes would make the mistake of taking some of the People prisoner, taking them with them to serve them as forced labour. This was a mistake on their part that Cadyn made sure to both exploit and punish them for.

The People are the chosen of Arthryn and her daughters and she knows where all of her chosen people are. Whenever a tribe of Boarfolk would keep some of the People as slaves, Cadyn and the Merntirish fighters knew where to strike.

With hunting packs of regular hunters led by a Cateye or two, Cadyn would systemically pick off the offending tribes as the Merntirish would track them down in familiar lands before striking when the invaders were in a moment of weakness, either wiping out the whole tribe or crippling them.

It didn't take long for the nomad leader to figure out what was going on and soon the Boarfolk had stopped taking the People as slaves or at least taking them as slaves outside of the conquered villages.


Evalyn might have grown up amongst the People, but she was not born amongst them and neither were her parents. Her earliest memories were from when she was still in the lowlands and then the journey north as Malbyn and the Cateyes took her family amongst many others back to the People with them.

For that, Evalyn is eternally grateful to the greatest of the Cateyes like so many others for if she hadn't done what she did, then Evalyn would have most likely died in the lowlands like countless others have done in the past generation.

It is the gratitude for being rescued that made Evalyn decided that she wanted to join the ranks of the Cateyes when she reached adulthood. While she lacked the blessing of Arthryn, Evalyn had an advantage of her own. Her father was one of the Zaradysh warriors as was one of his brothers and both of them had come north with Evalyn to Greenbay.

Seeking aid from her relatives, Evalyn was able to get training the warrior ways of the lowlands. While most if not all of the northerners distained those ways as being barbaric and undesirable, Evalyn was sure that they would be useful one day, especially after growing up on tales of what life in the lowlands was like.

She took to the lessons of her father and uncle with ease, the instructions and teachings coming to her almost naturally. She was not trained to hunt animals or explore the lands, but when it came to fighting other people, Evalyn was one of the best amongst the People if not the best.

And yet that wouldn't have been enough to join the Cateyes if it wasn't for the command of the All-Seeress for the goddess instructed her priests that Evalyn was to be allowed to join the Cateyes. Even then, there had been some debate amongst the priests until Malbyn had personally stepped into declare her support for Evalyn joining the ranks of the Cateyes, her first major action since the death of her lover Cadnys.

Evalyn had long thought that joining the Cateyes would be the biggest moment in her life and while she was not wrong, she didn't realise how big that moment would be. It was normal at first, going through the usual initiation ritual in front of the other Cateyes, some priests, her friends and family and a few other watchers. Offering up some of the prey she caught to both the goddesses and the cats at the shrine, Evalyn never expected to receive the blessing of Arthryn.

Just as she did once so many generations ago when she first gave the blessing and once since when she blessed her daughter Ymarn when the younger goddess was still a mortal, Arthryn manifests before the awestruck watchers and grants Evalyn her blessing.

Even as news of Evalyn's blessing spread, messengers from the Merntir arrived in Greenbay, bringing word of the nomad invasion of the Merntir.

There was no doubt on what to do. The Arthwyd had to go the aid of the Merntir kin. It took some time, but Malbyn and her new protegee Evalyn organised an expedition. They weren't able to send every Cateye and hunters, but they got most of the former and a good number of the latter.

When the Arthwydish arrived amongst the Merntir, they found the Merntir on the verge of breaking. Cadyn and his Cateyes and hunters had done their best, but the boarfolk keep advancing. They were killingly more than they were losing, but villages kept falling and the Boarfolk tribes had more fighters than the Merntir and could afford to take loses while the Merntir were hurting with everyone that fall.

It didn't matter what he did, Cadyn kept finding himself outmatched by his nomadic counterpart.

Upon the arrival of the Arthwyd reinforcements, Curyn, the old genius of the Merntir, revealed the greatest of his inventions. Curyn had spend the last generation experimenting with some of the local poisonous plants called nightleaf.

For as long as anyone could remember, nightleaf had been avoided by the People for anyone who eat it died as their body stopped working and they lost both their sense of pain and their ability to feel anything.

Curyn had sought to understand more about the nightleaf, seeking a way to overcome it and that is what he did. By experimenting with the nightleaf and letting the hunters test his ideas and creations on the animals they hunt.

The first of his inventions is that you could turn nightleaf into a paste by grounding it up. This paste is just as deadly as the plant itself, but unlike the plant, the paste could be added to weapons by plastering the spearheads and arrowhead with the paste.

The second also involved the paste, but had a very different purpose. By adding the paste to water and boiling the water, the effects of the nightleaf was lessen, but not eliminated. The water could be given to patients to reduced their sense of pain and dull their senses.

While the hunters had no use for this, the priests found it useful as it could be used to help treat the injured and ill as their pain could be reduced or eliminated, both making other cures easier to use and reducing the suffering the afflicted.

Malbyn and Evalyn quickly made use of this new discovery in the fight against the nomad invaders. The Boarfolk and their mounts are hardy people and not easily brought down or slain, but the nightleaf poison changed that.

A weapon coated in poison could reliable bring down a giant boar or its rider if you could pierce the hide and draw blood and even then it didn't kill them, it still reduced their ability to fight back.

And it wasn't just with their arrows and spears that the People made use of the nightleaf poison. They could sneak into an enemy camp and drop some of the paste into the food supplies of the enemy. Other times they would leave some poison food out near the giant boars so that the mounts of the Boarfolk would eat the poisoned food and die.

It wasn't just poison that the People had a new trick in their arsenal. To mild surprise and gratitude of the People, Arthryn and Ymarn granted new magic to their priests and the Cateyes.

A goddess of life, Ymarn granted the power to heal wounds to the People. While it tired out the magic user and did not work on that which did not naturally heal, it could be used to heal injuries that the People suffered, something was particularly useful given the ongoing events.

The greatest of the goddesses, Arthryn taught the wielders of her magic how to boost one of their own traits, pushing it towards the natural limit that a person could reach. Doing so was tiring so while it didn't see regular use, it would prove to be very useful when a Cateye needed a quick boost when they needed to get something important done.

Armed with poison, magic and divine backing, the People began to pushback against the nomad invaders. While they failed to stop the advance of the Boarfolk as more villages feel to the nomadic tribes, they made the Boarfolk bleed every step of the way.

They couldn't match the Boarfolk and their leader in a fair fight, the People were more than capable leading unsuspecting Boarfolk into ambushes or hunting them down. While it allowed the People to kill the nomads whilst minimising their losses, it wasn't sustainable as the tribes were still able to conquer villages.

Furthermore, the Boarfolk leader was more than a match for Cadyn, Evalyn and Malbyn as he always seemed to know how to avoid their traps and outsmart their ambushes even when his fellows couldn't. On more than one occasion, even he managed to turn the tables on the People and make them the hunted and ambushed for a change.

But he couldn't be everywhere at once and when he was going up against one of the People's three leaders, the other two were off slaying more Boarfolk tribes.


Evalyn waits on the tree branch as the Boarfolk come riding through the forest below. Her spear is tied to her back alongside a wood and hide shield and her quiver full of poisoned coated arrows while her bow is held in her hands.

Two score of the Arthwydish wait in the treetops with her, all of them Cateyes and almost the entirety of the ones sent to aid the Merntir. Her mentor and the leader of the Cateyes, Malbyn, is also with them for today if a day that they cannot afford to go wrong.

A good hundred of the Boarfolk ride below them, the personal tribe of the Boarfolk leader Vervov. On this day, Evalyn and the rest of the Arthwydish here today seek to bring about his death. The All-Seeress revealed to them that Vervov and his tribe would be passing through this forest and the People are unlikely to get such a good chance to ambush him again.

Should he fall, then the tribes he has united shall either scatter or be picked off by the People without Vervov to save them.

As usual, it is the whole tribe and while there are many fighters, there is also the spare giant boars, the young, the old and the other non-fighters.

There is no signal given, just a divinely given instinctive urge to strike that begins the attack. The Cateyes open fire with their arrows, unleashing an unsuspecting volley into Boarfolk below.

Evalyn personally aims at the Boarman who isn't directly below, but slightly in front of her, giving her a good angle to aim at him. Her arrow strikes true and the poison coated arrowhead stabs into the beefy neck of her target.

He doesn't die instantly, his eyes widening in both shock and pain as he gurgles struggling to breathe. By the time he topples off his mount, Evalyn has already drawn another arrow and has picked her second target.

Letting her arrow fly, Evalyn changes her position, jumping to another branch on another tree, drawing a third arrow mid-jump. Landing on the branch with cat-like agility, Evalyn spots another of the Boarfolk woman this time, and fires off her third arrow at the woman.

As she does so, Evalyn glimpses Vervov, the imposing and charismatic leader of the Boarfolk. Getting a fourth arrow notched, Evalyn jumps through the treetops after Vervov, ignoring the fighting below as some of the Cateyes drop down and the Boarfolk fire back with their own bows and arrows.

Evalyn shoots at Vervov, but the nomad leader raises his shield at the last second, the arrow hitting the boarskin shield rather than Vervov.

Vervov manoeuvres away from Evalyn, putting a couple of trees between him and her. Evalyn moves in pursuit and while she can't move as quickly as the giant boars that the tribes ride upon, she can jump from tree to tree with agility that the bulky Boarfolk could never achieve.

It takes Evalyn mere moments to find Vervov again and when she does, he is engaged in battle against Malbyn. Old and grey-haired, Malbyn is still one of the People's most capable fighters and the tiredness of old age has yet to set in for her.

With Malbyn on foot, wielding a spear and shield while Vervov is on boarback with a shield of his own and a heavier combat spear whilst a handful of lighter throwing spears are strapped to his back.

Spotting another of the Boarfolk approaching the two leaders, Evalyn puts an arrow in him. It doesn't kill the Boarman and he continues to ride towards Vervov and Malbyn and Evalyn is forced to expend another arrow on the Boarman, nicking his neck his time.

As the Boarman clutches his neck before slumping and falling off the side of his mount, Evalyn turns her attention back to the two leaders fighting and she does not like what she sees. As good as Malbyn is, Vervov is proving to the better fighter whether it be due to youth, the physical prowess of a Boarman or the Boarfolk being better warriors than the People.

As Malbyn rolls out of the way of the charging Vervov, the Boarman catches the Cateye with a swipe of his spear, slashing her across the arm and drawing blood. It also isn't the only injury that Malbyn has suffered.

Evalyn leaps down from the treetops, putting her bow away in favour of her spear. As Vervov's giant boar smashes Malbyn aside with its head, Evalyn rams her spear into the nomad leader's mount before rolling past the giant boar and grabbing Malbyn's dropped spear from the ground.

Coming out of the roll and back onto her feet, Evalyn instinctively jerks to the side, barely avoiding the stab of Vervov's spear. Snarling at the leader of the Boarfolk, Evalyn strikes at Vervov.

The two of them clash, parrying with their shields, dodging out of the way and stabbing and slashing with their spears. Halfway through the fighting, Vervov's giant boar dies on him, leaving without a mount, but that doesn't leave him any less dangerous.

Vervov is a strong, imposing and unmoving, standing firm and powerful while Evalyn is swift and deadly, dodging out of the way and striking from the side. For minutes, they are equally matched before once again, Vervov is able to gain the upper hand.

Evalyn stabs at Vervov with her spear only for him to step out of the way. Before she can pull her weapon back, Vervov slams his shield down into it, splintering the wooden shaft with his strength.

Evalyn drops the broken weapon and jumps back as Vervov stabs at her. As she lands on her feet, Vervov throws his spear at Evalyn and it is only via an instinctive feeling that the Cateye raises her shield in time to block the spear.

The spear lodges itself in Evalyn's shield, partially getting through the wood. Her shield now a liability in this fight now that it has the shaft sticking out of it, Evalyn discards it as Vervov draws one of his throwing spear.

As the Boarman throws the spear at Evalyn, the chosen of Arthryn calls upon the magic of her goddess and with a mildly tiring effort, she knocks the stone spearhead of the throwing spear off-course. The throwing spear goes over Evalyn's shoulder and she and Vervov are left glaring at each other.

Without a word, the nomad leader runs off, leaving Evalyn to find another weapon and pick up the pieces.


Evalyn decides that they might have won the battle, but it was a loss in the greater scheme of things. They lost only a handful of Cateyes while the majority of their foes were slain, including almost every last one of their fighters.

But Malbyn was one of those that died while Vervov was one of those that survive and the numbers of the People's fighters dwindle while there are still many more Boarfolk tribes out there, numbering in over a thousand of the nomads.

While the Arthwydish that came to fight are mostly still intact, the number of fighters that the Merntir have has almost been halved whilst the eastern half of the Merntir have been conquered by Vervov and his Boarfolk tribes. Admittedly, that is the less settled half of the Merntir and a good number of those living in the conquered villages were able to flee west to the safety of the Merntir core territories.

The situation is not good and the People need to get better at fighting. In the past, the People have distained the barbaric fighting of the lowlanders and their warriors, but it is now clear that the People need warriors of their own if they are to fight against foes like Vervov and his Boarfolk.

They could train warriors such as they train farmers, hunters and other jobs that are required by the People, but that is too close to the lowlander ways for many. The People are not the barbarians of the lowlands and perhaps the solution lies in that.

The People follow Arthryn and her Daughters and it is the aid of the goddesses and their magic that has allowed the People to hold their own against Vervov and the invading nomads. The People have priests that serve the goddesses by leading the People so perhaps that they could have warriors that serve the goddesses by fighting for the People.

Evalyn feels that it is similar to the dynamic between the Cateyes and the hunters. The former are more sacred in nature and better than the regular hunters, but they are fewer in number.

She just needs to decide which option is best for the People.

Pick what sort of warriors the People will use in the future.
[] Regular Warriors. Following the barbaric ways of the lowlanders, the People will train large numbers of warriors to fight for the People. This will give more fighters for the People, but some will be unhappy at following the barbarian ways of the lowlands (+1 Temp Martial, -1 Legitimacy, Gain Value Quality Of Its Own)
[] Sacred Warriors. The People shall not follow the barbaric practices of the lowlands, but shall train warriors that serve the goddesses in sacred duty. They shall be few in number and take more resources to train, but it will make the People happier and they shall be better than regular warriors. (-1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Stability, Gain Value Sacred War)


So you guys aren't winning the war. You are killing more of the enemy than you are losing, but their martial is a lot higher than yours. Malbyn is dead and half of the Merntir (admittedly the inferior half) has been conquered by Vervov while the Merntir have lost half of their Temp Martial.

It could have been worse. If it wasn't for bonuses due to divine support, the Merntir would have lost all of their Temp Martial while you would have lost most of the fighters you sent to help the Merntir.

Now you get to pick what sort of warriors the Arthwyd and Merntir will have and the manner in which they pursue war.

You also got a ton of innovations thanks to a Tech Hero, three Martial Heroes and an ongoing war.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocracy
Upper Centralization Limit: 6
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +1 Lower Centralisation required per 2 Provinces
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Mystic per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (2)
Econ: 10 (2)
Martial: 3 (3)
Mystic: 1 (1)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 3/3
Stability: 1/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 2
Prestige: 13


Diplomatic Relations

Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Caradysh = Probably Dead/???/None
Zaradysh = Probably Dead/???/None
Freak Folk = Probably Dead/???/None
Lowlander Zealots = Probably Dead/???/None
Boarfolk Nomads = War/War/Invaded

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Low

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Loyal Neighbours
The People do not abandon their own. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil


Early Cuneiform
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups

Ambush Tactics

Bows & Arrows
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Limited Stone Manipulation
Limited Trait Self-Boosting

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Limited Wound Healing
Last edited:
Neolithic Epic Age II
[X] Sacred Warriors. The People shall not follow the barbaric practices of the lowlands, but shall train warriors that serve the goddesses in sacred duty. They shall be few in number and take more resources to train, but it will make the People happier and they shall be better than regular warriors. (-1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Stability, Gain Value Sacred War)

As she thought it about it more, it became clear to Evalyn that the ways of the lowlands were not the ways of the People. The way that the lowlanders waged war worked and had its advantages, but it is too barbaric for the People to copy.

The People had to rely upon their own strengths and that meant faith and service to the goddesses. The People followed Arthryn and her Daughters and in turn, the goddesses were kind and guiding to the People.

Just as the People have priests that serve the goddesses by leading the People, the People will have warriors that serve the goddesses by fighting for the People. Recruiting from the Cateyes and hunters, Evalyn forms the Catclaws, the sacred warriors of Arthryn and her Daughters.

Value Gained!
Sacred War

The People fight in the name of the goddesses and being a warrior is a sacred duty. Your warriors are greater than the norm and will punish those that defy the will of the goddesses.
Pros: Sacred Warriors,
Cons: Penalty to interacting with those that conflicting beliefs,

Even as Evalyn brings the Catclaws into existence, the fight against Vervov and the Boarfolk Tribes continues. With Cadyn leading the Cateyes and Evalyn leading the Catclaws, they are only able to slow down the advance of Vervov and the Boarfolk as the nomads push further into Merntir territory.

Ambush after ambush take place, the People wiping out tribe after tribe of Boarfolk with the guidance of the All-Seeress and her priests. Hunters pick off Boarfolk that stray from the rest of their tribe while the food supplies of the Boarfolk are poisoned when they are left untended.

The Boarfolk attempt to strike back at the People, but are rarely successful at catching their foes as the People are not only more skilled at the hunter, but they know the local lands rather better than the nomad invaders and they have the goddesses on their side.

Yet it is never enough for the People. They continue to kill so many of the invading nomads, but Vervov and his horde continue their steady advance even as they continuously lose more of their number.

More and more the Merntir settlements fall to Vervov and his followers and it soon becomes clear to the People that more tribes are travelling east to join up with Vervov.

While Vervov goes for the villages, Cadyn picks off the numbers of the Boarfolk tribes while Evalyn focuses on Vervov himself, making a few attempts on his life and doing her best to stymie his advance.

Each time they clash, Evalyn proves herself the victor, but not through greater skill or outsmarting Vervov for at this point, Evalyn is no ashamed to admit that the Boarman is her better in those regards. No, it is her faith in the goddesses that grants her victory over her nemesis as they give her the strength and guidance to defeat Vervov when the two of them directly face each other.

But even as she defeats Vervov in battle, Evalyn does naught, but slow down Vervov. She is never able to truly defeat or do more than set him back for a season or two. He is just able to bounce back from a defeat so quickly, rallying up more of the nomads to join him and just being able to figure out where to strike next.

Even as Evalyn is able to slay nomad after nomad and delay the advance the Boarfolk, the Boarfolk do advance and the Merntir lose village after village and at the same time, they bleed warriors and hunters.

The Merntir are able to train up more warriors and hunters to fight against the Boarfolk, but that comes at a cost as other jobs go undone as those that would do them are either getting ready to fight the invaders or fleeing after losing their homes.

As the Merntir are driven back to their oldest and largest settlements, their remaining villages are overcrowded and the Merntir are unable of producing enough food to sustain themselves, even with the utmost careful management of what food they do have.

Where it just the Merntir standing against the Boarfolk Tribes, they would certainly fall under these circumstances.

But they are not alone for the Merntir are People and the Arthwyd do their best to support their fellow People.

The southerners take in refugees from the north while in turn sending both food and fighters back to aid the Merntir in their defence against Vervov and his tribes. It is barely enough and it stretches the food reserve of the Arthwyd to the limit, but it is done and the People will not fall to the nomad invaders without doing all that they can.


"Attack!" shouts Evalyn as she jumps out of the tall grass at the approaching nomads, arrow notched in her bow.

This tribe is one of the larger ones, a couple dozen strong even if only two thirds of that number are adults and Evalyn doubts that more than half of their number are actual warriors. Evalyn on the other hand has only two other Catclaws with her, but all three of them are trained fighters and ready for this fight.

Having honed her skills after over twenty winters of fighting, Evalyn doesn't miss, her arrow going through the eye of a Boarman and into the brain. As the Boarfolk are still processing what is going on, Evalyn has drawn another arrow and has fire her second shot this day.

A boarwoman dies and between Evalyn and her follow Catclaws, a quarter of the tribe is dead.

Finally grasping what is happening, the tribe is split in their reaction, most of them attempting to flee while two charge at Evalyn.

She shoots her third target of his day in the eye and Evalyn rolls out of the way of the charging giant boar even as its rider topples off dead.

The other charger has been slain by one of fellow Catclaws so Evalyn focuses her fourth arrow against one of those fleeing. Running forwards as she draws yet another arrow, she picks her latest target, one of the younger boarfolk.

While it is important to slay those that can still fight, it is also important to get the younger ones as well so that they don't grow up to be future foes and breed more Boarfolk to be enemies for the next generation to worry about.

As always, Evalyn's aim is true and her target falls off of its mount, an arrow lodged in the back.

From there it is mop up as the three Catclaws pick off the remaining members of the tribe with their arrows. It takes some time once they get a bit further away, but with some magic boosts, their aim remains accurate even at such distance.

They finish off the remaining giant boars that have stuck around and loot the corpses of anything useful before making their away back to the nearest settlement to refill their quiverers.


It is clear to all of the People that the war with the Boarfolk is not going well. It has been only a generation since the fighting began and already the Merntir are on the verge of being defeated.

Only their oldest and largest settlements have yet to be conquered by Vervov and his horde and it is only with support from the Arthwyd that the Merntir are holding on.

To aid their beleaguered brethren, the Arthwyd decide to…
[] Send more food to the Merntir so that they can focus on resisting the invaders.
[] Send more Catclaws and Cateyes to fight the nomads.
[] Take on more Merntir refugees so that should the Merntir fall, more of the People will be safe.
[] Call upon the goddesses for aid against the scourge Vervov.
[] Study the magics of the goddesses in hopes of finding a new advantage over the invaders.


As some of you might have guessed, the situation is not good. About two thirds to three quarters of the Merntir have been conquered by Vervov even if he has taken heavy losses doing so. The Merntir are down to their last settlements, but those settlements are the hardest to take due to being the largest and most well-defended.

For the actions, don't worry about any stat costs. They will be taken out of the next Main Turn temp stat replenishment.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocracy
Upper Centralization Limit: 6
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +1 Lower Centralisation required per 2 Provinces
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Mystic per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (2)
Econ: 10 (0)
Martial: 3 (3)
Mystic: 1 (0)
Culture: 1 (0)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 3/3
Stability: 2/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 2
Prestige: 13


Diplomatic Relations

Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Caradysh = Probably Dead/???/None
Zaradysh = Probably Dead/???/None
Freak Folk = Probably Dead/???/None
Lowlander Zealots = Probably Dead/???/None
Boarfolk Nomads = Got to kill them all/War/Invaded

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Critical

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Loyal Neighbours
The People do not abandon their own. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger,

Sacred War
The People fight in the name of the goddesses and being a warrior is a sacred duty. Your warriors are greater than the norm and will punish those that defy the will of the goddesses.
Pros: Sacred Warriors,
Cons: Penalty to interacting with those that conflicting beliefs,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil


Early Cuneiform
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors

Ambush Tactics

Bows & Arrows
Divine Magic
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Limited Stone Manipulation
Limited Trait Self-Boosting

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Limited Increased Weapon Skill
Limited Wound Healing
Neolithic Epic Age III
[X] Call upon the goddesses for aid against the scourge Vervov.

Seeing not how they could beat Vervov before on their own, the leaders of the Arthwyd decided to try pleading to the goddesses for aid against the nomad leader. It was well known amongst the People that the support of Arthryn and her daughters is the only reason that the People have not already fallen.

It is the sacred servants of the goddesses, the Catclaws and the Cateyes, that fight against the Boarfolk with Evalyn, who was personally blessed by Arthryn, leading them. It is with the aid of the goddesses that Evalyn has defeated Vervov in battle more than once even if she has been unable to slay her nemesis.

So as the Merntir are driven back to their oldest and largest settlements, the Arthwyd continue to accept more people from the Merntir fleeing the invaders whilst sending more food and warriors back.

The Arthwyd pray to the goddesses, pleading to them and begging for salvation against the scourge Vervov and his hordes of barbarian tribes.

In the end, it just isn't enough. Despite the best efforts of the Cateyes and Catclaws under Evalyn and Cadyn, the nomads continue to come, shrugging off their losses as if they were meaningless and at this point, they might as well be meaningless.

Vervov continues the lesser settlements first, overrunning the smaller villages, each numbering less than a thousand in population and lacking walls. Soon, the only settlements that the Merntir had left were Seer's Village, Blackcove and Three Tree Hill, their oldest settlements and the only three with palisades protecting them.

Three Tree Hill is the first to fall. While the palisade keeps the Boarfolk from just riding into the settlement and the Arthwyd are able to feed the inhabitants via the sea, it doesn't take long for Vervov to make his play.

Rallying up as many of the tribes as he can, Vervov rides on the large village with at least a thousand of the boarfolk at his back. Even then, the wall should hold back the nomad leader, at least long enough for the settlement to get out a call for help even if he does start an attack.

The defenders were unprepared for Vervov's latest move as he unleashes the fire magic of his people for the first time. Waiting for a dry, sunny day with no clouds in the sky, the Boarfolk archers fire arrows which have flaming arrowheads. Some fall short, but the rest either hit the palisade, setting it aflame or they go further, landing within the settlement and setting fires ablaze.

As the defenders send out messengers for aid and try to get the fires under control, Vervov just waits for the fires to die out after doing enough damage to the palisade. The next day when the fires have finally all gone out, the nomad leaders launches his attack, the Boarfolk charging the weakened parts of the palisade on their mounts.

Half-burned down by the fire arrows, the weakened sections of the palisade are no match for the giant boars as the beasts batter their way in. The defenders fight back and many of the villagers take up arms to defend their homes, but the damage is done. The boarfolk make their way into Three Tree Hill and without either Cadyn or Evalyn to lead the assault, it is only a matter of time before Vervov conquerors the settlement.

The fighting is bloody and brutal as over the course of three days, both sides rack up the casualties. In the end, the nomads are victorious as most of the defenders are not fighters by trade and fighting the Boarfolk on their giant boar mounts in open battle is near suicidal.

The fighting ends with a last stand at the shrine, where the priests, the Catclaws and the Cateyes and the other remaining defenders fight to the last, killing five times their number with their divinely given magics.

As word gets out of Three Tree Hill's fall as the villagers do their best to flee to Seer's Village or Blackcove or the Arthwyd, Evalyn and Cadyn split up, the former staying in Seer's Village while the latter makes his way to Blackcove.

But it is too late as by the time that Cadyn reaches his destination, Blackcove has already fallen to Vervov with the nomad leader overrunning the settlement, taking less than a day to crush the defenders.

Even as the leader of the Cateyes rushes back to Seer's Village, Vervov is already arriving at
its outskirts.


Snarling in anger at the burning settlement around her, Evalyn counter charges at the two Boarfolk riding towards her. Calling upon the power of the All-Seer, she rams her spear into the chest of the first nomad before letting go as she needs to focus on the second one straight away. Jumping off the ground, Evalyn swings a fist at the grinning Boarman as he begins slash at her with his own spear.

Enhancing the strength of her arm with her divinely granted magic, Evalyn pulverises the skull of her foe as her fist slams into the head of the Boarman. Snatching her dead foe's spear out his slacken grip, Evalyn looks for more foes to kill.

It is the afternoon of the morning that the nomads broke through the palisade and Evalyn has already used up two quivers of arrows and gone through five spears. A good thirty to forty Boarfolk have died at her hands this day, but it just isn't enough as who knows how many tribesmen run riot around the oldest settlement of the Merntir.

Her fellow People are fleeing and dying around her even as those that can fight back. Evalyn knows how she can end this. She just needs to find Vervov so she can either kill him or drive him off. Once he is dealt with, she and the other defenders can take care of the rest of the attackers.

Running down a path, Evalyn spots a dismounted giant boar outside a hut. Running towards it, she reaches it just in time to see a Boarwoman with arms full of food exit. As her foe's eyes widen in shock at the sight of Evalyn, the Arthwydish woman is swift and ruthless.

With finely honed reflexes and skill, Evalyn stabs her spear into the eye of the Boarwoman, killing her instantly. The giant boar tenses, but doesn't attack and Evalyn doesn't have the time to spare to take the effort to kill it. Yanking her stolen spear back out, Evalyn continues her hunt.

Evalyn does a mixture of fighting and running her way through the settlement. She kills any of the Boarfolk who have the misfortune to cross her paths. As much as it pains her to see the villagers either flee for their lives or cower in their homes, Evalyn is forced to leave them be as the best she can do is kill any of the attackers she encounters and bring down Vervov so the attack can be driven back.

At first, Evalyn makes her way to the shrine, hoping to either rally whatever defenders are there or find Vervov attacking there. Instead, she arrives to find the shrine lost, the stones smashed and knocked over while there are fires ablaze and corpses from both sides littering the floor.

Only a couple of Boarfolk up here, Evalyn charges them. Ignoring the bodies lying around her, Evalyn stabs one before her foes can react to her presence. She rams her spear into the back of the closest and as he staggers way, clutching the at time piercing his chest, Evalyn turns on the second.

As the Boarman swings his mace at Evalyn, she jumps back out of the way and snatches a spear off the ground. While her foe pulls back his weapon, Evalyn slashes him across the throat with her spear before spinning around and stabbing her spear into the face of the first nomad, who has yet to die from the wound that Evalyn inflicted.

With both nomads dealt with, Evalyn takes time to rearm herself, grabbing a spear, a bow and some arrows to refill her quiver. Satisfied that she is prepared for another fight, Evalyn calls upon the power of the All-Seeress to find Vervov.

The sea. The nomad leader is heading towards the sea where villagers will be attempting to flee the settlement via canoe and raft.

Tired from all of the fighting, Evelyn makes her way to the coastal section of the settlement. She doesn't encounter any Boarfolk along the way, but she can follow the trail of corpses until she reaches Vervov. With a score of Boarfolk at his back, of which only a dozen of them still have their mount, the nomad leader is leading the attack on an assortment of Cateyes, Catclaws, hunters and some villagers who would rather go down fighting to protect their home.

Evalyn does bother with words and instead fires arrows into the midst of the attackers. She has seven arrows and the Arthwydish warrior is determined to make them all count. The first one strikes the back of a nomad's head and the second arrow strikes the beefy neck of another nomad.

As the remaining Boarfolk begin to react to Evalyn's presence, she picks off a third with an arrow to the eye and sticks a fourth arrow in the eye of another Boarman. As a trio of the Boarfolk charge at Evalyn, she puts her fifth arrow in the eye of the closest charger followed by her sixth arrow to the back of the neck as she fires it into the nomad's open mouth as he roars.

Her final arrow takes out the last of the charging trio and Evalyn draws her spear as she charges in. Another Boarwoman tries to intercept her, raising her shield to block Evalyn, but she just avoid its with many years of experience as she jabs the tip of her spear into the nomad's neck.

It is as Evalyn slays the unfortunate Boarwoman that Vervov strikes. Before Evalyn can react to his presence, he swings his stone-headed club into Evalyn's knee. Crying out in pain, Evalyn collapses as her leg gives out under need her.

Tired and in pain, Evalyn needs to kill Vervov. This is the last chance she will get as the Merntir will fall if she doesn't succeed right now and she just has to kill him now that he is here before her.

As Vervov brings his mace down on Evalyn, she calls upon the magic of the goddesses. Evalyn doesn't care if it kills her so long as Vervov dies this day. If the nomad leader is dead at the end of all this, her own survival is a secondary concern.

Evalyn shatters the stone-head of Vervov's mace with Arthryn's magic before enhancing her strength of her arm as she swings a fist at Vervov's mace, calling upon the magic of the All-Seeress to guide her aim. Evalyn prays that it is enough as the strain of using all of that magic at once on top of all the fighting she has done to day exhausts the leader of the Cateyes into unconsciousness.


They had failed and succeed at the same time. That is what Evalyn decides as she watches the sea from the sanctuary that is the Sunrise Mountain village. While she did not witness it herself, Cadyn and the others assure her that Vervov was slain by her hand, his chest turned into pulpy mush by the sheer power of her magically empowered punch.

Yet it wasn't enough. Seer's Village had fallen and with it, the Merntir, for by the time of Vervov's death, the Boarfolk Tribes had already overrun the former capital of the Merntir.

She would have died amongst in Seer's Village if it wasn't for the timely arrival of Cadyn, leading enough reinforcement to pull her to safety and hold the coastal edge of the settlement long enough for a good portion of the villagers to escape.

Combined with those already in the south and those that will be coming in the upcoming days, there will be a substantial amount of Merntirish amongst the Arthwyd.

The Merntir have fallen to the Boarfolk Tribes, suffer -1 Stability & -2 Temp Econ from taking in fleeing refugees.
Temp Econ Damage nullified by Centralisation
Gain the Status
Merntir Refugees.

Vervov is dead and while plenty of People will be satisfied by that for now, Evalyn knows better. The Merntir should not have fallen. The Arthwyd sought to aid from the goddesses, but that was not enough.

Evalyn, like everyone else, knows that Arthryn and her Daughters could not possibly be at fault for this disaster. No, the responsibility for this failure lies with mortal actions and Evalyn knows who is at fault.

It is the priests of Greenbay, those who were supposed to lead the People. They should have saved the Merntir and yet they didn't, instead cowering from their responsibilities and expecting the goddesses to swoop down and save the day.

Well, they might not know how to lead the People, but Evalyn does. She has spent the entirety of her life fighting against Vervov and the Boarfolk. She fought him every step away and has won countless victories for the People. She even slew him in the end.

If the priests have failed to be the leaders that the People need, then it is up to Evalyn to step up in their place. She is the greatest of the People and chosen of Arthryn herself. She shall be the leader that the People need to reclaim the Merntir lands from the nomad scum and if anyone objects, they can die a traitor.

Is Evalyn the leader that the People need?
[] [Evalyn] Yes. She shall lead the People to victory and reclaim the lost Merntir lands. (Change Government Type to Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy, +1 Legitimacy, +2 Stability, +1 Hierarchy)
[] [Evalyn] No. The priests serve the goddesses faithfully and Evalyn is a traitor. (Civil War, -1 Legitimacy, -2 Stability)

Pick your bonus for (sort of) defeating a Martial Genius
[] [Bonus] Upgrade the Value Sacred War
[] [Bonus] Upgrade an existing Hero.
[] [Bonus] Get a random Hero.
[] [Bonus] Gain two new war-related innovations.

Priests (4) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add faction power to Stability or Legitimacy Rolls, Objective: ???, Success/Failure: ???/???
Elders (3) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: ???, Success/Failure: ???/???
Warriors (5 (6)) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: ???, Success/Failure: ???/???
Farmers (1) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: ???, Success/Failure: ???/???
Crafters (1) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: ???, Success/Failure: ???/???


So you killed Vervov at the last moment, but by that point, the Merntir had already fallen so while the fallout was bad, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. That said, the failure to win by the current leadership and the low legitimacy and stabilised has caused Evalyn, chosen of Arthryn and leader of the Cateyes, to decide that she would do better as the new leader of the People and is willingly to force the issue.

I wasn't too sure about this vote, but I figured I ought to give the choice rather than just have Evalyn install a monarchy.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocracy
Upper Centralization Limit: 6
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +1 Lower Centralisation required per 2 Provinces
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Mystic per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (0)
Econ: 12 (0)
Martial: 7 (2)
Mystic: 1 (0)
Culture: 1 (0)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 1/3
Stability: 0/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 2
Prestige: 10

Merntir Refugees: 1 Martial, 2 Econ

Diplomatic Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Caradysh = Probably Dead/???/None
Zaradysh = Probably Dead/???/None
Freak Folk = Probably Dead/???/None
Lowlander Zealots = Probably Dead/???/None
Boarfolk Nomads = Got to kill them all/War/Invaded


Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Loyal Neighbours
The People do not abandon their own. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger,

Sacred War
The People fight in the name of the goddesses and being a warrior is a sacred duty. Your warriors are greater than the norm and will punish those that defy the will of the goddesses.
Pros: Sacred Warriors,
Cons: Penalty to interacting with those that conflicting beliefs,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil


Early Cuneiform
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors

Ambush Tactics

Bows & Arrows
Divine Magic
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Limited Stone Manipulation
Limited Trait Self-Boosting

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Limited Increased Weapon Skill
Basic Wound Healing
Last edited:
Neolithic Epic Age IV
[X][Evalyn] Yes. She shall lead the People to victory and reclaim the lost Merntir lands. (Change Government Type to Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy, +1 Legitimacy, +2 Stability, +1 Hierarchy)
[X][Bonus] Gain two new war-related innovations.

It was a peaceful exchange of power in the end. Nobody was happy with the old council of priests after the Merntir were conquered by the Boarfolk. The death of Vervov and the promises to liberate the Merntir had kept the majority of the People satisfied for now.

But when it came to those that had waged war for the People and those that were to lead the People, things were a very different matter. The People had trusted the priests of Greenbay to lead the People and yet they had let the Merntir get conquered by the Boarfolk.

The priests still served the goddesses even if they did so poorly so the People still followed them. Yet it was enough that when Evalyn Boarslayer arrived in Greenbay, many were willingly to listen to what she had to say.

Evalyn explained how she had been personally blessed by Arthryn, how she had fought the Boarfolk in defence of the Merntir for almost as long she had been an adult, how she had been the one who slew Vervov and how she would be a far better leader than those who had let the Merntir get conquered.

Cadyn and the warriors threw their lot in with their leader while the elders, unhappy with the head priests let the Merntir fall, had decided that Evalyn had a lot of good points and she certainly couldn't be worse than the current leadership.

Ultimately, the priests came to the conclusion that the Boarslayer spoke the truth and a leader like her was something that the People need in dire times like this. Showing some of the wisdom that they were suppose to have, they chose to step down and let Evalyn become the official leader of the People.

Government Type changed!
Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.


Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer of the People is what they called her. Champion of Arthryn, Slayer of Boars, Killer of Vervov, Defender of the Merntir, Protector of the Arthwyd and Greatest of the People. Those are all titles that she is called by and ones that Evalyn wields proudly.

She quickly takes to her new position, applying her experience from running the defence of the Merntir to running the Arthwyd and planning the efforts to take the Merntir lands back from the Boarfolk.

While she is eager to return to the northern coast as soon as possible, Evalyn knows that she needs time to plan an expedition and get ready for all of the fighting. With the Merntir fallen to the Boarfolk, the People don't currently have friendly territory on the north coast to operate out of, meaning that the liberation effort needs to be carefully planned so it doesn't die in the first stages.

Evalyn makes good sure of the time, managing the affairs of the People, organising the fighters of the People into Cateyes and Catclaws and even taking the opportunity to have a daughter with Cadyn. She is grateful for the chance for it is the last she will get her age.

Unfortunately for Evalyn, fate has other plans for her for as she gets ready to return to Merntir lands with Cadyn, the Cateyes and the Catclaws at her back, a new threat reveals itself.

Evalyn did not think it possible, but there was an even greater evil than the Boarfolk threatening the People as for all of the vile deeds that Vervov did, he never reached the depths of evil that the most ancient and terrible Urth did.

Both the worst and greatest of the Caradysh, Urth is someone that every member of the People know about, the greatest of the evils that the Tainted Forest has to offer, an evil that has plagued the lowlands since before Ymarn walked amongst mortals.

An unnatural abomination, Urth should have died countless generations ago and yet he still walks amongst mortals even if he does not live. And to the misfortunate of the People, the disasters in the lowlands seem to have only strengthen Urth for he is more terrible than any of the legends mentioned.

The hunters encountered his minions first, walking corpses with dried up, shrivelled skin and taut, tense muscles while their eyes are dead and glassy in their sockets. As anyone would in their position would rightfully do, the hunters returned to Rockbay to warn the rest of the People what they discovered.

Evalyn sent Cadyn and some of the warriors to deal with the matter. As she expected of him, Cadyn took care of the walking dead admirably. While arrows and poison proved ineffective, spears could be used to temporarily pin one of the creatures while a well-placed fist or club destroy one of the creature's limbs and enough damage to the moving corpse would end whatever unnatural magics that allowed it to move and fight for these things for back.

They didn't fight back well, not compared to Cadyn and the Catclaws, but it was troubling that these things could wield spears and use bows and arrows like a proper person. At least they didn't talk or otherwise show any signs of having the mind of a person.

Unfortunately that wasn't all of the People's problems. Even through they still needed to free the Merntir from the Boarfolk and the Caradysh were invading, more of the lowlanders decided to cause trouble for the People.

Making their way up Green River, bands of lowlander warriors moved to attack the frontier settlements of the Greenbay area. While some were the humans that the People expected from the lowlanders, others were Boarfolk and even more were a new type of people, Birdfolk with feathered wings, beaks that replaced their mouths and noses and talons on their feet. Most annoyingly, they could use their wings to fly, but usage of arrows, slings and throwing spears could take care of that advantage.

Despite the fact that Merntir still require liberation, Evalyn heads south as she cannot lead an expedition to free the Merntir if the Arthwyd are being attacked in the south. With Cadyn still dealing with the walking dead, Evalyn is left to take care of this new matter personally.

Leading a collection of Cateyes and Catclaws to the southern frontier of the People's lands, Evalyn systemically smashes the bands of lowlander warriors as they come north with the experience she has gained fighting against the Boarfolk for close to forty winters.

Some of the lowlanders are like Vervov's nomads, Boarfolk riding giant boars. Evalyn and the People know all too well how to deal with that foe and they are the most fearsome thing that the lowlanders have to offer.

Humans with their dogs are slaughtered under Evalyn's direction while the Birdfolk are shot out of the sky regardless of whether they are trying to attack or flee. It doesn't matter what they are, what they wield or what they try to do, Evalyn kills every last one of them once she has made her way south.

Unlike when she was fighting Vervov, the Boarslayer doesn't need to constantly pull back as the enemy conquers more of their lands. Instead, she is the one who pushes into enemy lands, killing all of the lowlander warriors making their way north until the Arthwydish Cadlon reaches the collection of villages that the lowlanders have set up halfway between the People and the lowlands themselves.

Few warriors are left to fight her and those that do are the unnatural walking dead that Cadyn is fighting near Rockbay. A few score of the mindless walking dead led by one that seems to have retained its intelligence from when it was still alive.

They all die to Evalyn Boarslayer and her Catclaws.

It is then that Evalyn learns just what southern threats the People are facing. These lowlanders, these midlanders are what is left of those that fled the lowlands, trying to escape the death, the fighting, the poor harvests and the Nightmare's Gift.

A collection of Zaradysh and Free Folk with some nomad tribes mixed in, they number only a few thousand and sought to start a new life way from the lowlands. That was not to be as Urth showed up a generation ago and conquered them, installing a 'revenant' as a subordinate rule of the midlanders demanding regular tribute of the living to join his army of the walking dead.

It isn't just Urth and the midlanders that Evalyn needs to worry about as whilst she massacring the midlanders, the situation with the Merntir changed. While Vasov, grandson of Vervov, has been consolidating his grandfather's conquests, a new Catclaw has arisen amongst the conquered Merntirish populace and has led some of the Merntir in an uprising.

As someone who was training to be a Catclaw before Seer's Village fell, Cerwyn has proven herself both an excellent warrior and a warleader that is peer to the likes of Evalyn and Cadyn. As Vasov has been consolidating his hold over the eastern half of the Merntir and the Boarfolk tribes ruling it, Cerwyn has successfully taken back the oldest three cities of the Merntir and its pushing outwards to the north and east.

After deciding what she will do with the midlanders, Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer needs to decide on how the People shall deal with the threats that are menancing the People with the Vasov and the Boarfolk to the north and Urth and his armies of the walking dead in the south.

What shall Evalyn do with the Midlanders?
[] [Midland] Leave the midlanders be, free of Urth's rule. (Leave the Midlanders alone.)
[] [Midland] Claim the midlanders as a conquest of the People. (Midlanders become a Vassal of the Arthwyd.)

How shall the Arthwyd support the Merntir?
[] [Merntir] Warriors. Cerwyn will require more fighters to defeat the Boarfolk. (-1 Temp Martial)
[] [Merntir] Food. The freed Merntir settlements will require more food so that they don't starve. (-1 Temp Econ)
[] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)

What shall happen with the Merntir refugees?
[] [Refugee] They can settle down amongst the Arthwyd. (Refugees settle in Arthwyd lands, gain +3 Settle Land progress, lose status Merntir Refugees.)
[] [Refugee] They can return to the Merntir (Refugees go back to the Merntir, lose status Merntir Refugees.)

Where shall Evalyn go?
[] [Evalyn] North. Aid Cerwyn in defeating the Boarfolk and freeing the Merntir.
[] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.


While the fighting was ongoing, the rest of the People have not lain idle. They go about their lives and in the case of the pot-makers, they discover new ways of doing things. Pit firing as been used by the People for as long as anyone can remember to make pottery, but a new improvement has recently been discovered.

By building a structure around the fire pit, the pot-makers can reach higher temperatures. Alongside these new kilns another new discovery has been made. If exposed to a certain amount of heat, some of the shiny rocks will melt to reveal something inside as the rock parts melted down.

Eager to investigate whatever this is, the pot-makers sought permission to experiment further through many of the People were wary of devoting resources to a project like this when the People are at war on two fronts.

Shall the People devote efforts to unlocking the secrets of the shiny rocks?
[] [Rock] No. They need to focus on defeating
[] [Rock] Yes. Experiment with what has already been discovered. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
[] [Rock] Yes. See if other rocks can produce similar secrets. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)

Priests (4) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add faction power to Stability or Legitimacy Rolls, Objective: Defeat Urth, Success/Failure: +1 Legitimacy/-1 Stability
Elders (3) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Stop Urth or free the Merntir, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Warriors (5 (6)) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Liberate the Merntir, Success/Failure: Martial Innovation/-1 Legitimacy
Farmers (1) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Protect the People, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Study the secrets of the shiny rocks, Success/Failure: ??? Innovation/-


And so the defeatism by the thread proven to be unneeded. Evalyn utterly crushed the midlanders while Cerwyn has seen success against Vasov. Cadyn hasn't been doing too well against Urth, but has been holding the line.

Beyond that, you have touched upon smelting from the bonus innovations while regular innovation has gotten you kilns. While smelting is precisely war-related, I don't think anyone will be complaining.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (1)
Econ: 12 (6)
Martial: 7 (5)
Mystic: 1 (1)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 2/3
Stability: 2/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 3
Prestige: 12

Merntir Refugees: 1 Martial, 2 Econ

Diplomatic Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Walking Dead = Ultimate Evil/War/Invaded
Midlanders = Uncertain/Uncertain/Conquered
Boarfolk Nomads = Save the Merntir/War/Invaded

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Critical

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Loyal Neighbours
The People do not abandon their own. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger,

Sacred War
The People fight in the name of the goddesses and being a warrior is a sacred duty. Your warriors are greater than the norm and will punish those that defy the will of the goddesses.
Pros: Sacred Warriors,
Cons: Penalty to interacting with those that conflicting beliefs,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil


Native Copper
Native Gold
Native Silver


Tin Smelting
Lead Smelting
Early Cuneiform
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors

Ambush Tactics

Bows & Arrows
Divine Magic
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Limited Stone Manipulation
Limited Trait Self-Boosting

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Limited Increased Weapon Skill
Basic Wound Healing
Last edited:
Neolithic Epic Age V
[X] [Midland] Claim the midlanders as a conquest of the People. (Midlanders become a Vassal of the Arthwyd.)
[X] [Rock] Yes. See if other rocks can produce similar secrets. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
[X] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.
[X] [Refugee] They can return to the Merntir (Refugees go back to the Merntir, lose status Merntir Refugees.)
[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)

The Midlanders are not People, but Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer decides it was in the best interest of the People if the Midlanders were brought under their influence. They might be barbaric savages from the south that worshipped foreign goddesses, but perhaps that could change in time and for now, it is better that the midlanders answer to the People than to the abomination Urth in his Cursed Forest.

While there is still fighting to be done in the north and she has long wanted to free the Merntir from their Boarfolk oppressors, Evalyn decides to stay in the south. Urth and his army of the walking dead are no small threat and that monster cannot be allowed to harm the People.

However, the reports from Cadyn don't look to Evalyn as while the Merntirish Cateye turned Catclaw has been keeping Urth away from Rockbay, the abomination has been outmanoeuvring him and his forces. While losses have been minimal for now, Cadyn has been on the backfoot for some time.

That isn't to say that Evalyn is leaving Cerwyn and the Merntir on their own. They are People and it is the sacred duty of the People to help and aid each other. Even when times are tough, no, especially when times are tough, it is of the utmost importance to aid each other.

Evalyn made sure to send both food and warriors to aid Cerwyn against Vasov and the tribes as while Cerwyn may be good and the spirit of the Merntir remains strong, they cannot stand alone yet. Until they have stabilised their position and could sustain themselves, it was vital that the Arthwyd send aid and support their northern brethren.

Evalyn also choose to send the bulk of the Merntirish refugees back north alongside the food and warriors instead of settling them amongst the Arthwyd. While some of their number had set up roots in the south amongst the Arthwyd, the majority of the northerners sought to return to their old homes. Evalyn was happy to oblige them, especially since the extra numbers would be a good boost for Ceryn's forces.

Loyal Neighbours and Sacred War merge!
New Value gained!
Sacred Defence

The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty and support from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, Increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,


The fighting had not been going well. For many seasons, Evalyn and Cadyn had led the warriors of the People against Urth and his hordes and just like with Vervov, they were only slowing down his advance.

Except unlike with the Boarman, it hasn't been a case of winning fights not being enough, but a case of the People not being able to win their fights.

The tactics that worked against Vervov and the Boarfolk tribes don't work against Urth and the walking dead. There are no supplies to poison and the walking dead are immune to the nightleaf poison that the Catclaws and Cateyes coat their weapons with. Whatever evil magics are responsible for their vile existence, the nightleaf doesn't effect it.

Spears and arrows are also somewhat useless against the walking dead, the latter more so than the former. An arrow will rarely slow down one of the walking dead as to stop one, you need to disrupt whatever keeps them moving as they don't die like a living thing. That or damaging its body enough that even if it is technically still moving, it can't actually do anything.

A moving corpse can't do much if it has lost all of its limbs and the head has been smashed.

To that end, slings are as useless as arrows as neither does enough damage to the body. Spears can damage it enough, but it takes time and skill to do so. A spear can be used to pin down one of the walking dead, but given time, the monster will get free by moving along the shaft.

Clubs are the most effective as you can just bash them the walking dead until its corpse stops functioning. Break the limbs and the skull and the walking dead is no longer a threat. When you have time, you can burn it until it is reduced to nothing more than pile of ash.

The mindless dead are easily enough to deal with when the People caught them on their own, but it is when Urth and his revenants silently command them with their magics that the troubles begin.

Both sides take losses as they clash in the regions between Rockbay and the Cursed Forest as Urth and his forces advanced down Rock River, driving back the warriors of the People.

It is as the frontlines reach the edge of Rockbay's outer territory that the People dig in and prepare a strong defence. Amongst the Catclaws and Cateyes, there is an unspoken, universal agreement that they will die before letting the walking dead enter Rockbay and prey upon those living there.

For seven seasons, the People hold the line with great loss. The casualties are racked up on both sides as both Urth and the People lose hundreds. While the losses are mostly equal, the People would have lost more than Urth if it wasn't for the healing magic of Ymarn or the nightleaf painkillers.

And while it could have been worse, the losses that the People do take hurt and Cadyn is one of those that dies during the first winter, being slain at the hand of Urth.

Matters are made even worse as Urth and his revenants have magics of their own. While the evil magic of the abominations pales compared to the divine magic of the People, Urth is quite easiest the greatest magic-wielder that the People have ever encountered through given he is responsible for his army of the walking dead, that isn't unexpected.

Urth fights with magic just as often as he does with conventional weaponry, commanding evil spirits to do his binding whilst also wielding a bow and quiver full of arrows. Yet Evalyn can tell that his magic is somehow limited compared to what Urth is used to wielding as while the abomination wields his unnatural might to great advantage, he seems frustrated by things he is unable to do whenever he faces her.

Evalyn doesn't know what is going wrong for Urth or why that is so, but she is grateful that his full power is being limited, especially since his revenant subordinates are similarly limited.


The Boarslayer swings her club into the revenant's skull, crushing the bone under her swing. Unlike the mindless wights, the thinking revenants are vulnerable to losing their heads as for some reason, a revenant requires an intact head to retain its intelligence.

A pair of wights come at Evalyn, but she ignores them as the Cadlon of the Arthwyd has her eye on another target. Standing with Evalyn's line of sight is Urth the Evil, slayer of Cadyn and today, Evalyn seeks to end him lest he break through the defence to attack Rockbay.

Bypassing the wights with superior agility and trusting that one of her Catclaws will deal with them, Evalyn charges at Urth. Several wights stand between her and the ancient evil, but that is little trouble for a warrior of Evalyn's calibre.

Charging into them, she smashes one aside with a swing of her club, sending the wight flying back into three of its fellows and knocking all four off their feet. Another gets smacked out of the way and the rest are too far away and too slow to intercept the Boarslayer before she reaches Urth.

The unnatural abomination doesn't see her coming until it is too late. A swing to the monster's leg and Evalyn has brought the monster to its knees. Even as the dead limb begins to fix itself via the power of evil magic, the Cadlon of the Arthwyd bashes Urth across the face, half-caving it in and sending the walking corpse backwards.

Before the evil Urth can recover and regain his wits, Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer of the Arthwyd enhances her strength with as much divine magic as she can afford to spare as she brings down her club on Urth's head as it begins to restore itself.

The blow both shatters the stone head of Evalyn's club and pulverises Urth's head. The deed done, the Boarslayer retreats back to friendly lines to rearm herself and get some rest as while Urth is dead, there are still many revenants and countless more wights.


Despite heavy losses, things were going well. Cadyn and many others might be dead, but so was Urth and many of his walking dead. The remaining walking dead had retreated back down Rock River all the way to the Cursed Forest. For now, they remained content to lurk within their evil forests.

As for the Midlanders, they are no threat to the People as they lack the warriors and are too few in number to present any danger. They may hate the People, but they lack the means to act upon that hatred.

The remaining fighting is in the north where Cerwyn and the Merntir clash with Vasov and the Boarfolk Tribes. While Cerwyn hasn't managed to take much more land, she has been able to find off Vasov's attacks and secure her own position.

The young Merntirish Catclaw has been able to secure the populous and developed western areas of the Merntir while Vasov and the Boarfolk still hold the eastern and northern areas that the Merntir have settled since converting to Arthryn.

That will change once Evalyn sails north with what is what Arthwydish warriors she can muster up after their losses against Urth and the walking dead. Vasov might be able to hold his own against the young Cerwyn, but he shall find himself outmatched when he faces the Boarslayer.

In the meantime, her slaying of Urth has given effectively uncontested authority amongst the People. Evalyn's rulings and orders are almost treated as if they were from the goddesses themselves.

While Evalyn herself is carefully not to abuse this, it does open up the option of choosing who shall replace her as Cadlon of the People once death comes for her.

Who will Evalyn name as her successor
[] Her daughter, Gwynlyn. (Excellent Admin/Above Average Martial/Good Diplo/Excellent Mystic/Below Average Tech/Average Culture)
[] The Catclaw, Cerwyn (Good Admin/Heroic Martial/Average Diplo/Terrible Mystic/Terrible Tech/Above Average Culture)
[] Do not name a successor. (No heir)

Priests (4) = Mood: Content, Ability: Add faction power to Stability or Legitimacy Rolls, Objective: Liberate the Merntir, Success/Failure: +1 Merntir Shrine/-1 Legitimacy
Elders (3) = Mood: Joyous, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Liberate the Merntir, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Warriors (5 (6)) = Mood: Righteous, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Liberate the Merntir, Success/Failure: Martial Innovation/-1 Legitimacy
Farmers (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: -, Success/Failure: -/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: -, Success/Failure: -/-


The Epic Age is being to wind down. Cadyn and Urth are both dead as the former got killed by the latter and Urth was absolutely crushed by Evalyn as he crit-failed and she crit-succeeded when they fought. As if that wasn't enough, Arthryn crit-succeeded against the Tree Spirits, who crit-failed like Urth. So Urth got wrecked even if he defeat the Arthwydish forces in battle.

So while you took heavy losses and would have lost, Evalyn was able to get a victory via killing the enemy general and the lynchpin of his forces. With the walking dead retreating to their forest and the Midlanders now your (very unhappy) vassal, the People are safe from southern threats for now.

Cerwyn and Vasov has clashed, but it has mostly been a stalemate even if things have been going slightly in Cerwyn's favour.

As for the innovations, you got Fired Bricks and Silver Smelting, but if you have been reading the thread, you would already know about the second one.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (1)
Econ: 10 (5)
Martial: 6 (2)
Mystic: 1 (1)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 4/3
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 3
Prestige: 16


Diplomatic Relations

Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Walking Dead = Ultimate Evil/War/Invaded
Midlanders = Uncertain/Uncertain/Conquered
Boarfolk Nomads = Save the Merntir/War/Invaded

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Critical
Midlanders = Vassal/Very Low/Medium

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Sacred Defence
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil


Fired Bricks
Native Copper
Native Gold


Lead Smelting
Silver Smelting
Tin Smelting
Early Cuneiform
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors

Ambush Tactics

Bows & Arrows
Divine Magic
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Limited Stone Manipulation
Limited Trait Self-Boosting

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Limited Increased Weapon Skill
Basic Wound Healing
Last edited:
Neolithic Epic Age VI
[X] Her daughter, Gwynlyn. (Excellent Admin/Above Average Martial/Good Diplo/Excellent Mystic/Below Average Tech/Average Culture)

Cadlon Gwynlyn lets out a sigh of relief as she reads the latest reports. It has only been a few seasons since her mother died and that was only a few seasons after she finished driving out the Boarfolk from Merntir lands.

The People are at peace and free of any active threats for the first time in generations. This was already the case when her mother died, but hasn't been until now that it looks like the peace will be sticking.

Vervov and Vasov are dead and the last of their followers have either been slain or driven back to the endless grasslands of the east.

A few of the tribes took some of the Merntir with them when they fled east and Cerwyn is leading a band of Cateyes in pursuit, either to get their People back or to avenge them if they cannot.

Even if it would take time to rebuild the damage and recover from the invasion and the temporary conquest, the Merntir had been free and were once again part of the People. The Boarfolk Tribes still roamed in the east, but they wouldn't be a threat in the foreseeable future.

In the south, the threats had also been beaten back. Whilst the Maradysh hated the People for killingly so many of their People, Gwynlyn couldn't spare too much sympathy for them. Yes, it was upsetting to have so many of your community killed, but the Midlanders were the ones attacking the People unprovoked. The People had a right to defend themselves and the Maradysh didn't even seem to care that the People had free them from Urth and had ultimately slain Urth.

Speaking of the ancient evil and his walking dead, the walking dead didn't seem to be a threat without Urth lead them. Whether it was because they didn't Urth to unite and lead them or they were wary or afraid of facing the People after they slew Urth, the walking dead had not left the Cursed Forest since they had retreated there.

While the Cursed Forest would need to be watched in case it did spew forth more of its evils, it was not actively threatening the People for now.

Both the south and the north were secure from threats and while both the Merntir and the Catclaws would need to take some time to recover, the People now had that time.

And now that the fighting is over, there is much for the People to do. Some of the settlements still require trails to connect them with the rest whilst only Greenbay has a palisade to protect it. The Merntir could do with some help rebuilding while something needs to be done about the Maradysh lest they cause trouble in the future. There is also the Sunrise Mountain Passage as while it had been done up to the mountain village, many of the People sought to finish it all the way to the Merntir coast.

At least the events of the last few generations had decisively proven that the People were the greatest in the known lands and none could match them.

Status Gained!
King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,

As the Epic Age comes to a close and its Heroes have gone one way or another, the People still have enough luck to produce one more Hero.
[] [Epic] Get a Heroic Heir to succeed Gwynlyn when she dies. (Get a Heroic Heir)
[] [Epic] One of the priests proves to be naturally talented with the numbers and records. (Gain an Admin Hero)
[] [Epic] A young member of the People proves themselves to be charming and uniting. (Diplo Hero)
[] [Epic] One of the Catclaws proves themselves to be a peer of the likes of Malbyn, Cadyn, Cerwyn and Evalyn Boarslayer herself. (Martial Hero)
[] [Epic] One of the priests proves themselves to be skilled with the teachings and magics of the goddesses. (Mystic Hero)
[] [Epic] A genius rises amongst the People, outshine their peers with their intelligence. (Tech Hero)
[] [Epic] One of the People proves themselves to be an excellent crafter and storyteller. (Culture Hero)

Pick 1 Bonus for coming out of an Epic Age at the top.
[] [Bonus] Upgrade a random Value
[] [Bonus] Gain a random Value
[] [Bonus] Gain a martial Value
[] [Bonus] Gain Legacy Ancient Bastion of Civilisation (Great Bay)
[] [Bonus] Gain Legacy Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay)
[] [Bonus] Put Sunrise Mountain Passage on automatic action track (Will gain +1 Progress each turn with no action cost, but you will still need to stat costs).
[] [Bonus] Gain two or more Innovations.

Priests (4) = Mood: Content, Ability: Add faction power to Stability or Legitimacy Rolls, Objective: Start the Sacred Forest Megaproject, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Elders (3) = Mood: Joyous, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Finish the Sunrise Mountain Passage, Success/Failure: +1 Prestige/-
Warriors (5 (6)) = Mood: Righteous, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Explore the Lowlands, Success/Failure: ???/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Build Palisade in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Study Metal in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Culture/-

Special: You must take [SEC/MAIN] Sunrise Mountain Passage in this vote to continue that Megaproject into its extended form as a single Megaproject.

You have two Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions make a single Main Action. No plan voting or write-ins.
Please tag actions as [SEC] & [MAIN].

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build New Shrine = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Shrine (+1 Mystic per 3 Shrines),
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Shrines (+1 Mystic per 3 Shrines),
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (3/3), Rockbay (1/1), Sunrise Bay (1/1)

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Palisade = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Palisade,
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Palisades,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (1/3), Rockbay (0/1), Sunrise Bay (0/1)

[] [SEC/MAIN] Create New Trails.
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Trail (4/5),
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Trails (4/5),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Explore Lands = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, Chance of new discovery,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of new discovery,
-Possible Targets: Coastline, Coastal Plains, Cursed Forest, Lowlands, Sea, Sunset Mountains, Sunrise Mountains, Western Coast, Northern Coast,

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Farming.
S: +3 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Econ (0/1) (Limited to 1 per 3 Settlements), Chance of Innovation,

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Fishing.
S: +2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +4 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Hunting.
S: +2 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of Innovation,
M: +4 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Settle Land = (Target)
S: -3 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +1 Settlement Progress, +1 Econ,
M: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +2 Settlement Progress, +2 Econ,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (3/12), Rockbay (1/12), Upriver Plains (0/11), Sunrise Bay (1/12), Sunset Plains (0/12), Sunrise Plains (0/12),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Magic.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Metal.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Support Subordinate = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, Chance of relationship change,
M: -2 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of relationship change,
-Possible Targets: Merntir, Maradysh,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Trade Expedition = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Diplo, Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Diplo, Improved Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Lowlands,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Train Sacred Warriors
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -1 Econ, +1 Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Mystic, +1 Temp Culture, Chance of +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Legitimacy,
M: -3 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Mystic, +2 Temp Culture, Improved Chance of +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Legitimacy,

[] [SEC/MAIN] War Party = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of damaging target, Chance of losing Temp Martial,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Martial, Greater chance of damaging target, Greater chance of losing Temp Martial,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Cursed Forest,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Sunrise Mountain Passage
S: -3 Temp Econ, +1 Progress
M: -6 Temp Econ, +2 Progress
-Progress: 4/10

[] [SEC/MAIN] Sacred Forest
S: -2 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, +1 Progress
M: -4 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, -2 Temp Mystic, +2 Progress
-Progress: 0/???

[] [SEC/MAIN] Stone Wall
S: -3 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic +1 Progress
M: -6 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic +2 Progress
-Progress: 0/???


The Epic Age is over and the People are at peace. It kind of ended with a whimper rather than a bang as the climax was last update when Evalyn slew Urth as this update, she basically crushed the Boarfolk and slew Vasov before dying a couple years after liberating the Merntir.

Now you got Gwynlyn as Cadlon and a return to normal turns along with a couple of last bonuses from the Epic Age.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (3)
Econ: 10 (9)
Martial: 6 (4)
Mystic: 1 (1)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 4/3
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 4
Prestige: 20

King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,

Diplomatic Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Walking Dead = Ultimate Evil/Unknown/None
Boarfolk Nomads = Disliked/Unknown/Minimal

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Critical
Maradysh = Vassal/Very Low/Medium

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Sacred Defence
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil


Fired Bricks
Native Copper
Native Gold


Lead Smelting
Silver Smelting
Tin Smelting
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors

Ambush Tactics

Bows & Arrows
Lead Balls
Divine Magic
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Limited Stone Manipulation
Limited Trait Self-Boosting

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Limited Increased Weapon Skill
Basic Wound Healing
Last edited:
Ungrateful Barbarians
[X][Epic] One of the priests proves to be naturally talented with the numbers and records. (Gain an Admin Hero)
[X][Bonus] Gain Legacy Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay)
[X][SEC] Sunrise Mountain Passage
[X][SEC] Support Subordinate = Maradysh

Merntir = [SEC] Rebuild Damage, [SEC] Build Palisade (North Coast Fields)
Maradysh = [SEC] Build Palisade (Upriver Plains), [SEC] Train Warriors,

The previous generations had been an age of legends. In the south, you had the collapse of the lowlands as they feel to both infighting, outside invasion and the Nightmare's Gift. In the north, there were the great wars of the People with the scourge Urth striking from the south with his army of the walking dead and the Maradysh whilst the Merntir spent many seasons slowly falling to Vervov and the Boarfolk Tribes before they were able to break free after Vervov's death.

It was an era of greatness and legends being made. It saw many rise to greatness while entire societies were brought to ruin. Urth was dead while the Boarfolk's brief conquest of the Merntir was nothing more than a memory held by the older generations. The Maradysh had been brought to heel by the People whilst the people of the lowlands had collapsed.

The Boarfolk Tribes would return one day and the walking dead still lurked within the Cursed Forest while new societies would rise from the remains of the old in the lowlands. But all of that is in the future. For now, the People have proven themselves to be best for it was clear to the People that they had come out of the trails of the previous age at the top of the pile.

The People were the oldest surviving civilisation around and the clearly greatest, about to triumph against all of their foes while being clearly superior to their barbarian neighbours to the south and east.

Legacy Gained!
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn,


"Are these reports accurate?" Cadlon Gwynlyn asks the up and coming Derfyl, the young priest being one of the People's rising stars.

"They are Cadlon," confirms Derfyl, "The Maradysh have finished constructing the palisades around their villages and have been training up more warriors to replace those that they lost. They are not a threat to us. Their warriors are less numerous than our own and one of them is no where near a match for a Catclaw.

Should it come to a fight, the Maradysh remain no match for us. Our Catclaws could crush their warriors and even their palisades will only slow down our warriors should we have the need to seize their villages."

"Yet it is the intent behind what they are doing and its future implications that is the trouble," mutters Gwynlyn, "Even through it is not within their ability to do so right now, the Maradysh are still preparing for rebellion and cutting themselves loose of the People."

It was all going wrong. Gwynlyn had originally hoped to strengthen ties with the Maradysh and improve the relationship between them and the People by sending supplies and aid to help the southerners.

They might be heathen barbarians, but Gwynlyn and many others had hoped that they could be brought about to the civilised ways of the People. Unfortunately, they had underestimate just how much the Maradysh hated the People and how they would react to unasked for charity.

Having formed from the lowlanders who were able to escape the collapse of the lowlands, the Maradysh are a harsh and ruthless people for they had to be in order to escape the deadly grasp of the Nightmare's Gift.

They pride themselves on being able to look after one's self and not having to rely upon others. Accepting help from someone else was viewed as a sign of weakness and offering aid to someone was considered equal to declaring that you viewed them as helpless weakling.

So when the People had shown up over the seasons offering aid to the Maradysh, it was a stinging insult in their eyes. A declaration that the People viewed the Maradysh as weak, helpless and unable to look after themselves.

Yet the Maradysh were weak compared to the People and would need help if they were to ever come close to matching the People. While that forced the pragmatic Maradysh to accept the aid that the People were offering them, they cursed the People for it and the whole situation deepened their hatred of the People.

Gwynlyn had hoped to bend relationships with the Maradysh, but instead she had just poured saltwater into an open wound. Rather than have a grateful Maradysh that liked the People better, they had one that both hated them more and had grown stronger at the expense of the People.

All in all, the whole situation had just gone poorly and the only saving grace is that the Maradysh are still far too weak to ever challenge the People on their own. Even as they hated the People, the Maradysh are not just about to pointless throw their lives away.

But show the People ever have a moment of weakness or get distracted by another threat like Urth and his walking dead or Vervov and the Boarfolk Tribes, the Maradysh wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of the situation to break free of the People.

At least that was the worst of things at the moment. The People are thriving, the Merntir have been rebuilding and more progress on the passage through the mountains has been made and is continuing to be made.

For the Cadlon of the Arthwyd, the only question now is how she is going to deal with the Maradysh for now.

How does Gwynlyn deal with the Maradysh?
[] Attempt to convert them to the ways of Arthryn and her Daughters.
[] Try to engage them in trade to offer them aid in a manner which won't offend them.
[] Try to get their secrets of wolf-taming and giant boar-riding from them.
[] Leave them be.

Priests (4) = Mood: Content, Ability: Add faction power to Stability or Legitimacy Rolls, Objective: Start the Sacred Forest Megaproject, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Elders (3) = Mood: Joyous, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Finish the Sunrise Mountain Passage, Success/Failure: +1 Prestige/-
Warriors (5 (6)) = Mood: Righteous, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Explore the Lowlands, Success/Failure: ???/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Build Palisade in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Study Metal in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Culture/-


Things are going well enough right now. Nothing is on fire and Merntir are rebuilding while progress continues to be made on the passage.

That said, you rolled positively awful with the rolls in regards to supporting the Maradysh. Combined with one of their values and the recent slaughter of 5% of their population, it has backfired on you as not only did the Maradysh no increase their opinion of you, but one of their values has caused a reduction in how loyal they are to you. To make things worse for you, you got a really good roll on how much you helped build up the Maradysh.

In the end, you managed to get them to hate you more whilst helping build them up and make them more self-sufficient.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (3)
Econ: 10 (5)
Martial: 6 (4)
Mystic: 1 (1)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 4/3
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 4
Prestige: 20

King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,

Diplomatic Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Walking Dead = Ultimate Evil/Unknown/None
Boarfolk Nomads = Disliked/Unknown/Minimal

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Medium
Maradysh = Vassal/None/Very Low

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Sacred Defence
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil


Fired Bricks
Native Copper
Native Gold


Lead Smelting
Silver Smelting
Tin Smelting
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors

Ambush Tactics

Bows & Arrows
Lead Balls
Divine Magic
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Limited Stone Manipulation
Limited Trait Self-Boosting

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Limited Increased Weapon Skill
Basic Wound Healing