Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 30.0%

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Neolithic Epic Age IV
[X][Evalyn] Yes. She shall lead the People to victory and reclaim the lost Merntir lands. (Change Government Type to Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy, +1 Legitimacy, +2 Stability, +1 Hierarchy)
[X][Bonus] Gain two new war-related innovations.

It was a peaceful exchange of power in the end. Nobody was happy with the old council of priests after the Merntir were conquered by the Boarfolk. The death of Vervov and the promises to liberate the Merntir had kept the majority of the People satisfied for now.

But when it came to those that had waged war for the People and those that were to lead the People, things were a very different matter. The People had trusted the priests of Greenbay to lead the People and yet they had let the Merntir get conquered by the Boarfolk.

The priests still served the goddesses even if they did so poorly so the People still followed them. Yet it was enough that when Evalyn Boarslayer arrived in Greenbay, many were willingly to listen to what she had to say.

Evalyn explained how she had been personally blessed by Arthryn, how she had fought the Boarfolk in defence of the Merntir for almost as long she had been an adult, how she had been the one who slew Vervov and how she would be a far better leader than those who had let the Merntir get conquered.

Cadyn and the warriors threw their lot in with their leader while the elders, unhappy with the head priests let the Merntir fall, had decided that Evalyn had a lot of good points and she certainly couldn't be worse than the current leadership.

Ultimately, the priests came to the conclusion that the Boarslayer spoke the truth and a leader like her was something that the People need in dire times like this. Showing some of the wisdom that they were suppose to have, they chose to step down and let Evalyn become the official leader of the People.

Government Type changed!
Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.


Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer of the People is what they called her. Champion of Arthryn, Slayer of Boars, Killer of Vervov, Defender of the Merntir, Protector of the Arthwyd and Greatest of the People. Those are all titles that she is called by and ones that Evalyn wields proudly.

She quickly takes to her new position, applying her experience from running the defence of the Merntir to running the Arthwyd and planning the efforts to take the Merntir lands back from the Boarfolk.

While she is eager to return to the northern coast as soon as possible, Evalyn knows that she needs time to plan an expedition and get ready for all of the fighting. With the Merntir fallen to the Boarfolk, the People don't currently have friendly territory on the north coast to operate out of, meaning that the liberation effort needs to be carefully planned so it doesn't die in the first stages.

Evalyn makes good sure of the time, managing the affairs of the People, organising the fighters of the People into Cateyes and Catclaws and even taking the opportunity to have a daughter with Cadyn. She is grateful for the chance for it is the last she will get her age.

Unfortunately for Evalyn, fate has other plans for her for as she gets ready to return to Merntir lands with Cadyn, the Cateyes and the Catclaws at her back, a new threat reveals itself.

Evalyn did not think it possible, but there was an even greater evil than the Boarfolk threatening the People as for all of the vile deeds that Vervov did, he never reached the depths of evil that the most ancient and terrible Urth did.

Both the worst and greatest of the Caradysh, Urth is someone that every member of the People know about, the greatest of the evils that the Tainted Forest has to offer, an evil that has plagued the lowlands since before Ymarn walked amongst mortals.

An unnatural abomination, Urth should have died countless generations ago and yet he still walks amongst mortals even if he does not live. And to the misfortunate of the People, the disasters in the lowlands seem to have only strengthen Urth for he is more terrible than any of the legends mentioned.

The hunters encountered his minions first, walking corpses with dried up, shrivelled skin and taut, tense muscles while their eyes are dead and glassy in their sockets. As anyone would in their position would rightfully do, the hunters returned to Rockbay to warn the rest of the People what they discovered.

Evalyn sent Cadyn and some of the warriors to deal with the matter. As she expected of him, Cadyn took care of the walking dead admirably. While arrows and poison proved ineffective, spears could be used to temporarily pin one of the creatures while a well-placed fist or club destroy one of the creature's limbs and enough damage to the moving corpse would end whatever unnatural magics that allowed it to move and fight for these things for back.

They didn't fight back well, not compared to Cadyn and the Catclaws, but it was troubling that these things could wield spears and use bows and arrows like a proper person. At least they didn't talk or otherwise show any signs of having the mind of a person.

Unfortunately that wasn't all of the People's problems. Even through they still needed to free the Merntir from the Boarfolk and the Caradysh were invading, more of the lowlanders decided to cause trouble for the People.

Making their way up Green River, bands of lowlander warriors moved to attack the frontier settlements of the Greenbay area. While some were the humans that the People expected from the lowlanders, others were Boarfolk and even more were a new type of people, Birdfolk with feathered wings, beaks that replaced their mouths and noses and talons on their feet. Most annoyingly, they could use their wings to fly, but usage of arrows, slings and throwing spears could take care of that advantage.

Despite the fact that Merntir still require liberation, Evalyn heads south as she cannot lead an expedition to free the Merntir if the Arthwyd are being attacked in the south. With Cadyn still dealing with the walking dead, Evalyn is left to take care of this new matter personally.

Leading a collection of Cateyes and Catclaws to the southern frontier of the People's lands, Evalyn systemically smashes the bands of lowlander warriors as they come north with the experience she has gained fighting against the Boarfolk for close to forty winters.

Some of the lowlanders are like Vervov's nomads, Boarfolk riding giant boars. Evalyn and the People know all too well how to deal with that foe and they are the most fearsome thing that the lowlanders have to offer.

Humans with their dogs are slaughtered under Evalyn's direction while the Birdfolk are shot out of the sky regardless of whether they are trying to attack or flee. It doesn't matter what they are, what they wield or what they try to do, Evalyn kills every last one of them once she has made her way south.

Unlike when she was fighting Vervov, the Boarslayer doesn't need to constantly pull back as the enemy conquers more of their lands. Instead, she is the one who pushes into enemy lands, killing all of the lowlander warriors making their way north until the Arthwydish Cadlon reaches the collection of villages that the lowlanders have set up halfway between the People and the lowlands themselves.

Few warriors are left to fight her and those that do are the unnatural walking dead that Cadyn is fighting near Rockbay. A few score of the mindless walking dead led by one that seems to have retained its intelligence from when it was still alive.

They all die to Evalyn Boarslayer and her Catclaws.

It is then that Evalyn learns just what southern threats the People are facing. These lowlanders, these midlanders are what is left of those that fled the lowlands, trying to escape the death, the fighting, the poor harvests and the Nightmare's Gift.

A collection of Zaradysh and Free Folk with some nomad tribes mixed in, they number only a few thousand and sought to start a new life way from the lowlands. That was not to be as Urth showed up a generation ago and conquered them, installing a 'revenant' as a subordinate rule of the midlanders demanding regular tribute of the living to join his army of the walking dead.

It isn't just Urth and the midlanders that Evalyn needs to worry about as whilst she massacring the midlanders, the situation with the Merntir changed. While Vasov, grandson of Vervov, has been consolidating his grandfather's conquests, a new Catclaw has arisen amongst the conquered Merntirish populace and has led some of the Merntir in an uprising.

As someone who was training to be a Catclaw before Seer's Village fell, Cerwyn has proven herself both an excellent warrior and a warleader that is peer to the likes of Evalyn and Cadyn. As Vasov has been consolidating his hold over the eastern half of the Merntir and the Boarfolk tribes ruling it, Cerwyn has successfully taken back the oldest three cities of the Merntir and its pushing outwards to the north and east.

After deciding what she will do with the midlanders, Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer needs to decide on how the People shall deal with the threats that are menancing the People with the Vasov and the Boarfolk to the north and Urth and his armies of the walking dead in the south.

What shall Evalyn do with the Midlanders?
[] [Midland] Leave the midlanders be, free of Urth's rule. (Leave the Midlanders alone.)
[] [Midland] Claim the midlanders as a conquest of the People. (Midlanders become a Vassal of the Arthwyd.)

How shall the Arthwyd support the Merntir?
[] [Merntir] Warriors. Cerwyn will require more fighters to defeat the Boarfolk. (-1 Temp Martial)
[] [Merntir] Food. The freed Merntir settlements will require more food so that they don't starve. (-1 Temp Econ)
[] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)

What shall happen with the Merntir refugees?
[] [Refugee] They can settle down amongst the Arthwyd. (Refugees settle in Arthwyd lands, gain +3 Settle Land progress, lose status Merntir Refugees.)
[] [Refugee] They can return to the Merntir (Refugees go back to the Merntir, lose status Merntir Refugees.)

Where shall Evalyn go?
[] [Evalyn] North. Aid Cerwyn in defeating the Boarfolk and freeing the Merntir.
[] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.


While the fighting was ongoing, the rest of the People have not lain idle. They go about their lives and in the case of the pot-makers, they discover new ways of doing things. Pit firing as been used by the People for as long as anyone can remember to make pottery, but a new improvement has recently been discovered.

By building a structure around the fire pit, the pot-makers can reach higher temperatures. Alongside these new kilns another new discovery has been made. If exposed to a certain amount of heat, some of the shiny rocks will melt to reveal something inside as the rock parts melted down.

Eager to investigate whatever this is, the pot-makers sought permission to experiment further through many of the People were wary of devoting resources to a project like this when the People are at war on two fronts.

Shall the People devote efforts to unlocking the secrets of the shiny rocks?
[] [Rock] No. They need to focus on defeating
[] [Rock] Yes. Experiment with what has already been discovered. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
[] [Rock] Yes. See if other rocks can produce similar secrets. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)

Priests (4) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add faction power to Stability or Legitimacy Rolls, Objective: Defeat Urth, Success/Failure: +1 Legitimacy/-1 Stability
Elders (3) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Stop Urth or free the Merntir, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Warriors (5 (6)) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Liberate the Merntir, Success/Failure: Martial Innovation/-1 Legitimacy
Farmers (1) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Protect the People, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Study the secrets of the shiny rocks, Success/Failure: ??? Innovation/-


And so the defeatism by the thread proven to be unneeded. Evalyn utterly crushed the midlanders while Cerwyn has seen success against Vasov. Cadyn hasn't been doing too well against Urth, but has been holding the line.

Beyond that, you have touched upon smelting from the bonus innovations while regular innovation has gotten you kilns. While smelting is precisely war-related, I don't think anyone will be complaining.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Theocratic Monarchy
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (1)
Econ: 12 (6)
Martial: 7 (5)
Mystic: 1 (1)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 2/3
Stability: 2/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 3
Prestige: 12

Merntir Refugees: 1 Martial, 2 Econ

Diplomatic Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Walking Dead = Ultimate Evil/War/Invaded
Midlanders = Uncertain/Uncertain/Conquered
Boarfolk Nomads = Save the Merntir/War/Invaded

Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Critical

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,

Communal Mandate
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Born Equal
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Loyal Neighbours
The People do not abandon their own. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger,

Sacred War
The People fight in the name of the goddesses and being a warrior is a sacred duty. Your warriors are greater than the norm and will punish those that defy the will of the goddesses.
Pros: Sacred Warriors,
Cons: Penalty to interacting with those that conflicting beliefs,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil


Native Copper
Native Gold
Native Silver


Tin Smelting
Lead Smelting
Early Cuneiform
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors

Ambush Tactics

Bows & Arrows
Divine Magic
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Limited Stone Manipulation
Limited Trait Self-Boosting

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Limited Increased Weapon Skill
Basic Wound Healing
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Hoooo boy. A two front war. One with the dead and the other with Boar!Mongols.

It's a hell of a mess, but Evelyn seems to be managing so far. Probably best to leave the reconquista to this Cerwyn though because Urth and the undeads are a much more dangerous threat than Boarfolk.

We really, really, really don't want to lose the main village of Arthwyd.

[X] [Midland] Claim the midlanders as a conquest of the People. (Midlanders become a Vassal of the Arthwyd.)
[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)
[X] [Refugee] They can settle down amongst the Arthwyd. (Refugees settle in Arthwyd lands, gain +3 Settle Land progress, lose status Merntir Refugees.)
[X] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.

Not sure what to do with the rocks, honestly. Obviously needs investing, but which one? Any geologist around to explain this shit?

Edit: Fine. Let's just focus on what we already have. Might be bronze weapons in the making.
Edit: Edit: Look @UlseDovThur, maybe you got a point. But ugh, that mass tagging though.

[X] [Rock] Yes. See if other rocks can produce similar secrets. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
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[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)

[X] [Refugee] They can return to the Merntir (Refugees go back to the Merntir, lose status Merntir Refugees.)

[X] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.

[X] [Rock] Yes. Experiment with what has already been discovered. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
I'm really not sure about taking them as vassals. Do we want them to be members of the people? Because if we take them as Vassels, we'll have to deal with their gods, as well as the fact that some of our people will join them, and then we have to defend them to the same degree as the rest of the People. If we just free them, they can handle themselves, and we get a border state.
What shall Evalyn do with the Midlanders?
[X] [Midland] Leave the midlanders be, free of Urth's rule. (Leave the Midlanders alone.)

How shall the Arthwyd support the Merntir?
[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)

What shall happen with the Merntir refugees?
[X] [Refugee] They can return to the Merntir (Refugees go back to the Merntir, lose status Merntir Refugees.)

Where shall Evalyn go?
[X] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.

[X] [Rock] Yes. See if other rocks can produce similar secrets. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
[X] [Midland] Claim the midlanders as a conquest of the People. (Midlanders become a Vassal of the Arthwyd.)

[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)

[X] [Refugee] They can settle down amongst the Arthwyd. (Refugees settle in Arthwyd lands, gain +3 Settle Land progress, lose status Merntir Refugees.)

[X] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.

[X] [Rock] Yes. See if other rocks can produce similar secrets. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
[X] [Midland] Leave the midlanders be, free of Urth's rule. (Leave the Midlanders alone.)
[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)
[X] [Refugee] They can settle down amongst the Arthwyd. (Refugees settle in Arthwyd lands, gain +3 Settle Land progress, lose status Merntir Refugees.)
[X] [Evalyn] North. Aid Cerwyn in defeating the Boarfolk and freeing the Merntir.
[X] [Rock] Yes. Experiment with what has already been discovered. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
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We might want to just stick with what we have experiment wise. They might actually get us metal weapons. Which, would be super nice to have as soon as we can. That's just a massive boost to how deadly our troops are, especially so since we have elite troops. Going for the other rocks would be nice, for variety, but seems less likely to give us weapons faster.
I'm really not sure about taking them as vassals. Do we want them to be members of the people? Because if we take them as Vassels, we'll have to deal with their gods, as well as the fact that some of our people will join them, and then we have to defend them to the same degree as the rest of the People. If we just free them, they can handle themselves, and we get a border state.
You're right. I'm mostly looking at this in short term. Midland vassalage means more possible resources to throw at the many enemies of Arthwyds.

Although yes, assimilation is going to be an issue.
[] [Midland] Leave the midlanders be, free of Urth's rule. (Leave the Midlanders alone.)
[] [Midland] Claim the midlanders as a conquest of the People. (Midlanders become a Vassal of the Arthwyd.)
I have no strong feelings on this right now. There are reasons to not try and absorb them right now.

[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)
This is cheap for supplying the fight against the swine.

[X] [Refugee] They can settle down amongst the Arthwyd. (Refugees settle in Arthwyd lands, gain +3 Settle Land progress, lose status Merntir Refugees.)
This is 3 free settlements of people that are just like us. No freaking contest.

[X] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.
The pigs can wait, the Corpse King must be PURIFIED

[X] [Rock] Yes. See if other rocks can produce similar secrets. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
We have copper but not copper smelting +tin.
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[X] [Midland] Leave the midlanders be, free of Urth's rule. (Leave the Midlanders alone.)
[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)
[X] [Refugee] They can return to the Merntir (Refugees go back to the Merntir, lose status
Merntir Refugees
[X] [Evalyn] North. Aid Cerwyn in defeating the Boarfolk and freeing the Merntir.
[X] [Rock] Yes. Experiment with what has already been discovered. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
"Arthwydish Cadlon reaches the collection of villages that the lowlanders have set up halfway between the People and the lowlands themselves."
Upriver Plains? We will eventually take that.

[X] [Midland] Claim the midlanders as a conquest of the People. (Midlanders become a Vassal of the Arthwyd.)

[X] [Rock] Yes. See if other rocks can produce similar secrets. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)
[X] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.
[X] [Refugee] They can return to the Merntir (Refugees go back to the Merntir, lose status Merntir Refugees.)
[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)

so, reasoning behind decisions.
1. Taking the midlanders will be a step in learning how to deal with the boar people in the highlands. Especially since it will mean we don't just kill all of the boar people, but will instead have some under us. This is the best way to curb down on the hate, and also get some of our own cavalry. It also means we will be able to draw anything useful out of them for the war effort. What can the bird people do? what can the lowlanders now do? what about the boars etc. magic and tech wise.

2. We need to support the rebellion with either food or warriors, maybe both, we have the econ for it and could spare and be left with 2 econ.


4.South, This is an undead hero, we kill him, and then move in to support the Merntir hero after. Once the south is secure, we move north.

5. We can't abandon refugees, if we do we are betraying loyal neighbor and community by sending them back to that highland hell.
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[X] [Midland] Leave the midlanders be, free of Urth's rule. (Leave the Midlanders alone.)
[X] [Merntir] Food & Warriors. Support the Merntir as best you can by sending both warriors and food to aid them. (-1 Temp Martial & -1 Temp Econ)
[X] [Refugee] They can settle down amongst the Arthwyd. (Refugees settle in Arthwyd lands, gain +3 Settle Land progress, lose status Merntir Refugees.)
[X] [Evalyn] South. Assist Cadyn in defeating Urth and his army of the walking dead.
[X] [Rock] Yes. See if other rocks can produce similar secrets. (-2 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation)

In order:
1. We don't need the Midlanders and they will do better as trading partners/allies than as vassals.(mostly don't want to deal with vassals that don't follow Arthrynism)
2. We really want to make sure Cerwyn succeeds but Urth is an existential threat to us thus we'll send all we can that doesn't distract us from the fight with Urth.
3. While we could send the Merntir back to their home they've been here long enough to have settled down somewhat. No need to send them back.(not to mention the Econ boost from 3 free settlement slots)
4. As said in 2 we NEED to defeat Urth before we can commit our leaders to the Merntir liberation.
5. Edit: Turns out we haven't tried smelting copper yet. We need to do that as that's the key early metal.
Adhoc vote count started by nkd1325 on Feb 14, 2019 at 7:49 PM, finished with 42 posts and 18 votes.
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