Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

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Summary: Funky, almost outright magic, was something that Admiral James Thompson was quite...


Writer with too many ideas.
United States
Summary: Funky, almost outright magic, was something that Admiral James Thompson was quite familiar with. Ship Girls operated on the stuff after all, and let's not even get into the Abyssals. But outright getting shot back to serving aboard the girl he considered his best friend? That wasn't something he could really say he expected with his life...

Not that he wasn't going to make the best out of a bad situation.

Note: As posted in the KC Idea Thread, this one came to me from playing way too much Grand Strat games. End result is, well, this. Seemed well-received enough, so here we are. Hope people enjoy it!

Side note: I am absolutely horrid at naming things. :p

EDIT: Now with a TVTropes page

"Great job everyone! That's the fifth carrier we've sunk this week, I think we're finally starting to push the Abyssal's back!"

"Their forces have been weakening Admiral. It's strange..."

"We have more and more of our own ships returning Sara, it was only a matter of time."

"Even so, the Abyssals have always outnumbered us."

"True, but I'm not about to complain either."

"I suppose you're right sir. I just have a feeling something will go wrong..."

"There's nothing to worry about Sara..."

Yawning heavily, Rear Admiral James Thompson groggily opened his eyes. Odd that he had dreamed about that day...nothing had ever come of it, despite his secretary- his friend's -worries. The war with the Abyssal's had just continued to wind down, as the girls under his, and so many other Admiral's, command grew more and more experienced. Tricks worked less and less, and for ever ship girl sent out, multiple Abyssal's fell. Even their seemingly endless numbers had begun to thin out, and really, it was only a matter of time until they finished the war off. So James hadn't been particularly worried about it for quite some time, even if his oldest girl had been.

And on that note, it was an odd day when Sara didn't wake him up. Come to think of it...something seemed off in that regard.

Blinking slowly, the Admiral noted something rather important. This wasn't his room back at Yokosuka, or even the one he had in the States. If the slight swaying and metal walls were any indication, in fact, this was aboard a warship. Last he checked, while more conventional ships were seeing a resurgence with the fall in Abyssal activity, he hadn't been aboard one. Not to mention that this wasn't any ship interior he was familiar with. His bed was hard, covered in a standard-issue cover. There was a small dresser and desk, with an ancient desk lamp on it. An equally small porthole showed a blue sky outside.

But...there were no electronics. James hadn't been aboard a warship...well, since before he ended up in command of the ship girls. And while he hadn't exactly been living in luxury back then, it was certainly better than this. A tiny room with no modern luxuries? He was an Admiral...if someone stuffed him on a ship, he should have better quarters than this!

"Actually, how the hell did I end up here anyway?" James muttered softly, adjusting for the roll of the ship as he got to his feet, "Wherever here is. Wonder if Sara's around?"

Stumbling around slightly, the Admiral pulled out one of the dressers, looking for his uniform. What he found had him raising an eyebrow instead, as he pulled the dress whites out.

"Antique dress whites?" he incredulously held up a uniform that wouldn't look out of place on one of his girls, albeit much more standard, "Did someone stuff me in a museum?"

The uniform he was holding was something that would better fit in such a place, for sure. He recognized it from documentaries and the uniforms of some of the American ship girls at any rate...a WW2 standard-issue Admiral uniform. Why in the hell he would have one instead of his more modern uniform was beyond him. Either someone was playing a joke, or he had ended up on the Hornet or something. But then, that raised the question of how he teleported across the Pacific without realizing it, and why someone would do that and then stuff him in a museum. A museum that felt like it was sailing, not just floating in harbor.

Sighing in more than a little annoyance, the man stripped out of his pajamas and pulled on the antique anyway. He wasn't going to wander around underdressed, while he figured out who stuffed him in here. Even if that meant wearing something more befitting his great-grandfather, than himself. Once he finished adjusting the uniform, James decided his first priority needed to be tracking down Sara or one of the other girls.

If anyone took me, there's no way in hell they didn't take at least one of them too. Hell, one of the DDs would probably sneak aboard if I was Admiral-napped.

Snorting at his little pun, James was going to open 'his' door, before he noted something he had missed before. Namely...

"Well, guess I don't need to leave after all," a wan smile crossed the Admiral's face, as he lowered his hand, "Hey, Sara! Mind explaining what's going on?"

Because in his confusion at his new situation, James had managed to totally overlook the fact that the familiar head of blue hair was sitting in a chair, opposite his desk and dresser. He might have been a bit red-faced at Sara being there while he changed, but for the fact she was asleep. And that, well, when one is in the military most modesty went out the window years ago. It wasn't like she would do anything about it anyway. And in any case, he was much more concerned with asking the carrier where he was, and how he ended up here, than any potential embarrassment.

But, despite shouting at her, the woman didn't wake up. James frowned slightly at that...if there were anything he could say about Saratoga, it was that the carrier wasn't a heavy sleeper.

"Hey, Sara," reaching a hand out, the Admiral shook his carrier- his friend's -shoulder.

That seemed to do the trick, as familiar brilliantly green eyes snapped open. Sara blinked in shock, before letting out a squeak entirely unlike herself, pushing away from the older-looking man. James frowned, pulling his hand back, entirely uncertain how to react to that...reaction. Sara was generally pretty unflappable, certainly not easily startled. Granted he'd woken her up, but he done that before on rare occasions. Generally, she'd just send him a flat look and reply that she would have gotten up on her own.

Squeaking and looking at him with wide eyes? Yeah, that was a new one.

"What's wrong with you?" James asked, honestly a bit worried.

"You can see me," Sara replied slowly, before her brain seemed to go through a reset, "Admiral on deck!"

Said reset had her jumping to her feet, snapping off a picture perfect salute. James returned it slowly, before frowning even deeper. Something was very wrong here.

"What do you mean I can 'see' you?" his frown refused to leave, "I've always...everyone's always been able to see you. At least since we summoned you to deal with the Abyssal's anyway."

Sara's pretty face fell slightly, a frown taking form on it, "No one should see me. I'm the spirit of this ship, not a living being. I keep my crew safe, but I can't interact with them. And, I'm sorry sir, but 'Abyssal's'?"

James felt his jaw drop, before he fell heavily into the seat behind him. He hadn't heard what he thought he just heard, right? He hadn't heard Sara just say that she didn't know what Abyssal's were. He hadn't heard her say that no one could see her. That she was the spirit of...this...

"Sara?" the Admiral warily began, "What ship am I on?"

"Me, sir," the carrier replied softly, hesitantly, "USS Saratoga, CV-3."

Hearing those words...the Admiral didn't know how to react. Everything he knew said this had to be a dream, or something like that. Not only should it be impossible for a ship girl to be around at the same time as her ship-form was, Saratoga most certainly shouldn't be able to. Her hull was a rusting hulk at the bottom of Bikini Atoll, falling apart with age and the damage that had sunk her. Most certainly not sailing the waves, apparently in perfect shape. No carrier from that time was still sailing, to say the least. Leave alone Saratoga.

But what did that mean for him, then?

If this isn't some elaborate prank, and I hope to God it is, that must mean I...went back in time? Sometime before 1946...but...that shouldn't be possible. Right?

It seemed impossible on the face of it. Sure, ship girls themselves were basically magic, but the idea of time travel? James could hardly wrap his head around all the reasons this should be impossible. Only one way to know for sure though.

"Ok...ok," rubbing his face, James turned back to Sara, "What day is it, Sara?"

The carrier blinked, "June 21st, 1940...sir."

James couldn't help the relieved sigh, despite everything else. Was he inwardly freaking the hell out at the idea he'd just gone back ridiculously far in time? Of course. But if he had to go back, at least it There was still...

"There's still time then."

"Time?" Sara still seemed somewhat awed that she was able to talk with the Admiral, but there was more than a little confusion in her voice as well.

There wasn't an answer for that question forthcoming, as James started rooting around in his tiny desk. The man muttered under his breath, as he looked for a journal. He didn't know if he'd replaced someone or if he was still dreaming or if this had always been his life. But right now, all he was concerned with was if this cabin- whomever it had originally belonged to -had a journal. If he had really gone back, he desperately needed something to write things down on. Before he started to forget very important things without access to his personal library or computer.

Log, that won't do. I don't want anyone to see this. I need...aha!

With a small smile of triumph, James fished a large journal out of his desk. The pages inside were blank as of yet, but he didn't intend for it to stay that way for long, to say the least. If he wasn't dreaming or being pranked, well, this little journal would become the most important thing in the world.

"Right," muttering to himself, the man found a pencil- damn, I don't even remember the last time I used an old wooden pencil... -and started writing things down. Sara, still very hesitant, had moved to look over his shoulder as he worked. Her wide green eyes grew wider, as she watched.

"Pearl..." she breathed, a hint of worry in her tone now.

James looked over his shoulder, "Yeah...if I'm not dreaming right now, then you're not going to like what I'm writing here Sara."

"Admiral, you...this..." it seemed that the carrier was unused to having to enunciate herself. If her claim of no one being able to see her was true, that made some sense. She might never have talked before.

"Look," James sighed softly, setting his pencil down so he could fully face Sara, blue eyes on green, "What I'm about to tell you, assuming this isn't some prank York is playing or something, is not fun. You aren't going to like hearing it. But I can change things."

"Change what Admiral?"

"Well, for starters, if this is really 1940, I know that the War in Europe's been going on for some time now. June...June...France should be on the verge of falling, though I don't think Vichy's around yet. Battle of Britain isn't in full-swing yet either. And...huh, I don't actually remember if any American ships have been sunk yet. I know the Nazi's got one of our DDs but for the life of me I can't remember which one or when that happened."

Sara just stared at James, as the Admiral slowly trailed off. He chuckled weakly, running a hand through his dark hair. He had a tendency to ramble when he really got going on something, especially if it was important. Granted, she could just as easily be staring at him because he probably sounded crazier than some of the Japanese ship girls. Not that he could really blame her for that. The situation had him wondering if he was going crazy.

So he just coughed softly, before continuing at a slower pace, "Right, I was rambling there. Anyway, as hard as it is to believe, I'm not...well, supposed to be here. Last thing I remember if going to sleep at Yokosuka, decades from now. You and the other ships were long since gone, but came back as...spirits? Something like that, I never tried thinking too hard about it. All I know is that you came back, looking like that, and everyone could see you. We needed you to deal with the Abyssals. Not that I'm going to talk about them, because they shouldn't be a problem, and I don't like thinking about them."

The Admiral's face darkened slightly at that. The Abyssals...if there was any positive to be found in his situation, at least he would hopefully never have to deal with those monsters again.

"I..." Sara frowned again, "I don't know what to think...? This is..."

"A lot, yeah," James sighed again, "That's why I'm focusing on writing things down. Now, as I was saying, if I'm really in the past there are some things I can hopefully change for the better. You noticed Pearl?"

The carrier nodded, "Yes. My crew has staged mock attacks before, but I don't think that's what you were talking about Admiral. Is it?"

"Well, it's part of the problem. Despite all those practice battles, Pearl isn't ready for a real attack. And that is coming, in a little over a year. December 7th, 1941...a day that will live in infamy, to borrow Roosevelt's words."

James took a piece of the journal's paper out, and set it on the desk. His practiced hand moved the pencil along the paper, writing down names. Names of ships that wouldn't see the end of that fateful day. Ships that were killed or nearly so, with no warning whatsoever. Ships that never had the chance to properly fight back, because of various reasons. Reasons that in hindsight were idiotic, but at the time at least made some sense. Hopefully...well, that would come after he convinced Sara to help him. And that required the list.

USS Arizona*

USS Oklahoma*

USS West Virginia

USS Tennessee

USS Nevada

USS California

USS Maryland

USS Cassin*

USS Downes*

The list continued, and Sara grew progressively paler. Especially when James explained the losses. The Sara he knew would have probably set her jaw and marched out to do something about the situation. But this Sara...she just paled, and sat down again. She shook slightly, holding a hand to her mouth, clearly in shock. James felt horrible about doing that to her...doing that to the woman who in the future had been his closest friend, bar none.

But she had to know this.

"All those ships," Sara finally got out weakly, "No one warned their crews?"

"There were signs," James shrugged wearily, "And radar picked up the Japanese, but it wasn't believed to be an attack. They were all hit off-guard, and it's only luck that Enterprise wasn't there too."

"And you want to change that?"

The Admiral nodded, a determined expression crossing his face, "Among other things, yeah. We're in Pearl now right?"

"We are heading there," the carrier replied, "But the other Admirals..."

"They'd call me crazy and relieve me of duty, yes. That's where I'm hoping you, and whatever let's me see you, come in handy. If nothing else, I can warn the ships themselves."

James had no idea how much good that would do. If Sara were to be believed, there probably wasn't a lot the ship girls could do in their current states, without input from the crews. But if he didn't do something to help Arizona and the others, what good did he do? Giving Sara someone to talk to was nice and all, but this was a chance to really change things. He had to take that by the horns, and do the best he could. Even if the Admiral was somewhat lost on where to begin...

And felt more than a little trepidation. Helping Ari and the others was great, but on the other hand...

I hope Kongo and the others can forgive me for this. I never thought I would be on the opposite side of the Japanese girls...

Helping his girls meant hurting the Japanese. It was only the sound of Sara moving that got James away from that depressing line of thought. Though he knew it would come back to haunt him later.

"Is there anything else Admiral?" the carrier asked weakly.

The unasked question there was clear. Is there anything about me?

"You should survive the war, if me being here doesn't change everything," James answered that unasked question, "Unfortunately...the same isn't true for Lex. I'm hoping if I can remember- and write down -when you were damaged and prevented from being at Coral Sea...hopefully we can save her."

If Sara had been pale before, it was nothing on her expression now. James felt like someone had stabbed his heart on seeing that. If there was any one thing he knew about the Lexington sisters, is that they were close as any other ship girls. Somewhat closer even, considering the pair were the only ships of their class, and had almost always operated together, before the Yorktowns came around. And understandably, hearing that Lex would be fated to sink if something wasn't done about it, probably wasn't doing Sara any favors.

James hated that he had to tell her that. He really, really did. But she had asked...and she needed to know. It was her sister. It wouldn't be right if she didn't know. Even so, the shaking shoulders had him getting to his feet and walking over to her. He may have done this to her, but that didn't stop the Admiral from placing a hand on Sara's shoulder.

Studiously ignoring her slight flinch, James softly spoke, "Look, Sara, we'll do everything we can to save her, yeah? I don't know if I'm dreaming or not, leave alone how I ended up here and now if I'm not. But I swear, I'm going to do everything I can to make things better. Somehow."

"I..." Sara blinked, before she forced herself to stop shaking, "I'll do anything I can to help you Admiral!"

Now there's the Sara I remember. I just hope we aren't in over our heads here...
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Summary: Funky, almost outright magic, was something that Admiral James Thompson was quite familiar with. Ship Girls operated on the stuff after all, and let's not even get into the Abyssals. But outright getting shot back to serving aboard the girl he considered his best friend? That wasn't something he could really say he expected with his life...

Not that he wasn't going to make the best out of a bad situation.

Note: As posted in the KC Idea Thread, this one came to me from playing way too much Grand Strat games. End result is, well, this. Seemed well-received enough, so here we are. Hope people enjoy it!

Side note: I am absolutely horrid at naming things. :p

Nice to see this come out in full. Though I know that feeling of playing a lot of grand strat games, I've been playing Victoria and HoI 2 pretty frequently recently.

Plus this also just plain reminds me of an idea I had, doesn't really have much to do with kancolle if I don't feel like it though.
Oh... Oh man.

Getting them to survive the war is one thing, and probably impossible, but-ships?

They don't have an infinite lifespan, to say the least.
Yup. Just as an example, Saratoga was pretty clapped out by the end of the war. And of the Royal Navy's prewar battleships, only Nelson and Renown were still operational; the rest were either decorating the sea floor or completely worn out.


Nice to see this come out in full. Though I know that feeling of playing a lot of grand strat games, I've been playing Victoria and HoI 2 pretty frequently recently.

Plus this also just plain reminds me of an idea I had, doesn't really have much to do with kancolle if I don't feel like it though.

I really need to get back to Vicky one of these days...though yeah, with my computer they're about the best I can play regularly, so I play them a lot.

Well hopefully I can keep things interesting.

Oh... Oh man.

Getting them to survive the war is one thing, and probably impossible, but-ships?

They don't have an infinite lifespan, to say the least.

Yup. Just as an example, Saratoga was pretty clapped out by the end of the war. And of the Royal Navy's prewar battleships, only Nelson and Renown were still operational; the rest were either decorating the sea floor or completely worn out.

Ayup. Saving the ships in the war is one thing. Moving forward...

Glad to see interest in this though!
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I'm definately seeing promise in this 'fic. I can say that much.
Chapter 1
Chapter One:
Walking through the streets of Honolulu, James felt a certain sense of nostalgia. Not from being in the city itself, as he had only been there once before, on his way to transfer to Yokosuka. And at that point, Honolulu had been in ruins from Abyssal raids, and he hadn't ventured far from his landing anyway. Just far enough to see the broken hulk of Missouri, looking far too much like her much older counterpart, Arizona. No, the nostalgia he felt was from the very 1940s vibe of the life in the town. People wandering around in clothing more befitting an old movie than day-to-day life. Advertisements for coke or pepsi, that wouldn't have looked out of place in a museum. And of course, the young men wandering around in off-duty uniforms.

Frankly, if he didn't trust Sara implicitly, James would be worried he was in some crazy reproduction. Well, that and the sight he could see in the distance.

Man, there really is something about seeing these ships in their prime...

Because seeing Battleship Row in the flesh, was as impressive a sight as he might have expected. It wasn't the full December 7th fleet, but he could recognize Arizona and Nevada at the least. Which was good...if there were any here he wanted to talk to, Ari was one of them. He still doubted much could be done, but he wasn't going to just lay down and let events take their course either. If he could save Ari from the Japanese attack, at least something had improved. Even if it wasn't much in the long run.

But that would have to wait, as it wasn't technically the reason he was on land, instead of aboard Sara- an odd thought in itself.

"Right this way sir."

"Lead the way."

Because as he walked into the center of operations at Pearl, James was on his way to meet the one man who might actually make a difference. The only problem was...what kind of difference. Looking around at the men- and forcing himself to remember there would be no women or African-Americans -wandering around, reminded him of a passage he had read on the Pearl attack. It was a mercy that the attack had happened the way it had. If the fleet had advanced warning and tried to intercept the Japanese, all the recovered ships would have sank in deep water.

It was...a difficult situation. James still wanted to warn his higher-ups, but he didn't want to do it in a way that doomed more men and ships than already had been doomed.

I know I can't save all of them, and that if I do it probably means more Japanese losses. But I want to at least make an effort. I just don't know how...

James sighed softly, though his escort didn't seem to notice. It really was a difficult situation he had found himself in.

If I give too much warning, or Command believes too much of what I say, they may be more ready. But they may be too ready. At least being hit in dock means we can salvage the girls, if they aren't hit like Ari was. And the crews will have a better chance of survival. But that means I have to let the attack happen, even if I would love nothing more than to avoid it. Damn it.

"If I didn't have Sara..." the Admiral muttered softly, shaking his head as he neared the destination of his little side-trip.

Really, if he didn't have Sara at his side, he might well have gone mad from his position. Being able to help, knowing how things were going to happen...but knowing he had to let them happen. That was more than any man could handle, without someone there to talk to and help him. And even if it would get him called crazy if anyone found out, at least he had Sara.

That would have to be enough.

"We've arrived sir," his escort spoke up, as the two men stopped in front of a doorway.

"Right, we have," James nodded, "Thank you for the escort Corporal."

The other man snapped off a picture perfect salute, before taking up position by the doorway. James let out a soft, unheard sigh, before moving through the doorway himself. Sunlight streamed through the windows, illuminating a large office. Only one man was in the office though, despite the size. That man was standing next to his desk, clearly waiting for James to arrive. The man had rugged features, and was observing the displaced Admiral with intelligent eyes. This was no political Admiral...this was a man who had earned his position. And he knew it.

Saluting on instinct, James felt like he was in the presence of a man who might actually be able to help him.

"Admiral Thompson, reporting as ordered."

"At ease Admiral," the other man returned the salute, "Your report?"

James felt some of his nerves fade away, as he handed his report over. He had been lucky enough to find that report in his desk, and hadn't had to make something up. That would have just been wonderful in its own way. But on the other hand, it wasn't exactly as he had found it either...

"Hm. I see you have made annotations, Admiral."

"Yes sir. I felt that the Fleet Problem demonstrated the vulnerability of Hawaii."

A nod answered that, as the older man looked out his window, Battleship Row plainly visible, "I happen to agree with your notes Admiral. A forward deployment like this is something we are not ready for."

Turning back from the window, the Admiral tapped a map laid out on his desk. A map of Pearl, with defensive positions highlighted. Defensive positions that were all very new and very untested, outside the Fleet Problems. Which had all worked to demonstrate that Hawaii was not ready to become the new base for the Pacific Fleet, not yet. No matter how fast the work was done.

"I'm not a carrier man myself," he continued, "So I would welcome the input of a sailor as experienced as yourself."

"Yes sir," James replied, inwardly sighing in relief.

He was very lucky that Admiral James Richardson was someone who had always felt that basing in Hawaii was a bad idea.

Lucky or not though, by the time he was done talking, James felt like he had run a marathon. Richardson was a sharp cookie, and it took everything the younger man had to suggest improvements to the defenses without making it where the fleet could preemptively sortie against the Japanese. Honestly, it was a miracle he hadn't caved in at some point during that.

And now he needed something a bit more relaxing and familiar. As such, he was currently aboard a small motor launch, pulling up alongside Arizona. The imposing steel walls towering over him were such a far cry from the rusting, leaking oil, monument he was used to that the Admiral had to pinch himself. Sufficiently certain that, no, he wasn't dreaming, James felt the sharp stop of his launch bumping up on Arizona. The rating in charge of transfers had already prepared a ladder for moving aboard, and the Admiral climbed it with more than a little trepidation.

He couldn't even find it in himself to be annoyed that it was a ladder instead of something more befitting an Admiral. He had made this trip on very short notice, and he wouldn't be surprised if Admiral Kidd was a bit annoyed.

Though it's not him I'm worried about. Sara's not the same. How will Ari act? Especially since I'm not her Admiral. Some girls can be annoyingly specific about that...

"Welcome aboard," James was pulled from those thoughts, as another Admiral greeted him. An Admiral who was most certainly not Isaac Kidd.

"Thank you Admiral..."

Shit. Shit. Shit. Kidd isn't in command yet? Who was before him?

Isaac Kidd was famous, and tended to overshadow his predecessor in command of Arizona. It had totally slipped James' mind that Kidd may not have been in command of the battleship yet.

"Willson," if the other Admiral noticed the confusion, he didn't comment on it, "I understand that you are new to the Pacific, Admiral Thompson?"

"Yes, that's true," inwardly sighing in relief again, James looked around at the ship surrounding him, "Nice ship Admiral. I may be a carrier man myself, but I've always had a soft spot for the old dreadnoughts."

Willson nodded, "Arizona is a beauty, isn't she? Not the newest girl in the fleet, but she gets the job done. I am curious why you chose to visit her though."

James turned his head back to his counterpart, "It's been some time since I've been aboard a battleship. Felt like I should take advantage while I had the chance, considering I'm not going to get many."

"No, I imagine you won't," the other Admiral nodded, though his eyes never once left James' face, "I have no problem with a fellow officer looking things over. So long as this isn't a cover to investigate how I run my ship."

Now, James was normally fairly good at judging humor. But for the life of him, he couldn't tell if Willson was joking with him or not. Figuring that discretion was the better part of valor, he went with the latter option.

"It isn't Admiral."

All he got was a nod, as Willson assigned a guard and went off to run his ship. James was marginally annoyed he got stuck with an escort, considering what he needed to do, but it was a sensible precaution. No matter who was aboard your ship, if they weren't part of your crew, they would have an escort. Any captain or admiral would hold to that. It made his job significantly more difficult, but really, what was a man to do?

And at any rate, he didn't even know where exactly Ari was. He'd have to find the girl, before he could even think about talking to her. And while Arizona was small compared to Sara or the later Iowa, she wasn't exactly a small ship in general.

This...this may take a bit.


As it would turn out, not as long as he might have thought. When James was walking by the- to him -antique floatplane mounted on Arizona's stern, he saw the familiar blue overcoat, fluttering in the breeze. The coat was on a slender, petite girl, her short auburn hair brushed by the breeze under her officer's cap. She made no sign of noticing him, staring out at the harbor and California moored behind her physical body. For his part, James did his best to not make a show of noticing her either. His escort seemed rather bored out of his mind escorting the 'curious officer' around, but that didn't mean he wouldn't notice if James started talking to thin air either.

Bored out his mind or not, the man was a Marine. They didn't let things slip under the radar- well, that term was going to be awkward now... -even before the war started.

"I'm going to take a break here," instead, James turned his head slightly, nodding at the other man, "Is that alright?"

"You're the officer, Admiral," the Marine replied, shifting slightly to get more comfortable.

"Right. As you were then."

The Marine nodded, moving to stand by the floatplane, as James moved to stand next to Ari. For all intents and purposes, it would look like he was just looking out at the harbor himself. His escort was far enough removed that whispering wouldn't carry over the sounds of nature and man mingling in the harbor breeze now, so he could talk if he was careful. As such, the Admiral 'casually' leaned over, brushing Ari's side with his own.

Just like with Sara, the powerful battleship flinched and moved away like she'd been burned, before turning wide brown eyes on him. James merely raised an eyebrow, whistling tunelessly as he nodded at the Marine still somewhat nearby. Said Marine hadn't noticed anything off, but Ari seemed to get what the Admiral was pointing out. She nodded slowly, turning her head back towards the harbor.

"You can see me?" her soft voice carried over the sound of the harbor.

"Yup," James whispered back, "I can see all of you girls."

"That's new," Ari laughed lightly, brown eyes glancing at the Admiral sidelong, "I've never met anyone who can see us before. It's a bit exciting!"

For his part, James blinked slowly at the cheerful tone. Ari always had a bit of cheerfulness, despite what happened to her. But right now, there wasn't a hint of melancholy in her voice. Just happiness that someone could talk to her.

...well, I suppose she hasn't been sunk yet...?

Regardless of the reason, it was somewhat nice to see.

"It's exciting for me too," the Admiral smiled slightly, "Though I could do without being sent back in time."

Ari turned back to him again, eyes wide and a question on her lips.

"No, I don't know how it happened. All I know is it did happen."

The battleship deflated, though there was still a light of curiosity in her eyes, "If you're from the future, what happened to me? I assume I served until a new battleship replaced me and I was put in reserve right?"

James sighed softly, turning his eyes out at the harbor. At a ship that actually had survived the war, in the form of California. It was easier than looking at the cheerful girl next to him. Though that couldn't- wouldn't -last, as Arizona began to realize something was wrong. Her eyes narrowed, as she worriedly bit her lip. James could recognize the habit. She was nervous and worried now. Not that he could really blame the girl for that...

"Right? That is what happened?" she asked again, worry overtaking the curiosity in her tone.

"I wish I could tell you that, I really do," the Admiral patted Ari on the shoulder, making it look like he was waving some bugs away for the benefit of his escort, ""

Arizona frowned slightly, even if she seemed to enjoy the feeling of being touched by someone, "Then...what did happen, Admiral?"

"Japan attacks Pearl in a little over a year and a half from now. December 7th of '41, to be more specific. get hit in the magazine," James winced as Ari started shaking much as Sara had when told about Lex, "You're too badly damaged to salvage, even if it weren't for losing so much of your crew in an instant. Instead, we built a memorial above your became a symbol. Though the Ari I know was never very fond of that."

"I wouldn't be!" the petite girl replied, shaking her head, sending her auburn hair flying, "I don't want to be a symbol like that. I want to serve my nation...keep my crew safe..."

Nodding slightly, James couldn't deny that statement, "I know. That's why I'm here talking to you...I know you probably can't do a lot like this, but I wanted to warn you. If you can do anything, at least I helped that much."

A bright, if somewhat weak, grin was directed his way after that statement. Ari seemed to appreciate what he was doing at least.

"Thank you Admiral," the battleship turned her view back out to the harbor, "Thank you. At least I know what to expect now."

"I'm doing everything I can to make things better," James looked at the harbor himself, "I know it's not much...but I'm doing what I can."

"It's something at least. That's all I can ask sir."

James sighed softly, "I just hope it's enough. Sara will radio you later, so we can talk about this in a bit more detail. I think my escort wants to move."

Ari turned her head, a small giggle escaping her at the Marine, who was doing everything he could to look like he wasn't getting impatient, "You might be right Admiral. And you're Saratoga's Admiral?"

"Yup. Some things don't change no matter the time," James shrugged, before patting her shoulder again, "We'll talk later Ari."

The battleship smiled at him, before continuing her silent vigil. The Admiral sighed softly at that, but knew his time was limited. Best to not push his luck with his fellow Admiral, who was being remarkably understanding in allowing his 'tour' in the first place. At any rate, he needed to get back to Sara anyway. If all went well, she would be able to contact the other girls by radio, and he could use that to talk with them. If all went well.

James could only hope that was the case.

AN: This one was a bit difficult. It' balance the fact that we need interactions with historical figures- James is an Admiral, with all that entails -with the fact that this is, at it's heart, still a Kancolle fic. Which is part of the reason I skipped past the discussion with Richardson. That, and I have never and will never, barring WWIII, serve in the military so my knowledge of proper things there is somewhat...lacking.

Either way, while there will by default have to be bits with no ship girls and with historical figures, I'm aiming for the ship girls to be the bigger focus. Considering, y'know...Kancolle fic.
Just something to note, not sure if you already know this or not, but Yorktown and the New Mexico class battleships would still be part of the Pacific Fleet right now.
I wonder if Sara and Ari could let James speak to all the girls at Pearl on some sort of spiritual radio frequency.
Just something to note, not sure if you already know this or not, but Yorktown and the New Mexico class battleships would still be part of the Pacific Fleet right now.


Even then, the way thing's are going, we might just get conscripted to build/design more drones.

Most likely, all things being equal.

I wonder if Sara and Ari could let James speak to all the girls at Pearl on some sort of spiritual radio frequency.

Well, they can talk to each other via-radio.

They might, but he's got access to something far better: the ship-spirit gossip-vine.

This too.

You've done a credible job in making it seem like you have some exposure to the military. Military parents? Or are you just doing a lot of careful thinking / research?

The latter, with a healthy dose of 'making it up as I go along' :p

In all seriousness though, the last member of my family I knew personally who was in the military was my great-grandfather, who served in WWII and Korea. But he died when I was really young, so I don't remember much about him.
Okay quick note from the Navy side. In the Naval Service, salutes are only rendered if you are covered(wearing a hat), which means that salutes are never given while indoors, because the first thing you do when stepping inside, is to remove your cover.

Well, learn something new every day.

I'll keep that in mind for the future.
Chapter 2
Took a bit longer than expected here...but here we are. This one was fun...though I'll note I wasn't able to find a ship listing of what ships were in harbor in June 1940. And I fudged it slightly, and intentionally, with Utah who technically shouldn't be there until August. Consider it a very slight AU.​

Chapter Two:

I will never get used to this...

Being back aboard the familiar form of USS Saratoga, James sighed softly. Even moreso than Arizona, seeing the imposing form of the aircraft carrier- still armed with her eight-inch guns even -was something he would never, and could never, get used to. Especially considering it was the closest thing he had to a home now. To think he would be living aboard was like he was one of her fairies now. The thought made him shudder slightly, as he neared his cabin. At least he knew he wasn't a fairy, or everything he had done on land wouldn't have happened. Even so, it felt exceedingly odd to think about the fact he was living inside a manner of speaking.

At least he had Sara herself to talk to, that made it a bit easier to deal with. In fact, the moment he opened his door, she was already rushing to his side. The uncharacteristically worried look on the carrier's face was another thing he would never really get used to either. Sara was normally the strong one, who didn't let anything get to her. Seeing her this worried...well, it wasn't something he liked, to say the least. Even so, James put on a smile for the girl, getting a weak one in return. Patting her on the shoulder as he walked past, the Admiral sat down on his cot, sighing softly.

"Well, that went well enough," James began, as Sara hesitantly sat down next to him.

"Admiral?" she asked curiously.

"I talked with Admiral Richardson," the Admiral continued, "He agrees that there needs to be more done to protect Pearl, but it was hard to make suggestions without making it where the fleet sorties when Japan attacks."

"Wouldn't it be better if we did?" Sara asked softly.

James just shook his head, "Not at all. If it goes anywhere near how I remember...none of the carriers will be here. Against six Japanese carriers, the old girls would be nothing but targets. And if they get sunk in the open ocean..."

"They'll be gone, and most of the crews will die..."

"Exactly," James sighed again.

He didn't like the sad look on Sara's face either. But he couldn't let her get the wrong ideas, even if when it came down to it, it was him in command of this ship.

"In any case, I've done what I can's out of my hands now. On the other hand, I've talked with Ari."

Sara perked up at that, "Really? What did she say?"

"Not a lot," the Admiral shrugged, "I had an escort so I couldn't risk talking to her for long. She...didn't react well."

That was an understatement. Ari had reacted in exactly the way he had expected, which was completely understandable. He remembered...he remembered the Ari from his time. A girl, who while still upbeat, was deeply scarred by what had happened to her. Physically and metaphorically for that matter. Those scars lingered, no matter how many people were supportive of her. And telling her younger self what would happen...


"I can imagine," the carrier finally replied, voice soft and pained, "Like how you told me what happ...happened to Lex."

The Admiral nodded, a sad smile on his face, "Exactly like that. But that's why I'm trying to make things better. And in the interests of that..."


"Can you contact the other girls by radio? You could in my time, but I don't know if it's different now or not," James waved a hand, shrugging as he did so, "I'm still shocked you made do with this level of technology. And that I have to live with it."

Attempt at humor aside, James was entirely serious. He wasn't sure if the girls could contact each other that easily, since the technology for a radio that small just...didn't exist. Not yet.

"I should be able to," but Sara smiled demurely at him, as she tapped her head, "I am the ship Admiral. Whatever is aboard, is something that I can use."

Which would mean she was fully capable of using the radio set installed aboard Saratoga. That was useful to know, for future reference. It also meant any upgrades made to the ship would transfer over to her, which was even better to know. James was far from an engineer, but anything he could do to improve the chance of his girls surviving...well, he would do it in a heartbeat. He'd do it over and over too, until he did the best he could. But that was in the future for now, right now, it was more important to contact as many of the girls in Pearl as possible.

If radio was an option, then between herself and Ari, Sara should be able to get in contact with all the girls. Which might be a bit overwhelming actually...but James was confident that even through their shock, the girls would act professional. They always had been able to do so when it really counted, and right now, that meant leaving the battleships to do the talking.


"Well, call Ari first then," James leaned forward, noting the way Sara tried to lean back with a flush on her face, "Let's not go too fast."


Sara tapped her head again, face scrunching up somewhat in concentration as she contacted the battleship on her radio.

"Arizona? Do you read me?"

There wasn't the slightest delay, before the familiar voice echoed through the room, just as if there were an actual radio set, "Yes, I read you Saratoga. Is this about..."

"My Admiral? Yes, he wants to speak to you."

"Oh! Is he there now?"


James couldn't help but shake his head in amusement. While there was the lingering unease from earlier still in her voice, Ari seemed to have gone back to the cheerful side of things. At least, her voice gave that impression...he could almost see the wide smile on her pretty face, red hair swaying in the breeze as she stood on the hull of her...body. Really, it was nice to hear.

"Yeah, I'm here. You okay Ari?"

That was a good question really. James had to make sure the girl was fine, before he moved forward...he didn't want to drag her into something she wasn't ready to talk about.

Luckily for him though...

"I'm fine Admiral!"

Cheerful tone or not, James still frowned slightly, "You sure?"

"Yes. I'm...worried, but it won't impact my service sir."

Well, realistically that's probably the best I can hope for right now...

"Understood," the Admiral nodded, even if only Sara could see him, "I wanted to talk more about the attack. Do you think you could help Sara patch in the other girls? At least the battleships, if nothing else."

"My sister as well..." Sara softly added.

"Right, and her."

Mentally kicking himself for forgetting the carriers- it was disturbingly easy to do so...they didn't have to worry about Pearl's impending attack -James could be forgiven for doing so. Either way, it was important to let them know...even if there was little either girl could reasonably do.

"I can do that!" for her part, Ari didn't sound worried.

"Good. Let me know when we're patched through."

Either way, James needed to let them do their what girls could be contacted.


Sometime later, the Admiral nearly flinched when he felt Sara tap his side. Not realizing he had dozed off while waiting, and in his defense it had been a rough couple days, he sent a reassuring smile at the flushed carrier. She softly smiled back, before using ship girl magic- really, what else could he call it? -to increase the volume on her radio set. James cleared his throat, and when the blue-haired woman nodded, began speaking.

"Hello, this is Admiral James Thompson. Who am I speaking to?"

Best to figure out which girls, and by extension how many girls, were involved first.

"Arizona reads you."

"California here!"

"New Mexico as well."

"Tennessee is here too!"

"...Idaho responding."

"Utah, I read you loud and clear Admiral."

And so it continued, until everyone but Lex had responded. Once James was certain he had everyone he needed listening in- and he knew that even if Lex wasn't able to listen, Sara would talk to her- he sighed softly. This...this reminded him of his time in Japan, when he would hold meetings with his girls. The fact that only a couple of these ships were his didn't matter. The fact was, it still felt the same. If asked, James would be hard pressed to say what he felt more important...preparing these girls for the Japanese, or for the Abyssals, in his time. But in the end, it didn't really matter.

Because come hell or high water, he was going to do the best he could regardless of the situation.

"Alright then," the Admiral nodded slightly, "How much have Sara and Ari told you all?"

"Not much. Just that we're gonna be attacked?" the heavy California accent identified that girl as...California. Cali, rather, as James reminded himself.

"Yes, that Japan is going to attack in a little over a year," a subdued Ari confirmed.

Sighing softly again, James looked at an equally subdued Sara as he continued, "Exactly that. To be more specific, if nothing I remember changes, it will be December 7th of next year, early in the morning. No warning, just a sudden attack out of the sun and all."

There was silence over the line, before Tennessee of all people cursed up a creative storm. Then again, with the crews these girls had, all of them could pull out that language if they particularly felt like it. That being said, James wasn't about to jump in to cut her off. He'd learned that lesson the hard way, because when a ship girl got was best to just let them vent it. Healthier that way.

"Are you finished?" the Admiral asked, once silence again ruled the airwaves.


"Right then. Like I said, there won't be any warning...or, at least, no warning that gets through. Unless Admiral Richardson or Kimmel put more emphasis on the radar anyway..." James frowned, "And that's not likely. I tried to suggest it to Admiral Richardson, but if he listened or not..."

Again with the silence, until a hesitant Idaho- soft-spoken as ever -asked a question that was quite obvious in hindsight.

"Admiral...what is 'radar'?"

"Think he means the fancy rangefinder those guys installed on me awhile back?" Cali suggested.

James blinked slowly, "Huh...didn't know any ships had radar yet. Damn it, I need to remember these any case, yes, that is what I'm talking about. There will be, maybe already is, a land-based set installed on the island. They'll detect the Japanese approach, but since it's so new and relatively untested..."

"No one listens," Utah supplied, a thoughtful tone to her voice.

"More or less. There's other reasons behind it, but that's the gist of it."

A tapping echoed through the cabin, likely one of the girls tapping her chin. A thought confirmed, as Meg, as New Mexico insisted she be called in the future, began talking.

"If there is no warning, then we won't be prepared for the attack. Are carriers truly able to cause enough damage that it is a problem? I know from a few of my crew that the Fleet Problems indicate that but...not to the extent we should be worried. Especially with the distance Japan has to travel."

A smile crossing his face, James shook his head fondly, "You always were a smart one Meg. But...Taranto should have already..."

Sara reached out and tugged on the Admiral's arm. The carrier shook her head slowly, making him raise an eyebrow. In response she pulled out his journal, and opened it to James' listing of dates...whereupon he felt a flush crawl up his neck. After all, Taranto was listed as November 1940. It was June.

Right...must not make mistakes like that.

"Nevermind that then," James coughed lightly in an effort to cover his misstep, "But believe me, while this attack will be the start of it...carriers will be the new queens of the sea. Even if we had all the advance warning in the world, it wouldn't matter if none of those girls were here. I'm sorry to say it, but not one of you could get in range of the Japanese before being sunk."

Not least because of the, good idea at the time it may have been, Standard Battleship Doctrine. All of the battleships currently in commission sans Utah, Ark, Wyoming, Tex and York- and only then because they predated it- were of that doctrine. An intentional design, meant to make it where they could operate in a unified fleet, all moving at the same speed and for the most part, firing at the same range. The problem was, these ships and that doctrine were pre-World War One. Twenty-one knots...that was their highest average speed, even if emergency power might stretch it a bit.

Even the slowest of the Japanese carriers, Kaga, was more than capable of outpacing that.

And considering they would be advancing under air-attack in a time before extremely heavy anti-air was regarded as necessary, meant that the slow speed would render them extremely vulnerable. Any sortie would be sunk long, long, before it reached firing range.

"Those are fighting words," Tennessee complained, but there was a slight hesitance that hadn't been in her voice before.

"But it's the truth. I...I'm not sure how I ended up in this time in the first place, mind you. But what I do know, is what I've learned and seen. Against Abyssals, battleships are more than capable. Against human carriers? Unless you're upgraded a lot or a North Carolina and're not going to get far."

"...Abyssals, sir?" Utah spoke up once more.

"Damn it...didn't mean to bring that up yet. I'll explain that later, and hopefully none of you ever have to worry about it," James kicked himself for forgetting that he wanted to avoid talking about the monsters as long as possible, "for now, we need to focus on the attack. I know it's hard to wrap your heads around the risk..."

"Damn straight," Cali helpfully supplied.

"...but that's why I'm here I think."

Rolling his eyes at Cali's eccentrics aside, James felt like a weight came off his shoulders when he admitted that. He still hadn't the slightest idea what got him stuck in the past or why it had happened. But he felt that he had an idea. Maybe it was a delusion or a false hope. But it was what he was clinging to, in the lack of any evidence.

"Admiral?" Sara asked softly, hesitantly placing a hand on his own.

"I think I'm here to save you girls, and I'll be damned if I fail at that," smiling at Sara, the Admiral spoke with utmost conviction, "And since that's why I'm here, I want to work with you all on plans to keep you alive. I know you can't do much in this are the ship, but the crew is ultimately in command. That's why I want to see if we can figure out ways for you to influence things. Even if it's something as small as triggering your general quarters alarms..."

"I was going to suggest that!" Ari complained goodnaturedly, getting an amused smirk out of the Admiral.

"That should still be enough," James continued, "Hopefully we can do'd freak the hell out of your crews, but if you can manage to get control of your boilers or antiaircraft guns, that would be even better."

The eager chatter from the girls kept the smile on James face, as he squeezed Sara's hand slightly. He didn't see his focus was entirely on saving the girls...but then, that hardly mattered to him.


After the last of the battleships signed off, James sighed wearily, and leaned against the wall of his cabin. Darkness had fallen, the Admiral mentally exhausted by what he had done.

"Are you alright Admiral?" Sara asked with more than a little worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine," James smiled at the carrier, "Just a bit tired. That took more out of me than I thought it would."

Sara's worried look didn't vanish like her Admiral had hoped it would, "Perhaps you should res..."

Before she could finish that sentence, the radio crackled again. Both man and carrier flinched in shock, before the latter tapped her head in confusion. Confusion that only lasted until Utah's voice came into the room.

"Admiral, are you still there?" the elder battleship asked softly.

"Yeah...something up?" James replied, sharing a confused look with Sara.

"Yes. I know you are doing what you can to help, but I need to know. How many of us don't survive? How many of my girls die here?"

Utah's voice had gone deadly serious, the tone not unlike...not unlike a mother worried for her children. The confused look on James and his closest friend- odd as that was -vanished. Now it was replaced by a concerned look on his, and a small smile on Sara's. He imagined she probably heard that tone of voice from Langley...the mother of American carriers. Utah though...she wasn't a 'first' in any sense of the world. Not the first American battleship. Not the first American dreadnought. Not the first American super-dreadnought. So why then, would she be acting like the younger...



...right. James felt like smacking his face, as he realized the answer.

"You think of them as your kids, don't you?" he asked back, instead of answering Utah's question.

"Yes, I do. That's why I need to know."

He could understand now. Utah had been converted to a training ship, and was the oldest battleship still commissioned in the USN, if only by a couple years over Wyoming and Ark. It wasn't the same difference as Langley or Hosho compared to their counterparts...but that didn't matter, did it?

As such, he sighed softly before answering, "Ari and Oklahoma. Neither of them survive the attack...Ari's a memorial, in my time."

" No..."

The despondent tone had James quickly speaking again, "But the others all survive! Nevada, Tennessee, Cali, Virginia, Mary and Pennsy...they all survive. They're hurt, but they survive."

There was silence, before a small sniffle came over the radio, "That's small comfort, Admiral. Ari and Oklahoma...I truly do view all these girls as my children. I know it's not logical, if anyone has that right it was South Carolina. But that doesn't change how I feel. I don't want any of them to be hurt. I'd gladly give my own life before that happened. I would do anything to prevent it."

"..." James sighed again, "You don't make it either Utah."

"Then at least I didn't have to live with the guilt," the battleship weakly replied, "Is there anything else we can do?"

The Admiral shook his head, even if the girl couldn't see him, "Not that I can think of. Not unless you girls can contact your commanders. But...I don't even know how I can see you all, other than because of the future I come from. I don't know if anyone else can see you."

Silence...before Utah sniffed again, "Then I will do everything I can to talk to my Admiral. I would suggest the other girls do the same."

"I have experience with it Utah..." James warned her, "I'm not freaked out by this because I know you girls...I care about you, and I already know you exist. Anyone else may just think they're hallucinating and go to a psychologist. They'd be relieved of duty."
"I don't care," while her voice was still watery, there was the steel of a mother determined to protect her girls in Utah's voice now, "I won't rest until my girls are safe, and I imagine you feel the same Admiral. If contacting our own officers is the best way to do so, then do it we shall."

James just slumped down, Sara sending him a worried look again.

"If that is what you want to do. Just careful."

"You don't need to worry about that sir."

The radio finally cut out for good, allowing James to fall back on his cot. Closing his eyes, he placed an arm over his face. He knew that Sara was going to be looking at him worriedly, but right now, he couldn't find the energy to reassure her. His efforts to save the girls...he hadn't expected Utah's actions. He couldn't very well blame her, but...he didn't know how things would go if her goals proved possible. The world shouldn't know about ship girls, kanmusu, ship spirits...whatever you called them. It shouldn't know about them until far in the future, if at all...if the Abyssals even still existed, sleeping wherever they originated from.

The world wasn't ready, not in the grips of the greatest war it had ever seen.

But there's nothing I can do. These girls will never give up the chance to talk to someone, other than their comrades. They've never realized it was possible before, but now...

"My God, what have I done?"
Did me including Utah in that one snippet in the Ideas thread cause butterflies in the past or something? I am honestly confused.

Anyway, I liked this update! James is going to need a certified psychologist pretty soon, and he's in a time when that field is still really murky and developing. Poor guy.

Some things you might want to consider, one way or the other...

I wonder if radio transmissions from the shipgirls are detectable by humans. If so, there might be some people knocking on the Admiral's door soon. If not, it would probably be a good idea to verify that.

Did Pearl have the ability to record radio transmissions then? I know there were wax tube audio recorders if you had the money for them, but they were big, kludgy, and finicky. I do not think there was any sort of electronic media recorder, not even crude tape magnetics.

The people investigating the transmissions would be franticly looking for whoever was on the BB's At least one person on every ship with access to the radio equipment would have been needed. Witch hunt.

If there is no way to record transmissions, the Admiral might be relieved of duty and put in a 'safe' job. Until it's proven that he was correct.

Then... lots of questions.
About 90% of radio transmissions during WWII were in morse code, and encoded. In fact, it was the standard form of communications between ships for the entirety of the war. The only voice radios used were sort range TBS(Talk Between Ship) sets, and aircraft radios.

That being said, the Pearl Harbor Radio Station was the largest such facility in the Pacific at the time, and constantly manned by radiomen. If the transmissions were heard, they would noted, logged, and transcribed for passing up the chain.
Did me including Utah in that one snippet in the Ideas thread cause butterflies in the past or something? I am honestly confused.

Anyway, I liked this update! James is going to need a certified psychologist pretty soon, and he's in a time when that field is still really murky and developing. Poor guy.

Heh. Well, it did give me a shot of inspiration on how to use Utah- though I always intended her to be here on some level. Too much potential really.

And yeah, he's in for fun times.


Some things you might want to consider, one way or the other...

I wonder if radio transmissions from the shipgirls are detectable by humans. If so, there might be some people knocking on the Admiral's door soon. If not, it would probably be a good idea to verify that.

Did Pearl have the ability to record radio transmissions then? I know there were wax tube audio recorders if you had the money for them, but they were big, kludgy, and finicky. I do not think there was any sort of electronic media recorder, not even crude tape magnetics.

The people investigating the transmissions would be franticly looking for whoever was on the BB's At least one person on every ship with access to the radio equipment would have been needed. Witch hunt.

If there is no way to record transmissions, the Admiral might be relieved of duty and put in a 'safe' job. Until it's proven that he was correct.

Then... lots of questions.

About 90% of radio transmissions during WWII were in morse code, and encoded. In fact, it was the standard form of communications between ships for the entirety of the war. The only voice radios used were sort range TBS(Talk Between Ship) sets, and aircraft radios.

That being said, the Pearl Harbor Radio Station was the largest such facility in the Pacific at the time, and constantly manned by radiomen. If the transmissions were heard, they would noted, logged, and transcribed for passing up the chain.

Interesting potential problems and learning about technology aside...

The transmissions can't be heard- yet -for the same reason the girls themselves can't be heard. For all intents and purposes, it was the same as him talking to them in person. After all, if the girls have the ability to talk between themselves it's hard to believe they don't use it between themselves. If no one can hear or record that, then they can't hear this.

Not saying there isn't some evidence- funky signal static maybe? -but they can't outright hear it.
It would be interesting if he sent some kind of message to the Japanese ship girls to try and get them to help out even if I don't see how that would work.