@Etranger , which for some reason doesn't pull up your name: Is that 240 Resources BEFORE or AFTER our bonus of 25 R for being a Good Ol' Boy?
Although... frankly, we're probably gonna need to do the census anyway at some point. Pressure's gonna mount.Military surplus is a must and a 5 point bad boy points is cheap!
We definitely don't want to trade census for leverage, you know it's going to be used to black bag people and grab psy children.
Everyone, I want to emphasize, we really need the money. We have 38 non-Personal dice to fund, and the happy times of us having reserves to spend are about to sputter out.
We need to activate as many dice as possible (which makes that -5 R/die 'security' option very attractive) and avoid promising any really expensive projects in the immediate future (such as the Dylarian shipyards). Otherwise, we're going to wind up badly bottlenecked in how much we can accomplish in total.
Although... frankly, we're probably gonna need to do the census anyway at some point. Pressure's gonna mount.
More than that, having a census will actually inform us about what areas need improvement (and possibly "improvement"). What's worth the paranoia gain, and what isn't.We already desperately need to do the Census in the next year. How the heck do you think taxes is going to be collected, exactly? Census is the easy one to promise because we'd have to be incompetent bozos not to want to get it done before the next budget meeting.
We already desperately need to do the Census in the next year. How the heck do you think taxes is going to be collected, exactly? Census is the easy one to promise because we'd have to be incompetent bozos not to want to get it done before the next budget meeting.
[X] Plan: A Tiny Bit of Paranoia Wouldn't Hurt
We do need a capital anyway, and the Emperor does need his throne to be respected (at least a little).
Look, the weaker the Dominion is, the more the UEF conquers and 'cleanses of undesirables' and the more the QoB just flat out slaughters everyone she can.How about we don't? No census means less information, less control, less tax efficiency, and less drafting capacity. We do the least amount of things that will fundamentally improve the régime's longevity.
In exchange, though, I'd like to see a little more progress on Augustgrad. I don't mind Tyrador, it's a fine vacation home, but I think an Emperor really needs to be in his palace, don't you? Sends the right message, shows the people that we're on the right track. You can get that done for me, can't you?"
And through our actions we can definitely make it less shit at being an actual government and less corrupt and more efficient. Thought with who's running this empire, it'll always be some level of terrible 😔The Dominion is an oppressive, corrupt autocracy in service to a paranoid, megalomaniacal wretch. And we still need it until we have a window of opportunity to safely transition to an actual government. Until then all we can do is the best we can, and gird everyone for the significantly worse wars with higher stakes to come.
I was trying to break the idea gently. Because I do agree- the Dominion will use that census data to do ugly things. At the same time, we can't function as a department properly without it.We already desperately need to do the Census in the next year. How the heck do you think taxes is going to be collected, exactly? Census is the easy one to promise because we'd have to be incompetent bozos not to want to get it done before the next budget meeting.
Yeah. Plus, it's in Research, a category where we don't have to do anything else- it's not going to be competing for dice with anything else quasi-mandatory.And as well, the Research Facility, like R expensive, is only out of /200, so we can rush that down if we're willing to accept the hit.
I'm pretty sure the costs and scope of the project aren't going to ramp up that fast. Rebuilding an entire planet's bombed-out infrastructure is 0/600 and 10 R/die. We can keep making impressive progress on the planet without things going completely bonkers.I love this guy, it's like he has no idea how not to be a complete psycho.
Anyway, I just want to point out that if we Accept the Deal we'll be on the hook for building a colossal palace hundreds of stories high, along with whatever other insane schemes get dreamed up. The Resource cost of that will probably be very high once we're done laying the foundations. It would be very funny, but also bad, if we completed Augustgrad Phase 1 and Phase 2 was like "0/1400, -100 Resources per die".
Not that I don't think we should accept it, but maybe put in for a budget increase if we do.
I think that in Heavy Industry, we might really want to front-load the Korhal mines.
+5R from the first phase (mostly bare rock and aggregate) isn't much, but it's strongly implied in the text blurb for the second phase that there are actually useful rare minerals out there. It might actually be a pretty effective income-increasing action, over and above the part where it makes Augustgrad easier to do, of course.
I'm not saying to prioritize those mines over the SCV factory, but I think we should prioritize them over most other projects in the same category.
Given just how thinly stretched our funds are going to be, part of me wants to take the 10 R/die project on general principles...We're getting huge bonuses from our Nephor based advisor, though, which has to be factored in. Next turn, even with our -8, we'll get +5 to all Heavy Industry, and +10 per dice to Nephor stuff. That makes the Nephor Industrial Complex a very tempting target, and it too gives us Resource income. Hence why I was talking about 3-2, or something like it.
Given just how thinly stretched our funds are going to be, part of me wants to take the 10 R/die project on general principles...
Hey, waitaminute. If we're taking the 'security' option, then the industrial complex is a [Reconstruction] project and goes down to 10 R/die itself, doesn't it?
That... would ease my mind quite a bit.
There's no point in pretending Mengsk is anything other than a monster, my hope is simply that we can ensure a relatively bloodless transfer of power that doesn't lead to civil war, reactionary freikorps starting shit, nuclear exchanges on or Zerg rampaging through the massively urban capital.And through our actions we can definitely make it less shit at being an actual government and less corrupt and more efficient. Thought with who's running this empire, it'll always be some level of terrible 😔