The Undead Unhinged Lunatic of the Web
- Location
- Belgrade,Serbia
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
On the Job Training 59 vs. DC 51, Passed!
Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133+138+12 = 283/250, 33 Overflow, -10 Paranoia
Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78+500+96 = 674/450, 224 Overflow, -5 Paranoia [Nat 100]
Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153+118+12 = 283/250, 33 Overflow, +5 Paranoia
Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80+152+22 = 254/350
Sara System: Imperial Chemical-Mineral Survey 131+2 = 133/200
Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116+86+22 = 224/250
Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 2) 214-16 = 198/450
Re-Establish the Universal News Network 2+115-8 = 109/100, +5 Paranoia
Mass Literacy Movement 164 (RA)-8 = 156/200, +5 Paranoia
Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 117+22+15 Canon Omake = 154/150, -5 Paranoia
Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 234+3 = 237/300
Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices AUTOCOMPLETED, -5 Paranoia
Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50+170-12 = 208/150, -10 Paranoia
Imperial Science University 91-4 = 87/150
Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 146+7+6 = 159/200
Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census 42+14+6 = 62/300
Flesh Out The Remainder of the Bureaucracy 62+143+18 = 223/200, +5 Paranoia
Private Investments 143-12 = 131 vs. DC 30/50/70 SUPER-PASS, -5 Paranoia [Nat 100]
Net Paranoia: -20
Available Omakes: They Could've Won (Canon), Horner Portrait (Non-Canon)
Everything but the Personal, since we're waiting on Simon. Edit: And now that's in.
On the Job Training: 59/DC50 - pass, penalty reduced to -4
Augustgrad Phase 1: 133 + 75 + 63 + 12 = 283/250, 33/??? Phase 2, 10R, Paranoia -10
Nephor II Reconstruction Phase 1: 78 + 55 + 78 + 100 + 87 + 95 + 85 + 96 = 674/450, 224/??? Phase 2, 30R, Paranoia -5
Ardonin Factory Phase 1: 153 + 45 + 73 + 12 = 283/250, 33/??? Phase 2, 20R, Paranoia +5
NIM Phase 1: 80 + 80 + 72 + 22 = 254/350, 10R
Sara Survey Phase 1: 0 + 72 + 59 + 2 = 133/200, 30R
Phoros Plant Phase 2: 116 + 71 + 15 + 22 = 224/250, 20R
Tyrador Farmsteads Phase 2: 0 + 65 + 45 + 54 + 50 - 16 = 198/450, 20R
UNN: 2 + 82 + 33 - 8 = 109/100, 20R, Paranoia +5
Mass Literacy Phase 1: 0 + 64 + 100 (was 1) - 8 = 156/200, 20R, Paranoia +5
Fort Horner: 0 + 30 + 87 + 22 + 15 (omake) = 154/150, 4 overflow if omake bonuses overflow???, 10R, Paranoia -5
Refloating Phase 1: 0 + 76 + 85 + 73 + 3 = 237/300, 60R
Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices AUTOCOMPLETED, -5 Paranoia
Broken Mesa: 50 + 77 + 60 + 33 - 12 = 208/150, 58 overflow, 45R, Paranoia -10
Imperial Science University: 0 + 91 - 4 = 87/150, 10R
T&RC Idealistic: 146 + 7 + 6 = 159/200, 5R
Census: 42 + 14 + 6 = 62/300, 10R
Bureaucracy Leftovers: 62 + 27 + 91 + 25 + 18 = 223/200, 23 overflow, 15R, Paranoia +5
Private Investments: 100 + 0 (was 3) + 40 - 8 = 132/DC70, 30F, Paranoia -5
R: 335
F: 30
P: -20
Previous math post forgot that we gain +5 Paranoia for even starting the literacy program. I'm getting 335 Resources used but Etranger had earlier gotten 365, can anyone double check the math? Not entirely sure where the discrepancy on our Nephor II totals are coming from either but after passing On the Job Training we have a base +6 to Infrastructure raised to 16 from from Uncrowned Queen, times six dice is 96.
Alright a third mathpost by me as a just in case:
Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133+75+6+63+6 = 283/250 (Phase 2) 33/250? -10 R -10 Paranoia
Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78+55+16+78+16+100+16+87+16+95+16+85+16 = 674/450 (Phase 2) 224/450? -30 R -5 Paranoia
Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153+45+6+73+6 = 283/250 (Phase 2) 33/250? -20 R Multiple Projects Finish Faster +5 Para
Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80+80+11+72+11 = 254/350 -10 R
Sara System: Imperial Chemical-Mineral Survey 0+72+1+59+1 = 133/200 -30 R
Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116+71+11+15+11 = 224/250 -20 R
Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 2) 0+65-4+45-4+54-4+50-4 = 198/450 -20 R
Re-Establish the Universal News Network 2+82-4+33-4 = 109/100 9 Rollover? -20 R +5 Paranoia
Mass Literacy Movement 0+64-4+100-4 = 156/200 -20 R +5 Paranoia
Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0+30+11+87+11 = 139/150 -10 R -5 Paranoia Completes with a +15 Canon Omake
Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0+76+1+85+1+73+1 = 237/300 -60 R
Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Office Autocompletes, -5 Paranoia
Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50+77-4+60-4+33-4 = 208/150 58 Rollover -45 R -10 Paranoia
Imperial Science University 0+91-4 = 87/150 -10 R
Truth and Reconciliation Committee (I) 146+7+6 = 159/200 -5 R
Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census 42+14+6 = 62/300 -10 R
Flesh Out The Remainder of the Bureaucracy 62+27+6+91+6+25+6 = 223/200 23 Rollover -15 R +5 Paranoia
On-The-Job-Training 59 DC 51 PASS
Private Investments 100-4+3-4+40-4 = 132 DC 70 PASS -30 F +15? FpT -5 Paranoia
Hey @Etranger how are we supposed to read the 6 80 7 of Alpha Squadron vs Feral Zerg?
Resources: 720-10-30-20-10-30-20-20-20-20-10-60-45-10-5-10-15 = 385 stockpile + 340 incoming - 25 personal = 700 available
Discretionary Funds (F): 65-30 = 35 initial + 25+15? = 40? incoming = 75? total
Paranoia: 45-10-5+5+5+5-5-5-10+5-5 = 25/100
Free Dice: 4 (2 non-Personal)
Current Promises
Complete all phases of all [Reconstruction] projects by the end of Q4 2511
Complete one non-[Reconstruction] project in each Revitalization Goals category by the end of Q4 2511
Complete one subsequent Augustgrad phase each year until the end of Q4 2511
Complete Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census by the end of Q4 2507
Revitalization Goals
Heavy Industry
Light and Chemical Industry