Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • This does not matter to me

    Votes: 16 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh I am dreading the status update.
Let me offer you two pieces of reassurance. First, as bad as it undoubtedly is, it's going to be far better than we are imagining it is. The unknown is always scarier than the known, as every halfway decent horror movie director knows.

Second, it would undoubtedly be much worse if we had waited until next turn. Not simply because problems like this tend to get worse, but because of the poker game as well. If last poker game was any judge, there will be plenty of appealing options. Now, we know not to promise too much during the poker game.
You know it is actually great that we started the statics department when the nation is corrupt top to bottom. The resources and conditions trend begins at the lowest level possible, meaning any and all improvements will be our achievement even if we siphoned a significant sum as those can be covered with corruption purges in other departments and ministries. It's essentially eating two cakes.
Dunno why folks are surprised we have some old nukes popping up on Korhal. The Confederacy launched 1000 of them at the place. Given how shoddy Confederate munitions can be, its no surprise some of them misfired.
Status of the Terran Dominion
Status of the Terran Dominion (as of Q4 2507)

For all stats other than Population, Military, Security, and Unrest, the scale is (from worst to best) Real Bad/Bad/Okay/Good/Real Good. For Population, Military, Security, and Unrest, the scale is Real Low/Low/Middling/High/Real High. The scale gets steeper as it improves; it's much easier to go from Real Bad to Bad than it is to go from Good to Real Good. As Population increases, other stats may tend to go down unless improved at the same rate.

"Defense" and "Security" aren't measures of Dominion military or police presence, but rather those systems' ability to resist direct military attack or indirect criminal/espionage action.

Sector Resources
Total Population: Low
Goods (Capital): Bad
Goods (Consumer): Bad
Haulage (Freight): Real Bad
Haulage (People): Real Bad
Labor (Skilled): Bad
Labor (Unskilled): Real Good

Population: Real Low

Amenities: Bad
Education: Bad
Employment: Good
Health: Okay
Housing: Bad
Nutrition: Bad
Transport: Bad

Defense: Middling
Security: High
Unrest: N/A

Population: N/A

Amenities: N/A
Education: N/A
Employment: N/A
Health: N/A
Housing: N/A
Nutrition: N/A
Transport: N/A

Defense: High
Security: N/A
Unrest: N/A

Chau Sara
Population: N/A

Amenities: N/A
Education: N/A
Employment: N/A
Health: N/A
Housing: N/A
Nutrition: N/A
Transport: N/A

Defense: N/A
Security: N/A
Unrest: N/A

Dylar IV
Population: Real Low

Amenities: Real Bad
Education: Bad
Employment: Bad
Health: Okay
Housing: Bad
Nutrition: Bad
Transport: Bad

Defense: Low
Security: Low
Unrest: Real Low

Mar Sara
Population: N/A

Amenities: N/A
Education: N/A
Employment: N/A
Health: N/A
Housing: N/A
Nutrition: N/A
Transport: N/A

Military: N/A
Security: N/A
Unrest: N/A

Nephor II
Population: Middling

Amenities: Bad
Education: Bad
Employment: Bad
Health: Okay
Housing: Bad
Nutrition: Bad
Transport: Okay

Military: Low
Security: Middling
Unrest: Low

Tyrador IX
Population: High

Amenities: Bad
Education: Okay
Employment: Bad
Health: Okay
Housing: Bad
Nutrition: Okay
Transport: Real Bad

Military: Middling
Security: High
Unrest: Real Low

Population: Middling

Amenities: Bad
Education: Bad
Employment: Okay
Health: Bad
Housing: Okay
Nutrition: Bad
Transport: Bad

Defense: Low
Security: Low
Unrest: Real Low

Fringe Worlds
Population: Real Low

Amenities: Real Bad
Education: Real Bad
Employment: Bad
Health: Real Bad
Housing: Bad
Nutrition: Bad
Transport: Real Bad

Defense: Low
Security: Real Low
Unrest: Middling
ah ha haaaaa...

No numbers. Just Bad, Real Bad, Low and Real Low.

God i love our Statistics department, they have the best verbage!

Now to hopefully start fixing this utter Mess.

And hey! That Fringe World Defense is Low instead of Real Low is maybe because of our Supply Bunker deployment! gods be good we did something actually helpful to everyone out there.

Otherwise we now know just how fucked everyone is, and how much we Desperately need to get done.
I mean, the numbers honestly aren't that terrible. We're doing fine as is. Other than increasing the priority of Education and a few other things, I'm not so sure if there's something new we need to do in the short term.
Oh also, I think with Nephor getting the Unions empowered to an extent--TRUST, Workers' Aid, Legalization sometime in the next year or so--could help them be on the ground floor for fixing a lot of the problems there and winning the goodwill that would come with that. Not that we shouldn't also do stuff like NIM, Nephor Reconstruction/etc.
to sad about the fail on the learning roll but other then that and planting trees most of it went well.
i see minsk is still being himself and semi drunk on power.

did we send a note on whats going on with the zerg or did that report go missing somewhere?
I doubt that we could drop that bombshell without Mengsk asking for our source, and I can't see how we could launder the information. On the plus side, Mengsk is paranoid enough that we don't need a reason to build up the military, just an excuse.
Oh also, I think with Nephor getting the Unions empowered to an extent--TRUST, Workers' Aid, Legalization sometime in the next year or so--could help them be on the ground floor for fixing a lot of the problems there and winning the goodwill that would come with that. Not that we shouldn't also do stuff like NIM, Nephor Reconstruction/etc.
It is better we focus on Reconstruction and reviving projects in the ecomonic and military security then do passion projects like Unions empowered to an extent--TRUST, Workers' Aid, Legalization

Housing food Jobs are the order of the day and preparing for a able defence against kerrigan
It is better we focus on Reconstruction and reviving projects in the ecomonic and military security then do passion projects like Unions empowered to an extent--TRUST, Workers' Aid, Legalization

Housing food Jobs are the order of the day and preparing for a able defence against kerrigan
The beauty of having a black budget for Personal is that we can do the latter two while still doing Reconstruction.

I do agree that housing and food are high priority, but I think transportation is the next priority after those two. Jobs will just kind of happen as we build stuff.
*Bunch of military surplus goes missing and ends up in independent settlements*
Mengsk: How the hell did those sumbitches end up with all that equipment and stuff!?
El Presidente: Hola, mi amigo! I'm just here to tell you that we snatched up all that stuff and handed it to the poor and the needy, since it was all about to expire!
Mengsk: But how the hell did you get past all our security!?
El Presidente: Simple, some good old-fashioned maskirovka!
Mengsk: But how does it work!?
El Presidente: We just did it. We don't have a detailed explanation.
Mengsk: Urgh, I'm getting a real headache...
Budget Negotiations (2508)
Budget Negotiations (2508)

There are storm clouds over the Imperial Villa on Tyrador IX. Not literally; it's actually a lovely day, in the middle of the main continent's crisp, windy winter. Leaves are dancing in the cloudless sky, et cetera.

No, the storm clouds are surrounding your supreme leader and dictator, His Imperial Majesty, Arcturus the First. He's grumpy about something, and his mood is infectious. Even if it wasn't, being aware of his temper's low simmer is absolutely a necessary survival instinct, and yours are well-honed.

Mengsk chomps on his cigar for the better part of two hours as the cards go back and forth; his demeanor is barely lightened by winning a couple well-contested hands, which is unlike him. A victory usually puts a smile on his face, but not today.

It's not until the first imperial bathroom break that you overhear a snippet of conversation between Warfield and Starke. Apparently, one of Mengsk's old lieutenants from the Sons went off on the royal presence during an audience, something about unfulfilled promises to his veterans. It's kept him in a foul mood for weeks, and now he's eyeing everyone like they're going to be the next to call him out. No one's heard from the ex-Son since.

[+5 Suspicion]

Moreover, your accustomed position in the catbird seat has been wholly usurped by Edmund Goddamn Duke, who is armored in smugness like a Siege Tank in neosteel. He's waited until just this moment to announce that Brontes is now officially ready for reclamation efforts; with all planetside and orbital hive clusters and hatcheries eliminated, all that's left is the mopping up. Alpha Squadron is already redeploying to the next trouble spot, and the rank-and-file Dominion Military is moving in to replace them on cleanup duty.

Okay, so, the Boss is cranky and Duke is gloating. Fantastic. You take a deep breath, review your supply of dirty jokes, and mentally crack your knuckles. It's gonna be a long night.

Just how much are you going to need to get this done, anyway?

[] 40% of the Dominion Budget

Ceding back some of Duke and Warfield's lost ground and making them less reliant on field income will be very popular among the inner circle, especially since it opens up some much-needed breathing room between your budget and Starke's.
(Gain 2 Leverage; 320 Resources per turn)

[] 45% of the Dominion Budget
Given the influx of income from the Vespene operations on Vardona and the restarting of the Megacomplex, everyone seems to think you'll be dialing back on your share of the tax receipts. This is about what is expected; despite being a percentage decrease, it actually does represent a net increase in overall income.
(360 Resources per turn)

[] 50% of the Dominion Budget
Of course, you could hold your ground. It's not like the demands on your department have gotten less numerous, after all; every completed project comes with one more unfinished project to work on next, if not more.
(Lose 2 Leverage; 400 Resources per turn)

[] 60% of the Dominion Budget
They want you to cut your budget? To hell with them; this sector is still a mess. All your enemies are too disorganized to pose an actual threat, and there's no meaningful domestic resistance for Security to curtail. Why don't they try sacrificing a little for once?
(Lose 4 Leverage; 480 Resources per turn)

What are you willing to promise?

[] An Actual Goddamn Fleet

Duke is by no means unappreciative of your efforts to get the Dylarian Shipyards back online, but he really wants the entire fleet up and running again, and yesterday. No amount of offense you take at his peremptory tone can do away with the expansiveness of his expectations, but then, if you actually deliver, think of all the favors he'll owe you.
(Gain 2 Leverage; must complete Dylar IV: Dylarian Shipyards (Phase 2) and Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 2) by the end of Q4 2508)

[] The Sludge Must Flow
Warfield, as usual, is more conscious of the nuts and bolts than his grandiose colleague. He knows that New Folsom can't actually sustain the Dominion's need for endureum indefinitely, and it won't be able to expand its operations, either, given the mass prisoner release that just occurred. As such, Mar Sara needs to get back up and running, stat.
(Gain 1 Leverage; must complete Mar Sara: Endureum Extraction Operations (Phase 1) by the end of Q4 2508)

[] A Nice Chat Over Lunch
Finally, there's Starke. Bland, unreadable Starke. All he wants from you is a casual sit-down in a good restaurant. You hardly know each other, after all. Where's the harm in making a new friend?
(Gain 1 Leverage; must complete Vardona: Have a Talk with Director Starke by the end of Q4 2508)

And what are you looking to gain?

[] Military Surplus Redux

Despite his demands, Duke doesn't really have anything new to bring to the table, just warehouses full of stuff. Of course, since it's all stuff you actually genuinely need, it's hard to begrudge him his complacency.
(Lose 1 Leverage; reduce necessary Progress for all Planetary Reconstruction phases by 100)

[] Space Defenders
It sounds like the Imperial Guard is getting a little bored, judging by how Warfield is prepared to offer a wide-reaching security guarantee for all, yes all, of your space projects. Apparently his ranks have expanded substantially and many of the new recruits, while all naturally quite elite, lack zero-G experience.
(Lose 2 Leverage; reduce cost of all space-based projects by 10R, to a minimum of 5R/die, until the end of Q4 2508)

[] Running Interference
It takes you a minute to figure out what Starke means by "inter-departmental post-clearance liaison," but Smith explains over textcom that what he's functionally offering is assistance in coming up with after-the-fact justification for any of your mildly spicy projects that might run afoul of the Emperor. You can explain anything away with Security, after all.
(Lose 1 Leverage; reduce Paranoia gained each turn by 5, to a minimum gain of 0, until the end of Q4 2508)

After the game has wrapped up and all the other players have gone home, the Emperor takes you aside for a private chat.

"Chuck, I'm proud of what you've accomplished, real proud. All across my Dominion, you can see things moving the way they're supposed to move, people working the way they're supposed to work. I've had a few doubts from time to time, but you've overcome all of them. You've got a knack for this sort of thing, no denying it, and I'm glad I made such a wise choice.

Now, if you'll indulge me, I do have a special favor to ask you. It's going to be a lot, but I know you can handle it, so hear me out. I think you should move to Korhal starting with the new year. No need to relocate Carla just yet, but you and the ministry should get into that brand-new Treasury building they're putting together for you. Give those construction crews a real kick in the ass, like you did your bureaucrats.

I realize all the amenities aren't in place yet and you'll be doing a lot of work from a field tent. But, hell, Chuck, that's the sort of environment where you thrive. And if I know you're there keeping a personal eye on things, I can safely shake loose a little extra help to get things moving. This is all because I trust you, Chuck. You're my guy."

Do you take the deal?

[] Accept the deal

Mengsk asks, Mengsk gets. Not much more to say about it, really. You've lived on MREs before.
(+5 per die to all Korhal projects until the end of Q4 2508 (stacks with Center of Power); -5 to all other project dice and Center of Power unavailable until Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 2) is complete)

[] Stick to the original plan
There's uprooting your entire life, and then there's uprooting the lives of a couple thousand people, without advance notice or proper planning. He'll understand if you phrase it right. Probably.
(+20 Paranoia, no change)

Once all is said and done, you have some decisions of your own to make.

Foremost on your mind is the matter of your overcommitted discretionary fund. When you started out, the amount you earmarked was a substantial sum, but now you have multiple demands across the sector tugging on your purse strings. Maybe it would be better to shift the inner office budget over to a percentage-based formula of your overall income, so that it rises and falls with the Treasury's own capacity to fund it. Or, if not, you could keep it at a fixed amount, which would generate less scrutiny, and simply adjust the sum you collect year-by-year. Either way, you're going to need to decide just how much to put into the slush fund.

Do you change the discretionary funding formula?

[] Make it percentage-based

A bold move that will raise a few eyebrows, but possibly a necessary one, if you're going to be running a multi-headed resistance movement out of your own pocket.
(+5 Suspicion, triggers a subvote to determine the percentage used; higher percentages may incur Paranoia)

[] Keep it as a fixed amount
Safer, but inherently much less flexible and unlikely to achieve the same volume of funding you'd get with a percentage-based formula.
(Triggers a subvote to determine the amount used; higher amounts may incur Paranoia)

Leverage starts at 0 1. Each point you gain in excess of what you spend reduces Paranoia by 10. Each point you spend in excess of what you gain increases Paranoia by 10. Aside from that, there's no limit to what you can take on or promise.

Suspicion begins at 5 (the initial gain from the opening fiction) and serves as a hard floor on how far Paranoia can be reduced. At the end of each turn, after all other calculations, if Paranoia is below Suspicion, it will automatically be reset to the same number as Suspicion. Suspicion is more difficult to reduce than Paranoia, and will increase slightly every in-game year.

I'd like people to vote for the budget (including the non-budget elements) in plan format. 24-hour moratorium, then another day or two to vote.
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Yeah, not expecting to see population ever really recover over the event timeline of the quest.

Hell, I expect to see it drop further. Starcraft 2 was hell on the Terran population. The Brood war wasn't as bad as The Great War or Starcraft 2, but it was still a large invasion by an outside power who liked purges and had no concern for collateral damage.
Hell, I expect to see it drop further. Starcraft 2 was hell on the Terran population. The Brood war wasn't as bad as The Great War or Starcraft 2, but it was still a large invasion by an outside power who liked purges and had no concern for collateral damage.
All we need to do is convince Earth to a migration treaty and then were set. I am sure that is not an insanely unlikely idea :D.
[] Plan: Leveraging Our Assets
-[] 50% of the Dominion Budget -2 Leverage
-[] An Actual Goddamn Fleet +2 Leverage
-[] The Sludge Must Flow
+1 Leverage
-[] A Nice Chat Over Lunch +1 Leverage
-[] Military Surplus Redux -1 Leverage
-[] Running Interference -1 Leverage
-[] Accept the deal
-[] Make it percentage-based

This reduces our Paranoia by 10 while getting some major gains. The promises are all things we can do, and Mengks's deal... sucks, it really does suck, but we'll just bum-rush the Augustgrad Phase 2 and accept that Q1 is going to have to be a less ambitious quarter.
Throwing out a plan just because

[] Plan Plan
-[] 50% of the Dominion Budget (-2 Leverage, 400 RpT)
-[] An Actual Goddamn Fleet (+2 Leverage, Dylar+Refloating 2)
-[] A Nice Chat Over Lunch (+1 Leverage, Talk To Starke)
-[] Military Surplus Redux (-1 Leverage, -100 Progress all Planetary Reconstruction)
-[] Running Interference (-1 Leverage, -5 Paranoia Gain/Turn)
-[] Accept the deal (Not getting +20 Paranoia, goddamnit Mengsk)
-[] Make it percentage-based (+5 Paranoia Floor)

Net Leverage=1-2+2+1-1-1=0

Paranoia reduction mandatory, budget is important, all the projects we'd be committing to were things we'd be doing anyways, -100 Progress on all Planetary Reconstructions is quite nice, IDK what to do for our black budget so I just said percentage.

I want to drop the budget to 40%, I don't think that's unreasonable, especially if we can bring it back up with some other projects.
Throwing out a plan just because

[] Plan Plan
-[] 50% of the Dominion Budget (-2 Leverage, 400 RpT)
-[] An Actual Goddamn Fleet (+2 Leverage, Dylar+Refloating 2)
-[] A Nice Chat Over Lunch (+1 Leverage, Talk To Starke)
-[] Military Surplus Redux (-1 Leverage, -100 Progress all Planetary Reconstruction)
-[] Running Interference (-1 Leverage, -5 Paranoia Gain/Turn)
-[] Accept the deal (Not getting +20 Paranoia, goddamnit Mengsk)
-[] Make it percentage-based (+5 Paranoia Floor)

Net Leverage=1-2+2+1-1-1=0

Paranoia reduction mandatory, budget is important, all the projects we'd be committing to were things we'd be doing anyways, -100 Progress on all Planetary Reconstructions is quite nice, IDK what to do for our black budget so I just said percentage.


Maybe, though I'll note that the Sludge Must Flow is not going to be a very difficult ask, and it'd mean we'd lose 10 Paranoia, which would be valuable, I think.