Turn 7.5 (Q1 2508): Trait Selection
Despite the general belief among the Dominion's elites that you'd be a placeholder Chancellor, inoffensive at best and incompetent at worst, you've exceeded everyone's expectations, including your own. Part of this success has been due to the accumulation of talented personnel, but another part is owed entirely to your own ability to stretch your mental muscles. You were born a poor boy in the Mar Saran hinterlands, and your choices after high school were either the mines or the Marines. Rather than put off the inevitable, you dropped out when you turned 18 and enlisted. You wouldn't see your home again for decades.
But now, you're one of the five most powerful people in Terran Space, surrounded by experts and geniuses, and some innate spark of intellectual curiosity inside of you has been stoked into, if not a raging bonfire, at least a cheery little campfire. You've overcome your educational deficits through hard work, study, and more than a little osmosis.
The only question is: what now?
[] [SCHOOL] Finish high school
Sure, you're a few decades late, but why not? A few study sessions to fill in the last remaining gaps in your general education, and you'll be ready to test for your high school diploma, or at least its equivalent. Nobody'll be able to call you a dropout anymore, that's for sure.
(Gain trait
Good Enough: Once per turn, take the lowest non-1 die result and set it to 50)
[] [SCHOOL] Work toward technical certification
The Ministry of the Treasury doesn't actually deal with a lot of high finance; most of its projects are based around engineering or are scientific in nature. By pursuing a limited curriculum of advanced study, you can bolster your knowledge in areas that you and your advisors are currently lacking. And afterwards, you'll be an
engineer. Very exciting stuff.
(Gain trait
Technical Skills: +5 bonus to Environmental, Services, and Research dice) (+5 Paranoia)
[] [SCHOOL] Go to college
To hell with it. You know you're smarter than most teenagers, and they do just fine in college. Doing correspondence and online work will allow you to pursue an undergrad diploma in your limited free time. That'll show
(Gain trait
College Boy: +1 to all project dice; 25% chance each turn of increasing this bonus by +1, to a maximum of +5; potential future trait growth) (+10 Paranoia)
While you're mulling over your educational future, you receive a secure vidmail from Joseph Taylor, your personal attorney. He has an interesting offer for you.
"Your Excellency, I hope this message finds you well. I will be brief: I believe that this relocation period between Vardona and Korhal offers a unique opportunity, both for yourself and for my firm. While our intention has always been to relocate to the throneworld when the government transitions there, some of my staff are quite attached to Vardona and its local charms, as I'm sure are your own. It is my considered belief that this planet has a lot to offer.
Therefore, my proposal: Rather than engage in a full transfer, perhaps it would be possible for your office and mine to retain a presence on Vardona? It could be... how about 'the financial capital?' Such a designation is all but official, in any case. However, if we were to pursue this plan, it would require a substantial investment. Do let me know your thoughts."
Well. What do you say to that?
[] [CAPITAL] Retain your base of power on Vardona
Center of Power provides a +5 bonus to Vardona and Korhal project dice, more Vardona projects, -40F) (+5 Suspicion) (+10 Paranoia)
[] [CAPITAL] Move everything to Korhal
Center of Power provides a +10 bonus to all Korhal dice, more Korhal projects)
12-hour moratorium. No need for plan format, just pick as many options as you'd like to support.