Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • This does not matter to me

    Votes: 16 20.0%

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I think he is taking a little break from the quest. He did wrote that he was pretty swamped after the holidays. So real life thends to kick us in the balls from time to time.
A two week hiatus is almost nothing by quest standards. I wouldn't worry

Its actually quite funny i used to read a lot of e books on Royal Road, where if a book didnt update in two weeks it was declared "dead" so when i found SV and started reading Blackstar's MNKH quest and saw it hadn't been updated in a month i thought it was dead and was quite sad but moved on. I was very surprised when i came back to re-read a couple of weeks later and it had been updated and people reacted like it had been a few days and not a few months.
Oh, no. It's still an accurate measure for what is active and what isn't.

As a general rule of thumb here on SV, if a quest OP doesn't update in two weeks either the quest or a notice of RL getting in the way. You can generally consider the quest dead, because the soonest that there could be an update is another month after. On average six to seven weeks for "slow" Quest Managers. And up to anywhere between nine to fourteen weeks for the "casual" QMs. It's a toss up as to whether or not the quest got abandoned because the OP forgot they were running one.

But, uh, yeah. Because of that tendency there's also no thread necromancing rules. It's entirely legal on this board to resurrect months/years/decade old threads, and you won't get an infraction for wasting everyone's time. But heavens help you if you bump even a two day quiet thread so that an OP can't forget it. That way lies harassing the QM.

Ironically, it's simultaneously worse, and better over at the parent board Spacebattles. If a QM doesn't update in a week, it's reasonable to assume that they've abandoned it there. Not forgotten, abandoned. The mods there are also somewhat more forgiving on thread bumping, by a few days. If you bump a thread that's been inactive for five days or more over there, it's tantamount to screaming invectives at the OP according to the mods. And they have a strict no necro'ing threads older than two weeks without significant contribution policy. Which, yeah, also has the same leniency with thread age as here, so long as its a substantial contribution. Elsewise, it takes three necroes before the mods would lock a dead quest over there.

I won't ask for when 'Dominion Edition' quest will update. Since I only suggest you check some of this great mods for more Unique idea on units, tech and ability here (and maybe some interesting lore for some new hero), hope it helpful for idea when you plan to update later on, or to break writer block:
+ 'Wings of Mengsk' (especially this for Dominion units, tech upgrade and stuff. The 'In Utter darkness' show basically all units, include Unique hero like 'White Stars' battleship that are OP there with Unique design)

+ 'The Leviathan Crew Mod' (there are 'The Hyperion Crew' version which is very good, include some interesting mechanic like that robot panther need 'wifi tower' and balanced stats here)

+ 'A DIFFERENT REDUX DROPPED - StarCraft 2 Redux' (a really good mod that also show more lore friendly mechanic, include hydralisk with actual poison in their attack, new units like Bombardier who have mortar for siege and rocket launcher mode for anti armor. In mission 2 where it finally campaign choice that do actually have consequence, not to mention new lore character that make sense in the mission situation, like local rebel factions the 'Hand of Justice' with it original leader, then there are local Dominion officer 'Gavin Piece' who isn't the bad guy and try to sheltered civilian from Dominion cruelty, but can't refuse direct order to engage with Raynor force in the east of the second map, until the Zerg invasion happen in third map. Too bad the mod still not finished and only 3 mission right now)

+ 'The Moebius Mod' (very extensive tech that plausible with Moebius if they decide to sponsor Raynor with their tech to do the job. I remember this mod was made by the same guy who made 'ally', 'crew' mod or 'Wing of mengsk' mod here ?)

+ 'UED: FIRST LIGHT' (Unique campaign on early United Earth Directive faction. Though there are flaw with how they execute the tragedy-dead of most character aside from general here if you check the feedback video)

+ 'UED Armored vehicle preview' (by korea 'STUDIO ODYSSEY Production')

+ 'AI Ally mod' (there are also mod for lotv version. Help show some lore character that are missing and stuff)

+ 'Starcraft 2: Odyssey' (Put on the lowest since I'm not sure I share you this campaign mod before. This is mostly for interesting mechanic and one the best original campaign story with intense suspension with how 'reluctant' rebel force actually like, include the challenge rebel force usually face. Then there are lot of good detail a sci-fi story need to considered like prevent battlecruiser starmap intel from fall into enemy hand if they are outsider. This youtuber usually play good Unique campaign mod rather than typical mods on cannon game here compare to the other one above)

Also found a good comment about tech here from a mass effect fanfic
Not that Element Zero induced stupidity. just normal government stupidity , after all R&D is extremely expensive and takes a long time with no guarantee of results that will payback the investment of resources ,funds and time .

To expand on this their is a stupid misconception based on the tech from WW2 that wars accelerate technological advancement this is not true what really happened is that the governments going into total war mindset went search for every possible advantage they could get to secure victory so this resulted in hundreds of research papers and theoretical ideas that were never before funded due to cost and lack of perceived pay off to be put into practice, developed and applied being put forward in hopes of the success among them to give them a war time advantage, the war didn't push tech forward so much as provide a reason to fund existing tech.

To expand on the Ezzo is not a trap that makes people stupid thing , why would a government spend billions and wait decades if not centuries to develop FTL technology that may or may not work and could be worse than Ezzo when they could just use ME tech lifted from the protheans , and why after getting their hands on ME tech would a government try develop alternative tech that would require entirely new infrastructure to be build for it and will certainly be less refined ,more expensive and possibly not even work when they could just invest in improving their mass effect technology ?

Ezzo is not a trap its just so connivant that developing alternative tech when you already have it and it works fine if not great looks like a waste , mind a lot of this is the prothean ruins allowing people to leap frog the tech tree so that other avenues of development can't compete in terms of performance and results , without the ruins making ezzo research and development stupid easy and always guaranteed to give worth while proven and refined results mass effect tech wouldn't dominate to the same extent
(source of comment: https://forum.questionablequesting....-me-pre-contact-si.22643/page-63#post-7664534)
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Also found a good comment about tech here from a mass effect fanfic
That quote isn't quite correct that Eezo (and similar "convenient tech lying around" contrivances) isn't a trap.

The purpose of a trap is to make someone commit to doing what you want without them noticing the manipulation; ergo, the best traps are the ones that make you think it was your idea first, or at least your idea to go along with it. This is played out across the whole ME trilogy by the fact that a great many weapons that are proven feasible (IE lasers/grasers and arc weaponry) are not developed nearly as much as they could be because the trap is "just make different ammo types/firing mechanisms instead" up to and including Thanix cannons.
Which, y'know, not necessarily a bad answer, but is one the Reapers have already accounted for because it's still ME weaponry and thus follows all the basic rules they laid out eons ago, and less effective for it.

Another example is the fact that pretty much all ME personal-scale guns are collapsible. Again, not necessarily a bad thing, but it does consume space, power, and functional ergonomics (that is to say, the ones that make boom better) that arguably would be better served by sacrificing a trivial measure of utility for more gun. Plus, would have made them more durable and cheaper to make. It's a worthwhile thought experiment to consider whether or not the grunts on the ground would have fared better if their gear was more devoted to combat than convenience.

The social manipulations of Infested Kerrigan in Brood Wars, and some other BW characters in general, are excellent demonstrations of how this foundational trap mechanic works on a strategic scale.
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That quote isn't quite correct that Eezo (and similar "convenient tech lying around" contrivances) isn't a trap.

The purpose of a trap is to make someone commit to doing what you want without them noticing the manipulation; ergo, the best traps are the ones that make you think it was your idea first, or at least your idea to go along with it. This is played out across the whole ME trilogy by the fact that a great many weapons that are proven feasible (IE lasers/grasers and arc weaponry) are not developed nearly as much as they could be because the trap is "just make different ammo types/firing mechanisms instead" up to and including Thanix cannons.
Which, y'know, not necessarily a bad answer, but is one the Reapers have already accounted for because it's still ME weaponry and thus follows all the basic rules they laid out eons ago, and less effective for it.

Another example is the fact that pretty much all ME personal-scale guns are collapsible. Again, not necessarily a bad thing, but it does consume space, power, and functional ergonomics (that is to say, the ones that make boom better) that arguably would be better served by sacrificing a trivial measure of utility for more gun. Plus, would have made them more durable and cheaper to make. It's a worthwhile thought experiment to consider whether or not the grunts on the ground would have fared better if their gear was more devoted to combat than convenience.

The social manipulations of Infested Kerrigan in Brood Wars, and some other BW characters in general, are excellent demonstrations of how this foundational trap mechanic works on a strategic scale.
The quoted article/fanfic isn't saying that Eezo isn't a trap. What it is not is "a trap that makes you stupid". It is a trap, but one that relies on normal psychological reactions to resource scarcity and competition (i.e. grab the thing that works best now and adapt to using it long-term rather than spending more resources on a different thing of questionable marginal utility) rather than any particular properties of the substance or the fictional characters in Mass Effect being especially moronic compared to real states.
The quoted article/fanfic isn't saying that Eezo isn't a trap. What it is not is "a trap that makes you stupid". It is a trap, but one that relies on normal psychological reactions to resource scarcity and competition (i.e. grab the thing that works best now and adapt to using it long-term rather than spending more resources on a different thing of questionable marginal utility) rather than any particular properties of the substance or the fictional characters in Mass Effect being especially moronic compared to real states.
...Wait, "Eezo is magical space crack" is a thing people came up with?

I did not know that was a theory going round, and certainly didn't get it from that quote. Maybe because I was struggling a bit to read the disjointed bits.
...Wait, "Eezo is magical space crack" is a thing people came up with?

I did not know that was a theory going round, and certainly didn't get it from that quote. Maybe because I was struggling a bit to read the disjointed bits.
I can't be quite sure if that's the point that the post is arguing against, or if it's against the idea that the population of the Mass Effect galaxy is somehow unrealistically stupid for falling for the Eezo bait when real people do that all the time (look at how much humanity has fucked itself by basing all our infrastructure around fossil fuels in reality. No conspiracy required, just a convenient combustion source lying around for us to kill the parts of the biosphere that can support us with, if we don't just run out first).
I can't be quite sure if that's the point that the post is arguing against, or if it's against the idea that the population of the Mass Effect galaxy is somehow unrealistically stupid for falling for the Eezo bait when real people do that all the time (look at how much humanity has fucked itself by basing all our infrastructure around fossil fuels in reality. No conspiracy required, just a convenient combustion source lying around for us to kill the parts of the biosphere that can support us with, if we don't just run out first).
Yup, although I'm not sure the original intent in that original comment (in spoiler box), but in term of explain the point, you just already mentioned here in term of 'idiot' and 'misconception with war speed up research'. That all
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