Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
The favor we already traded to secure a Euro vote before 1975 was with Romanov, weirdly enough, so in theory at least he still owes us that rather than having to rely on Semyonov bringing it to the floor. In hindsight it's suspicious that Roomanov collected on his half of the favor trade immediately, but we have to wait potentially 3-4 years for him to deliver on his half of the bargain. He might have played us there, especially if he doesn't bring the Euro to the floor before something like an oil crisis kills it...
Well, Romanov seems at best indifferent about the Euro, there is a reason it took a favor to get our nominal ally onboard with this. I don't think he is trying to necessarily not follow his end of the bargain, but he certainly is not in a rush yes. All that said, the favor is fresh on his mind and Klimenko is not very close to retiring, so I do think that if we do decide to force the vote he will nominally support us there to not alienate his well, largest ally at a delicate time to say the least. Whether this is enough is up in the air though.
[X] Plan Educated Redshirts
[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation
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[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation
-[X]6385/6395 Resources (10 Reserve), 41 Dice Rolled
-[X]Infrastructure (6/3 Dice, 800 R)
--[X]Central Asian High Capacity Roads, 2 Dice (220 R), 65%/77%
--[X]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 7/10), 2 Dice (280 R), 60%/72%
--[X]Development of the Volga, 1 Dice (110 R), 99%/100%
--[X]ESA, 1 Dice (190 R), 0%/0%
-[X]Heavy Industry (11/10 Dice, 2735 R)
--[X]Kursk Steel Mills(Stage 1/2), 3 Dice (630 R), 89%/94%
--[X]Donets Coal Basin Mechanization, 1 Dice (185 R) 5%/20%
--[X]Kansk-Achinsk Basin Exploitation(Stage 2/5), 1 Dice (160 R), 86%/100%
--[X]Atomash(Stage 1/3), 2 Dice (620 R), 0%/0%
--[X]Saratov Machine Building Plant, 2 Dice (620 R), 59%/71%
--[X]Gorky Automotive Plant Modernization, 2 Dice (520 R), 35%/50%
-[X]Rocketry (3/3 Dice, 0 R)
--[X]Mars Sample Return, 1 Dice
--[X]Mercury Exploration Program, 1 Dice
--[X]CMEA Payloads, 1 Dice
-[X]Light Industry (3/6 Dice, 420 R)
--[X]Second Generation Furnishings, 2 Dice (260 R), 79%/87%
--[X]Home Supplies Production, 1 Dice (160 R), 100%/100%
-[X]Chemical Industry (8/11 Dice, 1560 R)
--[X]Timan-Pechora Fields, 1 Dice (130 R), 75%/90%
--[X]Plastic Industries(Stage 2/5), 3 Dice (630 R), 89%/94%
--[X]Expanded Ammonia Plants, 2 Dice (420 R), 59%/72%
--[X]Synthetic Rubber Plants(Stage 2/4), 2 Dice (380 R), 100%/100%
-[X]Agriculture (4/4 Dice, 480 R)
--[X]Farmers Markets, 2 Dice (220 R), 59%/72%
--[X]Water Management Programs, 2 Dice (260 R), 0%/0%
-[X]Services (3/3 Dice, 390 R)
--[X]Expanded Childcare(Stage 6/6), 1 Dice (90 R), 52%/67%
--[X]Localized Transport Services, 2 Dice (300 R), 31%/44%
-[X]Bureaucracy (6/3+3 Forced Dice, 0 R)
--[X]Prison Reform Program, 1 Dice
--[X]Increasing Domestic Innovation, 1 Dice
--[X]Domestic Production Program, 1 Dice
--[X]Force a Euro Vote, 1 Dice
--[X]Scientific Exchange Programs, 1 Dice
--[X]Reorganize a Department(Light Industry), 1 Dice

Alrighty, so I've made a new plan, which does include the []Saratov Machine Building Plant, since if we wait on it President Goldwater or Nixon or whatever will probably cuck us on getting those technical exchanges with American corporations. Same with []Scientific Exchange Programs, I feel that waiting on these will cause them to lose some of their effectiveness. So better get them started with now, before the elections happen. Speaking of HI though, []Gorky Automotive Plant Modernization seemed like a good project to get started on, it should be a nice cash cow and help out the Gorky economy, which is probably not doing so hot since the mids 60s.

I decided we might as well get done with the []Water Distribution Systems. So put in two dice in it for a decent chance of completing it, as well as started on the very important []Water Management Programs. Hence the whole quenching the thirst name.

Another project of note, is []Localized Transport Services, buses are able to deliver much more flexible schedules and destinations than our rail system, and should be a big boost in our economy in general. Not to mention being a good alternative to driving a car. I replaced the transportation enterprises with this because I feel we should probably make sure the Central Asian roads are done, and the inclusion of []Scientific Exchange Programs takes a dice away from the focus. So we might as well do it next turn. Also, started on []ESA, with only one dice mind you. Getting the project started now hopefully means we get orders for the new generation electronics coming around in 73. In my mind there isn't such a rush in chasing its mechanical effects. We are more resource than dice limited as you can see in the plan.
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-[X]6350/6395 Resources (25 Reserve), 41 Dice Rolled
6395-6350 = 45 Reserve rather than 25, surely?
--[X]Water Management Programs(Stage 4/10), 2 Dice (260 R), 0%/0%
This seems to have inherited the Stage indicator for meat somehow

Otherwise, while LI is pretty bare for my tastes, I do really like fitting in buses and Saratov. Plus starting on water management in Ag is probably important to keep us honest, so I'll toss it an approval vote

[X] Plan Educated Redshirts
[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation
This seems to have inherited the Stage indicator for meat somehow

Otherwise, while LI is pretty bare for my tastes, I do really like fitting in buses and Saratov. Plus starting on water management in Ag is probably important to keep us honest, so I'll toss it an approval vote never saw that thanks

LI will get new options next turn with a new Minister I think, so dropping light appliances for Gorky was a good trade in my mind.
[X] Plan Educated Redshirts
[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation
[X] Plan Transportation Goes BRR
[X] Plan Educated Redshirts
[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation

going with the euro plans here I think there's lots of good arguments for why the immigration reform is harmful in the long run

I do think the black sea shipyards would be a good thing to take at some point specifically because they mention river transportation and we built up our river network for coal and everything
and the Kiev machine tooling plant is as expensive as atommash so it i understand it's hard to budget for but it says cost reductions so it could help drive atommash prices down even more
[X] Plan Educated Redshirts
[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation
[X] Plan Infrastructure and Money

Honestly, I'm really not a fan of ESA instead of maybe finally finishing Water Stage 7 and providing places other than the biggest cities with running water, but I guess I'll take it. Seriously though, we're not dice limited at all, even if we don't finish it next turn, it's not a huge issue. Just look at how many high RpD but necessary projects we have in HI and CI, it's going to be tough activating all the dice as long as we're trying to finish them even without ESA.
I would personally be completely on board with starting ESA next year so we can put an second die on Water now, even if extra free ones we could put anywhere would be great, since we can't even activate all our current dice and it's been a good while since the last stage was completed.

But one thing really rubbing me the wrong way with first BRR and now Girlboss is not touching our airports even when it's been several years since we got poked that our new generation of passenger jets is outgrowing what our facilities can handle. BRR in particular doesn't even get the second Water die from skipping both the Airports and ESA.

IIRC the current plan is that our big passenger jets are going to end up using drogue chutes on touchdown to work within our runways, which will likely wreck turnaround time even in the best case with the need to repack them every time.
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[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation

You're fitting in all the stuff I reckon is really important to do this year, so I guess I can wait on the inflatables.

Most importantly, I think people have made good points on the Euro vote and the Immigration reform. Immigration is good in general for binding our CMEA allies closer as it means more personal human connections, but the issue is that in specific, immigration reforms are about our managers wanting to import cheap labour. Have to be careful with that. And with the Euro, I've decided that the rewards are greater than the risks. The aftermath of the Austrian crisis is probably the best chance we're gonna get to push this through and we need the currency reforms that Kosygin baked into the Euro plan.

And I am very keen on obtaining that Western drilling tech. Slant drilling is REALLY important.

Admittedly fully reusable rockets would probably do this, but it'll be quite awhile before those arrive yet. So if one wanted to be faster one would have to take a risk with something else. Whether one wants to do that or not depends on ones goals I guess.

We could probably recover the lower stages of the RLA without too much difficulty, so partial reuseability is at least not too hard.

So with pure chemical we can get several kg of material back and NASA did not have as good a launcher as the RLA-3 available for this. So even assuming the NASA plan was a bit optimistic, there is quite a bit of throw weight margin left to work with. But I think it's not unreasonable to think an RLA-3 mission might be able to even get 10+ kg of Mars materials back.

Huh! Got a link to the NASA plan?

But since the Mars Sample return is more viable than I thought, waiting for the nuclear drives doesn't add much.

A nuclear-enhanced Mars Sample Return would get the most benefit out of sending a heavier lander that could dig or drill for samples in some way, and for that we'd need to have earlier investigations of the Martian surface to build on. So you know, may as well get on that!


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[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation
I approve of that title, and I approve of milking the Americans for all the technological rope we can before they elect the CEO of racism to heat up the cold war.

We can do airports next turn, perhaps in conjunction with the tupolev plant.

...wait, really? I assumed electronics would be more delicate.

I thought it would only be basically useful for raw materials deliveries
Modern integrated circuit no-discrete-components electronics are basically rocks we tricked to think by carving special patterns. If a rock can reliably survive the gs you can probably make electronics do it too.
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[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation
[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation
Huh! Got a link to the NASA plan?
I got the info from this wikipedia page. I gave a brief look if I could find the quoted articles online, but didn't have immediate luck, it's possible NASA or so is hosting it somewhere though, they certainly had some older things online I did find.. though in the case it was about lunar settlement things and such.

However while looking around I did run in to this Soviet plan in the meantime. Which basically seems to have planned using a heavy Proton rocket to achieve a sample return of unknown amount. Eventually cancelled apparently for complexity issues or alternately or also because the person pushing for it died. I imagine the limited mass budget might have played in to the matter? In this case I couldn't read the book it came from online sadly.

Maybe you'll have more luck then me on this though? Assuming you want to bother trying digging up the details on this.
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[X] Plan Educated Redshirts
[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation
[X] Plan Educated Redshirts
[X] Plan Supplying our Azeri Girlboss with Texan Drills, Soviet Greyhound and Quenching the Thirst of the Nation