Omake: zone trooper/engineer in the red zones.
The ion storm-wracked skies cast a flickering werelight over the fields of eerie luminescent spikes jutting from the landscape. Tiberium filling the landscape as heavy winds created harsh shattering sounds as the crystals small enough to be carried on the winds broke apart into smaller fragments, easier for the minuscule shards to spread and seed new tiberium fields far away in some distant yellowzone.
Here at the heart of the North American redzone it was a world away from Williams bluezone home. The blight in the middle of the continent a nigh impassible wasteland separating the two north american coasts, dangerous even for aircraft to fly through or over thanks to the constant pillars of sickly lightning that crashed into the delicate wounded Earth.
During the second tiberium war, at the height of the Forgottens strength, before tiberium had mutated yet again into the cold unfeeling rock it was now that simply created more of itself scientists had theorised tiberium was terraforming the world, paving the way for a new Tiberium based lifeform, many respected medical and scientific masterminds theorising that Tiberium could herald the next stage in human evolution.
And yet, tiberium had mutated, becoming more deadly, and the mutations of the forgotten more severe, until they scarce resembled humans. Survival, but at what cost? And who was to say tiberium would not mutate yet again, causing complications that killed off those changed by it?
Because the scrin indeed, had not seeded the planet with tiberium in order to make it habitable to their kind, but instead as simply a preparatory stage. Laying the explosives for a mine as it were. Intercepted transmissions from the scrin indicated all life should have been extinguished and yet some still clung on. The forgotten, monstrous tiberium fiends, descended perhaps from mutated dogs or bears and other stranger lifeforms.
Yet even for those mutated by tiberium, this was still a hostile desolate world, but even with all that there was a strange haunting beauty to it. Perhaps something similar to what had drawn humans to the north pole, or the top of mount Everest, or earths deepest caves or ocean trenches, even the surface of the moon or the emptiness of space.
it was there, so humans would explore it. A testament to human ingenuity, encased as he was in a small bubble capable of supporting life. Decades of war, an alien invasion, even tiberium itself had left humans battered and bruised, yet they clung onto the rock that was earth, for now still the only home they had, even as tiberium steadily continued it's seemingly relentless advance. Tiberium was beautiful perhaps, like the stars themselves. Yet like those balls of flaming gas it would kill you if you got too close.
There was but a small flicker of hope left. He stood here. Despite the dangers. Despite the sheer power of the earth and skies themselves seeming to conspire to create the perfect conditions to execute him without remorse here he stood, taking the worst the planet could throw at him and weathering the storm.
"Yeah. Fuck you too you green son of a bitch." William growled. "Planet earth is still ours and even if you take it all? You're not keeping it." He promised, his words swallowed by the howling wind.