Frankly, probably not. You can't really spend your way out of a time deficit :V

... at least not under fire.
It depends. If your problem is "we can't load enough kilotons of supplies across this beach per day to do everything at once," then that specific problem may in fact be soluble by attempting to rush the solution "build a giant prefab port complex really fast, which can now load more kilotons of supplies per day."

Other problems are less soluble (concrete still takes time to cure and you still can't build stuff while being bombed), but if you have X problems and you solve one of them, things may get better.
The quest started in February 2021, so... yeah.
Of course, we don't know what the underground Tib change will be, so... yes, your regularly scheduled bout of panicked screaming is still on the calendar. :D
Ah you remembered my regularly scheduled panic screaming! How kind and considerate of you good sir!

But yes once we know how much of the underground I'll be sure to panic over it. My guess is 70+ percent is red zone!
Ah you remembered my regularly scheduled panic screaming! How kind and considerate of you good sir!

But yes once we know how much of the underground I'll be sure to panic over it. My guess is 70+ percent is red zone!
I believe we already got those numbers and it's like 85+ percent red underground.
It'll be fun to see how the underground tiberium percentages change this turn, and we'll start getting an idea of how effective our current underground abatement measures are.
Ah you remembered my regularly scheduled panic screaming! How kind and considerate of you good sir!

But yes once we know how much of the underground I'll be sure to panic over it. My guess is 70+ percent is red zone!

From the latest turn post:

Tiberium Spread
25.965 (+0.21) Blue Zone
0.00 (-0.00) Green Zone
0.07 (+0.00) Cyan Zone
23.935 (+.21) Yellow Zone (102 points of mitigation)
50.03 (-.42) Red Zone (88 points of mitigation)
Underground Tiberium infiltration estimates:
0.23 Blue
12.77 Yellow (??? points of mitigation)
87.00 Red (??? points of mitigation)
The quest started in February 2021, so... yeah.
Of course, we don't know what the underground Tib change will be, so... yes, your regularly scheduled bout of panicked screaming is still on the calendar. :D
It's like switching from external screaming to internal screaming.


So, a while back while we were having delays in release last turn due to RL, I finally started on the "blog entry" for the Predator. Then I finished the first draft and kinda forgot about it. I'm going back through and expanding areas - crew in turret (MBT-70/XM-803) vs crew in hull (modern RCT designs) vs traditional arrangement, centerline vs offset cannon and autoloader placement effects on location (I used a walk through of the losing competitor to the M10 Booker as inspiration for part of that one), how the heck does autoloader work with an offset cannon in that turret, etc. I did wonder if maybe I needed to expand the Guardian and Pitbull entry to add more design discussion of each, but that combined entry is just over 6 pages versus 3.5 for Predator. Nah, it's good.
Heads up: I will be doing rolls when the vote closes as Ithillid is dealing with some RL issues at the moment.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Ithillid on Jul 14, 2024 at 8:05 AM, finished with 143 posts and 68 votes.

  • [X] Plan Rocky Road to Aldrin
    -[X] Infrastructure 5 dice, +27, 115R
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 1 dice + 2 Tib dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding (New) 0/200 2 dice 30R 17%
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 201/240 1 die 15R 100%
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 1 die 10R 14%
    -[X] Heavy Industry 5 dice + 2 Free dice, +34, 165R
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5+6) 147/540 4 dice 80R 18%
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103/180 2 dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 1 dice 25R 96%
    -[X] Light and Chemical Industry (4 dice +29) 95R
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 2 dice 90R
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 1 die 20R 69%
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 1 die 15R 99%
    -[X] Agriculture 6 dice, +29, 90R
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 1/360 4 dice 60R 47%
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 2 dice 30R 57%
    -[X] Tiberium 7+2 free+E dice, +39, 175R
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6+7) 54/350 3 dice 75R 39%
    --[X] Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing (Phase 1+2+3) 0/150 2 dice 20R 94%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zones) 0/75 1 dice 30R 100%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone BZ-3 British Isles) 30/75 1 die 30R 100%
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 161/180 Erewhon 20R 97%
    –[X] 2 dice to Karachi
    -[X] Orbital 9+AA dice, +34, 250R
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0/80 1+AA die 40R 88%+
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 1 die 20R 89%
    --[X] Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0/215 2 dice 40R 26%
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 5 dice 150R 100%
    -[X] Services 4 dice +35 105R
    --[X] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 2 dice 50R 53%
    --[X] Rage Engine Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 25R 89%
    --[X] Stasis Box Development (Tech) (MS) 0/120 1 die 30R 27%
    -[X] Military 6 dice + 2 Free + AA, +31, 175R
    --[X] Advanced Articulation Systems (Tech) 0/60 1 die 15R 99%
    --[X] Orbital Nuclear Caches 0/140 1 die 20R 3%
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2+3) 236/570 4+AA dice 100R 59%+
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156/350 1 dice 20R
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 1 dice 20R
    -[X] Bureaucracy 4 dice +29 0R
    --[X] Administrative Assistance x2
    [X] Plan Attempting to Fill Big Craters Everywhere But Monrovia
    -[X] Infrastructure (5/5 Dice, +27 bonus, 160 R)
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 (2 dice + 4 Tib, 120 R) (___)
    ---[X] All costs for the project are being accounted here, none in Tiberium
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 (1 die, 10 R) (14% chance)
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 199/240 (1 die, 15 R) (100% chance)
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding 0/200 (1 dice, 15 R) (1/2.5 median)
    -[X] Heavy Industry (5/5 Dice, +34 bonus, 125 R)
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147/270 (2 dice, 40 R) (99% chance)
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 108/180 (2 dice, 60 R) (100% chance)
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 (1 die, 25 R) (96% chance)
    -[X] Light Industry (4/4 Dice, +29 bonus, 95 R)
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 644/1140 (2 dice, 60 R) (2/6 median)
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 (1 die, 15 R) (99% chance)
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 (1 die, 20 R) (69% chance)
    -[X] Agriculture (6/6 dice, +29 bonus, 90 R)
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 1/360 (4 dice, 60 R) (Phase 4, 47% chance Phase 5)
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 (2 dice, 30 R) (57% chance)
    -[X] Tiberium (7/7 dice +3 Free Dice + AA, +39 bonus, 140 R)
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) (4 dice, see Infrastructure)
    --[X] Reclamator Hub RZ-1S Benghazi 0/250 (1 die, see Military)
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6) 54/180 (2 dice, 50 R) (99% chance)
    --[X] Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing (Phase 1+2+3) 0/150 (1 die, 10 R) (Phase 1, 60% Phase 2, 1% Phase 3)
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-3 British Isles) 30/75 (1 die, 30 R) (100% chance) (+1 PS)
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-13 West Africa) 0/75 (1 die, 30 R) (92% chance) (+1 PS)
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 161/180 (AA die, 20 R) (97% chance) (-5 PS)
    -[X] Orbital (9/9 Dice + 1 Free dice + Erewhon + AA, +34 bonus, 330 R)
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0/80 (1+AA dice, 40 R) (100% chance)
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 (1 die, 20 R) (89% chance)
    --[X] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 4+5) 42/440 (3 dice, 90 R) (Phase 4, ~1/3 median to Phase 5 plan target)
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 (5+E dice, 180 R) (Phase 2, 5/12 to Phase 3 plan target)
    -[X] Services (4/4 dice, +35 bonus, 110 R)
    --[X] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 (2 dice, 50 R) (53% chance)
    --[X] Wet AI Development 0/240 (2 dice, 60 R) (7% chance)
    -[X] Military (6/6 Dice + 2 Free die, +31 bonus, 185 R)
    --[X] Reclamator Hub RZ-1S Benghazi 0/250 (2 dice + 1 Tib, 60 R) (70% chance)
    --[X] NovaHawk Factory Refits (Phase 1) 30/150 (1 die, 25 R) (15% chance)
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2+3) 236/570 (3 dice, 60 R) (Phase 2, 2% Phase 3)
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment 156/350 (1 die, 20 R) (38% chance of 260/350 autocomplete target)
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 (1 die, 20 R) (1/3 median)
    -[X] Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, +29 bonus)
    --[X] Administrative Assistance (Fusion Shipyard Reconstruction)
    --[X] Administrative Assistance (Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes)
    [X] Plan MARVy Road to Aldrin
    -[X] Infrastructure 5 dice, +27, 125R
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 1 dice + 3 Tib dice 80R 100%
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding (New) 0/200 2 dice 30R 17%
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 201/240 1 die 15R 100%
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 1 die 10R 14%
    -[X] Heavy Industry (5 dice +34) 125R
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147/540 2 dice 40R 99%
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103/180 2 dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 1 dice 25R 96%
    -[X] Light and Chemical Industry 4 +29 95R
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 1 die 20R 69%
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 2 dice 60R
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 1 die 15R 99%
    -[X] Agriculture 6 dice, +29, 90R
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 1/360 4 dice 60R 47%
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 2 dice 30R 57%
    -[X] Tiberium 7+4 free+E dice, +39, 155R
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6+7) 54/350 3 dice 75R 39%
    --[X] Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing (Phase 1+2) 0/150 1 dice 10R 60%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zones) 0/75 1 dice 30R 100%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone BZ-3 British Isles) 30/75 1 die 30R 100%
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 161/180 Erewhon 20R 97%
    --[X] 3 dice to Karachi
    --[X] 2 dice to MARV
    -[X] Orbital 9+AA dice, +34, 250R
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0/80 1+AA die 40R 88%+
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 1 die 20R 89%
    --[X] Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0/215 2 dice 40R 26%
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 5 dice 150R 100%
    -[X] Services 4 dice +35 105R
    --[X] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 2 dice 50R 53%
    --[X] Rage Engine Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 25R 89%
    --[X] Stasis Box Development (Tech) (MS) 0/120 1 die 30R 27%
    -[X] Military 6 dice + 2 Free + AA, +31, 215R
    --[X] Advanced Articulation Systems (Tech) 0/60 1 die 15R 99%
    --[X] Orbital Nuclear Caches 0/140 1 die 20R 3%
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2) 236/285 2+AA dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Reclamator Hub RZ-1S 0/250 2+2 Tib dice 80R 100%
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156/350 1 dice 20R
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 1 dice 20R
    -[X] Bureaucracy 4 dice +29 0R
    --[X] Administrative Assistance x2
    [X] Plan Attempting to Fill Big Craters In Monrovia
    -[X] Infrastructure (5/5 Dice, +27 bonus, 160 R)
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 (2 dice + 4 Tib, 120 R) (___)
    ---[X] All costs for the project are being accounted here, none in Tiberium
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 (1 die, 10 R) (14% chance)
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 199/240 (1 die, 15 R) (100% chance)
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding 0/200 (1 dice, 15 R) (1/2.5 median)
    -[X] Heavy Industry (5/5 Dice, +34 bonus, 125 R)
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147/270 (2 dice, 40 R) (99% chance)
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 108/180 (2 dice, 60 R) (100% chance)
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 (1 die, 25 R) (96% chance)
    -[X] Light Industry (4/4 Dice, +29 bonus, 95 R)
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 644/1140 (2 dice, 60 R) (2/6 median)
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 (1 die, 15 R) (99% chance)
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 (1 die, 20 R) (69% chance)
    -[X] Agriculture (6/6 dice, +29 bonus, 90 R)
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 1/360 (4 dice, 60 R) (Phase 4, 47% chance Phase 5)
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 (2 dice, 30 R) (57% chance)
    -[X] Tiberium (7/7 dice +3 Free Dice + AA, +39 bonus, 140 R)
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) (4 dice, see Infrastructure)
    --[X] Reclamator Hub RZ-1S Benghazi 0/250 (1 die, see Military)
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6) 54/180 (2 dice, 50 R) (99% chance)
    --[X] Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing (Phase 1+2+3) 0/150 (1 die, 10 R) (Phase 1, 60% Phase 2, 1% Phase 3)
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-3 British Isles) 30/75 (1 die, 30 R) (100% chance) (+1 PS)
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-13 West Africa) 0/75 (1 die, 30 R) (92% chance) (+1 PS)
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 161/180 (AA die, 20 R) (97% chance) (-5 PS)
    -[X] Orbital (9/9 Dice + 1 Free dice + Erewhon + AA, +34 bonus, 350 R)
    --[X] Fusion Shipyard Reconstruction 0/450 (5+AA dice, 180 R) (79% chance)
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 (1 die, 20 R) (89% chance)
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 (4+E dice, 150 R) (Phase 2, 4/12 to Phase 3 plan target)
    -[X] Services (4/4 dice, +35 bonus, 110 R)
    --[X] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 (2 dice, 50 R) (53% chance)
    --[X] Wet AI Development 0/240 (2 dice, 60 R) (7% chance)
    -[X] Military (6/6 Dice + 2 Free die, +31 bonus, 185 R)
    --[X] Reclamator Hub RZ-1S Benghazi 0/250 (2 dice + 1 Tib, 60 R) (70% chance)
    --[X] NovaHawk Factory Refits (Phase 1) 30/150 (1 die, 25 R) (15% chance)
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2+3) 236/570 (3 dice, 60 R) (Phase 2, 2% Phase 3)
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment 156/350 (1 die, 20 R) (38% chance of 260/350 autocomplete target)
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 (1 die, 20 R) (1/3 median)
    -[X] Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, +29 bonus)
    --[X] Administrative Assistance (Fusion Shipyard Reconstruction)
    --[X] Administrative Assistance (Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes)
    [X] Plan Kick that rock in the dick
    -[X] Infrastructure 5 dice, +27, 115R
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 1 dice + 2 Tib dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding (New) 0/200 2 dice 30R 17%
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 201/240 1 die 15R 100%
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 1 die 10R 14%
    -[X] Heavy Industry (5 dice +34) 125R
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147/270 2 dice 40R 99%
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103/180 2 dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 1 dice 25R 96%
    -[X] Light and Chemical Industry (4 dice +29) 95R
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 1 die 20R 69%
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 2 dice 60R
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 1 die 15R 99%
    -[X] Agriculture 6 dice, +29, 90R
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 1/360 4 dice 60R 47%
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 2 dice 30R 57%
    -[X] Tiberium 7+4 free+E dice, +39, 130R
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6) 54/180 2 dice 50R 99%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zones) 0/75 1 dice 30R 100%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone BZ-3 British Isles) 30/75 1 die 30R 100%
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 161/180 Erewhon 20R 97%
    –-[X] 2 dice to Karachi
    --[X] 5 dice to Reclamator Hub RZ-1S
    -[X] Orbital 9+AA dice, +34, 250R
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0/80 1+AA die 40R 88%+
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 1 die 20R 89%
    --[X] Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0/215 2 dice 40R 26%
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 5 dice 150R 100%
    -[X] Services 4 dice +35 105R
    --[X] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 2 dice 50R 53%
    --[X] Rage Engine Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 25R 89%
    --[X] Stasis Box Development (Tech) (MS) 0/120 1 die 30R 27%
    -[X] Military 6 dice + 2 Free + AA, +31, 275R
    --[X] Advanced Articulation Systems (Tech) 0/60 1 die 15R 99%
    --[X] Orbital Nuclear Caches 0/140 1 die 20R 3%
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2) 236/285 2+AA dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Reclamator Hub RZ-1S 0/250 2+5 Tib dice 140R 100%
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156/350 1 dice 20R
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 1 dice 20R
    -[X] Bureaucracy 4 dice +29 0R
    --[X] Administrative Assistance x2
    [X] Plan Titans of Industry
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 2 dice+2 dice 80R 100%
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 201/240 1 Erewhon die 15R 84%
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding (New) 0/200 2 dice 30R 17%
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 1 die 10R 14%
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5+6) 147/540 4 dice 80R 18%
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103/180 3 die 90R 100%
    --[X] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (Phase 4) 143/935 4 dice+1 AA die 100R
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 1 AA die 25R 45%
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 644/1140 3 dice 90R
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 1 die 20R 69%
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4) 1/175 4 dice 60R 100%+ 47% of stage 5
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 2 dice 30R 57%
    -[X] Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing Phase 1 0/150 2 dice 20R 94%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone BZ-3 British Isles) 30/75 1 die 30R 100%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Yellow Zone 10) 0/100 1 die 30R 60%
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 161/180 1 die 20R 100%
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0/80 1 die 20R 88%
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 1 die 20R 89%
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 6 dice 180R 100%
    --[X] Rage Engine Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 25R 89%
    --[X] Stasis Box Development (Tech) (MS) 0/120 2 dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Projected Hardlight Development (Tech) 0/60 1 die 15R 100%
    --[X] NovaHawk Factory Refits (Refit) 30/300 1 die 25R
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2+3) 236/570 3 dice 60R 2%
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156/350 1 die 40R
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 1 die 20R
    --[X]Administrative Assistance (4 dice) HI+HI
    [X] Plan Finishing The Fight
    -[X]Infrastructure (5 dice +27) 105R
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 3 + 1 AA die 80R 5.66/11 median for Phase 4+5 (See Tiberium)
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 1 die 10R 14%
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 201/240 1 die 15R 100%
    -[X] Heavy Industry (5 dice +34) 125R
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147/270 2 dice 40R 99%
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103/180 2 dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 1 die 25R 96%
    -[X] Light and Chemical Industry (4 dice +29) 95R
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 1 die 20R 69%
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 2 dice 60R 2/6 median
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 1 die 15R 99%
    -[X] Agriculture 6 dice, +29, 90R
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 1/360 4 dice 60R 47%
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 2 dice 30R 57%
    -[X] Tiberium (7 dice +39) 4 Free + 1 AA 215R
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 2 dice 40R (See Infrastructure)
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6+7) 54/350 3 dice 75R 39%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone BZ-2) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone BZ-3 British Isles) 30/75 1 die 30R 100%
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 161/180 1 die 20R 100%
    --[X] Reclamator Hub Red Zone 1 South 1 die 20R (see Military)
    -[X] Orbital (9 dice +34) 3 Free + 1 AA + Erewhon 400R
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0/80 1 die 20R 88%
    --[X] Fusion Shipyard Reconstruction 0/450 4 die 120R 20% (assumes 60 Progress from Reconstruction without 1%)
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 1 die 20R 89%
    --[X] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 4) 42/220 3 dice 90R 100%
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 3 + 1 AA + Erewhon dice 150R 100%, 4.33/13 median for Phase 2+3
    -[X] Services (4 dice + 35) 110R
    --[X] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 2 dice 50R 53%
    --[X] Wet AI Development (Tech) (MS) 0/240 2 dice 60R 7%,
    -[X] Military (6 dice +31) 1 Free 140R
    --[X] Reclamator Hub Red Zone 1 South (Progress 0/250) 2 dice 40R (see Tiberium) 71%
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156/350 1 die 20R
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2+3) 236/570 3 dice 60R 2%
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 (1 die, 20 R) (1/3 median)
    -[X] Bureaucracy
    --[X] Administrative Assistance 2 dice: Aldrin
    --[X] Administrative Assistance 2 dice: Karachi
    [X] Plan Tech dev and Plan goals 1205R
    -[X] Infrastructure 5 dice, +27, 75R
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 1 dice + 4 Tib dice 120R 100%
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 1 dice 10R 14%
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 201/240 1 dice 15R 100%
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding (New) 0/200 2 dice 30R 17%
    -[X] Heavy Industry 5 dice + 1 Free 115R
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147/270 2 dice 40R 99%
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103/180 2 dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 1 dice 25R 96%
    --[X] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (Phase 4) 143/935 1 dice 25R
    -[X] Light and Chemical Industry 4 dice +29 105R
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 3 dice 90R
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 1 die 15R 99%
    -[X] Agriculture 6 dice, +29, 90R
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 1/360 4 dice 60R 47%
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 2 dice 30R 57%
    -[X] Tiberium 7+1 free+E dice +AA, +39, 215R
    --[X] Tiberium Vein Mines (Stage 11) 0/165 2 dice 40R 85%
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 161/180 1 EE 20R
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6+7) 54/350 3 dice 75R 39%
    --[X] 3 dice + 1 AA dice to Karachi
    -[X] Orbital 9 dice + 1AA, +34, 250R
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0/80 1 dice + AA 40R 100%
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 1 die + AA 40R 100%
    --[X] Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0/215 2 dice 40R 26%
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 5 dice 150R 100%
    -[X] Services 4 dice + 2 Free +35 165R
    --[X] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 2 dice 50R 53%
    --[X] Rage Engine Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 25R 89%
    --[X] Wet AI Development (Tech) (MS) 0/240 2 dice 60R 7%,
    --[X] Stasis Box Development (Tech) (MS) 0/120 1 die 30R 27%
    -[X] Military 6 dice + 2 Free , +31, 160R
    --[X] Advanced Articulation Systems (Tech) 0/60 1 die 15R 99%
    --[X] NovaHawk Factory Refits (Refit) 30/300 1 dice 15R
    --[X] Orbital Nuclear Caches 0/140 1 die 20R 3%
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Phase 2+3) 236/570 3 dice 60R 2%
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 1 dice 20R
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156/350 1 dice 20R
    -[X] Bureaucracy 4 dice +29 0R
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development
    [X] Plan Late to the Party
    -[X]Infrastructure 5/5 Free Dice: 1/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 165R
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 3 dice + 3 Tib dice 120R 100%
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 201/240 1 die 15R 100%
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding 0/200 2 dice 30R 17%
    -[X]Heavy Industry 5/5 Free Dice: 0/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 125R
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147/270 2 dice 40R 99%
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103/180 2 dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 1 die 25R 96%
    -[X]Light and Chemical Industry 4/4 Free Dice: 0/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 95R
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 644/1140 2 dice 60R 0%
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 1 die 15R 99%
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 1 die 20R 69%
    -[X]Agriculture 6/6 Free Dice: 0/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 90R
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4) 2/175 3 dice 45R 100%
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 3 dice 45R 99%
    -[X]Tiberium 7/7 Free Dice: 1/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 105R
    --[X] 3 dice for Karachi
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6) 54/180 3 dice 75R 100%
    --[X] Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing (Phase 1) 0/50 1 die 10R 100%
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 161/180 1 die 20R 100%
    -[X]Orbital 9/9 Free Dice: 2/6 Admin Dice: 1/2 AI Dice: 1/1 330R
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 1 die + 1 admin die 40R 99%
    --[X] GDSS Columbia Bays
    ---[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 1 die 20R 89%
    --[X] GDSS Shala Bays
    ---[X] Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0/255 3 dice 60R 98%
    --[X] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 4) 42/220 2 dice + Erewhon 90R 99%
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 4 dice 120R 100%
    -[X]Services 4/4 Free Dice: 0/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 120R
    --[X] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 2 dice + 1 admin die 75R 93%
    --[X] Wet AI Development 0/240 1 die 30R 0%
    --[X] Projected Hardlight Development 0/60 1 die 15R 100%
    -[X]Military 6/6 Free Dice: 2/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 160R
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2) 236/285 5 dice 100R 100%
    ---[X] Phase 3 236/570 98%
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156/350 2 dice 40R 31%
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 1 die 20R 0%
    -[X]Bureaucracy 4/4 Free Dice: 0/6 AI Dice: 0/1 0R
    --[X] Administrative Assistance (Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development) 2 dice
    --[X] Administrative Assistance (Regional Hospital Expansions) 2 dice
    -[X]Free Dice 6/6
    --[X] 1 in Infrastructure
    --[X] 1 in Tiberium
    --[X] 2 in Orbital
    --[X] 2 in Military
    -[X]Resources Income 1190/1450 Reserve 0/375 Bank 100
    [X] Plan Aldrin's Memory
    -[X]Infrastructure (5 dice +27) 175R
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4 + 5) 178/390 4 + 2 TIB die 120R
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 1 free die 10R
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 201/240 1 free die 15R 100%
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding 0/200 1 + 1 aa die 30 R
    -[X] Heavy Industry (5 dice +34) 125R
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147/270 2 dice 40R 99%
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103/180 2 dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 1 die 25R 96%
    -[X] Light and Chemical Industry (4 dice +29) 95R
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 1 die 20R 69%
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 2 dice 60R
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 1 die 15R 99%
    -[X] Agriculture 6 dice, +29, 90R
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 1/360 4 dice 60R 47%
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 2 dice 30R 57%
    -[X] Tiberium (7 dice +39) 2 Free 145R
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 2 dice 40R (See Infrastructure)
    --[X] Tiberium Vein Mines (Stage 11) 0/165 2 dice 40R 85%
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6+7) 54/350 3 dice 75R 39%
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 161/180 1 Free die 20R 100%
    --[X] Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing 0/50 1 Free die 10 R
    -[X] Orbital (9 dice +34) +1 AA + Erewhon 290R
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0/80 2 die 40R 100%
    --[X] Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0/215 1 AA die 20 R
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 1 die 20R 89%
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2+3) 268/1315 6 + Erewhon dice 210R 100% Phase 2
    -[X] Services (4 dice + 35) 100 R
    --[X] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 2 dice 50R 53%
    --[X] Wet AI Development (Tech) (MS) 0/240 1 dice 30R 7%
    --[X] Rage Engine Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 25R 89%
    -[X] Military (6 dice +31) 2 Free 150R
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156/350 1 free die 20R
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2+3) 236/570 4 dice 80R 2%
    --[X] Stealth Disruptor Deployment 0/160 2 dice 30R 74%
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 1 free die 20R
    -[X] Bureaucracy
    --[X] Administrative Assistance 2 dice: Aldrin
    --[X] Administrative Assistance 2 dice: Karachi
    [X] Plan It's a Marathon, not a Sprint
    --[X] Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178/390 2 dice+2 dice 80R 100%
    --[X] Drone Logistical Integration 201/240 1 Erewhon die 15R 84%
    --[X] Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding (New) 0/200 2 dice 30R 17%
    --[X] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 1 die 10R 14%
    --[X] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147/270 2 dice 40R 99%
    --[X] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103/180 3 die 90R 100%
    --[X] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80/150 1 die 25R 96%
    --[X] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 644/1140 3 dice 90R
    --[X] Factory Automation Programs 229/280 1 AA die 15R 65%
    --[X] Civilian Exosuits 0/85 1 die 20R 69%
    --[X] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4) 1/175 4 dice 60R 100%+ 47% of stage 5
    --[X] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0/170 2 dice 30R 57%
    --[X] Xenotech Tiberium Processing Plants (Stage 3) 61/300 3 dice 120R 90%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone BZ-3 British Isles) 30/75 1 die 30R 100%
    --[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Yellow Zone 10) 0/100 1 die 30R 60%
    --[X] Liquid Tiberium Power Cell Deployment (Phase 3) 4/125 2 dice 40R 100%
    --[X] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 161/180 1 die 20R 100%
    --[X] Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0/80 1 die 20R 88%
    --[X] Assembler Bay 161/240 1 die 20R 89%
    --[X] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 4) 42/220 1 dice 30R
    --[X] Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268/465 6 dice 180R 100%
    --[X] Rage Engine Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 25R 89%
    --[X] Stasis Box Development (Tech) (MS) 0/120 2 dice 60R 100%
    --[X] Projected Hardlight Development (Tech) 0/60 1 die 15R 100%
    --[X] NovaHawk Factory Refits (Refit) 30/300 1 die 25R
    --[X] Thunderbolt II Missile Development (Platform) (Munitions) 0/60 1 die 15R 99%
    --[X] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2+3) 236/570 3 dice 60R 2%
    --[X] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156/350 1 die 40R
    --[X] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 2 dice 40R 2%
    --[X]Administrative Assistance (2 dice)
    --[X] Hand Off Capital Goods to Market 1 die auto
    ---[X] Hand off 10 Capital goods
    --[X] Transfer Funds to the General Pool -60 R/turn
Look out guys, gals, and enby/other pals! I'm back!

Shadows threw 6 50-faced dice. Reason: Karachi Planned City Total: 190
39 39 46 46 22 22 40 40 17 17 26 26
Shadows threw 4 50-faced dice. Reason: Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuild Total: 65
6 6 14 14 31 31 14 14
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Drone Logistical Integration Total: 42
36 36 6 6
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Postwar Housing Refits Total: 37
20 20 17 17
Shadows threw 8 50-faced dice. Reason: 2CCF Plants Total: 235
16 16 32 32 39 39 37 37 42 42 23 23 1 1 45 45
Shadows threw 4 50-faced dice. Reason: Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator Total: 95
2 2 47 47 35 35 11 11
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: MFC Laboratories Total: 24
10 10 14 14
Shadows threw 4 50-faced dice. Reason: Bergen Superconductor Foundry Total: 58
21 21 33 33 2 2 2 2
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Civilian Exosuits Total: 65
46 46 19 19
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Factory Automation Programs Total: 56
16 16 40 40
Shadows threw 8 50-faced dice. Reason: Spider Cotton Plantations Total: 205
28 28 32 32 12 12 27 27 21 21 28 28 11 11 46 46
Shadows threw 4 50-faced dice. Reason: Lab Meat Deployment Total: 123
33 33 34 34 11 11 45 45
Shadows threw 6 50-faced dice. Reason: Red Zone Containment Lines Total: 188
8 8 48 48 7 7 50 50 45 45 30 30
Shadows threw 4 50-faced dice. Reason: Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing Total: 37
1 1 5 5 2 2 29 29
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Tiberium Inhibitor (BZ) Total: 24
2 2 22 22
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Tiberium Inhibitor (BZ-3) Total: 53
12 12 41 41
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: EHTS Total: 25
21 21 4 4
Shadows threw 4 50-faced dice. Reason: Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Dev Total: 130
25 25 8 8 49 49 48 48
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Assembler Bay Total: 82
32 32 50 50
Shadows threw 4 50-faced dice. Reason: Experimental Crops Bay Total: 139
49 49 10 10 33 33 47 47
Shadows threw 10 50-faced dice. Reason: Aldrin Planned City Total: 282
7 7 31 31 39 39 16 16 43 43 16 16 49 49 23 23 44 44 14 14
Shadows threw 4 50-faced dice. Reason: Regional Hospital Expansions Total: 115
14 14 37 37 36 36 28 28
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Rage Engine Dev Total: 78
38 38 40 40
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Stasis Box Dev Total: 65
36 36 29 29
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Advanced Articulation Systems Total: 53
23 23 30 30
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Orbital Nuclear Caches Total: 69
36 36 33 33
Shadows threw 10 50-faced dice. Reason: Ground Forces Zone Armor Total: 327
35 35 13 13 38 38 28 28 47 47 19 19 49 49 11 11 47 47 40 40
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Governor-A Deployment Total: 48
42 42 6 6
Shadows threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: USGV Deployment Total: 28
16 16 12 12
Shadows threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Environmental Roll Total: 55
55 55
Shadows threw 2 3-faced dice. Reason: Containment Line Income Total: 4
2 2 2 2
Shadows threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Underground Tib Total: 22
22 22
Math Post Q1 2065


Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178 + 190 + 1 * 27 + 2 * 39 = 473/390, 83/780 (Phase 5)
Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding 0 + 65 + 2 * 27 + 60? (Reconstruction) = 179/200
Drone Logistical Integration 199 + 42 + 1 * 27 = 268/240

Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33 + 37 + 1 * 27 = 97/150
Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147 + 235 + 4 * 34 = 518/270, 248/270 (Phase 6)
Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 108 + 95 + 2 * 34 = 271/180, 91/360 (Phase 3)
Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80 + 24 + 1 * 34 = 138/150 Omake Complete
Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 644 + 58 + 2 * 29 = 760/1140
Civilian Exosuits 0 + 65 + 1 * 29 = 94/85

Factory Automation Programs 229 + 56 + 1 * 29 = 314/280
Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4) 1 + 205 + 4 * (29 + 5) = 342/175, 167/185 (Phase 5)
Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0 + 123 + 2 * 29 = 181/170,
11/170 (Phase 3?)
Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6) 54 + 188 + 3 * 39 = 359/180, 179/170 (Stage 7), 7/170 (Stage 8)
Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing (Phase 1) 0 + 37 + 2 * 39 = 115/50, 65/50 (Phase 2), 15/50 (Phase 3)
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-3 British Isles) 30 + 53 + 1 * 39 = 122/75 47 Rollover
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ) 0 + 24 + 1 * 39 = 63/75 Omake Complete/Rollover?
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-? Combined Rollover) 0 + 47 - 12 = 35/75 ?

Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes (Phase 2) 161 + 25 = 186/180, 6/180 (Phase 3)
Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0 + 130 + 1 * (34 + 5) = 169/80
Assembler Bay 161 + 82 + 1 * (34 + 5) = 282/240
Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0 + 139 + 2 * (34 + 5) = 217/215,
2/215 (Stage 2)
Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268 + 282 + 5 * 34 = 720/465, 255/850 (Phase 3)
Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85 + 115 + 2 * 35 = 270/270
Rage Engine Development 0 + 78 + 1 * (35 = 5) = 118/80

Stasis Box Development 0 + 65 + 1 * (35 + 5) = 105/120 Omake Complete
Electronic Countermeasures Improvements 120 + 30 Refit = 150/500
Ferro Aluminum Armor Refits 259 + 30 Refit = 289/295

Advanced Articulation Systems 0 + 53 + 1 * 31 = 84/60
NovaHawk Factory Refits (Phase 1) 30 + 30 Refit = 60/150
Ultralight Glide Munitions Deployment (Phase 3) 85 + 50 Munitions = 135/150

Orbital Nuclear Caches 0 + 69 + 1 * (31 + 5) = 105/140
Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2) 236 + 327 + 4 * 31 = 687/285, 402/285 (Phase 3), 117/285 (Phase 4)
GD-3 Deployment (Phase 2) 125 + 30 Refit = 155/180
Governor-A Deployment 156 + 48 + 1 * 31 + 30 Refit = 265/350
Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0 + 16 + 1 * 31 = 47/240

Administrative Assistance (Fusion Shipyard Reconstruction)
Administrative Assistance (Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes)

Housing LQ: 89 + 4 Karachi = 93
Housing HQ: 4 + 1 BOA = 5
Housing: 93 + 5 = 98
Energy: 37 + 5 DEA - 16 CCF Decommissioning + 1 Drone Logistics + 19 2CCF - 2 Aberdeen - 4 Factory Automation - 2 Lab Meat + 2 RZ Containment + 4 HG Mothball - 6 BZ Inhibitor + 3 Aldrin - 1 Hospitals - 8 GFZA = 32
Energy Reserve: 6
Logistics: 24 - 2 Fusion Yard + 6 Karachi + 2 HG Mothball = 30
Food: 50 - 1 Lab Meat = 49
Food Backed Reserve: 26
Food Unbacked Reserve: 5
Health: 41 + 4 Hospitals = 45
Capital Goods: 43 + 2 DIA - 4 Drone Logistics + 9 Aberdeen + 1 Spider Cotton + 1 Assembler Bay + 1 Aldrin - 1 Hospitals - 4 GFZA = 48
Capital Goods Reserve: 448 + 48 = 496
Consumer Goods: 47 - 2 Net + 6 Lab Meat + 5 Assembler Bay = 56
Labor: 11 - 1 Net + 1 CCF Decommissioning - 2 Karachi + 6 Drone Logistics - 1 2CCF + 4 Factory Automation + 1 Civilian Exosuits + 2 HG Mothball - 1 Hospitals - 4 GFZA = 16
Tiberium Processing: 2965 + 30 RZ Containment + 10 Tib Spikes = 3005
Tiberium‌ ‌Processing‌ ‌Capacity‌: 4800 - 600 HG Mothball = 4200: 1850 HG, 1350 IHG, 1000 X
Tiberium Processing Mothball: 0 + 600 HG Mothball = 600 HG
Tiberium Reserve: 0/500
STU Production: 655/1850 HG, 1350/1350 IHG, 1000/1000 X. HG: 1 per 95, IHG: 1 per 85, X: 1 per 45: 1000/45 X + 1350/85 IHG + 655/95 HG = 44.999312
STU Consumption: 29 + 2 Microfusion = 31
STU Excess: 44 - 31 = 13
Income: 1450 + 20 Tax + 30 RZ Containment + 10 Tib Spikes = 1510
Reserve: 1450 + 375 - 1235 = 590 R
Budget For Q2: 1510 + 590 = 2100
YZ Mitigation: 102 + 4 BZ Inhibitor = 106
RZ Mitigation: 88 + 6 RZ Containment = 94
Political Support: 103 - 5 Tib Spike + 2 BZ Inhibitor = 100
Space Population: 10.75k + 2.2k Aldrin = 12.95k

Plan Goals:
Increase Income by 135 75 In Progress
Increase population in space by 9.25k 7.05k In Progress
Provide 10 4 Points of Red Zone Abatement In Progress
Spend at least one die on Steel Talons projects every turn Complied
Complete Karachi Planned City by end of 2065 In Progress
Deploy Governor-A refit Will Be Completed By Refit Department
Complete at least 3 1 Ground Forces Zone Armor factories In Progress
Complete Regional Hospital Expansions by end of 2065 Complete
Complete Post War Housing Refits In Progress
Do not activate Free Dice (except for Tiberium) unless all Department Dice are active Complied
Spend no more than two free dice per turn on Military Complied

Edit: @Shadows Congrats on the last second win, even if it did cause me to scramble to fix everything in the above when I realized what had happened. (My face when :o) If anyone sees any errors please let me know.
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