Math Post Q1 2065
Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178 + 190 + 1 * 27 + 2 * 39 = 473/390, 83/780 (Phase 5)
Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding 0 + 65 + 2 * 27 + 60? (Reconstruction) = 179/200
Drone Logistical Integration 199 + 42 + 1 * 27 = 268/240
Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33 + 37 + 1 * 27 = 97/150
Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 147 + 235 + 4 * 34 = 518/270, 248/270 (Phase 6)
Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 108 + 95 + 2 * 34 = 271/180, 91/360 (Phase 3)
Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80 + 24 + 1 * 34 = 138/150 Omake Complete
Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 644 + 58 + 2 * 29 = 760/1140
Civilian Exosuits 0 + 65 + 1 * 29 = 94/85
Factory Automation Programs 229 + 56 + 1 * 29 = 314/280
Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4) 1 + 205 + 4 * (29 + 5) = 342/175, 167/185 (Phase 5)
Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0 + 123 + 2 * 29 = 181/170, 11/170 (Phase 3?)
Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6) 54 + 188 + 3 * 39 = 359/180, 179/170 (Stage 7), 7/170 (Stage 8)
Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing (Phase 1) 0 + 37 + 2 * 39 = 115/50, 65/50 (Phase 2), 15/50 (Phase 3)
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-3 British Isles) 30 + 53 + 1 * 39 = 122/75 47 Rollover
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ) 0 + 24 + 1 * 39 = 63/75 Omake Complete/
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-? Combined Rollover) 0 + 47 - 12 = 35/75 ?
Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes (Phase 2) 161 + 25 = 186/180, 6/180 (Phase 3)
Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0 + 130 + 1 * (34 + 5) = 169/80
Assembler Bay 161 + 82 + 1 * (34 + 5) = 282/240
Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0 + 139 + 2 * (34 + 5) = 217/215, 2/215 (Stage 2)
Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268 + 282 + 5 * 34 = 720/465, 255/850 (Phase 3)
Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85 + 115 + 2 * 35 = 270/270
Rage Engine Development 0 + 78 + 1 * (35 = 5) = 118/80
Stasis Box Development 0 + 65 + 1 * (35 + 5) = 105/120 Omake Complete
Electronic Countermeasures Improvements 120 + 30 Refit = 150/500
Ferro Aluminum Armor Refits 259 + 30 Refit = 289/295
Advanced Articulation Systems 0 + 53 + 1 * 31 = 84/60
NovaHawk Factory Refits (Phase 1) 30 + 30 Refit = 60/150
Ultralight Glide Munitions Deployment (Phase 3) 85 + 50 Munitions = 135/150
Orbital Nuclear Caches 0 + 69 + 1 * (31 + 5) = 105/140
Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2) 236 + 327 + 4 * 31 = 687/285, 402/285 (Phase 3), 117/285 (Phase 4)
GD-3 Deployment (Phase 2) 125 + 30 Refit = 155/180
Governor-A Deployment 156 + 48 + 1 * 31 + 30 Refit = 265/350
Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0 + 16 + 1 * 31 = 47/240
Administrative Assistance (Fusion Shipyard Reconstruction)
Administrative Assistance (Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes)
Housing LQ: 89 + 4 Karachi = 93
Housing HQ: 4 + 1 BOA = 5
Housing: 93 + 5 = 98
Energy: 37 + 5 DEA - 16 CCF Decommissioning + 1 Drone Logistics + 19 2CCF - 2 Aberdeen - 4 Factory Automation - 2 Lab Meat + 2 RZ Containment + 4 HG Mothball - 6 BZ Inhibitor + 3 Aldrin - 1 Hospitals - 8 GFZA = 32
Energy Reserve: 6
Logistics: 24 - 2 Fusion Yard + 6 Karachi + 2 HG Mothball = 30
Food: 50 - 1 Lab Meat = 49
Food Backed Reserve: 26
Food Unbacked Reserve: 5
Health: 41 + 4 Hospitals = 45
Capital Goods: 43 + 2 DIA - 4 Drone Logistics + 9 Aberdeen + 1 Spider Cotton + 1 Assembler Bay + 1 Aldrin - 1 Hospitals - 4 GFZA = 48
Capital Goods Reserve: 448 + 48 = 496
Consumer Goods: 47 - 2 Net + 6 Lab Meat + 5 Assembler Bay = 56
Labor: 11 - 1 Net + 1 CCF Decommissioning - 2 Karachi + 6 Drone Logistics - 1 2CCF + 4 Factory Automation + 1 Civilian Exosuits + 2 HG Mothball - 1 Hospitals - 4 GFZA = 16
Tiberium Processing: 2965 + 30 RZ Containment + 10 Tib Spikes = 3005
Tiberium Processing Capacity: 4800 - 600 HG Mothball = 4200: 1850 HG, 1350 IHG, 1000 X
Tiberium Processing Mothball: 0 + 600 HG Mothball = 600 HG
Tiberium Reserve: 0/500
STU Production: 655/1850 HG, 1350/1350 IHG, 1000/1000 X. HG: 1 per 95, IHG: 1 per 85, X: 1 per 45: 1000/45 X + 1350/85 IHG + 655/95 HG = 44.999312
STU Consumption: 29 + 2 Microfusion = 31
STU Excess: 44 - 31 = 13
Income: 1450 + 20 Tax + 30 RZ Containment + 10 Tib Spikes = 1510
Reserve: 1450 + 375 - 1235 = 590 R
Budget For Q2: 1510 + 590 = 2100
YZ Mitigation: 102 + 4 BZ Inhibitor = 106
RZ Mitigation: 88 + 6 RZ Containment = 94
Political Support: 103 - 5 Tib Spike + 2 BZ Inhibitor = 100
Space Population: 10.75k + 2.2k Aldrin = 12.95k
Plan Goals:
Increase Income by
135 75
In Progress
Increase population in space by
9.25k 7.05k
In Progress
10 4 Points of Red Zone Abatement
In Progress
Spend at least one die on Steel Talons projects every turn
Complete Karachi Planned City by end of 2065
In Progress
Deploy Governor-A refit
Will Be Completed By Refit Department
Complete at least
3 1 Ground Forces Zone Armor factories
In Progress
Complete Regional Hospital Expansions by end of 2065 Complete
Complete Post War Housing Refits
In Progress
Do not activate Free Dice (except for Tiberium) unless all Department Dice are active
Spend no more than two free dice per turn on Military
@Shadows Congrats on the last second win, even if it did cause me to scramble to fix everything in the above when I realized what had happened. (My face when
) If anyone sees any errors please let me know.