Remind me again how the nat 1 rules work? Because we might have hit that with the CCF.

Edit: Also, it looks like Rocky Road to Aldrin performed a sudden last minute win, so you'll need to tweak the setup, @doruma1920.
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Sad we aren't doing Wetware AI this turn, but Advanced Articulation is finally done, yay!

I'm confused about some of the other choices in the winning plan, but I didn't really participate in the vote discussion this time. Be a bit silly to complain now.
Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 178+105+190=473/390
Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding (New) 0+54+65=119/200
Drone Logistical Integration 201+27+42=270/240
Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33+27+37=97/150

Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5+6) 147+136+235=518/540
Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 103+68+95=266/180
Microfusion Cell Laboratories 80+34+24=138+15=153/150

Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483+58+58=/1140
Civilian Exosuits 0+29+65=94/85
Factory Automation Programs 229+29+56=314/280

Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 1+136+205=342/360
Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 0+58+123=181/170

Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6+7) 54+117+188=359/350
Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing (Phase 1+2+3) 0+78+37=115/150
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zones) 0+39+24=63+15=78/75
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone BZ-3 British Isles) 30+39+53=122/75
Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 161+1+25=187/180

Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 0+39+130=169/80
Assembler Bay 161+39+82=282/240
Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0+78+139=217/215
Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 268+170+=720/465

Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85+70+115=270/270
Rage Engine Development (Tech) 0+40+78=118/80
Stasis Box Development (Tech) (MS) 0+40+65=105+15=120/120

Advanced Articulation Systems (Tech) 0+36+53=89/60
Orbital Nuclear Caches 0+36+69=105/140
Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2+3) 236+124+327=687/570
Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 156+31+48+30=265/350
Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0+31+28=59/240
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Preliminary mathpost, but under review:

Karachi Planned City (Phase 4) 473/390 Phase 4, 83/780 Phase 5
Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 97/150

Drone Logistical Integration 268/240
Nuclear Infrastructure Rebuilding 119+60(Reconstruction)=179/200
Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 518/270 Phase 5, 248/270 Phase 6
Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 2) 266/180 Phase 2, 86/360 Phase 3
Microfusion Cell Laboratories 143+10=153/150
Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 760/1140
Factory Automation Programs 314/280
Civilian Exosuits 94/85
Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 4+5) 342/185 Phase 4,
157/175 Phase 5
Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 2) 181/170
Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6) 359/180 Stage 6, 179/170 Stage 7,
9/170 Stage 8
Hewlett-Gardener Mothballing (Phase 1+2+3) 115/50 Phase 1, 65/50 Phase 2, 15/50 Phase 3
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-3 British Isles) 122/75, 47 overflow
Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-18 Himalayas) 63+15=78/75 + 3 overflow
Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 187/180
Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development 169/80
Assembler Bay 282/240
Experimental Crops Bay 217/215
Aldrin Planned City (Phase 2) 720/465 Phase 2,
255/850 Phase 3
Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 270/270
Rage Engine Development (Tech) 118/80
Stasis Box Development (Tech) 105+15=120/120
Advanced Articulation Systems 89/60

Orbital Nuclear Caches 105/140
Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2+3) 687/285 Phase 2, 402/285 Phase 3, 117/285 Phase 4
Governor-A Deployment 235/350 + 30 (Refits) 265/350
Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 59/240

Inhibitor rollover: Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment(BZ-15 Iceland?) 50/75

Departments results:
Fusion Shipyard Reconstruction (Reconstruction) 0+60=60/450
Electronic Countermeasures Improvements (Refit) 120+30=150/500
Ferro Aluminum Armor Refits (Refit) 259 + 30 = 289/295
Ultralight Glide Munitions Deployment (Phase 3) (Munitions) 85 + 50 = 135/150 Phase 3
NovaHawk Factory Refits 30+30=60/150
GD-3 Deployment (Phase 2)(Refits) 125 + 30 = 155/180

Net results from turn projects:
Housing: +4
Energy: +6
Logistics: +8
Food: -1
Health: +4
Capital Goods: +3
Consumer Goods: +11
Labor: +5
STUs: -2
Resources per Turn: +40
Yellow Zone Mitigation: +4
Red Zone Mitigation: +6
Political Support: -3
-600 HG Refining Capacity
+2200 Residents ON THE MOON!
+microfusion labs, zoomyship designs, weird new spacefruits, weird tech

Old Tiberium Spread
25.965 (+0.21) Blue Zone
0.00 (-0.00) Green Zone
0.07 (+0.00) Cyan Zone
23.935 (+.21) Yellow Zone (102 points of mitigation)
50.03 (-.42) Red Zone (88 points of mitigation)
Underground Tiberium infiltration estimates:
0.23 Blue
12.77 Yellow (??? points of mitigation)
87.00 Red (??? points of mitigation)

New Tiberium Spread
26.095 (+0.13) Blue Zone
0.19 (+0.19) Green Zone
0.07 (+0.00) Cyan Zone
24.255 (+.32) Yellow Zone (106 points of mitigation)
49.39 (-.64) Red Zone (94 points of mitigation)
Underground Tiberium infiltration estimates:
0.23?? Blue
12.77?? Yellow (??? points of mitigation)
87.00?? Red (??? points of mitigation)

New Economic Indicators:
Resources: 1490+655 in reserve‌
Housing: +98
Energy: +32
Logistics: +30
Food: +49
Health: +45
Capital Goods: +48
Consumer Goods: +56
Labor: +16
Tiberium‌ ‌Processing‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌(2965/4200)‌ ‌(615/1850 HG, 1350/1350 IHG, 1000/1000 X) (HG: 1 per 95, IHG: 1 per 85, X: 1 per 45)
Tiberium Reserve (0/500)
STUs: +13

Political‌ ‌Support:‌ 100
SCIENCE Meter: 4/4

Plan Goals
Increase Income by 95
Increase population in space by 7.05k
Provide 4 Points of Red Zone Abatement
Spend at least one die on Steel Talons projects every turn

Complete Karachi Planned City by end of 2065
Deploy Governor-A refit
Complete at least 1 Ground Forces Zone Armor factories
Complete Regional Hospital Expansions by end of 2065
Complete Post War Housing Refits
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A good chunk of plan goals are closer or done now. Which leaves us more flexible in the remaining 3 turns. Curious how much the reconstruction department will chip away at things but Dourma's post with the refit department additions looks very promising
2065 Q2 Preliminary Four Year Plan Required Dice
Infrastructure Projects
Infrastructure requires the Planned City Project of Karachi and the Post War Housing Refits.

Required Projects:
-Karachi Planned City Phase 5: 83/780 Progress ~4 dice median
--Requires 2 Labor
--Provides 8 Logistics
--Note: Dice split between Infrastructure and Tiberium.

-Post War Housing Refits Phase 2-3: 97/300 Progress ~3 dice median

Semi Required Projects:

Infrastructure Total = 7 dice
15 Infrastructure dice for the rest of the Plan, 8 dice available, no free dice required.
Heavy Industry Projects
Heavy Industry does not require any additional projects. However, we are going to need a couple phases of 2CCF plants to support CCF replacement.

Required Projects:

Semi Required Projects:
-Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants Phase 6-7: 248/540 Progress ~4 dice median (6 dice)
--Requires 2 Labor
--Provides 38 Energy
--Note: Total CCF Energy to be replaced is 128 Energy. We only need 16 Energy ready this plan for the shut downs on Q4 2065. However, given we want to be spending Energy on new projects in the next plan, this analysis will account for 2 dice spent on 2CCF for the remainder of the Plan (IE 6 dice) with the knowledge that we don't strictly need more then 16 Energy and that every bit beyond that helps us in the future.

Heavy Industry Total = 6 dice
15 Heavy Industry dice for the rest of the Plan, 9 dice available, 0 free dice required
Light and Chemical Industry Projects
Light and Chemical Industry does require any additional projects.

Required Projects:

Semi Required Projects:

Light and Chemical Industry Total = 0 dice
12 Light and Chemical Industry dice for the rest of the Plan, 12 dice available, 0 free dice required
Agricultural Projects
Agriculture does require any additional projects.

Required Projects:

Semi Required Projects:

Agricultural Total = 0 dice
18 Agricultural Dice for the rest of the Plan, 18 dice available, 0 free dice required.
Tiberium Projects
Tiberium requires needed for the planned city of Karachi, an additional 4 RZ Mitigation, and 75 Income.

Required Projects:
-Karachi Planned City Phase 5: ~4 dice median
--Note: Dice split between Tiberium and Infrastructure.

Semi Required Projects:
-Red Zone Containment Lines Stage 8: 7/170 Progress ~2 dice median
--Provides 1 Energy
--Provides 3 RZ Mitigation
--Provides ~15 RpT

-Reclamator Hub Red Zone 1S: ~1 die
--Note Dice split between Tiberium and Military

Tiberium Total = 7 dice
21 Tiberium Dice for the rest of the Plan, 14 dice available, no free dice required.
Orbital Projects
Orbital currently requires the movement of 7050 people to Space.

Required Projects:
-Lunar Homesteading (Phase 4-6): 42/660 ~7 dice median
--Provides 3000 Space Population

-Aldrin Planned City (Phase 3) 255/850 ~8 dice median
--Provides 5000 Space Population
--Provides 3 Capital Goods

-Space Population Commitment:
--Total Required: 7050
--Total Produced: 8000

Semi Required Projects

Orbital Total = 14 dice
27 Orbital Dice for the rest of the Plan, 13 available, no free dice required.
Services Projects
Services does require any additional projects.

Required Projects:
Semi Required Projects:

Services Total = 0 dice
12 Services Dice for the rest of the Plan, 12 available, no free dice required.
Military Projects
Military requires the completion of 1 Phase of GFZA.

Required Projects:
General Military
-Reclamator Hub Red Zone 1S: 0/250 Progress ~2 dice
--Provides 1 Energy
--Provides 2 RZ Mitigation
--Provides 5 RpT
--Provides 1 STUs
---Note: Dice are split between Military and Tiberium.
---Note: Specifying RZ 1S do to the ability to install a RZ Inhibitor once complete.

-General Military Total = 2 dice

-ZOCOM Total = 0 dice

Air Force
-Air Force Total = 0 dice

Space Force
-Space Force Total = 0 die

Ground Forces
-Ground Forces Zone Armor x1: 117/285 Progress ~3 dice
--Requires 4 Energy
--Requires 2 Capital Goods
--Requires 2 Labor

-Ground Forces Total = 3 dice

-Governor A Deployment: 265 + 30 (Refit Department) * 3 (Turns Remaining) = 355/350 Progress
--Requires 2 Energy
--Requires 3 Capital Goods
--Provides 1 Labor
--Note: Refit Department will auto complete the Governor A Deployment
-Navy Total = 0 dice

Steel Talons
-At least 3 Steel Talon dice
-Steel Talons Total = 3 dice

Military Total = 8 dice
18 Military dice for the rest of the Plan, 10 dice available, 0 free dice required.
Economic Targets/Factors
-Energy: 32 current, 5 in reserve
--16 Required by CCF Replacement (16 Q1 2065, 16 Q4 2065)
--4 Required by GFZA
--2 Required by Governor A Deployment
--38 Provided by 2CCF
--15 Provided by DEA
--1 Provided by RZ Containment Lines
--1 Provided by RZ MARVs
--Net: 65 Energy

-Logistics:‌ 30
--8 Provided by Karachi Planned City
--Net: 38 Logistics

-Food:‌ 49
--Net: 49 Food

-Capital Goods: 48
--2 Required by GFZA
--3 Required by Governor A Deployment
--6 Provided by DIA
--Net: 49 Capital Goods

-Consumer Goods: 56 current
--6 Required from Net
--Net: 50

-STU: 13
--1 Produced by new income
--1 Produced by RZ MARV
--Net: 15

-Labor: 16, -1 per turn
--3 Removed by Net
--1 Provided by CCF Plant Decommissioning (Q4 2065)
--1 Provided by Governor A Refit
--2 Required by ICCF
--2 Required by Karachi Planned City
--2 Required by GFZA
--Net: 9

-Income RpT: Must produce 75
--60 Provided by Private Industry (current 20 RpT/T tax growth)
--15 Provided by Containment Lines
--5 Provided by RZ MARVs
--Total Produced: 80

-RZ Mitigation: Must produce 4
--3 Provided by Containment Lines
--2 Provided by RZ MARVs
--Total Produced 5

I've summarized the Economic Targets here as there are multiple ways to achieve them. I've noted the synergies between the Plan Goals as well. I've also placed them in the sections I feel they are most applicable.
Dice Required Summary
Infrastructure: 15 Total, 7 Required, 8 Available
Heavy Industry: 15 Total, 6 Required, 9 Available
Light and Chemical Industry: 12 Total, 0 Required, 12 Available
Agriculture: 18 Total, 0 Required, 18 Available
Tiberium: 21 Total, 6 Required, 15 Available
Orbital: 27 Total, 14 Required, 13 Available
Services: 12 Total, 0 Required, 12 Available
Military: 18 Total, 8 Required, 10 Available
Free: 18 Total, 0 Required, 18 Available
-All dice estimates are calculated based on the present respective die bonus.
-The total dice numbers at the bottom of each section are the dice requirements for the Required and Semi Required Projects combined.
-Required Projects are those that must be completed for the Plan.
-Semi Required Projects are those that should be completed, but are not technically mandatory for the completion of the Plan. These projects provide efficient methods to achieve the economic targets or otherwise reduce/mitigate the economic costs of the other required and semi required projects.

-Governor A will now complete without further dice investment
-Specified RZ 1S for the MARV Hub and split dice allocation between Tiberium and Military vs just Military.
-Updated Progress costs for Lunar Homesteading and Aldrin
-Removed completed plan goals

General Thoughts:
-Despite wanting to only invest in 1 die per turn for the Housing Refits, it may be that we will need to put two dice into it in either Q2 or Q3 to give slack in case of poor rolls like the one this turn.
-Dice wise it is technically possible to complete all remaining plan goals next turn, however that would be a plan focused solely on Orbital and Karachi to do it. I do not think this is a wise idea, though I may put together a meme plan to that end to see just how feasible it is.

Any questions/comments are welcome
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Since we've gone to 2d50, have we had a crit success? Our dice luck sucks.

That said, the impeller cargo ship completed by more than twice the required progress. Given that the high rolls were on the AA die, could that mean we have a very clear path forward for it, rebuilding Monrovia with Impellers?

Definitely going to go hard on MARVs next turn, will help us lay down Inhibitor network around the Med and pave the way for a future reopening of Suez.
General Thoughts:
-Despite wanting to only invest in 1 die per turn for the Housing Refits, it may be that we will need to put two dice into it in either Q2 or Q3 to give slack in case of poor rolls like the one this turn.
I'd say to do that in Q3 when we know whether or not it is likely to be necessary.

-Dice wise it is technically possible to complete all remaining plan goals next turn, however that would be a plan focused solely on Orbital and Karachi to do it. I do not think this is a wise idea, though I may put together a meme plan to that end to see just how feasible it is.
Yeah. I do want to push funding to Karachi next turn to make sue no one politically accuses us of slacking commitment, and so that we can be confident of finishing the project in Q3 without an 'last minute adjustments' in Q4. But I'm not planning to do it all in one jump barring, like, double crits or something.

Luna mining would help on the income goal.
Yes, but we ultimately don't need it. We're fairly likely to produce enough tiberium income just as a side effect of things we'd want to do anyway.

Once we actually have the population target in the bag by completing Aldrin City Phase 3 and some more homesteading domes, we can start thinking about whether to prioritize the last remaining station bays, or to prioritize lunar mining, or to do something else.
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Luna mining would help on the income goal.

True, but not explicitly required. The RZ mitigation requirement has us getting either RZ Harvesting or a RZ MARV Hub by default (along with the last phase of RZ Containment) and even with the minimum RpT from Containment either of those options will give us sufficient RpT for the Plan Goal. I like the idea. I kinda want to finish the Stations in their entirety and we can definitely do that if we want to. We will also need dice for the Impeller ships we designed this turn (unless we double back and rebuild the old Fusion Yards), so decisions will need to wait to see how much that will cost.

Edit: For the math we will need 75 RpT to complete the Plan Goal. Currently we have 20 RpT/T coming in from economic growth, that is 20 RpT/T * 3 Turns = 60 RpT. Meaning we would need 15 RpT to meet the Plan Goal. The last phase of the RZ Containment Lines, while not explicitly required, is the most cost efficient way to get RZ mitigation. It will give us at minimum 10 RpT along with the 3 RZ mitigation. We would then need 1 more RZ mitigation and 5 RpT. 1 RZ Harvesting or a RZ MARV Hub will give us that.
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Decent turn.
Will ponder the situation, but I think things are a bit too speculative until we get the turn results. Everything rather volatile right now.
Unless something game changing comes up in services, it's up next. Hardlight projectors are just not that critical to us and wet ai research will tie in nicely to our already stellar transhumanism initiatives.

You say that but literally both of those other options you listed will only require 1 die each to complete. Which means that wet AI will only get 2 die to spare.
You say that but literally both of those other options you listed will only require 1 die each to complete. Which means that wet AI will only get 2 die to spare.
Everything that had dice put into it in Services finished this turn. We can do 3 dice on wet AI and 1 on Hardlight.
Honestly it seems Ion Cannons just are no longer a truly effective deterrent for Nod anymore now that they have ways of making their major bases and large vehicles immune to them. They're likely still iterating on the tech as well so the problem will only get worse over time.

Might be better off just coming up with an alternative (Laser/Particle Beam/KKV sats).
KKV's in orbit are the textbook sci-fi answer to Earth-based problems, and it doesn't even take much to make/target/launch them if you have a moon base (like GDI does in this quest). After all, stopping a mach-10 Rod From God can't really be done, short of nuking it, and there'd only be something like a 5 minute window to do that before it impacts the target. KKV's are even environmentally-friendly; they have no noxious chemicals, leave no long-lasting detrimental environmental impact, and GDI would even be gifting the locals several tons of precisely-lathed titanium in an easily-visable package.

Truly, a titanium KKV is a gift from the stars to any and all Nod commanders.
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