Another memeplan for the pile.

[] Plan Big Boston + Cool Stuff
-[] Infrastructure 5/5 dice 60R
--[] Rail Network Construction Campaigns (Phase 6) 108/245 2 dice 30R 78%
--[] Emergency Caloric Reclamation Processor Installations (Phase 2) 31/70 1 die 10R 100%
--[] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 2 dice 20R 89%
-[] Heavy Industry 5/5 +6 free +1 Erewhon dice 210R
--[] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 4) 117/270 2 dice 40R 77%
--[] North Boston Chip Fabricator (Phase 5) 406/1805 7 dice + Erewhon die 120R (8ish/16.5 median)
--[] Second Generation Repulsorplate Factories 365/525 2 dice 50R 72%
-[] Light & Chemical Industry 4/4 dice 120R
--[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 4) 523/610 4 dice 120R 100% (Phase 4+5 4/15 median)
-[] Agriculture 6/6 dice 85R
--[] Reforestation Campaign Preparations (Phase 1) 737/805 1 die 5R 77%
--[] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 2) 60/160 2 dice 40R 99% (Phase 2+3 2%)
--[] Tarberry Plantations (Phase 3) 3/65 1 die 10R 88% (Phase 3+4 23%)
--[] Laboratory Meat Deployment (Phase 1) 0/170 2 dice 30R 54%
-[] Tiberium 7/7 dice 185R
--[] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6) 54/180 2 dice 50R 95%
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ 1) 0/75 1 die 30R 80%
--[] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes 145/180 1 die 20R 100%
--[] Forgotten Experimentation 0/260 2 dice 60R 10%
--[] Coordinated Abatement Programs (Phase 3) 93/175 1 die 25R 73%
-[] Orbital 7/7 dice 140R
--[] GDSS Shala (Phase 5) 868/975 2 dice 40R 99%
--[] High Density Housing 0/295 2 dice 40R (2/3 median)
--[] Spaceport Bay 0/295 3 dice 60R 42%
-[] Services 4/4 dice 260R
--[] Autodoc Systems Deployment 0/280 1 die 30R (1/3 median)
--[] Cosmetic Biosculpting 194/345 1 die 30R 5%
--[] Primitive Prototype Portal Construction 279/400 2 dice 200R 99%
-[] Military 7/7 +1 AA dice 135R
--[] Inferno Gel Development (Tech) 0/40 1 die 10R 100%
--[] Binary Propellant Exploration (Tech) 0/60 1 die 10R 92%
--[] Orca Wingmen Drone Deployment (Phase 2) 196/215 1 AA die 20R 97%
--[] Stealth Disruptor Deployment 0/160 2 dice 30R 67%
--[] Governor A Refit 0/??? 1 die 20?R ??%
--[] Island Class Assault Ship Deployment 70/135 1 die 25R 82%
--[] Modular Rapid Assembly Prototype Factory 102/265 1 die 20R (1/2 median)
-[] Burrito 4/4 dice 60R
--[] Administrative Assistance (Military) 2 dice auto
--[] Transfer Funding to InOps 1 die auto
--[] Predictive Modeling Management 1 die auto
-[] Total: 1255R/1315R + 65R in reserve. Reserve goes up to 125R. Income goes down by 20-30 RpT.

Infra: This is just finishing stuff and burning PS. But I'm sure this is another step on the road to one day making CRP taste... ok.
HI: Continuing Fusion, finishing Hoverplates, and piling on the dice to get North Boston's AI supporting computer tech set up to finish next turn.
Bergen: Bergen.
Agri: Spider Cotton! Tatberries! Laboratory Meat! Oh, and some fungus. Eat your fungus, kids.
Tib: Coordinated Abatement and Red Lines to eat more crystal. Tib Spikes and Forgotten Experiments to advance science and spend our PS. And a BZ Inhibitor because we have 11 of those to go and we should do all of them.
Orb: 2 dice on Shala so we can get the next stage of space stuff next turn. Do the Spaceport Bay since it'll help with space logistics and do the High Density Bay so it can help us science about population density in space.
Serv: Autodocs and Biosculpting to push biomedical science forward. 2 dice on Portals because I want to rip through spacetime faster.
Mil: We're running out of Munitions projects, and Inferno Gel both burns PS and also itself. Orcas basically asking for an AA die. Stealth Disruptor cuz that's fun Tech. And the rest is finishing projects.
Burrito: We've been able to afford PMM to avoid nat 1s for a long time now so we should do that already. And we've got so much extra income I could do the InOps Funding transfer twice and still be on budget.
I'll vote for it.
Still think that your concerns regarding Cap Goods are rather overblown.
I agree. All I said was that I'd like to remain at a decent surplus, which is trivial to achieve.
We've been doing it for many turns. We can do it next turn and still activate the PMM.
But for some reason, some people wanted to go Phoenix Wright about it.
I imagine Open Hand's requests will be along the lines of:

  • Expand coordinated abatement efforts & transfer tiberium sanitizing tech to Nod
  • Confirm an indefinite armistice with pragmatist Nod factions
  • Recognize the rights of non-militant non-tiberium Nod practitioners in GDI, don't put ex-Nod on watchlists or ban them from space automatically, etc.
  • Support research into tiberium adaptation of humans & keep trying to extend the lifespan of tiberium-infused people.
  • And to really piss Initiative First off, probably expand anti-terrorism efforts to include GDI war criminals and paramilitary, because there's no way at least some of that hasn't been happening.
Expand coordinated abatement efforts & transfer tiberium sanitizing tech to Nod
Probably not.

I'd guess at best a maybe.

Their whole thing is breaking away from nod and trying to survive it. I'm not sure they want anything happening with active nod groups. They want to help people get away from those.
Confirm an indefinite armistice with pragmatist Nod factions
Shrug. I'd imagine no again but this seems more likely.
Recognize the rights of non-militant non-tiberium Nod practitioners in GDI, don't put ex-Nod on watchlists or ban them from space automatically, etc.
Nah. They know exactly how nod works. They might not be terribly happy with any extra precautions but they would absolutely recognize the necessity of it. Assassination attempts happen to them. They probably don't want to make it easier for nod.
Support research into tiberium adaptation of humans & keep trying to extend the lifespan of tiberium-infused people.
Absolutely. They would totally want this.
And to really piss Initiative First off, probably expand anti-terrorism efforts to include GDI war criminals and paramilitary, because there's no way at least some of that hasn't been happening.
I very much doubt this one. Just like I doubt gdi doesn't already crack down on this. Especially with the refugee stuff we've been dealing with for like forever.

I would guess they would want us to do whatever we can to provide a safe haven for people wanting out of nod.

Underground railroad stuff. Safe passages. Smuggling networks. Backdoor channels. Food and supplies. Shelter.

With perhaps the additional issue of letting that group retain independence from gdi. The creation of a neutral faction perhaps.
If I am looking at what the Open Hand Party wants broadly.

- Expand ability of more peaceable veins of noddist thought to exist in GDI spaces. They are schismatics and heretics not infidels.
- Push Tiberium adaptation and cybernetic augmentation. This is simple, straightforward stuff for the most part, also fairly self interested. A lot of their people have gone in for augmentics of various sorts. They want GDI help making them better.
- Open dialogs with Noddist factions and try to find common ground.
There is some other smaller stuff like ensuring that Prisoners of War get better treatment and access to Noddist rites and rituals, and the like, but these are the big three.

We've already been doing most of that so we can probably take several goals they want no problem.

Probably not the noddist thought part though. I'm not clear on what that means but it seems more problematic than the rest.

The other issue of course is with accepting any goals at all from the former nod faction.

There isn't anything wrong with it in general but we have purposefully spat in the face of Initiative First when it comes to accepting goals. Even when they were goals we wanted and planned to do like SADN.

So if we start taking goals from people that were actual official enemies trying to kill us at one point and STILL spit in Initiative Firsts face...

That would probably cause some actual legitimate problems.

I think if we take any Open Hand goals we NEED to take a equivalent amount from Initiative First to balance it out. I think things might start going poorly if we don't. Constantly ignoring the opinions of citizens that have been there and loyal the whole time in favor of former enemies won't end well.
Well, it is politics. If everyone could agree, there wouldn't be the need for parliament.

It's not like Initiative First has a sterling reputation. They only exist as they do because the Militarists found them too noxious to cooperate with. We've already taken efforts towards peace with Nod, so the addition of Open Hand will have an impact, but not as if we suddenly gave up because a minor party told us to.

If Open Hand is something Kane brought to fruition, then it really is a masterstroke, because cooperating with them is a win-win. It does indirectly help Nod in some ways, but it also undercuts the momentum of the war. Hell, with tiberium adaptation research we might be able to open relations with the tiberist factions of Nod.

I have to imagine there are more people who are tired of fighting than who want more war, after TW3. That our conflict with Nod since then has been such a wet blanket that Kane Himself came down to berate his warlords for being depthless fools only seems to reinforce that. Of course, Kane has admitted that his philosophy of fighting us doesn't involve total war, but I don't see what he stands to gain by using Open Hand as an actual weapon.

He's cashing out. Nod as a whole might be cashing out. Kane getting away with everything is not justice, but billions of lives are more important than justice. Nod is the least threat - our true enemy is tiberium and the Visitors.
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Bigots get nothing.

Giving nice stuff to xenophobes because they are xenophobic only strengthens them in the long run, and helps them victimize others.
Well, that's...horrid. Is that the results of an in-universe census or an authorial count?

Discord comment by QM.

Further, population used to be 500 million GDI, 1 Billion Nod/Yellow zone at start of quest.

Now its a 700-700 million even split.

Edit: So yeah, since quest start the world population has dropped by over 100 million people.
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When reallocation come around I will ask the collective to please consider the optics of servicing every request of the four Open Hand delegates and continuing the total lock-out of IF, to think that would not prompt a reaction strikes me as quite fanciful.
We'll have to see what the Open Hand wants, but I am generally agreeable to 'do not be a discriminating ass hat'. If the Open Hand tries to do the same as IF did with excluding/favouring certain sections of the population, they can go pound sand. If they want to encourage further coordinated abatement operations, I'd take them up on that. If they want Nod-GDI trade... I am not necessarily opposed. The idea that makes war impossible is crazy, but it certainly makes war less palatable.
When reallocation come around I will ask the collective to please consider the optics of servicing every request of the four Open Hand delegates and continuing the total lock-out of IF, to think that would not prompt a reaction strikes me as quite fanciful.
If bigots would rather commit terrorism than treat other their fellow citizens than citizens, then I look forward to the confrontation.

The IF can either start prioritizing the wellbeing of all citizens, or they can pound sand.
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If bigots would rather commit terrorism than treat other their fellow citizens than citizens, then I look forward to the confrontation.

The IF can either start prioritizing the wellbeing of all citizens, or they can pound sand.
I mean even before that one imagines that the popular reaction is going to be handing votes to the party with the strongest anti-NOD platform and that's IF.

While your ideals are commendable I'll be voting my best to prevent an unimaginably damaging insurgency or God forbid civil war.
So yeah, since quest start the world population has dropped by over 100 million people.

Based from the conditions on the ground. It is likely that a majority from them is from Yellow Zones/Nod Territory

On the other hand. I can see UYL changing platforms and requests. Since a majority of previous Yellow Zoners are less interested in their original goals than in before, they will most likely push to get more Yellow Zoners settled in GDI territories.

Karachi would be a good start for them and may inspire them to do the following

- Establish an underground railroad/evac operation for people trapped in hostile warlord lands. Using a mix of smugglers and bribes to sympathetic or corrupt ship individuals or whole families away from Nod territories. This will likely be used as an avenue for spies/saboteur so InOps involvement could be needed
- Bribe Sympathetic Warlords to transfer dissenting populations to instead of oppressing them and keeping them in their own territory.
- Create more MARV sites in Yellow Zones where the populace can be gathered for pickup
When reallocation come around I will ask the collective to please consider the optics of servicing every request of the four Open Hand delegates and continuing the total lock-out of IF, to think that would not prompt a reaction strikes me as quite fanciful.
Looking at past Reallocation votes, the very small parties only make a single request. So with only four delegates, the Open Hand party is only going to ask for one single thing, not multiple options.
Oh wow I didn't realize that humanity had lost like 4 billion in the various wars and stuff. But yeah wow.

I mean 3 (4-5 really depending on how you count) back to back world wars, an alien bioweapon taking over the majority of the land area and xenoforming it, an invasion by an alien race with absolutely no concept of civilian casualties, an evil AI uprising (CABAL), one of the factions in the various world wars being entirely willing to use CBNRT weapons, and the other having on call ortillery, and not to mention the complete collapse of the biosphere as a result of the wars and the aforesaid alien bioweapon.
Updated military deployment list:

Havoc Scout Mech Deployment Phase 2: 2060 Q1. ???
Shark Class Frigate Shipyards Phase 1: Completed 2060 Q2. (8, 15, 22, 29)
-Tranche 2 completes 2064 Q1.
-Tranche 3 completes 2065 Q4.
-Tranche 4 completes 2067 Q3.
Apollo Wingmen: Completed 2060 Q2. ???
TAL: Completed 2060 Q2. ???
Plasma Warhead Factory Phase 1: Completed 2060 Q3. ???
Plasma Warhead Factory Phase 2: Completed 2060 Q3. ???
Merchantmen Carrier Conversions: Finished deploying. Mothballed by 2066, scrapped by 2070.
Shark Class Frigate Shipyards Phase 2: Completed 2060 Q4. (8, 15, 22, 29)
-Tranche 2 completes 2064 Q3.
-Tranche 3 completes 2066 Q2.
-Tranche 4 completes 2068 Q1.
Firehawk Wingmen: Completed 2060 Q4. ???
Escort Carrier Shipyards Phase 1: Completed 2061 Q1. (8, 15, 22)
-Tranche 2 completes 2064 Q4.
-Tranche 3 completes 2066 Q3.
Escort Carrier Shipyards Phase 2: Completed 2061 Q1. (8, 15, 22)
-Tranche 2 completes 2064 Q4.
-Tranche 3 completes 2066 Q3.
Escort Carrier Shipyards Phase 3: Completed 2061 Q2. (8, 15, 22)
-Tranche 2 completes 2065 Q1.
-Tranche 3 completes 2066 Q4.
Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker: Completed 2061 Q3. ???
Escort Carrier Shipyards Phase 4: Completed 2061 Q3. (8, 15, 22)
-Tranche 2 completes 2065 Q2.
-Tranche 3 completes 2067 Q1.
GFZA Set 1 Phase 1: Completed 2061 Q3. Begins: 2062 Q1. Ends: 2064 Q1.(2-10)
ASAT Phase 4: Completed 2061 Q4. ???
OSRCT Phase 4: Completed 2061 Q4. ???
GFZA Set 1 Phase 2: Completed 2061 Q4. Begins: 2062 Q2. Ends: 2064 Q2.(2-10)
GFZA Set 1 Phase 3: Completed 2062 Q2. Begins: 2062 Q4. Ends: 2064 Q4.(2-10)
Railgun Munitions Factories Phase 1: Completed 2062 Q2. Begins: 2062 Q3. Ends 2063 Q4. (1-6). Finished deploying
Orca Wingmen Drone Phase 1: Completed 2062 Q3. Begins: 2063 Q3. Ends: 2066 Q3.(4-16)
GFZA Set 1 Phase 4: Completed 2062 Q3. Begins: 2063 Q1. Ends: 2065 Q3.(2-10)
GFZA Set 1 Phase 5: Completed 2062 Q3. Begins: 2063 Q1. Ends: 2065 Q3.(2-10)
Railgun Munitions Factories Phase 2: Completed 2063 Q1. Begins: 2063 Q2. Ends 2064 Q3. (1-6)
SADN Phase 1: Completed 2063 Q1. Begins: 2063 Q3. Ends: 2064 Q3. (2-6)
SADN Phase 2: Completed 2063 Q2. Begins: 2063 Q4. Ends: 2064 Q4. (2-6)
SADN Phase 3: Completed 2063 Q2. Begins: 2063 Q4. Ends: 2064 Q4. (2-6)
GFZA Set 1 Phase 6: Completed 2063 Q2. Begins: 2063 Q4. Ends: 2065 Q4. (2-10)
SADN Phase 4: Completed 2063 Q3. Begins: 2064 Q1. Ends: 2065 Q1. (2-6)
Infantry Recon Support Drone: Completed 2063 Q3. Begins: 2064 Q2. Ends: 2065 Q4. (3-9)

Ultralight Glide Munitions Phase 1: Completed 2063 Q4. Begins: 2064 Q3. Ends 2066 Q1. (3-9)
Shark Class Frigate Shipyards Phase 3: Completed 2063 Q4. (8, 15, 22, 29)
-Tranche 1 completes 2065 Q4.
-Tranche 2 completes 2067 Q3.
-Tranche 3 completes 2069 Q2.
-Tranche 4 completes 2071 Q1.