For all the other naval projects sure. The conversions are wholly a thing to not have that issue and pump them out fast because the hulls are already there. They're just not very good ships in exchange. Though I agree that them being a major faction the very same turn they're done is unlikely.
Merchantmen carriers will take 6-12 months from project completion to deploy. We're not going to see effects from those until Q2 2061 at the earliest.
Sorry if this has come up before and I missed it, but are we planning to build one or two carrier shipyards next turn?
If its the latter, I'm assuming we're doing three dice each, but if we're only doing one, are we using three or four dice?
If its the latter, I'm assuming we're doing three dice each, but if we're only doing one, are we using three or four dice?
As we will also complete the second frigate yard i say 3 dice on the carrier yards at most unless we renegotiate the Karachi landing to a date where ships completed next turn will be able to take part but ships the turn after will not.
Calling Vöte

[X] Plan Maximum Jupiter
-[X]Earthside Facilities (Unlimited Dice)
--[X]Isolinear Chip Printer (Phase 2) 50 IP
--[X]New Johnson Training Center (358/400) 25C, 1 Dice
-[X]Earth-Orbit Facilities
--[X]Enterprise Orbital Assembler (Phase 1 of 4) (1/100 IP) 2IP
-[X]Lunar Facilities
--[X]Aquaponics Test Facility (Phase 1) 4/4, (Phase 2) 0/85, 16IP, 16C, 1 Dice
--[X]Lunar Imaging Seismic Array (Phase 1) 4/10, 16IP, 16C
--[X]Fusion Craft Landing Platform (Phase 2) 40/65, 1 Dice
-[X]Martian Facilities
--[X]Mars Gate Station 2/5 Parts, 5C, 13 Pathfinder Days
--[X]Pathfinder Shielding Refit 10IP, 30C, 30 Pathfinder Days
--[X]Microteorite Shimmer Optimization 0/200, 2C, 2 Dice
--[X]Leopard Mk II VIP Transport Development 0/175 12C, 12IP, 2 Dice
--[X]Craterscope Structure Development 573/600, 6C, 1 Dice
--[X]Craterscope Mirror System Development 0/400, 52C, 4IP, 4 Dice
-[X]Mission Planning
--[X]Venus Aerostat Station 0/300, 4 Dice
--[X]Observation Array - Jupiter 10/10, 60IP, 30C, 23 Pathfinder Days
--[X]Surface Scan - Ganymede, 5 Pathfinder Days
--[X]Surface Scan - Io, 5 Pathfinder Days
--[X]Surface Scan - Europa, 5 Pathfinder Days
--[X]Observation Probes - Minor Moons + Rings, 5 Pathfinder Days
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: New Johnson Training Center Total: 11
11 11
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Aquaponics Test Facility Total: 94
94 94
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Fusion Craft Landing Platform Total: 68
68 68
BOTcommander threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Microteorite Shimmer Op Total: 20
18 18 2 2
BOTcommander threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Leopard Mk II VIP Total: 92
42 42 50 50
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Craterscope Structure Dev Total: 95
95 95
BOTcommander threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Craterscope Mirror Sys Total: 169
73 73 29 29 32 32 35 35
BOTcommander threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Venus Aerostat Station Total: 184
46 46 41 41 6 6 91 91
BOTcommander threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Spook Total: 145
24 24 51 51 1 1 39 39 30 30
BOTcommander threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Spooky 2 Total: 5
5 5

Isolinear Chip Printer (Phase 2) 50 IP - Complete
New Johnson Training Center (369/400)
Aquaponics Test Facility (Phase 1) Complete (Phase 2) 94/85
Lunar Imaging Seismic Array (Phase 1) 4/10 Sensor Pods
Fusion Craft Landing Platform (Phase 2) 108/65
Mars Gate Station 2/5 Parts

Pathfinder Shielding Refit Complete

Microteorite Shimmer Optimization 60/200
Leopard Mk II VIP Transport Development 132/175

Craterscope Structure Development 688/600
Craterscope Mirror System Development 249/400

Venus Aerostat Station 204/300

And spoopy spooky dice.
Edit: dice average of 41.8. Why do they hate SCED?
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Hopefully that 1 isn't something horrible.
Like Pathfinder getting damaged or destroyed. Or finding a Scrin outpost. Or more Tiberium.
Has anything happened with that bit of tiberium we got from... Venus I think?
We're hoping that it doesn't grow tentacles and try to absorb the containment station. Not that I have any particular reason to think that specific instance is a likely problem... :p
(As far as I know, it's not. At the moment.)

And no, we didn't have a space whale swim out from behind Europa and eat Pathfinder.

Edit: But yes, since we loaned Pathfinder to SCED, it could suffer catastrophic events.
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The Pragmatic Response ( mod)
The Pragmatic Response
After surviving her rejection of the Black Hand's Ultimatum, Yao has gathered her forces for a lightning strike against her rebellious subjects. With the help of local allies, destroy the myopic and foolish rebellion.

And a special thanks to @BOTcommander for the playtest
30-Basic Tiberium Studies
Rakuhn threw 1 50-faced dice. Reason: Trawling for lore: Unmodified Total: 25
25 25
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You lost five of Pathfinders reuseable probes. One moment they were flying into position to scan, then a flash if interference, then they were gone.
Very Ominous. Don't suppose you can tell us where it happened?

Right now I'd put my money on some sort of Scrin remnant or some weird natural effect.
Or hell, maybe it's a weird civilization of aliens living under the ice of Europa.
And that should be some Basic Tiberium Studies. Nothing hugely groundbreaking, but a grab bag of nice stuff, including a marginal increase in STU gain efficiency and some new tech projects.
Also, I've gotten enough scrin techs that any more and I feel like I'd have too much influence on the quest.

That might change after we've done a couple rounds on the scrin gacha (especially if we roll a low number of techs), but for now Nod techs are also fun without being too impactful.
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Running the numbers, I don't think its possible for there to be enough rollover if we only put two dice on Heavy Metals.

Regolith is currently at 50/320 and therefore needs a roll of 320 - 50 - 15 = 255 to complete.

Heavy Metal is currently at 217/375 and the next phase is 365 progress. In order to need the same 255 roll to complete Heavy Metal Phase 4 we would need a roll of 375 + 365 - 217 - 15 - 255 = 253. Subtracting the die bonus from two dice 253 - 26 * 2 = 201.

Even if we roll nat 100s on both dice this coming turn, Heavy Metal Phase 4 would still be one progress more expensive than Regolith, and thats not counting the -10 progress cost that Regolith would receive from Heavy Metal Phase 3 completing.
Yeah, I figured. That's why my plan at this point is to start all three projects (Rares, Regolith, Heavy Metal) concurrently and feed them the bare minimum number of dice required to trickle-complete them, while saving all other dice for Enterprise Phase 5, which is gonna take a lot of dice.

Sorry if this has come up before and I missed it, but are we planning to build one or two carrier shipyards next turn?
If its the latter, I'm assuming we're doing three dice each, but if we're only doing one, are we using three or four dice?
It's probably a bad idea to put four dice on a carrier yard, or more than four dice on a frigate yard, because the "overkill" benefit of "we are almost totally sure to finish the yard this turn" doesn't offset the wastage of dice when we've got so many Military projects to do.

With that said, the strict answer to your question is "we will do whatever the voters want."
Stuff that NOD considers to be Basic Tiberium Studies. Which is probably advanced stuff by GDI standards.

NOD is certainly a lot of things but they do know their Tiberium. They know it a lot better than GDI. I remember Kane angrily ranting about GDI being so proud of advances in Tiberium technology that NOD made decades ago.