As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

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Join Arstan Arryn as he lives, and plays the Game of Thrones.
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SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
As High As Honor. Many claim to have honor, but for many who try, reality is never that simple. Choices have to be made to secure positions, oath may need to be broken to save lives, or their honor had to be stained to maintain a position of power.

House Arryn, for thousands of years, embodied the many knightly virtues of the Seven. Through days of Andel invasion, all the way to the War of Conquest.

But even through time, men are only human, and are ruled by their instincts. By their fears and desires.

In the Game of Thrones, nothing was ever simple.

You win or you died. Nothing else mattered.

But you do not know this. Your tale has yet to begin.

For you are about to be born.


"Push my lady!" A man spoke at he tried to soothe the pain of the woman in labor.

The midwife was annoyed. "One more good push and then it will be over.

"AHHHH!" The woman screamed in terror. Pain was coursing through her entire body, as she pushed with everything she had.

And then the screaming was replaced by a babes wail, as the first breath of a new life began.

"It's a boy!" The man said.

What is your name (Must be a male name):

[]Write in

Who was your Mother:

[]Lady Jeyne Royce (You will be born in 246 AC)

[]Lady Rowena Arryn (You will be born in 262 AC)

[]Lady Lysa (You will be born in 282 AC)

In the Lands of Westeros, fate has bound many to destinies already written. However, with your birth, destinies can change. Would you like them to change

[]No, Destiny is Set in Stone, only the strongest of wills may change it, a will only the gods have (Canon is set in stone, no matter what you do to change it.)

[]We change because we must, and if we can change, we must change. (Through great deeds things can change... and those changes can and will have consequences)

[]Destiny is a fickle thing. The only fate is the one we make. (Even the slightest change is enough to change the world)

AN: Okay...

You may be wondering why the hell I am starting this bad boy up. And there is only one thing I have to say about that.

Dave and Dan disappointed me, and Martin seems to be taking his sweet time in writing the books. I also have spite. Lots of Spite and salt to throw at them. It's a good thing I've read all the books, (Including the short stories) and the World of Ice and Fire is right next to me as I write the updates.

No, I hope you all enjoy, and please, vote in plan format.
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Part 1: Welcome
Part 1:

The world for the first moments of your life was confusing and disorienting. The light was bright, the air cold, the wetness on you making you shiver, and all you could do for the moment was cry, wail as you took the first breaths of life.

Your eyes were open, but it was impossible to see anything because it was so bright.

Soon, you were enveloped in warmth, something soft covered your body, and wiped away the wetness. Than as you were dry, you felt warmth again, but this time it was from a gentle hug. "Oh Jon, he's beautiful." the voice replied weakly.

"He is." The man replied.

The light faded and now you could see a man and a woman looking at you.

The woman was a giant In your eyes, the hands that wrapped around you were as big as you. Her eyes were a shade a silvery, sky blue, puffy and red with tears falling down her face. Her hair a very light blond, long and stingy, with strands all around her face. A smile, one small and joyful, was on her face, and it made you smile as well.

The man beside her had a clean face, with small stumbles of a beard. His eyes were a clear blue. His hair a shade of blonde as well. In the light, it almost looked like the woman's, except for the thicker, stronger strands as you grabbed them.

"Hello, Arstan. Welcome."


Mother survival Roll:1D100 => 13

Tragedy struck days after you were born. Your mother passed away.

Your father was distant, he did not spend much time with you and what moments he did spend with you were brief moments in the late hours of the evenings, before you were tucked into bed.

The midwife who cared for you only spoke in sweetness, and babbling and the other boy who drank with you was fussy, always crying and squirming.

You learned your full name: Arstan Arryn, Lord of The Eyrie.


Time moved on. Soon you grew, crawling around the hard stone floor of your home.

Choose 3 Actions:

[]Explore: You wanted to see your home, the place where you are born. It is so vast, so large that you can only hope to find it.

[]Try to spend time with your father: You want to spend time with your father.

[]Learn to Talk: You hear the strange words being spoken by your father and the other people here. Words that have meaning, that have context. You wish to learn to speak.

[]Learn to Read: Maester Gerald left a book open, with letters on it, and words. You wish to learn how to read.

[]Learn to Walk: Your body feels strong, strong enough to go on your two feet.

[]Dream: You dream of eagles, falcons and flying.

AN: Enjoy.
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Part 2: Growing.
Part 2: Growing

Learn to Walk: Your body feels strong, strong enough to go on your two feet. Rolled:1D100 => 95

Learning to walk was as simple as mincing your care takers. You held the wall of the room, and wobbled around on your two legs.

You fell many times before you could move under your own power.

Your wetnurse had discovered you waddling around the hallway, trying to find the bucket to go potty in.

You never heard a scream so loud before.

It was strange.

Reward: You can now walk. Gain the Trait: Quick: You are brighter than most, and you pick up on things that others may not see (+5 to all rolls.)

Learn to Talk: You hear the strange words being spoken by your father and the other people here. Words that have meaning, that have context. You wish to learn to speak. Rolled:1D100 => 62

It was quite strange trying to make the sounds you made into words. It began with quite a few days listening to the conversations around the palace, when the meetings between your father and his court were still in session.

The big words were hard… and your first word was, much to the surprise of everyone who heard it "Fly. Papa."

That was really the only word you could speak… well Fly and Papa.

You were of course referencing the tiny bug that was crawling all over your father's face, something that was quite humorous.

However, it was taken as something quite… differently. As the lord's left for the night, your father gave you a smile, and with his hands, he lifted you up, and carried you high above his head. It was like you were flying.

Reward: You can now talk… barely. As you grow older your vocabulary will expand naturally. Your first words are Fly and Papa. An auspicious thing.

Your father is Proud of you.

Try to spend time with your father: You want to spend time with your father. Rolled:1D100 => 100

"Shh, come now Arstan, you needn't cry." Your father's calm voice was soothing, as you were picked up off the cold ground, his eyes filled with worry.

"It will be okay."


Jon Arryn was frightened as he saw his son walking into his solar. Though walking was quite a stretch of the word, he was holding onto the wall to maintain his balance. The day was quite old, and the sun would soon dip below the mountains, the air would chill, and he would be ready to head to bed early that night.

His mind was still, as he wondered what was happening. His son could walk? So soon?

It was than Arstan fell over that you ran over to him, his shrieks and surprise that were on his face soon changed into full on tears.

For a moment, Jon thought about shouting for one of the nurses, to both help him and so he could scold them for letting his son out of their sight.

Thankfully, something much more primal overcame his lordly instincts.

Jon scooped his son up into his arms and rocked him like he saw the wet nurses do so many times. He hoped that he was doing it right, otherwise he would curse himself for such… helplessness.

"Shh… Come now Arstan, you needn't cry." He tried his best to sound firm, calm, and most certainly, not frightening to his child. "It will be okay."

Jon than carried his own son to his quarters, and he realized something.

He had not been there for his son. The boy could walk, and he certainly didn't hear about the wet nurses teaching him.

Arstan had learned every thing on his own.

And it broke Jon's heart.

As he set Arstan down, his son held his finger with his tiny hands.

He would be there for his son.

Reward: Jon Arryn will spend all his energy teaching you the way. All rolls next turn, regardless of their number, will instantly pass next turn.


You grew.

Choose 3 Actions:

[]Explore: You wanted to see your home, the place where you are born. It is so vast, so large that you can only hope to find it.

[]Try to spend time with your father: You want to spend time with your father.

[]Learn to Read: Maester Gerald left a book open, with letters on it, and words. You wish to learn how to read.

[]Dream: You dream of eagles, falcons and flying.

[]Meet The Court: Your father has been praising you and your… abilities to learn quickly.

[]Socialize with your Peers: You have your milk brother, the cook's daughter, the falconers twin sons and the stable masters five children… time to raise all Seven Hells.

[]Play with the Birds: Pretty birdies!

[]Learn to Talk Better: Your vocabulary is rather… lacking.

AN: Please Vote in Plan Format.
Part 3: Gaining a Reputation
Part 3: Gaining a Reputation

-[X]Learn to Read: Maester Gerald left a book open, with letters on it, and words. You wish to learn how to read. Rolled: 1D100 => 36

You came to your father with a book in hand. It was one of the large books of history that the Maester had left on his desk.

"I want to read like you. Teach me." You demanded.

Your father smiled at your bluntness, and he placed on you onto his lap. "Alright." The night was young, the sun still barely cracking. He placed you onto his lap and opened the book to the first page. "Place your fingers on the page, below the words, and try to sound them out. When you say the word wrong, I will correct you."

There was a pause as you stared at him. "You will not be in trouble if you are wrong. It is all part of learning."

"Did you learn like this with grandfather?" You asked.

Your father nodded, a sad frown on his face. "No. I had to learn on my own, with only a Maester to help me. I... He taught me like this."

"Who was the Maester?" You asked.

"Maester Martin... He loved reading and writing as well, unfortunatly, he could never finish his history of Westeros before he had to leave to the citidel." your father replied

Thus started the nightly tradition of reading pages before bed.

You were sure you could grasp reading alone.

Reward: You can now read.

-[X]Learn to Talk Better: Your vocabulary is rather… lacking. Rolled:1D100 => 28

Maester Gerald was quite a teacher.

By that you mean, he's an ass.

"What does wroth mean?" He asked as he tapped the stick on the table. Your father was watching with anticipation and eagerness at your newly expanded vocabulary.

"It means I am angry." You replied, earning a tiny wack on your fingers from the tiny stick. "And I am ordering you to stop hitting my hands."

"Not until you can tell me a new word?" He replied.

You had heard a word said by the maester when a woman was with him in his chambers. "Fuck me whore."

The maester was quite surprised. Red from anger burned on his cheeks. "Oh… where did you learn such language?!"

"From you."

"Your teaching my son to swear?" Your father stated, trying not to break the door with his fist.

Reward: You now have a greatly expanded vocabulary.

-[X]Meet The Court: Your father has been praising you and your… abilities to learn quickly. Rolled:1D100 => 87 Trait Roll:1D100 => 100

You were dressed in a blue doublet, riding pants and some shoes that were far too large to be on your feet.

The court gave you blessings, some even gave you gifts, trying to curry favor from your father.

"Mother, you said the toy was for Shara?" One of the crying boys said as his mother walked forward and handed it over to you.

"But the little lord will need it more." She replied.

It was then you stood up on your own two feet. "No, I don't." You took the toy in your hand and walked over to the little. "And you would all do well to give gifts that are within your means." You glared at the court. "I am not someone who can be bought by some trinkets and toys. I want something of value. Something akin to friends."

"I am going to take my leave father." You stated and walked back to your room to read.

But you quite an impression on them. Your father has started to look for places to foster you… or rather, look for children to foster with you.

But all the children of the court and staff will follow you to the Hells themselves if it meant helping you.

Reward: Gain Special Trait: The Child of Bonds: You desire nothing more than friends and comrades, and that desire draws others to you. Older, or younger, male, female, it does not matter. You bring people together, with their bonds with you. (You have an aura that draws people towards you and make them your friend. If you meet someone new, there is a 50/50 chance they might become a friend. With your friends, you have a +20 to all rolls during events. With your friends, you will not suffer any debuffs in a relationship from differing religion)


There were things in the world that you did not understand.

The septons said that the Seven watched over the world, and judging the actions of everyone. There were books, and people to help you. The sept was warm, comforting and full of people. It was the gods of your father and the Vale.

But in the godswood, a tiny clearing in the castle, there sat a tiny patch of wilderness, with trees, flowers, and snow.

It was serene, peaceful… strange. You felt something in that place, more than in the Sept. It was not a place that visited often by anyone.

It was quite strange that no one ever spent time here.

You choose:

[]To Stay in the Light of the Seven: There were things that only wise men could understand. The gods were too difficult to grasp without help. (You follow the Faith of the Seven)

[]To Follow the Old Gods: There is a power in the nameless gods of the North. A power that you can feel. (You follow the Old gods of Westeros.)

[]To choose nothing: You did not believe that either held the answer. You will not follow either, at least for now. (You do not publicly follow any faith. People may get angry at you, and you may fall under dangerous forces that may use you for their own purposes)

AN: Alright... now with that business is out of the way, time to start with the Faith you believe in.
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Part 4: The Future
Part 4: The Future

Your father had letters in his hand as you stood before the Falcon Throne. The weirwood chair was a mangled tree, branches and roots twisted and connected before the tree was cut down, fashioned into the throne.

Your father looked more… old sitting on the throne. Spry and young at thirty years when ever he was with you, the throne, and the duty he must follow, seemed to age him by decades. Wisdom flowed through his mind, yet in the shade, his blonde hair seems darker, his eyes dimmer. His entire demeanor was not of a loving father, but of a powerful lord.

It frightened you, no matter why your father was on his throne, that whenever he sat on the throne, whenever he raised his voice to bring the court to attention… to pass judgement.

The man before you was both the same man you always knew, but completely different.

"Lord Arstan… my son." His voice boomed through the hall, as you knelt to him, "Do you know why you are here?"

You looked up and nodded no. "No father."

Your father gave a nod, and with a tiny gesture of his fingers, you stood up, standing tall to him, trying your best to not be intimidated by him. "It is time for you to be fostered…. Do you know what that means?"

You nodded. "You are sending me away?"

Your father nodded. "Yes."

"Why? If I may ask?" You asked.

Your father shook his head. "You wouldn't understand… at least at this moment."

You could see the anger and sadness in his eyes, and you decided it would be best to try not to set off your father.

Where does your father send you:

[]To one of the Bannermen: Your father is sending you to be fostered with one of his Bannerman

[]Outside The Vale: Your father is… sending you outside of the Vale to Foster? What is his plan?

If you choose one of the Bannermen, Where are you fostered?:

[]Lord Royce: Uncle Yohn is going to be teaching you. He's family and Runestone is a place of mystery and excitement. Uncle Yohn also is a master commander and swordsman, so you will not be lacking in those skills. He is also bringing in the Heir of the Waxley's, Corbray's and his own house to be raised under his home. (You will go to your uncle, the Bronze Yohn Royce.)

[]Lord Grafton: Lord Grafton is widely considered your father's most loyal bannerman, and a skilled administrator in his own right, and a decent swordsman,if not a mediocre commander. Gulltown has many strange people and ideas that enter its port. (You will go to Lord Graffton.)

[]Lord Corbray: Your father owes Lord Corbray a favor, and the man certainly not lacking. He is a true believer in the faith, and the Greatest Swordsman in the Vale, however, there are rumors that he is a schemer, and manipulator of everyone he meets.. Your father warns you not to believe a word that the man says, and to always defend yourself in spars. (You go to Lord Corbray)

Outside the Vale: You are being sent outside the Vale.

[]To Riverrun: Your father wants you to foster with the Tully's of Riverrun, and learn to be a lord from Grover Tully. He also has two sons near your age, Hoster, and Brynden.(You will go to Riverrun and Foster under the Tully's

[]To Casterly Rock: Your father made a trade deal with the Rock, and you will be the fosterling of Tytos Lannister. While not an amazing Lord, Tytos is competent at his duties. You will also be with his sons Keaven, Tygertt, Gerion, and daughter Genna. (You will go to Tytos Lannister)

[]To Kings Landing: King Aegon, the fifth of his name, wants to foster the heir of the Vale, to teach you the ways of governing a realm, and to be the companions of young Areys and Rhaella. Steffon Baratheon, and Tywin Lannister will also be joining you, along with Lady Joanna Lanniser, and Nymeria Yronwood.

AN: Enjoy.

Here is out Charecter Sheet:

Name: Arstan Arryn

Title: Lord of the Eryie, Heir to the Vale


Languages known: Westrosi Common.

Faith: Faith of the Seven (You can get knighted and participate in tourneys.)

Fighting Ability: No Ability: You have no training in this skill (-50 to all rolls in actions)

Diplomat: No Ability: You have no training in this skill (-50 to all rolls in actions)

Commander: No Ability: You have no training in this skill (-50 to all rolls in actions)

Administrator: No Ability: You have no training in this skill (-50 to all rolls in actions)

Schemer: No Ability: You have no training in this skill (-50 to all rolls in actions)


Quick: You are brighter than most, and you pick up on things that others may not see (+5 to all rolls.)

The Child of Bonds: You desire nothing more than friends and comrades, and that desire draws others to you. Older, or younger, male, female, it does not matter. You bring people together, with their bonds with you. (You have an aura that draws people towards you and make them your friend. If you meet someone new, there is a 50/50 chance they might become a friend. With your friends, you have a +20 to all rolls during events. With your friends, you will not suffer any debuffs in a relationship from differing religion)
Part 5 End of the Beginning
Part 5 End of the Beginning

You sighed as you looked at the things that you and the servants had prepared for you so that your ride to Gulltown, and then to King's Landing would be comfortable. A few extra shirts, some riding pants, an extra pair of shoes so that if the first pair you were wearing broke on the ride

You also took a few trinkets, a toy or two to present to Aerys and Rhaella, to show both gratitude and respect. That one was suggested by your father.

It was pragmatic, something you did not always enjoy. Pragmatism and making choices that benefited as many as possible, even while angering everyone else, was something you always saw with your father. He made promises that were not always satisfactory to others.

He said that sometimes you need to be pragmatic and make choices that others may not agree with.

You didn't really agree with that. It was impossible to do such a thing sure… but always being pragmatic has its downsides.

You had read and heard stories about the pragmatic lord from the history books. They were successful yes...but never as successful as someone who truly kept their promises, who inspired loyalty by being… good, honorable, and steadfast.

There was a balance that needed to be maintained, pragmatism and charitable goals and promises.

You believe that being a good man, was probably the best way to inspire such confidence, such loyalty.

It was your final day at home.

What do you do (Note: After this action, there will be a time skip to King's Landing a month later):

Choose 1 Action:

[]Say goodbye: You will say goodbye to the staff, children and your father.

[]Read: You will read the night away, to focus your mind on not leaving home.

[]Pray: You will go to the sept and pray to the Seven, for wisdom, for kindness... for... something.

[]Play with the Birds: Pretty birdies!

[]Dream: You dream of eagles, falcons, and flying.

[]Look out to the Vale: From the Eriye, you can see the Mountain of the Moon, the far lands below, and the forested region that is your home. It will be a sight you will miss.

AN: Enjoy.
Part 6 Goodbyes
Part 6: Goodbyes

You wandered into the kitchens first, stopping the work for just a few minutes "I have come to say goodbye. I wish to thank you for…" You paused, trying to find the words.

However, the cooks only turned away from their stations and bowed their heads.

Then the head chief, Howlett gave a grin, before crouching to your height. "M'lord, there is no need to thank us. You have shown us great kindness by eating your meals and growing to be a man, without any complaints. We only hope that you remain as courteous to the other cooks in the capitol, and eat as well as you do here."

You nodded. "I… I will."

"Good." Howlett than stood up and barked. "Alright lads, get back to work, we feast tonight for Lord Arryn and Lord Royce, and we need that duck ready!"

You nodded and left the kitchen, content.


The next stop was the Maesters tower. Maester Gerald was in his study, reading a book and writing down something on a piece of parchment, or paper, you could not tell.

"Uh, Maester Gerald." You were shy, your voice low and barely a whisper.

The Maester turned his hand and finished a word with his quill. "I know why you are here boy." He then set his quill in the inkwell and then turned around to face you. "And there is no need. I will most likely still be here on your return from Kings Landing."

The Maester looked so much older, sitting in his chair than he did next to your father, his brown beard and hair greying, his eyes seemed misty from the candle, small streams from crying to keep his eyes moist to read and write.

"But-" You were going to say something, but the Maester waved his hand.

"Ahh, you going to a new place, with new people, and you frightened by that inevitability. But you always have a knack for drawing people towards you…" There was a pause. "Make friends play like the child you are. You do not have to always act like a lord, using big words you cannot understand that you learned from reading a book, being so bloody perspective all the time, and not playing with other children."

The Maester stood up and crouched to your height, just like Howlett did. "You are a child. Learn, yes, always learn… but there is a time to be a child. Play, make mistakes, and make friends… Those are the things in life you need to learn while you are gone, in addition to your duties as a lord. I hope you understand that."

"I… I do." You stammered.

"No, you don't. Not yet at least." The Maester replied. Your face dropped into a frown. "I am a Maester Arstan, I tell the Lord's what they need to hear… not what they want to hear. And you needed to hear it from me."

You nodded. "Good. Now.. off with you, your father is waiting for you in the throne room."


Your father was sitting not on the Falcon Throne, but on a chair by the western window in the hallway, staring out the window at the Mountain of the Moon and the range that it was apart of. The blue sky was clear, only tiny clouds dotted at the peaks of the mountains.

Your father's face was stern, yet in his eyes, he was admiring the beauty of the Mountains. "Arstan." He said your name as you walked towards the throne room.

You walked towards him, before noticing a chair right beside him. "Take a seat." His voice was that of an order.

It took you a moment to climb the chair, but you did, and on your knees, you looked out the window to the mountains.

"I have not told you why you are leaving too the Capital." He stated.

"I thought it was because you want me to become a friend of Prince Aerys and Lords Tywin and Steffon?" You replied. "And because there are more… talented men at court who can train me."

There was silence. "No...Not entirely that reason." There was a pause. "You might not understand, but I never talk down to you when you need to listen. Right now is one of those times."

Oh… Oh no. "What's happening?"

"There are rumors of Blackfyre agents who have infiltrated the courts of many of the high lords of Westeros, sowing dissent amongst them, creating chaos amongst the houses, to threaten the stability of the realm. And more troubling rumors that they may try to assassinate me or you." Your father said with a cold tinge in his voice, as if he were telling a frightening tale.

"Why would they do that?" You asked.

Your father shook his head. "Because Aegon passed numerous reforms for the protection of the Smallfolk that serve us. A tax laws break for a growing season, and trials done by the local bailiff. The Smallfolk can petition us at any time, with any grievance that may directly impact the lands we control. And it made many lords angry. Which is why he compromised on his more… extreme measures." Your father then looked out the windows. "There are lord's now angry with these new laws… as for the killing of either of us?… there is no surer way to promote instability than a succession crisis."

"But why?" You asked.

"Jon, why did you call me here?"

"I think there is an invasion coming. Just rumors for now, but Mayles the Monsterous is still up to his families old ways… The Golden Company is recruiting more mercenaries and soldiers to the cause of Blackfyre restoration." Your father stated. "I have nothing but those rumors to go off of at this time, but right now I am playing it safe."

"Because I have reason to believe Jeyne's was no mere accident or complication in giving birth."

"And me going to King's Landing?"

"Your saying my sister was murdered?"

"As much as I hate to admit it, you are not safe here in the Eyrie. Not now, not until I can be assured that these rumors are not true… but if they are, and assassins are amongst my court, I'd rather only give them one target then two." Your father replied. "Aegon has assured me of both your training and your safety."

"Yes. I do not know by who, or why, but she did not die naturally. I saw her, she was weak, but still alive, and then an hour later she was gone."

"But-" There were so many questions that were going through your mind.

"Who would kill her?"

Your father then put a hand on your shoulder. "Arstan. You are my son, and I love you so very much." there were tears in his eyes. "Please, just for this moment, stop acting so smart, stop trying to be me, and be you."

"I do not know… but right now, with Arstan safe in Kings Landing, we'll get our answers."

You both sat at the window for a long time in silence.

"But I need one thing from you Yohn."

You had no other words you could possibly say.

"What is it?"

And by the next morning, you were riding on a donkey, under the watch and protection of Uncle Yohn, towards the sea.

"If I am to die before Arstan is of age…" Jon handed over a piece of paper. "You are the regent."

Towards your future.


Kings Landing was far far different than you could ever imagine. As your ship sailed closer, you could see the Red Keep towering above the city, along with the Great Sept of Baelor. THe grandeur of those buildings dwarfed all the other buildings you could see. The walls of the city were massive and imposing, and even before you got to the port, little dots of men patrolling the walls.

The port was filled with dozens, maybe even hundreds of ships, all of them with different sigils, markings and names from all over the world.

It was a true capital of the realm, flowing with wealth, influence and power, not a fortress in the middle of the continent.

As you arrive, the men Yohn and your father sent to bodyguard you were met by men in White Cloaks, and a tall man with purple garb, a flowing black cape and hair as white as snow… with a crown on his head.

Walking off the gangplank, the king walked forward to greet you. "Lord Arryn… Welcome to King's Landing."

By instinct and training on the boat ride here, you kneeled before your king.

A heartbeat passed before the king said. "Please stand up Lord Arstan, we have little time for pleasantries at the moment." There was a pause. "Ser Duncan."

"Yes, your grace." A very tall man replied. The man towered over everyone in the group, and the Kingsguard walked over to you and offered you his hand. "Take my hand mi-… My lord."

"But what about my-" You asked about your things.

"Do not worry about your things, they shall be brought in behind us." The King replied.

You nodded and took his hand, and quickly, you were rushed through the streets of the city. The entire trek was quite exhausting, and by the time you reached the steps of the Red Keep, you were being carried by Ser Duncan, resting on his back, as the sun began to set.

The king nodded and you were let down, and you truly tried to take in the enormity of the building you were in, it was massive and so foreign. Like you were stepping into an entirely new world.

It was then you yawned, and your stomach growled in hunger. "I believe introductions can wait until tomorrow morning." The king stated. "Bring him to his room."

You ate and fell asleep at the table where you ate.


As you wake up in the morning, you feel refreshed.

"Ah, Lord Arry." A servant said. "You're awake. Good. if you wish for any food, and to meet your companions in wardship, they are both down in the dining hall. I shall escort you anywhere you wish until you learn the Castles layout."

Where do you go on your first morning:

[]The Dining Hall: You want to eat something, and meet everyone!

[]The Library: This place does have a library right?

[]The Throne Room: You want to see the Iron Throne!

[]The Tower of the Hand and the Small Council Chambers: You want to try and meet the small council… if you can that is.

[]The Maester's Tower: Maybe the Grand Maester will be in his tower, and you can ask questions.

[]Stay in your room: You really want to stay here for a little while longer, to think.

AN: Enjoy.
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Kings Landing Part 1: Wards of the State
Kings Landing Part 1: Wards of the State

"Could you take me to the Dining Hall." You requested.

The servant nodded. "Follow me, my Lord."

Going through the halls of the Castle was a parade of both large hallways and narrow corridors, going down the stairs of the tower where you had slept. Crossing both the large courtyard that was full of smooth blank stones. So smooth, in fact, you thought you were sliding on them.

Then you walked past an office with the door shut, but voices could be made out through the shouts and banging that came through it.

"My Lord." The man escorting you said, grabbing your arms. "That is King Aegon's office."

Hm… so it seems matters of state were occurring behind closed doors. And it seems His Grace was not happy.

A few moments later, with your feet tired from walking, the servant stood to the side, leaving a closed-door in front of you. "The Dining hall is behind this door."

"Um… is the door heavy?" You asked.

The servant nodded. "I never found a problem with it."

You frowned. "But I'm small."

"Even a small lord should be able to open it." The servant replied. "I am not allowed to open the door for you, least I get punished for disturbing the royal breaking of fast." The servant looked annoyed as he said that as if you already knew the protocols.

You nodded and tried to push the door open.

First impressions:1D100 => 16+5=21

Reactions:1D100 => 72+5=77

And as you pushed the door open, you misjudged how old the hinges were, you tripped as the sudden shift made you lose balance, releasing the door and placing your hands in front of your face to protect yourself.

You landed with a thump, and almost immediately the occupants of the room, well and occupants younger than 3 and ten, giggled. Those older looked quite worried.

A woman rushed over to you, and quickly picked you up off the floor. "Are you alright Arstan?" The woman's voice felt… different than the other women who were in your life. It was soft, kind, but fiercely protective.. What was the word… motherly?

The woman's black hair and very dark eyes seemed to shine, but they were filled with worry. It felt very nice.

"I'm alright." You stuttered.

"Seems the Falcon still needs his wings." A jape was fired by one of the boys sitting at the table.

There was a moment of silence before the queen barked. "Aerys! Control your mouth, or I shall control it for you!" She shouted.

The Queen lifted you onto your feet and you saw the occupants of the table. The giggling had stopped from the children, and you met the faces for the first time.

The first and most striking of the faces was a boy with blond hair and striking green eyes. His hair was long, down to his shoulders, and his body, while still growing, was imposing, as if he had been training for a very long time. He seemed to act emotionless but on his face, his emotions betrayed him. There was a small smile on his face, even if there was not a giggle or laugh. In red and yellow garb, you could guess with little doubt that that was Tywin Lannister.

The second and perhaps most… bold of the faces was from a smiling boy with black hair and blue eyes. They were so pronounced you did not even notice that the boy was standing and trying to offer him a seat next to him at the table. Dressed simply as if he was ready to train, you quickly guessed that was Steffan Baratheon.

The girl sitting closer to you also had Blonde hair and green eyes like Tywin, but besides her hair being far, far longer than Tywin's, the dress she wore, and the kind, caring smile on her face, you were quite sure that was Joanna Lannister.

The girl next to her was… quite different. Between her much darker… tanned skin, and darker hair that was almost as black as Steffon's. Besides a much much brighter color pallet of yellow and black, that was eye-grabbing, she was still laughing, quietly. That was Nymeria Yronwood.

And there was the Prince and Princess. Both were rather similar, and even as they sat next it took you a moment to spot the differences between them. What with their near matching colors.

The Princess was shorter and had longer hair than her brother, and while she had a dress on, it was quite hard to tell with her back towards you. She had a smile on her face, but it seemed forced like she didn't approve of the laughter that the rest of the table did. Her purple eyes were quite sad and concerned for you.

And then there was the person you expect was the prince, Aerys… A smiling, white-haired boy that seemed to have a...magnetic charm to him. Even as he remained silent, he was quite charming.

"Umm… Hello." You said in a whisper.

"Ah, please take a seat and eat something Lord Arryn." The queen replied.

Where do you sit:

[]Next to Tywin: He seems rather, calm around everyone else.

[]Next to Steffon: Steffon looks quite cheerful.

[]Next to Aerys: Why does he look like he's going to either burst out into laughter or apologize? Or start throwing food at you.

[]Next to Joanna: Joanna is probably the only one who seems normal.

[]Next to Nymeria: You want to enjoy breaking you're fast, not participate in potential jabs at your clumsiness.

[]Next to Rhaella: She looks sad and wants to say something to you.

[]Sit alone: You want to eat alone, and not get laughed at.

AN: Enjoy.
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Part 12: A Welcome
Part 12: A Welcome.

You sat down next to Rhaella, whom quietly scooted over and allowed you to get served. The breakfast was quite small,but hearty. The eggs were a fine scrambled, with some freshly baked bread on the side, and a tiny slab of butter melting on top of it. For meat it was only two pieces of bacon, but they smelled scrumptious, of a hint of smoke and salt from the sizzling smell that arose from it.

You ate it quickly, trying to savor the food that was in front of you.

It was a moment after you were eating your bread that you noticed the Princess was still staring at you, her mind trying to think of the words to say something.

"Is everything okay?" You asked. The other children at the table were playing with their food, but not wasting it, allowing it to get more cold to eat.

Rhaella nodded. "Why did you not defend yourself from all the japes my brother and his friends threw at you?"

You rolled your eyes. "Because what they said is the truth. I fell over because I didn't know the door or the place, and made a fool of myself. There is no reason to deny any of that. I can only learn from it."

The princess was quite impressed with your answer, and slightly confused by it. "Oh."

For a moment you thought you saw a devious smile rise on her face. For a moment that was, before she took another bite of a piece of bacon. "What about training? Are you going to try and become a knight like Steffon? Or become a Lord like Tywin?"

"What does Aerys want to be?" You asked.

"He wants to be both. Thinks that he can ride in tourneys and rule the realm at the same time. He seems totally fixated on being the best." She replied.

"What's the problem with that? You think he can't do it?" You asked. It had been done before plenty of times before and since the Seven kingdoms were founded.

"Aerys can't focus on anything that doesn't involve people who can keep him focused. The Maester never disciplines him fully because he's afraid Aerys is going to claim he is being abused by him, and Duncan can't be there at all times to keep him focused." Rhaella replied.

"What about you?" You asked. "What do you want to be?"

"I want to be queen." Rhaella said with a smile, getting a smile from the Queen

It was than a large piece of egg landed right on the Princess' face, with Aerys and Steffon laughing. "Great shot." Steffon stated.

The Queen rolled her eyes, as if this was a near daily occurrence. "Aerys." She said his name with a growel. "Stop it."

Aerys did, and quickly he seemed to become more defensive, and quiet.

You went back to eating your food and ignoring everyone around you. As much as Rhaella pestered to you to keep talking.

As you finished eating, the doors behind you opened with force, and King Aegon, the Fifth of his name, quickly strode into the room.

He looked near the same as when you saw him at the docks, white hair, bright purple eyes, and black and red cloak. However, here he looked a little lost in thought, with something clear on his mind.

Everyone looked up and gave him their full attention.

The king than sat down at the head of the table, and cleared his throat. "I apologize for my delay, there was a matter that needed attending." A heartbeat passed. "Well I believe we should welcome Lord Arstan Arryn, the newest Ward of the Crown."

Everyone looked at you and gave a small, dignified wave. "Now, I need to remind all of you of the rules here, because someone." His glare was aimed at both Nymeria and Steffon. "Decided it was a good idea to steal a horse from the stable and ride her out on the streets of the city."

There was another pause. "Lord Arryn you are here as a Ward, that means in addition to living within the walls of the Red Keep, you shall also be training for your duties as Lord of the Eyrie."

The King than saw that a servant was bringing food but waved him off. "In a moment." He ordered.

The servant nodded, and the King continued. "There are rules here, such as not stealing crown property."

"How many times do we have to tell you, we were just borrowing the horse to practice riding." Steffon protested, much to cringe of Nymeria.

"Shut up." She demanded.

"I second that statement Lord Baratheon, as you are already well aware of your punishment." the king replied.

"The rules are simple. Do not steal, do not wander out of the castle without an escort from one of the kings guard, do not try to sneak out of bed at night and do not, miss Grand Maester Jonnel's and Ser Duncan's lessons." He ordered. "The only way to get out of those lessons are sickness and injury.

"What happens if we miss one of the lessons your grace?" You asked.

The King gave a smile that honestly frightened you. "You'll find out." He said, his smile not leaving his face, and out of the corner of your eye you can see two of the kings guard exchanging a bag of coins.

The servant than set down a plate of food and Aegon smiled. "Scrambled eggs and bacon, my favorite."

A simple meal for a simple king… so the saying goes you think?

Do you go to Maester Jonnel's lessons?:
[]No (Not going will have consequences)

Do you go to Ser Duncan's Lessons:

After the Lessons, what do you do:
(Choose 3 or 4 or 5 if you choose no on any of the options above)
[]Go to the Library: You want to read some books.
[]Request an Audience with the King: You want to speak to the King, in private hopefully. About duty, and knighthood… And why he came to you at the ship with a hundred men?
[]Spend time with Rhaella: You want to spend time with the Princess, maybe try and become her friend.
[]Spend time with Nymeria: The Dornish girl is quite interesting, you want to ask her about her home, and how different it is from the Vale.
[]Spend time with Steffon: So he's the troublemaker of this group…. Oh what the hells, time to join in and see if you can be his friend. It might do him some good.
[]Spend time with Tywin: The boy is as serious and studious as you… maybe he'll be a great friend.
[]Spend time with Aerys: The Prince is lacking discipline in his studies. Perhaps you can find out why, and maybe even help him.
[]Spend time with the Kingsguard: The greatest knights of the realm… maybe you can learn how to be as great as them.
[]Try to Wander the City of Kings Landing: You want to see what this city has to offer. If His Grace allows you to go to the city with one of the Kingsguard.

AN: For the next two, maybe three turns, we are going to be training, gaining skills and making friends before our first little adventure.

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Part 13: Friends and Allies
Part 13: Friends and Allies

Do you go to Maester Jonnel's lessons?:
[X]Yes Rolled:1D100 => 1+5=6

You arrived late to Maester Jonnel's Lesson. "By the gods boy, why in the seven hells are you late!" The maester screamed.

You nodded. "I got lost." You replied.

The Maester was calm for a moment, then he grabbed you by the shirt sleeve. "You listen here boy, I do not care for your excuses, nor do I care about your rank. The King has told me to train you all to the best of my ability. And I will not allow a brat to ruin my lessons."

Everyone in the room, all the girls and boys, lords and ladies, were clearly frightened.

"After this lesson, you will write down a phrase from the Seven pointed star 20 times, so that you will memorize it."

Steffon looked quite concerned as you sat next to him, as if he was clearly worried for you, and what might happen if you were late again.

Failure: Maester Jonnel adds you to his shit list. Failing the lesson again or ditching them may lead to serious consequences, like loss of actions, or other events.

Do you go to Ser Duncan's Lessons:
[X]Yes Rolled:1D100 => 58+5=63

Duncan thankfully, rescued you after the lesson with Maester Jonnel. And what surprised you was the girls joined the lessons.

"Now, Arstan, have you held a blade before?" The knight asked.

"No." You replied with a shake of your head.

The knight than sighed. "Well then we'll start you with the basics. I want you to hold the sword up."

"But it's pretty heavy." You stated, holding the weighted wooden stick in your hand.

"It is heavy so that you may become strong." Duncan replied. "The rest of you, get into position, we're practicing strikes and defense today."

Reward: Combat Skill at Beginner: You now only get a -20 to combat rolls.

[X]Spend time with Rhaella: You want to spend time with the Princess, maybe try and become her friend. Rolled:1D100 => 70+5=75 Friendship roll:1D100 => 99

You bumped into Raella in the halls a book in your hand. "Oh, sorry."

"It's okay." She replied, holding onto the wall to regain her balance. "What are you doing?"

"Reading." You replied. "The History of the Seven Kingdoms before the formation of the Iron Throne by Archmaester Pate. It's a good read."

There was a hint of confusion from her face, but instead it changed into a smile. "Come on."

Without a word, mostly because you were too stunned to really understand what the hells were going on, you were led through the keeps halls.

Until you reached a balcony terrace which overlooked the whole city.

Rhaella sat down. "My favorite spot to read. The wind doesn't blow through here unless it is winter, and it's warm but never hot."

She had showed you a reading place… a perfect reading place.

After a moon, you and Rhaella began reading many of the books from the library on the Balcony.

And you talk while reading. That talking was always friendly.

Reward: Rhaella becomes your friend through the joy of reading and talking.

[X]Spend time with Tywin: The boy is as serious and studious as you… maybe he'll be a great friend. Rolled:1D100 => 68+5=73 Friendship roll:1D100 => 61

You came to Tywin with an idea. "I have a question Tywin? Why is it in the east, there are many banking and trading institutions in Essos. How come Westeros does not have those same institutions?"

Tywin for his part, did not immediately look confused. "It is quite simple. The crown does not offer the incentives that may allow such institutions to thrive. There is no liberty in the major cities, no rights from the crown to protect them from their wares being taken as tax for their debts. Quite frankly, if one wanted to create such laws to protect the merchants from such taxation, it would require a massive overhaul on almost all the laws of the Seven Kingdoms."

Tywin's answer was quite complex, for your under educated brain… but you understood the principles of the ideas.

"THank you Tywin." You replied.

"Wait." Tywin stopped you and you turned around.

"Why do you care?" He asked.

"I was curious of what you thought on why it is? As much as I hate to admit it, this Kingdom is a backwater compared to the rest of the world. We have the power to influence such a place… Wouldn't you want to?"

Tywin was quiet when you walked away.

A few days later, near sunset, he came to you with an answer. "Let's talk. I want to hear your opinion on something."

Reward: Tywin is now a friend… associate? You can't read this guy.

[X]Spend time with Aerys: The Prince is lacking discipline in his studies. Perhaps you can find out why, and maybe even help him. Rolled:1D100 => 97+5=102 Friendship roll:1D100 => 52

Aerys was staring off into space as the stars glowed in the night sky.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" You asked. "In your room?"

"Arstan." He said your name with force. "I need your help."

That made you get up. "Alright. But what is it you need help with?"

You were escorted by Aerys to his room and what you saw blew you away.

It was a portrait of a Dragon. It was properly sized to the tower in the background, and on it's back, was a small figure, a figure you assumed was Aerys himself. It was… breathtaking.

"How did you do this?" You asked.

"It came to me in a dream. That dragons were returning." Aerys replied. "I need your help to keep me working on drawing this… I don't know if it's from gods or my own hopes to see a dragon again… but I want to keep doing this."

"How long." You asked.

"Since I could hold a quill and brush." He replied.


"Because I need to see them, and if I don't see them I'll be lost."

You agreed to help him after that night, as much as you can.

Reward: Aerys dreams of dragons and has asked you to help him remain focused so that he can draw them. It's his wish and he needs help to remain focused.
Do you go to Maester Jonnel's lessons?:

Do you go to Ser Duncan's Lessons:

After the Lessons, what do you do:
(Choose 3 or 4 or 5 if you choose no on any of the options above)
[]Go to the Library: You want to read some books.
[]Request an Audience with the King: You want to speak to the King, in private hopefully. About duty, and knighthood… And why he came to you at the ship with a hundred men?
[]Spend time with Rhaella: she is your friend and loves reading… maybe… wait, she wants you to help he find a book?
[]Spend time with Nymeria: The Dornish girl is quite interesting, you want to ask her about her home, and how different it is from the Vale.
[]Spend time with Steffon: So he's the troublemaker of this group…. Oh what the hells, time to join in and see if you can be his friend. It might do him some good.
[]Spend time with Tywin: Well, he is certainly an interesting fellow to talk to.
[]Spend time with Aerys: The Prince is certainly more interesting than you imagine… Perhaps he can draw you something.
[]Spend time with the Kingsguard: The greatest knights of the realm… maybe you can learn how to be as great as them.
[]Try to Wander the City of Kings Landing: You want to see what this city has to offer. If His Grace allows you to go to the city with one of the Kingsguard.

AN: So Rhaella likes to read and converse while reading, Tywin wants political opinions, and Aerys dreams of dragons and is a near master artist at the age of 8. And all of them are your friends.

What are these dice rolls?


Also, next turn will begin... something.;)

Edit: forgot a line or two, it's fixed now.
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