@egoo ...could we Send at them using Liomond, since he's encountered him already, something like 'Parley?'

I'm not really feeling up to hunting him either, and we've made bedfellows with ostensibly worse sorts than Fossoway.
We have, but all of those times we've had something to gain out of those arrangements. I'm not seeing a whole lot to be gained with Fossoway here.
Do we want to/care enough about doing that?
I mean, at this point, I'm halfway ready to just leave him as is, fuck the potential consequences.

...Yeah, I've lost all the charge to be "the paranoid guy" on this thread lately.
It honestly doesn't seem like there's much he can do at this point now that we've taken away his resources.

[X] egoo
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Alright, now that we are done with GC...
There was a general consensus on limiting MAs to the things we can't do without Viserys on it (and which are really quick to be done), and the rest is backgrounded/delegated with the bare minimum of interlude'ism to it.

Here's what I have for things I think we have to do in-person this month, still:
[X] Meraxes being worshipped as actively as she is is a fine thing - except we know of the danger that grows alongside her.
-[X] Talk to Zherys and Meraxes, try to ensure she doesn't "return to life" for a while longer so that we won't have to worry about the 15th getting proactive.

[X] Arrange a personal meeting(s) with the remaining 2 rulers of Lorath - attempt to persuade them into joining the Empire, claiming economic growth and stability as reasons, grease the wheels where necessary by bribes.
-[X] Additionally, look into "the Shadowbinder" who started a school in Lorath - while the regulations used in it clearly make it seem like a preparation for joining The Empire, we are curious about sich a mage - since we had only limited contact with Shadow-mages so far. (this part is backgrounded to someone else, splitting it off in this list would have been awkward).

[X] Have the talk with Stannis - the Storm God can do much for the realm, and him personally. So far he seemed a goal-minded man, so we believe he'll see the merit in converting to the just and practical God of First Men.
-[X] In case of success, also retrieve the Heart Tree from the Storm's End - putting an exact fleshforged copy, with permanenced (Diamond dust) Fire Resistance, on it.

[X] Visit the Dornish tourney in a guise - the lords shall be properly briefed on many a thing.

[X] Meet Galeneia, the daughter of Merling King.
-[X] If she succeeded in getting the lore on forging the water-spirits, barter for it.
Here's the stuff delegated to our minions (ideally with minimal to no interlude'ing at that):
[X] You have received reports of Inquisition on the creatures you once encountered beneath the King's Landing. While your Empire is fairly progressive towards the non-humans, same most assuredly can't be said of Westeros as it is now - sooner or later, something will happen, either they'll be discovered and rooted out, or some corruption may get to them, those forced to hide away from the rest of the world in fear.
-[X] Visit Have our people visit the Rat-folk beneath the King's Landing, try to convince them to move cities - Sorcerer's Deep will freely offer them a safe haven if they agree to become your subjects.
-[X] Have the offer include sending some emissaries into our cities so that they could see the places for themselves. (<<< new, since we aren't there in person anymore)

[X] Look for a way for Viserys to contact the "exiles" of Faceless Men under the false persona of Liu of Qarth - under the pretenses of relaying to them the research of the tablet that "he" completed.

[X] Loot the entirety of Mercury Lake in PoE.

[X] Grow Heart Trees for provinces with active Inquisition Bases (provided enough sacrifices/items are available for that).
-[X] Stepstones
-[X] Tyrosh
-[X] Lys
-[X] Myr
-[X] Braavos
-[X] Pentos
-[X] Mantarys
-[X] Tolos
-[X] Naath
-[X] Eastern Basilisk Isles
-[X] The Three Snakes
-[X] Western Basilisk Isles

[X] Have Dany use her Half-Celestial form's Hallow SLA with the Tongues spell attached to blanket the area where our normal SD MirrorVision broadcasts and performances originate from, ensuring that all the recipients understand everything said on the broadcast.

[X] Grow "Plant Growth"-type Hearts Trees for the following greens (provided enough sacrifices/items are available for that):
-[X] Golden Desert Tree seeds
Here's the stuff completely backgrounded (to a point there's at most a few lines of a report to them):
[X] Resolve to spend some more time with Balerion.

[X] Restore the documents and the lore recovered from Ymeri's mansion in Volantis via the ash-to-book ritual.

[X] Recover the lore of the Many-Faced-God written down by Faceless.

[X] Have the 20 lbs of Void-touched Jade handed over to Djinn Cryomancers for their research in cleansing Void Corruption - with the full tale we know of it.
-[X] Preferably, those shouldn't be consumed in the process - but we can live with it if the results would look really promising.

[X] Have the Efreeti Wish-slaves, summoned alongside the Devils last month by their True Names, handed over to Shaitan/Djinn officials - perhaps making them into a propaganda move for all of Genie since the practice is as abhorrent to all of them.

[X] Have school-temples of Zathir opened in Opaline Vault, Armun Kelisk, and Vialesk (and Mardja if possible).

[X] Open a temple of Yss in Vialesk (and Mardja if possible).

[X] With several educational institutions off-plane accepting the offer of student exchange, it would but make sense to keep an eye on it.
-[X] Djinn Criomancers - will read lectures in SD for a month (12th month).
-[X] Djinn Auxiliaries (Mystic Rangers) - lore needed for training acquired, we can train Mystic Rangers (starting, 12th month).
-[X] Djinn Order of Stormweavers (Stormcasters) - agreed in principle, but need to free up a Master to visit beforehand - unknown when available.
-[X] Shaitan War Academy (Warmages, Diviners, Officers, and Engineers) - tentative agreement, bureaucracy needs to be pushed through to start the exchange - either visit the Shaitan leader or send diplomatic envoy throughout several months.
-[X] Shaitan Guild of Shapers (Magewrights) - accepted student exchange.

[X] The lore of the Faceless Men is perilous indeed - presenting a danger to the very beings of those who may attempt to follow it without the sort of pact the Faceless have in place- but maybe, just maybe, there are those in your realm who will take such a path. You cannot in good conscience set aside the potential power this path may lead them to, and the potential usefulness of such assets.
-[X] Talk to Ysandrix, some of our Fiends, maybe Vesill, potentially some of the most proficient humans (read: Inquisitor-level). Make the dangers clear and apparent, even we won't be able to blunt those.
-[X] With Faceless seeking to bring Yss into the millennia-old pact, to better guard the Domains of [Death] from the Void, perhaps something on a smaller scale can be done to other gods of your realm? Inquire Zathir, Yss, the Ferryman, Old Gods, Weeping Lady, and the Goddess of Silver Moon if they'd be willing to grant knowledge and power to someone in such a way - and for what price.

[X] Have Bloodraven!Varys get all of the Dragonbone outside of the Red Keep and into our possession and replaced with fleshforged fakes so that they can't be ritually used against the resurrected dragons.

[X] On-screen show of efforts against poverty in The Empire.
-[X] Efforts already available in SD - as a general policy kept in mind - are being spread everywhere we can:
--[X] We provide the basics to the needy (food, housing).
--[X] We have a job board for job seekers and employers looking to make job offers more visible.
--[X] We provide various forms of education for children and criminals (reading and writing, a trade skill).
--[X] We run massive businesses and government services that employ people.
-[X] Further ways we can fight poverty:
--[X] Get the Iron Bank to do microcredit (possibly backed by Divination?) or facilitate investor/entrepreneur links.
--[X] Have a vote on how to stop rampant magitech from crashing huge swathes of our economy.

[X] The Faceless Men that left Braavos - and the territory of your Empire - are unlikely to remain civil about practicing their rites with your Empire actively expanding its borders, and leaving them little place to do so. Eventually, they'll have to be dealt with, one way or another.
-[X] Have Inquisition cross-reference cases of Assassinations/"peaceful deaths" that match the patterns of Faceless Men, and work even more closely with House of Mirrors, the Zomok Seer, and even the Divination-capable Companions on free time, if needs be, to find such events outside the Empire's borders.

[X] Visit Order from the Gith Monastery again.
-[X] Gather the ordered items.
-[X] Offer more fleshforged creatures
-[X] Gather the promised lore on Psionics (basics) and Aberrations (all they can share).
-[X] Make new item-orders:
--[X] 1 [1/day, Slotless, Unaugmented (7 ML)] item of Zealous Fury (6,854 IM).
--[X] 2 [1/day, Slotless, Unaugmented] items of Hustle. ()
--[X] 1 [1/day, Slotless, Augmented (15th ML)] item of Empty Mind (3,672 IM).
--[X] 1 [Slotless, (15th ML)] Third Eye: Conceal (24,000 IM).
--[X] X-amount of [(15th ML)] Third Eye: Conceal (effective Psionic Mindblank items - 12,000 IM per item).

[X] Meet with the Candlekeep Courtier, hash out what he needs for him and his Fey to be more effective at the task we put him on - we are talking gear, we are talking consumables, we are talking potential House of Mirrors support.

And here are the things dropped from the voted-on list entirely (mostly b/c we don't have enough Companions/minions free enough on our hands to do such things after the mess GC undoubtedly was on their schedules):
-[X] Hunt for some Winter-touched creatures Beyond the Wall.
--[X] Variety is the answer here, grab animals, monsters, Fey - anything possible, really. (High-level Divination guarantees some good non-Mindblanked finds right off the bat)
--[X] Have them handed over to Djinn for their research on cleansing Void-corruption.

-[X] If there is time - look into setting up a counter-trap to those Efreeti hunting the Char-Serpent(s) in Oil-seas of Plane of Fire.

@Azel, @Duesal, @Crake, @TalonofAnathrax, as the people I actually remember voicing issues with MAs, is this list agreeable?
I'm done thinking up new ones, for sure.
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Btw, @Goldfish, while this part is pure "gimmie!" from me about 2 months ago, with how many Mindblanks we have now, at this point ordering Psionic variants is more reasonable than the regular ones. Even for this price.
-[X] Make new item-orders:
--[X] 1 [1/day, Slotless, Unaugmented (7 ML)] item of Zealous Fury (6,854 IM).
--[X] 2 [1/day, Slotless, Unaugmented] items of Hustle. ()
--[X] 1 [1/day, Slotless, Augmented (15th ML)] item of Empty Mind (3,672 IM).
--[X] 1 [Slotless, (15th ML)] Third Eye: Conceal (24,000 IM).
--[X] X-amount of [(15th ML)] Third Eye: Conceal (effective Psionic Mindblank items - 12,000 IM per item).
DP ruled that the effects stack in the manner that to be rendered non-Mindblanked each has to be dispelled/suppressed separately. Which is pretty important for rocket-tag, imo.
Wait... that's illegal!

And also evil.
Money is the best superpower :tongue:
A question - would an item of Psionic Mindblank cover the same bases the regular Mindblank - but with a different approach to that?

In other words, would they stack, making whoever wants to get through roll for each?
They would indeed stack, although the cases where you need stacking mind blank are very niche. On the other hand you guys are as likely as anyone to poke such an insane.
EDIT: For the sake of clarity, if DP sees it fit to reverse the ruling, I won't argue a slightest bit.
It has not been applied once so far, after all.
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Btw, @Goldfish, while this part is pure "gimmie!" from me about 2 months ago, with how many Mindblanks we have now, at this point ordering Psionic variants is more reasonable than the regular ones. Even for this price.

DP ruled that the effects stack in the manner that to be rendered non-Mindblanked each has to be dispelled/suppressed separately. Which is pretty important for rocket-tag, imo.
I'm on board with ordering psionic Mind Blanks, too, but not stopping our acquisition of magical ones while we're at it. They're a powerful resource with a hard limit on how many we can purchase at any given time, so we should get as many of them as we can, and from whatever sources we have available.

The Golden Company is going to be a nice source of Mind Blanks to supplement the others we got this month. :evil:
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Mindblanks are always in dire need. Being able to casually "nope" a problem like needing to hide someone from divination hugely relaxes the restrictions we operate under when doing intrigue.

Edit: Also, can you just imagine the look on the Big Bad's face when he tries to yoink a soul in the party?

Behind the Mindblank... IS ANOTHER MINDBLANK!

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I'm on board with ordering psionic Mind Blanks, too, but not stopping our acquisition of magical ones while we're at it. They're a powerful resource with a hard limit on how many we can purchase at any given time, so we should get as many of them as we can, and from whatever sources we have available.

The Golden Company is going to be a nice source of Mind Blanks to supplement the Others we got this month. :evil:
I similarly want to continue buying both. Ideally each Companion has both a magical and psionic Mind Blank. Even if they're on the business end of a Disjunction they'll still have ample protection.
Money is the best superpower :tongue:

EDIT: For the sake of clarity, if DP sees it fit to reverse the ruling, I won't argue a slightest bit.
It has not been applied once so far, after all.

The ruling stands, if you get mind blank from different sources they have to be stripped (or overcome) separately.

Good night guys, see you tomorrow with hopefully three updates as we finally account for the spoils of all these fights and the XP.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by egoo on Feb 23, 2020 at 5:49 PM, finished with 35 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Have the process of collecting the bodies in the Undead-settlement started.
    -[X] Also drop off the captured enemies in Gogossos for... "processing". :ogles:
    [X] Return to Yi-Ti, to see the end of Golden Company as it was.
    -[X] In case the efforts to gather scrying foci for Red Rolly, Blackheart, Illyrio and the Shadow Dragon that tried attacking your mother were unsuccessful - attempt using Miracle to try to gather hairs/blood/bits of skin/etc for such a task from their living quarters/places they were encountered at.
    -[X] Decide what will happen to the surviving men of the Golden Company.
    -[X] Start on resurrecting the fallen minions of ours - with Dany potentially chain-Resurrecting - and also attempt to do the same to any people Golden Company sacrificed/killed. The latter may not succeed still, so we will not offer that to lady Xue as a gesture of goodwill just yet.
from different sources
I'm not actually well-versed in dnd-lore and rules, I just did a whole lot of digging through item-lists some time ago.

Does anyone know separate/distinct enough branches of magic from regular Arcane and Psionics that we'd theoretically be able to apply more Mindblanks to ourselves through?

...Mind, Shadow Weave isn't a thing in this setting according to DP, so no easy way there.
Omake: Unkindly Scattered Part III
Unkindly Scattered
Part III
<- Previous / Next ->

Weiss had been expecting a bunch of things when they got launched off into the middle of the night on a 'routine training mission'... which she was beginning to suspect wasn't all that routine to begin with. Maybe they were just the disarming bunch of girls needed for the job of poking the shadowy briarpatch hiding something as thorny as the armored Huntsman. A dark presence who was currently holding off the simultaneous assault of half a dozen elder Grimm of all varieties currently trying to bring down the plateau of ice she'd woven.

Who was scarier in this situation, Weiss thought as her heartbeat skyrocketed when the man blurred into motion and impaled a pair of Beowolves leaping clear of the slippery rise, saving Yang from a mauling, then simply twisting his arm just so and bisecting an Alpha Beowulf who tried his luck and unexpectedly ran out then and there. Mind you, that was while already carrying the burden of two corpses and only having the space the four Huntresses-In-Training allowed him to swing that huge sword around. Not exactly a lot of opportunity for a wind-up, there.

The currently cracking edifice had been reinforced twice already, but then again, she had encased a pair of Ursa and a King Taijitu rising from the soil within it. Huh... that might have a lot do with why she'd so quickly agreed to the insane plan of launching the four of them with a thermobaric Dust reaction right beneath them and insulated only by careful placement of her glyphs and the platform she'd split off from the rest of the mound.

She realized in horror that the armored warrior hadn't joined them on the platform below when Blake turned to offer him her hand. He raised an armored knee and with a pivoting gesture kicked off the underside of the glyph, twisting in the air with preternatural grace and suddenly he was over twelve feet tall and he's going to crash into the ice!

She didn't know whether to send up some prayers for the madman or turn her head away so she didn't witness the carnage sure to unfold, but the man stomped the plateau, sundering the ice and sending chunks raining all around him, doing much to split up the horde of Grimm surging from all sides, making the whole thing topple, then shatter, like a giant kicking over a sandcastle. The snake-like and ursine Grimm were reduced to nothing more constituent than a smear on the ground, dissipating into black smoke already.

And then he moved.

Five slashes.... ten... fifteen. Every slavering Grimm about to dog-pile him suddenly evaporated, the giant madman--possibly some Semblance at play, Weiss thought dimly--suddenly in range of everything that had been harrying them.

With that new breathing space he entered a stance of unnatural stillness, the rampage having given even the Creatures of Grimm serious pause. Speed like that unprecedented from anyone she could care to name besides Ruby, and she couldn't keep up that kind of pace and attack at the same time!

There was perfect stillness for only an eye-blink, before the churning mass of Grimm surged forward, lunging to bite or raising claws and bony spurs to slash and crush him.

Honestly, the scene was growing ever-distant with their ascent towards the stone tower and arching bridge toward the cliffs that she'd think she was seeing things, she was prepared to call it all off and declare herself hallucinating, but then he went even faster than before, his blade striking out at every single Grimm in range. One strike sweeping through dozens of Beowolves, Ursa and Elder Grimm, like a Deathstalker or terrifying Nevermores, at all angles and levels. Then came the back-blow coming around again to finish the job on any of the hardier variants who managed to survive, a hurricane of black metal, trailing flames and sweeping doom.

His plan wasn't to sacrifice himself to save them, Weiss then realized, even as she turned to guide the descent of the platform of ice she'd separated from the chaos below, the thing looking the worse for wear and probably not bound to hold up all that well. The Huntsman was holding back because they were too close for him to really begin cutting loose.

She imagined if they hadn't intervened when the Grimm began swarming, he would have been going all out already. He was just way too fast, the expenditure of Aura he must be making was so inhumanly efficient to keep up with that kind of body enhancement for very long, yet he didn't look like he was breaking a sweat.

Far from the feats that fully licensed Huntsman were known for, to utilize a Semblance that over-the-top, having suggested an impromptu escape tactic from just watching her and her friends fight for a few minutes? And then deliver a perfect strike against every single opponent in range, guaranteeing death despite the Grimm often having multiple redundancies and thick armor to survive in close range?

Completely inhuman, Weiss thought, even as she created a hard light shield around her team with some emergency Dust supplies she'd been saving, the four of them adhered to the underside of the glyph as the platform beneath crashed through the tower, sent stone tumbling and then finally flung them forward onto the safety of the cliff-side. She collapsed in exhaustion from the improvised safety measures. Just who is that man? The amount of training you would have to do in order to obtain that sort of efficiency with your Aura was incomprehensible.

There were eventually diminishing returns to consider, to be sure, but moreover, in order to make the most of that kind of style, you had to accept that you were going to die beyond everything else. Any wasted movement, any hesitation, the trust placed in both your own ability to out-think your opponent and guess where they would be the next moment while keeping track of where they were now.

Ruby herself might be able to get her Semblance to the point where attacking and maneuvering at the same time was practical, having the control over her own body to where she could maneuver around with sniper fire and then surge into close range attack with her scythe, but bursts of speed like that were more of a tactical consideration for those without a Semblance that revolved around pure speed, she'd seen her sister Winter perform at that level often enough to be able to make the comparison. A normal Huntress or Huntsman could move that quickly briefly but only to end a fight against a weakened opponent or one attempting to regain their momentum against a dangerous foe.

If anything, the armored Huntsman had been faster than her sister, and more agile than Ruby if not quite quicker on a straight run. Weiss was a dexterity fighter and Ruby was all about positioning, both at range and in close-quarters, to better utilize the weight of her sniper-scythe, but that man trod all over those notions, being both quicker and stronger while acting with all the boorish and brutal efficiency of a Goliath. A fighter expecting to meet absolutely no resistance to the first thing he struck and completely trusting his weapon to carve through the next thing without resistance as well.

That kind of mad fighting style could only come from someone who so obviously spent exorbitant amounts of Lien on Dust-infusion, if his burning brand in hand was any indication, and had absolutely no fear whatsoever.

Weapons could be relied upon to a certain extent, it was the skill needed to make those kind of split second judgement calls where things began to fall apart. An ordinary Huntsman would likely rely more on their own positioning and footwork, keeping enemies away from their backs. The armored Huntsman fought always expecting death in every trade, a suicidal approach that was completely uncompromising and unhesitating. The kind of mindset needed to fall into that style was more like beasts in nature, fight or flight taken to its natural conclusion, paired with machine-like efficiency.

Absolutely terrifying, she thought. Who trained him, she would wonder, later on, when how close to death they really were just then began to sink in.

Whoever it was deserved to have their teaching license revoked. Putting someone through that kind of hell just to achieve such results was absolutely criminal.


At first, Ozpin didn't know what to think from the hasty report Team RWBY drew up for their training exercise, his four erstwhile students immediately collapsing into bed, and in light of the chaos that unfolded in the aftermath of the previous evening, he was inclined to cancel morning classes as well. Right. 'Exercise'. As far as the Council was concerned, routinely drawing up live fire exercises to throw Huntsmen and Huntresses-In-Training into unexpectedly, with all the necessary safety measures working in the background, was in no way correlated with some ulterior motive to test for weaknesses in his eternal foe. Still, he was baffled. What could have stirred up the Grimm so close to Vale this badly and out of nowhere?

Such congregations on that scale often spelled widespread destruction and attacks against outer settlements for weeks or months. When they sent a recovery team to bring back Team RWBY and their rescuee turned rescuer, he had half a mind to blame the whole debacle on the stranger they encountered, were it not for the terrifying knowledge walking into this meeting that the man had slaughtered every Grimm in a square-mile radius. Possibly further, given the delayed reaction from the Beacon staff and local Huntsmen on call.

Ms. Schnee had described him as, 'in a word, terrifying', and his general demeanor was little more reassuring, come to it. Still, he had taken no hostile action against them, and indeed had gone to significant lengths to protect his students all the while... but did he really have to take things so far? Any sane person would have retreated from such a mass of enemies, not stand and fight.

His appearance was equally surprising, like a Huntsman out of another era entirely. Black armor softly glowed with what seemed like intricate, layered and repeated infusions of Dust, the light of a forge fire giving indications of high purity Burn Dust, and going by the story, his sword was similar. The rest of his equipment sported the same esoteric mindset, sounding more like a hero out of tales of yore, more than one he'd fought alongside, albeit in another life.

A type of warrior who had access to some kind of hermetic, some might say 'mystical', benefactor. Or perhaps a team of industrious Dust weavers and artificers from a Monarchy-era workshop, a dying practice to say the least. It was still a taught, if niche, subject, in all of the major Huntsman academies, but more elaborate effects such as the bound gravity and transmutation Dust in the man's cloak were nearly unheard of, not to mention archaic.

Why spend that kind of Lien to fly somewhere when you could take an aircraft?

His dark helm rested on the table, the tray of tea going ignored, though the chair beneath the man groaned in protest and his metal-encased forearms scraped against the surface in front of them. He was seemingly of indeterminate age, with dark-brown eyes nearer to black and accompanying an equally dark beard, if well groomed, his brown hair done in a simplistic coif.

His sword was another story, combined with the sinister motif and dark purple leather, the gilded skull had eyes that glowed faintly at his very approach, an unsettling feeling settled over him like one being scrutinized by an unseen force, and a red stone burned deeply at the cross-guard with an unbridled sense of power. The girls had reported that its exposed blade would burn when unsheathed, with near-to-white flames.

"Mister Lonmouth," Ozpin began finally, after realizing pleasantries would be lost on this dark warrior. "You present me with a number of questions... and possibly an unsolvable conundrum to go along with them. How is it that a Huntsman of your stature can appear on the map suddenly with no rumors at all to mark your passage? And further, how is it you did not recognize a swarm of Grimm for what it was?" The negativity caused by such things was often self-compounding, likely to spread and grow out of all proportion or hope of control. Such things were often only herded away from civilization with extraordinary shows of strength.

"Hmph. Well at least you're cutting to the quick of things," he replied, voice a rich and even baritone, but seeming to indicate a man with few use for words, and less inclination to speak them unless absolutely necessary. Not a conversationalist, then. "I am a Knight, not a Huntsman. I can at least answer your second question. I've no idea what those things were, but they died just as well as the rest."

Ozpin blinked, wondering how such an accomplished fighter could survive in the World of Remnant without ever encountering the Creatures of Grimm... before another realization struck him, and a creeping doubt began to set in. "Your weapon and armor... they're not dust-infused, are they?"

The man's eyes lit up in curiosity, a question unstated, before he spoke, "No. Never heard of it. They're enchanted and rune-crafted."

"Magic," Ozpin breathed, a thousand questions flying through his mind, a pervasive fear he didn't let show on his face accompanying them.

"Aye," the man, Richard Lonmouth as he introduced himself initially, replied, brow furrowing deeply, "I take it that is not normal in these lands," he spoke, almost sounding resigned, perhaps even a subtle longing for simpler times buried beneath it.

"You could say that," Ozpin said, wondering how much to explain and how to keep a lid on all of this, lest it be overheard by the wrong people.
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Unkindly Scattered
Part III
<- Previous

Weiss had been expecting a bunch of things when they got launched off into the middle of the night on a 'routine training mission'... which she was beginning to suspect wasn't all that routine to begin with. Maybe they were just the disarming bunch of girls needed for the job of poking the shadowy briarpatch hiding something as thorny as the armored Huntsman. A dark presence who was currently holding off the simultaneous assault of half a dozen elder Grimm of all varieties currently trying to bring down the plateau of ice she'd woven.

Who was scarier in this situation, Weiss thought as her heartbeat skyrocketed when the man blurred into motion and impaled a pair of Beowolves leaping clear of the slippery rise, saving Yang from a mauling, then simply twisting his arm just so and bisecting an Alpha Beowulf who tried his luck and unexpectedly ran out then and there. Mind you, that was while already carrying the burden of two corpses and only having the space the four Huntresses-In-Training allowed him to swing that huge sword around. Not exactly a lot of opportunity for a wind-up, there.

The currently cracking edifice had been reinforced twice already, but then again, she had encased a pair of Ursa and a King Taijitu rising from the soil within it. Huh... that might have a lot do with why she'd so quickly agreed to the insane plan of launching the four of them with a thermobaric Dust reaction right beneath them and insulated only by careful placement of her glyphs and the platform she'd split off from the rest of the mound.

She realized in horror that the armored warrior hadn't joined them on the platform below when Blake turned to offer him her hand. He raised an armored knee and with a pivoting gesture kicked off the underside of the glyph, twisting in the air with preternatural grace and suddenly he was over twelve feet tall and he's going to crash into the ice!

She didn't know whether to send up some prayers for the madman or turn her head away so she didn't witness the carnage sure to unfold, but the man stomped the plateau, sundering the ice and sending chunks raining all around him, doing much to split up the horde of Grimm surging from all sides, making the whole thing topple, then shatter, like a giant kicking over a sandcastle. The snake-like and ursine Grimm were reduced to nothing more constituent than a smear on the ground, dissipating into black smoke already.

And then he moved.

Five slashes.... ten... fifteen. Every slavering Grimm about to dog-pile him suddenly evaporated, the giant madman--possibly some semblance at play, Weiss thought dimly--suddenly in range of everything that had been harrying them.

With that new breathing space he entered a stance of unnatural stillness, the rampage having given even the Creatures of Grimm serious pause. Speed like that unprecedented from anyone she could care to name besides Ruby, and she couldn't keep up that kind of pace and attack at the same time!

There was perfect stillness for only an eye-blink, before the churning mass of Grimm surged forward, lunging to bite or raising claws and bony spurs to slash and crush him.

Honestly, the scene was growing ever-distant with their ascent towards the stone tower and arching bridge toward the cliffs that she'd think she was seeing things, she was prepared to call it all off and declare herself hallucinating, but then he went even faster than before, his blade striking out at every single Grimm in range, one strike sweeping through dozens of Beowolves, Ursa and Elder Grimm like a Deathstalker or terrifying Nevermores at all angles and levels, then came the back-blow coming around again to finish the job on any of the hardier variants who manged to survive, a hurricane of black metal, trailing flames and sweeping doom.

His plan wasn't to sacrifice himself to save them, Weiss then realized, even as she turned to guide the descent of the platform of ice she'd separated from the chaos below, the thing looking the worse for wear and probably not bound to hold up all that well. The Huntsman was holding back because they were too close for him to really begin cutting loose.

She imagined if they hadn't intervened when the Grimm began swarming, he would already have been going all out already. He was just way too fast, the expenditure of Aura he must be making was so inhumanly efficient to keep up with that kind of body enhancement for long, yet he didn't look like he was breaking a sweat.

Far from the feats that fully licensed Huntsman were known for, to utilize a Semblance that over-the-top, having suggested an impromptu escape tactic from just watching her and her friends fight for a few minutes? And then deliver a perfect strike against every single opponent in range, guaranteeing death despite the Grimm often having multiple redundancies and thick armor to survive in close range?

Completely inhuman, Weiss thought, even as she created a hard light shield around her team with some emergency Dust supplies she'd been saving, the four of them adhered to the underside of the glyph as the platform beneath crashed through the tower, sent stone tumbling and then finally flung them forward onto the safety of the cliff-side. She collapsed in exhaustion from the improvised safety measures. Just who is that man? The amount of training you would have to do in order to obtain that sort of efficiency with your aura was incomprehensible.

There were eventually diminishing returns consider, to be sure, but moreover, in order to make the most of that kind of style, you had to accept that you were going to die beyond everything else. Any wasted movement, any hesitation, the trust placed in both your own ability to out-think your opponent and guess where they would be the next moment while keeping track of where they were now.

Ruby herself might be able to get her Semblance to the point where attacking and maneuvering at the same time was practical, having the control over her own body to where she could maneuver around with sniper fire and then surge into close range attack with her scythe, but bursts of speed like that were more of a tactical consideration for those without a semblance that revolved around pure speed, she'd seen her sister Winter perform at that level often enough to be able to make the comparison. A normal Huntress or Huntsman could move that quickly briefly but only to end a fight against a weakened opponent or one attempting to regain their momentum against a dangerous foe.

If anything, the armored Huntsman had been faster than her sister, and more agile than Ruby if not quite quicker on a straight run. Weiss was a dexterity fighter and Ruby was all about positioning, both at range and in close-quarters, to better utilize the weight of her sniper-scythe, but that man trod all over those notions, being both quicker and stronger while acting with all the boorish and brutal efficiency of a Goliath. A fighter expecting to meet absolutely no resistance to the first thing he struck and completely trusting his weapon to carve through the next thing without resistance as well.

That kind of mad fighting style could only come from someone who so obviously spent exorbitant amounts of money on Dust-infusion, if his burning brand in hand was any indication, and had absolutely no fear whatsoever.

Weapons could be relied upon to a certain extent, it was the skill needed to make those kind of split second judgement calls where things began to fall apart. An ordinary Huntsman would likely rely more on their own positioning and footwork, keeping enemies away from your back. The armored Huntsman fought always expecting death in every trade, a suicidal approach that was completely uncompromising and unhesitating. The kind of mindset needed to fall into that style was more like beasts in nature, fight or flight taken to its natural conclusion, paired with machine-like efficiency.

Absolutely terrifying, she thought. Who trained him, she would wonder, later on, when how close to death they really were just then began to sink in.

Whoever it was deserved to have their teaching license revoked. Putting someone through that kind of hell just to achieve such results was absolutely criminal.


At first, Ozpin didn't know what to think from the hasty report Team RWBY drew up for their training exercise, his four erstwhile students immediately collapsing into bed, and in light of the chaos that unfolded in the aftermath of the previous evening, he was inclined to cancel morning classes as well. Right. 'Exercise'. As far as the Council was concerned, routinely drawing up live fire exercises to throw Huntsmen and Huntresses-In-Training into unexpectedly, with all the necessary safety measures working in the background, was in no way correlated with some ulterior motive to test for weaknesses in his eternal foe. Still, he was baffled. What could have stirred up the Grimm so close to Vale this badly and out of nowhere?

Such congregations on that scale often spelled widespread destruction and attacks against outer settlements for weeks or months. When they sent a recovery team to bring back Team RWBY and their rescuee turned rescuer, he had half a mind to blame the whole debacle on the stranger they encountered, were it not for the terrifying knowledge walking into this meeting that the man had slaughtered every Grimm in a square-mile radius. Possibly further, given the delayed reaction from the Beacon staff and local Huntsmen on call.

Ms. Schnee had described him as, 'in a word, terrifying', and his general demeanor was little more reassuring, come to it. Still, he had taken no hostile action against them, and indeed had gone to significant lengths to protect his students all the while... but did he really have to take things so far? Any sane person would have retreated from such a mass of enemies, not stand and fight.

His appearance was equally surprising, like a Huntsman out of another era entirely. Black armor softly glowed with what seemed like intricate, layered and repeated infusions of Dust, the light of a forge fire giving indications of high purity Burn Dust, and going by the story, his sword was similar. The rest of his equipment sported the same esoteric mindset, sounding more like a hero out of tales of yore, more than one he'd fought alongside, who had some kind of rural, some might say 'mystical' benefactor, or a team of industrious Dust weavers and artificers from a Monarchy-era workshop, a dying practice to say the least. It was still a taught, if niche, subject, in all of the major Huntsman academies, but more elaborate effects such as the bound gravity and transmutation Dust in the man's cloak were nearly unheard of, not to mention archaic.

Why spend that kind of money to fly somewhere when you could take an aircraft?

His dark helm rested on the table, the tray of tea going ignored, though the chair beneath the man groaned in protest and his metal-encased forearms scraped against the surface in front of them. He was seemingly of indeterminate age, with dark-brown eyes nearer to black and accompanying an equally dark beard, if well groomed, his brown hair done in a simplistic coif.

His sword was another story, combined with the sinister motif and dark purple leather, the gilded skull had eyes that glowed faintly at his very approach, an unsettling feeling settled over him like one being scrutinized by an unseen force, and a red stone burned deeply at the cross-guard with an unbridled sense of power. The girls had reported that it would burn when unsheathed, with near-to-white flames.

"Mister Lonmouth," Ozpin began finally, after realizing pleasantries would be lost on this dark warrior. "You present me with a number of questions... and possibly an unsolvable conundrum to go along with it. How is it a Huntsman of your stature can appear on the map suddenly with no rumors at all to mark your passage? And how is it you didn't recognize a swarm of Grimm for what it was?" The negativity caused by such things was often self-compounding, likely to spread and grow out of all proportion or hope of control. Such things were often only herded away from civilization with extraordinary shows of strength.

"Hmph. Well at least you're cutting to the quick of things," he replied, voice rich and even baritone, but seeming to indicate a man with few use for words, and less inclination to speak them unless absolutely necessary. Not a conversationalist, then. "I am a Knight, not a Huntsman. I can at least answer your first question. I've no idea what those things were, but they died just as well as the rest."

Ozpin blinked, wondering how such an accomplished fighter could survive in the World of Remnant without ever encountering the Creatures of Grimm... before another realization struck him, and a creeping doubt began to set in. "Your weapon and armor... they're not dust-infused, are they?"

The man's eyes lit up in curiosity, a question unstated, before he spoke, "No. Never heard of it. They're enchanted and rune-crafted."

"Magic," Ozpin breathed, a thousand questions flying through his mind, a pervasive fear he didn't let show on his face accompanying them.

"Aye," the man, Richard Lonmouth as he introduced himself initially, replied, brow furrowing deeply, "I take it that is not normal in these lands," he spoke, almost sounding resigned, perhaps even a subtle longing for simpler times buried beneath it.

"You could say that," Ozpin said, wondering how much to explain and how to keep a lid on all of this, lest it be overheard by the wrong people.
...who are you, and what have you done to to the real Crake, you fiend?!

Ah, this was a long-awaited bit of pleasure.

Richard is absolutely terrifying out of context.
I mean...
Magebane: +40 (using Fleet Charge Mythic ability) [7d6 + 26 + 1d8 (Powerful Charge via Boots) + 3d6 (Mighty Blow via Belt); 19-20/x2] plus +39/+39/+39/+34/+29 [7d6 + 26; 19-20/x2]; plus 1 Constitution (normal Full-Attack Action), plus +39/+39/+39/+34/+29 [7d6 + 26; 19-20/x2]; plus 1 Constitution (extra Full-Attack Action via Belt)

Assuming every attack hits, that's 11 attacks in a single round with a total potential damage of 80d6 (avg. 280) + 1d8 (avg. 4) + 286 = 570 damage plus 11 points of Constitution damage

HP loss due to Constitution damage would vary based on the target's HD. A creature with 20 HD that suffers 11 points of Constitution damage would lose between 100 and 120 HP depending on whether their Constitution attribute is an even or odd number.
And that's outdated.

Check PMs for the reward for an omake well-done
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Unkindly Scattered
Part III
<- Previous

Weiss had been expecting a bunch of things when they got launched off into the middle of the night on a 'routine training mission'... which she was beginning to suspect wasn't all that routine to begin with. Maybe they were just the disarming bunch of girls needed for the job of poking the shadowy briarpatch hiding something as thorny as the armored Huntsman. A dark presence who was currently holding off the simultaneous assault of half a dozen elder Grimm of all varieties currently trying to bring down the plateau of ice she'd woven.

Who was scarier in this situation, Weiss thought as her heartbeat skyrocketed when the man blurred into motion and impaled a pair of Beowolves leaping clear of the slippery rise, saving Yang from a mauling, then simply twisting his arm just so and bisecting an Alpha Beowulf who tried his luck and unexpectedly ran out then and there. Mind you, that was while already carrying the burden of two corpses and only having the space the four Huntresses-In-Training allowed him to swing that huge sword around. Not exactly a lot of opportunity for a wind-up, there.

The currently cracking edifice had been reinforced twice already, but then again, she had encased a pair of Ursa and a King Taijitu rising from the soil within it. Huh... that might have a lot do with why she'd so quickly agreed to the insane plan of launching the four of them with a thermobaric Dust reaction right beneath them and insulated only by careful placement of her glyphs and the platform she'd split off from the rest of the mound.

She realized in horror that the armored warrior hadn't joined them on the platform below when Blake turned to offer him her hand. He raised an armored knee and with a pivoting gesture kicked off the underside of the glyph, twisting in the air with preternatural grace and suddenly he was over twelve feet tall and he's going to crash into the ice!

She didn't know whether to send up some prayers for the madman or turn her head away so she didn't witness the carnage sure to unfold, but the man stomped the plateau, sundering the ice and sending chunks raining all around him, doing much to split up the horde of Grimm surging from all sides, making the whole thing topple, then shatter, like a giant kicking over a sandcastle. The snake-like and ursine Grimm were reduced to nothing more constituent than a smear on the ground, dissipating into black smoke already.

And then he moved.

Five slashes.... ten... fifteen. Every slavering Grimm about to dog-pile him suddenly evaporated, the giant madman--possibly some semblance at play, Weiss thought dimly--suddenly in range of everything that had been harrying them.

With that new breathing space he entered a stance of unnatural stillness, the rampage having given even the Creatures of Grimm serious pause. Speed like that unprecedented from anyone she could care to name besides Ruby, and she couldn't keep up that kind of pace and attack at the same time!

There was perfect stillness for only an eye-blink, before the churning mass of Grimm surged forward, lunging to bite or raising claws and bony spurs to slash and crush him.

Honestly, the scene was growing ever-distant with their ascent towards the stone tower and arching bridge toward the cliffs that she'd think she was seeing things, she was prepared to call it all off and declare herself hallucinating, but then he went even faster than before, his blade striking out at every single Grimm in range, one strike sweeping through dozens of Beowolves, Ursa and Elder Grimm like a Deathstalker or terrifying Nevermores at all angles and levels, then came the back-blow coming around again to finish the job on any of the hardier variants who manged to survive, a hurricane of black metal, trailing flames and sweeping doom.

His plan wasn't to sacrifice himself to save them, Weiss then realized, even as she turned to guide the descent of the platform of ice she'd separated from the chaos below, the thing looking the worse for wear and probably not bound to hold up all that well. The Huntsman was holding back because they were too close for him to really begin cutting loose.

She imagined if they hadn't intervened when the Grimm began swarming, he would already have been going all out already. He was just way too fast, the expenditure of Aura he must be making was so inhumanly efficient to keep up with that kind of body enhancement for long, yet he didn't look like he was breaking a sweat.

Far from the feats that fully licensed Huntsman were known for, to utilize a Semblance that over-the-top, having suggested an impromptu escape tactic from just watching her and her friends fight for a few minutes? And then deliver a perfect strike against every single opponent in range, guaranteeing death despite the Grimm often having multiple redundancies and thick armor to survive in close range?

Completely inhuman, Weiss thought, even as she created a hard light shield around her team with some emergency Dust supplies she'd been saving, the four of them adhered to the underside of the glyph as the platform beneath crashed through the tower, sent stone tumbling and then finally flung them forward onto the safety of the cliff-side. She collapsed in exhaustion from the improvised safety measures. Just who is that man? The amount of training you would have to do in order to obtain that sort of efficiency with your Aura was incomprehensible.

There were eventually diminishing returns to consider, to be sure, but moreover, in order to make the most of that kind of style, you had to accept that you were going to die beyond everything else. Any wasted movement, any hesitation, the trust placed in both your own ability to out-think your opponent and guess where they would be the next moment while keeping track of where they were now.

Ruby herself might be able to get her Semblance to the point where attacking and maneuvering at the same time was practical, having the control over her own body to where she could maneuver around with sniper fire and then surge into close range attack with her scythe, but bursts of speed like that were more of a tactical consideration for those without a semblance that revolved around pure speed, she'd seen her sister Winter perform at that level often enough to be able to make the comparison. A normal Huntress or Huntsman could move that quickly briefly but only to end a fight against a weakened opponent or one attempting to regain their momentum against a dangerous foe.

If anything, the armored Huntsman had been faster than her sister, and more agile than Ruby if not quite quicker on a straight run. Weiss was a dexterity fighter and Ruby was all about positioning, both at range and in close-quarters, to better utilize the weight of her sniper-scythe, but that man trod all over those notions, being both quicker and stronger while acting with all the boorish and brutal efficiency of a Goliath. A fighter expecting to meet absolutely no resistance to the first thing he struck and completely trusting his weapon to carve through the next thing without resistance as well.

That kind of mad fighting style could only come from someone who so obviously spent exorbitant amounts of money on Dust-infusion, if his burning brand in hand was any indication, and had absolutely no fear whatsoever.

Weapons could be relied upon to a certain extent, it was the skill needed to make those kind of split second judgement calls where things began to fall apart. An ordinary Huntsman would likely rely more on their own positioning and footwork, keeping enemies away from your back. The armored Huntsman fought always expecting death in every trade, a suicidal approach that was completely uncompromising and unhesitating. The kind of mindset needed to fall into that style was more like beasts in nature, fight or flight taken to its natural conclusion, paired with machine-like efficiency.

Absolutely terrifying, she thought. Who trained him, she would wonder, later on, when how close to death they really were just then began to sink in.

Whoever it was deserved to have their teaching license revoked. Putting someone through that kind of hell just to achieve such results was absolutely criminal.


At first, Ozpin didn't know what to think from the hasty report Team RWBY drew up for their training exercise, his four erstwhile students immediately collapsing into bed, and in light of the chaos that unfolded in the aftermath of the previous evening, he was inclined to cancel morning classes as well. Right. 'Exercise'. As far as the Council was concerned, routinely drawing up live fire exercises to throw Huntsmen and Huntresses-In-Training into unexpectedly, with all the necessary safety measures working in the background, was in no way correlated with some ulterior motive to test for weaknesses in his eternal foe. Still, he was baffled. What could have stirred up the Grimm so close to Vale this badly and out of nowhere?

Such congregations on that scale often spelled widespread destruction and attacks against outer settlements for weeks or months. When they sent a recovery team to bring back Team RWBY and their rescuee turned rescuer, he had half a mind to blame the whole debacle on the stranger they encountered, were it not for the terrifying knowledge walking into this meeting that the man had slaughtered every Grimm in a square-mile radius. Possibly further, given the delayed reaction from the Beacon staff and local Huntsmen on call.

Ms. Schnee had described him as, 'in a word, terrifying', and his general demeanor was little more reassuring, come to it. Still, he had taken no hostile action against them, and indeed had gone to significant lengths to protect his students all the while... but did he really have to take things so far? Any sane person would have retreated from such a mass of enemies, not stand and fight.

His appearance was equally surprising, like a Huntsman out of another era entirely. Black armor softly glowed with what seemed like intricate, layered and repeated infusions of Dust, the light of a forge fire giving indications of high purity Burn Dust, and going by the story, his sword was similar. The rest of his equipment sported the same esoteric mindset, sounding more like a hero out of tales of yore, more than one he'd fought alongside, who had some kind of rural, some might say 'mystical' benefactor, or a team of industrious Dust weavers and artificers from a Monarchy-era workshop, a dying practice to say the least. It was still a taught, if niche, subject, in all of the major Huntsman academies, but more elaborate effects such as the bound gravity and transmutation Dust in the man's cloak were nearly unheard of, not to mention archaic.

Why spend that kind of money to fly somewhere when you could take an aircraft?

His dark helm rested on the table, the tray of tea going ignored, though the chair beneath the man groaned in protest and his metal-encased forearms scraped against the surface in front of them. He was seemingly of indeterminate age, with dark-brown eyes nearer to black and accompanying an equally dark beard, if well groomed, his brown hair done in a simplistic coif.

His sword was another story, combined with the sinister motif and dark purple leather, the gilded skull had eyes that glowed faintly at his very approach, an unsettling feeling settled over him like one being scrutinized by an unseen force, and a red stone burned deeply at the cross-guard with an unbridled sense of power. The girls had reported that it would burn when unsheathed, with near-to-white flames.

"Mister Lonmouth," Ozpin began finally, after realizing pleasantries would be lost on this dark warrior. "You present me with a number of questions... and possibly an unsolvable conundrum to go along with it. How is it a Huntsman of your stature can appear on the map suddenly with no rumors at all to mark your passage? And how is it you didn't recognize a swarm of Grimm for what it was?" The negativity caused by such things was often self-compounding, likely to spread and grow out of all proportion or hope of control. Such things were often only herded away from civilization with extraordinary shows of strength.

"Hmph. Well at least you're cutting to the quick of things," he replied, voice a rich and even baritone, but seeming to indicate a man with few use for words, and less inclination to speak them unless absolutely necessary. Not a conversationalist, then. "I am a Knight, not a Huntsman. I can at least answer your first question. I've no idea what those things were, but they died just as well as the rest."

Ozpin blinked, wondering how such an accomplished fighter could survive in the World of Remnant without ever encountering the Creatures of Grimm... before another realization struck him, and a creeping doubt began to set in. "Your weapon and armor... they're not dust-infused, are they?"

The man's eyes lit up in curiosity, a question unstated, before he spoke, "No. Never heard of it. They're enchanted and rune-crafted."

"Magic," Ozpin breathed, a thousand questions flying through his mind, a pervasive fear he didn't let show on his face accompanying them.

"Aye," the man, Richard Lonmouth as he introduced himself initially, replied, brow furrowing deeply, "I take it that is not normal in these lands," he spoke, almost sounding resigned, perhaps even a subtle longing for simpler times buried beneath it.

"You could say that," Ozpin said, wondering how much to explain and how to keep a lid on all of this, lest it be overheard by the wrong people.
I've got a golden ticket...

/scurries off to read the chapter
If you think about it, I've been outputting a lot of words for the last few months now. Y'all might actually see Part III of Libra Mortis and IV of Unkindly Scattered hit the light of day, in between like, six or seven more parts of The Spice of Magic and whatever other random omake my muse sends my way.

Edit: Which isn't to say the Spice will only have seven or so more parts, that series is probably going to last over fifty chapters.
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Well, he clearly didn't train enough.

Psht, what an amateur.
He was, to be fair, a menace on the high seas while evading our eyes and ears. Every other Undead had some kind of weird or exotic template and other levers of power.

He's basically just a sea zombie with a bunch of class levels and gear. Punched above his weight, for sure.
If you think about it, I've been outputting a lot of words for the last few months now. Y'all might actually see Part III of Libra Mortis and IV of Unkindly Scattered hit the light of day, in between like, six or seven more parts of The Spice of Magic and whatever other random omake my muse sends my way.

Edit: Which isn't to say the Spice will only have seven or so more parts, that series is probably going to last over fifty chapters.
It's all really great stuff, too. Makes me jealous that I can't scrape together enough mental energy to write anything.

Damn, Richard just wrecked shit so hard. After champions of Hell, Mythic Undead, and ancient Dragons, a bunch of low CR Grimm just don't have what it takes.
Draugr captain with Swashbuckler class levels. And some gear which Baelon promptly looted.
That's the spirit, Baelon. You loot their XP, then you loot their gear.

And then you take their ship, for the sake of thoroughness.
Damn, Richard just wrecked shit so hard. After champions of Hell, Mythic Undead, and ancient Dragons, a bunch of low CR Grimm just don't have what it takes.
That Elder Grimm Nevermore he killed at the start of this series? The one the size of a Mature Adult Red Dragon?

It was CR 15.

Granted that's not greatly inflated by a suite of abilities a lot of D&D monsters typically have in that area, buuuut its physical stats were definitely excellent.

It just... didn't hold up to his alpha strike at all.
That Elder Grimm Nevermore he killed at the start of this series? The one the size of a Mature Adult Red Dragon?

It was CR 15.

Granted that's not greatly inflated by a suite of abilities a lot of D&D monsters typically have in that area, buuuut its physical stats were definitely excellent.

It just... didn't hold up to his alpha strike at all.
Ah, yeah, that could do the trick. :drevil: