So remember way back when Viserys got Alter Self, how people were commenting on us obseleting the Faceless men and how DP responded by going "*peeks at Faceless Man Char Shert* lol no"

I suspect our efforts to obselete the entire industry of glassmaking might run against something similar. Viserys has more resources and spells now, but I think it's clear the glassmakers have something up their sleeves
They're free to have something up their sleeves and have their own competitive edge or whatever, just so long as they never interfere with or challenge our efforts to establish an industry within Sorcerer's Deep to mass-produce hardened glass for our various infrastructure projects.

Also @Deliste, yeah, I'm also super nervous about her being an Artificer. If she is, we're just going to have to diplomance her and make sure she never considers joining up with Volantis. That said I can't say I'm not excited. An Artificer, finally. And we're so close to being able to awaken our own loyal Artificer minions. :D
They're free to have something up their sleeves and have their own competitive edge or whatever, just so long as they never interfere with or challenge our efforts to establish an industry within Sorcerer's Deep to mass-produce hardened glass for our various infrastructure projects.

Also @Deliste, yeah, I'm also super nervous about her being an Artificer. If she is, we're just going to have to diplomance her and make sure she never considers joining up with Volantis. That said I can't say I'm not excited. An Artificer, finally. And we're so close to being able to awaken our own loyal Artificer minions. :D
I know right? Securing an artíficer is a very very high priority, i'm willing to give her the city if thats her price.
An artíficer is worth far more.
My optimal case for Myr, based on what we saw so far, would be to forge an alliance between the glass-maker guild and the trader guild. Both of these groups would be useful to have in our corner when integrating the city.
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between den glass-maker
You tired or something? I don't recall seeing you slip between languages like that before.

As to the actual topic, yeah those two seem most useful but really if she would renounce slavery and swear fealty she is worth losing out on the traders and gifting the city both.
Given all our projects I expect we will get an Artificer the day one of our kids inherits Daelor's Class or Viserys finally learns Glibness :V

[X] Azel
You tired or something? I don't recall seeing you slip between languages like that before.

As to the actual topic, yeah those two seem most useful but really if she would renounce slavery and swear fealty she is worth losing out on the traders and gifting the city both.
I blame auto-corrupt on my phone. It sometimes gets stuck in some weird half-state between English and German.
Which is odd, since I never write more then a few sentences a day in German.

I'm pretty certain that the traders will need some internal cleansing before they fall in line with us anyway, but the remnants would still be useful. Far more useful then the land-holders and other chaff.
My optimal case for Myr, based on what we saw so far, would be to forge an alliance between the glass-maker guild and the trader guild. Both of these groups would be useful to have in our corner when integrating the city.
That's probably what she was aiming for as well. Otherwise she wouldn't have shown up for the meeting at all, much less invited us to her production facilities and shown off her Glass Golem.
Given all our projects I expect we will get an Artificer the day one of our kids inherits Daelor's Class or Viserys finally learns Glibness :V

[X] Azel
We're buying a few Potions of Glibness in the Opaline Vault eventually so that @Azel can work his magic in a few select speeches. That and corrupting. I've got my eye on Stannis and Brienne. Brienne especially. We will corrupt that paladin, and slay the Warrior while we're at it. :mad:
[X] Azel

Whohooo! Artificer hype! I want her and Lya to collaborate ang build a Glass Dragon for Rhaella to ride.


Why not?
[X] Azel

Whohooo! Artificer hype! I want her and Lya to collaborate ang build a Glass Dragon for Rhaella to ride.


Why not?
We're going to Dragonstone this turn. With luck (and a merciful DP), all Targaryens, Malarys, and Amrelath get their own dragon eggs.

If it turns out that Lanna and Gerion succeeded in taking all the eggs, then I think I'm going to gain quite a bit more traction in campaigning to kill them, and the allure of the Archon's expedition to Valyria will be a hell of a lot more tempting.
A quick glance at the schedule confirms that we're ahead by about a day for Viserys and Malarys.

We're currently on Day 3, and by our planning we were supposed to still be in the Opaline Vault, but we've since grown the Philosopher's Tree, laid the groundwork for the Inquisition, laid the groundwork for the Dawn Fruit Tree, and moved on to Myr. And it looks like Myr is going to be done after our conversation with the glassmakers, meaning we'll have three full days open for Lys.

I fully expect Lys to take one or two days only.

So that leaves minor actions yet again. I suggest a choice among the following:
-[] Grow the Defense Tree or the Tree of Westhaven.
-[] Look for a Qohorik Smith in Tyrosh and the Disputed Lands
-[] Blood Wish fertility on various creatures whenever you have the magic to spare

When we grow the Defense Tree I propose the following from among our current sacrifices:
Current Sacrifice Tally:
Sacrifice (Presumed) HD Bonus HD after Bonus
1 Sorc. Sangudaemon 12 HD +60% (Caster + Outsider) 19.2 HD
4 Lacridaemons 16 HD +35% (Outsider) 21.6 HD
20 Minor Cultists 80 HD - 80 HD
    Total 120.8 HD
4 Lacridaemons and 1 Sorc. Sangudaemon for a total of 40.8 HD, and then supplemented by the summoning and sacrifice of a Thanadaemon for an additional 20.25 HD which brings us to a total of 61.05 HD (or any other daemon, just so long as we make it to 54 HD).

Of course I would prefer to just use the cultists like they're supposed to be used and kill them right alongside the daemons they worshipped, but yeah. Just don't try to get rid of all the cultists in an overpayed sacrifice to the Dawn Fruit Tree while I'm asleep and I won't raise up a stink. They've still got their uses even if you guys suddenly don't want to kill them in public.

For looking for a Qohorik Smith the reasoning is obvious. We can finally reforge our Valyrian Steel, we can get intel on Qohor, we can maybe convince him to share his lore (we will be using all social buffs for this).

And lastly, Blood Wished fertility. This is just outright overdue. We should have already given this to our hippogriffs and our Istaheq stallion. Minotaurs, too. Hell, maybe the Stone Giants are interested?
Just limit the utility of the directly metamorphosed material by ruling that it can't be cut or processed without having the spell break down partially, thus making the pane of glass worthless the second you try to cut it into a new shape.

So it's still a big deal in economics, but it won't make free money out of dirt. Much like the Smelter.

Okay, I agree with not abusing it to directly effect any work sector but construction or industrial projects directly involving the material to avoid printing money effect so much as cost-avoidance, but this flatly will not work, even for our own purposes.

If just chipping or cutting at morphed material would cause it to decompose or whatever it is you're imagining that would render it "useless" for the given purposes, using it for construction would be completely impractical.

I say we stick to the gentlemen's agreement, even acknowledge IC reasons for doing so--Viserys has no interest in damaging an industry which employs many people any continues to encourage certain skills that this realm would weaken for losing over time due to industrialization via magic.

The glass goods that Myr can provide are already niche. Just make more standard glass industries and then directly promote Myrish glass as specialty goods abroad. This is good for the local economy and also good on a larger scale, since the Myrish can focus on producing the best of the best.
Amrelath, that not insulting to give dumb dragoneggs or is it for a possession ritual?
...I haven't ever considered the idea of Amrelath having a dragon to ride.
But the mental image is too hilarious not to.

It'd be Epicus Maximus all over again.
And it will be epic.
Amrelath, that not insulting to give dumb dragoneggs or is it for a possession ritual?

Also Hermetia, Liset, and Reva, druid dragonriders! (Animal companions is even in class features).
Possession ritual, as Artemis already said.

But if he wants a Valyrian Dragon minion I won't say no so long as he coughs up payment.

EDIT: Also, @Fehu, you are 100% correct about Hermetia, Reva, and Liset. I've been scheming to get them (and Teana and Maelor) their own dragons. As per DP's ruling, anyone with silver hair and purple eyes can tame a dragon. We can cheat enough with magic to make it happen.
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Also Hermetia, Liset, and Reva, druid dragonriders! (Animal companions is even in class features).
Nothing against Liset and Reva, though taking a draconic animal companion would need extra feats to buy off, but why Hermetia?

She has gone for a rather subtle style of work and magic so far.
Nothing on this plane is less subtle than a giant firebreathing murderlizard.
Nothing against Liset and Reva, though taking a draconic animal companion would need extra feats to buy off, but why Hermetia?

She has gone for a rather subtle style of work and magic so far.
Nothing on this plane is less subtle than a giant firebreathing murderlizard.
Because there are very few Valyrians who would say no to their own dragon. We can make the offer (when we have a surplus of eggs). If she wants one then why not?

As for the extra feats needed for a draconic animal companion I was thinking of trying to spend a week or two with Viserys, Lya, and Dany working on a ritual to buy those feats, much like the Improved Familiar ritual that Lya completed that lets her take Improved Familiars for 1000 IM.

Maybe this ritual could be blood sacrifice based? Yet another reason to keep sacrifices in reserve, and another reason to make sure we get every last spider in Sothoryos.

In any case, such a ritual would be a massive boon for all future dragon riders, although poor Valaena will probably be mad we didn't do it sooner.
[X] Azel

She probably won't outright tell us "yes I have someone exceptionally good at binding magic to items and all this is thanks to them".
Thankfully we should simply ask about that in our next Commune. And then ask if they may join the Volantene.
[X] Azel

She probably won't outright tell us "yes I have someone exceptionally good at binding magic to items and all this is thanks to them".
Thankfully we should simply ask about that in our next Commune. And then ask if they may join the Volantene.
If we get a positive response on them joining the Volantines, we are sending out a murder squad.

1. Seize the Glass Golem
2. Murder Dorera Phassen
3. Seize whatever magic items we find
4. Leave no witnesses, or have Garin rewrite the memories of a few of the people (liberal use of memory moss here)

But at this point if we actually got a positive response for them joining Volantis, basically all our need for restraint goes out the window. Fortunately I believe Dorera realizes that, and she prefers to have a mutually-beneficial relationship rather than be on fire and for her skull to join the collection.
Fortunately the Free Cities no more want to be assimilated by Volantis than they wish to be conquered by us. It's precisely why the main worry was that Magisters would attempt to bridge an obvious gap by binding fiends.