The thing is that Commune is pointless when we can't strip everything down to Yes-No questions.

@DragonParadox, since Azema saw the Meneads in human form, could she use the Wayfinder to ping them?
That should be within the power of the Circle Dance feature.

One adventure and the wayfinder is already paying back its weight in gold.

We have to decide something important though, whether or not to take out Tiamat powered f!aegon. We should decide whether we leave him be to make the first move (hopefully once we are settled in Westeros) or if we hunt him down. I know we are strapped for time (understatement of the year, and hey, we still haven't done the code of laws!) But if we are going to hunt him down we better start now and not give him any more time to prepare.

With Tiamat magical steroids and the OP Golden Company its not inconcievable he'd steal a march from us and invaded Westeros, stealing our supporters once he makes landfall. Or a Free city, some of them are not exactly hard to conquer.
Let's view this long term.
Either we win or we lose.
Either Braavos acts against us or not.

If we lose and Braavos did nothing, the status quo returns.
If we lose and Braavos acts, they have the costs of a war that only establishes the status quo.

If we win and Braavos waits, they get a new trade partner to replace the old.
If we win and Braavos attacked us, they are now on the shit list of the newest superpower on the continent.

Unless they get some very lopsided concessions from the Free Cities, intervention is a bad move.
And then there is the morality thing to consider, the rest of the Free Cities are slavers which Bravos really hates, so those concessions would have to be really big, because Bravos interfering on the side of slavers against someone abolishing slavery, would not at all be well received by the common Bravosi.
-[X] Find the Maenad!
--[X] Have Azema try to use the compass to track them down; follow if it works
---[X] Use divination to ask whether or not they are on the ships that fled last night or within the city still
--[X] Get some of the tainted wine for investigation later.
--[X] Grab skulls of other higher ups to interrogate.

Trying for a preliminary plan, feel free to clean up
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By the way, our current collection of skulls includes:

Fey Drake -- for information on the Bright One's former court
The Listener from Mantarys -- so we can learn the names of various demons as well as the secrets of the Shadow Tower
The Spirit Naga -- used to learn about the Mallor, but could be used to learn rituals
The Ulitharid (in full corpse form) -- so we can learn of various Deep One fortresses
A Sahuagin -- so we can find various sharkmen villages
Admiral of Westhaven -- so we can learn of the politics of Tyrosh

And our current collection of hairs for scrying:
Lord Velaryon
Lady Velaryon
Valaena Velaryon
Aurane Waters
Stannis Baratheon
Davos Seaworth
Dragonstone Knight 1
Dragonstone Knight 2
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By the way, our current collection of skulls includes:

The Listener from Mantarys -- so we can learn the names of various demons as well as the secrets of the Shadow Tower
The Spirit Naga -- used to learn about the Mallor, but could be used to learn rituals
The Ulitharid -- so we can learn of various Deep One fortresses
A Sahuagin -- so we can find various sharkmen villages
Admiral of Westhaven -- so we can learn of the politics of Tyrosh

And our current collection of hairs for scrying:
Lord Velaryon
Lady Velaryon
Valaena Velaryon
Aurane Waters
Stannis Baratheon
Davos Seaworth
Dragonstone Knight 1
Dragonstone Knight 2

I'm not sure if that is too many skulls, or not enough.

What is the socially acceptable number of skulls in your collection before people start getting concerned?
I'm not sure if that is too many skulls, or not enough.
It's not enough. Every time we kill a monster that knows magic or rituals of any consequence like the Spirit Naga, we're taking its skull.

And it goes without saying that we should take the skulls of political enemies we manage to kill, if only to tie up loose ends.

I'm a bit saddened that we didn't manage to get the skull of Hermetia's uncle. :(
What is the socially acceptable number of skulls in your collection before people start getting concerned?
I'm not sure, but that
It's not enough. Every time we kill a monster that knows magic or rituals of any consequence like the Spirit Naga, we're taking its skull.

And it goes without saying that we should take the skulls of political enemies we manage to kill, if only to tie up loose ends.
is above that number.
Except you talk about the local necromancer circle? know where a mythical collection of skulls probably is? The Whispers on Crackclaw point. :V

More seriously, lets not make ourselves look obviously evil. Collection of otherworldly skulls is fine, collection of human skulls is dubious. After we interrogate them properly, we should probably bury them properly, so as to avoid rumors getting out of hand.
More seriously, lets not make ourselves look obviously evil. Collection of otherworldly skulls is fine, collection of human skulls is dubious. After we interrogate them properly, we should probably bury them properly, so as to avoid rumors getting out of hand.
It's not like we're putting the skulls on display, so that shouldn't cause too many rumors. And having the skulls in reserve just in case we need questions answered is a useful tool.
He will be the Bey of Beggars junior assistant gofer for the next few centuries. That's a sufficiently tied up loose end in my book and I don't care terribly much about Ymeri tainted lore.
It's less about me wanting the man to suffer and wanting the lore and more that I'm sad we didn't get to add to the hoard.
Skulls are interesting and all, but we should probably vote and stuff.

A_Somebody's vote looks mostly good. I don't think other skulls are retrievable with how they've been burned already. Azema trying to find them via circle dance, and a divination asking if they're still on the island, on the ships, or elsewhere in our territory seems like a good place to start.
[X] Find the Maenad!
-[X] Have Azema try to use the compass to track them down; follow if it works
-[X] Use the spell Divination to get advice on how to find them.
-[X] Get some of the tainted wine for investigation later.

Not wasting a Commune and thus 100 XP on this. This is much too open ended a task for that spell.
Um, A_Somebody's vote edited a bit.

[X] Find the Maenad!
-[X] Have Azema try to use the compass to track down the forms they first appeared in (dancers). Have Azema lead Tyene, Waymar and Richard to them if it works.
--[X] Use divination to ask if they are on the ships that fled last night or on the island of Westhaven, or elsewhere in our territory.
-[X] Get some of the tainted wine for investigation later.
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Why is finding the Maenad so important? Shouldn't we be spending a day ensuring that our rule is as strong as we can make it here?
We're always so pressed for time: is taking hours to look for one or two extra sacrifices really worth it when we could be getting work done on our major projects?
Do the skulls have to be INT>=3 for SwD to work, because otherwise I'd like to ask Balerion some questions.

@Duesal you forgot the abyssal-fey-drake skull! Which is currently loaned to the Silvereye but still counts. :p