[X] "To be perfectly honest: Awkward. But hey, maybe you'd enjoy coming to our wedding."
-[X] Produce an invitation from your cloak bound in crimson ribbon and marked with your seal.
-[X] "We'd love to see you there."
Crake and Talon, that looks acceptable, but only if we do it in a sufficiently understated way.

If this is an invitation to the Royal Wedding and she can easily see that now, the joke is lost.
Can Viserys miracle up an invitation to his wedding without a proclamation of it being the big deal? Just a tasteful little letter to a festivity at Sorcerer Street 1, that does not give away the trick until she is right at our palace?
Crake and Talon, that looks acceptable, but only if we do it in a sufficiently understated way.

If this is an invitation to the Royal Wedding and she can easily see that now, the joke is lost.
Can Viserys miracle up an invitation to his wedding without a proclamation of it being the big deal? Just a tasteful little letter to a festivity at Sorcerer Street 1, that does not give away the trick until she is right at our palace?

Making an invitation that changes at some later point to show something else is more the domain of enchantment than simple spell casting, but wish can make enchanted objects so you are in the clear there unless you want to do something really exotic.
[X] "To be perfectly honest: Awkward. But hey, maybe you'd enjoy coming to our wedding."
-[X] Produce an invitation from your cloak bound in crimson ribbon and marked with your seal.
-[X] "We'd love to see you there.

YYeesss. All the petty.
Making an invitation that changes at some later point to show something else is more the domain of enchantment than simple spell casting, but wish can make enchanted objects so you are in the clear there unless you want to do something really exotic.
Using a Wish for that would be ridiculous. Could we magic up a piece of paper whose ambiguous wording would lead her to the right place without making it clear that it's the Imperial Palace?
We could merely give her an address in SD, perhaps the Fey inn we stole from the Stormlands, and have palace staff waiting for her to show up. They could then whisk her away for a dress fitting appropriate to attend the wedding.
We could merely give her an address in SD, perhaps the Fey inn we stole from the Stormlands, and have palace staff waiting for her to show up. They could then whisk her away for a dress fitting appropriate to attend the wedding.
Just send her to the tailor directly with a comment about "having her fitted for a dress that fits in".
[X] Artemis1992

We don't need to invite her, but once the wedding starts we definitely need to see her PoV when she watches the live stream, just a small snippet at least. It would be a nice little gag on the side and utterly hilarious to see the look on her face.
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In any event, if we are to be petty, let her not understand what truly happened at least until we leave.
Is it really all that petty? Chances are she'll turn down the invitation in any case.

Honestly I find the thought of inviting her without having her realize just whose wedding she was just invited to just plain amusing rather than petty. Not like it would do her any harm... other than make her feel like a complete fool if/when she finds out the truth, but she's asking for it.
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Relor the Lucky went clean and joined a Yssian temple, IIRC.

But what about the rest of the crew? All dead or imprisoned by now, or did some manage to get out of organised crime before it was too late?