Shapesand is a special kind of wasteland soil that is psychoreactive; it can be sculpted into any form according to your will. The new object is made of sand, but serves as a normal item of the same sort. A shapesand hammer functions just like an ordinary hammer, and a shapesand waterskin is just as watertight as an ordinary skin.
Controlling shapesand is an exercise in willpower. A DC 16 Wisdom check establishes control of a volume of sand based on the shaper's Wisdom score:
Wisdom Score | Controllable Volume |
1-3 | None |
4-7 | 1-ft. cube |
8-11 | 2-1/2-ft. cube |
12-15 | 5-ft. cube |
16-19 | 7-1/2-ft. cube |
20-23 | 10-ft. cube |
24+ | +2-1/2 ft per 4 points of Wisdom |
If your Wisdom check succeeds, you can reshape the volume of sand as you desire. Once control is established, the shape lasts as long as you remain within 100 feet of it. Thus, those with sufficient patience and strong enough will can construct small fortresses out of shapesand, even if they must do so a few cubic feet at a time.
Another character can wrest control of a shapesand item away from you by succeeding on an opposed Wisdom check, though the winner's Wisdom score must be high enough to shape an item the size of the one contested. For example, if two characters are attempting to control a 5-foot cube of shapesand, the challenger must not only beat his opponent's roll, but must also have a Wisdom score of at least 12.
If you are a sand shaper or a cleric with the
Sand domain using shapesand in conjunction with your sand shaping abilities, you do not count shapesand items against the total number of items you can maintain at one time. In addition, if you are a sand shaper, you can give control of shapesand objects to other individuals, and those items persist even if the new owner takes them outside the normal 100-foot control area. The new owner need not make a Wisdom check to establish control of the item, so long as his Wisdom score meets the minimum requirement for the object's volume.