Weighing the Odds
Sixth Day of the First Month 294 AC
Siduri would never quite get used to knowing she had a dragon at her back, with claws fit to slice steel and jaws to crush a ship's mast. Even when said creature of sorcery and flame happened to be wearing mortal or near-mortal form as he followed her through the winding paths of Adrajeen's Anchorage, she could practically feel the weight of his gaze at the back of her skull, sharp with the lore of ages and hot with the same primordial greed that always made her worry at the end of a raid if this was the time the Ash Risen would just decide to claim all the spoils and fly off, and how in the black heart of Neresus she was going to explain it to the other Dragon in whose name they were sailing these days.
Be fair, he's not some hatchling fresh from the shell to risk future profits for some fat prize in front of his eyes, the sorceress reassured herself even as she nimbly dodged an inebriated or maybe just concussed
ganzi, the kaleidoscope of clashing color in the woman's eyes making her faintly nauseous.
Of course Amrelath might just decide that we are wasting our time with subterfuge and simply try to rob the port, came the markedly less reassuring follow up.
While the chaos of brawling, drinking, and shouting spiced with the odd knifing that made up the usual anchorage's entertainment would have disgusted most efreeti, it was still a place nominally loyal to the Brazen Throne. On top of that, its position along the upper side of the Forgefire Loop, one of the busiest trade routes in the Sea of Fire in times of peace and now contested waves between the rebels and the loyalists, made it the most likely place to learn of the heaviest and most valuable convoys they were to hunt this month.
Nothing as ambitious as when we had the priestess but...
"It has to be a bloody trap, right?" Yrten's loud rumbling voice echoed into the dead silence of the chart room "There's no way they would be that bloody stupid or us that lucky. A treasure fleet that's supposed to help pay for their garrisons and keep the Brass Bastard's pet salamanders on his side, sailing with only two shield ships and six sword ships to guard it. The only way we would be shooting more mephits with one bolt would be if there was one of the Sultan's withered balls aboard to curse him through."
"The omens check out on the prize, though they come a little loose around the edges when it comes to the protections," Siduri noted. On the one hand she was glad to finally have access to foresight she would not have to squeeze out of an imp and then comb over for treachery, but on the other she was almost as wary of the whole business as the captain. You learned to smell 'too good to be true' as a raider on the flaming waves. It smelled like death.
"Were you not the one who boasted the Golden Wind could out sail any efreeti craft afloat if it came to it?" Amrelath asked slyly.
From the way Yrten's beard bristled, he'd struck a nerve, but not enough of a one for the captain not to grumble, "Aye one ship, maybe three or five even. Now ten, twenty? The numbers start catching up with you."
"Well then maybe we'll need more numbers of our own to catch up," Siduri mused, the fingers of her left hand tapping the edge of the table as they often did when she was concerned... or excited. "Let's see if we can shake loose anything for the chase back in port and then we'll decide if we aught to sail on this."
The notion earned her two nods, one more reluctant than the other maybe, but a nod just the same.
The Golden Wind has just caught wind of an opportunity to raid that seems very lucrative, but may be a trap. What do they do?
[] Pursue it
-[] Write in any background assets you assign to the ship
[] Leave it
[] Write in
OOC: It's way too late to roll combat, though thankfully the introductory rolls were interesting enough for and interlude and vote. Not yet edited.