The Devils You Know
Twenty Fifth Day of the First Month 294 AC
"I succeeded. I will play my part and participate in the interrogation. I only ask you to allow me to negotiate for the knowledge later," you
send mentally to Heronious even as you graciously nod to the priest of Asmodeus. You
are curious about what the handmaiden devil knows and even more interested in seeing if you can build a rapport with one of Malphas' lieutenants.
There is only a moment's silence in your mind followed by the oracle devil's soft voice, answering with a warning you had not expected.
"Avoid any practical experience offered. They can read the shadow of your mind from the prisoner's thoughts, even warded."
When Iradious smoothly dispels your amber binding around the handmaiden devil, you watch with wary interest as chains swiftly spring from the chair unbidden to shackle not only her hands but also the writhing tendrils bellow her waist and even those upon her brow. The prisoner is frozen utterly and without recall. The spell he wields is familiar from your own interrogations or Tyene's for that matter,
"Tsk... tsk..." the devil hisses, forked tongue slipping between sharpened teeth. "The Lord General will
not be pleased at this unholy alliance. A letter shall have to be sent, perhaps something more strongly worded. A patrol in force will be dispatched to ensure that the sage's property is not compromised." A laugh passes his lips, cold and sharp. "She has some truly outlandish notions about those who attended the auction, that the mage in crimson was an agent of Asmodeus in truth and he would aid her together with the servant of Mammon in a fight, that the wind-binder was not there to bid but a thief waiting for her chance to claim the prize yet outplayed by her own attempt. And of course about you..."
Silence falls for a moment as Iradious's words trail off, then the question you had been expecting and in no small measure dreading. "Would you like to have a look for yourself?"
His gaze meets yours very carefully indeed. A test if you have ever seen it, but of what? If you would be so foolish as to give them undue clues about your nature and goals, if you know or do not know that they have means to obtain information from the aftermath of interrogation? Or has Heronious lied for his own reasons, seeking to keep you from interrogating the prisoner yourself or seeking to drive a wedge between yourself and the garrison.
Perhaps you could attempt a spoken interrogation, curses and bindings of truth. You could claim a lack of knowledge in mind magics, but if Heronious had not lied would that perhaps give away that you know more about Iradious's intent than you aught to?
What do you reply?
[] Agree to interrogate the prisoner
-[] Mentally
-[] With Circle of Truth
[] Refuse to interrogate the prisoner
[] Write in
OOC: Really short unfortunately, but it can't be helped given the break point.