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- Germany
[X] Azel
This is a Greater Doppelganger. It could very well be one of the leaders of this group. Those things are seriously powerful, after all - they're basically a slightly less OP Illithid Savant.We just got a phone call?
No, we demand a physical meeting with Mcsquidface!
*laughs in viserys*
*laughs in bling*
Headband of Conscious Effort
Anyone wearing a Headband of Conscious Effort can make a Concentration check in place of a required Fortitude saving throw.
Name Headband of Conscious Effort Sorted Name Headband of Conscious Effort Family Wondrous Item Slot Head Price 4,000 gp Price as Gold Pieces 4000 Aura Moderate transmutation Caster Level 6 Version Complete Adventurer Sources Complete Adventurer Construction Craft Wondrous Item, Combat Casting, bear's endurance
This ability can be activated once per day.
Activating the headband is an immediate action that does not provoke the attacks of opportunity.
Moderate Transmutation; CL6th; Craft Wondrous Item, Combat Casting, Bear's Endurance, Price 4,000 gp.
This is a Greater Doppelganger. It could very well be one of the leaders of this group. Those things are seriously powerful, after all - there's basically a slightly less OP Illithid Savant.
Furthermore, please note that demanding to see the leader of the Aberrations is risky. You may be asking to see something that will force Will saves vs Insanity and Fortitude saves vs obliteration due to nonexistent physical laws simply as an aura effect, or something equally bullshit.
Epic Aberrations are stupidly bullshit, and are inspired by Cthulhu.
Keep in mind, it is highly unlikely THIS Elder Brain is your 'run of the mill' CR 26 variety.These guys are the ones who rebelled from the big great blob of grey matter. They are less powerful than that, otherwise they would have taken control.
So I don't expect anything more powerful than CR 20 or so. This guy is CR 12, so he is at the same level of an Ulitharid, though.
Keep in mind, it is highly unlikely THIS Elder Brain is your 'run of the mill' CR 26 variety.
He is probably got something special to exhibit his status as THE Godbrain (which is another canon D&D thing). Expect MR.
It would be fair to assume their leader is high CR, as in 20+, by sheer dint of the fact only some extremely powerful leaders could hide a large scale rebellion when it actively mind probes EVERYONE networked to it constantly.Still, I don't expect these guys to be so almighty in comparison with the main faction.
I don't think he's THE God-Brain, one of the higher up brains maybe, but the Plane of Balance is only a minor front for the Illithid, the biggest brain is probably in Nirvana or the Plane of Water.Keep in mind, it is highly unlikely THIS Elder Brain is your 'run of the mill' CR 26 variety.
He is probably got something special to exhibit his status as THE God-Brain (which is another canon D&D thing). Expect MR.
He's potentially a Diplomancer or high-level spellcaster though, depending on who he ate. I mean, we can probably take him (although this place may have dangerous wards or reinforcements handy), but he may be more dangerous than CR 12 would indicate.These guys are the ones who rebelled from the big great blob of grey matter. They are less powerful than that, otherwise they would have taken control.
So I don't expect anything more powerful than CR 20 or so. This guy is CR 12, so he is at the same level of an Ulitharid, though.
We only know about one Elder Brain, my dude. And we have hints toward the fact that they have sabotaged others from forming, given that 'statue' we recovered from Water.I don't think he's THE God-Brain, one of the higher up brains maybe, but the Plane of Balance is only a minor front for the Illithid, the biggest brain is probably in Nirvana or the Plane of Water.
I doubt there's only one Elder Brain, I don't think the Illithids would be able to have a multi-plane empire with only 1 Elder Brain, and they're active on at least 3 planes.We only know about one Elder Brain, my dude. And we have hints toward the fact that they have sabotaged others from forming, given that 'statue' we recovered from Water.
Either it's here on the Material Plane or it is working through proxies. But it's still likely that a God-Brain leads the Deep Ones.
Greater Dopplegangers are default CR 12, but can gain class levels. With just a few levels and it's own Consume Identity abilitiy, it could easily be capable of casting 8th level spells or psionic powers if it found a powerful enough brain to eat.These guys are the ones who rebelled from the big great blob of grey matter. They are less powerful than that, otherwise they would have taken control.
So I don't expect anything more powerful than CR 20 or so. This guy is CR 12, so he is at the same level of an Ulitharid, though.
Wait, we missed an opportunity for a potential Greater Doppelganger? And we risked a crippling phobia in the process, too!
In hindsight, this is a shame.
These days we absolutely can wrangle such alien creatures, after all. Surely we could have managed our wards by the time they grew up.