The best part of the merry round of "guess the Abomination Qyburn wants to become" is that you are all wrong, though for understandable reasons.
The best part of the merry round of "guess the Abomination Qyburn wants to become" is that you are all wrong, though for understandable reasons.
The most obvious and "easiest" option would be Apostle Kyton, so that can propably be ruled out too.

Deathless is not a direction he ever looked into, as far as I know.

Besides that, he has never shown much interest in mechanical workings, so I think undead is more likely that a construct-body, at least.
If Qyburn ever showed a need for Immortal life in order to extend his time for research, he clearly doesn't show it.

Not that he needed to honestly. We could grant that to him on a whim if he so wanted to.

No, he wants to reach higher. To see the extent of whatever monstrosity he creates. How far can he push? How deep can he perceive? Is there a limit?

That's him. An ever-thirsting soul, parched with the need for knowledge...
I mean those are all so tacky, just reincarnate constantly and apply some other fun templates in stead of boring ones like lich. You know have fun, like blood magic creature.
Need a few more votes, y'all.

BTW, is anyone else getting an automated warning when you try to post anything quoting someone else? It's getting annoying.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Apr 12, 2020 at 10:48 AM, finished with 30 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Travel to Oldtown to obtain a meeting with the coordinator of Sunset Shores
    -[X] Arrange a meeting with Torfin as a potential investor in Sunset Shores.
    -[X] While we're in Oldtown, try to set up a meeting with the Lantern Bearers to learn how their efforts have been going these last few months. We can provide them with further resources if they have need of them.
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OK Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 12, 2020 at 11:50 AM, finished with 37 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Travel to Oldtown to obtain a meeting with the coordinator of Sunset Shores
    -[X] Arrange a meeting with Torfin as a potential investor in Sunset Shores.
    -[X] While we're in Oldtown, try to set up a meeting with the Lantern Bearers to learn how their efforts have been going these last few months. We can provide them with further resources if they have need of them.
@Azel re: Qyburn, the reason people are guessing Lich or something along those lines is pretty clear, A) Qyburn has shown no interest in planar body/immortality methods more conventional to the average sorcerer, like Lya and Zherys displayed in their own paths of study.

B) He isn't anywhere near adept as Anu in the making of very effective and yet high quality artificial bodies (the clockwork bodies for example that the Red Priests got with that ritual are for example not the most high quality or comfortable, lacking a number of features compared to Warforged who could actually drink potions and eat food even if it isn't required, I'm not 100% sure if they can taste them but it stands to reason that they could since they can benefit from the magical effects of potions and Heroes Feast) so I do not foresee him purposefully choosing to walk down a path without consulting experts as opposed to working on it alone.

C) It can't be something related to dragons, even if that actually is a pretty straightforward research avenue to gain extreme longevity, and he seems like a man fond of elegant solutions rather than just putting something off for another few thousand years, and more importantly it would be an egregiously bad idea to start down that path without consulting Viserys.

Therefore, given his skills and inclinations, it seems obvious it has something to do with either something Lich-like, or perhaps creating an undead body without any of the disadvantages, as it is mentioned that the lack of true sensation, the constant malaise of entropy hanging over them, is supposed to be inimical to coexistence with life in general. Vampires would be a great starting point as they get all the sensations without any of the baggage, just the dispensation of any and all humanity which Qyburn has very little of to begin with, just a will stronger than steel. But then he hasn't shown any hint of looking into that either.

I think of the three something along the lines of the third makes the most sense.
...can't he just be making something extra-killy there, and not searching for immortality?

I may have misread something, but I'm not sure why's everyone jumping to that as his project.
...The tradition aside, of course :V
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...can't he just be making something extra-killy there, and not searching for immortality?

I may have misread something, but I'm not sure why's everyone jumping to that as his project.
...The tradition aside, of course :V
Because it's something of a mixture of "if you rush for it right away you will come up with a subpar choice you think is fool proof only to discover the rashness of youth made you pick something that had serious drawbacks" and "if you wait too long you're an utter fool who is prone to making mistakes because you are running out of time and will settle for something that delays the inevitable in the end".

And even for someone like Qyburn who could arrange for a reincarnation, relying on other people for spell lore is antithetical to his entire psychological makeup, self reliance has come up in his character arc more than once.

Lastly, he noted that before working for Viserys, he was working with scraps and dribs and drabs of lore from here and there. Afterwards, he was making discoveries and advances faster than he could begin to implement them in reality. It seems likely he would start moving to complete that project so that it no longer forms a distraction for him, while also upgrading his own abilities in a dangerous world filled with Others, Fiends, Deep Ones and whatever else wants to tear down the empire that conveniently pours resources into his lab.
Honestly, I want to go and capture that Hex Dragon for Qyburn. The things he can learn from that dragon...something for later. Next month is Barrow extermination month.
@Crake, your analysis is quite thorough and I agree with all your assessments. The reason why I said it's understandable that nobody guesses right is that the idea is pretty far out there and until recently, he didn't even believe it to be possible.

Seeing the capabilities of Gogossos, he has begun to believe he might be able to actually do it.

And to show them all. Can't forget to show them all and make the Citadel tremble before his terrifying glory.