Question for the thread:
Is the Everfire smelter a viable desalination plant if modified or are there more practical variants?
I was thinking of using a series of those to take in sea water on the dornish coast, evaporate the water and harvest the salt for economic use while providing freshwater to the cities. Maybe even pipe it into the interior and create artificial lakes as reservoirs for settlements or agricultural purposes. Mostly cash crops like cotton, fruits and so on. Stuff that needs a lot of sun and water and increases availability to the lower classes. And once winter hits, they can provide basic foods to stretch stockpiles as I think they are warm enough even in winter.
There is also using them for magitech Frostpunk in the North. (Or other places once the White Walkers move in force). Pipe around heated water as an artificial hot spring.
Was also thinking about Titan Tools. Are there cheap ass variants that are viable for battlefield shaping? Not mid-combat, but battlefield engineering for the Legion. Small range, nothing fancy. Just earthworks.