Why should Yss eat the armor-souls?

He's a deathgod, maybe he can help them move on?

We do a lot of shit, but we don't give our gods innocentchildren as food.
Preliminary plan to get the ball rolling. If these aren't the boons ya'll want, let me know what to put in place of them.

FYI, the Staff of Ages is down to 10 of 30 charges.

[X] Yes, we will sacrifice Aegon and the Ring.
-[X] In return for the Ring of the Devouring Dragons, ask that Yss consume the remnant souls lingering within and cursing the Scale of The Black Hierophant. If there is any power left over from this sacrifice, we would like to see the armor further enhanced using whatever remains.
-[X] In return for Aegon, we ask that Yss provide some means of locating Aegon's Mind Blank'd associates, and if any power remains distill all Aegon's knowledge into a form which we can easily use, such as a book similar to those created by a Scribe's Binding spell.
I've updated my plan to go after Mind Blank'd GC survivors. We shouldn't assume all the Mind Blanks were granted by Tiamat or made in house.
Would you mind expanding this a bit so we can get the dragons as well?
All I care about is annihilating the ones that got away so that Tiamat has even fewer potential tools to work with.

Bah, I thought you'd want another Tiamat cult to pop up so that we can go round 3.
It just feels lame to sacrifice an endboss to mop up the minions...

Ah whatever!

If anyone else has a cooler vote than making Aegon a one time limited compass, tag me please

[X] Sacrifice Aegon and the clerics to upgrade Tor 2.0 with all their knowledge that they've been hoarding.
-[X] If Tor 2.0 doesn't want to upgrade, then make an outsider snakey thing instead
Why should Yss eat the armor-souls?

He's a deathgod, maybe he can help them move on?

We do a lot of shit, but we don't give our gods innocentchildren as food.
DP already confirmed that there isn't much coherent soulstuff left after all this time. He said there might be enough for a single being. It would probably be strark raving mad, too.
Would you mind expanding this a bit so we can get the dragons as well?
TBH, I just don't want to hold an entire update (or more likely, 2-3) to cleanse the armor with MK's help.
We have more interesting/pressing stuff to see.
Why should Yss eat the armor-souls?

He's a deathgod, maybe he can help them move on?

We do a lot of shit, but we don't give our gods innocentchildren as food.

The children's souls within the armor are Tiamat followers that were raised to be her potential champions.
Considering the religious practices of Tiamat's cult; the chances of those children being innocent are astronomically low.
Shall we ask Yss to move Timmie's power from items into Well of Souls?
Incremental as the increase might be, it may still mean a fair bit to whatever project we'll put it to...
I am not all that invested in trying to keep the armor at full power, personally, nor do I care about the souls.
Even if you don't care personally, IC we have been using our true death options only for the most dangerous of foes, not for random child-souls we never interacted with.
There is absolutly no point in having Yss eat them when we can ask him what else he could do for them in terms of laying to rest.
Even if you don't care personally, IC we have been using our true death options only for the most dangerous of foes, not for random child-souls we never interacted with.
There is absolutly no point in having Yss eat them when we can ask him what else he could do for them in terms of laying to rest.
Yeah, I'm leaning this way, too. What have we got that the Merling King might be interested in for sacrifices? Not for the sake of the souls, those need to be destroyed. Does MK do that?

We can hold on to the ring for later sacrifice to Yss, or to just use it to help power through the Mind Blanks.
I fine with sacrificing to the Merling King to keep the armor fully empowered.
I just want to make sure that Old Timmie doesn't get the chance to claim those souls and use them against us somehow.
@DragonParadox, if we make a sacrifice to the Ferryman (damn, that's such a better name than the Merling King...), can he remove the souls and prevent them from being taken by Tiamat?