So, as discussed previously, we can't really trust Kalatrangor
not to raid PoB after he's done with selling himself out agaisnt Illithid.
Which is bad.
His forces are
Which, considering above, is
also bad.
Ergo, I'm not really inclined to go out of our way to try to loot him, unless he proves amenable to giving us some
hefty guarantees.
On the other hand, if he
does help us cleanse Deep Ones... Without cheating afterwards...
He'll get
a lot more than just "some" Giants.
Vialesk's Star Admiral = military support from the city... while weakening the city for a bit. So they won't send too many people, but on the other hand...
We can pretty much craft people now, given enough bling.
And bling they'll have aplenty, I'm sure.
Help with cleansing is easy. Leshies modified to water enviroment, I'm sure there are cheap-as-hell tempaltes for that.
The guys are still hideous as hell, but hey, you can't win them all.
They'll be dealing with shit jobs, anyway