Rather than answer right away, Louise's mind latches onto one part of the conversation in particular. "Wait... you said now." The creature tilts it's head in confusion, causing her to elaborate, "You said you look scary
now... so obviously you weren't always..." Not wanting to offend the hideous thing and start a fight, she gropes the air in an attempt to find the right words.
Somehow, the sad face it makes is almost enough to make the pinkette feel bad for it despite it being a repulsive spider-thing. Tapping it's fangs against the digit-all key-board, the bug responds with 'A freak?' Without waiting for confirmation, it continues. 'Yeah, it wasn't that long ago I was an ordinary girl like you. Well, maybe not ordinary, considering the flying and aura and other powers, but I was human before whatever did this to me. '
"That's awful!" Louise cries, actually feeling a bit of regret for thinking such things about it... her. Just the thought of somebody going around stealing people's magic and turning them into monster made the pinkette feel ill. "Maybe my teacher can undo your transformation, he's the greatest wizard I've ever met, if anyone can, it'll be him."
With a look of distaste or constipation, it was hard to tell with how the face seemed to fight it's owner over every expression, the other girl typed, 'Another Myrrdin? I've studied powers in school, they aren't magic. There's no such thing. Whatever the geezer's powers are, he's either delusional or manipulating you. '
Now her turn to sneer, Louise scoffs, "Please, I come from a long line of mages... I think I would know a wizard when I see one. Nobody on this world believed in magic either before we arrived and now I'm teaching their healers how to make potions and I'm developing a new spell based on one of their weapons."
'Some powers do seem to be hereditary, yes, but that doesn't mean it's some magical bloodline mumbo-jumbo. Just because some parahumans have similar powers, doesn't make it a universal or teachable skill. It just doesn't work that way kid.'
Gritting her teeth at the stubborn she-beast's impudence, she growls, "I. Am. Not. A. Kid!" Perhaps it isn't the most important thing to get caught up on, but damn it, she was getting sick of needing to correct everyone. Whatever this puberty business her Master mentioned before had better start soon, or she might just kill the next fool to make the mistake. "I am Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, third daughter of the Vallière family and I have been of majority for a year and a half! Do not make me repeat myself on this. Six thousand years of history and Master Cynric's own lifetime of studies would contradict whatever narrow-minded fool that taught you such lies."
Perhaps it was the sudden eruption of sparks from her tightened fists or maybe the unnatural wind causing her hair to flutter, but the spider-girl had retreated to the far corner during her tirade. 'Right, my bad. Won't happen again.' The girl literally tripped over herself to type. 'I guess a different world could have magic, it wouldn't be any weirder than my sister's girlfriend. Can you stop now? I really don't want to see if I can still tank a lightning bolt.'
Slightly embarrassed at losing control, Louise feels her cheeks gain a pinkish hue before the entire message sinks in and her flush doubles in intensity. "G-g-g-girlfriend? Your sister has a... Thats... that's absolutely repugnant! How could two... just... what?"
'Hey, don't you dare insult them. How would you like it if I talked bad about your sister?' The eight-legged girl asks, though needing to take time to type everything certainly does make the display of fangs less threatening. Not by much, they're still ginormous and dripping with venom.
Hiding her instinctual and completely reasonable fear, Louise declares fiercely, "The last person to insult Cattleya, I introduced to them to my blade."
'Then you should know how I feel.' The spider says rather reasonably, causing Louise to nod reluctantly despite her opinion on the matter. 'Besides, Taylor's the sweetest, most genuine person you'd ever meet. You can't not like her once you get to know her, I don't care how backwards a household you grew up in.'
Ignoring the feeling that the other girl had insulted her somehow, Louise points out, "But what's the point in their... relationship? If they can't have children, why bother?"
'Companionship? Love? Kinky fun times?' The immediate response reads, a look of pity on the naive creature's face... though what twisted hair had to do with it, the Vallière girl couldn't fathom.
"Love is a desirable end goal of any courtship, yes, but how are two girls going to continue their bloodline?" Louise asks with a yawn as she beckons the other girl to follow her into the corridor. "I suppose it wouldn't matter for commoners though, considering their worthless blood would only matter if they somehow manage to woo a noble."
Hearing a clicking clatter, Louise turns around to see her follower in a jumbled heap on the floor. When the girl untangles her limbs, she types, 'There are so many things wrong with that statement. Just how messed up is your world?'
That's a good question. Louise hums in thought, her mind instantly leaping to her years of toiling under the guidance of incompetent fools who blamed her for their failure at teaching. With a shrug, she says, "I don't know, but they can burn for all I care. The only ones I care about have left that place already." Reaching Cattleya's door, she extends her arm to knock before whispering, "My sister can be a bit... excitable when it comes to animals, so don't be alarmed if she does something strange because of your appearance."
Hearing a thump and whispering from within as she raps her knuckles on the door, Louise narrows her eyes in suspicion. The door opens a crack, the elder Vallière poking her head through the narrow space and looking down at Louise with wide eyes. "L-Louise! What... What are you doing here, shouldn't you be resting after that science stuff?"
"I thought I should inform you that my treatment is done." The younger girl says neutrally, giving her sister a stern look. "Is now a bad time?"
Wincing, Cattleya looks around for a distraction and her eyes land on the giant spider that's standing off to the side. "Oh look, a giant spider!" She shouts in alarm, pointing a bare arm at said creature.
Without even a flicker of recognition given to the words, Louise grabs her sister's exposed arm and glares at the expanse of milky skin. Emotionlessly, she asks, "Did I catch you changing attire?"
"Y-yes, exactly!" Cattleya nods enthusiastically. "No need to wait for me though, Just give me a moment and I'll stop by your room."
Smiling, much to her sister's relief, Louise cheerfully says, "Okay!" Casting Reinforce Strength, the tiny pinkette forces her way into the room, effortlessly brushing aside her sister's attempt at resistance. Rather than the scene of debauchery she'd expected to find, there is a pile of bloody meat on her sky-clad sister's floor. Staring dumbfounded at the the offending mound of flesh and offal, Louise can only say one thing. "What."
Cattleya's full body blush earns a most disturbing wet, yet hoarse chuckle from the spider-girl that is now peaking in from the doorway. The elder Vallière swiftly wraps herself in a bed sheet and avoids eye-contact as she stammers, "It's not... I wasn't.... I j-just... Cynric told me to!"
"What." Louise repeats, a blank look on her face.
"W-well... Ok, fine!" She says with a petulant huff. "He started teaching me while you were sleeping in that orange goo and now I'm supposed to be preparing for some test. I haven't eaten in three days and I don't remember how long I was supposed to fast and I'm
Wrinkling her nose, the younger girl asks hesitantly, "You're... not going to eat that... are you?"
As though seriously considering it, Cattleya stares at the pile for a long time before shaking her head. "N-no, of course not! Don't be silly... I... I just thought the smell might help me sleep without hunger pains."
"Uh-huh." Louise says as she slowly backs out of the room, no longer remembering why she even came by in the first place. "Um... good-night then."
Taking her datapad from the spider as she turns and walks to her room, she reads the message on the screen. 'She reminds me of Taylor. That girl was always naked and eating small animals too.' Deciding to just ignore the growing insanity around her for now, she opens her door and falls face first onto her bed without even bothering to change out of her charred hospice dress. Not a minute later, Louise is snoring lightly with a damp spot of drool forming on her pillow.
In an extravagant penthouse, a hologram of the Earth flickers to life as a dozen nebulous figures discuss plans most nefarious. In the lower floors of what was once a rather large hotel, stolen data is put to use assembling machinery and weapons. Further down, if one knew to check, they would find a vast complex full of amber fluid and submersion tanks.
In a room in an underground facility, a large man crawls out from beneath a bed and sighs in relief as an illusion fades away.
High in the atmosphere above the planet, a massive ship settles into a low orbit, unseen by the panicking inhabitants as it finishes it's approach from the largest gas giant in the system. Following less than a day behind it is the fleet assembled by exploiting the mineral wealth of the star system's asteroid belt, enough ships to black out the sun across an entire hemisphere of the planet.
Waking with a choked scream brought on by dreams of being devoured by insects, Louise rubs at the dried saliva that was desperately trying to hold her coral-tinted locks to her cheek. Looking at the digit-all clock on her bedside table to see that it's only a few minutes past midnight, she-
Choose 1:
[] Rolls over and goes back to sleep, nightmares be damned! In the morning she-
[] Should get to know the spider-girl... probably starting with her name.
[] Find Espinoza and work on that explosion spell.
[] Write in.
[] Decides to get up and-
[] Force Cattleya to comfort her.
[] Try to get Cynric out of the djinn therapy place.
[] Write in.
[] Write in.
A/N: Got my tenses mixed up at some point and needed to go back and fix it, I may not have gotten them all.