This next story post refuses to be written. I've kind of been staring at the screen for a while now that I had time to type something up after a bunch of IRL stuff had been keeping me distracted, but yeah... Can't seem to get Salem's voice right at the moment. It'll happen, just maybe with another couple days delay as I go back through previous stuff with her and the source material.
The Princess' Tale
"No... I would be more surprised if you could. Ozma always did have it in his head that he knew what was best for everyone, even in regards to who deserved to know what. I can see you have questions, feel free to ask what you wish. We can get to the heart of matters in due time."

"Ozma? You mean Ozpin, right?" Victoria asks casually, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she is the weakest being in the room.

"Of course not, why would she be talking about the guy we already know stole from her and lied all the time?"

"There's no need to be mean to your sister, Annabelle." Salem tells the ex-healer mildly, not taking her eyes from you.

Smirking, Victoria teases, "Yeah, Annabelle!"

"Amy." The girl corrects them both in a tone that suggested this wasn't the first time the mistake had been made.

"Yes. My apologies again, dear."

Ignoring the girl's response, you ponder what exactly you wish to ask. While you know her name from that time Ozpin, or Ozma as it seems is his real name, mentioned an 'evil' counterpart, you don't know much else. That she controls the Grimm to some degree is clear from what you've been told and her appearance would suggest a relation to them by itself. The crown is clearly an object of immense power and unknown purpose, something you feel a powerful compulsion to take for yourself, but resist out of a desire not to be obliterated by the near-deific being you'd be stealing from.

Asking about Salem herself could backfire if worded wrong, but seems an otherwise safer course of action and might lead to hints on attaining such strength for your own means.

Feigning a relaxed attitude, you state, "To be honest, I find myself most enchanted with the prospect of learning about the mysterious beauty before me."

"Beauty?" She asks with raised brow, sounding rather amused at the intentionally blatant attempt at flattery. "I have been called a great many things over the years since taking this appearance and none of them resembling 'beautiful'; repulsive, dark, terrible, witch, monster? All are much more fitting with the thoughts of men who witness my existence."

Well, that's... vaguely threatening, isn't it.

"That's horrible!" Victoria gasps, a nod from Amy echoing the sentiment. "Don't listen to them, they're-"

"Correct, in their limited ways." Salem cuts her off, clearly caring less for such opinions than for the fact that they'd been stated.

Backing down is hardly an option now that she latched onto that part of your words, the only choice is to double down lest it come as an insult should you just give up. Insulting her does not seem a wise idea. "I would argue that you are exotic. Some cannot appreciate such qualities."

"Oh? By your words, I take it that you can, then?"

Thinking on what to say in response, you evaluate her appearance. Beyond the veins, her skin is smooth and clear of other imperfections. Pale coloration is commonly held as a sign of wealth or good breeding in some parts of Tamriel, Cyrodillic and Highrock nobility seeing tanned skin as an indicator of needing to perform regular labor while High elves and the extinct Snow elves having regarded darker coloration as showing someone being of mixed blood. Salem's hair is also well kept and healthy in appearance, even if her method of styling it resembles a spider in a way that some fanatical Mephala cultists would applaud. Her general proportions are a bit on the slimmer side of what you've seen on Remnant, but her height is enough to lend a certain strength to her. Overall, she is objectively beautiful in the way of the Snow elves while possessing the less angular face of a Breton perhaps.

Voicing such observations serves to amuse her, as with a small laugh, she says, "That certainly raises other questions, but I suppose I can address your curiosity before my own."

"Long ago in the Western kingdom, a land that would eventually be split by a great earthquake, Regardless, I was born Salem Hamilton." Salem states after taking a few moments to collect her thoughts. "My father, King Argyle Hamilton, was... cautious. Overly so, especially with his only daughter. The days of my youth were spent gazing from a window atop a lonely tower, guarded by animated statues, ensnared beasts, and the most loyal of the kingdom's knights."

"So you're saying you're like a fairy tale princess?"

"Really, Amy?" Victoria asks with a shake of her head. "If what she's saying is true, no offense-"

"No, I understand. Continue." Salem waves her on with a knowing smile.

"Right. If she's telling the truth, then she's... I don't know, millions of years old. Like, I don't remember how long it takes for plate tectonics to work, but continents move really slowly."

"Five hundred and six million."

As the three of you stare at the ancient being's nonchalant answer, some more obviously than others, the blonde openly gaping at her response.

"Mind you, that is a best estimate based on my observations of how fast the lands shifted over time. At least two thirds of that time passed while I was cut off from the world, consumed by agonizing pain as I sank deeper and deeper in the god of Darkness' power. Almost half again as much was spent mindlessly killing said god's creations, what would become the Grimm in modern times. One could say I've only truly lived the sixteen thousand years added atop the first twenty-nine before falling into that abyss."

Well... that neatly answers the questions you hadn't even gotten to yet. How did she get her immense power? Apparently by being drowned in divine energy, presumably belonging to the same being whose theft of that energy has annoyed Hircine. Is it replicable? Yes... if you are willing to attempt to absorb insane amounts of power over the course of eons feeling nothing but agony, anger a being who holds dominion over sphere's such as killing and hunting for sport, as well as risk being overwhelmed by absorbing too much too fast to adapt and destroying yourself at a nymic level.

This in mind, you have to ask, "How did you not die from that?"

"Quite simple: I cannot."

Her words are spoken with either complete conviction or perfect acting, because there is not a trace of falsehood in them or her body language. Salem's entire countenance is calm and controlled, if somewhat amused. And why wouldn't she be amused? If what she is saying is true, which you have no choice but to believe that she at least believes them to be, then there is literally nothing you can do that is more than an inconvenience to her... if even that.

"You can't what? Die?" Victoria asks in clear disbelief as your silence stretches on.

"Precisely. I was rescued from my father's misguided protectiveness by a talented young Spellsword and the two of us went on to get married. When he fell ill and died one fateful day, I set out to bring back the only happiness I had ever known... only to be cursed by those two wretched beings who would call themselves gods. They who were all powerful, unchanging, and unwilling to see the world from the perspective of those they wished to lord over from on high; their cruelty was swift and merciless. In an instant, they both cursed me to an eternal life while wiping away every other human on Remnant, washing their hands of this little 'project' of theirs."

"Uh... Okay..." Amy starts, drawing everyone's attention her way. "So then why are there still people everywhere? N-not that I'm doubting you or anything-"

Laying one white hand on her shoulder, Salem encourages, "Doubt is fine, Ann- Amy. Any intelligent young woman would be right to doubt such a tale without proof and you are still too new to your Maidenhood to be able to feel the difference between our existences. Your curiosity is a good thing, one that reminds me of my own daughter, but to answer your question; mankind as the world knows it now came from Dust."


"It makes sense." You tell her, putting the idea together immediately. "Dust is a crystallized form of magicka that is prevented from leaving the planet because of the barrier in place above the atmosphere. Given long enough to coalesce and condense, it crystallizes and shifts in nature. The link between souls and magicka would theoretically be enough that if a soul had no place to go, it could make its way back into the world if enough magicka was available to create a body from the spiritual template."

Much like what happened with Summer Rose in fact, only with enough to bring them fully back to life. That... could bear investigating should you find a way to anchor your soul in a way unlike what you use for body transfer and lichdom. One that doesn't require doing so during an intentional death while near or on the intended target body... or needing a body in the first place since that would kind of miss the point.

Unaware of your thoughts, or maybe not, Salem appears intrigued by your explanation. "Fascinating. I had heard that you fancied yourself a wizard, but remained unconvinced. Potions, portals, skyships... I've heard these claims plenty of times before and always they turned out to be some act of more mundane sciences or simply a Semblance that pops up every now and again. And yet... Here you are. A weak, but entirely foreign magic as evident within you as the sun in the window and spouting magical knowledge that even I was unaware of until recently as if it were natural."

Her words might have made you feel slighted were it not a simple statement of fact; compared to her, your power is like a candle compared to Magnus' light. It isn't the first time you've had the thought, but you really hate first encounters with immortals.

Status: Healthy, Ebonyflesh active.
Chakra: (1000/1000)

Magicka: (870/970)
Physical energy:

[] Ask about the crown.

[] Address what happened to Amy. How did she get the magic you can sense in her and is it related to Yang's newfound power?

[] Why is she being so open? The way she is sharing what should be privileged information is setting off all kinds of warnings in your head.

[] While she didn't ask, there is clear questioning in her tone. Volunteer some answers as to her questions on your origin.

[] Write in.
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[X] While she didn't ask, there is clear questioning in her tone. Volunteer some answers as to her questions on your origin.

She'd need some reciprocity to keep playing along
[X] While she didn't ask, there is clear questioning in her tone. Volunteer some answers as to her questions on your origin.

She's been forthcoming thus far, I see no reason not to respond in kind. I trust Cynric will give nothing that can't be used against him
[X] While she didn't ask, there is clear questioning in her tone. Volunteer some answers as to her questions on your origin.

[X] Address what happened to Amy. How did she get the magic you can sense in her and is it related to Yang's newfound power?

Due to how this is seemingly going well, I'd prefer to give Salem more reasons to keep the conversation moving in a positive direction via some info on Cynric's Origin world.

But if we're not limited to one vote I'd totally vote for two since that was hinted previously already.
Hmm. While I want to find a way to recruit Salem, I'm a little concerned about how Summer, Yang and Ruby would react.

Might have shot ourselves in the foot on that one--but what else is new, right?:p
Clearly we must use Salem to fulfill Cattleya's quest from Hircine. Maybe allude to what Hircine might do to the Brothers who stole a bit of his domain?
[X] While she didn't ask, there is clear questioning in her tone. Volunteer some answers as to her questions on your origin.

[X] Address what happened to Amy. How did she get the magic you can sense in her and is it related to Yang's newfound power?
[X] While she didn't ask, there is clear questioning in her tone. Volunteer some answers as to her questions on your origin.

If there's one thing to catch an immortal's interest it's something new and unprecedented. Granted, said interest might result in vivisection and other unpleasantness ... but if such is her inclination then just volunteering information should relegate more violent options down to plan B at least.
We should definitely make sure not to give too much information that would allow her to cut off our paths of escape or even follow us to other worlds.
[X] While she didn't ask, there is clear questioning in her tone. Volunteer some answers as to her questions on your origin.
[X] While she didn't ask, there is clear questioning in her tone. Volunteer some answers as to her questions on your origin.

Almost bundled this with the Amy option but I think we'd be better served right now by being forthright than bargaining question by question.
Stumbling Onto Success
"Estimations of strength aside," You begin neutrally. "I posses foreign magic because I come from a world known as Nirn; a place where magic is much more common."

"Another world? Surely you're not claiming to come from the lifeless rocks that hang in the ether above. I have seen what your ship did to that heretofore unknown barrier, but I have it on good authority you arrived long before then."

Seeing that you have her interest, you nod. "True, but I never said I arrived her via ship."

You gather magicka to your hand for a costly display. It is a risk, but now is not the time for meekness. Her power is great enough that should she desire you dead, there is not much you could do but flee the realm entirely. At the same time, if you were to get her on your side as an ally or even just keep her a non-hostile party, then the risk is worth it.

Giving her actual information about Nirn or the gods without a more solid idea of where you stand in her regard sounds like a much less worthwhile endeavor. Knowing such things would just allow her to be prepared should she turn against you. This, however, is something she could already discover to be within your capability if she cared to look hard enough and might be enough enticement to not turn hostile.

Energy twists and pulls until a oval hole forms between Remnant and the upper atmosphere of Earth Bet. A mere moment is enough to feel the difference in the ambient magicka, or lack thereof, compared to that of Vale and Salem's eyes widen in genuine shock. Far in the distance, you can see a large winged humanoid hanging in the blackness, its unmoving form reminiscent of the Ayleid nobility described in texts. A press of unwanted mental manipulation from Victoria springs forth in the second before the portal closes, but you ignore it.

"A number of those within my organization come from different realms, universes separated from one another like flotsam on the sea. I managed to evacuate those I could and went to the closest mage for assistance in powering the portal long enough to save the rest, but that turned out to be Ozpin, who was less than willing to help."

The quiet that follows your brief explanation is unsettling. The Dallon girls seem dazed by the momentary reconnect with their brain symbiotes while Salem is staring at you with a covetous look in her glowing red eyes. Every second that drags on makes it seem as though the shadows in the room are lengthening, the light being sucked into the folds of her dark dress as you find yourself unable to look away from her gaze.

When she finally speaks, it is to state with finality, "You will be teaching that spell to me."

That... Well, clearly there was in fact a way for that to backfire, but it isn't unmanageable.

"Of course." You reply, because you're not an imbecile. The oppressing feeling abates somewhat at your easy agreement. "It would be poor form to start our relationship by holding our respective advantages over one another, no? I am certain we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement."

You might just be being paranoid after the previous subconscious display of power, but it almost feels as if she is debating whether or not to try pulling the information from you in a less cooperative manner. In the end, you are rescued when Amy snaps out of her fugue.

"I'm sorry, what about you two starting a relationship?"

Already looking a little green in the face, Victoria wobbles in place and asks, "I don't care if Cynric's weirdly hunky now, can we not talk about old people dating?"

"My apologies, girls. Perhaps this would be a good moment for the two of you to step out." Salem says with some amusement, raising a pale brow as if to ask you what was going on with them. Instead of waiting for an answer as they unsteadily vacate the room, she asks, "I came here to offer you a place within my circle or remove you as a threat depending on how our conversation went, but I find myself intrigued. Tell me, what exactly are you hoping for our... 'relationship' to entail? An exchange of goods and information, mutual alliance against threats, a trade of services? Or is it something more... personal that you wish of me?"

Though her tone is suggestive, her smirk makes it clear she doesn't think the girls' romantic insinuations hold any merit. It is a jest and allusion to offering of power in some form or another. And yet... You would have to be blind not to notice her treatment of the Dallon girls, Amy in particular. She is not some unfeeling caricature in the shape of a person. Is there something that could be considered personal that would benefit you? The ex-healer's sudden gaining of magic and Salem's misidentification of her would suggest the answer is yes.

[] Explain Cattleya's mission to kill the gods of Remnant and try to enlist her aid in exchange.

[] Spiteful by nature, how could you not take that opening? "The latter; every Queen needs a fitting King and vice versa, no?"

[] Write in.

Wait a minute isn't Cattelyna's quest to find a brass-tower? That couldn't be walk-brass could it?
While your information on the Towers is correct, this is a normal tower made of brass. Well, as normal as one can be when it has lasted for millions of years with no damage beyond the superficial. It's the one Salem's father had built to keep her locked away and protected from the world, leaving her trapped inside when he died and took the only knowledge of how to easily bypass the defenses with him.
[X] Explain Cattleya's mission to kill the gods of Remnant and try to enlist her aid in exchange.

heh this would actually make her laugh probably. Even the other gods want those two dead.
... can we do both? After all, offering to help destroy her most ancient and bitter enemies would be a pretty good substitute for the engagement ring we forgot to bring, yes?
[X] Spiteful by nature, how could you not take that opening? "The latter; every Queen needs a fitting King and vice versa, no?"
-[X] Explain Cattleya's mission to kill the gods of Remnant and try to enlist her aid in exchange.
[X] Explain Cattleya's mission to kill the gods of Remnant and try to enlist her aid in exchange.

Much as I am entertained by Cynric being the Clueless Cassanova, I don't think it would be smart to complicate our alliance with Salem. Maybe a "Who knows what the future may hold? Let us not artificially force things and see what develops naturally."

Edit: Besides, if I were Salem I'd be much less favorably inclined to someone that belts out a marriage proposal when we've hardly met.
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