Adam Taurus: Prepare To Cry Edition
With your Aura added to the layers of regeneration you'd already had, your foot is fully healed by the time you arrive back on the moon where Adam's new body awaits you in the lab.

Aged only to the rough equivalent of four years, it is an impressively unimpressive husk. Sallow skin dotted with a dusting of freckles, blonde hair hanging limp and lifeless, oddly hetero-chromatic brown and blue eyes that are slow to adjust when subjected to changes in lighting, muscles atrophied to the point of appearing almost skeletal and malnourished. The whole thing was as if someone had taken Victoria and her sister, fused them together in an even blend, and then decided the results were too good and started over for a dozen progressively worse iterations.

"It is perfect." You declare, stepping around the table to start preparing your tools.

Scoffing, Moira counters, "For a given sense of 'perfection', maybe. Though I suppose I can't deny that I've done marvelous work within the boundaries given."

Her words would hold more merit if not for the faint pink tinge to her cheeks and prideful tone.


Arching one delicate brow beneath her new crown, Salem observed the man who had suddenly appeared before her in a blaze of fire.

His robes were a luxurious silken texture that seemed to flow like liquid smoke with every movement, the silver mask in the shape of a human skull serving not the least in hiding his surprise, a flood of magic pulsing out of him from an infinitely small pinpoint somewhere inside his body, an ornate stick pointed in her direction as if to ward off her curiosity.

The gold and crimson vulture that seemed to be the cause of this odd situation was quick to take wing, crowing in a way that she somehow knew was due to confusion at finding her and young Amy instead of a different pair.

Seeming to come to a conclusion, the death cultist, for what else could he be with such attire, shouted, "Avada Kedavra!"

The Maiden threw herself to the ground as the emerald streak closed the distance, but Salem was unconcerned. A state far different from the fool who dare strike out at her, his entire posture radiating fear as whatever his spell was intended to do simply splashed harmlessly on impact. Opening a connection to one of her many distant dungeons, the cultist screamed in terror as he was pulled helplessly into the darkness.

"Are you alright, dear?" Salem asked, helping the girl who'd been so useful to her feet as the retreating bird burned away before it could be set upon by her Nevermore.


The process of integrating Adam's soul into his new prison is a long one.

Layers of skin and muscle are removed until the skull lies bare, bags of blood ready and waiting to replenish the volume lost. You then set to carefully cutting into the skull itself until the top comes off. With the brain cavity exposed to open air, you carve Daedric clusters of binding in a nonagon prism across the inside. That done, you press the hackmanite soul gem into the soft tissues held within and force the disembodied soul to be absorbed into the flesh as Moira watches on with interest.

It is not quite the same as when you performed your own transfer as now you are free to speed the process along. Only six hours pass before you are sure Adam is properly bound to this new flesh, the unconscious reborn girl twitching fitfully in her sleep.

As you go about resealing the brain cap and carving rings of Ehlnofex script to enforce her new responses to negative stimuli, you regard Moira with a speculative look. "Given the new form and former notoriety, it might be for the best that we give Adam here a new name as well."

"Easy enough." The doctor says with a smirk. "Eve."

"From your amusement, I assume there is some significance?"

Nodding, she then goes into detail about some absurd creation myth popularly believed by those in her native realm. First that Brimir nonsense and now this, it seems none of the realms outside Nirn have an inkling as to truth of things. Leaving aside the preposterous idea that there was only one god, how could on of their angels have rebelled and led the humans astray against his wishes if he had only granted free will to the humans?

Shaking the thoughts off as the pointless theological meandering they are, you focus instead on your work. Inverted aggression and inordinately tearful responses aren't going to instill themselves.


[] Once finished, wake 'Eve' and inform her of her new situation.
-[] Without delay.​
-[] Take her to Blake first, then wake her.​

[] You've held up your end of the bargain, returning 'Eve' to the cat faunus can wait. Leave her with the girls she is based on while you investigate the two magic sources in Vale.

[] POV Switch: Louise.

[] Write in.
Arching one delicate brow beneath her new crown, Salem observed the man who had suddenly appeared before her in a blaze of fire.

His robes were a luxurious silken texture that seemed to flow like liquid smoke with every movement, the silver mask in the shape of a human skull serving not the least in hiding his surprise, a flood of magic pulsing out of him from an infinitely small pinpoint somewhere inside his body, an ornate stick pointed in her direction as if to ward off her curiosity.

The gold and crimson vulture that seemed to be the cause of this odd situation was quick to take wing, crowing in a way that she somehow knew was due to confusion at finding her and young Amy instead of a different pair.

Seeming to come to a conclusion, the death cultist, for what else could he be with such attire, shouted, "Avada Kedavra!"

The Maiden threw herself to the ground as the emerald streak closed the distance, but Salem was unconcerned. A state far different from the fool who dare strike out at her, his entire posture radiating fear as whatever his spell was intended to do simply splashed harmlessly on impact. Opening a connection to one of her many distant dungeons, the cultist screamed in terror as he was pulled helplessly into the darkness.

"Are you alright, dear?" Salem asked, helping the girl who'd been so useful to her feet as the retreating bird burned away before it could be set upon by her Nevermore.
I regularly find myself wondering if I've missed an update somewhere when this quest updates.
Seeming to come to a conclusion, the death cultist, for what else could he be with such attire, shouted, "Avada Kedavra!"
What the, why-
the man who had suddenly appeared before her in a blaze of fire.
Wait a minute, was that a phoenix doing the teleporting?! Did it just try to gank Cynric via unwilling (or maybe wiling) teleportation of a murderer?! At this point I don't even know what creatures of Light are willing to do anymore, but this seems new.

That reveal about Salem's nigh-invincibility vs magic though was Very useful to know. Now I know for sure we don't want to piss her off, or be anywhere near her when we don't have to.

As for votes:
[X] Once finished, wake 'Eve' and inform her of her new situation.
-[X] Take her to Blake first, then wake her.

I'd prefer to end the chain of Blake's quest without further misunderstandings and potential drama, from us that is. Whatever these two will think and do after that is up to them.
[X] Once finished, wake 'Eve' and inform her of her new situation.
-[X] Take her to Blake first, then wake her.

Let's go see what Blake and her ex think of Eve's new form.
Arching one delicate brow beneath her new crown, Salem observed the man who had suddenly appeared before her in a blaze of fire.

His robes were a luxurious silken texture that seemed to flow like liquid smoke with every movement, the silver mask in the shape of a human skull serving not the least in hiding his surprise, a flood of magic pulsing out of him from an infinitely small pinpoint somewhere inside his body, an ornate stick pointed in her direction as if to ward off her curiosity.

The gold and crimson vulture that seemed to be the cause of this odd situation was quick to take wing, crowing in a way that she somehow knew was due to confusion at finding her and young Amy instead of a different pair.

The Archenemy appears! And they just tried to gank out Grimm Waifu!

We must hurry with this that we may take the battle back to the Fire Chickuns.

[X] You've held up your end of the bargain, returning 'Eve' to the cat faunus can wait. Leave her with the girls she is based on while you investigate the two magic sources in Vale.

Here we go lads, do or die time.
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[X] Once finished, wake 'Eve' and inform her of her new situation.
-[X] Take her to Blake first, then wake her.

Well, we did it. Best make sure Blake knows we actually held our part of the bargain.
Man, I've wanted to go meet with Salem for a while now, but I just really don't want to leave this half-done.

Why is Cynric always so busy!?
Man, I've wanted to go meet with Salem for a while now, but I just really don't want to leave this half-done.

Why is Cynric always so busy!?
Because Cattleya is in a coma, Espinosa is managing Kwame korp as best he can, Granger is a field team leader and nothing more, Raymond is busy, Moira is busy, and Louise is doing Louise things. Delegation is hard when your delegates are unavailable.
No Adam, You Are Eve
Knocking on the Belladonna home's massive doors, you adjust the duffel bag hanging from your shoulder.

It is almost a full minute before someone answers, but luckily it is Blake. With a knowing look, she accepts your professed need for privacy and the two of you make your way to the upstairs study. "Your father is not in, I take it?"

"After literally fighting in the streets?" She scoffs in answer. "So what is it? You disappeared for days after the all that, but I assume you were working on... you know."

"I do and I was." You tell her, placing the bag down on the coffee table between you.

Ignoring her confusion, you unzip it and part the cloth, revealing the pale form of Adam's new body. Blake stares with incomprehension for several seconds. Slowly, her ears flatten against her head and she narrows her eyes at you. "This is a little girl."


"Why is this a little girl?"

Smirking, you explain slowly, "Well, Miss Belladonna, they reason is simple. She, as I am sure you can relate, does not have a penis."

"That's not what I meant!" Blake is, as expected, much less amused than you.

"Fine." You roll your eyes at the irate cat faunus. "I have fulfilled your wish. Adam Taurus has survived his execution."



"You're joking again, right?" A familiar voice echoed as Adam felt himself struggle to awaken.

His body was tired and everything felt heavy, his eyelids included.

"Not at all." An unknown said in reply to the one he recognized. "I have no reason to lie about this."

"Except your own amusement."

His thoughts were slow, but there was something he liked in that flat, almost annoyed tone. What was going on? There had been... something. It was important, but the only thing he could think of when trying to remember was a series of cracking pains in his chest and then cold.

Opening one eye finally, it took a moment to focus on the blurry blob of black, but he would never forget that face. "Blake?"

That isn't my voice.

"A-Adam?" Blake asked back in confirmation. Why did she sound so... right, they'd fallen apart when she betrayed him.

Opening his mouth, he couldn't speak past the large hand that covered it. "Not anymore. Her name is Eve."

Far too quickly, the air in his lungs ran out and they started to burn. His nose didn't seem to be working right for breathing, like it was clogged or broken and only letting in a little air at a time. Weakly struggling to slap the offending arm away didn't work, he barely managed to flop the limb to the side, but the hand came away regardless.

"I think I'm going to need an explanation." Blake said, but Adam wasn't listening.

Now in his field of view, he saw his arm. It wasn't his arm. It was pale and thin and short. It had dainty little fingers that looked like they would snap if they swung a sword, wrists that would be pulverised by firing a gun. It was the arm of a child, a weak child who would be a burden on those around them. He'd seen plenty like that in the mines; he'd been one of those children a long time ago. Even then, he hadn't felt so weak... so heavy and light at the same time.

"We could not exactly put him into a copy of his old body, Blake. That would have caused nothing but problems and seen him killed once more." Adam distantly heard the second voice say.

He'd died... yes, that was what the pain was. Sienna had managed to get the drop on him while he was distracted, her Semblance making it harder to block or escape with each blow. Getting pinned by her was a death sentence for anyone, himself included.

Did that mean he was reincarnated?

Adam had heard that some people in Mistral believed in such things. There were tales of men who were reborn after death, remembering their past lives with enough clarity that the stories passed down from those times were seen as a ray of hope to many. That death wasn't as final as it seemed. Had that happened to him?

If it had, why did Blake look about the same age as he'd last seen her? His vision was worse than he remembered, but it wasn't that bad. She definitely wasn't skilled enough with Aura to slow her aging that much. Did reincarnation work differently than he thought? It wasn't like he was an expert after the little bits he'd overheard from those he'd written off as religious, naive fools. Maybe you simply moved to an existing person's body, but then... what happened to the previous soul in that body?

All of this turned out to be pointless thinking when the man's voice cut through Adam's inattention. "Moira and I made this body to avoid anyone making the connection."

"Why a girl though?" Blake asked incredulously.

Following her gaze, or rather, letting his head fall to the side, Adam instantly recognized the pale faunus that had helped his killer. "Why not?"

"W-why not?!" Adam demanded, his voice shrill and grating to the ears. "Because I'm a girl, y-you big meanie!"

That... none of that had come out right.

"Cynric... What did you do to him?" Adam shared her horror, unable to close his mouth at the shock of what he'd just said.

"Simple precautions, I assure you." The bastard stated dismissively. "He will find himself unable to voice his original gender or name, acts of aggression will be changed to less detrimental ones, and he will be generally encouraged to become a nicer person. Hopefully he can be rehabilitated."

With each word, Adam felt his anger rise, his face growing hot with rage as he pushed himself upright. All of his control, all of his hatred pushed him to one defining course of action. Hands outstretched to kill the both of them for plotting against him, Adam leapt.


"Uh... there, there? I'm sorry, Ad- I mean, Eve." Blake consoled the sobbing, formerly deceased terrorist child that clung to her shirt. If anything, the comforting words just made him... her? It made them cry harder. "Everything will be..." Saying anything like okay would have been a lie, so she amended that. "Uh... a-adequate?"

Yeah, that probably wasn't very reassuring.

[] Get your new armor fitted and wait until the Rose-Xiaolong girls are ready to begin training.

[] Try to locate the two non-Yang sources of magicka in Vale.

[] POV Switch: Louise

[] Write in.
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Heh, transforming Adam to Eve looks to be a great idea all things considered. Adam is neutralized, Blake's loyalty quest is completed, and now she's stuck with a crying little girl to protect and care for as an attachment to Cynric's group via the necessity of the healthcare it probably takes to keep her healthy, not to mention if Eve needs to stay on the ship during adventures.

As for votes:
[] Get your new armor fitted and wait until the Rose-Xiaolong girls are ready to begin training.

[] Try to locate the two non-Yang sources of magicka in Vale.

Armor or magic users, hmm...

Meeting with the unknown major magicka users without more preparation is unwise, especially if the Armor we could use is also fitted with Wards to protect against magic to begin with. This is coupled with how it seems to be a trap for attracting Cynric's attention to meet him, which could go wrong uncountable number of ways.

Still, given the meta knowledge of who that is, I for one am not sure if having that armor will actually help that much anymore with how powerful she seems to be. So perhaps going directly now and getting it over with is the better option.

However, for the sake of efficiency by potentially nabbing yet Another magic user to train as an apprentice at the same time as Yang, I'm going to vote for it despite the obvious risks. That and I just don't like leaving potential Maidens trained under Salem if it's possible to intervene.

[X] Try to locate the two non-Yang sources of magicka in Vale.

Or people could vote to play as Louise and try to mitigate the problems she's creating. But I'm not sure if she needs it anymore with how things seems to have already finalized, or that we could do better at this point. Probably best to not interfere without more knowledge in my opinion.
[X] Try to locate the two non-Yang sources of magicka in Vale.

Here we go lads. It was a pleasure voting with you all.
[X] Try to locate the two non-Yang sources of magicka in Vale.
All of this turned out to be pointless thinking when the man's voice cut through Adam's inattention. "Moira and I made this body to avoid anyone making the connection."

"Why a girl though?" Blake asked incredulously.

Following her gaze, or rather, letting his head fall to the side, Adam instantly recognized the pale faunus that had helped his killer. "Why not?"
100% nobody would ever suspect.

...still more responsible than what we did on Halkagenia.