Making Her Way Downtown
Not an eldritch abomination
- Location
- The Server Farm
"Who puts a castle in the ocean?" Louise asked aloud as she dusted herself off. For some reason there was gravel on the top of the building she found herself on and now she had a light coating of grey powder. Rocks on the rooftops, castles in the sea... She could already tell this place was going to be strange.
With a quick casting of an her invisibility spell, she hopped off the building. Thankfully she'd enchanted her new armor because otherwise her budding habit of jumping off of tall ledges would have been a terrible idea. Touching down on in the middle of a crowd as the locals went about their meaningless lives, Louise looked up at the sign that said 'Medhall' in confusion. Was the entire building a hall for medical care? Why not just call it a hospice?
Someone took that moment to interrupt her thoughts by walking into her, sending the two of them to the ground. Since it would probably be bad to attract too much attention before Master Cynric arrived and decided what needed to be accomplished in this new world, the teen refrained from retaliating with more than a swift kick to the bald man's groin and floated up above the crowd as she set off down the street. The automobiles roared by in accordance to some arbitrary rules unknown to her and the early evening crowds slowly began to thin out.
Traveling in a single direction until finding a lone woman on a covered bench, Louise quietly approached and watched her new and unwitting guide. The structure surrounding the two of them had several signs labeled 'bus stop' and a posted set of times with what seemed to be street names. Nobody in X-com had ever mentioned anything called a 'bus' as far as she knew, but she felt safe to assume from the evidence that it was a shared use carriage of some sort. More importantly was the fact that the woman was tapping away at a small datapad.
Twenty minutes passed as Louise watched over the woman's shoulder before the bus arrived, the woman complaining to somebody about a cape fight of all things. Apparently clothing is dangerous here? Or were people fighting with capes? At least I didn't bring mine. Either way, she was correct about the bus, it was indeed a transportation service. Of course, the pinkette wasn't going to pay to sit on a crowded vehicle with filthy peasants and chose to follow the vehicle instead. Some of them were very filthy from what she could see, to the point where she doubted they remembered to take their weekly bath very often.
Following the bus and refreshing her invisibility when needed lead her on a winding path through the city; passing shops, ginormous monuments of stone and glass, and a man in silver and blue armor who was speeding toward a distant fire. Eventually the quality of buildings got worse and worse before her guide disembarked. The bus pulled away as the teen watched the woman walk past a dark alley and get grabbed by a pair of hands from the shadows. Floating closer, she saw the woman cower in fear as a dirty man and woman held her arms as a second man rummaged through her pockets.
The trio had obviously made a routine of this if their bored expressions were anything to go by. "Stop shaking, we just want your money." The female thief said in a poor attempt at being reassuring. "Not every mugger in town's a merchant lookin' for new recruits or ABB Farmers."
The victim stuttered something that earned her a slap and yelling about not seeing or something... Louise didn't really care to listen after she was sure the thieves weren't going to violate the woman. It ended soon after and the thieves left the woman to cry, so the pinkette trusted her guide to stay put and followed the trio until they were out of sight before planting an Ice Spike in each of their chests. Letting the ice melt as she removed the strange paper money from them, she returned to her sobbing wreck of a guide. It didn't seem like the wench was going to stop crying anytime soon, so Louise kicked her in the back of the head with an invisible foot and took her datapad.
Contacts, calculator, camera, photo gallery... oh, maps are useful! Now where do I find a library? Search eh? L. I. B. R. A. R. Y. go! Watching the tiny circle spin on the screen, the young woman narrowly avoided flying into a wall. The tiny come-pewter made a chime and a blue line appeared on a map of nearby streets. A squealing noise caused her to look up to see someone climbing out of their car to inspect the dying thieves, so she blew up the vehicle and flew toward the library. Once she arrived at her destination, she recast the invisibility again, but this time went a step further into intangibility so she could fly through the doors.
Hours passed as she wandered through the shelves with a ball of light and before she knew it, the sun was rising. Apparently the city she was in was called Brockton Bay, a city full of degenerates and dying a slow death as the peasantry tore each other apart on a daily basis. The local mages were known by the title of 'parahuman' for some unknown reason and were supporting several factions in the civil war. The two largest factions were the Protectorate and the Empire, though protectorate or empire of what, none of the newspapers or books she found would say. It would simply take too long to search the entire library of unfamiliar topics on her own and there wasn't anyone in the building to ask for help, so with a yawn, Louise sat down at a come-pewter terminal and began searching the local internet.
Status: Healthy
Magicka: (450/14000)
[] Recent events in Brockton Bay.
[] Technology of the realm.
[] Local important figures.
[] Write in.
With a quick casting of an her invisibility spell, she hopped off the building. Thankfully she'd enchanted her new armor because otherwise her budding habit of jumping off of tall ledges would have been a terrible idea. Touching down on in the middle of a crowd as the locals went about their meaningless lives, Louise looked up at the sign that said 'Medhall' in confusion. Was the entire building a hall for medical care? Why not just call it a hospice?
Someone took that moment to interrupt her thoughts by walking into her, sending the two of them to the ground. Since it would probably be bad to attract too much attention before Master Cynric arrived and decided what needed to be accomplished in this new world, the teen refrained from retaliating with more than a swift kick to the bald man's groin and floated up above the crowd as she set off down the street. The automobiles roared by in accordance to some arbitrary rules unknown to her and the early evening crowds slowly began to thin out.
Traveling in a single direction until finding a lone woman on a covered bench, Louise quietly approached and watched her new and unwitting guide. The structure surrounding the two of them had several signs labeled 'bus stop' and a posted set of times with what seemed to be street names. Nobody in X-com had ever mentioned anything called a 'bus' as far as she knew, but she felt safe to assume from the evidence that it was a shared use carriage of some sort. More importantly was the fact that the woman was tapping away at a small datapad.
Twenty minutes passed as Louise watched over the woman's shoulder before the bus arrived, the woman complaining to somebody about a cape fight of all things. Apparently clothing is dangerous here? Or were people fighting with capes? At least I didn't bring mine. Either way, she was correct about the bus, it was indeed a transportation service. Of course, the pinkette wasn't going to pay to sit on a crowded vehicle with filthy peasants and chose to follow the vehicle instead. Some of them were very filthy from what she could see, to the point where she doubted they remembered to take their weekly bath very often.
Following the bus and refreshing her invisibility when needed lead her on a winding path through the city; passing shops, ginormous monuments of stone and glass, and a man in silver and blue armor who was speeding toward a distant fire. Eventually the quality of buildings got worse and worse before her guide disembarked. The bus pulled away as the teen watched the woman walk past a dark alley and get grabbed by a pair of hands from the shadows. Floating closer, she saw the woman cower in fear as a dirty man and woman held her arms as a second man rummaged through her pockets.
The trio had obviously made a routine of this if their bored expressions were anything to go by. "Stop shaking, we just want your money." The female thief said in a poor attempt at being reassuring. "Not every mugger in town's a merchant lookin' for new recruits or ABB Farmers."
The victim stuttered something that earned her a slap and yelling about not seeing or something... Louise didn't really care to listen after she was sure the thieves weren't going to violate the woman. It ended soon after and the thieves left the woman to cry, so the pinkette trusted her guide to stay put and followed the trio until they were out of sight before planting an Ice Spike in each of their chests. Letting the ice melt as she removed the strange paper money from them, she returned to her sobbing wreck of a guide. It didn't seem like the wench was going to stop crying anytime soon, so Louise kicked her in the back of the head with an invisible foot and took her datapad.
Contacts, calculator, camera, photo gallery... oh, maps are useful! Now where do I find a library? Search eh? L. I. B. R. A. R. Y. go! Watching the tiny circle spin on the screen, the young woman narrowly avoided flying into a wall. The tiny come-pewter made a chime and a blue line appeared on a map of nearby streets. A squealing noise caused her to look up to see someone climbing out of their car to inspect the dying thieves, so she blew up the vehicle and flew toward the library. Once she arrived at her destination, she recast the invisibility again, but this time went a step further into intangibility so she could fly through the doors.
Hours passed as she wandered through the shelves with a ball of light and before she knew it, the sun was rising. Apparently the city she was in was called Brockton Bay, a city full of degenerates and dying a slow death as the peasantry tore each other apart on a daily basis. The local mages were known by the title of 'parahuman' for some unknown reason and were supporting several factions in the civil war. The two largest factions were the Protectorate and the Empire, though protectorate or empire of what, none of the newspapers or books she found would say. It would simply take too long to search the entire library of unfamiliar topics on her own and there wasn't anyone in the building to ask for help, so with a yawn, Louise sat down at a come-pewter terminal and began searching the local internet.
Status: Healthy
Magicka: (450/14000)
[] Recent events in Brockton Bay.
[] Technology of the realm.
[] Local important figures.
[] Write in.