Making Her Way Downtown
"Who puts a castle in the ocean?" Louise asked aloud as she dusted herself off. For some reason there was gravel on the top of the building she found herself on and now she had a light coating of grey powder. Rocks on the rooftops, castles in the sea... She could already tell this place was going to be strange.

With a quick casting of an her invisibility spell, she hopped off the building. Thankfully she'd enchanted her new armor because otherwise her budding habit of jumping off of tall ledges would have been a terrible idea. Touching down on in the middle of a crowd as the locals went about their meaningless lives, Louise looked up at the sign that said 'Medhall' in confusion. Was the entire building a hall for medical care? Why not just call it a hospice?

Someone took that moment to interrupt her thoughts by walking into her, sending the two of them to the ground. Since it would probably be bad to attract too much attention before Master Cynric arrived and decided what needed to be accomplished in this new world, the teen refrained from retaliating with more than a swift kick to the bald man's groin and floated up above the crowd as she set off down the street. The automobiles roared by in accordance to some arbitrary rules unknown to her and the early evening crowds slowly began to thin out.

Traveling in a single direction until finding a lone woman on a covered bench, Louise quietly approached and watched her new and unwitting guide. The structure surrounding the two of them had several signs labeled 'bus stop' and a posted set of times with what seemed to be street names. Nobody in X-com had ever mentioned anything called a 'bus' as far as she knew, but she felt safe to assume from the evidence that it was a shared use carriage of some sort. More importantly was the fact that the woman was tapping away at a small datapad.

Twenty minutes passed as Louise watched over the woman's shoulder before the bus arrived, the woman complaining to somebody about a cape fight of all things. Apparently clothing is dangerous here? Or were people fighting with capes? At least I didn't bring mine. Either way, she was correct about the bus, it was indeed a transportation service. Of course, the pinkette wasn't going to pay to sit on a crowded vehicle with filthy peasants and chose to follow the vehicle instead. Some of them were very filthy from what she could see, to the point where she doubted they remembered to take their weekly bath very often.

Following the bus and refreshing her invisibility when needed lead her on a winding path through the city; passing shops, ginormous monuments of stone and glass, and a man in silver and blue armor who was speeding toward a distant fire. Eventually the quality of buildings got worse and worse before her guide disembarked. The bus pulled away as the teen watched the woman walk past a dark alley and get grabbed by a pair of hands from the shadows. Floating closer, she saw the woman cower in fear as a dirty man and woman held her arms as a second man rummaged through her pockets.

The trio had obviously made a routine of this if their bored expressions were anything to go by. "Stop shaking, we just want your money." The female thief said in a poor attempt at being reassuring. "Not every mugger in town's a merchant lookin' for new recruits or ABB Farmers."

The victim stuttered something that earned her a slap and yelling about not seeing or something... Louise didn't really care to listen after she was sure the thieves weren't going to violate the woman. It ended soon after and the thieves left the woman to cry, so the pinkette trusted her guide to stay put and followed the trio until they were out of sight before planting an Ice Spike in each of their chests. Letting the ice melt as she removed the strange paper money from them, she returned to her sobbing wreck of a guide. It didn't seem like the wench was going to stop crying anytime soon, so Louise kicked her in the back of the head with an invisible foot and took her datapad.

Contacts, calculator, camera, photo gallery... oh, maps are useful! Now where do I find a library? Search eh? L. I. B. R. A. R. Y. go! Watching the tiny circle spin on the screen, the young woman narrowly avoided flying into a wall. The tiny come-pewter made a chime and a blue line appeared on a map of nearby streets. A squealing noise caused her to look up to see someone climbing out of their car to inspect the dying thieves, so she blew up the vehicle and flew toward the library. Once she arrived at her destination, she recast the invisibility again, but this time went a step further into intangibility so she could fly through the doors.

Hours passed as she wandered through the shelves with a ball of light and before she knew it, the sun was rising. Apparently the city she was in was called Brockton Bay, a city full of degenerates and dying a slow death as the peasantry tore each other apart on a daily basis. The local mages were known by the title of 'parahuman' for some unknown reason and were supporting several factions in the civil war. The two largest factions were the Protectorate and the Empire, though protectorate or empire of what, none of the newspapers or books she found would say. It would simply take too long to search the entire library of unfamiliar topics on her own and there wasn't anyone in the building to ask for help, so with a yawn, Louise sat down at a come-pewter terminal and began searching the local internet.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (450/14000)


[] Recent events in Brockton Bay.

[] Technology of the realm.

[] Local important figures.

[] Write in.
[X] Local important figures.
[X] Information on lucrative bounties.

A squealing noise caused her to look up to see someone climbing out of their car to inspect the dying thieves, so she blew up the vehicle and flew toward the library.

Was that the cops?
[X] Local important figures.

Something tells me we're going to get a villain designation fairly fast. Is this taking place at the start of canon worm?
About the same as randomly blowing up Kurt, Lacy, or any other person with a reason to drive through the residential areas near the docks. The real question is how unlucky are the Heberts.
[x] Recent events in Brockton Bay.
[x] Suitable lodgings.

Best way to learn about the city is the local rumor mill.

Also, we need a place to crash to refill mana reserves and use as our base of operations until Master returns.

...I take it we didn't master Recall, what with us landing in an alternate dimension?
Imperfect Recall: 400 Magicka. Ejects caster from current reality.
Ah, indeed.

What does the 'Humanity' stat govern?
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Since I didn't want to fish through the entire thread to see if I've posted this before, I'll just threadmark this here.


Vitality = Cold DEF/DT up

Attunement = Magicka cap

Endurance = stamina/Lightning DEF/bleed resist

Strength = Carry weight/melee damage/strength

Dexterity = Melee speed/agility/manual dexterity

Resistance = Physical DEF/Poison Resist/Heat DEF

Faith = Strength of Miracles/Decreases mental DEF

Humanity = All Defenses UP/Curse Resist UP


DT: Damage threshold, determines the amount of damage one can withstand and remain combat effective. increases linear with Vitality. If 5 is average, 10 is peak human.
Mental DEF: Represents one's ability to break through illusions and resist mind control. decreases linearly as Faith increases above average. If 5 is average, 10 is reluctant acceptance, 30 is saintly, 40 is zealotry.
Does anyone know if the mayor of Brockton Bay is ever given a first name? I keep thinking Roy, but that seems too close to Rory's name and I'm pretty sure I got it from someone else's story.
Important Figures
Pulling the helmet from her head to rub at her tired eyes, Louise searched for all the information she could find about local politics. It would be preferable to know which group was of similar mentality to her and her master... or which would need to be removed or subverted if none were ideal.

Thanks to her earlier reading, she knew that the mayor was a man named by the name of Roy Christner and basically spent most of his time working on public events to deter the commoners from panicking. The local law enforcement was the PRT, otherwise known as Parahuman Response Team, who somehow held sway over a group of mages and was lead by one Emily Piggot. Piggot was a voluminous blonde with a stern expression and a record that clearly marked her as a failure as a leader. There were three large groups of criminals running roughshod over the local peasantry and suffering almost no consequences. How could the woman manage to be so incompetent as to let these ruffians claim territory in a city under her protection.

The youngest Valliere's opinion only sank further as she investigated the woman's opposition. Two of the peasant armies besieging the area were comprised entirely of easily identifiable types of people, those like Raymond Shen in the poorly named 'Asian Bad Boys' and those of a more Tristainian or Romalian complexion in the Empire Eighty-Eight... though if it was the eighty-eighth successive empire, perhaps they weren't so competent either. Making matters worse was the fact that the two groups each had something of a uniform to make them even more easily noticed; Shirts and scarves of red or green for the Bad Boys and red on black clothing for the Empire. The worst part were the so called 'Merchants' who were nothing more than street urchins and vagabonds, yet operated freely in the North-Eastern part of town as they peddled mind altering potions and herbs on commoners who lacked proper guidance from the irresponsible nobility of the land.

When did it become acceptable for bandits to harass civilized peoples? Both the ABB and the Empire had mages of their own, even being led by them. An Earth-mage named Kaiser, likely a triangle judging by his use of rapid transmutation, led the eighty-eighth empire while the Asians were ruled by a fire mage named after a bodily organ. Though she'd never heard of magic to grow in size or transmute one's own skin to metal, Louise guessed that this lung figure was at least proficient in fire and wind magics... why else would he name himself that. The terminology used was often strange; parahumans, pyrokinetic, more references to violent capes, etc.

The Protectorate was apparently a guild of mages that worked for the PRT to hunt down other mages across several countries, but mainly the United States of America, the same country where X-com was from in their own realm. A familiar figure popped up when she clicked her rodent on the name Armsmaster. The man from the previous night, dressed in silver and Blue armor with a highly decorated halberd and a neatly trimmed beard poking out from beneath the reflective visor of his helmet. This was a man who looked like he understood the meaning of nobility, even his name reflected his skill in battle. His resolute stance as he directed his soldiers to charge the enemy, the crackle of lightning from the end of his weapon striking down the fool daring to attack him as the moving picture continued, the uncanny resemblance between her former betrothed's facial hair and this man's... it brought a blush to the pinkette's cheeks.

In an effort to fight off the unfamiliar feeling pooling in her gut, Louise clicked on the words 'New Wave' on the side of the 'Official PRT ENE Website' and promptly felt her jaw drop. Grinning confidently as she hugged a nervous looking girl with curly brown hair was Vicky!

The dignified and graceful manner in which she celebrated locating her friend, that was definitely not squealing or dancing a jig, was interrupted by the sound of a small bell. Freezing in place on one leg, Louise turned her head to see an elderly woman staring at her in shock that slowly changed to fear. Blinking slowly as she noticed the crowded street beyond the elderly woman who must be the librarian, the pinkette reached down to grab her helmet.

Status: sleep deprived, but uninjured
Magicka: (450/14000)

Choose 1:

[] All witnesses must die.

[] Diplomacy!
[] Write in.​

[] Ignore her and continue researching:
[] Recent events in Brockton Bay.
[] Technology of the realm.
[] Find a way to contact Victoria.​

[] Flee!

[] Write in.

A/N: Low on magicka, tired, in an unfamiliar city as the business day begins, and wearing armor that could appear to be tinkertech... what could go wrong?
[X] Flee!
-[X] Find a place to lie low and take a nap!​
-[X] After setting up defenses, of course.​

I'm awfully tempted to suggest burning the last of our magicka on an Imperfect Recall, but considering Louise did break her spine on entering this world...

she clicked her rodent

This made me smile.
Is our familiar going to rip through dimensions to reunite with us? I wholeheartedly support that outcome.
[X] Flee!
-[X] Find a place to lie low and take a nap!
-[X] After setting up defenses, of course.

What is tinkertech and why is it bad to be seen owning one?
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What is tinkertech and why is it bad to be seen owning one?

Some parahumans in Worm are classified as Tinkers; their powers basically allow them to perform super-science and build advanced tech, or tinkertech, kinda like Tony Stark/Iron Man, but limited to various specialties. Tinkers are considered very valuable, since their tinkertech, while requiring significant maintenance, can be used by other people, thus making Tinkers force multipliers for whatever organization they're attached to.

The problem here is, based on the armor Louise is wearing, many will assume she's a new, unaffiliated, Tinker. This means that everyone will want to press-gang her into their organizations, including the gangs of Brockton Bay, who likely will not take no for an answer. Coil in particular always seems to target Tinkers in various Worm fanfics, likely because he goes out of his way to outfit his minions with tinkertech in canon.
[X] Flee!
-[X] Find a place to lie low and take a nap!
-[X] After setting up defenses, of course.

What is tinkertech and why is it bad to be seen owning one?
Some parahumans in Worm are classified as Tinkers; their powers basically allow them to perform super-science and build advanced tech, or tinkertech, kinda like Tony Stark/Iron Man, but limited to various specialties. Tinkers are considered very valuable, since their tinkertech, while requiring significant maintenance, can be used by other people, thus making Tinkers force multipliers for whatever organization they're attached to.

The problem here is, based on the armor Louise is wearing, many will assume she's a new, unaffiliated, Tinker. This means that everyone will want to press-gang her into their organizations, including the gangs of Brockton Bay, who likely will not take no for an answer. Coil in particular always seems to target Tinkers in various Worm fanfics, likely because he goes out of his way to outfit his minions with tinkertech in canon.
^ This along with a healthy dose of she's not actually a tinker and has a rather spotty education of technology more advanced than steam power... Cynric did teach her and Shen about dwemer engineering though, so Trainwreck might like her.
Two Voids Collide

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♦ Topic: New Tinker in the bay?
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster)
Posted On Apr 11th 2011:
Was passing by the library this morning when I saw a tiny person jump through the doors and fly off. Couldn't tell you the gender as they were wearing some pretty concealing armor, but their upper arms were really pale, so I doubt the Empire's going to let this one pass them by.

Did anyone else catch any details I missed?

Edit: pictures: fleeing the scene and crashing

(Showing page 1 of 2)

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Fancy gear, flight, scared of books. Not much info, but it's a first sighting after all.

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Thing there gears how they fly?

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
I saw that! What kind of idiot goes to the library in costume? Do you think the reason they ran off was 'cuz they forgot to lose the armor?

►Big Iron (BBPD)
Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
While I can't release a public statement at this time, the individual in question has been identified as female, approximately 60", and has long hair that is bright pink. For reasons we are unsure of at this moment, she found her way into the public library at some point around midnight before fleeing when the doors were unlocked in the morning.

Eyewitnesses report erratic behavior and threats of physical violence, do not approach.

Any information as to the whereabouts of the woman in question should be forwarded to either the BBPD or the PRT.

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Found her way in, not broke in? Maybe she was there before closing and got locked in? Man, that'd be an embarrassing debut.

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Just got off the phone with my aunt, she works at the library and says she walked in on this chick dancing around like an idiot in front of one of the computers.

The weirder part: The picture on screen was of Glory Girl and Panacea.

►OmniscientBisquit (Not a cookie)
Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Heh, breaking into dance over a picture? Sounds like someone has a crush.

Who d'you think has won our new tinker's heart? The beautiful bruiser or the compassionate nurse?

►Discount DJ
Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Word around the docks is Lung got arrested last night... you don't think... I mean, a new cape just so happens to appear the morning after Lung goes down...

Also, that's a suckers bet. Fifty on GG!

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
She's around my height, so probably not old enough for either of them. As for the Lung thing, I'll have to ask around this afternoon, but I doubt a new tinker could do it. She didn't even look scorched.

BTW. just texted Panacea about this Bisquit. Twenty on Glory Girl.
End of Page. 1

(Showing page 2 of 2)

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Vista, what the hell? I'm taken!

Besides, we both know my sister's the one who needs some action! Now she's hitting me and trying to steal my phone! Do you see what you people do? Home wreckers, the lot of you!

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Shouldn't you both be in school? How are you online right now?

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
I plead the fifth! I have a lawyer and I'm not afraid to throw her at you! Nah, I'm at the boardwalk for lunch, don't tell the teachers.

►OmniscientBisquit (Not a cookie)
Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Wait... literally or figuratively? 'cuz with you, it could be either.

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Hey guys! Check what I saw!

Our mystery tinker just ran into/kidnapped some kid like an hour ago. Sorry it took so long to upload, phone sucks and I was busy.

►Attila the done
Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
Damn, they went ass over teakettle. You were too busy to report an abduction? Goddamn Brockton Bay, seriously... Just wow.

Hopefully this is just some kind of misunderstanding. Anyone know who the boy is?
End of Page. 1, 2

Greg turned away from the computer to look at the cute girl sleeping in his bed, a thought he didn't dare repeat out loud for fear she'd find out or someone assume he's a pedo. Socially awkward he may be and a bit oblivious at times, sure, but he liked to think he was pretty smart. The girl was a cape. The one he'd just been reading about being kidnapped by to be precise.

Oh, how he wanted to ask so many questions. How'd she get her powers? What was it like? Was flying a separate power or did her tinker suit do it for her? Where did she get those military clothes? Was she an escaped government experiment to make super soldiers? Why did her hair look like bubble gum? Well, greasy bubble gum, but he knew better than to say something bad about a girl's hair after Jennifer Hanes sicked the football team on him in middle school.

Nobody at school was going to believe him when he told them about this! A runaway tinker demanding he bring her home and take care of her? Yeah right, his dad hadn't even looked away from the tv when he carried her through the door and tried to explain. Still, it was just like the beginning of an anime or comic. Surely the girl would be super grateful for his help and they'd do awesome cape stuff together with him as her sidekick. Maybe I should work on my catchphrases. Sure it'll be kind of embarrassing since she's so much younger than me, but that's just how these things go. I think.

Since the girl had briefly woken up and put dangerous looking glowing symbols on the door and window when he set her down, he couldn't really do much for his rumbling stomach. Hopefully she would be fine with toaster waffles or something, because his dad was a terrible cook, which was ironic for a guy who works at a cafe. By her accent, he guessed she was Canadian or French or something, which made the thought of food really nerve wracking. What if she wanted snails for breakfast?!

His worrying got even worse when her eyes opened and saw him staring. Oh God, she's gonna think I was watching her sleep. Crap, I was too, but not to be creepy or anything. Crap, crap, crap. Death by cape, here I co-

"What?" She asked as she sat up.

"I wasn't doing anything!" He yelped, spinning around in the desk chair to look the other way. "I wasn't doing whatever you think I was doing."

"Alright." Several moments passed in silence before he heard her yawn. "Fetch some breakfast from wherever you people store your food."

"I... er... Can you undo the thing on the door?"

"No, this hovel is poorly enough defended as it is. Don't worry, it won't explode if you touch it." At least she sounded less exhausted than when she'd literally ran into him as he rounded the corner on his way to school.

He didn't quite know how to respond to that. The way she said it, it sounded like she meant it would explode if someone else touched it, but nobody would sleep so close to something that explodes... right? Carefully touching the door, Greg sighed in relief when he didn't immediately die or get his soul ripped out or turned into a duck. The pillow that hit him in the head let him know he was taking too long and he rushed into the kitchen.

It was three in the afternoon on a Monday and he really should be in school rather than feeding a ten year old french girl in his bedroom. Well, maybe ten was a bit too young considering her height. She could be thirteen or something... the point was, he had no idea how to answer the inevitable questions that would be asked if the school called his dad at the boardwalk.

Manually ejecting the waffles from the dinosaur of a toaster, Greg microwaved a sausage patty from the freezer and threw it all on a plate with some syrup. Maybe she wouldn't be too upset and they could be friends, he'd always wanted a cape friend.

[] Q&A with Greg.

[] Eat your food and leave-
[] plan write in.​

[] Ignore the boy and use his come-pewter.
[] Recent events in Brockton Bay.
[] Technology of the realm.
[] Find a way to contact Victoria.​

[] Write in.
A/N: There was a 1 in fifty chance to find him, Missy, or Danny with the rest being divided between a random civilian or nobody at all. Greg was either very lucky or very unlucky. You guys would have seen Taylor if you'd stuck around at the library until the afternoon.
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[X] Ignore the boy and use his come-pewter.
-[X] Find a way to contact Victoria.

- - -

Didn't our Spider!Vicky requested to meet up with her sister? Maybe Canon!Amy can help.
[X] Ignore the boy and use his come-pewter.
-[X] Find a way to contact Victoria.
[X] Q&A with Greg.

I kinda really, really want Greg to become Louise's new familiar (can she have multiple familiars? From what little I know of the story, mages only tend to summon the one, but I'm not certain whether that's a technical limitation or a cultural one). Because why the fuck not? It's just another layer of absolute absurdity to go along with the rest.:p
[X] Q&A with Greg.
I kinda really, really want Greg to become Louise's new familiar (can she have multiple familiars? From what little I know of the story, mages only tend to summon the one, but I'm not certain whether that's a technical limitation or a cultural one). Because why the fuck not? It's just another layer of absolute absurdity to go along with the rest.:p
ZnT magic, summoning your familiar brings YOUR familiar. ONLY.
The only way that changes is if your familiar was dead(and as we see with Saito he's not as dead as he could be), then it gives you a reroll for your fated familiar.