I know nothing about Fallout but these people we're killing are bandits right? Not just random innocent survivors (sure they're filthy peasants but that doesn't mean we should just kill em for it).

A/N: Scutter's raiders like to skin and wear their victims. They also refuse to submit to Bosco, the most powerful raider leader in the area around Boston.

EDIT: Never mind just kill em all
[X] Plan: Death from Above! And also below.

[X] Attack, there's no reason to leave a group of bandits so close to the base.
[X] Envelop yourself and Hinata in Alteration Invisibility!
[X] Drop an Explosion into the midst of this sub-peasant rabble!
[X] Inflict Blindness on the survivors, while Hinata moves to slay and subdue!​
[X] Keep moving with your levitation vest so as to avoid enemy triangulation and Explode any that manage to run too far!​
[X] Explode any reinforcements too!​
[X] This is a scouting mission, so collecting information is vital to your success!​
[X] Freeze one of scum's limbs with Frost!​
[X] Perhaps the mouthy one, he seems to be in charge, and thus knows the most!​
[X] Don't forget to heal your captive in case the filth prove to be more pathetically fragile than they appear!​
[X] But not too much healing.​
[X] Once the screams have turned to pained mewling, secure the area for valuables and intelligence!​
[X] Vicky will surely come to investigate the explosion, she can help!​
[X] Someone has to carry the prisoner.​
[X] Return to X-Com laden in spoils and glory!​
[X] Gift the prisoner to Bratfort, as a show of your competence and a reminder of your power!​
[X] Also you have better things to do than question dirty and likely diseased commoners, so leave the interrogation to that big whiner.​
[] Plan: Death from Above! And also below.
Hinata didn't kill anyone yet, she just took them down with her not-so-gentle fists. It's just not in character for her to kill a group of people that she outclasses so far and if she somehow did, she wouldn't have been in any shape to meet Louise at the top.

I don't know if this changes your plan or not, but I thought I should mention it just in case.
Giving her a strange look, Louise pointed out, "You killed those aliens easily enough. It's easy, a hard blow to the head, an upward stab between the ribs, down through the armpit toward the sternum; people are fragile. You could even put your back to theirs and pull their head over your shoulder until their neck snaps if you can get the necessary height, it's much harder for them to resist than twisting their head to the side."
Louise takes her cues from the Hitman school of Stealth, not the Thief one.

*crosses out Louise Stealth from the List of Things To Try That Do Not End in Slaughter.*
I am running out of ideas here!

[X] Plan: Death from Above! And also below.
Hinata didn't kill anyone yet, she just took them down with her not-so-gentle fists. It's just not in character for her to kill a group of people that she outclasses so far and if she somehow did, she wouldn't have been in any shape to meet Louise at the top.

I don't know if this changes your plan or not, but I thought I should mention it just in case.

That should be fine, we'll just end up with that many more prisoners for interrogation.
The Dice-gods Hate Hinata
I can't believe we slept with this disgusting rabble so close to the base. The youngest Valliere thought in revulsion.

Holding a finger to her lips for silence, Louise reached toward the younger girl and cast the spell her master had created just for her. Hinata disappeared as the magic wrapped around her to hide her from sight and Louise did the same for herself before flicking her sword toward the group of bandits.

A plume of smoke erupted in the center of the group, the magical shock-wave knocking them off their feet without warning. One unfortunate bandit was even thrown from the roof and screamed as he fell. As they groggily climbed to their feet in visible disorientation, another trio of bandits started firing at something in the distance. The bandit closest to the stairs managed to get his feet underneath him before he started to convulse from Hinata's rapid palm strikes. Before his body could drop, several others turned and began to fire in his direction, forcing Hinata to leap off the rooftop and cling to the walls.

Not wasting time to question it, Louise reached out with her magicka to steal the enemies' sight one by one. Her first victim wildly swung his weapon through the air as he tried to shoot an unseen foe. Several bullets nearly hit her and one hit and armored woman hard enough to knock her back and off the building, narrowly avoiding Hinata as she fell. The Hyuga took that moment to vault back into the fray, disabling legs and arms as she wove between the enemy. Other than general clamor, chaos, and orders to 'kill the shits', there wasn't much talking as the two young ladies tore the bandits to shreds... not entirely metaphorically either, as one poor fool learned when his eyes burst from his socket and he dropped dead due to a miscast illusion.

Annoyed, but not overly so after so many successful attempts, Louise hovered in a high orbit around the building and used her explosions to pick off two of the four that ran for a barn-like structure on the outskirts of the sunken town. Returning her attention to the fight below, she watched the heavily armored man that must be the leader. He had discarded his rifle in favor of a large and wicked looking blade of blackened metal, his body rocking as Hinata attempted to subdue him, failing to do much damage through the several inches of padding that covered much of his bulky form. The man let himself fall backward as Hinata attempted to hit him with a dual palm strike, causing her to overbalance while he kicked out her legs and forced her to land on top of his chest.

Trapping both of her wrists in one hand, he lifted her into the air with a grin. "Gotcha, ya little bitch!" The man cheered, leaning down and awkwardly feeling around for his weapon. Louise let the blindness spell fade, it wasn't really needed since there were only two other bandits able to move on that rooftop. Turning to his subordinates as they checked on their groaning brethren, the leader of the bandits leered. "Looks like we're having fun toni-"

His words were cut off as Hinata arched her back and kicked out with both feet to hit the cage around his head. Hinata underestimated her strenght or the weakness of her target, since the metal bars bent inward and snapped, stabbing through his head and causing her legs to get caught on the ragged edges when he dropped her. The dead man collapsed on top of the young heiress and the other two shouted in surprise, only to be silenced when Louise landed with her blade through one of their backs and purposely blew the other to pieces with an explosion to the gut.

The trio of shooters on the other building, not having noticed the closer threat, screamed in terror as a flash of fire lit up the area around them, drawing Louise attention away from the younger girls painful predicament. Climbing up the side of the building was Victoria, punching holes through brick and mortar with the massive spears of chitin that were her legs. One cried in agony as his legs melted away just below the knees, earning a kick to the head when she reached the top, his body rolling away from the growing conflagration. Rushing closer and trusting Hinata to not do anything too rash, Louise noticed that the blonde's torso was riddled with holes that wept fire as they slowly closed.

Vicky grabbed on man by the throat and lifted him into the air, dragging him close to her face as she growled, "It's rude to shoot a lady, asshole!"

"Really, Vicky?" Louise sighed, telekinetically pulling the last bandit back by his ankles as he tried to flee by leaping off the roof.

"Well it is!" She argued petulantly, giving the terrified man a rough shake before sighing and punching him unconscious... or dead, Vicky had a lot of strength. Tossing him onto the legless one, she watched as Louise began to freeze her captive's limbs as he begged for mercy. "Is that really necessary? It seems kind of fu-"

A loud crash came from below as a humanoid shape burst from the barn. It's legs were skeletal frames all the way up to the hips where they joined to a large, armored and arm-less torso. The head was rounded and smooth with one large, reflective plate of glass or metal where the face should have been. Taking a moment to think rationally, it was obviously some form of armor or golem rather than a living creature, and it was pulling a sleigh with a bandit who was wielding a very big gun.

Hardly a moment passed before the gunner noticed Victoria's distinctive figure and began firing. The weapon, which seemed to be composed of two racks of a dozen smaller weapons, let loose a torrent of red and blue light, causing Louise to dive out of the way. Vicky was as fortunate and the beams splashed off her body, screaming at the overwhelming assault... until she stopped. Looking down at the tiny flecks of ash that peeled away after each attack hit and then at the damage they were doing to her surroundings, she tilted her head in confusion.

"Huh... It's actually sort of nice. Like a hot stone massage, y'know?"

No. No I do not. Louise sighed and looked at her now well roasted captive. With another sigh, she rapidly lifted off into the air and repeatedly launched her new variation of explosion at the... battle wagon. Considering that it was being hit by a highly focused blast every other, it wasn't much of a surprise that almost nothing remained after ten seconds of continuous castings. She didn't really care though, she just let herself enjoy the catharsis that destruction brought. For good measure, she destroyed the barn as well.

Settling back down beside Hinata, she inspected the wounds and winced. The idiot bandit's 'helmet' was shattered and many of the broken remains were lodged in the young girl's calves. To make matters worse, the filthy peasant's blood, brains, and other various liquids were splashed liberally over her wounds. White eyes stared up into her own pink ones as the child she'd brought along whispered, "L-louise?"

"Shhh... Everything's fine Hinata." Everything's not fine! Who knows what kind of diseases these filthy commoners carry. "I-I'm going to get you free from there. This is going to hurt."

Cursing her stutter, Louise smiled at the trusting nod the girl gave her. There was no way she could get the Hyuga's legs out of that twisted mess without causing more damage. With a deep breath, she laid down with her feet planted against the corpse's shoulders. Grabbing Hinata around the waist, Louise used all her strength and pulled. A horrible scream deafened the Pinkette as she tugged, ripping flesh and shredding muscle as she struggled until, with a sudden snap, the rusted metal released it's grip.

The two tumbled across the floor, a trail of blood in their wake as Hinata slipped from her grasp. Quickly scrambling to her side and forcing one of her few healing potions into the girl's mouth, Louise stuck her fingers into the wounds to fish out what fragments she could. There wasn't much to find since most of it had stayed behind and turned her calves to shredded meat. When the younger girl began convulsing, Louise gave up on that and focused on healing the damage. Golden light flowed from her hands for what felt like hours and Hinata fell asleep soon after it started, but eventually there was no sign of the wounds and Louise slumped over in relief.

How could you be so stupid?! Hinata almost died because you couldn't handle a few embarrassing stories... Worthless, stupid, zero. You didn't even think to get her something more protective than shorts and a jacket!

Rubbing her stinging eyes, Louise shakily wiped her bloody hands on her pants. Not only had she taken a noble-child into danger for no reason, not only had she almost gotten her killed, but she'd almost lost someone who she might... did consider a friend. All because she couldn't control her emotions. What a nice way to pay back your debt to the girl. "Mother was right... again."

A sharp pain in her cheek caused Louise to recoil in disbelief. Blinking in shock, she looked back into Victoria's scowling face as the blonde leaned down to her level. "D-d-did you s-slap me?"

"Yes!" Vicky growled. "And I'll do it again if you don't stop being so stupid."

Fighting against the tears in her eyes, Louise mumbled, "I didn't mean to..."

Another slap knocked her to the side, the taste of blood reaching her tongue. Sharp points of black slammed down around her as Vicky loomed over her, the slavering maw of her spider portion reminding her of just how terrified of spiders she really was. "I said stop it! Hinata's fine. I don't care what stupid reason you have, it's not your fault she got hurt."


"No buts! Those kids are ninjas, that means she's a trained assassins. You don't get to act like it's your fault she was risking her life when she was already living as a hired killer before we met."

"I... I guess you're right." Louise admitted reluctantly. Even if Hinata hadn't killed anyone before, and it was obvious she hadn't, she would have been forced into these situations eventually... if Vicky was right about what being a ninja meant, as none of the three had bothered to explain that.

Smiling warmly and offering a hand, Vicky stepped back, no longer the menacing demon she'd seemed a moment ago. Hesitantly, Louise accepted the hand and was pulled to her feet. Patting the pinkette on the shoulder, Victoria laughed, "Of course I am. Now, why don't you take her back to the camp, I'll finish up here. Damnit, now I need a new shirt."

Nodding tiredly, Louise lifted the smaller girl into her arms and flew off toward the base. On arrival, set Hinata down on the roof of the only remaining building and flew down to collect one of the camping bundles. The day wasn't even close to over, but she didn't want to deal anything else. It wasn't long before she was laying down in a small tent and drifting off to unpleasant dreams, Hinata's pale form clutched tightly in her arms.

Next Day:
[] Sleep and mope the day away.

[] Anger is better than sadness, find something to hurt.
[] Scout North
[] Scout West
[] Scout South
[] Sparring!​

[] Take Hinata to see Vahlen.

[] Write in.

A/N: 3 days until Cynric's mods are done.
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Well, that could have gone better. Seriously, what the heck was that thing in the barn?

[X] Take Hinata to see Vahlen.

Partially because Vahlen is always fun and has the best bedside manner. Also, Hinata's rolls may have been so terrible that she caught some pathogen that healing magic didn't fix, so best to get her a tetanus booster or something.

Louise's healing spells don't cover diseases and the like, do they?
Well, that could have gone better. Seriously, what the heck was that thing in the barn?
A heavily damaged suit of raider power armor that was repurposed to pull a trailer with a mounted weapon made of scavenged laser weapons.

Raiders can be quite creative when they have the resources and Scutter's crew had been successfully fighting super mutants and the Gunners until you guys rolled in out of nowhere.
Louise's healing spells don't cover diseases and the like, do they?
Nope. That takes dedicated study and is one of the hardest forms of Restoration to perform without deific aid, hence why Cynric sticks with potions as needed.
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Louise Vallière: Model Caregiver
"-ouise?" A quiet voice whispered in her ear as the warmth of her blanket vanished. Slowly coming to, Louise looked down at the odd weight on her chest. Hinata stared back in confusion, a light sheen of sweat on her skin after sleeping under so much fabric together. "C-can you let go now?"

Running her eyes past Hinata's face, which was smushed into her chest, she realized that she was holding the other girl in place. Blushing at the awkward position, Louise refrained from her immediate response of shoving the girl off and instead let her arms fall to the side. Yawning while Hinata rolled off and slowly sat up, Louise rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "My apologies."

"N-no... it's alright." The Hyuga replied, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

Neither one of them said anything else for several minutes, just shuffling awkwardly in place. After another few minutes, during which the early morning light began to peek through the mesh at the top of the tent, Louise decided to just get on with the day. Removing her top, she coated the garment with a thick layer of Frost, scrunched the material together, then heated it with a low blast of fire. Having always had people to do it for her or at least a spare set of clothing to change into, the Vallière girl was unsure if the shirt would come clean from her actions, but surely it was better than nothing. Once the top was dry, she did the same with her trousers and socks... she'd have to find a replacement for her silken undergarments, as those would be ruined if she even tried.

Dressed once more, she turned to look at her companion. The younger girl was still wearing her shredded, blood encrusted clothing from the day before, the mid-shin length pants no longer doing much to protect the girl's modesty and her tan jacket was stained with dark blotches. Raising an eyebrow at the child's blushing and shuffling, Louise held out her hand. "Come on, let's go find wash that filth off of you, then I'll search for a change of clothes you can use."

Taking Hinata by the wrist, she led the two of them to the edge of the roof and telekinetically pulled a bottle of water from down below. Ignoring the startled noises of the peasant who'd donated the liquid, Louise forced the blushing girl to remove her soiled clothes and sat her down to wash as best she could. Taking a moment to tear the sleeves from her own shirt, she tossed the material next to the bottle and answered Hinata's questioning look with a shrug.

"I thought you might use them to scrub yourself. They were irritating my skin anyway." It was true, the fabric had been a minor nuisance since she'd gotten her Djinn therapy. "Just stay here and wash up, I'll be back soon."

Once she was sure her orders would be followed, she leapt off the roof in search of clothes. Over on the tower, she spied the Inuzuka boy fastening a large bowl to the top as Trobror used his orange wrist device to give instructions. Beyond those two were hordes of peasants, some helping set up machinery, some filling more of those earthen cubes, some clearing the courtyard and beginning to till the earth for crops. Cattleya was there as well, using alchemy... Halkeginian alchemy to gradually revitalize the soil in order to help the plants grow strong.

With her sister's work just beginning, Louise was hesitant to interrupt such an important process even ignoring her remaining irritation at the older woman and instead chose to seek out Espinoza. After all, X-com's 'fatigues' were both durable and comfortable, two important qualities to keep in mind when one travels with Master Cynric. Her school uniform had been all but tatters by the time she'd switched to her current choice of attire and she'd had it replaced twice at the estate!

She found the man using his powered armor to stack additional cubic barriers to create perpendicular walls along the perimeter. "What is the purpose of that?" She couldn't help but ask as she approached, catching the attention of the workers, including a blushing preteen who she sneered at when he sent a shy wave her way.

Thankfully her least hated commoner finished his task before the child could gather his courage for another try. "Good morning to you too, Princesa." Espinoza greeted warmly, as if she'd waste her breath wishing him a good anything. At her cross-armed huff of annoyance, he laughed, "Fine, fine... we're partitioning sections of the wall to protect against artillery."

Looking at it with her extensive experience with explosions, she could imagine trying to blow up the base. The interior walls would probably force her to cast another time for each section if she wanted to kill everyone... well, if she didn't just put more magicka into it that is. Nodding in satisfaction, she moved on to the purpose of her visit. "Give me your clothes."

One of the women working on the wall gave a whistle and Espinoza choked. Blushing as she realized what she said, Louise stomped her foot and growled, "Not like that, you perverted animals! I need a spare change of clothes for Hinata!"

"Erm... Well, that's... good?" The large man struggled for words. Taking a deep breath to keep from maiming the idiots, she glowered at Espinoza. Not knowing what else to say, he tossed a set of keys. "My footlocker's in the first tent to the right of the command center, just lock up when you're done and don't... don't dig too deep, yeah?"

Relaxing her expression to only a slight scowl, she nodded in thanks and used Telekinesis to tug the woman who'd whistled off the wall. Walking toward her objective, Louise smirked at the peasant's expletive-laden shouts. It didn't take long to find the black trunk labeled with her commoner's name and she quickly divested the man of a full set of grey clothes. "Don't dig too deep, huh?"

Looking around for any witnesses, Louise reached a hand to the bottom of the container and felt the edges of a thin book underneath it all. Slowly lifting the book from beneath the assorted items, she wondered what the man could be hiding. Is it a diary of embarrassing stories? A list of foes to be assassinated? Blackmail on Bradfort? Could he secretly be part of a hidden society of mages who'd ruled his world from the shadows, this being his book of spells and... and... and why isn't she wearing any clothes?!

Slamming the trunk closed, Louise tossed the flimsy book to the floor as if it had burned her. She watched as the thing bounced and landed open, a red haired woman winking back at her as if mocking her inferior proportions.


For the first time since she'd returned and let the invisibility fade, Hinata spoke. "Ano... are... are you-"

"I still have time to grow!" Louise snapped, one eye twitching as she watched the peasants scramble to stop the fire from spreading to the nearby tents. None of them could prove she'd done anything.

"I-I didn't say... I wasn't... I'm sorry." The younger girl said, ducking her head. Espinoza's clothes were far too large for her and it was rather ridiculous how tiny she looked with her arms barely reaching the middle of her sleeves. They'd had to cut off much of the pants just to stop her from tripping. It almost distracted Louise from the fact that after helping Hinata change, she could now add a thirteen year old to the list of those with more feminine figure than her.

Sighing, the pinkette put those thoughts aside and gave Hinata the best smile she could. It was rather pathetic. "No, I am. I didn't mean to yell at you. Are you sure you'll be fine with those? I could find something else, I'm sure."

"N-no, it's OK." Hinata replied with a shy smile of her own, the excess fabric of her sleeves flopping around as she waved her arms in denial. "This is perfect."

Louise gave her a strange look, but didn't argue against it. If her friend was happy with dressing that way, so be it. She didn't have it in her to upset the girl after nearly killing her yesterday, even if Vicky said it wasn't her fault... A noble is responsible for those under their command, after all. "Follow me, I need to introduce you to Vahlen."

The two of them quickly reached the doctor's lab, not having been bothered by Bradfort thanks to Espinoza's burning tent distracting him. Walking down the stairs with a hand in Hinata's to ease her nervousness, Louise knocked on the newly installed door. It was a few moments until a petite blonde woman answered. "Hello?"

"Greetings, we're here to speak with Doctor Vahlen." The pinkette replied smoothly, noting the blonde's panicked expression upon realizing who was at the door.

"Er... right this way." The blonde said, motioning them through the door. "My name's Carol, I work in high energy physics with Rupert and Hwang."

Nodding casually, Louise looked around at the polished metal gadgets and colorful vials. When they passed through the spot where a large vault door hung open, she guessed that the woman was waiting for a response. "Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, though I assume you already knew that."

"Umm... Yeah, I was in your class on potions back... back on Earth." Carol admitted. "It's no problem if you forgot, I sat in the back anyway."

"I wouldn't have remembered if you'd sat in the front." Louise shrugged, causing the blonde to slump her shoulders. When Hinata squeezed her hand, Louise looked at her and saw her pale eyes flick between Louise and Carol. Sighing, the pinkette said, "It's nothing personal, I simply don't care to memorize the names and faces of every useless commoner I meet."

Turning to Hinata to see the younger girl giving her a look of disappointment, Louise mouthed, 'What?' and got a shake of the head in return. Frowning, she pulled her hand free and decided to ignore them both as they waited for another door to open. When it did, she saw a large room with a table in the center and various spinning machines around the walls. In one corner was her Master, floating in a tank of Meld that sat on a small cart with wheels. Vahlen stood in front of the tank, injecting a red liquid into a small opening on the tank with one hand and holding her datapad with the other.

Not even turning around, the doctor asked, "Yes, what is it?"

"Hinata was injured yesterday and I thought it might be best if I brought her to see you." Louise answered, too used to Vahlen's personality to bother with being irritated at the lack of manners. "I healed her, but her wounds were submerged in one of the local bandit's blood and other fluids... I don't think my healing spell does anything for disease."

"I see... Very well, I will just need to finish up here, then we can run some tests." Vahlen replied, a disconcerting smile on her face at the mention of disease. "Up on the table, child. No need to worry, you wouldn't even be at the infectious stage yet, there will be plenty of time to study you."

The two girls exchanged worried looks, but Louise shrugged and nodded. Leaning in toward Hinata, Louise whispered, "Master Cynric seems to trust her."

"Indeed he does. I assure you girls, you have nothing to fear from me." The doctor said from across the room, doing anything but reassuring them by somehow managing to overhear what should have been a private message. "Carol, administer a tetanus vaccination while the girl waits. You can run along now, Louise... unless you wish to volunteer?"

"Don't leave me!" Hinata mewled, reaching out in desperation. Louise pretended not to hear her and made a hasty retreat. She'd heard all about how the doctor treated her volunteers from Espinoza.

Choose 2:

[] Attempt disenchanting the Levitation Vest to learn it's enchantment. (75% chance of success.)
[] Find replacement armor.​

[] Spend time with-
[] Victoria.
[] Write in.​

[] Practice magic:
[] Fire Cloak.
[] Alchemy research.
[] New spell effect: Write in.​

[] Help set up defenses.

[] Write in.
I still really enjoy the whole concept of NOBLES looking out for one another. Even if it is just Louise trying to justify herself.
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I still really enjoy the whole concept of bibles looking out for one another. Even if it is just Louise trying to justify herself.
I'm going to assume you mean nobles rather than bibles, otherwise I have no idea how to interpret that sentence.

Would it be like;
A bible and a dictionary walk into a bar. The dictionary points to another bible and asks "see her?" And the first bible responds, "Oh yeah, talk about a page turner."
[X] Attempt disenchanting the Levitation Vest to learn it's enchantment. (75% chance of success.)
[X] Find replacement armor.
Seems like good odds, and I'm interested in seeing what replacement Louise can come up with.

[X] Practice magic:
[X] Alchemy research.
Louise could also stand to replenish her potion supplies.

Speaking of which, did the cow make it? Or are we gonna have to source another one locally?
I'm going to assume you mean nobles rather than bibles, otherwise I have no idea how to interpret that sentence.

Would it be like;
A bible and a dictionary walk into a bar. The dictionary points to another bible and asks "see her?" And the first bible responds, "Oh yeah, talk about a page turner."

Edited. Why phone, why must you betray me? Typing on a real keyboard is so easy, but this is so fiddly. You're correct. I meant nobles (spellcheck almost got me again, trying to use notables instead).
Minefield Making
After exiting the laboratory where Hinata awaited her fate, Louise took a moment to investigate the area outside the lab. Several pieces of blood-stained armor lay in a corner as the scientists used their lensed devices and other gadgets to examine different materials she vaguely recognized from the previous day. Apparently Vicky hadn't seen fit to bring back the corpses for Master Cynric to use, though if she even knew he could use them, Louise didn't know.

On a table at the edge of the room was the legless bandit, his head trapped in metal binding and wires entering through holes in his skull. One of the scientists pressed buttons that caused the bandit to twitch while another watched a small tell-a-vision and took notes on whatever he was seeing. While it was both barbaric and disgusting, there was something about how these commoners were so capable of working around their crippling lack of magic that made Louise feel a grudging respect for them. Using metal and lightning to watch someone's thoughts as a skilled mage might use a scrying spell... If only some of them weren't too dull-witted to understand their place in the world.

"-ovement in the ruins to the North, Sgt. Granger says Fort Independence is occupied and there is an artillery emplacement on at least two corne- What are you doing in here?"

It was with a disappointing sigh that Louise ignored the questions of one such individual as she attempted to leave the building through the command center. What did it matter that she was walking through their little meeting? It wasn't her fault the only entrance to the laboratory was through that room, if they didn't want interruptions, maybe they should have picked a better locale. After a night of poor sleep, the day was turning out to be nothing but an exercise in frustration and worry with Bradfort's inadequacies serving only to worsen her mood. Why the man assumed he could demand anything from her, she couldn't fathom, but it was only the Commander's order for him to leave her alone that saved him from the Ice Spike slowly growing in the Pinkette's hand.

Walking through the doors, the youngest Vallière decided to add her own touch to the defensive effort. After all, she had to trust those defenses to protect her and the others while they slept. Gliding over the hustle and bustle of the peasants, she made her way to the gate. Thanks to Victoria, who was still visible in the distance outside the walls, the base now had a knee-high wall of stone forming a ring around the main wall at thirty feet. Considering the fact that Vicky was working on another ring at double the distance, Louise decided to coat the top of the first in an Ice wall to prevent anyone from climbing over it. Hopefully the blades of ice would deter most threats from even thinking of attacking, but if not, they wouldn't live long to regret their decision as X-com shot at them from the walls.

Landing in between the main wall and the first ring, Louise spent the next two hours hiding Destruction runes beneath stones and rubble that was deemed unfit for use in the wall. Considering the sheer amount of debris left over from that strangely elevated road, the teen had plenty of material to work with. The idea was simple and effective; gout of flames to clear away any shrubbery for bandits to hide in, even placement of rune traps, and an application of Fortify Strength to maneuver a rusted hulk of an 'car' to block the gap in the wall for the road. Once Vicky was done with the secondary ring, Louise would do the same for the area between rings. Eventually the peasants would need to expand their farming efforts into the baileys, but that would be days away and the defenses should be much more robust by then.

Looking back to the main wall, the pinkette buried her face in her hands as she noticed one major failing on the soldier's part. The wall was high enough to require ladders to climb and embedding the gate's locking rods into the ground was an elegant solution to any attempted ramming, but the fools didn't put any form of crenelation or other protection for shooters on the battlements. The closest was a bastion at each corner that was protected by bags of sand and steel beams. Coming from a world where large scale fortifications weren't as prevalent, it was understandable, though still unacceptable that they hadn't thought of such a thing. It required a bit of explaining, but Victoria was intelligent enough to understand the necessity and quickly went to work. As a final touch, Louise put another Ice Wall along the outer edge of the Main wall to prevent an escalade.

Tired, sweaty, and covered in grime as she was, Louise let a small smile play at her lips as she looked at what she'd accomplished. No doubt the first imbeciles to test her work would serve as a wondrous example to their fellows and her new subjects would shower her with praise. As they should.

Forming rough plans for a keep a grand structure where the commoners would cower in fear as the enemy slew themselves against her castle's defenses, the youngest Vallière set off to browse the supply of alchemy ingredients and see what she could concoct. It was largely uneventful, most of her experiments ending in failure. There was one success, however. While she was burning a sliver of shell from one of the large crustaceans she'd killed, Louise ground up a 'radioactive' barnacle gathered from the shoreline before mixing it with the essence of crab-aberration and a bottle of water. Since the result didn't explode or turn to simple murky water, the teen took a sip and held her breath.

For more than ten minutes she stood there wondering what, if any, effect her creation might have. She didn't feel any different and her appearance was unchanged. Testing with a hammer showed that her body was still just as susceptible to damage as before and sticking her finger in the burner was all the proof she needed that it didn't help with fire. The pain of sticking a broken finger in an open flame was intense, but nothing compared to what she'd experience before and she healed it quickly. She wasn't sure what other tests she could do... Master Cynric hadn't taught her alchemy in a while and creating new potion recipes was probably much more advance than she was ready for. She didn't even know how to properly identify effects by taste yet, not being nearly as willing to stick random objects in her mouth as her teacher.

Screwing the lid back onto the bottle, Louise put her mystery potion in a small pouch on her vest and let out her breath in a bitter sigh. Master Cynric would be disappointed in her for being such a failure. Deciding not to waste any more ingredients, she spent the next three hours making healing potions.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (3000/14000)


[] Attempt disenchanting the Levitation Vest to learn it's enchantment. (75% chance of success.)
[] Find replacement armor.​

[] Practice magic:
[] Fire Cloak.
[] New spell effect: Write in.​

[] More Defenses:
[] Steal Vicky and Cattleya away from their tasks to build a keep.
[] Put Master Cynric's Sigil Stone back on the tower to reactivate the Ward.​

[] Write in.

A/N: Any guesses as to what the potion does? Also: + 3 Minor Health Regen Potion, + 1 Med Health Regen Potion: (x0): Speeds natural regeneration. Visible, but gradual regeneration. What would take months to heal now takes hours.

Louise's skill at making regen potions has increased!
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[X] Practice magic:
-[X] Charm

Even if she fumbles the spell, it will probably just drive them insane or something, so no real damage done.