Was I the only who voted last time? Huh, well at least we found a broken synth, those things would be even more trouble if we didn't learn about their existence till they struck.

[X] Drop down the elevator to open the door below the walkway.
-[X] Use telekinesis if the door isn't locked.
Use telekinesis to open the door? If you've already dropped down, why not just cross the seven or so foot distance and unlock it by hand?
Use telekinesis to open the door? If you've already dropped down, why not just cross the seven or so foot distance and unlock it by hand?
Because we vividly remember the last time she tried to open the door by hand and rolled a critical. :rolleyes:

You are pretty good at instilling the sense of paranoia in the most mundane course of actions.
Because we vividly remember the last time she tried to open the door by hand and rolled a critical. :rolleyes:

You are pretty good at instilling the sense of paranoia in the most mundane course of actions.
At least you got lucky enough to not step on the cryo mine that is in the dirt outside the front door... that counts for something, right?
The Adventures Of Spider-Vicky! Episode 1: Wasteland Romance
Finishing another layer of the wall she was working on, Victoria stretched out her back and raised her arms over her head, letting her mind wander as her body continued the dull task on autopilot. The last week or so had been odd.

"Right, 'cause everything was totally normal before." She laughed to herself at the thought. It's not like aliens and magic are any stranger than the last few months at home. Just gotta get used to it, that's all.

This new world was kind of depressing to the heroine. All around were what looked like bombed out buildings, a crumbling overpass, and skeletons all over the place. Even though nobody had said anything and there was no solid proof yet, she was fairly sure some kind of nuclear holocaust had happened. What else could do this?

It seemed kind of cruel for the old dude to bring these people to such a world right after their own was destroyed... a thought that would probably give her nightmares tonight. She could sort of see the logic in the choice though, especially after overhearing that humorless jerk in the sweater-vest talking to the soldier guys. Apparently the forest they'd been in a few hours ago was where Louise was from and the natives were a bunch of religious nuts that would have killed them all. That certainly explained the girl's temper.

Compared to staying and waiting to be attacked by an army of wizards or whatever, a post-nuclear world seemed like a decent alternative. Victoria may not be the wisest of girls, she could admit, but she was smart. She knew her science well enough to know the dangers they'd likely face and what was science-fiction. The buildings were to worn down for the war to have been recent, so there was no danger of fallout by this point. Middle school science covered radioactive decay after all, so she felt rather confident that the worst of the radiation was long gone.

No, the biggest threat would be from the survivors. Not mutants or giant bugs, just ordinary humans forced to live terrible lives in what was left of their world.

Hopefully she could help get these walls built so they'd all be safe from whatever the natives could throw at them. Personal safety is the first step to helping others, after all... not something she'd needed to worry about before, but now? Well, the body she'd been trapped in before was scarily fragile compared to her old self, but she wasn't quite sure how tough this new form was. Did the fact that she can spit lava mean she's fireproof now? She obviously got stronger, not as strong as her Glory Girl powers had made her, but she did manage to drag one of those rusted cars out of the way easily enough.

A shiver ran up her spine at that moment, causing her to look down at her lower half. The glowing eyes surrounding where her hips would be stared up at her in excitement. It was almost like being a Siamese twin with the world's weirdest dog. A brief inspection of the creature's attempt at helping showed that it had managed to follow the line she'd been working on for about half the distance before just letting the lava puddle up in one spot. Gritting her teeth in frustration, Vicky tried scrapping as much as she could back onto the now knee-high wall.

Feeling her irritation, the spider drooped it's head, causing her to sigh and pat it comfortingly. Not a dog, a puppy. A giant, fire breathing, eight legged puppy. "Mom's gonna freak when she sees you." She said in a sing-song voice, earning a look of tongue-lolling happiness from the thing. Why a spider would need a tongue, she didn't know.

Shaking her head, Vicky went back to work. A few more passes and this section would be done. While a basalt wall probably wouldn't be that great at stopping larger threats, a foot thick slab of rock should protect everyone from handguns at least. Even though the civilians were still weary of her because of her appearance, she was doing her best not to let it get to her. If she hadn't given up being a hero when she was entirely a spider, there was no way she would now that she was partially human again. So she'd made a few kids cry, so what if she'd embarrassed herself by not realizing she was topless until Emogene threw a shirt at her, and who cares that the town preacher kept crossing himself when she looked in his direction, Victoria Dallon is and always will be a hero!

Pumped up by her musings, Vicky was caught by surprise when she bumped into someone. Looking around, she noticed that she'd accidentally continued straight toward to the pillar of the nearby overpass rather than curve around like she'd been doing. Turning to apologize, she froze at the sight of the person she'd bumped. Looking back at her in shock was a shirtless man in dirty jeans with a burlap sack over his face, bloodshot eyes staring out from two ragged holes and a snorkel stuck to it.

"The fuck is thaaat?" A dazed voice asked from the side. The speaker was a woman in biker leathers and a gas mask who was sitting on the most soiled couch the Dallon girl had ever seen in her life with a machete strapped to her leg.

The sack-man started to giggle, turning to a full bellied laugh which Vicky and the biker chick joined hesitantly. Sack-man slowly calmed down after a minute or so before whipping the cloth from his head and walking over to the couch. "Shit, man... I gotta lay of the jet."

Seemingly forgetting about her, the two filth covered people started making out and groping each other. Rather than stay and watch, Vicky decided to slowly back away and return to her wall.
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A lot of drugs actually dont turn you into a suped up murder machine. A lot of them just make you kind of loopy for a while.
The Perfect Place For A Mirelurk Den
Muttering to herself, Louise ignored the manner-less peasants and tried to open the door to the rest of the building. After jiggling the handle a few times, she gave up on it and decided to try the elevator instead. Prying open the doors, she hopped down the shaft into the compartment below.

Landing with a splash of fetid water, the pinkette peered out into the dimly lit hall. The entire first floor on this side of the barrier was flooded with stagnant water high enough to make the teen glad she had traded her academy uniform for an outfit with boots. Cautiously stepping out of the elevator, she crept further into the hall in search of the door she'd seen from the other side. Clusters of mottled brown eggs lined the hall, some larger than her head. She really didn't want to meet whatever made them, though she knew that was wishful thinking. There must have been a dozen eggs in that one hallway, no animal she could think of would abandon a nest like that.

Rather than risk the noise of tramping through the water and mud, she levitated up to the ceiling and floated into view of the door. Directly in the path of the door was an entryway that lead to a larger room, so she carefully angled herself to it in her peripheral as she used Telekinesis to work the lock on the door to the others. Thankfully it only required a simple act of turning the little ridge on the handle. The bad part was that the door sprang open on it's own, slamming into the wall hard enough to crack the rotting wood.

A sound of splashing water and squelching mud from the other room was the only warning she needed. Flying back into the foyer, Louise used her magic to cast Ice Wall behind her as the others rushed out of the second floor rooms. Turning just in time to see the creature crash through her barricade, the serrated edges doing nothing but scrapping mud from it's shell. Several splattering noises came from the hall behind the creature as it rushed toward her on four legs.

Flying up out of it's reach, she stared in disgusted fascination at the beast. It was slimy and covered in dripping strings of algae, a large armored shell with a fishing net stuck to it, and a face full of twitching mandibles set between two beady eyes. It's upper limbs were a pair of powerful looking claws made for crushing and two more pairs of smaller pincers stacked vertically in the center of it's torso. Behind it, the first of what must be it's children scuttled into the room, looking like a tiny brown lump with legs.

"Holy fuck!" Someone shouted from the walkway as Louise struck the creature with an explosion, knocking it off balance. The commoners started shooting, but their most of their bullets either bounced off it's shell or got stuck in the surface, serving only to enrage the beast. It's creepy eyes searched for the other attackers, rushing Li with a screech when it spotted him on the stairs.

The little man tried to dive out of the way of it's charge, but the crustacean swung it's claw down, catching him in the back and slamming him to the floor with the sound of snapping bone. The firing stopped as the beast loomed over the fallen man, nobody wanting to hit him by accident. Louise dumped obscene amounts of magicka into her sword as she flew toward the beast's back, while at the same time, Benny leapt to dropkick it in the face. The creature squealed in pain as it fell backward onto her sword, the electrified blade splitting it's shell and coating Louise in gore as the entire shell fractured.

Undeterred by the death of their parent, the little ones pounced on Li's fallen form, tearing into him with their dozens of limbs. The gunfire and screaming must have attracted attention, as two more squelching noises came deeper inside the building and the door on the top floor flew open to reveal a trio of skeletal humanoids.

"By order of -Kellog- you are to be eliminated." The humanoids called out, their odd voices pausing before and after the name 'Kellog'. A blue streak flashed from one of their blocky weapons, burning a hole in Louise's long hair as she kicked one of the tiny animals off of Li.

Choose 1:
[] Tell the others to run then blow up the building.

[] Take cover and cast fire shield on the group. Holding out long enough should draw reinforcements from outside.

[] Grab Li and flee.

[] Write in.

A/N: I hope you weren't expecting enemies to be as oblivious as in game.

Edit: Oh and in case you were wondering, the familiar is outside helping with manual labor.
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It was asked much earlier in the thread how you might gain access to the thu'um directly rather than teaching Dovahzul to a minion and forcing them to meditate on it for years. The answer then was that you must use the dragon stone from Dark Souls and somehow capture a TES dragon's soul. Well, after a bit of thought as to what could actually hold a dragon's soul, the answer was already present in lore: The Red Diamond.

CHIM-el-adabal is a red diamond formed from the blood of a god named Lorkhan. The metal know as ebony is also his blood. Get Vahlen to turn an ebony ingot into diamond and you can capture a dragon's soul... Assuming you manage to kill one.

Also, after this current vote is done, there will be a dice roll to determine whether a friendly faction, hostile faction, random trader/settlers, or nobody at all stumble upon Xcom before the perimeter is finished.
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The Vincenzo Santorini Method
"Project Report, codename: Stepford." Moira began, setting the recording device on a nearby counter-top. "Though not quite at the level of sophistication implied by it's codename, the android is an interesting creation. It's construction is fragile in comparison to conventional robotic designs, but that is offset by the sheer versatility offered by the human form and programming on par with our own SHIVs. While the skin analogue is an interesting take on para-aramid fibers, almost none of the materials used in it's construction are any more advanced than what could be found at a standard hardware store... The only exceptions being the power cell, the optical sensors, and processor. It is my opinion that these robots were constructed for the purpose of acting as cheap, disposable soldiers... possibly to offset their creator's limited numbers, though that is merely conjecture."

Stopping the recording, the doctor placed the disassembled pieces back where they belong and wheeled the autopsy table out of the way for the engineers to take. A few feet away, off to the side of the occupied Meld pod, a pair of her research staff were inspecting the radioactive alarm clock that had been found in a nearby building. Turning to leave, she went up the stairs to the command center where the others were going over the scavenged materials.

"-wo tons of scrap steel, fifteen feet of chain-link in usable condition, a pair of robotic mixing arms are being sent to Shen for re-purposing, a small chemistry set for the research team, thirty seven tires of assorted sizes... remarkably well preserved considering how long they must have been sitting there." Bradford said, reading from a list on his datapad. "A few homemade firearms and a double barrel shotgun have been found, as well as signs of a skirmish within the last few months."

Sitting at a pair of tables that had been pushed together, the commander sighed, "It's always something... Anything to share with the rest of the class, Doctor?"

Nodding at the question, she replied, "Of course, Commander. I have recorded my preliminary findings and shall leave them for your perusal. Robotics is outside my specialty, so you'll need to wait for Shen and his team to know more." Handing over the recording, she continued, "However... taken with the knowledge that the previous residents were killed, it would seem to me that we have a potentially hostile faction in the region."

"Yeah, I can connect the dots." Flagg said flatly. "Alright... Bradford, we've only got eighteen combat personnel and I want them free to fight in case we get attacked. Talk to the sheriff, see if the two of you can get some volunteers to take over construction. Have 'em use the collapsed parking garage for filler before you start tearing down any buildings, I don't want a giant hole in our perimeter. Three of the four suits of power armor goes to the construction team for now, the last is on gate guard... Find out if Cattleya can use a spell or something to speed things along... Am I missing anything?"

One of the staff raised a hand. "The uh... alien, sir?"

"Right, somebody see if it's willing to-" The commander's words were cut off as a trio of muffled thumps were heard, followed shortly by a massive explosion ripped it's way through the camp. Jumping from their seats, everybody rushed to investigate.

Outside was a scene of chaos. Civilians were screaming and running for cover, security was scrambling to the scene, and that odd arachnid creature that she had been prohibited from vivisecting had climbed up onto the roof of a building to get a better look. Thankfully the majority of the shrapnel seemed to have been ejected out over the ocean, but even so, little bits of debris was beginning to rain down around the area. In the center of the blast site, Louise Vallière stood, panting and combing her fingers through a her singed hair.


The sound of flesh slapping flesh caused Louise to turn away from her most recent victory to see the commander with a hand over his face. Beside him were doctor Vahlen, that Bradfort man with a look of consternation, and a growing crowd of commoners. The looks of shock on many of the surrounding faces lent themselves to the notion that perhaps she'd been a bit... excessive.

"Once more, I've saved your lives." Louise declared. At the slack-jawed silence, she gave a haughty sniff. "The proper reaction would be some form of 'thank you', to which I would respond with gracious acceptance." Levitating over their heads to sit down beside Victoria on a nearby rooftop, she grumbled, "Honestly, I shouldn't need to teach such basic manners to peasants."

The spider-girl's smirk could be heard in her voice when she replied, "Yeah, the nerve of them!"

"I know! At least the first time I saved their base, they were properly appreciative." The pinkette agreed. "Sure, they were irritating and overly familiar with me for a while, but at least they recognized my inherent superiority."

Placing a delicate finger to her chin and humming in thought, the other girl suggested, "Maybe they're just so enamored by your greatness that they can't express themselves?"

"Hmm... I suppose that's poss... you're being facetious, aren't you?" Louise asked in annoyance.

"Me? No, of course not." Victoria laughed, a stupid grin stretched across her cheeks. Puffing out her cheeks, Louise slapped one of the spider's legs, careful not to hit any spikes. In response, Victoria picked her up in a hug, causing the Vallière girl to struggle in futility. "You know it's funny, drop the high and mighty act already."

"It's not an act if it's true." Louise quipped, smirking despite herself when Victoria giggled and lifted the pinkette onto her warm shoulders. While they hadn't known each other long, it seemed that the unfortunately disfigured girl was someone she might enjoy spending time with. Louise knew she had problems with being too defensive, always expecting every remark to be a slight against her after her years of being 'The Zero', so the fact that Victoria seemed genuinely friendly was unexpected.

It was... nice.

"Vi-Vicky?" Deciding that she should be capable of doing what she'd complained of the commoners for failing, Louise screwed up her courage. Hesitantly, Louise patted the blonde locks before her and whispered, "T-thanks."

"That's what friends are for."

[] Spend the day with Vicky.
[] Spell research/practice.
[] Write in.​

[] Another scouting mission.
[] South.
[] West.
[] North.
[] The pharmacy.​

[] POV: James Wire

[] Write in.

A/N: BOOM! No more problem.
Lore items, 12 terminals, 7 synths, 4 Institute laser rifles, 3 stun batons, 30 MFC, 3 mirelurks, 12 mirelurk eggs, 15 mirelurk hatchlings, 22 gamma rounds, .308 sniper, 21 .308 rounds, Tesla Science #6, circuitboards/vacuum tubes/computer parts, 13 skeletons, 8 missiles, .308 pipe revolver, 12 .50 rounds, 18k USD, 1 stimpack, 5 RadX pills, 2 radios, 1 jet inhaler, 1 mini nuke, 1 ethanol generator.

Dean's safe safe: 17 .44 rounds, 1 shotgun shell, 1 combat shotgun, 1 .44 revolver, 1 light Combat armor chest piece.
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[X] Spend the day with Vicky.
- [X] Spell research/practice.
- [X] Invite the other noble (Hinata).

- - -

All the peasants are barbarians so lets make a friendship group with the other nobles!!
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I hope Cynric doesn't pop that little heartwarming joy-balloon. She could use a break from teasing while lives are in danger at the very least.
[X] Spend the day with Vicky.
- [X] Spell research/practice.
- [X] Invite the other noble (Hinata).

Hm. If we find mirelurk eggs, can we raise a new not-quite-chaurus army with Cattleya's help?
I miss our insectoid puppies.
[X] Spend the day with Vicky.
- [X] Spell research/practice.
- [X] Invite the other noble (Hinata).

Hm. If we find mirelurk eggs, can we raise a new not-quite-chaurus army with Cattleya's help?
I miss our insectoid puppies.
Sure, but it might take a few generations to start domesticating them. There was actually a guy in fallout 4 that tried it... Can you guess what happened to him?

It might just be easier to search around for some cloning tech to resurrect the species from Vahlen's samples.

Then again,
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[X] Spend the day with Vicky.
- [X] Spell research/practice.
- [X] Invite the other noble (Hinata).
Noblewomen's Club: No Peasants Allowed
Waking up the next morning, Louise rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked around. With a start, she noticed that she was bundled up in a blanket between Victoria and the short ridge that ran around the edge of the rooftop. At some point during the night, she must have fallen asleep and now she was stuck with the awkward choice of trying not to wake the other girl or relieving the pressure in her bladder. While Vicky's warmth was quite pleasant compared to the chilly breeze that had come in during the night, the call of nature won out.

Wiggling around in her little cocoon of fabric, she slowly inched her way free enough to use her Levitation vest to escape. Once that was done, she made her way to the water-closet. On her way back, she spotted a familiar head of dark hair among the crowd. Seeing Hinata helping pass out little brown rectangles to the masses of commoners, Louise marched over to the younger girl and snatched the mostly empty box from her hands, causing her to squeak in alarm.

"What do you think you're doing?" The pinkette asked, jabbing an accusing finger at the girl.

"Ano... I was just handing out breakfast." Hinata mumbled, poking her fingers together.

"Exactly!" Louise growled, whirling around to scan the crowd. "If you were an adult that would be one thing, but you're not! Which of the filth thought they could get away with forcing a noble's daughter to do such a menial task?"


"Point me to the bastard, I'll sort them out for you." She continued, fingering her sword dangerously.

"N-no! I... I wanted to help." Hinata protested softly, putting her hands up as if to shield herself.

Giving the girl a studying look, Louise grasped her hands in her own and asked, "Honest?" At the other girl's nod, she sighed, "Fine... But if anyone tries to force you into something you don't want, just tell me and I'll punish them. It's the least I could do after you saved my life."

"Eto... I didn't-" Louise cut her off with a glare. "You did. Those aliens would have done terrible things to me, but you stopped them. My honor as a noble demands that I offer you my support. Now, come with me."


A short while later, the two of them were sitting on the stone wall that Victoria had been been building. The spider-girl herself was returning most of the box Louise had taken, saying something or other about sharing and fairness... Louise wasn't really listening, being more focused on the strangeness that was her own breakfast.

"Isn't it odd that somebody thought putting pasta in a bag was a good idea?" She asked, stirring the cheese covered noodles before popping the spoon in her mouth. None of the packaged meals were really suited for a proper breakfast, but at least they tasted good. "It can't stay fresh very long, can it?"

Hinata shrugged slightly, nibbling on a muffin. "At least they aren't ration bars." She said absently, starting to raise a hand to her head before stopping. Louise nodded in agreement, having tried one of those disgusting things Espinoza mistakenly called food. The man must not have a working tongue.

"I'm back!" A sudden shout from behind caused both heiresses to jump to their feet and were assaulted by a flash. Blinking away the spots in their eyes, they saw Vicky grinning with a datapad in her hands. Taking a moment to realize that she was brandishing her cheesy spoon like a weapon, Louise blushed and sat back down. Looking to Hinata, the spider-girl asked, "Are you OK?"

Awkwardly fidgetting at the attention, the white-eyed girl stammered, "I-it's nothing... I... this headband is uncomfortable."

"Give it time, I already knew a little bit of Albionese and it still took weeks for me to internalize it's magic." At Vicky's snickering, Louise raised her brow. "What?"

"Albionese? That just sounds stupid, it's called English."

Huffing in annoyance, Louise finished the last of her noodles and incinerated the pouch. "Maybe to you, but your 'English' sounds stupid to me. It's like some bastardization of the word Elvish." She argued.

"Does that mean your world has elves?!" Vicky asked, earning a nod. "That's so cool! Are they short like Santa's or tall forest people like Legolas? Do you think Tolkien knew? Oh, Taylor's gonna be so pissed if one of them's named Galadriel."

"Enough, Stop!" Louise shouted while Vicky kept rambling. Eventually the pinkette floated up and put both hands over the excited arachnid-girl's mouth and in her most authoritative tone, commanded, "Shoosh!"

Vicky stared wide-eyed for a moment before a playful look crossed her face and Louise felt something coarse and wet on her palm. Shrieking, the youngest Valliere removed her hands and shook them in a futile effort to get rid of the feeling of saliva on her skin. Ignoring Hinata's giggling, she wiped her hands on her pants and glared at the smirking blonde. "You're despicable."

"I've heard worse." Victoria said with a shrug before leaning forward with interest. "Now, Elven hotties, dish!"

Slowly tilting her head in confusion, Louise simply stared. What? Hotties? Is she asking if they use fire magic? And what do dishes have to do with anything?!

Now it was Vicky's turn to huff. "Oh come on, you know what I mean! Hottie, hot, attractive, good looking." Crossing her arms under her chest, she asked slowly, "Did you meet any cute elf guys?"

"What?!" The pinkette shrieked. "They're monster who've slaughtered my people for over six thousand years!"

"Well, yeah... that takes away some of the charm... but even Jack Slash was kinda cute, in a roguish sorta way, y'know?"

Throwing her hands in the air, Louise shouted, "Why would I even think something like that?!"

"Ok, touchy subject... jeez, no need to bite my head off." The blonde replied sulkily before turning to Hinata with a bright smile. "What about you? Any cute boys in your life?"

The Hyuga's eyes widened and her face turned a bright red as she stuttered helplessly. Deciding to be helpful, Louise pointed out, "She mentioned someone named Naruto while we were on the aliens' ship. Perhaps they are betrothed?"

Barely managing to catch the girl as she fainted, Victoria turned to Louise and asked, "She's like... twelve, why would you even suggest that?"

"What do you mean? I was promised to Viscount Wardes at a much younger age." Louise responded in confusion.

It seemed like the sputtering, incoherent noises from the spider-girl would go on for a while, so Louise eventually decided to practice her magic. Removing her enchanted vest and looking around to make sure nobody else was within sight, she cast her Fire-cloak spell. Victoria was startled out of her odd behavior by the sudden flames, but it only took a few pained words to explain what was going on and soon they were surrounded by a set of waist-high walls of stone. After a few hours with Victoria and a newly awoken Hinata watching in quiet worry, Louise managed to reduce the negative effects of the spell to only be slightly painful rather than cause blistering agony. More importantly, she was confident that it wouldn't destroy her clothes anymore... though her current outfit was badly scorched and full of holes.

At noon, her practice was interrupted by the familiar figure of Espinoza walking up to them, his power armor conspicuously absent. Putting on her vest once more, Louise rose to greet him, getting an M.R.E. to the face for her trouble. Seeing her reaching for her weapon, the man raised his arms in surrender. "My bad!"

Snarling, she tore open the package and sat down on the wall. "Be more careful, idiot."

"Don't be like that Princesa, you know you like me." The hispanic man replied, tossing food to the other two as he took a seat next to them. Well, most of them... Victoria was forced to stand behind the wall because of her lower body.

"Don't be absurd. I simply dislike you less than the rest of your ilk." Louise corrected him, poking at the contents of the bag in her hands. Why was Joe sloppy and who thought to name their food after him? "A dog that knows it's place is better than one that doesn't, even if it needs to be beat on occasion."

Sighing as she dropped her meal into the gaping maw of her lower body, Victoria spoke up, "Sounds like you just don't want to admit it."

"No one asked you." Louise replied, poking her tongue out at the other girl. Changing the subject, she said, "I would have traded meals with you if you'd just asked... I don't think I want to eat something with the word 'slop' in the name."

"Nah, it's not that. Nothing tastes right anymore... I thought maybe my sense of taste would go back to normal now that I'm more human again, but nope. It all still tastes like crap."

"I don't like seafood either." Hinata commented. "I'd probably starve if everything tasted like crab."

Espinoza started laughing at that, causing the younger girl to blush. "Not crab, crap! She said it tastes like shit." He said around the food in his mouth like the savage she knew him to be. Swallowing the another large portion that should have made him choke, he stood up to leave.

"Can we not talk about such things while I'm eating?" The Valliere sneered, setting the packet of shredded meat and sauce aside. "I don't even want to know why you know what that tastes like."

"Wuh? No, it's a turn of phrase!" Vicky protested.

Giving the blonde a dubious look, Louise decided to get back to her practice, food could wait. Throwing a rock at the retreating man, she asked, "Do you have a moment to talk before you go back to work?"

"For you, Princesa? Of course." He replied with his irritating smirk.


It was almost four in the afternoon when Sergeant Baker watched through his binoculars as the distant overpass collapsed. One of the support collumns had been hit with several large explosions, causing a cascade failure to drag almost a mile of suspended roadway to the ground.

"Fuck!" He shouted down from his post on the steeple, slamming the binoculars onto the table, probably breaking the damned things. "Tessa, we've got a problem."

Down below, the former raider flipped up her welding mask and looked up at him questioningly. "Clint being an idiot again?"

"That's Lieutenant Clint and you better get that through your head." Baker reprimanded. "And no, that's not it. The recon team we sent North to check on that explosion that happened last night just got wiped out."

"The fuck? How in the hell did that happen, they were just supposed to be observing!"

Shaking his head ruefully, he answered, "Must've been spotted by whoever's tearing up University Point. Bastards didn't even have a chance to react before they got an overpass dropped on their heads."

Tessa let out a low whistle and the two gave each other a long look. "Not it!" They both shouted at the same time, before Tessa shrugged and went back to work on her power armor. Sighing to himself at her behavior, Baker began mentally preparing his report to the Lieutenant. Probably better to keep the insubordinate woman from interacting with their leader anyway.

Nighttime activity:
[] Sparring/training with Hinata.
[] Write in.​

[] Volunteer the group for a scouting mission.
[] South.
[] West.
[] North.
[] The pharmacy.​

[] Find Cattleya and force her to join your group.
[] Talk about pets.
[] Write in.​

[] Write in.

A/N: Louise has now (mostly) completed her Firecloak spell. Louise learned Shaped Charge: Focuses the energy of an explosion in a singular direction. Sacrifices AOE for penetrating power.
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[X] Find Cattleya and force her to join your group.
- [X] Talk about pets.

- - -

I can't help myself :cry:.

I must force more slice-of-life in order to get my Putting Down Roots fix.
Funny thing about that... I started that story saying I wouldn't be making a slice-of-life and ended up making one anyway. An eldritch squickfest of a slice-of-life, but still.

My only consolation is that the main thing I was trying to avoid was the things like overly detailed analysis of every damned meal that I always see in slice-of-life stories and I did.
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[X] Find Cattleya and force her to join your group.
- [X] Talk about pets.
Espinosa was a nice touch. I had a thought we have not seen him in a while, and then he was there anyway.

Naturally, my goal is to make him 'that guy' in an otherwise fully female group.

...will Granger come over too?

[X] Find Cattleya and force her to join your group.
- [X] Talk about pets.