Does anyone have a vote? You still need to decide what you sent the phoenix flock after and the hub world doesn't need to be decided on yet, because Cynric needs to prep for departure for that to matter.
[x] Subsurface radar and spectrometry equipment.
[x] Svalbard Seed Bank inventory and samples.

[x] This world's people are hostile and ignorant, begin preparations to move the entire camp and tower to a new realm.
-[x] Fallout

Thowing it out there unless @Barnes has a better suggestion.
[x] Subsurface radar and spectrometry equipment.
[x] Svalbard Seed Bank inventory and samples.

[x] This world's people are hostile and ignorant, begin preparations to move the entire camp and tower to a new realm.
-[x] Fallout

Thowing it out there unless @Barnes has a better suggestion.

Naw, I figured I'd hold off on proposing a plan until there'd been some discussion, as it's been a long while since Cynric went world hopping. Also maybe a little leery after spearheading the plan that accidentally'd the Earth.

But Fallout's a good choice. Radiation apparently doesn't bother wizards, but X-Com would benefit from the spectrometry stuff and the seeds are the obvious choice for Fallout. Any issues with growing stuff in an irradiated wasteland should be surmountable by science and/or magic.

I played the heck out of Fallout 3, but I don't know jack about 4, which I believe takes place in Boston, which is where Cynric and the gang will end up if Fallout wins. Regardless, X-Com should be comfortable with the threats in the Fallout setting, as there's no teleporting/mind control/magic bullshit that would throw a wrench in things. Energy weapons may still be a wildcard, and some asshole could always roll up with a nuke launcher, but between X-Com's weapons and the defenses Cynric could prepare, they should be able to outgun most threats.

Not to mention that the spare phoenixes could be used for target removal! Just dump anything hostile into the ocean, or a mile into the sky, or even teleport big rocks over enemy positions! The possibilities are limitless!

The New Plague sounds not great, but (I say this while knowing absolutely nothing about it) we've got plenty of healing spells.

And if we can make a base there, I envision a hub of Oblivion Gates gradually set up as Cynric continues his adventures (I'm really digging the idea of going to RWBY and getting everyone Semblances), so there'll be fallback possibilities if X-Com still gets overrun while Cynric's out trying to work a Pokeball or whatever.
I played the heck out of Fallout 3, but I don't know jack about 4, which I believe takes place in Boston, which is where Cynric and the gang will end up if Fallout wins. Regardless, X-Com should be comfortable with the threats in the Fallout setting, as there's no teleporting/mind control/magic bullshit that would throw a wrench in things. Energy weapons may still be a wildcard, and some asshole could always roll up with a nuke launcher, but between X-Com's weapons and the defenses Cynric could prepare, they should be able to outgun most threats.

Not to mention that the spare phoenixes could be used for target removal! Just dump anything hostile into the ocean, or a mile into the sky, or even teleport big rocks over enemy positions! The possibilities are limitless!

The New Plague sounds not great, but (I say this while knowing absolutely nothing about it) we've got plenty of healing spells.
1: Well as for the difference between 3 and 4, I'm blending some of the retcons to the tech for obvious reasons. It makes sense that power armor in fallout was 'always' built on a frame and just wasn't implemented that way due to game limitations of the earlier games, though Enclave power armor could be more like in previous entries due to being a post-war advancement on the X-01 suit. Fusion cores are trickier for some reasons, but easier for others, so I'm just gonna go with them being plug'n play fuel rods for cars/miniature reactors that have been repurposed for other uses post-war. As for energy weapons, I'm completely ignoring fallout 4's butchering of the established lore that they did to enable weapon customization. Of course this is all subject to tweaking until implemented in story, but I doubt I'll change my mind on the matter by any substantial degree.

2: A phoenix can only carry so much weight, so don't expect to teleport-kill a behemoth.

3: New plague, aka 'blue flu': A social disease known to kill the infected within five days of exhibiting flu-like symptoms. Subjects in the later stages may exhibit other symptoms such as; fever, subcutaneous and external hemorraging, and eventually resulting in clogged respiration, usually killing the infected subject. Survivors of the New Plague have a high chance of sterility. Post war, the disease seems to have gradually increased in incubation time with a much longer time before killing it's host. It is unknown if the increase in lifespan for the infected is caused by an increased resistance to disease among the population or a mutation in the disease.
Warning signs may include, but are not limited to:
  • Profuse Sweating
  • Unexplained Contusions/Swelling
  • Massive External Hemorrhaging
  • New Ideals, such as socialism
[x] Subsurface radar and spectrometry equipment.
[x] Svalbard Seed Bank inventory and samples.

[x] This world's people are hostile and ignorant, begin preparations to move the entire camp and tower to a new realm.
-[x] Fallout
Doesn't Fallout have something to do with Eldritch horrors, Outer beings and Elder gods influencing earth/ just fucking shit up or is that fanon?
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Doesn't Fallout have something to do with Eldritch horrors, Outer beings and Elder gods influencing earth/ just fucking shit up or is that fanon?
It does, but they're mostly trapped deep beneath the Earth. Don't muck about in the Dunwich properties or piss off Our Glorious Father Atom(May all be bathed in his Glow until they too are Divided) and you won't have to deal with anything too horrible.

The aliens causing the war and Eldritch abominations being the cause of all bad things is fanon.

The timeline split way before most people realize and I'm not talking about the aliens abducting a samurai or the alien city in the middle east. Abraham Lincoln's phonograph recording is the earliest I can think of at the moment, but it is a good example of how the timeline split well before the invention of the nuke, as the phonograph was invented more than ten years after he died in our world.
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[x] Subsurface radar and spectrometry equipment.
[x] Svalbard Seed Bank inventory and samples.

[x] This world's people are hostile and ignorant, begin preparations to move the entire camp and tower to a new realm.
-[x] Fallout
Getting To The Point
Waking up with a bone-deep ache, you slowly climb to your feet. With the sun just barely climbing over the horizon, you decide to take a few minutes to climb out of your armor and relieve your bladder, making sure to lock the suit with a spell while you're away. Most of the refugees are sleeping in one huddled mass or another, though you do pass a few people that are up and about. One particular couple are arguing rather loudly over their choice of possessions to bring along, their child tearfully trying to interrupt them.

Magically sapping the bickering duo's stamina, you feel much more awake as you leave the little boy to tend to his parents. Not long after you pass them, you reach the makeshift lavatory at edge of the camp, having followed the scent for the latter half of the trek. These people are all going to die of disease if kept in such close proximity for too much longer, as they obviously don't know how to keep their area clean. The whole area around the outhouse is already a disgusting mess of mud formed from some fools urinating on the side of the small buildings and if the discarded wrappings are anything to go by, it would seem that somebody actually chose to eat next to the pungent mess.

Doing your business, careful to use telekinesis so as not to touch a thing, you head back to your armor. The day has barely started and you're already in a foul mood. If anyone back in Skyrim were to ask why you preferred to live in a remote tower, showing them this sty would have been the perfect response. Even the Crow-wives are more hygienic than these fools and their clan regularly wore corpses for their ceremonies. Still, it won't get better unless you do something about it and you aren't going to just abandon the tower and gate after all the work you put into setting the place up in the first place.

With that in mind, you check to make sure your belongings haven't been tampered with and climb back into armor. Stomping over to the command tent, you faintly overhear someone talking, but the noise of the generator drowns out their voices. The pair of guards outside the door salute you and the one on the left says, "Commanders holdin' a meet'n at the moment, I'll just let 'em know yer here."

As her partner pushes through the flap, the other one steps around the makeshift barricade and leans back. "Man am I glad you came along. I don't know what we'd have done without that magic portal of yours."

"Died horribly?" You offer, earning a slight laugh from the woman.

"Yeah, probably." She agrees, taking her helmet off and running a hand through her hair. "Jesus... who'd have thought something like this would happen... I mean, what kind of bastard blows up a planet just 'cuz they're losing?"

Shrugging, you let the conversation die. The woman before you doesn't really seem like she wanted an answer and you doubt any truthful answer from you would have been recieved well. The two of you wait for half a minute longer until the other guard comes back out and motions you in. Nodding to the female, you walk inside to see a group of people sitting around talking.

"-dreds of people... Ah, the man of the hour!" Raymond cheerfully greets you, recognizing your accoutrements hanging from the armor. To his right is doctor Vahlen, Bradford beside her, Flagg across from them, and an unknown man in a tan shirted uniform.

The man in tan stands and offers his hand, to which you respond by staring until he retracts it, awkwardly realizing that your armor could do crush his hand like a grape. "Er... Cory Repsher, Washington county sheriff."

"Cynric Tyne, Grand Sorcerer of the Reach." You say in return, causing the man to give you a rather peculiar look.

Whatever the sheriff is about to say is cut off by an irritated huff from Moira. "If we can move on with the discussion, I believe we still have several important topics to discuss."

"Pardon me for being a simple country man, thinkin' a touch of normalcy might be nice, what with all these aliens and magic and world ending disasters!" He replies, raising his voice toward the end. Vahlen's apparent lack of concern does nothing for his obviously growing temper and the reddening man would likely have continued if Bradford hadn't taken that moment to interject.

"Enough! Vahlen's right, we need to focus on the bigger issues right now. We're all stressed," John's words cause Moira to snort, but her ignores it. "But there's no reason to lose our tempers."

A motion from Commander Flagg drew everyone's attention as the man fiddled with a wooden frame in his hands. "What's done is done. Shen, what are we looking at in terms of operational status?"

The balding man scrolled through a list on his datapad. "Well sir, we brought as much as we could. Basic power and utilities are up and running already with enough fuel for our generators to last until we can set up an alternative power source, food stores will last for a month unless we ration carefully, communications are down to short range radio, the manufacturing and maintenance equipment we managed to bring along will take at least a day to set up if we can find the space, raw materials are all but non-existent, and we'll need to find a source of water in the next few hours if we wish to avoid panic."

"Water is no problem." You inform the others. "The land we are on belongs to the family of my apprentice and there is a river just beyond view outside the barrier." Flagg mentions something about pollutants that goes over your head for the most part, but the gist is that he's saying is that rivers on his world were contaminated by oils and chemicals from their technology. You dismiss the man's words with a wave. "Not to worry. This realm is so far behind your world in development that it should not be an issue. Of course, boiling water is always a good idea in case of disease, but that should be easily accomplished. If necessary, I can easily teach a few others to simply create some.

A choking noise from Vahlen causes you to raise an eyebrow in her direction. Recovering her composure, the doctor asks, "You mean to tell us that you can create water from nothing?"

"No, not nothing, from magicka." You reply. "It is one of the easiest magical exercises to perform, though I would prefer not to do so myself." Mostly because it dulls the caster's memory and creating large amounts can lead to forgetting important information, but none of them need to know that. "It is much more convenient to use per-existing sources in most cases."

"One less problem, I suppose." Moira says eventually, giving you a knowing look, likely knowing you've left something out. "I must agree with Raymond on the issue of space, however. We hardly have space to walk between supplies, equipment, and bodies. At present, there's just no room to set up the equipment required to maintain our current situation, much less making improvements."

Sighing, Flagg gives you a pleading look and asks, "You can bring down the force-field to give us more space, can't you?"

"Indeed, though I will not be doing so." You respond, holding up an armored hand to forestall any argument. "This world is full of ignorant fools who would cheerfully slaughter every one of us if they could."

Bradford sneers at your announcement and declares, "I'd like to see them try. If these people are as primitive as you say, it isn't like they pose a real threat."

"Miss Valliere would disagree with your assessment." Raymond points out helpfully, leaning back in his seat. "I remember the poor girl showing up out of nowhere, broken and bleeding on the floor. Please recall that that same little girl almost single-handedly turned the tide when out base was under assault. If a single child can do that, I shudder to think what the rest of her people could do if united against us."

Nodding in thanks to the elderly man, you speak up. "While Louise is far and above the average for her world, the point still stands. I myself could and have defeated armies here, but they possess an extreme numerical advantage and a religious zeal that would see them willingly kill their own children... as my apprentice can attest. Careful planning and the element of surprise would be helpful, but would simply delay our inevitable defeat."

"What would you suggest then?" Flagg asks, sitting forward with an intense air about him. "We can't sit in a bubble forever."

Shaking your head, you answer. "I suggest you keep everyone out of my way while I prepare to move the camp to a different realm." With that, you stride out of the tent, leaving the details to the others.


Stopping in the medical tent, you see an uninjured Louise healing a little girl who appears to have had her hand broken during the rush to reach the Oblivion Gate. Calling her name leads to your apprentice skipping happily to your side and you direct her away from her task to help with something important, ignoring the outraged mother of the injured child. The two of you soon find Cattleya and Victoria sorting boxes, the two young women laughing about something when you arrive.

Without Victoria's ability to create magma it would have taken at least another day to finish, but with the four of you working at it, it only takes until noon to erect eight pillars of volcanic glass around the edge of the impervious Ward. Some of the civilians come to investigate and are driven off by X-com guards, but the sheer amount of fire and lava being thrown around keeps most from giving in to their curiosity. Cattleya helps the spider-girl connect the pillars with a ring of obsidian while you send Louise to inform those in the command tent of the plan. It isn't long afterward that you are once more atop the tower with the Sigil stone in hand.

Dropping the barrier, you overhear Bradford using some sort of voice amplifier to order the refugees to stay within the circle. Not everyone listens, but that isn't your concern. Placing the Sigil stone on it's plinth, you focus on the world your cow came from, seeing as how the creature has been of so much use already, it's world is likely to be a good place to establish a base if for no other reason than the ease of acquiring similar creatures.

Outside the ring of glass, the world burns through a myriad of colors. A moment later, the sound of crunching wood announces your arrival. Looking down, you see that the tower appeared in between a set of wooden constructions of some sort, one of the ramshackle buildings crumbling as much of it's support is replaced by a stack of crates. You appear to have landed in a clearing between a bunch of ruined buildings. Many have gaping holes in their facades, mounds of debris are piled around the area, a rusted vehicle sits in front of what you think was once a shop of some sort, and a large building in the rear of the courtyard is partially submerged in water.

Judging by the lack of maintenance on the buildings and the total silence in the area, you feel it's safe to assume the place is abandoned. The poorly made barricades between buildings are a sign that the area isn't necessarily without threat, though whether man or beast remains to be seen. Though it was barely mid-afternoon at the Valliere estate, the sun is already setting here and there's still much to do before the day is done. A distant roar and gunfire echo though the area not long after the thought crosses your mind.

[] Help set up defenses.
[] Write in.​

[] Help organize resources, set up equipment, general problem solving.

[] Send Louise with the soldiers to scout the surrounding area while you finish your gene-mods. POV Switch.
[] Sedgwick Hall.
[] Credit Union.
[] Pharmacy.​

[] Write in.
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Also... Lexington? Possibly.
University Point, hence 'getting to the point'. I wanted a place that isn't too close to any of the three major factions, has enough lore items for X-com to find so that your group can have an ingame reason to know a few important things about what's going on in the world around them, and isn't packed with advanced tech or other major loot.
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[X] Send Louise with the soldiers to scout the surrounding area while you finish your gene-mods. POV Switch.
[X] Sedgwick Hall.
Some points of interest for resources to improve the hub:

  • Decayed reactor site: Bulk Urainium
  • Malden: ?
  • junkyards: scrap
  • Libertalia: Metals
  • ArcJet Systems: aircraft components, transmitter tech, deuterium thruster research
  • Corvega plant: foundry equipment
  • Mass Fusion: Reactor parts
  • Mass Chemical: chemical stockpile
  • Diamond city/Bunker Hill: Can influence caravans to add your settlement to their route
  • WRVR broadcast station: Regional communication
  • Fort Hagen: Satellite uplink, GPS, munitions stockpile
  • Wilson Atomatoys factory: Munitions factory
  • The institute: Yes
Of course, there are many more to be found, this is just a small set of highlights.
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I'm sure they have the most stuff, but they also seem the most dangerous for it, so maybe we'll leave them for later, quite a bit later.

Though that actually makes me wonder about something, how do our calm and fear spells work on synths, or just robots in general?
If you mean gen1&2, they don't. Just as Illusion, healing, and many other spells have no effect on machines.

Gen 3, despite what a bunch of people who didn't pay attention to the lore and storytelling implications might tell you, are humans with a computer access node in their brain. The synth component functions like Bucky Barnes style brainwashing, allowing them to be knocked out via voice command and reprogrammed, but doesn't protect their think-meats from your magic. The character lines that make all the anti-transhumanists say that gen3 are machines is actually the scientist talking about their hope for the future of the project.

As production of our gen-3 synths continues apace, I would like to take this opportunity to formalize our categorization.

The term android has been used interchangeably with synth for as long as the Institute has existed. And though some of our older residents may actually prefer android (Dr. Zimmer being a prime example), the term synth has always been more widely used.

Today, our third generation creations are truly synthetic beings, so the designation synth seems more appropriate than ever.

From here on in, I strongly prefer all official Institute records and correspondences use the term synth or synths. Let us remember our past, and appreciate the legacy of the android. But let us live for the future, and recognize the power of the synth.

- Father
The implication of the message and the emboldened portion in particular, is that even though the institute might not see these new synths as human, the term android does not apply to gen3 because they are not machines, they are living beings of manufactured origin as opposed to natural conception.
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Erect walls, post sentries, reconstruct some of the buildings with magicka to set up headquarters, maybe see what can be done about the vehicles, to either repair them or dismantle for scrap.

Starting in the city is pretty lucky, considering that magic can bring the place up to snuff fairly easily, and it's big enough to settle all of our refugees.

The potential sources of danger need to be scouted out as well.

Fort Hagen sounds great. GPS and munitions - what else a military outpost (and what we are building is essentially that) could wish for?
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reconstruct some of the buildings with magicka to set up headquarters, maybe see what can be done about the vehicles, to either repair them or dismantle for scrap.
Fixing people with magicka? Easy. Fixing buildings with magicka? Unless you learn from another universe *cough*Glenda Goodwitch*cough*, it's too hard and time intensive to be worth it. TES has a Ritual of Restoration for repairing things which requires making a 'mana fountain' like those found at the college of winterhold. Dark Souls has a repair sorcery and repair powder. Harry Potter universe has repair spells as well.
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Buildings shouldn't be too hard, no? It's just producing matter to close the holes. If we can't bring ourselves to do something so tedious, we can probably find a summon for the purpose.

We have engineering crews to repair the lighting and other internal systems.

Vehicles are likely harder, what with electronics and small components that are too insignificant for an archmage to bother with when he can create a magical equivalent of the device/vehicle in question with a single spell.
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Buildings shouldn't be too hard, no? It's just producing matter to close the holes. If we can't be botherred to do it ourselves, we can probably find a summon for the purpose.

Vehicles are probably harder, what with electronics and small components that are too insignificant for an archmage to bother when he can create a magical equivalent of the device/vehicle in question with a single spell.
The buildings are crumbling ruins from 200 years ago, you'd be better served with what I was already planning: loot everything before tearing them down to fill HESCO barriers. Those things make excellent wall for stopping bullets, protection from artillery, fight flooding much better than sandbags, and are something that X-com would have.
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The implication of the message and the emboldened portion in particular, is that even though the institute might not see these new synths as human, the term android does not apply to gen3 because they are not machines, they are living beings of manufactured origin as opposed to natural conception.

Ok, so cyborgs affected, androids not, even if they did have AI with the capacity to feel and understand emotions

TES has a Ritual of Restoration for repairing things which requires making a 'mana fountain' like those found at the college of winterhold

Could someone with a ridiculous amount of mana like Louise act as a mana fountain to let rituals like that work for some time, or is that completely impossible. I've played some of the games, but I'll admit I don't know tons about the lore and mechanics of Elder Scrolls magic.

Huh, it's kinda interesting that it's so much easier to heal living things with this magic than it is to fix objects, when usually magic systems go the other way around. But I guess it stems from this coming from games and some of the others are stories where it makes it more dramatic if the people are more at risk.
Ok, so cyborgs affected, androids not, even if they did have AI with the capacity to feel and understand emotions
Pretty much. The only exception would be a brain implant designed to prevent mental influence, but I can't think of any of those outside X-com at the moment and those are specifically against psionics, so it doesn't really matter.

Could someone with a ridiculous amount of mana like Louise act as a mana fountain to let rituals like that work for some time, or is that completely impossible. I've played some of the games, but I'll admit I don't know tons about the lore and mechanics of Elder Scrolls magic.
You can try it. I won't guarantee you'll succeed, but you can try.

Huh, it's kinda interesting that it's so much easier to heal living things with this magic than it is to fix objects, when usually magic systems go the other way around. But I guess it stems from this coming from games and some of the others are stories where it makes it more dramatic if the people are more at risk.
With TES I think it's because repairing over time is a natural function of living things, unlike non-living things. Even zombies require entirely different methods for a necromancer to repair and they were once living beings. That and what you said about the difference in media types.

Edit: you may also wish to visit Goodneighbor once everyone is settled in.
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Louise Goes To University
Touching down on the ground once more, you see the group from the command tent approaching, lead by your apprentice. Sheriff Repher splits off from the group to try and calm the masses and Bradford is giving orders to the guards over the radio.

A short conversation over the needs of the immediate future lead to you helping clear the courtyard while Louise assists a fireteam search the surrounding buildings. Most of the able-bodied civilians volunteer when the sheriff asks, so it only takes around half an hour for a group of you to tear down the wooden buildings while the rest sort the refuse by material and help those in powered armor organize the crates of supplies. Since the credit union building is the most intact of them all, it is decided it will serve as the basis for the camp.

Boxes, crates, and bags of supplies are quickly moved into the first floor of the connected offices. Several crates are unpacked to reveal tents and collapsible cubes of some sort and you see Cattleya set down another box of seeds to go help. Stepping into her path, you open your helmet.

"Just a moment." You say, climbing out of the armor. Once you're firmly on the floor, you smile kindly and gesture toward the suit. "Take this, you will need it more than I."

Giving you a dubious look, she asks, "Are you sure?"

"I insist. As I still need to finish my procedure and will not be using it and the increased lifting ability should prove useful to you." You explain. At her continues hesitance, you walk behind her and give her a good push toward it.

"Oh, alright." She huffs, awkwardly climbing up the thing's torso. Waving to her as you walk down through a door with a wall-mounted computer terminal, you pass Flagg and his crew as they set up bracing struts around the room to prevent a collapse. Nodding in greeting as you head down into the basement of the new command center to help Moira set up her equipment. While you talk to her about the requirements for the lab, two technicians work at removing the steel grate separating the rest of the room from the large vault door on the other side.


"OK everybody, this is gonna be a simple search and clear. No breaching, step carefully, and for God's sake Li, don't go stomping up the damned stairs like a moron!" The Corporal Diab ordered.

Li, the short man with funny eyes like Mr. Shen's, make a sound like an injured duck and pointed at the dark skinned man. "Why you always pick on me? I no make stupid mistake like that, that Benny!"

'Benny' shrugged at the comment and took up position by the door opposite a woman with blue streaks in her dark hair whose vest had the name 'Nashandra' sewn on it. "Yeah, whatever Li, at least I can speak English."

"Oh no! Big American no like how talk! What I going do now?" Li said in mock worry in a way that made Louise unsure whether he was intentionally talking that way or not. Rolling his eyes, the little man laughed, "Not hear that before. Please try new one next time.

"Quit fucking around and stack up already!" Nashandra growled at the two of them. Following along, Louise stepped up behind Benny and with everyone in position around the doorway, Diab threw it open.

Inside was a large room with rubble on the floor and broken display cases along the right wall. On the left was an open door, a hole in the wall on the right, and a partially concealed staircase that lead up to a walkway that overlooked the foyer. Diab rushed in with Li right behind him, a shout of 'clear' as they searched the room on the left. While that was going on, Benny kept his rifle pointed forward as Nashandra checked the right side with a shout of her own and Louise used her Vest to fly up onto the walkway. Feet hitting the wall and preparing to spring off it at a moment's notice, she made sure to look backward to make sure nothing was on the staircase.

Relaxing, Louise let herself drop down onto the second floor. "Clear?" She said awkwardly, not really sure if she was supposed to say it or not. The chuckling from Benny didn't help her confusion, but none of the others said anything as Diab and Li came back out.

Walking over the pile of rubble in the center of the room, Benny muttered, "What the?" Before kicking away a piece of wood. Looking over her shoulder for a moment, the pinkette spotted him crouching down over something white, but turned her attention back to making sure nothing could sneak up on her from the many rooms connecting to the foyer. "Found a body, guys and it's not human."

"Looks like somebody's making androids." Nashandra's said as she approached the opening underneath Louise.

"Seriously? The fuck kind of place did we end up, Blade Runner?" Diab asked, sending Li up the stairs with a gesture before walking over to inspect the body. "Jesus... I am not getting paid enough to deal with replicants. OK people, eyes sharp! Where there's one, there's bound to be more. Any idea what killed it?"

Flipping the corpse over, Benny stood back up and replied, "Yep, something tore up most of it's back. Looks like whatever it was ripped out something vital."

"What are you people talking about?" The Valliere girl asked in frustration. "What's running with blades?"

Growling in warning at Benny when he started laughing again, Louise felt her sword begin to spark. Obviously not wanting to be subject to her ire, the man wisely shut up and the Corporal explained, "It's a movie... er... pictures that move and tell a story." She already knew what a movie was from her experience with her datapad's why-phi thingy. Motioning for him to continue, he did so. "Well, in the movie, a bunch of machines are made to look like people and replace them."

"And no one can tell the difference?" She asks curiously, after all, the thing on the floor doesn't look very human. His nod leads her to assume the machine isn't finished or something. "Well OK, that could be an issue... Considering your world was full of nothing but filthy commoners, I suppose they didn't have any spells to solve the problem?"

The group descended into silence, leaving Louise annoyed as they prepared to check the rest of the adjacent rooms. They could have at least answered the question. Rude, stupid peasants. Espinoza have answered me.

Choose 1:
[] Drop down the elevator to open the door below the walkway.

[] Climb up the flimsy metal stairs and break down the door to the top floor.

[] If they're going to be rude, the stupid peasants can go fornicate with swine! Abandon them to go find Master Cynric or someone else that matters.

[] Write in.
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[X] Drop down the elevator to open the door below the walkway.
-[X] Use telekinesis if the door isn't locked.