Point of arrival for mass effect is a coinflip between Omega and Tuchanka.
Ya, we really don't want to relocate to Mass effect. Maybe we should just send them to Fallout.
Point of arrival for mass effect is a coinflip between Omega and Tuchanka.
1: Well as for the difference between 3 and 4, I'm blending some of the retcons to the tech for obvious reasons. It makes sense that power armor in fallout was 'always' built on a frame and just wasn't implemented that way due to game limitations of the earlier games, though Enclave power armor could be more like in previous entries due to being a post-war advancement on the X-01 suit. Fusion cores are trickier for some reasons, but easier for others, so I'm just gonna go with them being plug'n play fuel rods for cars/miniature reactors that have been repurposed for other uses post-war. As for energy weapons, I'm completely ignoring fallout 4's butchering of the established lore that they did to enable weapon customization. Of course this is all subject to tweaking until implemented in story, but I doubt I'll change my mind on the matter by any substantial degree.I played the heck out of Fallout 3, but I don't know jack about 4, which I believe takes place in Boston, which is where Cynric and the gang will end up if Fallout wins. Regardless, X-Com should be comfortable with the threats in the Fallout setting, as there's no teleporting/mind control/magic bullshit that would throw a wrench in things. Energy weapons may still be a wildcard, and some asshole could always roll up with a nuke launcher, but between X-Com's weapons and the defenses Cynric could prepare, they should be able to outgun most threats.
Not to mention that the spare phoenixes could be used for target removal! Just dump anything hostile into the ocean, or a mile into the sky, or even teleport big rocks over enemy positions! The possibilities are limitless!
The New Plague sounds not great, but (I say this while knowing absolutely nothing about it) we've got plenty of healing spells.
It does, but they're mostly trapped deep beneath the Earth. Don't muck about in the Dunwich properties or piss off Our Glorious Father Atom(May all be bathed in his Glow until they too are Divided) and you won't have to deal with anything too horrible.Doesn't Fallout have something to do with Eldritch horrors, Outer beings and Elder gods influencing earth/ just fucking shit up or is that fanon?
University Point, hence 'getting to the point'. I wanted a place that isn't too close to any of the three major factions, has enough lore items for X-com to find so that your group can have an ingame reason to know a few important things about what's going on in the world around them, and isn't packed with advanced tech or other major loot.
If you mean gen1&2, they don't. Just as Illusion, healing, and many other spells have no effect on machines.I'm sure they have the most stuff, but they also seem the most dangerous for it, so maybe we'll leave them for later, quite a bit later.
Though that actually makes me wonder about something, how do our calm and fear spells work on synths, or just robots in general?
Fixing people with magicka? Easy. Fixing buildings with magicka? Unless you learn from another universe *cough*Glenda Goodwitch*cough*, it's too hard and time intensive to be worth it. TES has a Ritual of Restoration for repairing things which requires making a 'mana fountain' like those found at the college of winterhold. Dark Souls has a repair sorcery and repair powder. Harry Potter universe has repair spells as well.reconstruct some of the buildings with magicka to set up headquarters, maybe see what can be done about the vehicles, to either repair them or dismantle for scrap.
The buildings are crumbling ruins from 200 years ago, you'd be better served with what I was already planning: loot everything before tearing them down to fill HESCO barriers. Those things make excellent wall for stopping bullets, protection from artillery, fight flooding much better than sandbags, and are something that X-com would have.Buildings shouldn't be too hard, no? It's just producing matter to close the holes. If we can't be botherred to do it ourselves, we can probably find a summon for the purpose.
Vehicles are probably harder, what with electronics and small components that are too insignificant for an archmage to bother when he can create a magical equivalent of the device/vehicle in question with a single spell.
The implication of the message and the emboldened portion in particular, is that even though the institute might not see these new synths as human, the term android does not apply to gen3 because they are not machines, they are living beings of manufactured origin as opposed to natural conception.
TES has a Ritual of Restoration for repairing things which requires making a 'mana fountain' like those found at the college of winterhold
Pretty much. The only exception would be a brain implant designed to prevent mental influence, but I can't think of any of those outside X-com at the moment and those are specifically against psionics, so it doesn't really matter.Ok, so cyborgs affected, androids not, even if they did have AI with the capacity to feel and understand emotions
You can try it. I won't guarantee you'll succeed, but you can try.Could someone with a ridiculous amount of mana like Louise act as a mana fountain to let rituals like that work for some time, or is that completely impossible. I've played some of the games, but I'll admit I don't know tons about the lore and mechanics of Elder Scrolls magic.
With TES I think it's because repairing over time is a natural function of living things, unlike non-living things. Even zombies require entirely different methods for a necromancer to repair and they were once living beings. That and what you said about the difference in media types.Huh, it's kinda interesting that it's so much easier to heal living things with this magic than it is to fix objects, when usually magic systems go the other way around. But I guess it stems from this coming from games and some of the others are stories where it makes it more dramatic if the people are more at risk.