"Excuse me." A quiet voice says to your right, pulling your attention from the frozen head in your hands. Acknowledging Hinata's presence with a grunt, you use a section of cloth from a nearby corpse to wrap your trophy before storing it in your knapsack as she shuffles anxiously. "Ano... She... I-Is Lou... your apprentice going to be alright?"
"Hey boss lady?" Espinoza says over the radio. "We're lost... like... bad."
"Kinda busy here!" You hear Granger say, followed by the sound of gunfire.
"Right. Well, let me know when you've got a moment. We found some kind of hologram computer thingy sitting on a pile of... uhh.. shag carpet and meat? I dunno, these aliens is fuckin' loco."
Sighing, you turn off the radio and command your bird summon to bring Cattleya back to the ship. Let the sister deal with Louise's outburst of fluids and emotion. "Louise will be fine, the last few months have been rather stressful for her... I suppose this was fated to happen sooner or later."
The little girl doesn't seem satisfied with your answer, her eyes flickering between you and the tiny ball of misery that is your apprentice. Pushing her fingertips together, the pale-eyed girl hesitantly speaks in a tone that you would almost consider demanding, "Shouldn't you do something?"
"I am." You reply, noting the way she tries to make herself smaller by ducking her head, her continued display of submissive body language makes it rather obvious the girl lacks any semblance of confidence... another easy target to manipulate as long as you are careful, though an accident may be required to prevent the insect wielder from becoming a problem. The boy's reserved and calculating personality will eventually be an issue, but the emotional trauma his death would cause should make the others more pliable. The other boy and his dog could go as well... and if Hinata turns out to be less than receptive, her eyes could potentially be salvaged.
Unsuspecting of your scheming, the two boys seem to be scouting the area. Kiba and his dog are sniffing around the perimeter of the colosseum, while Shino appears to be setting tripwire traps and sticking papers to the many smaller entrances to the oversized antechamber. The papers are covered with strange symbols and give off a faint trace of their tainted magicka, leading you to suspect they are enchanted in some manner.
A flash of fire cause the three children to leap across the room, joining together in a defensive formation around Louise. Though their agility, speed, and coordination are impressive... as is the fact that your apprentice doesn't seem to have noticed... it proves meaningless, as the flames reveal a haggard looking Cattleya and an unconscious baby bird. The elder Valliere takes a moment to notice her sister, but the ninjas are quick to move away when she does. Taking your cue, you motion Hinata back over to you as the others go back to their previous tasks.
"Part of your training?" You ask casually, not really sure what a ninja is other than some form of battlemage.
"Y-yes. A Konoha ninja should protect civilians whenever possible... As l-long as... it doesn't interfere with the mission." She recites.
Nodding, you use your suit's strength to kick over a piece of debris to make a bench and motion for her to sit. "Mhmm... and what to you believe?" When she doesn't respond for several minutes, you chuckle and pat her on the head. "Very well. What happened after the two of you were taken from the group?"
The following report is both fascinating and worrying. Disregarding the fact that Louise shouldn't be overpowering that invisibility spell to such a degree without more practice, the fact that they could still keep track of each other is unexpected. Hinata makes sense due to her family's magical mutation, but how could Louise do so as well? That the girls managed to kill the majority of the alien leadership before you could arrive to rescue them speaks highly of your apprentice's progress, as does the slight admiration she seems to have kindled within the Hyuga child. You suspect that whatever memory or illusion they subjected Hinata to after abducting her must have shaken her badly and you do not press for details when her eyes begin to get misty.
The last thing you need at the moment is another crying child.
Still... "That is enough, Hinata." You say, cutting her off her stammering tale of ominous warnings from a desperate enemy. "While I am sure X-com would like to know about such things, I believe we should focus on the fact that there are still hostile forces in the area." Ignoring the wounded puppy expression your extremely minor rebuke causes, you continue, "Take a quarter of the atronachs and your team to ensure that no enemy enters this chamber."
Not bothering to wait for a response, you shift the bindings of twenty four of the fiery women to the children. The simple minded creatures aren't too difficult to rein in so long as the environment isn't cold or wet enough to for the discomfort to override the joy that a chance at destroying and killing provides them, so the children should be able to manage. Now, if it were even a single dremora between the three of them?
Laughing quietly to yourself, you leave Hinata's side and approach the Valliere sisters, sending a few atronachs into each of the holes created in the room by Louise and Hinata's fight. It wouldn't do to be interrupted by any crew members from the adjacent floors after all. Your heavy footfalls cause the pink haired duo to look up at you and you pat both of the sniffling females on the head gently. Considering the fact that you brought Cattleya to stop the crying rather than join in, you cast Calm on them as well.
The slightly vacant expression on their faces lets you know it worked and you announce, "Today I shall be teaching you an important lesson, so listen closely." Neither seem to care at all... perhaps Calm isn't the best spell to use if you want your audience to care about what you have to say. Sighing, you start again. "Nevermind. Louise, place overlapping destruction runes in the center of the room."
While your apprentice lazily does as she's told, you move the remainder of the atronachs onto the central platform that the aliens used as a prison cell and wrapped the stage in Wards. As the runes pile up and the atronachs dance into position, you attempt to get an update on what is happening at the base, but Cattleya just shrugs and says she was stuck in a dark room with not exit. Rather than mention that you'd trapped her in a room made of boxes, Calm only lasts so long after all, you begin siphoning Louise's magicka and casting every protective spell you can think of on short notice on the group.
Elemental shields of all type, Ebony Flesh, Fortify Vitality, Bound Armor for those without powered armor, you even throw down multiple Guardian Circles to heal any possible damage that the enemy might inflict. With everyone behind layers of protective magics, you reach out with tendrils of magicka to pull the entire race of ethereals into the trap.
The entire race turns out to be a meager fifteen and it would seem that none of them expected to suddenly be pulled back into that room. Lightning lashes out in all directions, blades of magical ice shred their withered bodies, flames incinerate their flesh and crack their bones, and the ethereals are no more. It's over in a single, deafening moment as the elemental fury erupts into a column of destruction. Clouds of ash and poison drift over a slagged metal floor and the few calcified remains that somehow managed to avoid destruction. The barrier wards performed quite admirably despite the fact that Louise put down far more runes than you'd expected. Luckily the excess energy was simply shunted through the ceiling and out into the sky above rather than overwhelming the barriers, though the poison would have been the only real danger.
"Thus is the moment to bask in your enemy's defeat." You declare as you turn back to the pinkettes, only to find Cattleya supporting her sister pale and sweaty sibling. Before you can ask, an explosion rocks the ship and alarms begin to blare.
Louise Status: Exhausted.
Magicka: (750/3500)
Cynric Status: Healthy
Magicka: (650/650)
Cattleya Status: Exhausted.
Magicka: (0/2500)
[] Climb out onto the outer surface of the ship to investigate.
[] It's probably nothing serious. Focus on relaxing after a job well done.
[] Now is the time for panicking. Induce screaming/vomiting in those around you to fit the mood.
[] Write in.
[] Teach Cattleya Absorb Magicka if feasible and top herself off of Louise's reserves.
There are few characters that can learn an entirely new spell in less than a day. Louise is one, but Cattleya is not. There are a few others I can think of in the currently available world options, but one is a sentient virus and another is the flood... both would need to eat their teacher to learn it, so I don't think those count.
The war is over and I didn't even get to implement my plans for Exalt yet. There is one problem though... you don't have any psionics to stabalize or control the ship.
Congratulations, you've doomed the planet! Chalk another up for the atrocity board, you're now officially planet killers.
No... not really. Even if you could, it would just piss the Prince off and paint a target on you. The only way to kill a daedric prince is to destroy their entire realm(Which not even other Princes are known to be capable of doing) or be so good at impersonating them that reality can't tell the difference and you become them.
[X] Well then, you've won the war. Another grand victory for Cynric The Righteously Glorious And Handsome Bastard Whose Magical Prowess Is Unrivalled. You're done here.
-[X] You summoned quite a few people who will likely be pretty upset with you for kidnapping them from their homes. Leave while they're currently distracted.
--[X] Use recall to take Louise, Cattleya and yourself back to the Oblivion Gate and get out of dodge.
---[X] Close the gate from the other side so nothing may follow.
Oh my gosh, did we actually just successfully commit genocide? I have no idea how many Ethereals exist canonically. But I'm really excited that we successfully genocided something!
"Thus is the moment to bask in your enemy's defeat." You declare as you turn back to the pinkettes, only to find Cattleya supporting her sister pale and sweaty sibling. Before you can ask, an explosion rocks the ship and alarms begin to blare.
Well, I guess is just what happens when ya don't actually know the source material.
1) Can Cynric summon things rather than just creatures? Assuming he was able to get somewhere where the blast radius wouldn't kill the planet, and quickly enough, would he be able to summon the ship to himself? Would he be able to do so with his current magicka?
2) Is Fawkes still in play, or is he incapacitated for this crisis? If he's out, can anything in Cynric's repertoire revive him so that he will be back in play? Is Fawkes capable of teleporting something as massive as the ship?
3) Is there any specific part of the ship that can be killed/destroyed/transmuted to stop it from going critical?
4) Can the Oblivion Gate be utilized to go to/can a new Oblivion Gate be created to go to a whole new location before the ship goes critical?
5) Can Cynric cast Alteration Invisibility himself?
6) Can animate dead be used on any of the non-vaporized Ethereal carcasses? How about just the heads we've snatched? If so, would they have the psionics available to stop the ship from going critical?
7) Can we summon Rayquaza's carcass, cast animate dead on it, and command it to tow the ship to a safe distance before it goes critical?
8) Could we summon Dumbledore and have him cast an Unbreakable Charm on the ship? And thusly, as the ship is now unbreakable, it would not detonate?
9) Could we summon a ship from Mass Effect and have it tow the ship to a safe distance before it detonates?
10) How many wishes on the Dragonballs would it take to fix this if we just bail?
1) Can Cynric summon things rather than just creatures? Assuming he was able to get somewhere where the blast radius wouldn't kill the planet, and quickly enough, would he be able to summon the ship to himself? Would he be able to do so with his current magicka?
2) Is Fawkes still in play, or is he incapacitated for this crisis? If he's out, can anything in Cynric's repertoire revive him so that he will be back in play? Is Fawkes capable of teleporting something as massive as the ship?
3) Is there any specific part of the ship that can be killed/destroyed/transmuted to stop it from going critical?
4) Can the Oblivion Gate be utilized to go to/can a new Oblivion Gate be created to go to a whole new location before the ship goes critical?
5) Can Cynric cast Alteration Invisibility himself?
6) Can animate dead be used on any of the non-vaporized Ethereal carcasses? How about just the heads we've snatched? If so, would they have the psionics available to stop the ship from going critical?
7) Can we summon Rayquaza's carcass, cast animate dead on it, and command it to tow the ship to a safe distance before it goes critical?
8) Could we summon Dumbledore and have him cast an Unbreakable Charm on the ship? And thusly, as the ship is now unbreakable, it would not detonate?
9) Could we summon a ship from Mass Effect and have it tow the ship to a safe distance before it detonates?
10) How many wishes on the Dragonballs would it take to fix this if we just bail?
Your ten questions raise one very important question in return: Why would Cynric (the man who starts werewolf plagues out of petty spite, and turns cities full of innocent people into necropolises just because he felt like it) care about any of that?
Frankly, that just seems like a lot more effort to save people-who-aren't-Cynric from their plight than they really warrant (the amount of effort warranted being none at all).
[X] Well then, you've won the war. Another grand victory for Cynric The Righteously Glorious And Handsome Bastard Whose Magical Prowess Is Unrivalled. You're done here.
-[X] You summoned quite a few people who will likely be pretty upset with you for kidnapping them from their homes. Leave while they're currently distracted.
--[X] Use recall to take Louise, Cattleya and yourself back to the Oblivion Gate and get out of dodge.
---[X] Close the gate from the other side so nothing may follow.
Your ten questions raise one very important question in return: Why would Cynric (the man who starts werewolf plagues out of petty spite, and turns cities full of innocent people into necropolises just because he felt like it) care about any of that?
Frankly, that just seems like a lot more effort to save people-who-aren't-Cynric from their plight than they really warrant (the amount of effort warranted being none at all).
But, what about if we think about in terms of Cynric's self-interest? If the world explodes, he'll never get his gene mods! If he can resolve the issue with judicious application of magic, why not?
But even if he decides it's not worth the hassle, Cynric does seem to enjoy having useful minions/accomplices/cannon fodder around. I would think Hinata and Vahlen would at least make the cut on his extraction list should he bail. And he could skip having to extract them if he can just get rid of this final (spiteful? unintentional?) gift of the Ethereal race.
I mean, yes, I really just want to snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat, but there's nothing stopping me from coming up with IC justifications after the fact!
Oh my gosh, did we actually just successfully commit genocide? I have no idea how many Ethereals exist canonically. But I'm really excited that we successfully genocided something!
Why am I so excited that we genocided something?
Oh goddammit.
Well, I guess is just what happens when ya don't actually know the source material.
1) Can Cynric summon things rather than just creatures? Assuming he was able to get somewhere where the blast radius wouldn't kill the planet, and quickly enough, would he be able to summon the ship to himself? Would he be able to do so with his current magicka?
2) Is Fawkes still in play, or is he incapacitated for this crisis? If he's out, can anything in Cynric's repertoire revive him so that he will be back in play? Is Fawkes capable of teleporting something as massive as the ship?
3) Is there any specific part of the ship that can be killed/destroyed/transmuted to stop it from going critical?
4) Can the Oblivion Gate be utilized to go to/can a new Oblivion Gate be created to go to a whole new location before the ship goes critical?
5) Can Cynric cast Alteration Invisibility himself?
6) Can animate dead be used on any of the non-vaporized Ethereal carcasses? How about just the heads we've snatched? If so, would they have the psionics available to stop the ship from going critical?
7) Can we summon Rayquaza's carcass, cast animate dead on it, and command it to tow the ship to a safe distance before it goes critical?
8) Could we summon Dumbledore and have him cast an Unbreakable Charm on the ship? And thusly, as the ship is now unbreakable, it would not detonate?
9) Could we summon a ship from Mass Effect and have it tow the ship to a safe distance before it detonates?
10) How many wishes on the Dragonballs would it take to fix this if we just bail?
1) if the things could be considered to be in someone's inventory or have a mind, then yes.
2) you just had poor baby Fawkes flashing halfway around the world repeatedly. I know fanfiction likes to make him unstoppable, but the only reason he isn't dead from your abuse is because he can't die. He's not waking up anytime soon unless you somehow manage to make a stamina potion and force it down his throat.
3) Yes.
4)Yes you could use the current Gate to escape. No, you dont have time ti make a new one, as that's an hour long crafting session if you have both Louise and Cattleya to help as well as the supplies... You have none of those.
5) He can if he has the magicka. He created it.
6) Psionics are genetic.
7) Resurrecting Rayquaza is going to take more than a simple Raise dead.
8) You could summon Dumbledore, but he can't cast a single charm over an entire ship whose parts aren't even all connected. Some bits are already falling into the ocean below now that the psionics holding it all together are failing.
Your ten questions raise one very important question in return: Why would Cynric (the man who starts werewolf plagues out of petty spite, and turns cities full of innocent people into necropolises just because he felt like it) care about any of that?
Frankly, that just seems like a lot more effort to save people-who-aren't-Cynric from their plight than they really warrant (the amount of effort warranted being none at all).
The only ones he would care about are those he's invested considerable effort into or would be worth keeping around for their knowledge/abilities/unstealable possessions; Louise, Cattleya because of Louise, Victoria because of the Quelaag soul and possibly Louise's request, Hinata for potential minion or stealing her eyes, maybe Vahlen for her amoral science. The rest can burn if the effort of saving them is even slightly inconvenient.
[X] Well then, you've won the war. Another grand victory for Cynric The Righteously Glorious And Handsome Bastard Whose Magical Prowess Is Unrivalled. You're done here.
-[X] You summoned quite a few people who will likely be pretty upset with you for kidnapping them from their homes. Leave while they're currently distracted.
--[X] Use recall to take Louise, Cattleya and yourself back to the Oblivion Gate and get out of dodge.
--[X] Try and bring along Victoria, Vahlen and Hinata if it isn't too much trouble.
---[X] Close the gate from the other side so nothing may follow.
[X] An explosion?! Ah, naturally these Ethereals would be poor sports and not just accept death's cold embrace. They've clearly sabotaged the ship in a feeble attempt to take you down with them! Annoying.
[X] Cast Clairvoyance to locate the source of the danger so you can fix it!
[X] Gather the party, with the majority of Atronachs going ahead to clear the path.
[X] Obviously, there will be a small force of Atronachs acting as rearguard.
[X] The non-Atronach party members should be in close range in case Recall needs to be utilized.
[X] Turn on the radio, advise Granger & Espinoza of the danger & advise them to drop what they're doing and make their way to you if they want to be in Recall range. and advise them to grab the incoming birds and evac through the Oblivion Gate in case this goes pear shaped; they should advise any X-Com personnel take anything of value and head through the portal as well. And don't forget the cow!
[X] Where there's one bird, there's another! Summon several more phoenixes and command them to ferry Espinoza's & Granger's teams to the Oblivion Gate.
[X] Atronachs should be left behind.
[X] Advise them to command their Atronachs to find you as you move to fix your ship.
[X] That's probably something they can do.
[X] Regardless, all Atronachs involved in this entire plan should be used to carve a direct path to their objectives through walls/floors/ceilings/etc., if that is actually faster than following the ship passageways.
[X] Once the dangerous bits have been located, fix them with magic. summon an Alakazam pokemon.
[X] It seems pretty smart (and sufficiently psychic).
[X] Command it to fix what's broke so that we don't all die horribly.
[X] If successful, take credit. [X]Cast Alteration Invisibility on said dangerous parts to remove them from existence!
[X] Or just annihilate them with your other available magics, whatever, it's been a long day.
[X] If at any point it is too dangerous to go on, grab who you can and cast Recall and retreat through the Oblivion Gate. Priority for your apprentices, of course.
[X] Due to time moving differently across worlds, IMMEDIATELY summon anyone useful that didn't come along for the Recall ride at your leisure.
[X] Don't forget Vahlen!
[X] Use magicka restoratives liberally while enacting all these plans, but intelligently. No need to repeat that milk coma.
[X] Once the dangerous bits have been located, fix them with magic.
[X]Cast Alteration Invisibility on said dangerous parts to remove them from existence!
[X] Or just annihilate them with your other available magics, whatever, it's been a long day.
I would like to point out that the problem is a failure in the portion that prevents the rest of the ship from going critical. Removing the faulty psionic stabilizer whoziwhatzit will only cause immediate destruction rather than delayed.
Unfortunately that won't apply in this case. One of the core principles of the Xcom universe is 'Humanity Fuck Yeah!'. With the extinction of humanity, that realm and all inside at the moment of Earth's destruction will be retroactively erased... Similar to how destroying the Towers of Nirn would unmake that world.
I would like to point out that the problem is a failure in the portion that prevents the rest of the ship from going critical. Removing the faulty psionic stabilizer whoziwhatzit will only cause immediate destruction rather than delayed.
Unfortunately that won't apply in this case. One of the core principles of the Xcom universe is 'Humanity Fuck Yeah!'. With the extinction of humanity, that realm and all inside at the moment of Earth's destruction will be retroactively erased... Similar to how destroying the Towers of Nirn would unmake that world.
Ok, I revised my vote accordingly. Let me know if there's any additional issues there.
While I'm at it, does Cynric have enough magicka available between using his apprentices as batteries and all other magicka restorative potions and milk and etcetera to just, cast a big enough Alteration Invisibility to simply remove the whole ship from existence? Then it can then safely detonate while non-existent and by the time the spell fades and it can interact with existence again, the rapidly expanding particles and energy that was formerly the ship will have safely moved past Earth?
Ok, I revised my vote accordingly. Let me know if there's any additional issues there.
While I'm at it, does Cynric have enough magicka available between using his apprentices as batteries and all other magicka restorative potions and milk and etcetera to just, cast a big enough Alteration Invisibility to simply remove the whole ship from existence? Then it can then safely detonate while non-existent and by the time the spell fades and it can interact with existence again, the rapidly expanding particles and energy that was formerly the ship will have safely moved past Earth?
I don't see anything stopping those edits from working to some degree. Plenty of room for mischief as well.
For the newest question:
Cynric has a decent amount of milk, but that spell is expensive even when casting on a person. The ship is much bigger, so you would meet to make it an enchantment and power it with quite a few souls... Not something you have time for. Giving Louise more brahmin milk right now is a good way to ensure she goes into a coma.
Your ten questions raise one very important question in return: Why would Cynric (the man who starts werewolf plagues out of petty spite, and turns cities full of innocent people into necropolises just because he felt like it) care about any of that?
I didn't play nu-XCOM much - the old one is the only one for me, - so while I knew from the Wiki that the mothership is going to explode and needs to be steered away, I didn't know we'd need a Psion to do it. I just thought we could grab an X-COM rookie and designate him an hero while we literally jump ship. Ah well.
Your ten questions raise one very important question in return: Why would Cynric (the man who starts werewolf plagues out of petty spite, and turns cities full of innocent people into necropolises just because he felt like it) care about any of that?
Frankly, that just seems like a lot more effort to save people-who-aren't-Cynric from their plight than they really warrant (the amount of effort warranted being none at all).
Cynric has multiple personalities, obviously. It's the only explanation for the Werewolf plague and the rest of the bizarre behavior voters have put him through, when he behaved fairly normally besides that.
Well alcohol was involved for the werewolf plague incident and the necropolis was an act of war. As for innocent people, why would that make a difference? The man's first act after leaving his home world was to perform necromancy on a teenager and he grew up around a bunch of daedra worshipping raiders. Leaving the Dremora free to roam was bad judgement though... How was he supposed to know theh were so incompetent that an entire city couldn't bring down a lone dremora?
BTW, its a tie between retreating immediately and trying to keep the ship.