Something Wicked This Way Comes
Taiyang Xiao Long stood on his porch gazing out into the horizon in the direction of Vale--in the direction of
Beacon; his face appearing carved from stone for all the emotion he expressed. Even from here a great flash of white light could be seen, followed by a mushroom-shaped cloud.
He knew this could only mean one thing: The time had come.
He turned around and went back inside his home.
* * * * *
He exited a short time later, only now clad in a dark robe with the hood drawn up and hiding his face. In his hand he carried a burlap sack, one constantly bulging as whatever lay within struggled to break free. Whimpers could be heard from the sack.
Taiyang stalked off into the forest. He followed along the path for a time as he continued deeper into the woods. Until suddenly he stopped. Looking off to the side, he searched for what he knew to be there. Finally, he found what he was looking for; there he saw a tree with a symbol carved into it on the underside of one of the branches: Ω. He walked over to the tree before stopping next to it and looking among the other trees further away from the path. There he saw another tree bearing the mark; he approached it. This process continued, on and on he would find new marked trees, each leading him farther off the beaten path and deeper into the forest than the last.
Long hours later, deep in the heart of the forest, Taiyang came to the mouth of a cave. A dark and ominous mist poured out seemingly without end. He could hear an eerie, high-pitched whine--not unlike a tuning fork--emitting from within. A preternatural cold flowed out from the cave entrance and seeped deep into his bones.
He paid these things no mind as he entered the cave without hesitation. He ventured deep into the blackness, nothing to light his way; though when any such light would be devoured by the darkness rather than actually illuminating anything, there wouldn't be much point in it anyway. He navigated his way through the cave in complete, unnatural darkness; he had long since memorized the way.
Eventually, he could see something piercing through the darkness around him: a deep red light. He followed it into a chamber many miles underground at the end of the cave; the light appeared to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. In the centre of the room there was a circle, and inside that circle was the same marking from the trees, only this one many times larger.
He approached the circle and set the burlap sack down in the middle; the struggling and whining increasing, but to no avail. Standing over the circle, he raised his arms into a Y-shape and he spoke: "Ecneserp eniht htiw em ecarg uoht taht hceeseb I! Gnireffo siht uoht tneserp I, eno krad!" As he spoke, the room rumbled; each passing word of the chant increasing the intensity of the tremors. Then he reached into his robe and withdrew a
wicked-looking dagger. He plunged the dagger down into the poor, unfortunate soul within the bag, drawing a sharp yelp from the creature inside.
"Rejoice, Zwei, for you now serve a higher purpose!" Taiyang declared, fanaticism swelling in his heart.
The struggles and sounds from the sack declined as blood spilled out. The blood began to fill the circle, and yet not a single drop breached the perimeter as if there was a wall preventing it from passing. Then the ritual circle and its contents burst into flames; the fire black as pitch and hotter than the planet's core.
Inside the fire, sickly green shapes were forming. First was a face that appeared to be that of a human man, though the teeth revealed by its large grin betrayed that notion, for they were rows upon rows of nigh-impossibly sharp serrated fangs. Then, a glorious mane swaying in non-existent wind, followed by a massive lion-esque body, with great leathery bat-wings. Last to appear was a scorpion-like tail.
The creature towered over Taiyang as it looked down upon him as if he were some unsightly, wretched thing that deserved nothing more than to be erased from reality. When compared to the majesty of one such as this creature, he was indeed such an existence--
all were when in the face of this splendor, after all, and he was no exception. And this was only a
fraction of the being's true glory, for it was not really here, not
truly, as this was a mere astral projection rather than its true body!
Taiyang fell to one knee, right fist clutched over his heart, and lowered his eyes to the floor. "Greetings, my Master."
His Master gazed at him impassively. Finally, it spoke; with a voice like thunder and a tongue beyond his comprehension, it spoke. The chamber shook, his ears and eyes bled, his brain revolted at the alien sounds of the unnatural language. But the message was imparted upon his mind none the less:
And Taiyang did: "All has proceeded as you have foreseen, my Master. The wizard's arrival, his apprentice, their allies," here he paused for a moment, his voice taking on a hard edge as he continued, "
her return," he growled out before his voice returned to its prior tone, "the Breach, the fall of Beacon and Ozma's current host in a great explosion. All of it."
For the first time since its arrival, his Master's face showed true emotion: pure, endless
hate; malice on a scale beyond mortal ken. It spoke once more.
Taiyang reeled from the word as if it were a blow; more blood leaking from his orifices, his brain rattled, even his bones creaked. He mustered his will once more and pressed on, "What is thy bidding, my Master?" he asked as he raised his gaze once more to look upon the radiant glory of the Manticore.
Twin, baleful eyes of emerald hellfire gazed back at him, and it spoke one final time.
His whole body shook again at the effects, pushing Taiyang to the edge of his limits. And with that, emerald beams of power lanced out from his Master's eyes and crashed into Taiyang. He screamed his voice raw as his body was burned from the inside out as he felt his Master's power course through him. Finally, an eternity later, it was over and he collapsed.
With that, the projection faded away.
As Taiyang's consciousness faded, the meaning behind his Master's final word engraved itself in his mind. He was to capture the wizard's apprentice and bring her here as a sacrifice to his Master, for only the power of the Void was able to undo the ancient Geas that bound him to his current plane; to break the unyielding, timeless chains imprisoning his Master once and for all.
And with this newfound power his Master granted him, nothing would stand in his way! Not the Maidens, not
her, not Ozma, not Salem, not even that
damned Tyne!
Soon, the Sovereign of Sin would rise again, and all Creation would be bathed in His glory as the Manticore's reign would be upon them all!
* * * * *
AN: And so Taiyang's true colours are revealed at long last! Not satisfied with being an abusive father and husband, he chose to serve the incarnation of Evil!
What shall our intrepid heroes do in the face of this foe!? Can they truly prevail!?
Find out next time on
A Conjuror's Journey!