If staying is voted for, I sorely hope it works. Since if Ironwood figures out how that disaster was caused and with it who did it, I'm not sure how easy it would be to shift or deny any blame from it.

Well, all we really need to do is hide Louise and we can easily fake her death; she did disappear in a massive explosion, after all. If she isn't able to be found, the truth "dies" with her.

After that, all we have to do is feign ignorance. Or we could even go a step further and "confide" in them that we "suspect" that Louise may have been responsible for this tragedy, and how we're "oh, so, disappointed".

Cynric: "Oh, where did I go wrong? Should I have put more emphasis on the necessity of controlling her power? Perhaps I should have placed more importance on the sanctity of life? Did I not instill the lesson in her that with power comes an obligation to wield it for the betterment of those around you? Alas, done is done and dead is dead. Please, leave this old fool to mourn his loss and his failure."
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[X] Catch Ozpin's soul and steal/learn his knowledge/magic.

Not happening. Even if you cast Soul Trap on him before killing him, it wouldn't work.
Well, all we really need to do is hide Louise and we can easily fake her death; she did disappear in a massive explosion, after all. If she isn't able to be found, the truth "dies" with her.

After that, all we have to do is feign ignorance. Or we could even go a step further and "confide" in them that we "suspect" that Louise may have been responsible for this tragedy, and how we're "oh, so, disappointed".

Cynric: "Oh, where did I go wrong? Should I have put more emphasis on the importance of controlling her power? Perhaps I should have placed more importance on the sanctity of life? Did I not instill that with power comes an obligation to wield it for the betterment of those around you? Alas, done is done and dead is dead. Please, leave this old fool to mourn his loss and his failure."

Though interesting, I would like to interject before the idea that Ironwood would have some means of discovering her involvement becomes too ingrained in your minds by asking how you think he would do so. Beacon was practically empty and any evidence got destroyed with it, his forces were kind of preoccupied with the incursion, and the last sighting of her was when she chased Cinder out of the colosseum to do what he wanted. No evidence even suggests she or Cinder were at Beacon at the time other than that destroying Beacon aligns with Cinder's supposed faction. Nobody native to Remnant other than Penny, Ozpin, Salem, or the Maidens can innately sense magicka nor can even they differentiate whose magicka it is they sense. For all Ironwood knows, Cinder succeeded and then blew up Beacon with her newfound power.

Only Ozpin witnessed it and with Explosion being Void magic, something that is anti-magic by nature and therefore only blockable when the target knows this and is prepared to counter it, he is migrating platforms at the moment.

As much as I like misleading statements and bread-crumb trails to nowhere, it'd be a dick move if I let you guys go full denial and accidentally turn suspicion on yourselves like that when you spent so much time and effort to get to the ship built. Especially since Ironwood could and would find/proceed to Roflstomp your unfinished aethervessel if given reason.

Welp, the explosion was about as explosive as expected. More surprising was how similar it was to the moon explosion in terms of falling debris the size of houses raining down again. Maybe in the future people will actually start noticing a pattern between explosions and world-ending disasters...
Well, this one wasn't world-ending, just massive collateral damage inducing. A sign of improvement, perhaps?
[X] Divert everything toward getting the ship mobile, everything else is secondary and tertiary and therefore can wait.
[X] Return to Vale to find the the rest of your people.

Ah. What a beautiful chapter it was. The only thing imperfect about it would be that we couldn't watch Ozpin as we ruin (like a quarter of) everything he worked for.

Anyway. We should go consolidate our holdings and people before we strike out for more. You never know with Ironwood.
[X] Have construction continue as is, maximum functionality when traveling is too important and therefore worth the delay in launch date.

[X] Use this moment of weakness to seize as many military assets as possible from the no-doubt crippled forces in Vale.
Though interesting, I would like to interject before the idea that Ironwood would have some means of discovering her involvement becomes too ingrained in your minds by asking how you think he would do so.
My main concern on that front is that there's already plenty of examples of Louise using her explosions, so looking at this and putting two and two together that this one was suspiciously similar to those ones, albeit significantly larger, doesn't seem like too much of a stretch.

But if we're in the clear, then great!:D
My main concern on that front is that there's already plenty of examples of Louise using her explosions, so looking at this and putting two and two together that this one was suspiciously similar to those ones, albeit significantly larger, doesn't seem like too much of a stretch.

But if we're in the clear, then great!:D
Just because she's the queen of explosive overreaction doesn't mean she's the only one who can blow things up. Don't go giving him reason to think she did it and he isn't going to suspect that she blew up the place she was trying to help him protect.... Also maybe don't have her talk to him about the subject... He can read people pretty well. Otherwise I'm giving you guys the all clear on that front pending further developments from your actions/inaction from here on out.
[X] Have construction continue as is, maximum functionality when traveling is too important and therefore worth the delay in launch date.

[X] Try to contact Ironwood and offer your support in disaster relief.
Though interesting, I would like to interject before the idea that Ironwood would have some means of discovering her involvement becomes too ingrained in your minds by asking how you think he would do so. Beacon was practically empty and any evidence got destroyed with it, his forces were kind of preoccupied with the incursion, and the last sighting of her was when she chased Cinder out of the colosseum to do what he wanted. No evidence even suggests she or Cinder were at Beacon at the time other than that destroying Beacon aligns with Cinder's supposed faction. Nobody native to Remnant other than Penny, Ozpin, Salem, or the Maidens can innately sense magicka nor can even they differentiate whose magicka it is they sense. For all Ironwood knows, Cinder succeeded and then blew up Beacon with her newfound power.

Only Ozpin witnessed it and with Explosion being Void magic, something that is anti-magic by nature and therefore only blockable when the target knows this and is prepared to counter it, he is migrating platforms at the moment.

As much as I like misleading statements and bread-crumb trails to nowhere, it'd be a dick move if I let you guys go full denial and accidentally turn suspicion on yourselves like that when you spent so much time and effort to get to the ship built. Especially since Ironwood could and would find/proceed to Roflstomp your unfinished aethervessel if given reason.
Excellent! In that case everything appears to have worked out in the best way possible! at least to the degree we could manage anyways.

So on with the ship construction and keep Ironwood's suspicions away from Cynric by offering aid in these desperate times like a good ally! That and restoring peace and order would help a lot in getting trade and flow of materials back in order to resume the ship construction in a timely fashion.

[X] Have construction continue as is, maximum functionality when traveling is too important and therefore worth the delay in launch date.
[X] Try to contact Ironwood and offer your support in disaster relief.

The PR would certainly also help in getting more loyal employees methinks. Can you imagine it? "Cynric Tyne, Hero of Vale!"

Also, Louise's Void magic being anti-magic in nature was something I forgot, especially since it also reminds me of AoE Dispel that Louise could've cast if she had that Prayer's book... Man, I wish we could go back to Halkegenia in the future to retrieve that thing to unlock more OP Void magic. But then again, Dispel seems like something far too much of a threat to Cynric, or to anything magical at all, so maybe it's best that she never learns it...
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...can we at least help Cattleya kill a couple of gods before we skedaddle out of here? I hate leaving quests unfinished. Especially when we are counting on working with the quest-giver further.
[X] Have construction continue as is, maximum functionality when traveling is too important and therefore worth the delay in launch date.
[X] Return to Vale to find the the rest of your people.

I would say until we have the full picture lets not contact Ironwood, or at least only contact him through penny because of the fact that we're probably not sticking around when the ship is finished so we'll be long gone before the rebuilding of vale is complete...
...can we at least help Cattleya kill a couple of gods before we skedaddle out of here? I hate leaving quests unfinished. Especially when we are counting on working with the quest-giver further.
After what the QM just replied with, I think it's safe to stay for quite a while until the next world-ending disaster occurs, so quest away! In fact since the ship has far more parts than just what is necessary for stable flight and inter-dimensional travel, the longer the stay the better, especially since there's a good economy here to use the profitable business to gather and prepare large stockpiles of resources for future journeys.
I wonder if competent maidens can sense when another maiden dies. Maybe someone with non-Fall-based powers will come to investigate the destruction of Beacon.
Also I wonder what happened to Beacon Academy's relic. I assumed Goodwitch or Qrow (before reuniting with RNJR) hid it in the show, but now it could be anywhere.

I hope Cynric gets a nice nap soon. I don't think anyone was prepared for this mess. In the meantime let's prepare a training montage/arc for Cattleya! Perhaps we can bring the less-critical crewmembers (New Wave cough cough) together to help with that if they are ill suited to help feed and clothe displaced citizens.
Also @PieceThruWar can you confirm whether our Krogan buddy was in the vicinity for any of this Grimm/Explosion madness? I'm not sure where he was hunting for that lizard.
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Also @PieceThruWar can you confirm whether our Krogan buddy was in the vicinity for any of this Grimm/Explosion madness? I'm not sure where he was hunting for that lizard.
He is not currently in Vale(the city, not the country), so he wasn't involved in that fiasco.
Oh? Well I don't see a body so Cinder must still be alive. Damn girl is a cockroach.
  • Lived off dead bodies and rotten food? Check.
  • Spent a long time hiding in tiny holes where she wouldn't be found/killed? Check.
  • Survived an attack that killed a dragon in canon? Check.
  • Brushed off being frozen and dropped in a deep pit by Raven in canon? Check.
Hmm.... Yeah, she kind of is like a cockroach now that you mention it.
[X] Have construction continue as is, maximum functionality when traveling is too important and therefore worth the delay in launch date.

[X] Try to contact Ironwood and offer your support in disaster relief.
Only Ozpin witnessed it and with Explosion being Void magic, something that is anti-magic by nature and therefore only blockable when the target knows this and is prepared to counter it, he is migrating platforms at the moment.
Made all the sweeter by the fact that it looks like the leader of the remaining human faction will be Ironwood, who has been given reason not to trust him and is the most likely to reach the reasonable conclusion that "re-incarnation is not a thing, therefore this is a spy"
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Something Wicked This Way Comes

Taiyang Xiao Long stood on his porch gazing out into the horizon in the direction of Vale--in the direction of Beacon; his face appearing carved from stone for all the emotion he expressed. Even from here a great flash of white light could be seen, followed by a mushroom-shaped cloud.

He knew this could only mean one thing: The time had come.

He turned around and went back inside his home.

* * * * *

He exited a short time later, only now clad in a dark robe with the hood drawn up and hiding his face. In his hand he carried a burlap sack, one constantly bulging as whatever lay within struggled to break free. Whimpers could be heard from the sack.

Taiyang stalked off into the forest. He followed along the path for a time as he continued deeper into the woods. Until suddenly he stopped. Looking off to the side, he searched for what he knew to be there. Finally, he found what he was looking for; there he saw a tree with a symbol carved into it on the underside of one of the branches: Ω. He walked over to the tree before stopping next to it and looking among the other trees further away from the path. There he saw another tree bearing the mark; he approached it. This process continued, on and on he would find new marked trees, each leading him farther off the beaten path and deeper into the forest than the last.

Long hours later, deep in the heart of the forest, Taiyang came to the mouth of a cave. A dark and ominous mist poured out seemingly without end. He could hear an eerie, high-pitched whine--not unlike a tuning fork--emitting from within. A preternatural cold flowed out from the cave entrance and seeped deep into his bones.

He paid these things no mind as he entered the cave without hesitation. He ventured deep into the blackness, nothing to light his way; though when any such light would be devoured by the darkness rather than actually illuminating anything, there wouldn't be much point in it anyway. He navigated his way through the cave in complete, unnatural darkness; he had long since memorized the way.

Eventually, he could see something piercing through the darkness around him: a deep red light. He followed it into a chamber many miles underground at the end of the cave; the light appeared to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. In the centre of the room there was a circle, and inside that circle was the same marking from the trees, only this one many times larger.

He approached the circle and set the burlap sack down in the middle; the struggling and whining increasing, but to no avail. Standing over the circle, he raised his arms into a Y-shape and he spoke: "Ecneserp eniht htiw em ecarg uoht taht hceeseb I! Gnireffo siht uoht tneserp I, eno krad!" As he spoke, the room rumbled; each passing word of the chant increasing the intensity of the tremors. Then he reached into his robe and withdrew a wicked-looking dagger. He plunged the dagger down into the poor, unfortunate soul within the bag, drawing a sharp yelp from the creature inside.

"Rejoice, Zwei, for you now serve a higher purpose!" Taiyang declared, fanaticism swelling in his heart.

The struggles and sounds from the sack declined as blood spilled out. The blood began to fill the circle, and yet not a single drop breached the perimeter as if there was a wall preventing it from passing. Then the ritual circle and its contents burst into flames; the fire black as pitch and hotter than the planet's core.

Inside the fire, sickly green shapes were forming. First was a face that appeared to be that of a human man, though the teeth revealed by its large grin betrayed that notion, for they were rows upon rows of nigh-impossibly sharp serrated fangs. Then, a glorious mane swaying in non-existent wind, followed by a massive lion-esque body, with great leathery bat-wings. Last to appear was a scorpion-like tail.

The creature towered over Taiyang as it looked down upon him as if he were some unsightly, wretched thing that deserved nothing more than to be erased from reality. When compared to the majesty of one such as this creature, he was indeed such an existence--all were when in the face of this splendor, after all, and he was no exception. And this was only a fraction of the being's true glory, for it was not really here, not truly, as this was a mere astral projection rather than its true body!

Taiyang fell to one knee, right fist clutched over his heart, and lowered his eyes to the floor. "Greetings, my Master."

His Master gazed at him impassively. Finally, it spoke; with a voice like thunder and a tongue beyond his comprehension, it spoke. The chamber shook, his ears and eyes bled, his brain revolted at the alien sounds of the unnatural language. But the message was imparted upon his mind none the less: Speak.

And Taiyang did: "All has proceeded as you have foreseen, my Master. The wizard's arrival, his apprentice, their allies," here he paused for a moment, his voice taking on a hard edge as he continued, "her return," he growled out before his voice returned to its prior tone, "the Breach, the fall of Beacon and Ozma's current host in a great explosion. All of it."

For the first time since its arrival, his Master's face showed true emotion: pure, endless hate; malice on a scale beyond mortal ken. It spoke once more.


Taiyang reeled from the word as if it were a blow; more blood leaking from his orifices, his brain rattled, even his bones creaked. He mustered his will once more and pressed on, "What is thy bidding, my Master?" he asked as he raised his gaze once more to look upon the radiant glory of the Manticore.

Twin, baleful eyes of emerald hellfire gazed back at him, and it spoke one final time.


His whole body shook again at the effects, pushing Taiyang to the edge of his limits. And with that, emerald beams of power lanced out from his Master's eyes and crashed into Taiyang. He screamed his voice raw as his body was burned from the inside out as he felt his Master's power course through him. Finally, an eternity later, it was over and he collapsed.

With that, the projection faded away.

As Taiyang's consciousness faded, the meaning behind his Master's final word engraved itself in his mind. He was to capture the wizard's apprentice and bring her here as a sacrifice to his Master, for only the power of the Void was able to undo the ancient Geas that bound him to his current plane; to break the unyielding, timeless chains imprisoning his Master once and for all.

And with this newfound power his Master granted him, nothing would stand in his way! Not the Maidens, not her, not Ozma, not Salem, not even that damned Tyne!

Soon, the Sovereign of Sin would rise again, and all Creation would be bathed in His glory as the Manticore's reign would be upon them all!

* * * * *

AN: And so Taiyang's true colours are revealed at long last! Not satisfied with being an abusive father and husband, he chose to serve the incarnation of Evil!

What shall our intrepid heroes do in the face of this foe!? Can they truly prevail!?

Find out next time on A Conjuror's Journey!
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A Selfish First Responder
Having been slowly transferring your personal effects into the floor just above the command center, you set Louise on the bed.

As much as you would like to have your escape route available as soon as possible, it wasn't worth rushing things and running the risk of not being prepared when something goes wrong. Thus, you ignore the urge and instead make your way down to the tunnels below to activate the portal. Surprisingly, the magical doorway back to Kwama Korp still works just fine and you cross the threshold after a cautious casting of Ebonyflesh.

Which turns out to be for the best when, not even three steps from the portal, you hear one particularly loud impact out of countless others that causes a chunk of ceiling to fall and shatter uselessly against your head.

Pushing past the door at the top of the stairs, you enter the ground floor to see that a child-sized boulder has punched a hole through the building. It is a good thing you had everyone present go to the ship when the sirens started or else Moira would probably be dead. The hole will still need to be repaired, but not needing to resurrect the woman and risk the dangers of giving her what is technically immortality is a silver lining. Maintaining any amount of control over her would only hamper her usefulness and at the same time you know she would become worse in the liberties she takes if given undying status.

Stepping around the hole into Moira's underground laboratory, you walk outside and immediately get coated in a layer of dust. The air is thick with falling rocks and windswept dirt that rushes down the streets like an ashstorm at Raven Rock.

Shielding your eyes as much as you can, you look up into the sky to see the beaten and battered forms of several Atlesian airships providing an umbrella for the water treatment plant and as much of the Agriculture district as possible. Their dented, punctured, and filthy hulls are a far cry from the sleek and polished vessels on display earlier today. Three of the four are visibly sagging as falling regolith continues to shatter against them, but with snapped off fins and one even missing its bridge, its a wonder that any of them still float at all. Still they didn't move to save themselves even when one of the ships began to belch a thick smoke and fall, the crew doing their best to steer it toward the less important commercial district. Admirably pragmatic of them given that Vale is the leading producer of foodstuffs for this worlds, it is no wonder they would prioritize that district over all else, even their own lives and military capabilities.

Out toward the bay, you can see the rest of the Atlesian ships flying in a protective formation around the Amity Colosseum. The floating stadium is too big for them to fully cover, but its mobility and inbuilt defenses have allowed it to survive relatively unscathed. You guess by its trajectory that whoever is piloting the thing intends to park it in the waters in the estuary, a swarm of Bullheads and airbuses leading the procession.

You attempt to contact the General via Scroll and are met with a 'no signal' message, but Clairvoyance points a straight line toward the Colosseum. Taking in the chaos with an air of annoyance, you start walking down the street toward the landing point. Along the way, you make sparing use of Detect Life to find people trapped beneath the rubble or cowering somewhere like vermin. All four of your healing potions go to saving the life of some wastrel and you use their magicka to heal several dozen others that are severely injured before you start to avoid approaching those too injured to move... not that you make it obvious to those around you.

After all, the less that survive, the more grateful those that did will be.

By the time you cross the telescopic bridge into the relative safety of the landed Amity Colosseum, most of the larger debris has stopped falling and you have amassed a following of nearly three hundred people in varying states of health. That number pales in comparison to the masses waiting for you at your destination. Already you can see cots and tents for the wounded dotting the arena floor in orderly lines as those humanoid automatons erect more every minute. The healthy have been relegated to sleeping in the stands, those that aren't busy helping out at least, and you can see a Bullhead lowering crates in through the ceiling.

From where you entered in the middle stands, you can see General Ironwood overseeing everything up in the announcer's booth.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (650/650)

How to help (choose at least 1):

[] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.

[] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

[] Summon creatures to aid in reconstruction, absorbing magicka from others as necessary.

Ship reveal:

[] Reveal your ship to the General and suggest he support your efforts in exchange for you helping him set up a colony on a less hostile world.

[] Do not reveal it.

[] Write in.
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[] Summon creatures to aid in reconstruction, absorbing magicka from others as necessary.
Hmm, tempting. We have a large pool of magicka to work with, and at the end of the day we'll be left with a small army of summons under our direct command and with a semi-legal status no one can really question since they helped when help was most needed.

...although we'd have to take measures to prevent possible treachery and desertion like with the phoenixes.
I honestly like all of them, especially done together.

[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.
Saving lives gives the most altruism cred, and it's possible that our potions will fill niches that Remnant medical technology can't accomplish, making our help invaluable.

[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.
A more global, long-term altruism cred, ensuring that the rest of the world doesn't have to worry about the events in Vale hitting them hard too. Also makes our Kwama corp much more well-known, which should drive up revenue even after Vale recovers.

[X] Summon creatures to aid in reconstruction, absorbing magicka from others as necessary.
A more practicalities-focused altruism cred which should appeal to the bigger-picture minded and also leaves us with a lot of minions as Nevill said.

[X] Reveal your ship to the General and suggest he support your efforts in exchange for you helping him set up a colony on a less hostile world.
And the real game-changer here. The amount of devastation that literally rained down upon Vale is going to shake the world, Kwama support or no, and the idea of getting away from this apocalyptic world and off to somewhere safe is bound to be very tempting. Compound that with the fact that Ozpin is gone and Ironwood's calling the shots, and (with the previous options) that we have ourselves established as altruistic and pragmatic allies of humanity, if we ever want to make this offer the time is now.

There is some risk that Salem will learn of the ship and attack it before it's functional, but Ironwood knows how to keep a secret.
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Hmm, it seems like the worst of the fighting is over, and all that's left is clean up and relief efforts.

Since options are not limited to 1:
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.

[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

[X] Do not reveal it.

While everyone is recovering from this disaster, and local food distribution is hindered, Kwama's assistance in cheap food for disaster relief could easily gain plenty of cost-efficient PR and market share on overall total food trades, which would probably need much more expensive advertisements during normal times to get the same effect. That and I doubt this would really be 'at cost' anyways.

The only reason I wouldn't also pick the summon idea is because that might give Cynric TOO much attention. Since while brewing potions to help people and providing food for the needy are both easily acceptable and appreciated by people, summoning also can make some people weary of just how much military power that can show.

Edit: As for:
[] Reveal your ship to the General and suggest he support your efforts in exchange for you helping him set up a colony on a less hostile world.

No way. That is FAR more dangerous than even the summons, and risk way too much of what Cynric's group invested to have a safe mobile base through dimensions just to help some other people. The ship should only be filled with people that absolutely have no reasons to stay in this one, and not revealed to simply anyone that might be interested in it.

In fact... this many deaths and buried bodies seems like a great time to get some free undead labor. Since everyone is distracted and a couple dozen bodies going missing shouldn't be that unexpected for something like this, maybe someone sneaky and strong like Shino could help out? Especially if his insects can go into small cracks in buried debris and find bodies, dead or alive.
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I changed the ship reveal vote to make things more clear in the final tally. Whether you do or don't want to reveal it, make sure you vote appropriately.