[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.
[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.
[X] Summon creatures to aid in reconstruction, absorbing magicka from others as necessary.

[X] Do not reveal it.

I am fine with these three but the last reveal is completely out of the question. The second anyone of importance learned of the ship Salem learns of the ship, and if she decides to send all the grim to destroy said ship we would be screwed...

So in other words wait until the ship is completed before we offer non employees sanctuary.

edit: Ya don't reveal the ship
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[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.
[X] Summon creatures to aid in reconstruction, absorbing magicka from others as necessary.

Both the summoning of creatures and the potions allow us to benefit, by giving us a reliable way to mass summon disposable assets and skimming the potions respectively. Not sure what we'd get out of sharing the food, besides goodwill, so i'm not really going to vote for or against it.

[X] Do not reveal it.
Maybe we can reveal it when we've actually finished, there's something to be said for having an authority on our side. Personally however, I think volunteering to help colonise would be majorly counterproductive, as it would tie us and our ship down, Hindering our ability to just leave via oblivion jump.
Cynric is the type of guy to save a puppy from a falling cliff, but only because if it grew up its fur would make some BS reagent.

And even tho he tells people they think he's making excuses for being a softie.
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.

[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

[X] Do not reveal it.
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.
[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.
[X] Summon creatures to aid in reconstruction, absorbing magicka from others as necessary.

[X] Do not reveal it.
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.

[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

[X] Do not reveal it.
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.
[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.
[X] Summon creatures to aid in reconstruction, absorbing magicka from others as necessary.

[X] Do not reveal it.

All glory to Kwama Korp.
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.

[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

[X] Do not reveal it.

Id say no to summoning or revealing as it might draw attention from salem.
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.
[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

These two should be fine. Maybe also reeal the ship, but I am undecided on that part. Will check back to see if I change my mind.
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.
[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

[X] Do not reveal it.

I recall our summonses are prone to doing stupid things when not directly supervised
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.

[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

[X] Do not reveal it.
Cynric is the type of guy to save a puppy from a falling cliff, but only because if it grew up its fur would make some BS reagent.

And even tho he tells people they think he's making excuses for being a softie.
It's hilarious that you think he'd tell people instead of letting them think what they want and milking the goodwill for all it's worth.:lol:rofl:
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.

[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

[X] Do not reveal it.
[X] Offer to brew health, stamina, and cure disease potions en mass if given supplies.

[X] Offer Kwama based foods free in Vale and 'at cost' to the other countries until the Vale's Agriculture district recovers.

[X] Do not reveal it.
Considering the time differential, could Cynric still summon the stranded survivors from Fallout?
No, even with time being 4x as fast on Remnant, it's you've been there for a third of a year. It has been over twenty days in Fallout and you only had a day before most of the moon hit the planet. There might be some pockets of survivors, but we're talking vault dwellers and cave/canyon tribes like those of Zion Valley who got lucky... if you count living through another prolonged winter as dust chokes out the sunlight and mutant beasts stalk them in endless night lucky.

You could open a portal or fly the ship to try and find survivors, but if any of Xcom survived, they aren't ones Cynric is familiar with to summon specifically... though i guess you could just summon everyone still alive there if you really want. It's not like there's that many that it couldn't be done in a couple days.

So I guess the real answer is maybe? If you're really determined.
"I'll send a detachment over within half an hour." Ironwood says as you enter, dismissing the rotund fellow he'd been speaking with. When you make your way over to him and Specialist Schnee, he sighs, "If you're looking for your apprentice, I'm sorry, but-

Cutting him off before he leads the conversation down a tangent, you explain, "Louise is fine, though unconscious and the damage on her armor is rather severe, but that is better than most at the moment."

"That's one less thing to worry over then. When I hadn't seen or heard from her after she chased Fall... and then the explosion... I assumed the worst."

"Yes, well in any case, I came to help with this disaster, everything else can wait until things have calmed down." You tell him, not wanting the conversation to stay anywhere near the topic of your apprentice or what she'd been doing.

"Excellent, feel free to grab a shovel and help dig out the lines for replacement plumbing." Winter immediately says, irritation flashing across her face as she looks up at you from her Scroll before she covers it with a strained smile. Clearly somebody was upsetting her, the poor sod.

As if you'd waste your time on such thankless work. The stress of the situation must be getting to her if she could so easily forget how you'd healed her people during the breach. "I was thinking something more broad reaching... A cure for any and all diseases that are bound to come up with all the dust in the air and lack of sanitation for example."

"If this is some sort of joke-"

"What do you need?" Ironwood demands.

Walking toward the window, you idly spot Victoria's glowing form crawling along the walls of the stadium attaching tarpaulins above the seating areas. "I already have a supply of Scrib jelly, so all I really need is crab chitin or hawk feathers, both if you can get them in large quantities."

"That's all?" He asks incredulously, to which you nod. "Winter, make sure to add both of those to the list before the Indomitable leaves in the morning. Hopefully everyone can wait the three days it'll take them to get back."

Pulling out your own Scroll, you tap out a list of simple ingredients such as ham, wheat, and lavender. "With these I could make a potion to heal wounds of almost any severity within moments."

"It would be beyond helpful," The General begins, skimming the list as he copies it to his device. "but impossible for the same reason we need them. Vale is where we would have gotten most of this and the rest-"

Leaning over to read it, Specialist Schnee raises an eyebrow. "Emeralds?"

"Crushed and calcinated emerald has magnificent healing properties." You respond easily.

"I can contact my father and see about convincing him to provide funds for this. Given that food is going to be more sought after than jewelry until we get the agriculture district back to full production, it's probably one of the cheapest charities he could invest in at the moment."

"Excellent." You declare, drawing their attention away from the list. "I can divert the Saltrice from my Mazte brewery toward potions and we can make this work. It won't be enough for everyone, but if I offer the rest of my product at the same cost as production for those outside Vale, could you divert a portion of wheat my way?"

"That... you're a small business, you can't afford that sort of loss."

Little did she know, kwama require almost nothing to be profitable, hence why Dunmeri houses were so ruthless when kwama mines were involved. You already have a stockpile of eggs and jelly built up, scrib jerky being close behind. Honestly, now that the kwama had expanded into the man-made tunnels beneath Mountain Glenn, there has been such a surplus that you'd been debating converting the hydroponics project to strictly alchemy ingredients and just filling the larders with their products. Since kwama-based foods are basically immune to spoilage and the eggs only develop under certain conditions, it isn't as if it was a bad idea... so long as you could always come back to restock when needed.

"We came here from a ruined world with nothing but what we could carry and we did fine, I am sure my people can manage."

"Then I'll trust you to get it done." Ironwood says at length, to which you just nod and make your way to the door.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (650/650)

After returning and sleeping:

[] Brew a magicka potion and dump it down Louise's throat. It isn't something you'd recommend normally, but you need to know what in Oblivion made her think blowing up Beacon was a good idea.

[] Gather your people that aren't needed for the ship and organize them for the work ahead.

[] Train Cattleya for the mission she still needs to complete for Hircine.

[] Write in.

A/N: Way to go, now Winter doesn't know how to think about Cynric anymore.
Considering how self sufficient we are and on top benefitial. Ozpin really fucked up sentencing xcom to death.
[X] Train Cattleya for the mission she still needs to complete for Hircine.

Well she does need to finish this before we leave because chances are we are not coming back for a long time irl.

For waking up Louise I don't think it is a good idea unless being conscious is needed to become a maiden. For organizing the people we have other people to do that for us, like the former xcom personnel and the new faunus tag-alongs...
[X] Brew a magicka potion and dump it down Louise's throat. It isn't something you'd recommend normally, but you need to know what in Oblivion made her think blowing up Beacon was a good idea.

Cynric doesn't yet know that Ozpin is dead, getting that info will probably be useful.
[x] Train Cattleya for the mission she still needs to complete for Hircine.
[x] Train Cattleya for the mission she still needs to complete for Hircine. x2
[x] Train Cattleya for the mission she still needs to complete for Hircine. x3

Poor girl never gets any attention from Kind Master Cynric. I insist we fix this. It pains me to see such potential going to waste.
[X] Train Cattleya for the mission she still needs to complete for Hircine.

Wonder what he will train Cattleya in?
[X] Gather your people that aren't needed for the ship and organize them for the work ahead.

Not sure whether or not the Hircine thing is that time limited, so I'll vote for improving work efficiency to restore operations back to normal faster.