"Guard Penny, I'll be back." Louise ordered, dipping low to let her passenger down.
Already halfway to the fallen abomination, Hinata stumbled and demanded, "What? Where are you going?"
For the moment Louise knew she had the advantage; her own injuries were already faded from the combination of Aura, Djin-mods, and the enchanted ring her master had gifted her before sending her to the academy while Cinder only had one of those and an unknown source of magicka. If given enough time, the enemy's Aura and body would recover on its own, so this wasn't a fight to delay. Especially in case Fall knew some sort of healing spells that she hadn't shown yet.
"The third rule of the Vallière code of war; never let a wounded enemy retreat or they'll recover and come back more prepared the next time." The pinkette explained succinctly, launching herself into the air as the little ninja berated her for not sticking around to help their injured friend.
Which was absurd anyway considering that Penny was a machine and further healing magics might just exacerbate the whole snake soul problem, which could be deadly. If need be, they'd just go find that Doctor Polendina from Penny's memories or maybe see if Shen could fix her... but that was a matter for later.
Coming out the top of the colosseum, Louise looked around for her quarry and saw a small figure plummeting toward Beacon between flying Grimm and evacuating aircraft. Diving after her opponent saw the tiny silhouette become a small star as her approach was spotted. Levitation at full force downward, the pinkette was still falling slower than the flame propelled Cinder and being slowed further by the occasional suicidal Grimm that needed to be cleaved in twain, but the lead wouldn't be enough for the woman to escape.
Indeed, seconds after Cinder landed in a roll and sprinted off toward the main tower of Beacon, the Louise was right behind her. Dodging the random pillars of Dust explosions that Fall had apparently kept in reserve, she chased her inside the tower and was just a moment too late as the elevator doors close with the heavily panting woman safely inside. Not to be defeated by a door of all things, the youngest Vallière slammed her combined blades into it, shearing through thick metal with a bit of effort.
A few long moments later, Louise was jumping down into inky blackness. The drop was long, far longer than expected, but eventually the bottom arrived and upon hitting the carriage with a heavy thump, she wasted no time in jumping through the small door on its top as Cinder rushed out screaming back at her, "Why are you so persistent?!"
Surging forward with blade in hand, Louise replied only, "I gave my word as a Noble that I'd defeat you."
"Noble?" The woman scoffed, or rather, her tone implied one if she weren't busy running as fast as she could. "What's so noble about playing the pawn to a manipulative old fool?"
"How dare you!"
Leaping forward, Cinder began to use small explosions to desperately stay ahead of Louise as she taunted, "Is the dog upset that I insulted her master?"
"If I hadn't intended to kill you before, I do now." Louise growled, sending her own explosion at the woman and causing her to tumble in the air.
Throwing a wall of flamed behind her as she reoriented herself and kept moving, forcing Louise to block with a Ward, the witch laughed, "I guess that makes you better than a lot of the idealists Ozpin uses."
"Why should I care about Ozpin? Don't try to change the subject!"
"What? I was talking about him since the beginning, you idiotic brat!" Cinder shouted as they reached the rear of the chamber and she turned in confusion.
Louise paused as well, but not from the clarification the her opponent hadn't been insulting her master and was just misinformed, but rather what lie ahead.
A glass faced sarcophagus sat propped against the wall, metal tubes and cords protruding from it and reaching toward a large computer. Inside was a brunette woman in no more than her underthings, her expression pained even while unconscious. A large webbed scar covered the left side of her face in a disturbing mirror of Louise's own. This was the mage she'd been sensing from up above the entire time she'd been on Remnant! More concerning than any of that was the second pod connected to the same system, clearly indicating that the headmaster intended to use this machine on another mage... a mage like herself.
"W-what is this?" The pinkette asked in growing horror, the green lights casting a sickly hue over the pale grey stone suddenly seeming much more sinister. What is Ozpin doing down here?
"Something that is necessary, Miss Vallière." The wizard himself answered, stepping from shadows that were too small for him to have actually been hiding within moments before.
The man practically reeked of magic as he stepped in between them and his captured mage, cane planted firmly on the floor as the last wisps of his odd teleportation faded away. Cinder didn't waste a moment longer and formed her bow to shoot at him. Each missile shattered uselessly against his cane and almost as quickly as Hinata, he was standing in front of the woman. An emerald glow poured out from his body as he jabbed at her far too quickly, momentum having no effect in slowing the time between each successive strike. Cinder's own attacks were dodged with equally unnatural acceleration, as if his body just didn't care to continue its motions further than necessary and the world couldn't be bothered to force the issue.
Louise didn't know what to do at that moment; on the one hand, Cinder was an enemy and she'd given her word to stop her. On the other, Ozpin was obviously doing something monstrous beneath Beacon and probably wouldn't just let her walk away knowing his secret. Given how soundly he was beating the woman who'd given Louise such trouble, the odds of victory against him on her own were slim. More so with how little she knew of his actual abilities.
Status: Healthy.
Magicka: (3410/14424)
Choose 1:
[] Swallow your pride and help Cinder against the madman.
[] Put most of your magicka into an explosion, hopefully killing them both and putting that poor mage out of her misery. Recall out with the last of your magicka afterward.
[] Use their distraction to try and save the captured mage from both of them via Recall.
[] Write in.