The SDC Is In "Good" Hands
"One man's greed will not stand between me and my sister's life."

Heels clacked against polished tile as the heiress marched down the hall. The Schnee Dust Company had a great many locations and employees, but the heart of all decision making was still located in the family mansion.

"It had to be done, Weiss." Louise had told her, standing calmly before the body of Jacques Schnee.

Looking out the large window before her father's office, she tried and failed to hold onto the shock and horror of what her friend had done. The emotions just slipped away like grains of sand through a child's fingers. It was wrong; she couldn't believe it had happened at all and yet... and yet despite her mind continually circling back to that day's events, she felt nothing. Was this apathy really her?

"I'm sorry it had to be this way, Weiss. You've been a good friend even if your parentage leaves something to be desired, so I'll forgive you for this." The pink haired monster of a girl told her, sliding Myrtenaster out of her stomach with the same discomfort as someone picking at a splinter.

Bloodied dripping down into her eye, breathing ragged from a pair of broken ribs, and thoroughly abused body shaking from the effort of standing with a shattered Aura, Weiss glared defiantly back. "You won't... get away with... this."

"You'll find that I already have. As I said, I'm sorry it had to be this way, but I understand."

Pushing her way into the office, Weiss felt the first ray of happiness return as she laid eyes on her friend. Louise was sitting in her father's chair poring over documents with the same focus she seen the girl put into her schoolwork. Nearby, her father stood motionlessly, empty eyes showing no signs of recognition as he looked at his daughter.

As she turned fearfully toward the door, looking for a way to perhaps flee in spite of knowing she wouldn't be fast enough, Weiss saw the handle was gone. In its place was a funnel of spider silk, the little red arachnid living there crawling from the impossible depths to brandish its fangs at her.

Hearing a long chant in a strange language, she saw Louise approaching. She knew where this was going, had heard the same unknown words not an hour ago. Unable to run or even put up much resistance, Weiss closed her eyes tight and whimpered as the pinkette's hot breath ghosted across her face.

"I wish it could have turned out differently."

Resigned, the heiress could only nod. "Me too."

Warm lips pressed against her forehead and there was a burning pain before the world fractured and she passed out.

"How are you feeling?" Louise asked in concern, tearing her eyes away from the paperwork. "I had to put a lot of magicka into you in a short amount of time and I was afraid you might end up like your father."

Reaching up to touch the faded, angular symbols hidden beneath her bangs, Weiss smiled. "I'll have you know that I'm much more resilient than him. My father never saw the value of physical ability like my sister and I."

"Well, I also put a lot less care into dealing with him and almost half my magic." Louise countered before shaking her head. "Forgive me for worrying, but I considered you a friend even if things were forced to go so far."

"Past tense?" Weiss asked, barely holding back the tremor in her voice at the sudden pain in her chest.

She'd never really had any friends before attending Beacon. Louise, Ruby, Hinata, Victoria, Blake, Tsun, Pyrrha Nikos of all people, and even Yang and Jaune if she was being honest with herself; maybe it was her own manifestation of her father's greed, but now that she had them, she didn't want to let go. Her dysfunctional team that she hoped to do better for, the rest she wanted to grow closer with. Blake, Hinata, and Louise in particular were people she knew understood her better than most and that made them all the more precious.

"I've bound you as a familiar, Weiss. Even if I didn't know after Tsun that the magic created loyalty, I doubt you want to be-"

Filing away that remark about Tsun as she stomped closer, Weiss glared down imperiously at the pinkette, one diminutive heiress to the other. "Stop talking. Even if your magic is affecting me... even if I can't feel the things I know I should, I can still think for myself, thank you! What you did was a huge betrayal of trust and I understand why you did it, but don't you think for a second you get to push me away and label me as some kind of pet. You've got a responsibility to make up for what you've done and I'm not letting you guilt your way out of it, you dolt!"

Louise's smile was a little watery and Weiss just knew she didn't fully believe what she'd said. Not to paint herself too much like Yang, but it pissed her off.

A/N: This was going to be the intro to the next story post, but I ran out of time, so have it as a separate thing.
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*2 minutes of incoherent panicking later*

Ok, so, Louise both killed Jacques (Yay?! Argh!), and bound Weiss as her familiar. (How?!?! I thought Louise had one already! When did the limit change? or did it never exist?!) By the runes on the forehead I assume is she is Mjöðvitnir, the Mind of God. That's extremely useful with how it means she can use any magical item and cast almost any spell.

On the much greater whole though, Louise pretty much upended the existing world order simply by killing Jacques, and I think she is now transferring the company control to either herself or more likely Weiss as inheritor. The political shitstorm on this though, argh!!! If/when Ironwood gets wind of this, I can't even gauge his response anymore since this is just too abrupt and without cause to prepare for. If we're lucky though he just might die of heart attack? Not to mention what Winter might think of all this.

In the end, at least there was no explosion this time, and Weiss seems to be still relatively happy about her life, and now is guaranteed to join the team. I can't believe the entire RWBY team pretty much got recruited. This is madness!!!
Jacques also got turned into a zombie, so lel. Nobody is going to actually know that the guy is dead instead of amiably handing his assets over to Weiss.
Well that certainly went against what I exoected a mad Louise would do.

Guess being closer to a Daedric Prince is bad for a person's mental health huh? Who woulda thunk?
Hmm. So, Louise has reached the point of willingly betraying people she actually likes...

In the end, at least there was no explosion this time, and Weiss seems to be still relatively happy about her life, and now is guaranteed to join the team. I can't believe the entire RWBY team pretty much got recruited. This is madness!!!

I am so proud of Louise.

Imagine! She went from a pushover weakling to someone reminiscent of Cynric himself. We did good, guys. Is this what a proud parent feels like?

And to think, we're leaving Junior Apprentice Yang under her benevolent guidance. Truly nothing could go wrong. We're also bringing along Ruby, and that crying little girl that was fomerly Adam Taurus.

I wonder if we can snag Winter too. We should invite her to the family reunion. Maybe even invite Ironwood and discuss about how we plan to waifu Salem.
Ooh, this is interesting, Louise can make more fanatically loyal familiars, presumably up to four, possibly more. She also wouldn't hesitate to do it to an ally and friend if she felt necessary.
Pardon me, i'll be off in the corner incoherently screaming.
What... this time seems didnt even do anything. We literally cant get anything done with something getting fucked up, and it's not even us doing it now. Actually having plans in this quest is impossible now, because we arent even the people causing our own fuckups. Goddamnit this is really annoying.
What... this time seems didnt even do anything. We literally cant get anything done with something getting fucked up, and it's not even us doing it now. Actually having plans in this quest is impossible now, because we arent even the people causing our own fuckups. Goddamnit this is really annoying.
The world doesn't stand still just because we're not paying attention to it; other characters have agency of their own.

We already knew that negotiations were taking a nosedive, and we could have swapped over to Louise at any time to take control and head that off, so it's not like it came out of nowhere. We just chose not to. This isn't the first time we've completely ignored an issue that we were shown in advance (like the brewing phoenix rebellion), only for it to blow up in our faces.

Is it really any surprise that Louise--who has yet to find something she couldn't ruin in some form or another--shouldn't be left to her own devices? Even if most of Louise's fuck-ups were our choice, it becomes learned behavior as her character is developed through those repeated experiences; at this point, it's her natural state.

Really, the only surprise of this whole ordeal was exactly how it blew up in our face, not that it did.
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Then how do we stop all the fucking up? Because I dont like things like this constantly happening in a way that means we constantly need to pick between bad outcomes. It seems a lot of people are interested in actively making things a multi-universal trash fire.
Then how do we stop all the fucking up? Because I dont like things like this constantly happening in a way that means we constantly need to pick between bad outcomes. It seems a lot of people are interested in actively making things a multi-universal trash fire.
We could have theoretically prevented that by taking control of Louise. Which we could have done at any time. People just didn't because we were having fun with Cynric's shenanigans. Also probably because negotiating with Jacques Schnee doesn't sound like a fun time.

And honestly, Cynric is generally competent enough that he can be left to his own devices; it's mainly Louise, and possibly Cattleya to a lesser extent, that need to be more micromanaged.
Then we need to start playing Louise more and make her more stable, instead of a ball of seething magma with a angry girl veneer. She still doesnt consider non nobles proper people, has all the tact of a brick baseball bat, and about as much humility as a solid ruby crown.
Then we need to start playing Louise more and make her more stable, instead of a ball of seething magma with a angry girl veneer. She still doesnt consider non nobles proper people, has all the tact of a brick baseball bat, and about as much humility as a solid ruby crown.
Excuse me? Ruby is plenty humble and would make for a terribly uncomfortable piece of headwear. It's the weight, you see? An entire teenager on one's head makes for a right painful crick in the neck.
Excuse me? Ruby is plenty humble and would make for a terribly uncomfortable piece of headwear. It's the weight, you see? An entire teenager on one's head makes for a right painful crick in the neck.
But just think of the possibilities! If properly harnessed, we could weaponize her Silver Eyes--a crown that shoots magic lasers!

Honestly, what's a little neck pain or poor fashion compared to that?
But just think of the possibilities! If properly harnessed, we could weaponize her Silver Eyes--a crown that shoots magic lasers!

Honestly, what's a little neck pain or poor fashion compared to that?
I see your point, but I still think you'd be better served with a separate, man-portable silver eyed weapons platform.... say about one foot tall, all terrain wheels, swiveling handle. Keep the color scheme, even.

It'll be like old times, like when Yang used to pull her around on suicide missions mother hunts.
I should've expected this.

@PieceThruWar Do people slowly adapt to their new form if their soul is put in a new body? E.g. penny and Adam, will they eventually reach the point that healing them will them to their current/future forms?
So, this clearly wasn't an intended outcome, and it's Cynric-brand monstrous, but... it's not actually that bad for us?

Weiss is kinda upset at Louise but as a familiar she seems to be magically loyal to her. Jacques is broken but he's a couple steps removed from us. If anything we've (forcefully) secured the loyalty of another capable fighter and unlocked new runes to boot. On balance Louise's... initiative seems to have left us in a better position than before.
So, this clearly wasn't an intended outcome, and it's Cynric-brand monstrous, but... it's not actually that bad for us?

Weiss is kinda upset at Louise but as a familiar she seems to be magically loyal to her. Jacques is broken but he's a couple steps removed from us. If anything we've (forcefully) secured the loyalty of another capable fighter and unlocked new runes to boot. On balance Louise's... initiative seems to have left us in a better position than before.
It's a mixed bag. On the one hand, everything you just said is correct. On the other hand, Louise has taken one great big step closer to her sudden but inevitable betrayal of us by willingly betraying someone she actually liked--and when that sudden but inevitable betrayal happens, she has a new loyal minion to back her up.

Good for us in the short term; less so in the long term. Then again, that's pretty much this quest in a nutshell.:p