Wait, what? We went after gene-mods on the cusp of a major clusterfuck? I should vote more often...

We are so doomed.
Wait, what? We went after gene-mods on the cusp of a major clusterfuck? I should vote more often...

We are so doomed.
Louise also had one more day in the tube when you started Cynric's gene-mods, she needed a day to recover from the sensory problems, and she is injured because her melded-on clothes needed to be surgically removed.... so that's a thing.
That can always happen if he refuses to listen.

[X] Hunt down Espinoza and talk with him about her Problems.

They can bond over their arachnophobia.
Before he mans up and goes to pull Victoria out of her depression spiral because he is made that way.

she is injured because her melded-on clothes needed to be surgically removed.... so that's a thing.
Wouldn't that be fixed with a single casting? We did learn Greater Healing, after all.

[x] Heal yourself back into shape
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[X] Heal yourself back into shape
[X] Hunt down Espinoza and talk with him about her Problems.
[X] Heal yourself back into shape
[X] Go to her room, it's been a long and painful day.

Wouldn't Banish Daedra work? I mean we can summon things that aren't daedra so wouldn't banishing them be as simple?
A Few Fantastically Frustrating Foolish Foibles
Clutching the bag of ice to her head, Louise does her best to ignore the strange new sensations as she hobbles to her room. The raw skin beneath her bandages only serving to exacerbate her discomfort to the point that she's soon forced to stop before she can even make it to the elevator. Leaning against the wall, Louise takes a calming breath and focuses her magical abilities toward healing herself, a golden glow gently caressing her body as the wounds fade from existence. A startled cry from the other side of the wall informs her that she must have accidentally healed someone nearby with her spell, not having bothered to differentiate between the healing spells she knew, the cost of magicka being so minor in difference that it didn't really matter to her.

No longer in pain, she drops the ice to the floor and leaves it behind for the servants to take care of as she continues on her way before her involuntary patient can investigate. Unfortunately, she is forced to actually use the stupid elevator since her cloak and other belongings had been taken to her room while she was asleep in the djinn lab. Though she still couldn't understand the way these peasants name things, there hadn't been any of the wish-granters in the room, Louise would grudgingly admit to herself that she found some of their names and word games entertaining to say.

With the lift taking so long to carry her to her intended floor, she began humming to herself, which soon turned into a sing-song voice as she attempts to pass the time. "Nine nimble noblemen nibbling nuts. Nine nimble noblemen nibbling nuts. Nine nimble noblem-" With a chime, the doors opened to allow a familiar man into the elevator.

Raymond Shen gives her a gentle smile as her cheeks do their best impression of a tomato. Why does the stupid contraption have to be so slow? If it hadn't been taking so long, I never would have been caught doing something so childish. Please don't tell master Cynric, PLEASE don't tell Master Cynric!

Her mental prayers are interrupted by the old man saying, "Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, With stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fists against the posts, and still insists he sees the ghosts." At her questioning look, his strangely pinched eyes seem to smile down at her. "My daughter likes tongue twisters too."

Mortified and somewhat insulted by the comparison, but not wanting to give the man cause to tell others, she gives him a strained smile. "I-I was just... the elevator is really slow."

Resisting bashing her head against the wall as she remembers that the buzzing feeling could have told her he was outside the door if she hadn't been doing her best to ignore it, she barely notices the man nod in agreement and the two fall into an awkward silence. An eternity later, the doors open and she practically sprints down the hall to her room. Slamming into the door, she jiggles the handle, but it doesn't work. "Great, locked out of my own room." Sighing, she rests her head against the cool metal and stares at the floor in tired frustration. "And Shen's the one to ask for a new datap- Oh... what's this?"

Seeing the little pink square of paper sticking out from beneath the door, she bends down to pick it up. 'Dear Louise, I have appropriated your datapad. It can be found in my quarters, though I must advise you to keep calm should you attempt to recover it, as the room is housing a creature that I summoned whose appearance is rather intimidating. So far she has been peaceful, but with your fear of insects, I thought it best to inform you. Try not to kill her unless necessary or beneficial. ~ Cynric Tyne, Grand Sorcerer of The Reach.'

Giggling at the way her master signed the note, she turns to the door on the other side of the corridor. Sobering up at the thought of what might lie inside her teacher's room, she tests the handle and finds it unlocked. The door creaks ominously as she pushes it open to see something that would be sure to haunt her nightmares for the next month at least. Only remembering the words on the note crushed in her grip prevents her from screaming and running away, settling for paralyzed stillness instead.

Noticing the sound of the door, the huge spider on her master's bed turns it's body with it's barbed legs, giving the youngest Valliere a clear view of the human face on the underside of it's head. The monster gives a sinister wave of it's cruel looking front leg and stabs at something beneath it. Mind caught between fight and flight, Louise can only stare unblinking as the creature lurches off the bed toward her. Instincts kicking in, she attempts to dodge, but trips over her own feet and in a last ditch effort, coats herself in fire to keep the creature away. The pain is terrible, but she uses her magic to heal her burns as they appear, the spider retreating to the ceiling and blocking most of the light in the room with it's shadow.

Confidence and rational thought return once she's sure there isn't any danger and she focuses on maintaining both spells as she prepares to fight the giant spider, only to spot her datapad dangling on a thread of silk, a single large word splayed across the screen. 'Friendly!'

"Huh?" She asks dumbly before remembering the note. Slapping herself on the forehead, she cancels the spells, but doesn't step further into the room. "Oh... right... sorry?"

The spider reels in the thread holding the datapad and types another message. 'No problem, I look pretty scary now, so I'm getting used to it.'

Exhausted and still wary of the creepy thing before her, Louise points at the tiny come-pewter and says, "I need to get into my room, so I'll be taking that."

'The old guy gave it to me since I can't talk, he also said a girl with pink hair would be coming to visit and I shouldn't leave this room until they do. Since he must have meant you, does that mean I can go with you?'

"W-what?" The pinkette asks, startled at the request and somewhat irritated at the irreverent remark about her master.

The face on the monster's body twists into a grotesque mockery of a pout. 'It's soooooo boring in here! I can only watch silly cat videos for so long, you know?' If she were intoxicated, she might risk saying that the face shifted to a cheeky grin. 'Please, I won't say a word.'

Choose 1:
[] Fine.

[] No.

[] Kill it, master's orders be damned, it's a spider!

[] Write in.


A/N: Choose wisely, this could be important. No, the alliteration wasn't necessary.
Remember, Taylor has bug control - she's probably got a much better idea of thhe base than she's letting on.

EDIT: Got my quests mixed up.
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[X] Im not, but your welcome to come with me regardless.
-[X] Leave one of those pink notes for Cattelya telling her where you've gone.


I wonder if Hercine wants Cattelya to hunt this spider monster lady.

Well, whatever. Not our problem.
[X] Fine.

What's Vicky been eating since she's got summoned? What does she eat for that matter?