As the spider... woman... thing's screaming continues, you cast Calm on it with one hand and prepare to cast Paralysis with your other in case it manages to resist your spell.
It doesn't even seem to realize the peculiarity of such a dramatic shift in emotions, simply going quiet and looking around in curiosity.
With the creature no longer squirming and squealing, you can actually take a moment to appreciate just how bizarre it is. You have summoned spider daedra and their smaller spiderling cousins, witnessed Quelana's sisters, fought giant insects and arachnids of various types, and even encountered an odd breed of elemental spiders when visiting that old curmudgeon Neloth. This? This is not a creature you've seen the likes of before and it's human-like features make you uncomfortable in a way none of the centaur-esque arachnids have.
Looking into the eyes on the feminine face, you cannot deny the clear intelligence of the bespelled being before you, but intelligence does not necessarily mean friendliness... quite the opposite in most instances such as this, in fact. Keeping your spell ready, you extend a hand in your standard response to emotional females... assuming this thing is actually female. "Hello, can you understand me?" You ask, hiding your surprise at how smooth her hair is.
You suppress a grimace at the jerking nod and awkward display of teeth that you believe to be a smile. Rearing back to raise her face so that she can look up at you easier, she moves her lips with visible effort, only to emit a pitiful squeak before looking sheepish... or as sheepish as a large spider can anyway. The two of you stare at one another for several minutes, unsure what to do from this point on, until the arachnid suddenly twitches and scuttles to one of the distant targets. Paper person trailing behind on a silken line, she returns with some approximation of a triumphant grin and begins to repeatedly stab the target with her forelegs.
Watching in silence, you take a moment to use the intercom near the door to call Louise's friend. Well, you actually wind up contacting a peppy sounding young man in the command center who you tell to send Espinoza to the shooting range. By the time this is done, you are being watched by the creature, who is holding the mutilated target above her body. With the arms, legs, and head removed, there is nothing to distract you from the series of puntures used to form letters.
"Victoria?" You ask absently, receiving an exuberant nod from the oddly emotive spider. Concluding that Victoria must be it's name, you give a gracious bow and introduce yourself. "Cynric Tyne, Grand Sorceror of The Reach." Your words earn you a look of irritated disbelief from the arachnid. Looking down at what is no doubt the cause with a rueful chuckle, you say, "Yes, I understand my state of dress could be considered a bit lacking for my title, but I assure you, you will find no greater wizard in the world than I." Of course, the fact that you are the only wizard in the world is beside the point.
Victoria maintains a skeptical appearance, but shakes her head and looks around the room once more. Never one for small talk, the fact that your conversation partner cannot actually speak gives you the perfect reason to remain silent. You wait impatiently for the Heavy to arrive, watching the spider poke at the controls to operate the target and lighting in the room. It is almost half an hour later when the doors open to admit the man.
"Care to explain why it took so long for you to arrive?" You ask in annoyance, noting that the arachnid had turned to look even before the doors opened.
Epsinoza runs a hand through his hair and groans, "Man, can't a guy talk a walk to enjoy nature without something urgent popping up?"
Raising an eyebrow as he crosses the room, you ask, "Looking for Cattleya, I presume? I would appreciate if you did not interrupt her preparations."
"Come off it, I bet you'd do the same thing in my shoes." He grumbles, though you aren't quite sure you understand what he's insinuating. "Look, I get it, abuelo's just looking out for his little girls. I can respect that... but c'mon! I ain't gonna- Holy Shit!"
Ah, he noticed. "Victoria, this is Martín Espinoza." You gesture between the two, ignoring the man's attempt to grab a nonexistent weapon. "Martín, meet Victoria."
"What the fuck?" The Heavy asks eloquently as you walk toward the door.
"She is unable to speak, but can understand our words just fine." You explain, stepping out the door as Martín finally notices what you're doing. "I trust you to help her get acquainted with her new environment."
As the door slides closed, you cast Lock on it and ignore the dull impact of the man's fists on the inside. Sure in the belief that Espinoza can handle things with the odd creature you summoned, you decide to turn in for the night. The next day, you-
Choose 1:
[] Gene-mods.
[] Crafting-
[] Enchanting Write in.
[] Alchemy write in.
[] Work on your personal power armor.
[] Daedric/Spirit binding write in.
[] No binding, wear it into a tank of Meld instead.
[] Attempt to remove Louise's Gene-mod pod and leave with the girls.
[] Write in.
[] Write in.
A/N: You have no magic to erase minds other than killing them and reanimating their corpse without their soul. 2 days until Louise awakens.