-[x] Meld is interesting in that it can combine things, living and non, perhaps...
--[x] We can make a horrid monstrosity super-being that is an abomination against Nature, Nature's God, and Man powerful ally for mankind...
--[x] Have Vahlen prep another batch of meld, for 'your' gene-mods.
--[x] Knock her out, shove her in.
--[x] Place your rad-cow's udders in as well,
---[x] You can get even more rad-milk this way!
---[x] And, after all, Louise really needs to get over her poor self image and you can help!
---[x] (Remember to heal the Rad-cow.)
--[x] Use the remaining Chryssilid brain, in the mix, too.
--[x] Toss in our "Bag of unidentified metals."
--[x] Add: ring of regen; green liquid sample/Essence of human; a soulstone; Ash yam (x2); Ash root (x2); Ash creep cluster; Human heart (x1); Daedra hearts (x3); Werewolf blood (x1 liter); Golden Saint (intestines x10lbs); Bleeding crown (x1); Giant Lichen (x1); Glowing Mushroom (x1); Vampire ashes (x1/2lb); Garlic x8; Juniper Berries (x4); Spider eggs (x4)
--[x] Summon Hermaus Mora into the chamber as it's filling up.

It's going to be GLORIOUS!!
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Cynric's Horror Binge
The third day since Louise entered the genetic modification pod, you spend the morning milking the magical cow you'd summoned and using a bowl of water for some extremely low quality scrying. Thankfully your current realm has these wonderful plastic bottles, you were running low on the few glass vial from Nirn and these ones can be collapsed to save room when they're empty... although... you may have been a bit too exuberant about this new discovery. There's no way you will drink four dozen bottles of milk before they lose their potency.

Regardless, the cow seems to appreciate the attention and more importantly, you managed to check up on what your other two summoned creatures were up to. Every time the aliens wound the serpent, the strange bird heals it by crying into it's wounds... or at least it was doing that, but after several times, the bird became the primary target and was incinerated under a hail of plasma. To add another oddity to the crying, headache educing, magical bird, the intense heat of the alien weapons caused the creature to regress back to a hatchling that immediately used a column of fire to teleport back to the forest outside the base. Without support and with the alien assault continuing to escalate, your serpent has been slowly losing to the invaders as they pour more and more ships into the planet's atmosphere. It won't be long until the bleeding and battered reptile is overwhelmed by the sheer mass of the alien fleet.

Still, it doesn't much matter in the end if the creature is defeated and this world overrun, you have other concerns for the day. Chief among those concerns is doing a bit of research that you should probably remember to do on arrival in any new realm from now on, seeing as how it is part of your specialty... Studying local necromancy! Of course... the locals claim to not know magic, but surely someone on this world has to know something about it, even if it's just fiction that you can use for inspiration.

It is for this reason that you find yourself in the foundry with Raymond. "Necromancy?"

You nod in confirmation at the query, guiding the balding man out of the noisy testing chamber. "Yes, I know that your people must have at least a vague idea on the subject since Moira mentioned zombies in her report on the chryssalid."

"Well, yes... we've got a lot of fiction involving ghosts and zombies... I suppose there might be something of interest to you." He says after a few moments of contemplation. Walking into the cramped room he calls an office, you carefully avoid knocking over any of the stacks of papers or miscellaneous parts and peer over his shoulder as he takes a seat at the desk. While typing, he asks, "Just to be clear... I'm not going to regret showing this to you, right?"

With a dismissive wave at the thought, you reply, "I am well versed in necromancy already, this is merely professional curiosity."

For some reason, he doesn't appear mollified by your words. Soon you are left alone to peruse the list of books, 'movies', and computer games provided. Shen thoughtfully provided several of what he calls 'windows', though the name must be metaphorical as there is no vista or navigable passage in any of them. You spend most of the day in his office, watching movies, skimming horror novels, and getting frustrated at the restrictive controls and abilities the games contain. You will admit that while their knowledge of ghosts is abysmal, these people do possess a few good ideas on the undead and that Frankenstein character did create something akin to a flesh atronach. Probably the most promising idea was making a disease that reanimates the dead by controlling their brain rather than binding spirits into each individual corpse would save a lot of time and crossing vampires and zombies could be useful... or disastrous. One thing is for certain, even the locals that know about their fictional zombies would die if faced with your version. The poor fools actually think that destroying the head will stop a zombie.

In good spirits, you don't bother to chase Espinoza away when he takes a seat beside you at dinner. He prattles on about something or other, but none of it interests you, so you simply nod or grunt when appropriate as ponder the information you've learned today. If you or another necromancer made a disease that causes zombies like in the local fiction rather than the norm of zombies causing disease, would spells such as Turn Undead even affect them? If not, perhaps you should enchant something to resist disease, it'd be a shame to become a mindless beast because of a drop of blood in the eye like in one of the movies you watched.

Lost in thought, you wander about the base until eventually winding up in the firing range. Seeing as nobody else is around, you lock the doors and assume a meditative position. Feeling out the 'nearby' realms, your mind brushes across one that you recognize as the origin of the radioactive cow. You briefly contemplate pulling another creature from that world, but decide against it for now due to the raw magicka that a simple cow from that world contains... it would be awkward if you summoned something too absurdly powerful.

Choosing at random, you narrow in on a cluster of emotionally charged individuals in a world completely devoid of ambient magicka. Though you can't see anything with this limited form of projection, you have enough of a sense of the world to know from their minds that the group is composed of intelligent creatures. One stands out from the crowd, it's mind seeming to be composed of two distinct parts working in tandem, so you select that one and pull it to you in a nimbus of magicka.

On the far side of the room, something completely unexpected arrives. Given what you'd noticed of it's mind and those around it, you had thought that it would be at least somewhat humanoid in appearance... bipedal if nothing else. What you witness before you is a horrifying abomination that makes you question the sanity of not binding it when performing the summoning.

A body as big as a hound, eight legs of shiny black chitin, and fangs that could likely pierce straight through a man's torso. Inky black eyes stare unblinking from atop the monstrosity's head, crowning a confused feminine face on it's underside that is framed by it's wicked looking fangs and hair the color of dried blood. The arachnid climbs unsteadily to it's feet and looked around in what you assume to be confusion.

Then came the squealing scream.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (600/650)

Choose 1:

[] Kill it with fire!

[] Leave before it can recover from the shock, let someone else deal with it.

[] Cast Calm and attempt communication.
[] Write in.

[] Write in.
A/N: Rolled a standard die to determine the random summon, you got a spider.
Oh jesus is that the Vicky-spider from your other story? Best pack up before the tentacles come.

[X] Leave before it can recover from the shock, let someone else deal with it.
I forgot. What are our means to leave the X-COM base? Some kind of invisible rift connected to the Oblivion Gate? Can we move it? Repurpose it to lead to some other world of our choosing?

I mean, I am all for leading the alien fleet to some other dimension and cutting off the link, as per the earlier plan. Hell, I am ok with leading the Aliens to the Dark Souls world. Just somewhere away from Quelana, no need to ruin our investment yet.
I forgot. What are our means to leave the X-COM base? Some kind of invisible rift connected to the Oblivion Gate? Can we move it? Repurpose it to lead to some other world of our choosing?

I mean, I am all for leading the alien fleet to some other dimension and cutting off the link, as per the earlier plan. Hell, I am ok with leading the Aliens to the Dark Souls world. Just somewhere away from Quelana, no need to ruin our investment yet.
The rift between the Oblivion Gate's pillars is highly visible and remains fixed to the pillars. You could build another and have Cattleya or Louise retrieve your sigil stone before you summon them back to you.
[X] Cast Calm and attempt communication.
-[X] Have a paralysis in waiting
-[X] consider if you can erase her mind to make a new body for the dead sister.
[X] Call in Espinoza that idiot likes handling shit like this
Espinoza is going to be the Harem Protagonist of a show that isn't even his, huh? Make him our diplomacy advisor already for when Cynric diplomacy doesn't cut it.

Come to think of it, all our contacts in Dark Souls verse have been women, too. Hmm.
Espinoza is going to be the Harem Protagonist of a show that isn't even his, huh? Make him our diplomacy advisor already for when Cynric diplomacy doesn't cut it.

Come to think of it, all our contacts in Dark Souls verse have been women, too. Hmm.

Tbf, we only spoke to two. One of whom we killed. So, not the best representation haha
[X] Cast Calm and attempt communication.
-[X] Have a paralysis in waiting
-[X] consider if you can erase her mind to make a new body for the dead sister.
[X] Call in Espinoza that idiot likes handling shit like this
[X] Cast Calm and attempt communication.
-[X] Have a paralysis in waiting
-[X] consider if you can erase her mind to make a new body for the dead sister.
[X] Call in Espinoza that idiot likes handling shit like this
Tbf, we only spoke to two. One of whom we killed. So, not the best representation haha
You also saw Solair and spoke with a man from Zenna.
:D - Yay! We got an eldritch horror... but she's all alone. :cry:
We should turn Vhalen into one, too... that way she'll have a playmate!

I'm not familiar with the Vicky-spider, care to explain?
A brainclone of Glory Girl wired into a golden retriever sized mutant jumping spider by a well-meaning eldritch horror.
As the spider... woman... thing's screaming continues, you cast Calm on it with one hand and prepare to cast Paralysis with your other in case it manages to resist your spell.

It doesn't even seem to realize the peculiarity of such a dramatic shift in emotions, simply going quiet and looking around in curiosity.

With the creature no longer squirming and squealing, you can actually take a moment to appreciate just how bizarre it is. You have summoned spider daedra and their smaller spiderling cousins, witnessed Quelana's sisters, fought giant insects and arachnids of various types, and even encountered an odd breed of elemental spiders when visiting that old curmudgeon Neloth. This? This is not a creature you've seen the likes of before and it's human-like features make you uncomfortable in a way none of the centaur-esque arachnids have.

Looking into the eyes on the feminine face, you cannot deny the clear intelligence of the bespelled being before you, but intelligence does not necessarily mean friendliness... quite the opposite in most instances such as this, in fact. Keeping your spell ready, you extend a hand in your standard response to emotional females... assuming this thing is actually female. "Hello, can you understand me?" You ask, hiding your surprise at how smooth her hair is.

You suppress a grimace at the jerking nod and awkward display of teeth that you believe to be a smile. Rearing back to raise her face so that she can look up at you easier, she moves her lips with visible effort, only to emit a pitiful squeak before looking sheepish... or as sheepish as a large spider can anyway. The two of you stare at one another for several minutes, unsure what to do from this point on, until the arachnid suddenly twitches and scuttles to one of the distant targets. Paper person trailing behind on a silken line, she returns with some approximation of a triumphant grin and begins to repeatedly stab the target with her forelegs.

Watching in silence, you take a moment to use the intercom near the door to call Louise's friend. Well, you actually wind up contacting a peppy sounding young man in the command center who you tell to send Espinoza to the shooting range. By the time this is done, you are being watched by the creature, who is holding the mutilated target above her body. With the arms, legs, and head removed, there is nothing to distract you from the series of puntures used to form letters.

"Victoria?" You ask absently, receiving an exuberant nod from the oddly emotive spider. Concluding that Victoria must be it's name, you give a gracious bow and introduce yourself. "Cynric Tyne, Grand Sorceror of The Reach." Your words earn you a look of irritated disbelief from the arachnid. Looking down at what is no doubt the cause with a rueful chuckle, you say, "Yes, I understand my state of dress could be considered a bit lacking for my title, but I assure you, you will find no greater wizard in the world than I." Of course, the fact that you are the only wizard in the world is beside the point.

Victoria maintains a skeptical appearance, but shakes her head and looks around the room once more. Never one for small talk, the fact that your conversation partner cannot actually speak gives you the perfect reason to remain silent. You wait impatiently for the Heavy to arrive, watching the spider poke at the controls to operate the target and lighting in the room. It is almost half an hour later when the doors open to admit the man.

"Care to explain why it took so long for you to arrive?" You ask in annoyance, noting that the arachnid had turned to look even before the doors opened.

Epsinoza runs a hand through his hair and groans, "Man, can't a guy talk a walk to enjoy nature without something urgent popping up?"

Raising an eyebrow as he crosses the room, you ask, "Looking for Cattleya, I presume? I would appreciate if you did not interrupt her preparations."

"Come off it, I bet you'd do the same thing in my shoes." He grumbles, though you aren't quite sure you understand what he's insinuating. "Look, I get it, abuelo's just looking out for his little girls. I can respect that... but c'mon! I ain't gonna- Holy Shit!"

Ah, he noticed. "Victoria, this is Martín Espinoza." You gesture between the two, ignoring the man's attempt to grab a nonexistent weapon. "Martín, meet Victoria."

"What the fuck?" The Heavy asks eloquently as you walk toward the door.

"She is unable to speak, but can understand our words just fine." You explain, stepping out the door as Martín finally notices what you're doing. "I trust you to help her get acquainted with her new environment."

As the door slides closed, you cast Lock on it and ignore the dull impact of the man's fists on the inside. Sure in the belief that Espinoza can handle things with the odd creature you summoned, you decide to turn in for the night. The next day, you-

Choose 1:

[] Gene-mods.

[] Crafting-
[] Enchanting Write in.
[] Alchemy write in.​

[] Work on your personal power armor.
[] Daedric/Spirit binding write in.
[] No binding, wear it into a tank of Meld instead.​

[] Attempt to remove Louise's Gene-mod pod and leave with the girls.
[] Write in.​

[] Write in.
A/N: You have no magic to erase minds other than killing them and reanimating their corpse without their soul. 2 days until Louise awakens.
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If we choose gene mods, will they be done in time before things go pear shaped?
I'm sure Louise will be up to the challenge.

[X] Gene-mods.
Interview With A Monster Girl
The next day finds you in engineering with a thoroughly disheveled Espinoza. "How was I supposed to know you would have such an extreme reaction?" You ask the large man, interrupting his rant. "I can understand Louise's fear, considering the fact that she is a teenage girl, but a grown man such as yourself really should learn to stop being afraid of spiders."

"Oi, that ain't some harmless little garden spider, pendejo!" He shouts in outrage, pointing dramatically to the sulking arachnid that had followed the two of you through the base. Most of the locals seem to have taken her presence in stride, obviously having grown accustomed to unusual events over the past few months.

"And she is friendly, so you should let go of this irrational fear and focus on the task before us." You chide, giving the fidgeting monstrosity an encouraging smile... after all, if anyone sets her off for whatever reason, you would prefer she bite someone other than you with those massive fangs.

"It's not irrational! The creepy little bastards crawl around in the dark, hide in your clothes, an-" Espinoza begins to attempt to defend his fear of spiders, but is interrupted when you cast your spell.

A violet swirl of fire twists into being as you finish binding the daedra's mind and pull it into your current realm. As one, both the Heavy and the arachnid-woman flee from the room with terrified shrieking. Palming your face, you sigh in reluctant acceptance and order the daedra to kneel so that you may climb onto it's back. Properly positioned, you ram your longsword through the base of the spider daedra's neck and decapitate it. The corpse flails about the room for several minutes, forcing you to Levitate to the ceiling to avoid injury until it goes still and you are able to dig out it's heart.

The process of harvesting the daedra's organ from within the spider portion of it's body is slow and it isn't until an hour before noon that you are able to set off to the Foundry with your prize. Oddly enough, you find the place locked and none of the engineers are nearby.

A quick Open spell to unlock the door sees you into the facility and you swiftly mimic Raymond's previous actions to start the smelting process. Machinery whirs to life and the scent of lightning fills the room as you watch the automated assembly begin to melt down scraps of alien alloys. Tossing the heart into the mixture once enough has been melted, you watch the various components form and your armor is slowly assembled over the course of several hours, wires and other small pieces meticulously layered beneath armor plates and pistons. A glowing red dynamo core is inserted into the breastplate before an armored grate is lowered over it and a soul gem is inserted next to a small box that you don't remember being a part of the design, but you assume to be a last minute addition by Shen.

When the suit is finished, you briefly struggle to twist the helmet and slide it forward to reveal the opening. Climbing inside, you put the helmet back in place before getting comfortable and allowing the armor to adjust to your proportions. Unfortunately, you were forced to remove your... appropriated coat and use it to tie your other personal effects to the exterior of the armor before climbing in, which removes a useful layer of defense. Perhaps you should give it to Cattleya to afford her some manner of protection that won't restrict her transformations?

Regardless of fashionable protective wear, you manage to acclimate to the armor's movements quickly enough and soon make your way to your room to store it. Annoying blocks of text pop up in your field of view to tell you basic instructions such as how to walk, why you should relax your muscles, how the change in elevation might prove disorienting, and other useless information that you had already discovered and calculated for. You assume that this unusual visual impairment is the addition that Raymond made, but cannot for the life of you understand the reasoning behind it, even if the little jagged line measuring your heartbeat is an interesting curiosity. Your only guess is that the locals are much less intelligent than you'd thought and Raymond had considered such obvious instructions to be necessary for the imbeciles.

You arrive at the elevator without trouble and while the staff appears as though it is a overly long wand, you still manage to Levitate up the shaft with roughly ten percent the speed you would normally be able to achieve. Several shocked faces greet you when you force open the doors to the residential floor, though if anyone takes offense to your actions, they don't voice such thoughts as you stomp gracelessly down the hall.

Locking your armor in your room takes but a few minutes and you use the remainder of your magicka on Clairvoyance as you hunt for Victoria. You eventually manage to find her making pitiful noises in a web at the bottom of the elevator shaft. Repressing a shudder, you gain her attention by gently patting her head, causing her to look up at you with what you assume to be a sorrowful expression. Since it would be a waste to summon her and not at least get some information in return, you sigh and say, "Come along, you can use my room for the time being, no need to hide down here."

Though she seems hesitant, she follows dutifully as you lead her to your room. Along the way, you make a stop at the kitchen to grab various meats for the arachnid as she must need to eat sometime and had been locked in the armory with Espinoza overnight. When you arrive at your room, you set the food in a corner and leave her to scuttle around the place while you retrieve your apprentice's datapad from her room. Tossing the device on the bed, you are about to explain it's function to the spider-girl when she practically pounces on it and begins typing away with her forelimbs.

Leaning in to see what she's doing, you are forced to pull away as she shoves the screen in your face. 'Finally! Do you have any idea how frustrating it's been not being able to talk?'

"Er... I can imagine-" You begin, only for her to cut you off by pulling the datapad away and typing furiously.

'Where am I? Where's Vista?' The screen reads when she holds it up again.

Not knowing who this Vista is, as the capitalization would imply it is a name rather than the usual sense of the word, you answer the question you do know the answer to. "Currently we are in the headquarters of a secret military organization known as X-com." She looks like she wants to ask another question, but instead taps the word Vista again. "Assuming Vista is the name of a person, I still have no idea who or what you are asking about."

She stares at you for a moment before typing some more. 'Short, 13, superhero? You really don't know who Vista is?' You shake your head in response. 'Fine, whatev. Where are we? I've never heard of X Comm before.'

"Well, I did say it was a 'secret' organization." You offer, though she doesn't seem to appreciate your irreverence. "Though to be fair, it is unlikely that you would have heard of them before even if they were not a secret... considering the fact that you are no longer on the world of your origin."

Victoria stumbles as if struck by your words and the two of you stare at one another for an uncomfortable amount of time before she manages to come up with a response. 'How do you know for sure?'

"Why, I summoned you here of course." You answer honestly, causing her to jump away and give you a wary look as if attempting to judge how much of a threat you are. Waving dismissively at her sudden distrust, inadvertently causing her to flinch, you continue, "Now, now, there is no reason for such a reaction. Surely I would have harmed you by now if that was my intention, why would I allow you to communicate if that were the case."

'Then what IS your intention?' The arachnid asks a moment later. 'Why would you bring me here?'

Rubbing your beard, you shrug. "Boredom, I suppose."

Whatever she had been expecting, that most certainly was not it. With a choking sound, she pokes at the datapad once again. 'WTF?! Who just kidnaps people because they're bored?'

"I did not intend to summon some... one... like you. I assure you, this was merely an interesting accident." You reply casually, pulling piece of paper and a pen from the desk that X-com provided you. "Now, I would advise that you remain in this room until either I return or a young woman with pink hair comes to visit, as your appearance may cause some negative reactions among the locals."

'Wait!' The screen shoved in your face as you turn to leave says. 'I can't stay here! I need to go home!'

"I am sorry, but I doubt that that is possible... Perhaps we can search for a method to send you home when I return, but you are stuck here for now." You lie, unwilling to divert your attention to realigning the Oblivion gate for such an unimportant task. Shortly afterward, you are on your way to the genetics laboratory, a note left for Louise to inform her of recent developments.


It is a groggy Louise that climbs from the amber soup and retches on the floor. Her skin tingles all over, her chest and waist hurt as though she'd been sunburned only on the skin that was covered, her eyes won't focus properly, and she can't stop the strange buzzing sensation in her head. Squeezing her eyes shut, she notices a patch of buzzing energy approaching her.

"-sy does it... stay calm." The buzzing says in a soothing voice. Looking up at the voice, noticing a flash of golden hair before she falls over and vomits from the disorientation that the movement causes. "-urgically remove it."

"Sedate her. Heavily." A familiarly accented voice says. "They're on thin ice as it is, I won't have the child ruin such a beneficial relationship because you failed to keep her under again."

"Yes ma'am." The blonde buzz says and Louise feels a pinprick. Suddenly she blinks herself awake and notices that she is in a dreadfully familiar room. Looking around the medical room, she sees her least favorite doctor smirking from behind her desk. "Oh, the brat's awake. Did you have a nice nap?" The woman asks in an overly affectionate tone, but the buzzing chooses that moment to return.

With all the new and distracting sensations, Louise flops her head back onto the pillow and attempts to get used to feeling every machine and animal around her. It's not comforting to know exactly how many rodents and insects are living in the walls, the new problem with focusing her vision doesn't help her mood either. Luckily the blonde seems to understand, or at least grow tired of not getting a response, and the youngest Valliere is left to spend the afternoon getting used to her new condition.

By the evening Louise is free to go, though not before Vahlen stops by with a gift. Looking at the small pronged object, she asks, "What is it?"

"The Mark I Anti-psionic implant." The doctor announces from behind before bracing an arm against the pinkette's forehead and stabbing her in the back of her skull. The unexpected pain is accompanied by a growing sense of unease that Louise can't place and she struggles to break free. Ignoring the panicked flailing of her patient, Vahlen continues to speak as she works. "Cynric informed me that he suspects you have been under the influence of the aliens' mind-control, this is a valuable opportunity to test and improve the effectiveness of our countermeasures against such threats."

The girl barely manages to hear a word of the casual explanation between the whirring of the doctors tool and her own screaming. With a final click as the device activates, the youngest Valliere feels a weight that she hadn't notice before, but it vanishes when she focuses on it. A bandage and ice are quickly slapped on her new wound and Vahlen walks toward the door, not even looking back to check on the teen she'd brutalized as she calls out, "By the way, Cynric is undergoing his genetic modification at the moment, it will be a week before he's done... do try not to cause anymore problems."

Choose 1:
[] Go to her room, it's been a long and painful day.

[] Find Cattleya and cry

[] Hunt down Espinoza and take out her frustrations on the hapless idiot.

[] Write in.

A/N: With only two votes and neither for the same option, you get both.
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