[x] Cattleya's plan.
-[x] Commandeer a commoner to relay a message to the Commander about Cattleya's plan.
-[x] With the Commander's assent, execute the plan.
-[x] Direct your familiar to your location in either case.

Cynric is so kidnapped.

Rescue arcs are the best arcs. Almost as good as tournament arcs!
[x] Cattleya's plan.
-[x] Commandeer a commoner to relay a message to the Commander about Cattleya's plan.
-[x] With the Commander's assent, execute the plan.
-[x] Direct your familiar to your location in either case.
-[X] demand a guard for master since he can't defend himself inside the goo.
[x] Cattleya's plan.
-[x] Commandeer a commoner to relay a message to the Commander about Cattleya's plan.
-[x] With the Commander's assent, execute the plan.
-[x] Direct your familiar to your location in either case.
-[X] demand a guard for master since he can't defend himself inside the goo.
Base Defense 2: Swarm Tactics
"Good thinking sis!" Louise replies brightly, due more to not needing to put on a repeat performance of the last aerial battle than any actual enthusiasm for filling the base with bugs. "Victoria, can you pass on the plan to the guards? Surely they'll tell their leader about what we're about to do."

The spider-girl gives a nod and skitters down the hall, directing a gimlet eye toward the man who shot her earlier. While she does that, Louise takes a few minutes to change into another undamaged outfit. "At this rate I'll need to buy a couple of servants just to keep my wardrobe stocked." The girl mutters in annoyance at her uncooperative magics, none of the other students at her school had to put up with this kind of thing.

An extremely faint sensation of satisfaction flashes through her mind right before the guards shout and the sound of gunfire thunders through the corridor. Grabbing her small pouch of supplies and hurrying out of the room to check on what's happening, Louise sees her familiar warping the steel doors to the elevator shaft with all four of his hands, several gaping wounds across his torso that are already healing. Smirking, the youngest Valliere watches as Tsun tosses the commoners aside without a second thought on his way to stand before her. Meeting her familiar halfway, motioning for Cattleya to follow, Louise grabs the zombie by his collar and hoists him into the air.

Levitating over the grumbling commoners, she gives a derisive sniff at the thought that they were whining when her familiar likely could have killed them with less effort than it took to throw them. "What are you waiting for? Hurry along to your commander already... and have him send somebody to protect Master Cynric."

"Look you little bi-" one of the battered men begins, halting his speech at the look Cattleya gives him. Taking a breath, the apparent leader says, "I don't care how important you think you are, you don't have the authority to make that kind of decision. You could be the second coming of Jesus Christ himself and I'd tell you the same thing just like I told your little pet here." He points at Victoria as he finishes, causing the spider-girl to glare and rear back in a threatening manner.

"Actually," Cattleya interrupts, stepping between the two groups with a serene smile. "Vicky isn't a pet and it's very rude of you to say that. Not to mention how bad of an idea it is to say something like that when we are about to fill the base with a swarm of chaurus... they're quite ferocious when pushed, nobody would be surprised if a few humans bodies were found among their victims when this is over."

The guards stiffen at her words, the one who shot Victoria growling, "Is that a threat?"

Feeling oddly more at at ease with a hostile audience once again, Louise makes a show of fingering the hilt of her wand. "Of course it is, you simpleton." She says with a laugh. "And if you don't hurry on your way, It'll be much more than a threat."

The tense atmosphere lasts for almost a minute before the lead guard grudgingly orders his men into the elevator shaft and they Levitate up through the darkness, muttered oaths of vengeance echoing back to the women. Leading the others into the shaft as well, Louise floats down toward the Storage bay and the Skyranger hangar beyond.

"Don't let him get to you, Vicky... I'm sure he was just trying to hide his embarrassment at being tossed aside like refuse." Cattleya's says comfortingly from behind as they fall, though the spider-girl's inability to talk makes it impossible for Louise to know how effective it is.

Arriving in the storage bay after a minute of falling, they fly over the Oblivion gate to land just outside the rebuilt doors to the hangar. Setting her familiar down, Louise turns to her sister and holds in her inappropriate giggles at the sight of the spider-girl riding on Cattleya like a Germanian rucksack. Hiding her grin as Cattleya turns toward her, though the elder girl's matching grin shows how effective her efforts are, she clears her throat.

"Right... So... Do you know how to open the doors?" Louise asks, looking between the keyboard on the wall and her big sister.

For her part, Cattleya just tilts her head and shrugs as she answers innocently, "There's usually a soldier guarding the door and I just ask him to open it."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, the younger pinkette sighs, "You just ask... or? No, I don't think I want to know. Do you have any ideas Victoria?"

Climbing off of the elder Valliere, Victoria quickly responds, 'Punch it?' At Louise's unimpressed look, she continues, 'What? It always worked for me. Though I guess I did have super strength, so that plan might not work for you.'

Deciding just to go with it, Louise pulls back a fist and casts the most powerful Fortify Strength she can before punching the armored door. With a deafening crash and the crunch of bones being pulverized, the interlocking steel doors are torn from the wall and obliterate one of the three skyrangers in the hangar beyond. Screaming in pain while the other two just stare in shock, Louise curses everyone and everything she can think of through the worst pain she's ever felt. Her collapsing to the floor in blinding agony snaps the others out of their stupor as she whimpers and attempts to pull the cork out of a restorative potion with her teeth, but her increased strength causes her to shatter the bottle as her shaky hands make her bite down on the glass instead. Still, much of the potion does end up in her mouth... alongside quite a lot of blood as well as a few bits of glass, but she forces herself to swallow it all.

Cattleya kneels down and begins chanting a healing spell that Louise disregards in favor of her most powerful healing spell. Thankfully the potions seem to dull the pain a bit or else she wouldn't have probably would have fouled the spell and turned them all into horribly twisted flesh piles. Considering the fact that the entire right side of her skeleton was shattered and quite a bit of her internals were likely pulped, she highly doubted that she could have stayed conscious much longer without something as strong as Grand Healing, much less survived long enough for Cattleya or the commoners to be of any significant help.

As it is, she blacks out for what must have been at least ten minutes. One moment she is healing herself and the next moment there's a tide of chitin swarming around her as a tearful Cattleya stands beside a lever in the hangar. Groaning, Louise resumes healing herself and climbs to her feet to stagger over to her sister. In the hangar she sees the large door that serves as a ceiling spreading wider, the flow of insects increasing as the opening grows. Stumbling, Louise braces herself and watches the floor rising up to meet her, but is caught by a black mass rushing beneath her. The feeling of silken hair makes it obvious that Victoria caught her and the pinkette begins to drift off to sleep, unable to muster up any disgust at the fact that her face is touching a spider.


"Fuck yeah!" Espinoza cheers as the first of the chaurus sprints past him. Powered armor allowing him to carry the enchanted plasma cannon as if it were a large pistol, the latino soldier blasts another muton in the face, watching in fascination as the weapon tears a small stream of energy from the alien to power it's next shot. "Told you it'd come down to Princesa, Sarge."

"I don't give a shit, you gobby fuck! Keep focused and watch your fire, Strike Two's down here somewhere." Sgt. Granger shouts over the coms, the sound of gunfire and roaring in the background.

Pushing further into the tunnel as the first chaurus is joined by more, he stomps down on a panicking sectoid and catches one of the melee oriented muton's fist and swings the alien into the wall. The musclebound berserker, dazed by the impact, is helpless as he tosses it to the side for his insecotoid allies to devour. "No need to be jealous, I'm sure Cattleya'd let you keep one if you asked nicely."

"Ahhh!" Yozura's terrified voice screams in his ear. "Get it off! For the love of God, get it off!"

Taking cover behind a stone pillar, Martín switches his HUD to the rookies camera feed. A trio of mechanical squids have her restrained and a swarm of chryssalids are preventing the few chaurus nearby from helping. Another tentacled robot phases into being in front of her and ignites a plasma torch. Her screams grow more panicked as the machine cuts into her armor until the emerald flame cuts through the grate on the chest. The signal cuts out, followed by a tremor knocking down chunks of the earthen ceiling.

Cursing Espinoza continues down the tunnel, the chaurus having cleared the path of aliens while he was distracted. Alien zombies shuffle down into the Earth alongside him, bursting one by one to birth yet more chaurus into the world. The tunnels ahead slowly open into a large cavern where a strange vertical ring stands surrounded by elaborately armored mutons and sectoids in sleek lavender powered armor with massive guns for arms.

The ring lights up with violet light that spirals into the empty space and creates a swirling portal that releases a dozen more mutons before deactivating. Ducking back out of view, Martín announces, "Uh... Command? We've got a problem."

"More than one."
Central responds. "The Valliere sisters just arrived in the command center and Louise is heavily injured. We're running out of fighters and the science division has gone missing."

Status: Fractured ribs, Fractured arm, shattered hand, punctured lung, ruptured spleen, severe bruising.
Magicka: (10150/14000)

Choose 1:

[] Use Scroll of Recall to teleport to Cynric.

[] Head down to assisst Strike One-
[] General battle plan.​

[] Punish X-com for failing to protect Master Cynric. Violently.

[] Write in.

[] Yes

[] No

A/N: Louise is seriously unlucky at times. Like... the kind of luck that ends in instant death in a boss fight. I actually re-rolled the RNG because landing a 1 out of 100 on a failed spell seemed a little ridiculous for a non-combat scene, but it only went up by 8.
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[X] Head down to assist Strike One-
[X] Create rune bombs and have chaurus deliver them to the enemy like insectoid suicide bombers.
[X] Use Fortify Strength to dual wield heavy weapons to maximize use of Gandalfr runes.
[X] Tsun should do the same, but quad wield.​

[X] Yes

With a deafening crash and the crunch of bones being pulverized, the interlocking steel doors are torn from the wall and obliterate one of the three skyrangers in the hangar beyond. Screaming in pain while the other two just stare in shock, Louise curses everyone and everything she can think of through the worst pain she's ever felt. Her collapsing to the floor in blinding agony snaps the others out of their stupor as she whimpers and attempts to pull the cork out of a restorative potion with her teeth, but her increased strength causes her to shatter the bottle as her shaky hands make her bite down on the glass instead. Still, much of the potion does end up in her mouth... alongside quite a lot of blood as well as a few bits of glass, but she forces herself to swallow it all.

Jesus Christ. That must have been an amazing train wreck for Cattleya and Vicky to watch.
Y'know, I think Tsun quad-wielding heavy plasmas should be a part of every plan, just for the image alone. I'd love to curb the chaurus population too, but they are kind of like puppies, and Cattleya probably would be cross with us for deliberately killing them. Not to mention they are smart enough to stop suicide bombing if they ever realie the plan, and I don't relish the thought of them turning against us.

(The depiction of chaurus in this quest reminds me of this pic)

Did they kidnap Cynric? More fools them. Can Louise modify the Recall scroll so it would transport more targets? Perhaps it's time to visit the Mothership, after all.
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[X] Head down to assist Strike One
-[X] Have Sauto run in front to fight with anything that blocks our way.
-[X] Use Lightning bolt and Ice spikes to deal with things out of range. When we get close encase them in Ice walls and if that doesn't work fight with Frost cloak Active.
[X] yes
Can Louise modify the Recall scroll so it would transport more targets?
She cannot because she has no idea how to make one and it is made of ink and magic. That being said, there's nothing stopping multiple people from grabbing the scroll before it activates.

Edit: lore tidbit for you, the only difference between a white soul that can be trapped in regular soul gems/Azura's star and a black soul that can't is the fact that black souls are blessed/protected by Arkay and require a black soul gem to be trapped. Any soul(though not a Dark souls 'Soul') that isn't from Nirn cannot be a black soul because Arkay isn't an omniversal deity.
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[X] Head down to assist Strike One
-[X] Have Sauto run in front to fight with anything that blocks our way.
-[X] Use Lightning bolt and Ice spikes to deal with things out of range. When we get close encase them in Ice walls and if that doesn't work fight with Frost cloak Active.
[X] yes
Base Defense 2: Down The Rabbit Hole
Head spinning, Louise claws her way to consciousness long enough to see a man pointing his weapon at her sister from behind a barricade. "-at are you doi-"

The world dims and she realises that she must have fallen asleep again, as they are now standing before the doors to the command center and a pair of guards in heavy armor.

"-eds healing!"Cattleya insists imploringly to an indifferent guardsman.

"Nobody gets past this point until cleared by-" Another guard begins to argue, making Louise wonder if perhaps all the guards here just like to be difficult, before cutting herself off. "Nevermind, in you go."

"-one get down there a-" Someone says, followed by a familiar voice cutting them off. "-mand? We've got a problem."

"God damn it!" The earlier voice growls, accompanied by a meaty thud. Blinking heavily, she struggles to stay awake and looks around to see that the voice is the Bradfort man that is important for some reason she'd never cared about. "More than one. The Valliere sisters just arrived in the command center and Louise is heavily injured. We're running out of fighters and the science division has gone missing."

The hated blonde commoner appears at her side and begins poking her. "Dear God, did you get hit by a truck?" The blonde asks before pulling Louise's mouth open and shining a light inside. "I'm seeing a lot of glass imbeded in her mouth, but no damage to her teeth or jaw... what happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Cattleya admits from outside her field of view. "She just punched the door off it's hinges and started screaming. I-I tried to help, but there was just too much... the... the glass is from a potion bottle."

"Jeez kid, you know you don't have to eat the damn things, right?" Her local nemisis asks in a partonizing tone. While she never stopped hating that Germanian trollop, at least Zerbst wasn't a filthy commoner that deluded herself into thinking she was worthy of bantering with a Valliere. Unable to voice her resentment, Louise settles for glaring and attempting to set the woman on fire without making a movement that would implicate her. "Whatever, we'll probably need to operate to remove the glass that's no doubt lodged in your throat and stomach."

Cattleya's worriedly asks, "Operate?"

As the woman rummages through a bag and pulls out a needle that's probably full of the same poisons they used on her when she first arrived, the blonde nods. "Of course, I'll need to open her up and dig the fragments out, lord knows it'd be unpleasant if we let nature run it's course."

Panicked, Louise uses her good arm to push the newly identified chirurgeon away and Cattleya puts herself between the two. Not seeming to understand her concern, Victoria nevertheless carries her out of reach in case the blonde tries to lunge past Cattleya. If we make it out of this mess, I'll need to repay Victoria. The youngest Vallière thinks, patting the spider-girl on the head like Master Cynric would do as thanks. After all, there's a good reason that only the poorest commoners are willing to risk chirurgie. I may not like my body, but I'm not going to accept disfigurement!

Trusting her sister to keep the crazy excuse for a healer at bay, she puts all of her focus into healing her wounds. The magical glow startles the rest of the rooms occupants, causing several firearms to be pointed in their direction as Louise rushes to heal her wounds. Two entire minutes of nonstop casting Grand Healing relieves everyone in the command center of all injury, from injuries as severe as Louise's to minor scrapes and arthritis, the only ones not restored to peak health are those whose limbs were lost in the fighting and even those are mostly regrown by the time she stops.

Spitting out the bloody shards of glass that her spell pushed from her internal wounds, Louise stands and dusts herself off. Acting as if that entire debacle hadn't happened, Louise sneers at the blonde 'doctor' that sought to maim her further and turns to address the Commander and Bradfort. Her words never leave her mouth though, as she finds herself surrounded in darkness. Her immediate thought is that she blacked out again, but the squishy warmth and crushing grip informs her that Cattleya is hugging her.

"Iwassoworried!" The elder pinkette sobs into her hair. "Thank Brimir you're alright, why do you keep getting hurt like this?!" With her sister's outrageously large mounds of fat (that Louise was definitely not jealous of and would deny such allegations vehemently) preventing her from speaking, she settles for returning the embrace. While normally this would be comforting to the younger girl, she's painfully aware of how public their current situation is and just how pathetically childish she must look.

Struggling for a moment to find a decent place to put her hands, she gently pushes free from her sister's grasp and gives her a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, see. There's no need for tears."

Wiping her eyes, Cattleya smiles back weakly and tries to look imposing as she says, "You're never doing that again, do you understand me?"

"Of course, dear sister." Louise laughs lightly, "I give you my word, I'll avoid punching doors from now on." Swallowing nervously at the glare Cattleya aims at her, she looks to Victoria for support, but the other girl is just staring vacantly at the floor. "Sis... It was an accident. I promise I will be more careful next time, but I can't just not use such a useful spell."

Sighing, Cattleya slumps her shoulders and nods. "I know... It's just... This is the second time in months that you've been grievously injured and I can't do anything to help."

"It's alright, I know you're worried, but you need to trust me to make my own judgement when it comes to my magic. If you'd like, I can teach you one of Master Cynric's healing spells when this is all over." Louise offers.

"I'd like that. When did you become the reasonable one?" The elder pinkette laughs. "I remember a certain little girl threatening to fire the maids because they wouldn't let her fly mother's manticore, even though she was barely out of swaddling clothes."

"Didn't happen." Louise denies, turning away at her sister's answering snort. Striding over to the two men in charge of X-com, the youngest Vallière clears her throat to get their attention. "Did I hear Espinoza mention a problem?"

A silent conversation passes between the two and the Commander smiles as he leads her away from Bradfort. "How are you feeling, Louise?"

"Hold tight Strike one, help is on the way."

"If you're trying to be endearing, stop it." The girl says flatly. "I came over to offer my assistance, you don't need to wheedle it out of me. Just send you soldiers to the djinn labs and tell me where to go."

A pained look passes over his face. "I wasn't... whatever." He sighs. "Look, we lost contact with Vahlen's research team fifteen minutes ago and the cameras show no sign of anyone in the labs."

"WHAT?!" Louise shrieks, several guns pointing in her direction being the only thing preventing her from drawing her blade. "I specifically said to protect Master Cynric while my sister and I defend your base, how worthless can you commoners be?!"

"Sorry kid, but we're a little busy here. I couldn't get anyone down there before they went silent." Flagg says apologetically, causing Louise to grind her teeth in anger. "Don't worry, we'll find some way to get them back. Corporal Espinoza believes he found a portal to an alien base, why don't you head down to the caverns to meet him?"

As tempting as it is to just kill them for their failure, it wouldn't help bring her teacher back. Rather than waste any more valuable time on these 'people' when there was a rescue to perform, Louise stomps away from the man and shoves her way past the guards at the door. Cattleya gets Victoria's attention and they both follow wordlessly as the three of them make their way to the armory, Tsun joining them when they pass the security checkpoint outside the elevator.

A short while later, the girls are in a poorly lit tunnel following the few chaurus that are late to arrive. The tunnels branch off into three paths, but they can see that one is collapsed not too far from the entrance and the chaurus only seem interested in one of the two remaining, so it's rather obvious which way leads to the fight... the constant sound of combat helps as well. Along the journey, they pass hundreds of corpses, mostly alien and chaurus, but a few humans in the same heavy armor the guards at the command center wore and even a half melted suit of powered armor. Whoever was in the powered armor appears to have died the most painfully, as the suit kept them protected just enough to cook thoroughly rather than die quickly from a large wound.

Eventually the group arrives to a scene of absolute chaos. The large chamber ahead of them is illuminated by constant flashes of plasma weapons, the aliens standing in a circular formation around a ring that is large enough to drive a carriage through with ease, fighting desperately against the surging tide of horse sized insects. On the ceiling of the chamber, Louise can faintly make out several chaurus tunneling up to the surface to allow reinforcements to join the fray faster. As one of the grey aliens uses it's mechanical suit to pull a giant bug from it's comrade's back, she spots the armored form of an X-com soldier charging toward the alien position.

Sending her familiar to assist whoever is wearing the armor, Louise begins bombarding the aliens. Lightning bolts strike out from her right hand while spikes as large as her thigh fly from her left. Cattleya stays back with Victoria defending her as Louise follows her familiar into the fight, arcane lightning frying the mechanical aliens and Ice Spikes impaling the softer targets that are too slow to dodge. Six aliens die to her spells before one of the sectoids uses it's mechanical suit's height to fire over the swarming chaurus and she is forced to continually cast Ice Wall to block it's barrage of plasma.

The heat soon proves too much for the semi-offensive spell and she barely manages to cast Fire Shield before the emerald beams slam into her. Blinded by the plasma searing her flesh, Louise faintly hears Cattleya screaming in fear and rage before a wave of water washes over the area, quickly turning to steam. Blinking away the spots in her vision, the tiny pinkette climbs back to her feet and idly notices that her vest is completely ruined before she unleashes a storm of lightning on her stunned attacker. As the alien falls over and explodes, Louise tears off the ruined remains of her enchanted vest and draws her sword, pointing it at the few remaining aliens and creating an explosion in the middle of their shrinking formation.

Taking advantage of their moment of vulnerability, Esponoza throws the melted remains of his helmet at the first muton to rise and kicks it in the head, breaking it's neck. The portal flares to life and a sectopod marches out, only to have it's right leg get blown off at the knee before it can fully exit the portal, causing whatever was behind it to explode as the purple rift tears the mechanical walker apart before shutting off once more. Meanwhile, the remaining seven or so aliens are devoured by chaurus.

"Y'know, that wasn't as bad as I expected." Espinoza comments as Cattleya and Victoria join him and Louise at the portal ring. For some reason, the armored man scowls and mutters, "I shouldn't have said that."

The pinkettes can only look on in confusion as Victoria nods in agreement. "Enough chatter, ladies." Granger says, seemingly appearing out of nowhere with two halves of Tsun in her arms. "Cover the X-ray's machine in case of reinforcements. Pinky junior, you're skilled with computers, right?"

"Er... Not really... I just spent a few minutes poking my datapad until I found the instructions." Louise admits, ignoring the nickname for now.

Nodding as if she hadn't expected anything else, Granger points to the ring and continues, "I spent most of my life fighting drug cartels in the jungle, so that's better than me. I needed somebody else to tell me how to work the damned thing. Go poke that ring until you get the portal online."

Shrugging, Louise heads over to the vertical ring and after a cursory inspection, she depresses the only button on the thing. A whirling cloud of violet spreads from the edges of the ring until, in a flash, the event horizon forms. Turning her head, she triumphantly declares, "Mission accomplished, feel free to bask in my greatness."

Status: 2nd Degree burns
Magicka: (2679/14000)

General plan of action:

[] Write in.
A/N: If you had chosen not to heal Louise, she would have used up her remaining magicka buffing the others and been sedated for surgery... though by your plan, I'm assuming you underestimated her injuries. I made healing an option specifically because it would be costly. You're about to storm an alien portal to an unknown destination, how do you intend to do it?

Since that time of year is coming up, be sure to spread the spread the season's fear! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh fhtagn!
Do We have any milk?
Nope, no magicka potions either.

Louise's current inventory
Spirit Sword: A magical blade housing the soul of an electric mouse. Absorbs magicka to repair itself.

X-com fatigues: Blue-gray color scheme. Standard issue clothing worn under body armor. Offers minimal protection against scrapes and temperature. Insect repellent patch loses potency if washed.

Scroll of Recall: Target is Cynric.

Soul of Quelaag: Assimilating will give a permanent stat boost and certain traits of the Chaos Witch Quelaag and restore some magicka.

Minor Health Regen Potion: x5
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Yeah, definitely underestimated the extent of her injuries there. Then again, she burnt up ~8k magicka and still has 4x as much gas in the tank as her mentor. We can make this work.

General plan of action:
[X] Use a health regen potion for the burns.
[X] Stick Tsun back together.
[X] Loot a new levitation vest from one of the casualties.
[X] 2-Pronged attack:
-[X] Send the chaurus through the portal to establish a beachhead.
-[X] Have Strike One, plus anyone else X-Com command can spare, get a finger on the Scroll of Recall along with Louise so they can deep strike to wherever Cynric, and presumably any other surviving hostages, are being held.
-[X] Deep striking team will then proceed to complete the rescue by either commandeering the alien spacecraft that the hostages are presumably on and returning to X-Com HQ or, if that is unfeasible, fight their way to the chaurus beachhead and complete the extraction by heading back through the portal.
-[X] If spacecraft cannot be commandeered, it should be scuttled. Deep striking team should bring suitable explosives with remote detonators/timers if feasible.
-[X] Cynric should be revived via healing magic once secured, so as to expand range of tactical options.
[X] Soldiers should be left to guard the ring so that the event horizon remains open.
[X] Use a health regen potion for the burns.
[X] Stick Tsun back together.
[X] Loot a new levitation vest from one of the casualties.
[X] 2-Pronged attack:
-[X] Send the chaurus through the portal to establish a beachhead.
-[X] Have Strike One, plus anyone else X-Com command can spare, get a finger on the Scroll of Recall along with Louise so they can deep strike to wherever Cynric, and presumably any other surviving hostages, are being held.
-[X] Deep striking team will then proceed to complete the rescue by either commandeering the alien spacecraft that the hostages are presumably on and returning to X-Com HQ or, if that is unfeasible, fight their way to the chaurus beachhead and complete the extraction by heading back through the portal.
-[X] If spacecraft cannot be commandeered, it should be scuttled. Deep striking team should bring suitable explosives with remote detonators/timers if feasible.
-[X] Cynric should be revived via healing magic once secured, so as to expand range of tactical options.
[X] Soldiers should be left to guard the ring so that the event horizon remains open.
[X] Use a health regen potion for the burns.
[X] Stick Tsun back together.
[X] Loot a new levitation vest from one of the casualties.
[X] 2-Pronged attack:
-[X] Send the chaurus through the portal to establish a beachhead.
-[X] Have Strike One, plus anyone else X-Com command can spare, get a finger on the Scroll of Recall along with Louise so they can deep strike to wherever Cynric, and presumably any other surviving hostages, are being held.
-[X] Deep striking team will then proceed to complete the rescue by either commandeering the alien spacecraft that the hostages are presumably on and returning to X-Com HQ or, if that is unfeasible, fight their way to the chaurus beachhead and complete the extraction by heading back through the portal.
-[X] If spacecraft cannot be commandeered, it should be scuttled. Deep striking team should bring suitable explosives with remote detonators/timers if feasible.
-[X] Cynric should be revived via healing magic once secured, so as to expand range of tactical options.
[X] Soldiers should be left to guard the ring so that the event horizon remains open.
Guys zombie boy isn't hurt and Cynric only made levitation vests for us and him, and we can't use the aliens stuff, plus they'll outnumber us on the ship. We need to focus on getting in and running back out.

[X] Use a regen potion for the burns.
[X] Spider distraction
-[X] Send the chaurus through the portal to spread chaos and a form a path back .
-[X] Have Strike One, put a finger on the Scroll of Recall along with Louise so they can teleporr to wherever Cynric, is being held.
-[X] rescue team will then proceed to complete the rescue by grabbing any humans possible and bringing them towards the chaurus. On the way back focus on damaging the ship as we retreat to the portal
-[X] Deep striking team should bring suitable explosives with remote detonators/timers if feasible.
-[X] Some soldiers should come through the ring to guard the portal so that it stays open.
Guys zombie boy isn't hurt and Cynric only made levitation vests for us and him, and we can't use the aliens stuff, plus they'll outnumber us on the ship. We need to focus on getting in and running back out.

Saito/Tsun was bisected during the chaos and Cynric enchanted a whole stockpile of vests for xcom, though he didn't get around to doing so for the newer armors like the carapace and titan armor because you guys never voted for him to do so.
[X] Use a health regen potion for the burns.
[X] Stick Tsun back together.
[X] Loot a new levitation vest from one of the casualties.
[X] 2-Pronged attack:
-[X] Send the chaurus through the portal to establish a beachhead.
-[X] Have Strike One, plus anyone else X-Com command can spare, get a finger on the Scroll of Recall along with Louise so they can deep strike to wherever Cynric, and presumably any other survivinghostages, are being held.
-[X] Deep striking team will then proceed to complete the rescue by eithercommandeering the alien spacecraft that the hostages are presumably on and returning to X-Com HQ or, if that isunfeasible, fight their way to the chaurus beachhead and complete the extraction by heading back through the portal.
-[X] If spacecraft cannot be commandeered, it should be scuttled. Deep striking team should bring suitable explosives with remote detonators/timers if feasible.
-[X] Cynric should be revived via healing magic once secured, so as to expand range of tactical options.
[X] Soldiers should be left to guard the ring so that the event horizon remains open.
It seems I'll need to do the next chapter tomorrow instead of today, damn automatic update is taking forever to install.
Impending Enlightenment
Deep within the bowels of an ancient temple, the Collective examined the humans that had been brought before them. The defense network's drones, while not entirely successful in their mission, had managed to retrieve an interesting specimen. The neurological material harvested from fallen members of their own species had proven less than ideal when attempting to grant the Gift to an entirely artificial species, but more than adequate to prove useful in defense of their dying race. To fall to extinction without completing their purpose would be unacceptable.

The refined silicate capsule housing the aged human was lifted into the air and inspected by the two dozen elders within the Temple of Enlightenment inspected their newest acquisition. Having been identified both as showing anomalous behavior prior to the space-born lifeform and a companion of some sort to the Prime specimen, the entire collective took pause watch in anticipation. Genetic augmentation in progress. Species grows increasingly frail over time. Overcoming biological weakness. Negative. Above species baseline health for age group.

Mechanical arms reorient the capsule and various scanning devices arrayed around the room flicker to life. No trace of the Gift is found within the subject, not even the latent potential that those captured alongside it possessed. A series of extractors pierce the capsule before doing the same to the organism within. Beyond the microscopic machines and traces of servitor essence, two vastly differing genetic samples are readily apparent. Discarding the arthropod code, the collective add this human's material to their ever expanding archive for cross examination with the rest of it's species. Perhaps a cure could be distilled from this race in the event of their failure to Ascend. Wasted time. Disciple race untenable. Render target species. Limited time remaining. Prioritize Cure over Ascendancy. Negative. Hope remains. Prime Specimen remains. Futile. Prime specimen lacks strength of mind. Irrelevant. Mind is young and of growing strength.

Dismissing the crude augmentation pod to the rendering plant to join the other captured humans, the Elders continued to debate among themselves. The rest of the collective returned to their tasks throughout the fleet, beginning their final assault on the engineered organism that had been consistently denying them from establishing a presence on the planet.

"-hen she went 'vundabah' blah blah Science!' and made me take off my clothes." The large Mexican in power armor said to Cattleya, who looked like she was just humoring the guy, even though she obviously didn't understand at all.

The pink haired woman covered her mouth as she tittered. "Maybe she was upset that you weren't listening? You really should pay more attention when a lady speaks."

"Oh, I always listen when you speak hermosa." He flirts, earning a smack on his armor that he pretends is painful.

Watching the two interact, Vicky shuffled anxiously from side to side as she waited for more of the soldier guys to show up. With the four armed guy whole once more and the chaurus pouring through the portal, Louise had said something about searching for bodies before leaving and now Vicky wasn't quite sure what to do with herself. This entire experience had just been so bizarre and not the harmless bizarre that she'd grown used to over the last few months at home.

A girl with an army of bugs, Nazi scientists, secret government conspiracies, and aliens! It was all just so unbelievable that she almost thought she'd wake up any minute now. Unfortunately, she knew it probably wasn't a dream, no matter how nonsensical it may be... surely she would be back in her old body if it was a dream, even nightmares need a silver lining after all, not to mention the pain she'd felt when that asshole shot her earlier. She missed her invulnerability.

Looking around to for something to do other than eavesdrop, she could see the four armed guy standing off to the side of the group. Hopefully he was as friendly as his appearance suggested, because his blonde hair and delicate features make him look much less intimidating than she would have suspected of someone who could shrug off being torn in half... then again, Aegis could probably do that too and he's like a zombie teddy bear as far as she was concerned. Making up her mind, she crawled over to the distracted looking teen and typed a simple 'Hello'. Tapping the pretty-boy on the leg to get his attention, Vicky held up the tablet in greeting. Turning to her with what she could only describe as a cross between a wheeze and a moan, he grabbed it with his lower two arms and proceeds to stare vacantly at the screen.


As the minutes pass and the boy in front of her continued to do nothing, she began to frown. He was just standing there holding the thing like an idiot. Soon her frown turned to glaring as the brain-dead teen refused to even acknowledge her attempt at conversation. With a clicking of her pedipalps, Vicky ripped the tablet out of his hands and stormed off, thoroughly annoyed at him for living up to the stereotype of pretty blondes that she'd had to fight against for most of her life.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" The British woman shouted as a dozen men and women in fancy armor filed into the cavern with Louise floating through the air behind them in a bulletproof vest that's soaked with blood. "Pinkie says she's got a method of teleporting to the abductees. I'll need three of you lot to join us in retrieving our people while the rest of you defend the portal."

"Roger." "Kill!" "Aye!" Three of the soldiers responded immediately, stepping away from the rest. The majority of the new arrivals join the next wave of insects to pass through the portal. With over a thousand of the giant bugs on the other side already, she doubted that they'll have much of a problem.

Louise landed beside her and held out a scroll of all things. The rest of the people gathered around and Victoria was soon lost in the jumble of jargon and acronyms the soldiers started throwing about as they planned. From what she could tell, the gist of it was that they had no idea what they'd be dealing with and yet somehow they were expected to find and rescue thirty people, kill all the aliens, and either capture or destroy the base or spaceship. The fact that they didn't even know which it was didn't help her confidence. It was bad enough that she didn't have her powers, how was she supposed to help when killing the golden alien earlier had given her flashbacks to her incident with Taylor on the beach? This whole thing is gonna end terribly.

A warm hand on her head shook her from her darkening thoughts and she looked up to see Louise smiling down on her shyly. "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Smiling back at her and ignoring the pang of self-loathing at the other girl's flinch, Victoria raised a leg to touch the scroll and the group of eight was enveloped in a swirl of light.


Landing roughly on a metal floor, Louise quickly rolls to her feet and looks around as the others do the same. They've appeared in a large room with pipes full of multi-colored liquids, glowing green lights, moving belts that carry objects between openings in the walls, mechanical arms, floating eyes with claws, and hundreds of people sleeping in boxes with frosted windows. More importantly, they all landed next to Master Cynric's pod and are now blocking the belt from carrying him into the buzzing chamber on the other side.

While the others go about shooting the mechanical bugbears, Louise busies herself by prying the pod open. Warm orange sludge pours out of the pods, bathing the pinkette as she struggles to remove the hoses and pull her teacher to freedom. The hoses on attached to his arms pop off with a his and the two of them fall to the floor in a heap. Having dealt with much worse pain than a bruised backside, Louise ignores the minor discomfort in favor of reviving her Master.

Magicka seeps from her body in a golden aura and she focuses entirely on restoring her teacher, Cattleya and Victoria remaining nearby to protect her while the others spread out into the room. The spider-girl seems jittery, constantly swiveling her head around to look for enemies and Louise feels a pang of guilt at her flinching earlier. The poor girl helped prevent that horrible 'doctor' from mangling her body and yet she couldn't resist her automatic reaction when the girl's fangs twitch in her direction. Shaking her head, she pushes her frustration away so that she can focus, but a scream from the buzzing room distracts her.

"Espinoza, go check that out. Clark, Ludwenski, cover him." Granger barks. Reaching for her ear, the brunette says, "Central, we've found them, but there's way more abductees than we realized. Central? Come in, Central... Portal team, this is Strike One lead, how copy?" No response comes, causing Granger to curse. "Looks like we're on our own everybody."

Espinoza says something about 'green jellow', but Louise doesn't pay any attention to it as her concern is the groaning old man resting his head on her lap. "L-Louise?" Master Cynric asks, lifting a hand to touch her cheek. Her eyes begin to burn and she wraps his head in a hug, his questions about their location muffled by her enchanted vest.

Status: Bruised Tuchus, Minor burns.
Magicka: (2429/14000)

Status: Disoriented, but healthy.
Magicka: (650/650)

Choose 1:

[] Louise POV

[] Cynric POV

Choose at least 1:
[] Search for the Bridge, this ship is now Cynric's.

[] Search for and sabotage the ship's vital systems.
[] Write in.​

[] Create an Oblivion Gate to-
[] Ash Lake.
[] Halkeginia.
[] The central world of Victoria's realm.
[] An old mine hanging in the ether.
[] An cave deep in a sea of magicka.
[] Summon-
[] Cat.
[] Spider.
[] Lizard.
[] Write in.​

[] Write in.
A/N: Since he couldn't finish his gene-mods, Cynric only got Depth perception and partial reinforced skeleton... which will slowly start to be rejected by his body because the meld didn't get to finish it's work. No, choosing Summon spider, won't summon Vicky again.