[x] Cynric POV
[x] Search for the Bridge, this ship is now Cynric's.
[x] Summon-
[x] Cat.​
[x] Write in: Use aliens for potions.
[x] Cynric POV
[x] Search for the Bridge, this ship is now Cynric's.
[x] Summon-
[x] Cat.​
[x] Write in: Use aliens for potions.
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Choose 1:
[X] Louise POV

Choose at least 1:

[X] Create an Oblivion Gate to-
-[x] Ash Lake.

[X] Summon-
-[x] Parrot.

We need a moment to rest, complete some quests (Louise's extra soul, Cattleya's initiation training, crafting), and reconsider our agreement with the X-com military. I also want Louise to take stock on the changes gained from the orange fluid. Ideally the Summon will be a useful Soul for crafting or we can pair it with our familiar to make good use of both. An intelligent summon that could command the zombie sounds like a good setup. I'd also be happy with a frog since they can eat Blighttown mosquitos and Louise dislikes them.
[x] Cynric POV
[x] Search for the Bridge, this ship is now Cynric's.
[x] Summon-
[x] Cat.
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[X] Cynric POV

[X] Search for and sabotage the ship's vital systems.
[X] Create an Oblivion Gate to
-[X] Ash Lake.

[X] Summon
-[X] Parrot
[x] Cynric POV
[x] Search for the Bridge, this ship is now Cynric's.
[x] Summon-
[x] Cat.
[x] Write in: Use aliens for potions.

Bad things will happen if we don't finish Cynrics gene-mods, which requires us to stay here so that Xcom (and more importantly, Vahlen) don't die.
Remind me, please.

Cynric still has the Gate at the base Marked to teleport to it at the first sign of trouble, right? I don't remember us changing that action. And we are still within the confines of X-COM world. So we can port back to base immediately, where all of our gear is, as long as we have the Magicka to do so.

I am tempted to refuel Louise with a Magicka potion that doubles one's reserves, then come back through the graciously opened portal to do some mass destruction.
Remind me, please.

Cynric still has the Gate at the base Marked to teleport to it at the first sign of trouble, right? I don't remember us changing that action. And we are still within the confines of X-COM world. So we can port back to base immediately, where all of our gear is, as long as we have the Magicka to do so.

I am tempted to refuel Louise with a Magicka potion that doubles one's reserves, then come back through the graciously opened portal to do some mass destruction.
correct, you never changed the Marked target.

I'll tell you now, there's a reason Sgt. Granger couldn't contact the team guarding the portal.
[X] Cynric POV

[X] Search for and sabotage the ship's vital systems.
[X] Create an Oblivion Gate to
-[X] Ash Lake.

[X] Summon
-[X] Parrot
[X] Cynric POV

[X] Search for and sabotage the ship's vital systems.
[X] Create an Oblivion Gate to
-[X] Ash Lake.

[X] Summon
-[X] Parrot
Currently the winning vote is Cynric POV x7 and search for the bridge x4. Summon Cat and Summon Parrot are tied at 4 votes a piece.
Cynric and ships don't mix. I wonder what we end up ramming this one into...

[x] Parrot
Eventually you guys will want to keep a spaceship and when you do, otherwise places like Starwars/Halo/Mass Effect will be rather difficult to do anything in. Though the Temple Ship might be a bit... distinctive. What with it's floating plates and mix of rounded hull, shifting plates and sharp spikes. It's also not the largest ship type that the aliens have.
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Enlightenment's Threshold
Awakening to the feeling of being touched, you reach out to Paralyze the perpetrator and barely manage to stop yourself when your fingers brush the cheek of a familiar face. "L-Louise?" You croak, your mouth dry as you look around the room in confusion. This isn't X-com's base.

As you attempt to ask where you are, your apprentice bursts into hysterics, hugging your head as she cries and complains incoherently. You would probably be more upset over her continuing lack of emotional control, but judging by what you gather from her explanation, it's rather justified this time. Pushing yourself free from her grasp, you pat her on the head and smile. "Thank you Louise, I doubt I would have awoken in time to save myself."

She nods and gives you a grin in return. As she is about to reply, a bundle of cloth is tossed toward you and the familiar voice of Sgt. Granger calls out, "Cover yourself, nobody wants to see your wrinkly bum."

Her words draw attention to your lack of you lack of clothing, causing your apprentice to squeak and drop you unceremoniously on the floor. Giving the brunette a glare, both for the fall and the remark about your mostly nonexistent wrinkles, you struggle to put on the offered pants. They're tight and ill-fitting in the most uncomfortable of ways, making you give the power armored woman a questioning glance, to which she shrugs.

"Hey, Martin's are too big and the rest of the guys are in lighter armor, be happy this suit's got room to wiggle or I'd never have gotten them off." Granger says reproachfully as she begins jamming the mechanisms that move your fellow prisoners around the room.

Turning back to the others, you see Cattleya poking her blushing sister with barely suppressed laughter. Deciding that the fastest way to get some proper attire would be to finish their mission and return to the base, you get their attention by announcing, "The aliens are sure to notice your actions Sergeant, let us make haste to the command center. Cattleya, stay behind the group with Victoria, Louise... stick close to me and cast Flame shield on us at the first sign of trouble. Those suits of armor are the opposite of stealthy, so Strike One will need to keep their distance until combat starts."

Granger and Espinoza have experience working with you in the field and are willing to follow your lead without protest, but the auxiliaries are more reluctant even though you hadn't included them at all. Their protests are met with disinterest by your group and eventually it is decided that they will stay and guard the abductees. With that resolved, you are soon on your way, following the golden light of Clairvoyance.

Several flying machines attempt to block your path as you exit the dimly lit processing chambers for the bright silver halls of the rest of the ship. "More bugbears?!" "We got drones!" Louise and Granger shout from opposite ends of the corridor. While their arrival is sudden and more surprising than perhaps it should be, their poor accuracy and lack of self-preservation or defensive abilities leads them being destroyed by a single explosion from your apprentice.

"Trap the door with Shock Runes, there is bound to be more of those drones aboard the ship." You order, causing Louise to frown at your choice of words, the petty child. Though Louise is an intelligent young woman, you know she is terrible at nomenclature, so of course you would decide to use Granger's name for the machines.

Your spell guides the group through various areas of the ship, mostly maintenance tunnels that the two armored members of the group struggle to move in. Espinoza makes a few remarks about 'duck walking' and claustrophobia, but you ignore his whining in favor of memorizing the layout of what will soon be your ship. With these tunnels being used by the smaller aliens to inspect and repair the rest of the craft, you pass many windows that allow you to see into the adjacent rooms. From what you can tell, the majority of the ship is devoted to research and establishing supply lines. Mining drills and lasers, metallurgy equipment, and hundreds of rings that Louise says are portal generators fill many of the rooms of the vessel and the rest seem to be devoted to creating troops, building machinery and processing organisms into nutrient soup. You honestly wouldn't have known what half of these things are if you hadn't spent so much time with Raymond.

One room in particular stands out, as it is filled with body-length spikes of metal. On the side of the spikes there are windows of translucent blue material and you can see an immature chryssalid and a few chaurus floating in liquid inside each one. Beneath the spikes are iris diaphragms, no doubt intended to drop the insectoid menaces on unsuspecting planets. It is likely a disturbingly effective method of attack, one that could render entire civilizations overrun with the beasts without requiring the attackers to step foot on the planet. You move on from that room with a begrudging respect for the cruel efficiency of the aliens, it is the type of plan you would make as well.

Eventually, the tunnels end and you find yourselves sharing a room with four sectopods, two discus shaped machines, and at least eighteen elaborately dressed mutons guarding a massive doorway that leads to a coloseum-like chamber. The room is almost bare, with absolutely no cover to be found between you and the aliens other than the armored catwalk and guard posts that the mutons are occupying. Leading the aliens is one of the four armed ethereals, it's crimson robes flowing like blood as it floats before the computer terminal on the other side of the room. As the ethereal presses a button that closes the door, you try to motion for the others to stop, but the heavy footfalls of Strike One's armor causes the alien commander to turn in your direction.

The Prime Specimen has come to us.

Your skull aches as noiseless words intrude on you mind and the ethereal begins to glow. Plates pop up on the closest sectopod and it's weapon charges, causing you to reach out for something to distract them with. You feel the mind of fast moving and intelligent creature, which you immediately rip from it's world and summon it in the air between you and the enemy. Padomaic fire reveals a small red bird with blue tail feathers and a yellow beak full of teeth. The bird flails and barely manages to catch itself before it could hit the floor.

With an irritated huff, it notices you and shouts in an annoying voice, "What's the big ide-" Before the sectopod unleashes a devastating beam of energy that completely disintegrates the creature. The other three, having marched forward, charge their weapons as well and the mutons scatter around their

Status: Bruised Tuchus, Minor burns.
Magicka: (2029/14000)

Status: Disoriented, but healthy.
Magicka: (640/650)

General Battle Plan:

[] Agressive.
[] Write in.​

[] Defensive.
[] Write in.​

[] Retreat.

[] Write in.

[] POV Switch to Louise.

[] Fortify attribute Write in.

[] Summon-
[] Cat.
[] Spider.
[] Lizard.
[] Snake.​

[] Write in.

A/N: Was going to post this an hour ago, but there was a gravy disaster. I am traumatized. Iago has bad luck and low resistance to DEWs.

If you win this fight, there is the council of Elders in the room beyond and then the Uber Ethereal. I wouldn't expect all of the team to survive this mission if I were you, this is pretty close to endgame tier aliens and you've shot right past much of the buildup thanks to this constant escalation of force you guys have been doing with things like summoning Rayquaza and kidnapping ethereals. Remember that you can consult the spell list when making a plan. Cynric's inventory is off limits though, as it is all still in the x-com base.