Here's a (blatantly spoilerific) hint as to why parahumans are so cheap: You can summon William Manton for 200 magicka, but not the Siberian.

Also, because I'm giving you another day for this vote, I'll be posting an interlude soon.
Ah. So we're pulling into our dimension what's basically a normal human with a link to an extra-dimensional entity in their head, which is entirely unaffected by the transfer.
Ah. So we're pulling into our dimension what's basically a normal human with a link to an extra-dimensional entity in their head, which is entirely unaffected by the transfer.
yup, the entities are contained to their home universe and don't have a way to maintain a connection between realms, you'll need to either summon the shard as well or find another solution... Like routing the connection through an oblivion gate or using HP space expanding charms to create a portable container for their host to carry them between realms.
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What gear is the Xcom team that is with us using?
Granger is wielding her sniper and an enchanted heavy plasma cannon as backup, Espinoza has another of the plasma weapons and his rocket launcher. Both are in power armor. The mooks with the abductees are in titan armor and wielding default assault rifles.
Here's a (blatantly spoilerific) hint as to why parahumans are so cheap: You can summon William Manton for 200 magicka, but not the Siberian.

Well nuts. So much for solving everything with excessive applications of parahumans.

Yikes. Guess we're never going back to that world.

Any changes to my plan to make it more killy or survivable?

I would suggest opting for the summon roulette. At the very least it'll provide a distraction/soak up some lasers.

Otherwise, if we're going to stand and fight, I'd suggest dropping a Barrier Ward or Dome Ward since we have no cover whatsoever. Or liberal use of Ebonflesh, but that might push us down below the 400 magicka threshold for Recall if you're concerned with that. I've got faith in Plan Invisi-Blender myself.
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Drop some cover, gank the Etherials, have the X-COM in Power Armor tank the shots from everything that isn't an Etherial.

We - as a team - are vulnerable to psionics and other shenanigans, but surprisingly sturdy against regular fire. Especially if/when reinforced.
:facepalm: I forgot that mutons we're berserkers. Do we by chance know a aoe variant of calm that's not pacify?
Well, pacify is an effect. It makes the target content to do nothing... fear type spells would be a decent alternative.
Does the ES have a sleep spell?
Any stamina/fatigue damaging spell is a sleep spell if strong enough or under sustained use, same for magicka damage if done to magical enemies.
Attaining Enlightenment: Opening Move
As the sectopods move to fire, you shape your magicka to form a barrier between your team and the machines. Glaring shafts of scarlet slam into the ward to no avail and Louise answers in kind with a blast of lightning, knocking one of the armored automatons to the floor as it's right leg is melted at it's hip equivalent.

Following your apprentice's example, the soldiers trundle to the front and begin shooting at the five mutons on the catwalk, though only one is killed before they duck behind cover. You take a moment to rob the sight from the aliens and feel the steady drain on your magicka as the unexpected blindness allows your fellow humans to kill another four mutons before the ethereal wraps the aliens in lavender wisps of energy and they seem not to notice their lack of vision. Plasma bombards your position with no effect and the machines shift their armor to reveal their missiles.

"Cattleya, flood the room!" You order, closing the door behind your group with a burst of Telekinesis before using the same spell to tug at one of the heavy mutons, circumventing the weight limit of the spell by using their much lighter weapons and pulling them from cover. The sound of the sectopods' missiles launching drowns out Cattleya's muttered chanting and you turn to her sister to yell, "Louise, Ice Wall!"

The missiles pass through your ward effortlessly to impact the hastily erected wall of frozen spikes. Ice shatters in the explosion, shards of metal and frozen water imbedding themselves in the soft flesh of those without armor, yourself included. The pain is minor and you find that you've escaped with only a few splinters in your arms, nothing you can't deal with later. Louise however, is screaming in pain and bleeding severely as a jagged spike torn from the floor is pinning her to the wall by her left thigh, having protected Cattleya and Victoria from receiving much worse than scrapes.

Trusting the girl to take care of it herself, you turn back to the fight to find a crater where the ethereal was previously, the mutons blinded once more and firing with wild abandon. The discarded tube on the floor beside Espinoza provides an answer as to what happened. Rather than mention it, you focus on ignoring the girl's screaming and the squelching sound behind you in favor of using your Telekinesis to activate a muton's grenade.

Another two die in the blast and Granger manages to collapse the catwalk with concentrated plasma fire, spilling the three that were up there into the path of the advancing sectopods. Eight Mutons and three fully functional sectopods remaining, you notice a golden glow from behind and a Lightning bolt spears a muton through the head just as two sectoids and a mechanical squid enter the room fight another maintenance tunnel further into the room.

Status: Bruised Tuchus, Minor burns, minor bleeding, disabled left leg.
Magicka: (1819/14000)

Status: Minor bleeding
Magicka: (290/650)

General Battle Plan:

[] Write in.

[] POV Switch to Louise.

[] Fortify attribute Write in.

[] Summon-
[] Cat.
[] Spider.
[] Lizard.
[] Snake.​

[] Write in.
Blind: 1 Magicka per second. Remove a single target's sense of sight.
Not really something intended for crowd control. Darkness would have been a better alternative and would have worked against the sectopods. You no longer have enough magicka for an emergency Recall unless you steal it from one of the girls or cast Equilibrium on yourself.

Unless specified otherwise, Cynric will quit casting Blind on the remaining aliens because you'll be out of magicka in less than a minute if you keep it up.
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Should we bail? By the time we finish the mutons and sectopods we might not have enough magicka or be in good enough shape to face the ethereals.
Did Cattleya succeed in flooding the room? If so, are the remaining enemies touching the water for convenient electrocution?
Did Cattleya succeed in flooding the room? If so, are the remaining enemies touching the water for convenient electrocution?
No, it's a large room and she barely got started before the missiles interrupted her, so she'll need to start over. That's the problem with magic that requires incantations.
How much magicka can we pull out of ourselves with Equilibrium while remaining functional? Is the HP drain something Cattleya can heal so we can preserve Louise's remaining Magicka for offense?
[X] Have Cattleya begin healing Cynric, we're gonna need every HP we can get.
[X] Cast Oakflesh on Tsun & Vicky.
[X] Cast Fortify Dexterity on Tsun & Vicky.
[X] Order Tsun & Vicky forward to engage in melee/draw fire while X-Com forces gun down enemies (missile wielding opponents should be eliminated first).
[X] Have Louise alternate between offensive Icewalls & explosions.
[X] Summon-
[X] Lizard.​
[X] Cast Fortify Vitality on Cynric.
[X] Begin restoring magicka via Equilibrium.

I'd say fall back after this encounter is finished. Try for the ring transporters and resupply. Hold off on Equilibrium unless we're forced to/vote to engage with the final boss.
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How much magicka can we pull out of ourselves with Equilibrium while remaining functional? Is the HP drain something Cattleya can heal so we can preserve Louise's remaining Magicka for offense?
Depends on what you mean by functional. The form of Equilibrium Cynric is familiar with functions on the basis of pain for magicka, it tears at your body like a form of necrosis, killing your cells and shortening your lifespan. It starts out feeling like rolling in broken glass and increases from there, like a cruciatus curse from HP, but with physical damage as well. You could fully restore your magicka twice before he could no longer stand, but levitation makes standing irrelevant, so maybe three at max without dying.
Depends on what you mean by functional. The form of Equilibrium Cynric is familiar with functions on the basis of pain for magicka, it tears at your body like a form of necrosis, killing your cells and shortening your lifespan. It starts out feeling like rolling in broken glass and increases from there, like a cruciatus curse from HP, but with physical damage as well. You could fully restore your magicka twice before he could no longer stand, but levitation makes standing irrelevant, so maybe three at max without dying.

Will fortifying Cynric's vitality allow for even more magicka to be available? Also, how lifespan shortening are we talking about here? Like, refill the tank once, that's X days/months/years off Cynric's total lifespan or something?