Will fortifying Cynric's vitality allow for even more magicka to be available? Also, how lifespan shortening are we talking about here? Like, refill the tank once, that's X days/months/years off Cynric's total lifespan or something?
No, it will ignore fake health provided by fortify health. Increasing health via soul reinforcement would work though.

Let's say that a Reachman has a natural lifespan of 150 years, barring plague or being killed. Refilling one's magicka reserves once would reduce this to 149 years. A second time would take it down to 147. This would continue with each subsequent refill costing the previous years plus one. He's already a third through his natural lifespan, so he really shouldn't use it too much unless he attains immortality.
Attaining Enlightenment: Of Rotary Ventilators And Fertilizer
Letting the Blind spell fade away, you cast Oakflesh on Both Victoria and Louise's familiar before following with a minor Fortification to dexterity. Though it isn't much, any boost to their chances will help. Looking to Cattleya, you don't like what you see. Her stance is unsure, her stammering is ruining her chanting and she keeps casting fearful looks at her bleeding sister. "Cattleya, forget the water, just focus on healing the group."

"Wha- Make up your mind already!" She shouts back, her voice unsteady from the entire ordeal. You should probably either leave her out of combat or bring her along more often, she obviously isn't as used to the stress of combat like Louise. "W-what am I supposed to do? I'm not a trained healer, you know!"

"Just stop the bleeding." You answer, Telekinetically beating an advancing muton in the face with a chunk of debris. The muton pounds it's chest in fury, throws it's weapon to the side and charges the group, Tsun leaping from the safety of the barrier to intercept.

Granger uses her plasma cannon on the fallen sectopod's missiles tubes, causing the machine to explode in a massive ball of fire. The other three machines, one continuing to blast the ward while the others march their way to the sides of the room, charging their lasers to fire on the group's unprotected flank.

The zombie pounces on the alien with dual swords drawn, slashing downward at it's foe with both blades. The muton blocks the attack, grasping the corpse's sword arms with it's own and answering with a headbutt that does absolutely nothing to the familiar other than uselessly snap it's neck. With a disturbing gurgle, Tsun uses his lower arms to grip onto the muton's neck and begins to throttle the surprised alien. Looking to Victoria, you motion for her to join in, which she answers with a rapid shake of her head and she scuttles closer to Cattleya. Sighing, you look back in time to see the muton slam Tsun into the floor in a desperate attempt to make him release his hold. It doesn't work.

Three more mutons charge forward to assist their teammate and throw their grenades through the barrier before trying to pull the zombie off by his upper arms. Someone shouts in warning, but is cut off as the explosives detonate among your group as you all attempt to dive away. The blast throws you back into the door and you lose consciousness for a moment, coming to in time to see another sectopod blown up by a few well aimed explosions from your apprentice. Speaking of... you groggily turn to look for her only to find her kneeling by her sister, the elder pinkette missing her right arm from the elbow down, a blackened stump where her forearm should be.

Further away, you spy Victoria beside a crater in the floor where Cattleya had been standing... what's left of the spider anyway. Her rear end is completely gone. The girl's face locked in a rictus of agony as her few remaining legs twitch in shock. The stomping of heavy feet draws you away from the girls to see that the three mutons not engaging Tsun have stormed through your ward. Espinoza blocks their first shot by tackling the lead muton back through the barrier while Granger throws her empty sniper rifle through the chest of another, but the last fires his weapon directly at you.

Unable to dodge as you lean against the door in pain and disorientation, you reach out in panic to throw an unsuspecting being into the line of fire. Before the customary cloud of fire can dissipate, you hear you conjured creature bellow in pain and a very large and very armored figure charges toward it's attacker. The creature... or perhaps person would be a better term, considering the obviously advanced armor... whatever it is is clearly reptilian in origin. Bipedal, much like various forms of Argonian, the being's deep, gravely voice barks and squeaks it's outrage at the sudden assault on it's person and uses it's armored head to cave in the muton's skull before lifting it's rather large weapon to it's shoulder and peppering Tsun and his adversaries with several blasts of it's scattergun. Oblivious to the damage the humped creature is causing him, Tsun uses the oportunity to shove his swords into the injured alien beneath him as the lizard narrowly avoids a beam from one of the sectopods. With a guttural laugh, the armored creature sprints toward the machine, firing it's boxy gun the entire time.

The majority of the aliens dead or distracted by the melee, a shrill whistle sounds as Espinoza's armor starts venting steam and the man sprints across the open floor to the new arrivals. The man grabs for the squid-like automaton, but it slips away and vanishes from sight as the sectoids attempt to melt through his suit. Plasma splashes off the armored plate across his chest and he uses a hand to protect the dynamo as he kicks one of the aliens into the wall. The body pops like a water skin, leaving a barely recognizable outline of the little creature and it's comrade soon follows suit.

Groaning, you make to stand, only to be knocked over as an almost invisible... something rushes past. You follow the blur with your eyes to see the tentacled machine materialize behind Louise and are about to shout a warning when the girl whirls around and slices it in half before coating the sectopod in ice while bombarding it with explosions, screaming in rage all the while.

Status: Minor burns, disabled left leg.
Magicka: (1500/14000)

Status: Minor bleeding, fractured ribs, concussion.
Magicka: (89/650)


[] Continue to the next room.
[]Write in.​

[] Retreat.
[] Write in.​

[] Write in.

[] POV Switch to Louise.

[] Write in.
A/N: Two dying mutons and a Sectopod left, the fight is practically over, do you continue or retreat. And if so, how do you do it? Cattleya prioritizes Louise over you, so she managed to somewhat heal the girl before the grenades put a stop to her usefulness.

You might also want to decide what to do about your summoned creature.
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Jesus. Um. Did we summon a krogan?

Hmm. I'm assuming Cynric's doesn't have his Bronze Bracelet of Speech handy?

If it is indeed a krogan, it's possible it's got an omnitool that may be able to translate human speech. It would be best if we could convince him to work with us rather than seeing us as fun new things to fight. If we cannot communicate with him, however, is un-summoning an option? To be honest, the only game in the series I ever played was Morrowind, and that was years ago, so I'm not super certain on how Skyrim mechanics work.

Regardless, I'd vote to fall back & triage. Is Vicky salvageable? If so, I'd say tag her & Cattleya with Close Wound, put them back with the rest of the abductees and auxiliaries for safekeeping. We can worry about getting them back to 100% when we're not getting torn apart.

Recovering Cynric's magicka via stealing it from the girls was noted to be an option. How would that work, exactly? 'Cause Cattleya could play mana battery if she's going to be down for the count.

Assuming we cannot get the ring transporters to bring us back to X-Com, I don't suppose it would be possible for Louise to be taught Mark/Recall in the field? If not, assuming we could muster the necessary magicka for it, could Cynric be able to whip up scrolls of Mark and Recall?
Jesus. Um. Did we summon a krogan?
Hmm. I'm assuming Cynric's doesn't have his Bronze Bracelet of Speech handy?
Nope, you actually wouldn't be able to talk to Louise if you hadn't made her that circlet.
If it is indeed a krogan, it's possible it's got an omnitool that may be able to translate human speech. It would be best if we could convince him to work with us rather than seeing us as fun new things to fight. If we cannot communicate with him, however, is un-summoning an option? To be honest, the only game in the series I ever played was Morrowind, and that was years ago, so I'm not super certain on how Skyrim mechanics work.
Yes, he can, though that doesn't mean he cares what you have to say.

Banishing only works in daedra because their bodies aren't anything more than temporary meat puppets.
Regardless, I'd vote to fall back & triage. Is Vicky salvageable? If so, I'd say tag her & Cattleya with Close Wound, put them back with the rest of the abductees and auxiliaries for safekeeping. We can worry about getting them back to 100% when we're not getting torn apart.

Recovering Cynric's magicka via stealing it from the girls was noted to be an option. How would that work, exactly? 'Cause Cattleya could play mana battery if she's going to be down for the count.

Assuming we cannot get the ring transporters to bring us back to X-Com, I don't suppose it would be possible for Louise to be taught Mark/Recall in the field? If not, assuming we could muster the necessary magicka for it, could Cynric be able to whip up scrolls of Mark and Recall?
Vicky is still alive and in horrible pain, yes.

You can use absorb magicka by stealing it from the sisters if you want.

You could teach Louise mark easily enough, but recall will take at least an hour, more if you want to reduce the odds of her going somewhere else to below 50℅

I suppose he could make a couple scrolls if you drained Louise, used your blood as ink, find time to do it and find something to write on.
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[X] Tactical Withdrawal.
[X] Have Louise cast Close Wound on Cattleya & Vicky to stabilize them, then Heal on herself to fix her leg and again on Cynric to heal his concussion.
[X] Offer the krogan employment.​
[X] If he accepts, have him and Tsun take rear-guard.
[X] If he declines, advise him of mind controlling aliens, then leave him be.
[X] If he attacks us, Louise should explode him.​
[X] Fall back to chaurus-bomb room.​
[X] Break open chaurus-bombs to release the menaces against the foul xenos.​
[X] Cease liberation of chaurus if they prove hostile to us.​
[X] Cast Absorb Magicka on Cattlya to refill reserves.​
[X] Cease draining magicka if it would cause irreparable harm to Cattleya.​
[X] If that's a thing that can happen, that is.​
[X] Send Tsun to retrieve ring transporters.
[X] Using Cattleya as a mana battery, begin summoning a strike force for the final push.​
[X] Robots perhaps?
[X] Maybe overpowered Naruto characters.​
[X] Give Louise a quick lesson on how to cast Mark just in case.
I'd be all for going all the way back to Earth to resupply, but looking at the character sheets, Cattlya has a magicka capacity of 2500. Looking back at the posts since the day started, she doesn't seem to have used all that much magicka since everything went pear-shaped. As she's currently down, why not turn all that magicka into bound creatures that can't be mind controlled? We've got the Uber Ethereal, and god only knows how many regular Ethereals making up the collective. Plus whatever else might be hanging out on the other side of the door, but MC is probably the big concern.
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[X] Maybe overpowered Naruto characters.
Pein? Madara? Kaguya? These sound like good choices with zero potential problems, I approve of this.

Also, a spider's lungs are in the rear portion of it's body and nobody on the ship but Vahlen knows enough about nonmamalian biology to heal her. It's unfortunate that, but thems the facts. If you want to keep her alive, you're going to lose a unique item.

So do you want to save her?
[] yes
[] no
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[X] yes

Even if we're going by Rick & Morty rules and there are potential infinite Vicky's, I say if the option's there, always choose to save your people. Regardless of their importance or utility!

Seriously, I get cussed out in my weekly D&D game for spending all our gold on reviving the level 1 NPC commoners that end up tagging along. It's not my fault the fragile little suckers keep tripping into lava or catching lightning bolts with their faces or eating bad mushrooms. If the rest of the party doesn't want them revived, maybe don't let me carry all our money.

Also maybe take away the portable hole so I can't just fill it up with commoner corpses for later revival, but I digress.
Advancing In Reverse
The last remaining sectopod crashes to the floor in a heap of shattered armor and melted machinery, allowing you time to think through the pain and growing sensation of nausea. It's irritating, but you're forced to admit to yourself that perhaps your group isn't ready to capture the vessel. Retreat might be the best option, though you will need to regroup with the other team before making a final decision. How large of a force could the aliens keep aboard this ship. Obviously you'll need to deal with the reptile that is gleefully stomping a muton into paste, but seeing to the wounded members of your team takes priority... considering your own sorry state.

Shaking your head and immediately regretting it, you stagger to your feet and approach your tear-streaked and panting apprentice. She doesn't seem to notice your arrival, simply worrying her lip as she heals her sister's arm.

"Louise." You say to get her attention. "Just make sure she'll survive, leave her arm for later."

Jumping in shock, she gives you a bewildered look. "But I can make it grow ba-"

"Which will drain most if not all of your remaining magicka." You cut her off, perhaps a bit too harshly if her flinch is anything to judge by. Taking a painful breath, you gesture to the dying arachnid. "The rest of us still need you."

The pinkette's brief moment of guilt is subsumed by worry as she notices Victoria give a final desperate twitch before her eyes close. Likely passed out from the pain, you muse, as Louise rushes over to the other girl and frantically covering them both in a golden glow. Leaving her to it, you make eye contact with Espinoza and the two of you head over to the reptile.

The hump-backed creature notices your approach, but doesn't seem to care, focusing on peeling off the slagged bits of armor on it's lower torso. It's weapon is beeping and releasing visible waves of heat, the scent of burnt meat hangs in the air, and you can't help but want to find more of this species for your research... surely they wouldn't miss a few corpses. In fact, perhaps you could organize some sort of trade agreement-

A deep, warbling bark interrupts your scattered thoughts, the reptile seemingly having grown impatient waiting for you to speak. How long were you just standing there anyway? Head injuries are the worst. "Salutations," You say in greeting. "Do you understand our language?"

The big lizard nods slowly, giving you an odd look... at least by human standards, it's body language does seem strangely similar to what you'd expect from a man or mer, even a well adjusted Argonian doesn't always have the same ease with facial expression. An orange light forms around it's three digit hand, coalescing into glowing panels. "You little pyjacks are lucky this thing comes with speakers." His growls and barks seem to be translated through the device.

"Yes, well... our thanks for the assistance." You reply, unsure if you had just been insulted.

The answering grunt isn't translated and he turns to look at your ally. "Nice armor, Quarian."

"What?" Espinoza asks intelligently, an idiotic look on his face.

"No need to play dumb, I'm no newborn, you can't hide it with legs like that." He says, though emotion doesn't really carry over through the translation, so you don't know if he's annoyed or just trying to get a point across. "It's kind of obvious you're a Quarian under that hunk of tech. I doubt a Salarian could wear something like that, a fake head is just the kind of thing they'd do... but their horns wouldn't fit."

The power armored man struggles to look at his own legs in confusion. "Er... H-human? I'm a human. What are you?"

"Me? Krogan, what else would I be, a Drell on growth hormones?" He asks, in obvious sarcasm. You assume the rumbling noise the reptile makes as he inspects the armor is a considering hum. "As for you... Maybe you're telling the truth... Asari, Humans, Quarians; all you aliens look the same in the face. Squishy little humans are rather- Error: No word found- about coming up with new ways to kill stuff. Never seen a Quarian out of their suit, but I hear they look like humans, so why should I believe you?"

"Well I'm not taking it off, we just met!" The man replies with a smirk, causing the lizard to chuckle and pat him on the shoulder... almost knocking him off balance, further cementing your want of additional specimens and you know Moira will as well. Such monstrous strength would be most useful in an army of minions.

"Jokes aside, where are we? I've got a job to do and bloodpack trash don't kill themselves... Well, usually... there was that stupid Vorcha with the insect repell-" A vaguely familiar feeling washes over you for a moment, distracting you from the oddly relaxed kidnapping victim. You know you've felt it before, but no description seems to apply to whatever it is... It's almost-

Heat pours across the distance between you and the others, to which you turn to see a blistering Louise hiding behind Sgt Granger, who is carrying Cattleya away from a growing pool of lava. The molten rock spreads outward from where Victoria once was, the arachnid completely gone from your sight. The Two armored people beside you draw their weapons just in time to see a large black spike rise from the liquid stone. One becomes two and two becomes many as the spikes stretch up and out, pulling a familiar spider along behind them, a female torso rising from above the terrifying creature's maw. How in Oblivion did Quelaag resurrect herself and how did she find you.

Stepping forward as the heat begins to die down, you raise a hand in greeting and call out in your best attempt at a grandfatherly tone, "Ah, Quelaag... I do hope you are alright." She's definitely going to kill you all, could she have picked a worse time to... Wasn't Quelaag a brunette?

The woman atop the spider runs her fingers through her golden locks, a stunned look on her picturesque face, completely oblivious to the world. That is definitely not Quelaag... How many sister's do they have again? Five? Nine? You're fairly certain they weren't all supposed to be spider-centaurs though.

"Why are all the other races so ugly?" The lizard grumbles from somewhere off to the side. You hear Espinoza make an affronted sound, but the lizard just readies his weapon and continues to complain. "Seriously, why would a bug even evolve to have a fleshy thing on it's head?!"

The woman in question finally seems to realize that she isn't alone, looking around the room in visible excitement. The grin on her face looks almost painful when her eyes land on your apprentice. "Hands!" She shouts in joy before covering her mouth with the aforementioned body parts and somehow becoming even more ecstatic. "I can talk again!"

"This is not the best place to converse!" You growl out before another crazy surprise can make itself known. "We need to recuperate... There is a room full of chaurus, we can fall back to there for now... Mr. Krogan, feel free to join us, you are bound to have questions."

The Krogan shrugs indifferently and soon the group is waiting for Victoria to squeeze her bulk through the door to the maintenance tunnel. Between Victoria's excited babbling, Espinoza making crude jokes with the Krogan, and your muddled head, traveling down the maintenance tunnels is quite the irritant. You aren't quite sure when you lost consciousness, but you find yourself healed and sitting on Victoria's enlarged rear end with Louise hovering over you. Off to the side there is one of those rings from the storage room you passed, Louise obviously had her familiar retrieve one along the way.

You contemplate opening a couple of Chaurus pods, but there doesn't appear to be any mechanism to release the insects. Considering the implied function of the devices, they likely are designed to break apart with sufficient impact. Not something you can really accomplish here without considerable effort. Much better to focus on other things.

As Espinoza explains the situation to an increasingly disbelieving Krogan and Victoria babbles enthusiastically at an uninterested Granger, you spend the next hour teaching Louise the basic idea behind how to Mark a target for Recall. Having used a scroll for the spell before, she isn't entirely without experience, only taking five minutes to properly turn an object into a magical beacon. She immediately casts the spell on you without warning, causing you to sigh and begin on Recall... to much less success.

Recall isn't really a spell that can be practiced safely, ejecting one's self from their current realm to reenter at a specific point is inherently dangerous after all. The girl is simply too powerful and inexperienced. The most you can do is tell her to cast it on other objects. By the time she's at a level of understanding that you find merely 'extremely poor', only a third of her test subjects reappearing in the room and half of those having changed material type, an entire hour has passed. You would have continued the lesson, but having a dozen chryssalid pods open up behind you is rather detrimental to the learning process.

Thankfully you managed to refill your magicka reserves by draining Cattleya or else this would be much more problematic. As is, your group easily eliminates the insects before they can orient themselves to their surroundings. Victoria even managed to kill one by vomiting on it, though her deep blush would indicate that she didn't actually intend to do so. The rest of the pods are now opening though, unseen seems splitting to release their contents all over the floor and your comrades begin attacking the disoriented creatures. With around one hundred pods, your group is likely to be overwhelmed by sheer numbers unless you do something to even the odds.

One after another, you reach out to pluck unsuspecting people from a semi-distant world. Your target world is absolutely drenched in magicka that reminds you of your experience with Hist-sap; lethargic, full of vitality, and overwhelming in potency. The people however, seem to have inherited this strange magicka and adapted to it to the point that it would be almost indistinguishable from regular magicka if it weren't being mixed with something else. It's obviously a potent mixture, as you can feel how outclassed you would be in a confrontation with any one of over half the population. Most are resistant to binding and even many of the children among them eclipse you in power. Unlike Louise, you doubt that an entire civilization could be so powerful without having some skill and knowledge of how to use it.

As the first of your conjured beings appears, you wonder at what this other energy could be. Having chosen ones that felt capable, yet friendly enough to not require a binding that might not hold, trio of confused children are left in the wake of your spell. One is a little boy in a hood, red markings on his face and a dog in his arms. The second is a girl with hair so black it almost looks blue and eyes that appear to be blind, her timid and unsure stance reinforces that idea. The last is a teen in a high collared coat with... bugs crawling on his skin.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (1000/14000)

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (650/650)

General battle plan.

[] Write in.

A/N: Honestly thought about the omnitool being invisible and requiring an implant to 'see', but considering the lack of consistant lore on the device(and Mass Effect science in general), I decided against it. You've refilled off Cattleya twice, she used some magicka on her own and now has 1071 of her 2500 left. Louise would have less, but she managed to regen some magicka over time that I put in a lump sum, I just wasn't going to do the point by point calculations.
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Louise really should have Marked the ship. Now we have a two-way portal between it and the X-COM base. Basically, we can materialize whatever we want to and send it there, including a Nuke if we get our hands on one.

...should we see why the team 1 isn't answering? If we swing back by the Base to refill and pick up Cynric's gear, might as well?
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So Quelaag's soul was the unique item, I was wondering what it would be! Makes sense.

Hrm. Forgot about the chryssalids. Are the chaurus at least being useful and eating some of them, or has the idea backfired in total?

And a genin Team 8 is a lot less OP than I was hoping for...I think? It would help if I had read/played the source material for...pretty much any of the settings in this quest. Fanfics only gets one so far. Really don't know how anything stacks up against anyone else.

I mean the kids can probably out-melee a chryssalid 1 v. 1 and the Krogan would likely have a grand ol' time, but 4 v. hundreds seem like long odds. Who even knows what Vicky's new body can do.

If we had to aim for anything from Naruto again, I'd opt for post-timeskip Sakura for the best blend of utility/friendliness if we can't count on binding the heavy hitters of that world. Just flip on her seal and punch everything to death. Not to mention the heal-botting.

Unless we're locked onto pre-timeskip because we summoned Team 8 as genin.

But if we're not oh gosh we can summon future Team 8 and blow their minds.

Any who, I'm all for throwing some kind of AOE or something big and meaty at the chryssalids, then just booking it to the rest of the abductees and getting back to the base for a proper resupply.

Then again, if the folks back at HQ aren't answering, and it's not because of something perfectly mundane or innocuous, things could be going even more pear-shaped down there. If so, it might be best to keep summoning stuff and then deal with the final boss before heading back. Cut the head off the snake and all.

Speaking of which, I am more than happy to go back to my idea of summoning a basilisk from a few pages back. Just murder-gaze everything. Ooh, and also ebonflesh it for maximum bullshit. We've got the magicka for it. Cattleya's just lying there.


We really need to work on training that girl once the we get some breathing room.
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So Quelaag's soul was the unique item, I was wondering what it would be! Makes sense.
Doesn't to me. What happened between Quelaag's soul and Vicky?

Where is Quelaag now?

Then again, if the folks back at HQ aren't answering
It's the Mothership team that served as a distraction for our own (or was the main body of the attack, what with a thousand chaurus) that isn't answering.
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We collecting Pink Girls now?

Been working out well so far!

Doesn't to me. What happened between Quelaag's soul and Vicky?

Where is Quelaag now?

From the way her body was described, I thought that their souls had essentially done a fusion dance. Does it not work that way? I dunno, I played Dragon's Dogma instead of picking up the Souls series.

It's the Mothership team that served as a distraction for our own (or was the main body of the attack, what with a thousand chaurus) that isn't answering.

Oh ya, I had assumed that, since they weren't around or picking up on the raido, that the ring transporter had just sent them to a different ship. Since the aliens have been tossing wave after wave of ships after that super-pokemon, I thought there could be multiple ships that had participated in the most recent attack on X-Com HQ. But that's just speculation, of course.
Been working out well so far!

You even tried planting one... Though I don't think she'll sprout more for you... Apparently humans don't work that way. Who knew?

Doesn't to me. What happened between Quelaag's soul and Vicky?

Where is Quelaag now?
Dead dead. She was used as fuel for Vicky's recovery, which was purely physical, no mental aspects survived... Though Vicky's copilot is more capable than a jumping spider now.

Hrm. Forgot about the chryssalids. Are the chaurus at least being useful and eating some of them, or has the idea backfired in total?
The bugs are still recovering from their suspended animation, so it isn't readily apparent if the chaurus are friendly. They haven't had contact with humans though and were genemodded by the aliens from captured specimen before xcom modified the species.

And a genin Team 8 is a lot less OP than I was hoping for...I think? It would help if I had read/played the source material for...pretty much any of the settings in this quest. Fanfics only gets one so far. Really don't know how anything stacks up against anyone else.

I mean the kids can probably out-melee a chryssalid 1 v. 1 and the Krogan would likely have a grand ol' time, but 4 v. hundreds seem like long odds. Who even knows what Vicky's new body can do.

If we had to aim for anything from Naruto again, I'd opt for post-timeskip Sakura for the best blend of utility/friendliness if we can't count on binding the heavy hitters of that world. Just flip on her seal and punch everything to death. Not to mention the heal-botting.

Unless we're locked onto pre-timeskip because we summoned Team 8 as genin.

But if we're not oh gosh we can summon future Team 8 and blow their minds.
Shinobi are definitely overhyped for the most part, their speed is exaggerated In most fics because of anime/manga motion blur effects. They certainly aren't supersonic sprinters like some people would have you believe or else they couldn't have their pointlessly drawn out conversations that they love to have while fighting. That being said, most are faster than the untrained eye can track and a child ninja could easily overpower a normal adult with minimal effort. For this fight? Kiba is the most useful of the trio.

You're not locked in to summoning from a specific time period, you just can't summon multiple versions of the same person... At least not from world that aren't inherently multiversal. Shippuden Sakura would probably be annoyed by Kiba considering her weak because of how she used to be and is also a trained assassin/spy with super strength and reason to believe you kidnapped three clan heirs... Would you trust her to be near you?
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You're not locked in to summoning from a specific time period, you just can't summon multiple versions of the same person... At least not from world that aren't inherently multiversal. Shippuden Sakura would probably be annoyed by Kiba considering her weak because of how she used to be and is also a trained assassin/spy with super strength and reason to believe you kidnapped three clan heirs... Would you trust her to be near you?
I know it doesn't really make much difference, but for the sake of accuracy, Kiba isn't a clan heir, he has an older sister.
Second in line is still pretty important in a world where living past 30 is rare for your occupation, but you are correct.
That's fair; like I said, it doesn't really make much difference. I wasn't trying to dismiss him or anything, he is still the clan head's son, I was just trying to clear things up, because what else am I going to do with all this useless trivia in my head if I'm not even going to correct minor errors when I see them.:p
That's fair; like I said, it doesn't really make much difference. I wasn't trying to dismiss him or anything, he is still the clan head's son, I was just trying to clear things up, because what else am I going to do with all this useless trivia in my head if I'm not even going to correct minor errors when I see them.:p
Make a fortune cookie type snack and put trivia on the slips of paper instead of vague fortunes?

Does anyone have a plan suggestion? It can contain what you want to do after this skirmish as well, just remember that you have 4 new people to account for.
ya sure gimme a bit to type something up