Letting the Blind spell fade away, you cast Oakflesh on Both Victoria and Louise's familiar before following with a minor Fortification to dexterity. Though it isn't much, any boost to their chances will help. Looking to Cattleya, you don't like what you see. Her stance is unsure, her stammering is ruining her chanting and she keeps casting fearful looks at her bleeding sister. "Cattleya, forget the water, just focus on healing the group."
"Wha- Make up your mind already!" She shouts back, her voice unsteady from the entire ordeal. You should probably either leave her out of combat or bring her along more often, she obviously isn't as used to the stress of combat like Louise. "W-what am I supposed to do? I'm not a trained healer, you know!"
"Just stop the bleeding." You answer, Telekinetically beating an advancing muton in the face with a chunk of debris. The muton pounds it's chest in fury, throws it's weapon to the side and charges the group, Tsun leaping from the safety of the barrier to intercept.
Granger uses her plasma cannon on the fallen sectopod's missiles tubes, causing the machine to explode in a massive ball of fire. The other three machines, one continuing to blast the ward while the others march their way to the sides of the room, charging their lasers to fire on the group's unprotected flank.
The zombie pounces on the alien with dual swords drawn, slashing downward at it's foe with both blades. The muton blocks the attack, grasping the corpse's sword arms with it's own and answering with a headbutt that does absolutely nothing to the familiar other than uselessly snap it's neck. With a disturbing gurgle, Tsun uses his lower arms to grip onto the muton's neck and begins to throttle the surprised alien. Looking to Victoria, you motion for her to join in, which she answers with a rapid shake of her head and she scuttles closer to Cattleya. Sighing, you look back in time to see the muton slam Tsun into the floor in a desperate attempt to make him release his hold. It doesn't work.
Three more mutons charge forward to assist their teammate and throw their grenades through the barrier before trying to pull the zombie off by his upper arms. Someone shouts in warning, but is cut off as the explosives detonate among your group as you all attempt to dive away. The blast throws you back into the door and you lose consciousness for a moment, coming to in time to see another sectopod blown up by a few well aimed explosions from your apprentice. Speaking of... you groggily turn to look for her only to find her kneeling by her sister, the elder pinkette missing her right arm from the elbow down, a blackened stump where her forearm should be.
Further away, you spy Victoria beside a crater in the floor where Cattleya had been standing... what's left of the spider anyway. Her rear end is completely gone. The girl's face locked in a rictus of agony as her few remaining legs twitch in shock. The stomping of heavy feet draws you away from the girls to see that the three mutons not engaging Tsun have stormed through your ward. Espinoza blocks their first shot by tackling the lead muton back through the barrier while Granger throws her empty sniper rifle through the chest of another, but the last fires his weapon directly at you.
Unable to dodge as you lean against the door in pain and disorientation, you reach out in panic to throw an unsuspecting being into the line of fire. Before the customary cloud of fire can dissipate, you hear you conjured creature bellow in pain and a very large and very armored figure charges toward it's attacker. The creature... or perhaps person would be a better term, considering the obviously advanced armor... whatever it is is clearly reptilian in origin. Bipedal, much like various forms of Argonian, the being's deep, gravely voice barks and squeaks it's outrage at the sudden assault on it's person and uses it's armored head to cave in the muton's skull before lifting it's rather large weapon to it's shoulder and peppering Tsun and his adversaries with several blasts of it's scattergun. Oblivious to the damage the humped creature is causing him, Tsun uses the oportunity to shove his swords into the injured alien beneath him as the lizard narrowly avoids a beam from one of the sectopods. With a guttural laugh, the armored creature sprints toward the machine, firing it's boxy gun the entire time.
The majority of the aliens dead or distracted by the melee, a shrill whistle sounds as Espinoza's armor starts venting steam and the man sprints across the open floor to the new arrivals. The man grabs for the squid-like automaton, but it slips away and vanishes from sight as the sectoids attempt to melt through his suit. Plasma splashes off the armored plate across his chest and he uses a hand to protect the dynamo as he kicks one of the aliens into the wall. The body pops like a water skin, leaving a barely recognizable outline of the little creature and it's comrade soon follows suit.
Groaning, you make to stand, only to be knocked over as an almost invisible... something rushes past. You follow the blur with your eyes to see the tentacled machine materialize behind Louise and are about to shout a warning when the girl whirls around and slices it in half before coating the sectopod in ice while bombarding it with explosions, screaming in rage all the while.
Status: Minor burns, disabled left leg.
Magicka: (1500/14000)
Status: Minor bleeding, fractured ribs, concussion.
Magicka: (89/650)
[] Continue to the next room.
[]Write in.
[] Retreat.
[] Write in.
[] Write in.
[] POV Switch to Louise.
[] Write in.
A/N: Two dying mutons and a Sectopod left, the fight is practically over, do you continue or retreat. And if so, how do you do it? Cattleya prioritizes Louise over you, so she managed to somewhat heal the girl before the grenades put a stop to her usefulness.
You might also want to decide what to do about your summoned creature.