"Uh-huh." Counting the number of weapons arrayed against you, it would seem that your acting skills could use a bit of polish. "Well, alright... I can see that I am at a disadvantage here." You say to the guards before casting Recall, hearing the gasps of surprise and musket fire as your body dissolves into violet light.
Showering the area with sparks, your arrival startles Louise, knocking the girl off her feet. If appearances are to be believed, it would appear that your apprentice had been preparing to chase after you. A bandoleer made of twisted cloth is wrapped across her torso, containing half a dozen red potion vials and several pieces of ill fitting armor are strapped to her body. Climbing to her feet, the young woman rubs her rear with a grimace before blushing as she notices your presence.
"W-w-what are you l-looking at?!" She stammers out, gripping her sword-wand.
Chuckling, you walk past her and peer over the railing at the town below. "You seem to have been busy since my departure."
Growling, the girl crosses her arms. "Don't change the-" She pauses for a moment as she registers your statement. "You were gone for so long, I thought you'd been captured... N-not that I'm doubting you or anything, master... I-I..."
"No need to worry, Louise, I am not offended... though the next time you attempt a rescue, avoid doing so in armor that does not fit, it will only slow you down in combat." You say, Ignoring her embarrassed sputtering and denials as you stare down at the castle below. "Anyway, the soldiers say that our target is not here."
"-s if I care wha- wait, what?" The girl asks, shaken from her babbling. "Not here? But... the next largest city is North Gotha, that's where the fighting is! You said he wouldn't want to be in danger."
"And I stand by what I said." Turning to lean against your back against the rail, you explain. "The man is a coward; he hid in his palace before we arrived, his lavish quarters in the palace lead me to believe that he would not have ridden a dragon and therefore fled Londinium early enough that his ship escaped the destruction of the docks, his citizens in Ariconium were of divided loyalty before our arrival, and he has obviously ordered his soldiers to pretend that he never arrived."
Tilting her head in a dog-like manner, your apprentice asks, "So they lied to you? That's... Don't they know how much trouble they could get in for that? A commoner lying to a Noble... that's just... Ugh!" The girl's confusion gives way to rage.
Palming your face at her lapse of stupidity, you sigh in frustration and head below deck to sleep away the rest of the afternoon and recover your spent magicka.
Choose 1:
[] Assault the Castle.
[] Ram the ship through the walls!
[] Fly down from the ship, bypassing the defences.
[] Write in.
[] Leave.
[] Return to Londinium.
[] Return to the Valliere estate.
[] Head to the Gotha forest!
If you leave, choose 2:
[] Teach Louise-
[] General magical knowledge. (slightly decreases Louise's chance of magical backfire.)
[] Destruction.
[] Alteration
[] Restoration
[] Harvest materials from chaurus and plant other ingredients.
[] Begin working on an Oblivion gate.
[] Upgrade your airship.
[] Speed
[] defense
[] offense
[] Write in.
A/N: If you had chosen to surrender, Louise would have fought to break you out, getting injured in the process of finding your cell. Louise also now has a bunch of minor health regen potions, only good enough to stop bleeding.