[X] Find Louise and have her go take over the submarine. She can take whoever or whatever she thinks necessary.
-[X] Then go to sleep. Tomorrow you can-
--[X] check in on Espinoza and Granger.

Whenever Loise isn't causing massive amounts of chaos, we should rectify that. Even if it's all off-screen.:D
[X] Go to sleep. Tomorrow you can-
-[X] check in on Espinoza and Granger.

Cynric's personality is just so... one of my fav characters ever, lol.
[X] Find Louise and have her go take over the submarine. She can take whoever or whatever she thinks necessary.
-[X] Then go to sleep. Tomorrow you can-
--[X] check in on Espinoza and Granger.

This will also ensure that Louise can't accidentally us up the soul gem
[X] Find Louise and have her go take over the submarine. She can take whoever or whatever she thinks necessary.
-[X] Then go to sleep. Tomorrow you can-
--[X] check in on Espinoza and Granger.
[X] Go to sleep. Tomorrow you can-
-[X] check in on Espinoza and Granger.

Cynric's personality is just so... one of my fav characters ever, lol.
What exactly makes you say that? Is it his generosity in helping others, how kindly he treats kids, or the fact that he made sure to get other children involved in Lily's new life?
Checking On The Test Subjects
"Right, I can do that easily!" Louise declared as she watched her exhausted teacher walk away.

She had been returning from carrying her sister to bed and was going to make sure Hinata got to sleep at a reasonable time as well, but that could wait until later. She needed to prove herself! Even though Master Cynric had been kind enough to try sparing her feelings, her time in Brockton Bay still felt like another failure. After all, the samples she brought for Vahlen turned out to be worthless and she hadn't even finished purchasing the resources they'd asked for. The only thing she could even claim as a success was making useful contacts... something even a pauper could do.

Before she could begin to redeem herself, at least in her own eyes if her Master was too kind to show his disappointment in her, the first thing she had to do was find out what exactly a submarine was.


Waking up in the morning, you prepare for the day and eat a light breakfast porridge of some sort in the cafeteria before making your way through the portal. Arriving at the lab on the other side, the first thing you notice is that one of the floorboards is missing, but you put that aside and pull the cloth off of Espinoza.

His frown is immediately evident and he shows absolutely no sign of speeding up. Having proven his resistance to being moved yesterday, you run a series of tests on the man to find out just how resilient he is in his current state. The resulting attempts at slicing, stabbing, burning, freezing, and electrocution would all be quite promising if he weren't reduced to such a useless state. Not one of your attempts to harm the man have any effect unless repeated for longer than a minute and even then your attempt to force a scalpel into his hand only produces what could charitably be considered a pinprick.

Healing magics prove useless to cure Espinoza's condition, Conjuration are fruitless as well when you try thrusting him out of the realm and summon him back only to find his mobility unaltered. It is when you are about to try an old speed enhancing spell similar to the Fortify Strength one that you taught Louise, that the man's agonizingly slow recoil from you attempts to harm him suddenly resumes a normal pace.

Meaning he flails uncontrollably and falls backward, vomiting all the while from however long he spent in the timeless Oblivion between worlds before you pulled him back. Now that you think about it, it might be an interesting experiment to see how those unattuned to magic perceive and react to such a place... but not at the moment, especially with the way he's moaning like a newborn.

Tossing the sheet back over the man to hide his pitiful state, you proceed to search for his female counterpart and eventually manage to find her in a most peculiar state. Despite the fact that she has apparently been carrying the two missing planks from the laboratory, she seems to be feigning ignorance to their presence strapped to her back as she goes about directing people to and fro.

The presence she doesn't ignore is your own unfortunately.

Stopping what she was doing, she strides toward you and growls, "You son of a bitch!"

Immediately afterward, you find yourself on the floor with a searing pain in your face.

Status: Broken nose.
Magicka: (350/650)


[] Cast Calm on her, heal yourself, and proceed to have a calm discussion on just why she felt that to be necessary.

[] Light her on fire, but keep her alive as a lesson in humility.

[] Banish her into Oblivion and move on with your day.
-[] Return to help assemble Lily's body.
-[] Teach the ninjas some necromancy and work with Cattleya on controlling her beast.​

[] Write in.
[X] Cast Calm on her, heal yourself, and proceed to have a calm discussion on just why she felt that to be necessary.
Does anyone have any idea what this is about?
It appears her default form, as far as the injury-reversal cares, has been updated to include some of her surroundings. You are familiar with "telefragging" in which one's body can end up existing in the same space as something or someone else? I'm guessing something similar occurred here when Granger fell to the floor.

Also dang it Cynric. Call medics for Espinoza!
[X] Cast Calm on her, heal yourself, and proceed to have a calm discussion on just why she felt that to be necessary.

Now that was just rude. We were just using untested, unkown potions. No need to ounch us out lady.
[X] Cast Calm on her, heal yourself, and proceed to have a calm discussion on just why she felt that to be necessary.
[X] Cast Calm on her, heal yourself, and proceed to have a calm discussion on just why she felt that to be necessary.

Also dang it Cynric. Call medics for Espinoza!

Espinoza's a strapping young solider with some kind of invulnerability powers, while Cynric's a kindly old man that was just the victim of an outrageous and unprovoked physical assault. Espinoza should be calling a medic for Cynric, if anything!
0.002 Leagues Under The Sea
Silence fills the area and everyone has stopped to see what is happening, Granger herself is glaring down at you.

Tamping down the immediate outrage at her actions, you rise as the others in the room are just now reacting. Several of the civilians that had come through the Oblivion Gate to help with construction recoil at the sudden violence, while one of the soldiers has drawn his pistol. Ignoring him, you heal yourself and force out the blood that had started to flow.

"Now why would you go and do something like that?" You ask in irritation, using the majority of your remaining magicka to cast Calm on the entire room.

Staring back with emotionless green eyes, the woman almost manages a sneer as she answers, "What? Punching you? It should be obvious, since you're doing it again."

"It is just a simple spell to keep people from any emotional outbursts." You defend while approaching the armed soldier and holstering his pistol for him. Turning back to Granger, who has somehow managed a full scowl, you continue, "I already explained that it does not allow for controlling a persons thoughts or actions, there is no need for this hostility."

"Maybe not directly, but you still physically forced me to drink your magic tentacle swill and then you experimented on me!" She growls, proving herself to already be growing dangerously resistant to your spell after so few times.

"It was necessary to discover what the effects of the potion are. Espinoza's potion has worn off as I said it would, what reason have I given for you to be distrustful of me?"

The dull look in her eyes is slowly fading and she gives you a humorless laugh. "I've had to carry these fucking boards around just to stop teleporting back to the labs every half hour. I should do worse to you for this, but Commander Flagg warned me off. Apparently Vahlen questioned Louise about your spell before and agrees that it's harmless. If you weren't so useful to them, this bullshit wouldn't fly and I know it."

Espinoza was correct about it being a great boost to each of their personal power, why in Oblivion would she be this upset about a few extremely minor wounds in exchange. Even if nothing else, she should at least be able to see that your repeated need to use Illusion magic on her has been beneficial to her mental defenses. Still, you would prefer not to make an enemy of her if possible.

"Would an apology help?" You ask, honestly willing to give such a trivial thing if it will cease this pointlessness.

"No." At her flat denial, you raise a brow, promting her to do the same as she asks, "You don't think I'd actually believe you, do you? I learned long ago that people are all selfish monsters, waiting to eat the weak as soon as their backs are turned and we're no different. Mark my words Cynric, I might not be allowed to get you back for this, but one day that stupid girl is going to learn this same lesson and when she does? Maybe I'll accept your apology if you survive."


Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, Sorceroress in training, was venturing forth once more to prove her capabilities. Her current mission? Capturing the 'submarine' that was located somewhere in the Boston harbor.

All in all, it might be considered a rather easily accomplished mission if one were to take into account the fact that the submarine was supposedly very large. The main problem was that she not only had no idea what it was other than an underwater naval vessel, the opposite of a proper navy's flying ships, but the water in the harbor was far too murky for her to see for much distance. As it stood, she was almost blind as she trecked across the bottom of the ocean along her Clairvonce spell's path.

Her helmet's enchantment allowed her to hold her breath indefinitely and the orb of light in her hand barely illuminated her surroundings out to a few meters... showing hideous fish-like monstrosities that would dart in and out of the darkness. Bulbous appendages, flashes of scales, and fanged maws larger than her torso would come from all around, only to be chased back into the abyss by either her newly resurrected familiar or her own flashing silver blade.

The clouds of ichor did nothing to aid her navigational woes.

It had been a small eternity since she'd slipped into the water outside the base and while it was good practice at maintaining multiple spells for a long period of time, the barley visible light above meant that it was almost noon the next day... And yet... She wasn't feeling even the slightest bit tired or even hungry. The water was warm, if disgusting, and she was actually more energetic than when she began.

Coming upon a deep trench in the sea floor, the pinkette was about to use her Levitation to float quickly over it when an earie bass moan reached her ears. Pausing as she peered down into the dark and saw movement, she put as much magicka as she could into the light spell. Louise knew that she couldn't hold it for long, but it was enough to clearly witness what at first appeared to be a dozen of those crustaceans she'd fought on arriving in that world, but then she realized how far away they were.

The creatures were absolutely massive, the biggest towering larger than many buildings she'd seen during her trips to Tristainia. There was no way something that large could possibly carry itself on land, but the water obviously promoted such an outragous existance. Scuttling around their legs were smaller ones that were likely the type she was more familiar with, looking like a swarm of beetles around a human in comparison. More terrifying was the way they appeared to be fleeing from something, the big ones going so far as to wound the small ones in thier haste.

As the light dimmed back down, Louise caught a trio of slender pale limbs snap out to grab the slowest of the giants and drag it back into the darkness.


Leaving Granger to her work, dissatisfied with her rebuffing you, the rest of the day stretches on regardless.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (180/650)

Choose at least one:

[] Return to the foundry to help assemble Lily's body.

[] Teach the ninjas some necromancy and work with Cattleya on controlling her beast.

[] Get Vahlen and try to relocate the Clockblocker symbiote to an easier place for study, preferably one where it's influence is limited.

[] Check in with the PRT to fake concern over their missing Wards.

[] Go enlist Victoria's aid in finding Trobror, he's been missing for a while now.
-[] Take Cattleya.
-[] Take some animal zombies.
-[] All of the above.​

[] Write in.
[X] Go enlist Victoria's aid in finding Trobror, he's been missing for a while now.
-[X] All of the above.

Oh FUCK, how many chapters has it been since that update where Trobror was tied up and tortured?! Kinda wish we still had Louise for more firepower, but hopefully we can just get in and out after finding him.

Hm... I don't suppose he has a teleport signature or some kind of beacon on him does he?
Granger's so petty, I love it.

It had been a small eternity since she'd slipped into the water outside the base and while it was good practice at maintaining multiple spells for a long period of time, the barley visible light above meant that it was almost noon the next day... And yet... She wasn't feeling even the slightest bit tired or even hungry. The water was warm, if disgusting, and she was actually more energetic than when she began.

Huh, I thought it'd be more of a shit show, but it turns out wizards are perfect for underwater missions! So long as the water's highly irradiated, anyway.

The creatures were absolutely massive, the biggest towering larger than many buildings she'd seen during her trips to Tristainia.

Crabzilla! Neato.

More terrifying was the way they appeared to be fleeing from something,

Well that's never a good sign.

As the light dimmed back down, Louise caught a trio of slender pale limbs snap out to grab the slowest of the giants and drag it back into the darkness.

oh jesus

[X] Go enlist Victoria's aid in finding Trobror, he's been missing for a while now.
-[X] Take Cattleya.
I don't think the PRT's cottoned on to Cynric being able to reanimate the dead, so I'd say no to bringing the zombie animals, just in case someone puts two and two together and gets us a kill order or something. Then again, having cannon fodder to throw at Cattleya could be handy in case she tries eating people again. On the third hand, if we have a horde of zombie animals at our command, people may incorrectly conclude that the giant bear trying to eat people is also under Cynric's thrall, perhaps resulting in unpleasant misunderstandings.