There is one in harry potter... tho that's the place we're poaching lifebirds from. So yeah. Harry's out for our blood, or something. Not to mention it would take forever to actually get hold of it and learn it.
[X] Go to Vista, cast Paralyze and Invisibility, and remain close by until they leave.
-[X] Experiment with Case 53 samples.
[X] They went through the Gate. You're not sure where exactly they are now though.
[X] Get her drunk and leave her in the wilderness on the Fallout side of the Oblivion Gate, with ZombieClockblocker. Since your story is just that she never arrived, she'd just be another mysterious disappearance and they lack the ability to search an entire dimension for her. You'd be done with your business in this dimension before anything comes of it
Guys, KISS.
Any plan involving the Brockton Bay side of things is buggered by the existence of tinkertech lie detectors.
Same goes for claiming she never arrived, because the PRT wouldn't be here if they didn't think they had cause.
But we COULD just imply they went on some hare brained teenage adventurism.
Not our problem. Our problem is deniable disposal to get them off our case until Leviathan shows up.
Deniable disposal includes being able to say honestly she was alive when we last saw her.
[X] Go to Vista, cast Paralyze and Invisibility, and remain close by until they leave.
-[X] Experiment with Case 53 samples.
[X] They went through the Gate. You're not sure where exactly they are now though.
[X] Get her drunk and leave her in the wilderness on the Fallout side of the Oblivion Gate, with ZombieClockblocker. Since your story is just that she never arrived, she'd just be another mysterious disappearance and they lack the ability to search an entire dimension for her. You'd be done with your business in this dimension before anything comes of it
Climbing out of the transport, Lieutenant Robert Kerman was impressed at the speed of these people. It had only been a few days and they already had over a dozen sturdy building, each with fixed power and the sound of air conditioning coming buzzing through the air. While many military organizations could match that feat with land clearing equipment and tents, permanent structures would be more difficult, but the really impressive part in his mind was the lack of porta-shitters or the usual web of generator cables.
Built in plumbing and wiring takes time and effort that nobody in his Corps would even consider for a field op. Apparently this X-com group decided to skip the usual set up of gradual updates from temporary to permanent and just started out by building for the long term.
"Keep an eye out and your helmet cams on." He ordered the other eight troopers as he stepped down into the compacted ash that made up the ground. "If you hear anything useful, call it in."
"Yes sir." Roger that." "Kill." The rest of the squad replied in turn as one of the residents of the small fort approached from the side.
The PRT issued body armor was Thinker designed in a way to conceal all features other than rank and make even body language hard to read, even gender was all but impossible to tell without experience or long observation. It was a frequent complain among female troopers that they were always being mistaken for men and the voice masking required in some situations only made that worse.
X-com's did not have that problem.
The woman who approached them was wearing metal armor that while having something of an tank-like shape due to it's use of deflecting angles, only made her feminine outline more apparent thanks to it's narrowing toward the waist and lack of plating over the hips or anything else to change the wearer's profile other than covering the torso. Her arms were uncovered from shoulder to elbow, though there was a strange diamond shaped stud toward the top of her lightly tanned arms, and she had armored gauntlets covering her hands and forearms. It would be hard to rate her threat level without knowing what the armor could take, but her lack of helmet or weapon spoke of confidence in her abilities.
Reaching out with one of those armored hands, she waited for him to reciprocate before introducing herself. "Captain Granger, United Nations Bureau for Extra-terrestrial Combat, head of security for Outpost Lamprey and all expeditionary operations. How can I help you, Lieutenant...?"
"Kerman." He replied, trying not to wince at how hard her grip was. Either she had enhanced strength or the glove was Tinker tech. "We've been searching for a pair of Wards that went missing and just got a tip this morning that they were last seen here."
Raising a dark brow, the woman asked, "Really? And who, exactly, did you ask? It couldn't have been one of us, since none of our people have left the outpost today."
"Glory Girl says she watched Cynric guide the both of them through the dimensional portal."
"Who? Nobody here has such an asinine... oh, Victoria's little stage name before her mutation." Granger says in realization. "I was wondering where she disappeared to. For a giant glowing monster, she's pretty stealthy."
For a moment, the man's thought processes ground to a halt. Armsmaster hadn't even bothered to ask which 'Vicky' Panacea had asked about the missing Wards. How did nobody report a fifteen foot tall spider made of lava walking through the streets?!
The woman snapped him out of it by asking, "I thought you were allied with her family, why wait so long to ask them for help?"
"We don't have as close of a relationship with New Wave as many seem to think and that's only gotten worse recently. On top of that, we didn't know if their identities have been compromised, so it was need to know while we searched, but we couldn't wait too long or it might be too late." He answered honestly. Between the known leaks, the potentially unknown ones, and possible Thinker powers, Director Piggot hadn't wanted to risk letting the increasingly desperate gangs from finding out.
Even if Vista thought she was sneaky, most of the PRT knew from interviewing street thugs that the girl didn't report every detail of her patrols. Hookwolf would probably relish the chance to take out his long running rival and Clockblocker would just be a bonus. The only gang that at least would give them a choice other than 'join or die' was Purity's group and only then because she was trying to form some sort of antihero group.
"Well, you're here now, so I guess that has to count for something." With a shrug, she waved for them to follow. "Come on, it's not like we have anything to hide."
"I really doubt that, Cap." One of the squad mumbled over the private comms. Robert silently agreed. While him and most of the PRT appreciated the little French girl for being so helpful with her healing even outside of emergencies, something Panacea never did since she refused to take requests, they knew no organization could be spotless.
Hiding Vista's sedated and paralyzed body on top of a stack of supply crates, you turn her invisible as well. Not even a minute later, the doors open to admit Granger and one of the local guardsmen in black. Making a show of rooting around in one of the crates, you retrieve a set of alchemy tools of X-com make. Despite the situation, you have to admire their ability to make clear glass almost as perfect as your own world's best.
Setting the equipment down on a nearby workbench, you are about to begin chopping the strange flesh samples when Granger speaks, "Cynric, this is Lieuteneant Kerman of the PRT. He's looking for a pair of children and says that Victoria reported seeing them with you the other day."
Having done her duty of letting you know not to go with your original plan of outright denial, the woman leaves quickly, an amused gleam in her green eyes letting you know she could sense the invisible girl. Not bothering to acknowledge her look, you keep working on the potions and ask, "Ask your questions quickly, this is delicate work and I would prefer not to kill us all up because of a mistake."
Not that you actually believe it will actually do so, but your spells will only last for so long.
"Of course, I just need to know where Vista and Clockblocker are." The man replies, leaning in slightly to look at the crystalline tissues.
"I am not sure where they went." You answer. "Yes, they came to me in search of a medical treatment for the boy's father, but I provided that easily enough. If they have not returned, then perhaps you should seek out the boy's father? That would be my best guess as to their location."
"We have and they aren't there. In two days, this is the only place they've been seen, so excuse me if I don't believe that you don't have a clue." He replies.
Shrugging, you put a handful of diced monstrosity on to simmer. "I know not what to tell you then. If you choose to waste precious time that could be spent searching for the poor dears, then maybe my apprentice can offer some assistance."
Charm Shirt activated, saving you from a failing persuasion RNG.
Irritated at the lack of progress and getting a suspicious feeling from the old man, Robert nonetheless left the lab. Asking around for direction led him to a small clearing outside of the outpost.
The pink haired girl was feeding scraps of meat to an unreasonably large and unfriendly looking bear.
Forcing bottle after bottle of a local potato based drink down down Vista's gullet until she fell back unconscious was easy, the harder part was keeping such a small child from dying via alcohol poisoning was the more difficult. Fortunately, Nordic children frequently abscond with their parent's mead and they developed a potion to remedy that, since having one's offspring die from such a problem would make the entire family look weak. Even better, the sot that created it wanted his children to become accustomed to heavy drinking, so it doesn't actually cure any of the symptoms.
Just a sample of the chosen poison, a petal or two of daffodil or other similar flower that blooms in winter to slow the body, and a gram of garlic or thistle for a touch of poison resistance. It's such a simple solution that you can be sure the only reason nobody else made it first was due to not caring to try. For some reason, minuscule 'advances' and mostly useless magic seems to be all that most people bother with, wasting their years on inanities such as this.
Idiotic fools, the lot of them.
At least you now have a reason to use it, since it's proved useless for your early attempts at acquiring an immunity to more severe poisons. All it's ever done for you since that disastrous time was ruin the taste of perfectly good Flin, a travesty of epic proportions given how hard it's been to import anything from Cyrodiil to the Reach in recent years. Your cousins and the rest of the Madanach's misguided lot have probably raided more of your shipments than you care to count.
Turning back to the matter at hand, you deem the poison and potion have both had time to settle in. A strong application of blunt force to her lightly protected head via a convenient plank of wood, a few moments of rough shaking to increase your odds, and you're soon handing her off to her undead friend. As one last addition, you tuck the labeled Cure Disease potion into Vista's pocket and turn them both invisible before sending them home.
By the time they get to the city, the spell should wear off, but the important part is that they aren't seen leaving the outpost after you said they were gone... them arriving in Hookwolf's territory is simply a fortunate side effect of the outpost's location, since you have a third zombie in red and black clothes going with them to shoot Clockblocker in the head as soon as the girl is cognizant and capable of walking on her own.
It's somewhat wasteful, but Clockblocker's destruction should serve to keep the blame off of you while satisfying Moira's concerns over killing the girl. Who knows, maybe the thought of revenge against the Empire will spur her to join your group.
Status: Healthy.
Magicka: (125/300)
[] Find somebody to test the eldritch potions on.
-[] Granger and Espinoza. Silver and red respectively.
-[] Granger and Espinoza. Red and silver respectively.
-[] Cattleya, silver.
-[] Cattleya, red.
-[] Write in.
[] Go find Louise and see what she is doing.
-[] Also summon Victoria to thank her for the unwanted PRT attention.
-[] Write in.
[] Find Shen and discuss the progress he's been making toward his vehicle plans.
[] Write in.
A/N: Congratulations, your choice to make potions means that neither Dragon or Armsmaster can study the footage to check for lies without their powers blanking their minds of it. Also, saying they never arrived doesn't work since they know the two were there and you know they know because Granger knows they know and knows to tell you they know.
There is a decent chance that I will be too busy to make regular updates if any this upcoming week or two.
Also, saying they never arrived doesn't work since they know the two were there and you know they know because Granger knows they know and knows to tell you they know.
Ah dammit, I knew I forgot something. Owell, at least the end result isn't too bad.
[X] Find somebody to test the eldritch potions on.
-[X] Red
I remember Granger and Espinoza, but forgot who Red and Silver are. Hopefully Cynric's skill and experience with potions mean this won't end badly. But even if it does turn out like the case53s we have ways to reverse the effects anyways.
Congratulations, your choice to make potions means that neither Dragon or Armsmaster can study the footage to check for lies without their powers blanking their minds of it.
Because shard try to keep their hosts from finding out about them by blanking their memory and since you were cutting up chunks of a shard, parahumans won't remember watching the video.
There's a component to powers in Worm that forces parahumans to ignore or forget the true source of powers. Think of it as a safety measure that the Entities installed to stop parahumans from realizing what was really going on and subsequently turning any threatening powers against them. Since Cynric's answers were recorded while he was playing with the severed bits of the continent-sized abomination that is the actual source of Clockblocker's powers, when Armsmaster and Dragon review the footage, simply seeing those bits of said abomination will trip the 'Ignore This' component to their powers. Conveniently, they'll also ignore whatever Cynric was doing in the video too.
A normal PRT mook could review the footage just fine, but they don't have Armsy's lie detector.
Congratulations, your choice to make potions means that neither Dragon or Armsmaster can study the footage to check for lies without their powers blanking their minds of it.
How the hell do we keep getting away with this shit? If I didn't know better, I'd swear that Cynric was a Palpatine-tier schemer working some long con. Naturally, given that we control him, that's impossible.rofl:rofl:
With the children disposed of and two more vials of untested potions, you do the only thing you can. Call for test subjects.
Since you have no idea what the potions could do, not having been able to do a proper test for any alchemical properties the ingredients might posses, Espinoza and Granger are your first choice of volunteers. After all, they are competent allies and would not likely use any beneficial results against you while also not being important enough to matter if the potions turn out to be poison instead. Well, not important to you anyway, X-com might miss them and Louise might complain if she still considers him to be her pet or whatever strange notions she entertains about the 'common folk'.
Espinoza is the first to arrive and immediately begins to bombard you with inanities such as how you feel about the weather, 'did you really make that kid's head implode?', whether or not you think he should irritate his superiors by ordering a 'pizza', and allusions toward your apprentice's sister that you have neither the inclination nor patience to devote any thought on. Thankfully you only have to bear his... exuberance for so long before Granger arrives and you can begin.
Holding out two vials, silver to Granger and red to Espinoza, you announce, "Good, you have arrived. I have created a potion that should, Sai willing, provide a measure of influence on local time."
"Well hello to you to, magic man." The brunette replies with crossed arms.
Already having taken his potion in hand and unstoppering it, Espinoza looks over to her incredulously. "Really Sar... er... Ma'am, the man's offering you time control powers and you're upset because he didn't say hi?"
"I was busy leading our guests by the nose to avoid any unwanted surprises, but by all means, lets stop that to drink a strange liquid made of mystery goo by a strange old man. No offense to you, Cynric, but that rings a right big alarm bell to me." Granger explains.
Shrugging indifferently to the remark, you reply, "None taken, I suppose. You are right to be wary, it is an untested solution and could be potentially fatal."
"Meh, it's not like dying's that scary when you could always just bring me back." The man says before immediately tossing back the potion.
While impulsive, monumentally stupid, and naively assuming that his resurrection is assured, he is correct in the likelihood of it and your ability to do so at least. Mostly. Discounting the slight possibility of completely wiping their life from their soul's memory or even retroactive erasure from existence, but they've no need to know about that.
The results are... underwhelming, but promising.
As soon as he finishes swallowing the reddish mixture, Espinoza begins to slow down until even blinking takes more than a minute for his eyes to close. Granger makes to state her concerns, but you cut her off by saying, "No worries, this should wear off eventually, no potion's effects lasts forever unless they somehow create a disease. If that is the case here, it would most likely be a simple case of Clockblocker's symbiote taking advantage of the boy's flesh in the potion to take a new host. An easy to solve problem if necessary."
Giving her own potion a wary glance, Granger asks, "You didn't put any of the kid in mine, did you? I'm fine with a lot of shit, but cannibalism's a bit too much for me."
"No, of course not. It would be a waste to have you both test the same potion. Yours is simply refined flesh from the symbiote itself." You tell her honestly, but she doesn't appear at all reassured by your answer, so you push the vial into her hands and use the contact to cast Calm on her. "Now, drink your potion so we can find out what it does."
Even as she opens the tube and lifts it to her lips, Granger manages to ask, "What? Why am I doing this?" While an impressive display of will, she still calmly swallows the potion... to no noticeable effect other than a brief dizzy spell. "I... I should be angry... But I'm not. Why? What did you do to me?"
"Nothing to fear, my dear, just a simple spell. It eases concerns and removes inhibitions, it should wear off in about ten minutes or so." You explain, taking her hand to lead her over to a workbench with a variety of tools.
As you test her skin for pliability and find it normal, she asks, "So it's mind control?"
She doesn't even flinch as you move a syringe toward her arm to draw blood for testing.
"Nothing so extreme, I simply needed you to-" You stop as she is suddenly back where she was when she took the potion. The needle had barely pierced her skin before it happened, but you can see blood welling up from the wound. Looking down to the needle, you see that it is completely clean.
Repeating the process produces identical results, with the blood from both the new and old wounds dissapearing from her skin only to rise to the surface once more. After several brief tests involving various tools, light poisons, and even a numbing agent, you can conclude that the teleportation is tied to her sense of pain. No toxic agent produces the effect and anything from a bruising hammer blow to the hand to a pinprick can cause it, though the more she gets used to it, the less the ability seems to activate. You will need to investigate further once she regains complete control of herself, but for the moment, you decide that it would be better to leave and allow her to collect herself.
When trying to move Espinoza out of the immediate path of everyone entering the room fails, you simply throw a sheet over the man.
"Ah, Cynric!" Raymond calls out by way of greeting. "After Vahlen's excited visit, I thought the two of you would be busy discussing extra-dimensional physics."
Sighing, you once again correct that assumption. "Multiversal. Conjuration focuses on moving beings between universes, Shadow magic is multi-dimensional."
Taking off his spectacles to polish the lenses, Shen replies, "Oh, well... my mistake. I've never really put much thought into how many fields of study there might be for magic, but I guess it makes sense that there's more than a few. Anyway, what brings you down here?"
All around you are men and machine, busy cutting and shaping metal. On Raymond's desk, you can see a blueprint for some sort of vaguely saucer shaped craft, half0buried beneath a mound of other papers. Tapping on the odd design, you state, "Mere curiosity. I was wondering what sort of answer to the Brotherhood's aircraft you might devise."
Looking at the paper, he shakes his head. "Oh, the Firestorm? Sorry to disappoint, but that design was rejected. The power systems require far too much of our limited supply of Elerium and Alien alloy, so we're just building our original Raven designs for now... I hope to at least incorporate some alien technology or even your magic to crate a true aerospace fighter, but that can wait. On another note, the first of our skyrangers should be finished in three days, so our soldiers can venture further afield easily and we can begin to haul back heavier equipment in the region without a vulnerable caravan like we did at the refinery. On a related note, would you mind helping me with a... shall we say... personal project?"
Status: Healthy
Magicka: (75/650)
[] Why not, it might be interesting.
[] No, you simply wanted to know what he was up to, you have other matters to attend-
-[] Go into the city and try to bring down the Brotherhood aircraft using the buildings to hide your presence.
-[] Go check on Louise and make sure she didn't tell the PRT anything incriminating.
[] Counter offer, have him help with a project of your own. Write in.
Research: the path to starting and ending more battles on our terms!
I'm glad that we won't have to worry about our most valuable materials getting swiped by bandits. Is anyone else interested in finding or preparing a mage for designated radiation-cleansing? It seems like we're going to find multiple worlds where we will be able channel that energy for greatly enhanced magical production. Alternatively we could setup something like an artificial manaforge, like in the Netherstorm area of WoW, with the goal being to empower gems we've filled with souls via raw energy.