Rescuing Trobror: Finding Reinforcements
"Trobror still isn't back?" Cattleya asks, dark and bruised looking bags under her eyes as she sips at her coffee. It would seem that she is either having trouble sleeping or spending much of the previous day transformed took a lot out of her. "Of course I'll help look for him, do you have any idea where he could be?"

Shrugging, you lead her toward the outpost gates. "He most likely remains within the city. A simple use of Clairvoyance should lead the way to him, but I would be vulnerable if it takes too long. Hence why I thought to bring yourself and Victoria along."

Taking off into the air once you're a ways away from the outpost, the two of you head toward where Louise had said the Dallon family lives. Along the way, you lose yourself in your musings. While you know that the woman has lived a hard life, you can't help but wonder what would make her think the way she does. Even someone with your lack of interest in the welfare of others understands that most people only resort to the level she spoke of when truly desperate, but she seems to think the opposite. As if each and every person is just waiting to stab her in the back at a moment's notice rather than being, to quote that narrow-focused Neloth, naive s'wits with too much heart.

Her little curse upon you is meaningless though, since she lacks both the power or insight to make it a reality. Even if she were to somehow gain the magical prowess to truly curse somebody in an abstract manner such as that, Louise would prove rather resistant to such 'enlightenment'. Your apprentice has her obsession with nobility that has slowly been warping as she encounters things outside her worldview and will almost assuredly remain a 'good' person at her core... even if that just means she tries to reason her actions as just. Not that you don't watch Louise's growth in capabilities carefully, but her attachment to you and your own semblance of the same to her should do the rest of the work in ensuring that you don't need to use that knowledge.

With the elder pinkette's exhaustion and your own preoccupation, you almost overshoot your destination. Thankfully, a helpful young woman puts herself in your path.

"Hey Lou... yeah, you're definitely not Louise." The blonde says in momentary confusion. It doesn't last long, as she perks up and declares, "Oh, you're Cattleya, aren't you?"

Taking in her familiar face, lack of arachnid features, magic-less flight, and easily ignored waves of pseudo-Illusion magic, she could only be one person. Answering for the bewildered woman, you nod. "She is and you must be Glory Girl."

"Yup! Though I'm not Heroing right now, so you should just call me Vicky, you know? Anyway, I guess you're the 'grandfather' that Louise told us about." She replies, gesturing to her strange outfit. Her shirt is too tight, marked with a pair of bright red hand prints, and her pants are barely long enough to classify as such. All in all, not what you would imagine a young woman wearing by choice, but you can't argue about it not being a heroic appearance.

Descending toward the house below, you don't respond to the question, choosing instead to tell her, "Well then, Vicky, Cattleya and I are going to search for a missing member of our organization. Last I saw, he was in battle with Hookwolf, so we came to acquire your counterpart's assistance. I assume she is still visiting with your family."

"They're her family too." Vicky is quick to correct you as the group lands right outside the door to her home. Throwing open the door, she quickly strides in and calls out, "Hey guys, get out here, we've got guests!"

From a door that you would guess leads to the basement, you see the massive form of Victoria squeeze her way out into the sitting room. In her wake is a short brunette whom you assume to be Amy. Upon noticing you, Victoria asks, "Cynric? Cattleya? What?"

Before you can answer the less than eloquent question, an older voice comes from the staircase on the other side of the room. "Cynric? So this is the teacher that Louise mentioned?"

"Yeah." Vicky says for you. "Mister Cynric, this is my mom, Carol Dallon."

You notice the family resemblance immediately, since you would need to be bling not to with her blonde hair and almost sculpted facial features. The pictures on the walls show even more similarly molded people, obviously the rest of the family that Victoria had mentioned when giving information on this world. If they were larger in stature, you could easily see all of New Wave, other than Amy, being used for Stormcloak propaganda... if the idiotic Nord rebellion understood the value of such things.

Giving her a bow as she approaches, you put your lips to her knuckles and declare, "Cynric Tyne, Grand Sorcerer of the Reach, at your service."

"There's no need for that, really." Carol tells you quickly, retrieving her hand and gaining a dusting of pink to her cheeks at the trio of grins from the younger females. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Cattleya. Your sister mentioned your illness. Not to be rude, but you don't look too well, is there anything you need?"

"No thank you, I'm just exhausted." Cattleya replies absently, eyeing the couch lustfully.

"I could try to cure you." Amy offers from her hiding spot in Victoria's shadow.

You shake your head. "That was one of the first things Louise addressed after becoming my apprentice. A simple concoction really, the fact that her people couldn't create similar after six thousand years just shows how insular and willfully ignorant they are."

The mother of two or three, depending on how you take both Victorias into account, sighs in slight relief. "Oh, well she didn't mention that... though I shouldn't be surprised after all she's done to help in the hospital with Amy. I would like to thank you however. It is a nice thing you're doing, not many would be so willing to take responsibility for several troubled young women like you have."

Unsure of just what kind of tales Louise has been telling these people, but noticing a sort of guilty admiration to her tone, you reply, "I was just doing what I thought best at the time. Louise and Cattleya are both intelligent ladies and are quite helpful, as is Victoria, short though our time together has been in comparison. As much as I wish we could stay and exchange more pleasant words, Cattleya and I actually came here for aid in a situation that may turn perilous."

"Any idea what he's talking about?"

"He's asking for help with something."

"Why not just say that?!"

"You see, one of our fellows was seeking out a particularly offensive person within your city in the hopes of claiming additional funding and favor from your Parahuman Response Team. It has been several days now since his departure and though he is a highly capable individual, the lack of communication is concerning." You continue as if not hearing Amy and Victoria talking.

"Shush Ames, let him talk."

"It's not my fault he's being so flowery with his words!"

"Damnit Amy, shut up before you get us in trouble!"

"I wouldn't need to ask if he'd just say something dangerous is happening, there's no need to turn it into poetry! 'Oh yonder be frightful vagabo-' mmhmnfmm"

Also ignoring her daughters' whispers with merely a tightening jaw, Carol smiles and says, "We would be more than happy to help if you need us."

"Ow! Don't bite me!"

"Then don't put your giant hands on my face!"

"Both of you shut the hell up already!" Vicky hisses at the others before swapping back to her cheerful self and telling you, "Yeah, just lead the way! I'm sure Aunt Sarah and the others could help too."

While you hadn't meant to imply that you wanted all of them to help, would be remiss to dismiss it out of hand. The Dallon family, from Victoria's stories at least, is quite powerful and capable in their own right. Their powers are versatile enough to stand against the city's factions for years and even bring down some of the most dangerous individuals in the region. On the other hand, you don't know how they would react to some things that your group is capable of.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (180/650)

Choose 1:

[] Accept their help.

[] Decline, you're just there for Victoria.


A/N: 10 days until Levi-tan comes recruiting for the swim team.
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[X] Accept their help.

Easy choice. Confuses the PRT too. Maybe we can even catch more people and share the bounty.
[X] Accept their help.

Bringing New Wave to the party may limit the amount of tricks/lethal force that we'd want to use in front of witnesses, plus New Wave members could always botch their rolls and go the way of Kiba, which would be sad, but Hookwolf has at least 5 capes plus who knows how many red shirts at his disposal. The addition of as many as 7 combat capable capes plus Pan-pan should increase our odds of success, plus Hookwolf's crew may not be as quick to go lethal against other capes.
[x] Accept their help.

Amy and Vicky are adorable. They need more exposure to the crazy, their reactions are just too fun to watch.
Rescuing Trobror: Stage One
Having chosen to accept the offer, you all gather around in the sitting room while Carol goes to talk with her sister.

Awkwardly shuffling to seat herself across from you, Victoria asks, "So... Who're we looking for? Its Martín, isn't it?"

"Trobror actually." You reply, trying to ignore her lower half's eyes and twitching fangs. "I suspect outside involvement in his hunt for Hookwolf i-"

"Hookwolf?!" Comes the alarmed cry of the resident healer.

"Yeah, that's why they came to us for help... I forgot to mention that part, didn't I?" Vicky asks, grinning weakly to her arachnid counterpart and sister alike.

"Oh my God Cynric, why didn't you check on him days ago?" Victoria asks. "He may be a crazy strong lizard alien, but Hookwolf isn't a joke. Jesus, I hope your voodoo's good enough to fix blended meat."

Shrugging, you tell her, "He was faring well when we rescued that child from the metallic man's possession."

"Taylor's friend? You could have told me that it was Hookwolf who did that to her!"

"Did I not?"


Standing from her leather chair, Amy demands harshly, "Everybody stop for a second! What the hell are you two even saying?"

"Hmm?" Comes the confused response from Victoria while you merely raise a brow toward the brunette.

"Yeah, I'm with sis on this." Vicky says from her mock seat in the air above the couch. "I thought Louise was just confused about the whole alien thing... are we actually looking for some martian lizard man?"

"Yes." "No." You and Victoria say at the same time before she clarifies, "He isn't from Mars, but he is an alien."

"And the voodoo bit?"

Having draped herself across the back of the couch rather than walk around, Cattleya's muffled voice answers, "Cynric knows necromancy, so he can bring dead people back to life.

"That's not possible, even for capes!" Amy argues, to which Vicky nods in agreement. Continuing her point, she says, "I'm the strongest healer and even I can't resurrect people. Not even Glaistig Uaine or Eidolon can do that!"

Yawning, your pink haired companion just points lazily toward you. "He does it all the time."

"She is confused. I do raise some bodies as simple zombies when necessary, but she has yet to get far enough in her studies for me to teach her true resurrection. Not that it is a very difficult concept to master, but everything has an order." You interject, not wanting the child to come away with any misconceptions that you did not intend to plant.

"Oh, okay then." Amy says faintly, collapsing back into her seat while the two Victorias engage in a silent conversation.

Coming to some agreement, Vicky gathers her shorter sister in her arms and says, "Come on, lets just get changed."

Passing their mother on the stairs, she tells them, "Aunt Sarah and Uncle Neil will be here in ten minutes, Crystal and Eric didn't pick up."

"What about dad? When's he getting home?"

"His psychiatrist appointment is until four, so he can join us if it takes that long." Carol answers, Stepping around to head into her own bedroom. Just before they make it out of sight, she asks, "Amy... are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, totally fine. Death just doesn't mean anything anymore, that's good news, right? Right?!"

"She's just having an existential crisis." Vicky yells back, ushering her sister into one of the rooms and closing the door.

"Well... alright then." Carol responds, bemused. The woman's clothing has now changed to a white costume with orange trim and a picture of crossed blades for some reason. Coming to sit down in the recently vacated chair as Cattleya oozes down onto the couch proper to take a nap, she seems perfectly content to be in such a strange outfit and the three conscious members of your group spend the next while discussing abilities and tactics.

Carol, who insists on being called Brandish of while in uniform, can create blades of energy as well as turn into an indestructible ball of light. Sarah, also known as Lady Photon, can create barriers of light in any moderately complex shape and her husband Neil, Manpower, surrounds himself in a form of repulsive electrical barrier that somehow increases his strength as well. You already know both Victorias' abilities and Amy will provide support in the event that anybody needs restraining or healing, saving you and Cattleya from wasting magicka on Restoration.

When asked about your own abilities, you give a basic description of the schools of magic rather than list each and every spell in your repertoire. Thankfully she is satisfied with that and labels you as a 'grab bag', which she explains at your confusion is a reference to a local custom of gifting others randomized loot sacks that could contain almost anything. Cattleya has long since fallen into a fitful sleep by this point and you are careful to explain that the pinkette is still early enough in her training that anything she can do other than basic elemental spells such as ice walls will be too dangerous for anything other than a last resort.

Carol of course is not entirely satisfied with such an answer, but is interrupted by a chiming sound as her sister arrives. Introductions are made, to which you do your best not to question Neil's almost rock solid hair or their strange taste in clothing, and the entire family gathers outside while you wake Cattleya.

A brief explanation of who you're looking for, to minor disbelief from the others, and another extolling on the workings of Clairvoyance has the colorful group preparing for takeoff. Between Glory Girl, Cattleya, and yourself, flight should be but a minor problem. Since Glory Girl is the strongest, she will carry her mother and her alternate self while Cattleya carries Amy and you carry Neil. Sarah, however will need to be hoisted between the two of you and assist with her forcefields.

The golden trail leads you to a building beside a defunct bridge in the Southwestern quarter of the city. Other than a few average looking people here and there, the place looks abandoned. If it weren't for your spell, you doubt the place would have caught your attention and luckily you have the midday sun to your back, so anybody who looks up is unlikely to see your group.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (180/650)


[] Send the Victorias and Manpower as shock troopers while you, Brandish, and Lady Photon pick off the stragglers as they try to coordinate.

[] Drain Cattleya and use it to turn yourself and Glory Girl invisible so that you can sneak in and release Trobror before a fight starts.

[] Allow New Wave to take the lead and simply do your best to support the local experts.

[] On second thought, discretion would just be a waste of time that could be better spent elsewhere. Magnus' Gaze the people outside and raise them as zombies, then send them inside along with a transformed Cattleya.

[] Write in.
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[X] Drain Cattleya and use it to turn yourself and Glory Girl invisible so that you can sneak in and release Trobror before a fight starts.
[X] Send the Victorias and Manpower as shock troopers while you, Brandish, and Lady Photon pick off the stragglers as they try to coordinate.
-[x] Drain Cattleya if magika

Can we do this and drain Cattleya too? Need to fill the tank and whatnot

Really, drain magika is our best spell ever.
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[X] Send the Victorias and Manpower as shock troopers while you, Brandish, and Lady Photon pick off the stragglers as they try to coordinate.

Can we do this and drain Cattleya too? Need to fill the tank and whatnot

Really, drain magika is our best spell ever.
Sure, just add it with a '-[x]'
A notable thing we must keep in mind is that we must NEVER release torbor early. Since he might kill the E88 and piss the heroes off.
A notable thing we must keep in mind is that we must NEVER release torbor early. Since he might kill the E88 and piss the heroes off.
A notable thing: the 'Kill Order' concept is overstated and misunderstood throughout most Worm fanfiction. Killing a villain or hero in the midst of super powered combat is not immediate grounds for a kill order or charges in general. If Armsmaster accidentally killed Damsel of Distress or Grue killed Dauntless with a (un)lucky timed blast of darkness, both would be accepted as a consequence of the unpredictability of powers. As long as an individual doesn't go for the kill on purpose and doesn't rack up a suspiciously large kill count, there shouldn't be an extreme reaction. Trobror isn't a human though, much less a parahuman, so that might make legal matters murky...
He has a pass, killing while escaping from captivity and torture is not going to count anywhere near the same
you have a point there. After all, they probably wont be able to grasp the concept of him being more or less immune to torture.

Ok im g9nna change the vote to give Torbor the chance to vent a bit (or die so we can steal his tech).

[X] Drain Cattleya and use it to turn yourself and Glory Girl invisible so that you can sneak in and release Trobror before a fight starts.
As far as I remember, killing in self defence is still a thing in Worm and a kill order just means that it counts as self defence even if you murder them in their sleep. Might be fanon though.

who insists on being called Brandish is capable of while in uniform
Hello Brandish is capable of.
Lady Photon, can create barriers of light in any moderately complex shape
Simple shapes, however, are beyond her.
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[X] Drain Cattleya and use it to turn yourself and Glory Girl invisible so that you can sneak in and release Trobror before a fight starts.
[X] Drain Cattleya and use it to turn yourself and Glory Girl invisible so that you can sneak in and release Trobror before a fight starts.